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January 17, 2011

another monday down! and only one more to go before my vacation.. but who’s counting? yes, i had to work today. the business i am in does not shut down due to MLK day. sad for me, happy for people who work at banks or schools.


breakfast started with the usual sales meeting meal at the original pancake house. are you reading, marisa?

2 egg whites scrambled + onions + spinach + salsa


oatmeal + cinnamon + syrup


and lots of coffee.

lunch was at my desk. as usual. my lunch life is so boring.

turkey + cheddar sandwich on wheat & steamfresh veggies.


this sandwich also had mayo, lettuce and salt & pepper.


i was in serious need of veggies after not eating a single one yesterday!


snack time came around 3:30, shortly before my workout.

2 wasa crackers + 1/2 cup cottage cheese + black pepper


i forgot how much i love this snack! it was one of my staples when i was doing BFL.


i know i should have gone to the gym and lifted weights, but i picked up another jackie warner DVD over the weekend and was dying to try it! so i did. it was 45 minutes of total body circuit training.


i liked it, but not as much as the other jackie DVD I did. this one was longer, but it was easier.. i need to get some heavier weights for at home.


dinner was a special request from the mister: mac & cheese + chicken strips + veggies. he is so easy to please!


still steamy.

you can see my mac & cheese recipe and chicken strip method here.


amanda has been posting her outfits lately in order to get her to be motivated to dress better and be less lazy in the mornings. i thought this was fun to read last week, so i am joining in this week and hopefully it will encourage me to dress cute. i am required to dress “business casual” monday – thursday and jeans are OK on friday. no matter what i wear, my bosses are bound to call me an elf and/or a lumberjack. yes, they have repeatedly called me both names on several occasions. apparently leggings=elf and plaid shirts=lumberjack. every once in awhile they call me a musketeer. i don’t know. so, according to the technicality of my bosses, today i was an elf.


a bit about the way i dress. i would say i aim for steezy. in case you aren’t aware: steezy=style+easy combined. meaning.. i like to dress cute but i don’t like to go to a lot of effort. and i definitely don’t like to get fancy. i suppose that would be considered “stancy”. not for me. i am for sure all about the steeze.

my full length mirror is not mounted right now (technical difficulties at our house at the moment..) so it was hard to capture a full length shot without crouching.. i tried:IMG_6288

i tend to shop at really cheap stores. i don’t have expensive taste at all, lucky for marshall! i have recently started spending more money on shoes.. but that is his fault for buying me an expensive pair in the first place.

what i am wearing and where it is from (and the approximate price):

  • scarf – H&M ($7)
  • gray sweater dress – H&M ($20)
  • leggings – forever 21 ($5)
  • socks – mens department @ target ($3)
  • uggs – nordstrom ($140)


i am always so intrigued with what other people are wearing and where they purchased each piece. i may not be ultra fashionable myself, but i really love looking at fashion blogs. and my that i mean blogs that have clothes i would actually wear.. not those cutting edge fashion blogs where the models are wearing tin foil tube tops and leopard print capes. for example, i am a huge fan of j’s everyday fashion and closet 365.

since we are on the topic of style (or lack thereof), i thought i would post my answers to this award that a few bloggers have given me.


hmm, the stylish blogger award. this awards says you have to post seven things about yourself and pass it on to fifteen others. wow. who starts these things, anyway? and who decides that you have to post 7 random things and tag 15 other bloggers.. all in the name of being stylish? to be honest i think it is a pretty silly thing, but i really have no substantial content for you guys tonight, so here goes.  by the way, if you have been reading my blog for awhile, you will probably know a few of these things. so consider it just a reminder of what a freak i am.

1. i count my steps when i go up/down stairs. and then, if i am in a really OCD mood, i will walk in increments of that number of steps until i reach my destination. for example, if i walk up eight stairs, i count the rest of my steps in sets of eights.. and i have to end on “8” by the time i am done walking to wherever i am walking to. this means i sometimes have to take smaller/larger steps to end on the correct number of steps. i know, i am insane.

2. this one is a lot like #1. when i clean my machine at the gym, i have to put 7 or 14 sprays on the paper towel. some bottles have the cleaner come out way more per spray, so those bottles i do 7 squirts. for the bottles that don’t release as much cleaner, i do 14 squirts. what the crap is wrong with me? why can’t i just do 10?

3. i got deported from canada. it was almost 4 years ago, wow! i got deported in february of 2007. i went to canada to go snowboarding and i got stopped and sent back to the US of A because of my criminal record. um, yeah. we won’t go into that part of the story today. i wish i was allowed in! i’m still sad.

4. i hated dolls when i was a kid. i was obsessed with stuffed cats. i didn’t have any dolls and i had a pet net full of about 326 stuffed cats. one time, at my 4th birthday party, a girl gave me a doll as a gift. i burst into tears.

5. i lived in london when i was 19. i did a study abroad. met an australian. traveled around europe. didn’t want to come home. but i did. it was the best.

6. i am not allergic to anything. lucky me!

7. if i could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be cereal. i have thought long and hard about this. as long as it could be any cereal i wanted and i had full access to skim milk, almond milk and soy milk. that’s my final answer.

well that was somewhat entertaining.  not really, huh? sorry to put you through that. i am going to go ahead and skip the “tag 15 other people” part because that seems like a lot of effort and linking that i just don’t feel up to. but if you haven’t done this yet, feel free to knock yourself out. consider yourself tagged by me.

welp, that’s all i’ve got for today! see you tomorrow for lots more exciting rambling. i can guarantee it. (side note, i used to not know how to spell guarantee for the longest time!)


1. if you had to pick one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

2. where is your favorite place to buy clothes? my answer is H&M. we desperately need one in SLC.. i always stock up when visiting one out of state. love it.

xo. janetha g.

p.s. happy 6 months of being married to me!

87 Comments leave one →
  1. January 17, 2011 7:22 pm

    Steezy sounds like it could be a rappers name like Young Steezy! I love getting stuff from Ross, Marshalls or thrift stores. I would eat sushi for the rest of my life if I could.

    I count steps whenever I’m going up…always have and always will!

  2. Liz @ Blog is the New Black permalink
    January 17, 2011 7:31 pm

    LURVE your scarf! Ice cream would be my death row meal.

  3. January 17, 2011 7:35 pm

    Such a great comfort meal :)

  4. Amanda permalink
    January 17, 2011 7:37 pm

    Toast. Toast for years.

  5. January 17, 2011 7:40 pm

    i love your scarf as well! i think my favorite place to shop is tj maxx/marshalls? lol, it’s so cheap and you can find some great items!

  6. jackie permalink
    January 17, 2011 7:41 pm

    Does Jackie Warner have any books out ? Or if not do you recommend another book ? I have just finished ” Body for Life” and loved it ! Very motivating and inspirational. I am reading a book a month as one of my new years resolutions and looking for idea’s for book # 2.

    • January 17, 2011 7:43 pm

      yes yes yes, you HAVE to read “this is why you’re fat” by jackie warner. i have reviewed in in great detail here on the blog, you could search for the reviews.. but trust me, you will LOVE it if you liked BFL!

  7. January 17, 2011 7:45 pm

    I love your steez. It is so fun, comfy-looking yet put-together. I hate shopping, but I love h&m and the gap when I do gather the courage to hit the stores.

    As for coconut butter, I made my own (those jars are expensive) and it was super easy! You can do it girl!

  8. January 17, 2011 7:46 pm

    Steezy sure as heck works for me! I bargain shop too and HATE when I have to buy something that isn’t on the sale rack. I just know that the next time I go to that store, whatever it is I previously bought will be hanging there 50% off! That ALWAYS happens to me!

    I love cereal too, but I think my food would be peanut butter. I think I’m worse than a dog with a kong when it comes to that stuff. What’s funny is when I was younger I couldn’t stand it. Funny how our tastes can change so much…

  9. January 17, 2011 7:47 pm

    cute outfit! you are a stylish blogger :)

  10. January 17, 2011 7:52 pm

    Fav place to buy clothes is probably Urban Outfitters or Jcrew if I have the money.
    And I’d probably eat….hmmm…sweet potatoes? Or Oatmeal?

  11. January 17, 2011 7:52 pm

    i love this post!

    love your style, the way you describe it…it’s what i do, or try to do. Keep it cute but easy. Not overly fancy. Except when i go out, then i like to get decked out.

    Canada story, no allergies, dolls…thanks for sharing!

    i dig all the pics of you lookin…steezy. or stancy. love your words :)

  12. January 17, 2011 7:55 pm

    love the uggs! i have some walmart ones haha

    only 13 more sleeps for me! Eeee.

  13. January 17, 2011 7:56 pm

    Would the Salvation Army count? I find the best stuff there (though, I always feel the need to wash my hands after I leave).

  14. January 17, 2011 8:01 pm

    I have to go with… bacon!

  15. January 17, 2011 8:12 pm

    1) If I had to pick one thing to eat for the rest of life it would probably be a banana sliced in half with crunchy peanut butter down the middle. I eat one almost every day and it never gets old.

    2) Favorite place to shop: I don’t even know anymore. I’m becoming more and more disappointed with my go-to’s like Gap and American Eagle. But, I can usually find something at Forever 21, so I would probably say there : )

  16. amanda permalink
    January 17, 2011 8:12 pm

    i so so so LOVE your blog and you are such an inspiration. :) i love the meals posts & your style in blogging and clothing. :) oh and stuffed chicken with hummus & feta is DELICIOUS and they now are my favorites! :)

    A: i don’t shop as much as i would love to but whenever i do, i go to target, forever 21, and H&M :)

    Q: what vitamins are you taking?

    • January 17, 2011 8:24 pm

      thanks for your sweet comment, amanda! right now i am taking fish oil, CLA, a multivitamin, a super B vitamin, calcium discs, tripleflex (for my joints) and protandum.

  17. January 17, 2011 8:18 pm

    I love the outfit! :D

    My favorite store is H&M, but the closest one is 3 hours away! Forever 21 is pretty good too! :D

  18. January 17, 2011 8:47 pm

    your outfit is adorable!!! i want it.

  19. January 17, 2011 8:48 pm

    Love your outfit!! Love your style. I love shopping at H&M. I do not have expensive taste either…actually not really good with fashion. I love it, but not good at it.

  20. January 17, 2011 8:58 pm

    Steezy – love it – and feel like that’s how I dress too – especially for work. I hate to be in super fitted or uncomfortable clothes to sit in a cube farm all day – silly. But I still like to look cute or stylish for myself! Great outfit and awesome prices. I’m all for some H&M and Forever – I firmly believe if you have style everything looks expensive! Great fun facts – I had never heard your Canada fact before – big boo!

  21. Nicole C permalink
    January 17, 2011 9:39 pm

    I had a flashback when you said pet net, was it one of those that hung in the corner of your wall? Totally had one of those!

    I could eat bean burritos forever. Mmm ..
    I don’t have a favorite place to buy clothes but I’ve been frequenting american eagle a lot. Got an h&m at my fingertips, let me know what ya need! I got you girl! Haha! ;)

  22. January 17, 2011 9:45 pm

    I love your steezy style. I try for a bit of that. Comfort fo sho but I don’t want to look like a complete bum! So I try to avoid wearing sweatpants to class haha. Though if I had an extra stylin pair (and not just ones that were 2+years old and faded and oogly) then I might rock them for the ultimate comfy day. I’m all about the cheap style too. The more clothes I can get for my buck the better!

    I always love hearing about your Canada story haha. I’D NEVER DEPORT YOU…if I had that kind of authority here haha. Not so much.

    I honestly have no idea what I would pick to eat. TOO many choices. Though right now I’m really feeling sushi. Just a whole lotta sushi.
    As for clothes, seriously anywhere that has awesome sales/deals/fashiony but cheap clothes. Though I haven’t bought clothes in ages, how sad is that. I like Winners!

  23. January 17, 2011 10:01 pm

    I love your style! I just start posting outfits too to try and make myself get dressed each day, so I’m looking for inspiration since I hardly have any style. I hope you post more and thanks for those blog links! :)

  24. January 17, 2011 10:08 pm

    Happy 6 months! I have a weird thing with the TV volume. It has to be on an increment of 5. It can’t be at a 13, only a 10 or 15… I know! My husband thinks it’s nuts but plays along nicely.

  25. January 17, 2011 10:23 pm

    I had a pet net full of Garfields. Like, 25 of them all wearing different outfits. I am a huge fan of shopping at Target. I have only this past year really made an effort to stop wearing just jeans and t-shirts all the time and throw on a scarf or some cute earrings. Cheap, easy ways to steezy it up… I have said steez in the past referring to my style, but had no idea it was short for anything.

  26. January 17, 2011 10:31 pm

    oh i LOVE that sweater dress! i’ve been in the market for a good one. and some good leggins. you have inspired me!

  27. January 17, 2011 10:48 pm

    I love this! you dress so cute. I love the Ugg boots with the socks. I bought some off-brand version of those uggs but I just do not like them as much as the real deal. I need to just buy some!

    I love leggings but I never know what to wear with them at work. That sweater dress is way adorable.

    I would eat avocados daily if I could.

    Favorite place to buy clothes? Anthropologie but I refuse to pay full-price. I love shopping at their sales!

  28. January 17, 2011 10:48 pm

    I’m definitely a cereal girl too. You make me feel better about eating multiple bowls of the stuff per day. And the fact that I can’t spell guarantee or restaurant even though I consider myself a good speller.

  29. January 17, 2011 11:04 pm

    looking hot! there ya go, made it up for not eating any veggies yesterday. i made my lazyness up by going to the gym, i feel better – at least for now.

    food forever…i think mac and cheese – or greek yogurt with honey.

    and my store of choice is banana republic – im the class style kinda girl.

  30. squigglefloey permalink
    January 17, 2011 11:06 pm

    Good call on the cereal, I’d honestly go with that too. Honey bunches o’ oats with milk, yogurt, and a banana :) My mom used to tell me that she could eat soup, bread, and butter everyday if she could haha. So I guess that would be hers!

  31. Julia permalink
    January 17, 2011 11:10 pm

    So jealous of that outfit right now. Adorable AND comfy?! Seriously.

    1. I think….yogurt. Greek, preferably, but regular is good too. Fage 2% is ideal. (if I could have something crunchy to go with it I would commit to that here and now, but you said one food so nevermind :) )

    2. The internet. haha! Um, no budget? H&M. My budget? Forever 21. No scratch that, Goodwill. I don’t buy clothes right now. Sadface. I want shooooooes

  32. January 17, 2011 11:18 pm

    I would eat PB oatmeal for the rest of my life, with a banana of course:)

  33. January 17, 2011 11:22 pm

    I dont know why, but I really loved this post! I think you made me feel a little more normal!

    I told Amanda I better start the “what I wore” thing because I have zero motivation to dress better (even though I was actually passed that award too! shocking, I know!). You always have totally awesome pieces. I even love your apron!

    1. One food? thats tough…thats like choosing your favorite child! can a hamburger count?

    2. I love shopping little unknown boutiques. I hate when I get a shirt from urban outfitters and everyone has the same one! I love All Saints which is a London based store that opened few stores in LA. It costs almost as much as my rent but I love it.

  34. Liz permalink
    January 17, 2011 11:43 pm

    Love the outfit! I would say I fall under the same category of “steezy” (it’s much better than “skeezy” :o)

    I haven’t ever heard of H&H…I guess we don’t have those in Texas.
    I don’t really have a favorite place to shop…my first goal is get out of Layne Bryant and Avenue. I just want to shop in a regular store in the regular departments!!! (Look out…here I come!)

    If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be…Bread…as long as I could top it with anything I like. I don’t allow myself to have very much bread and I just love it hot out of the oven with some sweet butter…it’s better than desert!

  35. January 17, 2011 11:53 pm

    I love your outfit! Hooray for cheap clothes. You don’t need to buy expensive when you have good style.

    And also – camera strap! It does match that jumper dress thingy of mine. Awesomeness!

  36. January 17, 2011 11:58 pm

    I love your outfit! You look super cute in that sweater dress. I haven’t shopped for clothes in a while, but I can only wear jeans from American Eagle. I’m 5’7” which doesn’t seem that tall, but I have the hardest time finding jeans that are long enough. I know, you’re probably rolling your eyes right now Shortie!

    I think I’d probably have to go with cereal too! I don’t eat it as often as I used to (like at least once a day), but I had a bowl last week and now I want more! I have to say you totally got me into cereal mixing!

  37. marisa permalink
    January 18, 2011 12:07 am

    You are funny. I started reading and kind of skimmed over the first sentence before the egg picture because I knew what it would say… and then I went back up to see if you said anything about me, and you did! Maybe you need to come to SD and then you don’t have to wear elf outfits because it was 84 degrees today! (Except I know you love the snow.) I, too, count my steps and I’m teaching the girls to do it… only we guess how many steps it will take to get somewhere and then when we reach that number we do another set of that many steps… they usually underestimate. Did you get Sofi’s Valentine text??

  38. January 18, 2011 4:21 am

    seven comments back!…i always count steps on stairs, cereal could be my middle name, this canadian would let you back into our country in a heartbeat, i LOVE forever 21 – best find of my florida vacation this summer, simple eating husbands rock, no allergies for me either, and happy six month anniversary!

  39. January 18, 2011 4:56 am

    I love your style!!!
    I read Jackie Warner’s This is Why You’re Fat book, it was the best book (aside from Eat Clean by Tosca Reno) that I have read in a long time! I love how easy she lines everything up, the meals are simple and so are the principles in living a clean, healthy lifestyle!!
    If I could only eat one thing, it would be cereal as well. Nothing like a bowl of cereal and milk.


  40. January 18, 2011 4:57 am

    You are so adorable!!!! I love that you are showing off your fashionista! :)
    I think lately, I’ve been spending way more on clothes than I probably should, but with my job, I always feel like I need to dress very nice with business meetings and presentations. Oh well, someday, I’ll be back to sweats every single day. (that is when I have kids! ;)

    Have a great Tuesday love bug!

  41. January 18, 2011 5:26 am

    OMG, I totally count stairs, too!! So glad I’m not the only one! :)
    I could eat pancakes all day every day —— they’re my fav.

  42. January 18, 2011 5:44 am

    I had to work yesterday too! And I work at a company that should really have the day off…but no stresses, it was an easy day! Great dinner. I want to make some homemade mac n cheese. Its been too long. I’m really bad about dressing nicely- especially since I started working mostly from home! I should choose a day or two a week where I really do it up. I love your facts- deported huh?

    1. if you had to pick one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? hmmmm…bread with dipping sauces

    2. where is your favorite place to buy clothes? Ann Taylor Loft

  43. January 18, 2011 6:04 am

    Loved your 7 the spray things is kinda weird but its the weird things that make us individual!

    The food I could eat forever would be porridge as long as i could have the add ins like peanut butter, seeds, dried fruit, yogurt etc.

    I just love buying clothes but if I had to choose I’d say Zara or H&M

  44. January 18, 2011 6:07 am

    I absolutely *love* H&M. Affordable fashion at its best. They have the cutest accessories, shirts, and more.

    Honestly, if I had to eat just one thing for the rest of my life, it would probably be pizza. I realize that’s such a cliche answer, but I think it’s the one thing that I could eat every day without ever growing tired of it. :D

  45. January 18, 2011 6:31 am

    Food I could eat the rest of my life: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
    Where I like to shop: H &M, Forever 21, and Target!

    I need some new clothes. :( Your steeze is so cute! =P

  46. January 18, 2011 6:40 am

    I’ve really been getting into fashion a whole lot lately! I think that I’ll probably end up doing a fashion post or two in the near future. I don’t have a whole lot of money to shop so I do end up thifting, or shopping at some of the stores you mentioned.

    I love the boots and socks thing you’ve got going on! Too cute.

  47. movesnmunchies permalink
    January 18, 2011 7:00 am

    one thing for the rest of my life??? yikes… almond butter maybs!.. no definitely

  48. January 18, 2011 7:04 am

    If I could eat one thing forever… this one is hard. I want to say falafel, but sometimes I just don’t want it. Ice cream is a good one, but too much makes me feel sick. Same with pizza, but I think I would endure the wrath of my stomach to eat pizza for the rest of my life :P

    And I love J.Crew! Not just because I get a discount ;) Urban outfitters is a close second.


  49. January 18, 2011 7:35 am

    I LOVE your outfit! It is so incredible cute! I wish I had a fashion sense like yours!

    If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, I would eat pasta! I love pasta so much. Mmm!

    I will really shop anywhere for clothes. I am always looking for bargains. Lately, I have been sticking with Kohl’s because I constantly get sent coupons. I like browsing Target and Forever 21.

  50. a taste of health with balance permalink
    January 18, 2011 7:43 am

    i love urban and anthropologie. my wallet does not ;) i love your scarf and sweater that look so good!

  51. January 18, 2011 7:52 am

    i love, love, love H&M but rarely shop there. i’m more of a Target gal. LOL!!

    Your outfit is really cute!

    Your lunch time is as boring as’s usually always the same turkey sandwich and veggies too. haha!

  52. January 18, 2011 8:42 am

    I really want that cheddar sandwich. You and I have a very similar style. I love leggings. Have you worn jeggings yet? If not, get them STAT!

    • January 18, 2011 9:41 am

      YES. i have the target jeggings and love them. i want more.

  53. January 18, 2011 9:05 am

    i LOVE that scarf and so happy to hear its from H&M!!! love the store and love the prices even more! :)

    i would have to say PEANUT BUTTER! hands down!!

    I love leggings and have been wearing them ALOT! I love pairing them with fun socks like you had on and bright scarves :)

    Oh and your chicken fingers look slammin’

  54. January 18, 2011 9:13 am

    I love how you are still stylish while being comfy! I like Forever 21 because it’s so cheap, and can normally find something.

    I’m about to become an Uggs convert, or the knockoff brand. I’m taking two ski trips this year and need some warm shoes.

  55. lowandbhold permalink
    January 18, 2011 9:29 am

    Steezy is definitely my style as well. I wish we had an H&M here. I’ve only ever been to one.

    1. Pizza, hands down.
    2. Either Express or Target.

  56. January 18, 2011 9:39 am

    Criminal record? What the what? Would love to hear about that!

  57. January 18, 2011 9:44 am

    I’ve always thought you dressed super cute! Do you get the Piperlime email? They sell some fugly pieces for sure but there’s some cute stuff at great prices. I’ve bought one coat at H&M but that’s it. I usually buy quality pieces a bit on the conservative side (BananaRepublic) and mix it up with a little Target/Ross/Marshall’s.

    PS. I got my Porteen bag and am MADLY in love with it!

  58. January 18, 2011 10:18 am

    I LOVE that gray sweater girl!!!

  59. January 18, 2011 10:52 am

    I am so low maintenance, I haven’t shopped in a retail store in over 10 years. I buy all my clothes at thrift stores and garage sales – I am happy to say I do own 5 Coach purses, a Banana Republic grey pea coat, several Ann Taylor petite work pants – I have expensive taste, I just don’t spending the $$ on them! :D

    Best score ever was a Prada purse I bought for $9 at a thrift store, which I sold on eBay for $125 :D

  60. thedelicateplace permalink
    January 18, 2011 11:13 am

    i worked yesterday too—you were in good company ;)love the scarf!! i belong to a style exchange group on flickr you can see some of my ‘fits here:

    one food forever would be sweet potato or bacon haha. or chocolate man i cannot choose! my favorite place to buy clothes is anthropologie but i’m pretty sure everyone in blogland already knows that about me haha.

  61. January 18, 2011 12:31 pm

    I love seeing others’ outfits too. I just discovered J’s blog and am in love….and your outfit looks so cozy!! For some reason I always buy my clothes too fitted and they never feel as warm in the wintertime, so I just wear sweats and look like a boy. That and I have the most expensive taste ever, it’s ridiculous. Let me loose in DSW with no prices and I’ll come back with the only $200 pair of shoes in the store. It’s a gift.

    CEREAL for sure!! I’m with you on that one!!

  62. January 18, 2011 12:59 pm

    Love the outfit – that scarf is so cute!!!

  63. January 18, 2011 1:47 pm

    Love the outfit! You look adorable! Steezy is a great way to be because it is comfortable and cute!
    For my forever food, I am going to say… you have a point with cereal because really that means you can still have variety. I would go with nut butter. It fills you up and is addicting.

  64. January 18, 2011 1:48 pm

    that sandwich looks so good! i love your scarf too :) and wow, i can’t believe it’s 6 months already!!

  65. January 18, 2011 2:52 pm

    i love the clothing shot! i am going to have to start doing this sometimes – maybe starting with today :) i like the idea of picking and choosing which days though…then maybe i can post the more inspired outfits!!

  66. January 18, 2011 3:49 pm

    If I could only eat 1 thing for the rest of my life I think it would have to be ice-cream. Just plain vanilla ice-cream. But I would want access to all the toppings of my choice. Or at least oreos and cookie dough. And chocolate syrup. You know, the main food groups. ;)

    And I think if I had to pick 1 favorite store it would be Club Monaco! LOVE their stuff!
    I loved your outfit! Way cute!

  67. January 18, 2011 5:53 pm

    i think i would eat mint chocolate chip ice cream and rainbow cookies for the rest of my life. can that count as one?

  68. January 18, 2011 6:04 pm

    Hey there you are just too cute for words!! I didn’t even know that word “steezy” I like it – I thought maybe it was something good to eat haha!!

    Well I read all of these comments and was amazed at what healthy choices most readers made – me I would hands down pick chocolate – caramel, almonds, dark and maybe a little milk thrown in for good measure – yep pretty sure I could live on that day in and day out!!

    I love a bargain – DI, Target, Eddie Bauer Outlet, Costco, TJ Max oh and ebay for new Dansko clogs!! xoxo

  69. January 18, 2011 6:21 pm

    Agreed- cereal for life! :D I would just take one type of milk too- almond milk.
    I love your outfit & always think you are dressed so cute!! I really wish I had more sense of fashion..but I don’t. I try, I really do. :)

  70. January 18, 2011 6:31 pm

    Love that scarf!!
    My go-to place for buying clothes these days is TJ Maxx. Maxxinista, all the way.

  71. January 18, 2011 6:51 pm

    I think your outfit’s cute! I love a good sweater dress with some cardy Uggs :)

  72. January 18, 2011 8:06 pm

    i’m pretty sure i’d go with mangoes, um, they are perfect

  73. January 18, 2011 8:06 pm

    oh & how great are the scarfs from h&m, i love them

  74. Amy permalink
    January 18, 2011 8:32 pm

    I love your outfit and think Steezy is FAB. On another note, I think it is pretty awesome that Canada wouldnt let you in.. Not awesome that you have a CR, but hey, and it just means U have experienced a lil bit more of this crazy thing we call LIFe…. And I am sure your past has made you the person you are today :)

    I think you should do Steezy days! Steezy Saturdays bahahaha.. But seriously, you dress cute!

    • January 18, 2011 9:22 pm

      haha i am glad someone thinks it is awesome!! thanks :)

  75. January 19, 2011 9:34 am

    So funny about hating dolls!!! I didn’t like them either. I had about 15,000 stuffed animals when I was kid.

  76. January 19, 2011 10:41 am

    pasta..totally pasta..but I would have to have unlimited supply of sauces..alfredo, marinera, etc

    my fav place to shop is my lil sister’s closet..she is totally stancy and shops A LOT..mostly the LOFT, express, Nordstrom, Arden B…and once she wears something she pushes it to the back of her closet….so I go and snag it. Some things even still have the tags on them…JACKPOT!!

  77. jessiker permalink
    January 23, 2011 7:44 am

    Boots+argyle socks+leggins= ftw!


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