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a new challenge & flashback friday.

January 21, 2011

thanks for the sympathetic comments about the car sitch. we got his car back last night and i got a call from him today saying it STILL won’t run properly. what the fhewufhawjlfew.. i don’t want to think about it.

a big thank you to TERI, ms. a foodie stays fit, for sending me the mystery mail! i <3 her so much. and you all need to check out her fabulous blog.

meals & moves were lackluster today, but since that IS the reason behind the blog, i will show you anyway.


breakfast: 1 cup plain greek yogurt + 1 deep chocolate vitatop + glob of mighty maple peanut butter


“glob” is fun to say.  a lot of you mentioned that you had never tried peanut butter with yogurt. um, you are missing out. try it!

lunch: hummus + turkey + spring greens + la tortilla factory wrap

IMG_6673 IMG_6676

boooring. but filling and tasty!

snack: wasas & cottage cheese.


never gets old.


i didn’t work out yesterday. unplanned day off because i was grumpy! i had all sorts of motivation when i hit the gym today.

i decided to try my hand (or feet, i guess) at an incline body for life style20 minute HIIT on the treadmill. i made it up on a whim. basically, you want to set the speed to a jogging pace and then increase the incline every minute.

minute # incline (%) speed (MPH) intensity (from 1-10)
1 0.0 6.0 5
2 2.0 6.0 6
3 3.0 6.0 7
4 4.0 6.0 8
5 5.0 6.0 9
6 2.0 6.0 6
7 3.0 6.0 7
8 4.0 6.0 8
9 5.0 6.0 9
10 2.0 6.0 6
11 3.0 6.0 7
12 4.0 6.0 8
13 5.0 6.0 9
14 2.0 6.0 6
15 3.0 6.0 7
16 4.0 6.0 8
17 5.0 6.0 9
18 7.5 6.0 10
19 0.0 4.0 5
20 0.0 4.0 4

this was tough! and a lot of fun.

i finished my workout up with 10 minutes of intervals on the stairmill, because i love that thing.

i just got home from the gym and am trying to figure out dinner.. the possibilities are endless.

what i wore.

i know i missed showing you what i wore yesterday because i was in a bad mood.. but for the record, it was gray skinny jeans, a black cowl neck sweater and those same black wedges you’ve seen before. there, now you know.

today’s outfit was more casual, since i get to wear jeans to work on friday.


  • purple T: nordstrom rack ($9)
  • black cardigan: tj maxx ($7)
  • scarf: H&M ($6)
  • jeans: sevens ($200)<—did NOT buy these myself.. they were a birthday gift from my boss
  • boots: uggs (nordstrom, $140)



for the record, i am not one of those people who insists on only wearing super expensive designer jeans. with that said, once i got a pair of them.. i fell in love. they are just so dang comfortable and flattering! if you haven’t yet, you all need to check out rachel’s post about denimentia. i laughed so hard. and she’s so right. i have purchased a couple pair of true religions at nordtrom rack at $90 a pair. compared to the full retail price, that’s not bad.. but it is still so much for jeans! i usually buy mine for $10 at forever 21.

a new challenge & flashback friday.

you guys know i am always up for a challenge of any kind. a body for life challenge, a bikini body challenge, a salad challenge, a style challenge. i may not always complete the challenge.. but committing to one and giving it your all is definitely admirable!

i saw this unique 30 day challenge on eliza’s blog and after looking over the tasks, i decided it would be fun to jump in and give it my all.


basically, you take the topic of the day and ramble about it. clearly, this challenge has my name all over it. i love using my blog as an online journal, so documenting things like this is always fun. i will tie each day’s topic into my daily post.. there is no way i would ever be responsible enough to post twice in one day. come on, guys, you know me.

SO, starting with day one: your current relationship.

let’s go ahead and double up by calling this my flashback friday!

well, this may come as a surprise, but i just got married. in july. since it is no big news that i am a newlywed, i will take this opportunity to tell you guys about how my current relationship came to be!


i started working at the company i work for in july of 2005. i remember the first time i met marshall. my boss was giving me a tour of the production area (we work for a manufacturing company) and i saw marshall.. he shook my hand when my boss introduced us.  i thought he was cute and figured we would end up being work friends since he was about my same age. it’s a small company-less than 20 employees all together.

i quickly added him to myspace, since myspace was all the rage back then.  we would leave each other dumb comments on myspace and we started eating lunch in the lunch room.  we really had nothing in common. like, at all. but we got along. i had a boyfriend or two while working there the first couple years (and by “or two”, i don’t mean concurrently!) so i never thought about marshall “like that”. we talked all the time and he always would come to my office to get candy and chat on his breaks. my office overlooks the production shop and every morning i would get to work, go in my office, flip on the lights and look down at marshall and wave. i eventually ended up single, and it is safe to say i had slowly developed a work crush on him.

in may of 2007, marshall and i were both at a minus the bear concert. i was there with friends, he was there by himself. this was the first time i had seen him outside of work. i told him to come hang out with us during the concert and then invited him to the bar for a birthday party after the concert. he tagged along. it was a blast. we had so much fun. here is a photo from that night:


that was on a friday, and it was memorial day weekend.. so i didn’t see or talk to him until the following tuesday. 

we didn’t really talk about how we had hung out or hit it off. but we both knew that we liked each other. my birthday was that week, and i invited him to my birthday party, which was at the bar. he didn’t show up. turns out, he didn’t want to show up alone and his friends didn’t want to go. fun fact: marshall and his friends don’t drink.. they were/are straight edge.

anyway, marshall finally got the guts to ask me on an official date. we went and saw “knocked up” on june 7, 2007. it was a thursday. yes, i remember the exact date. i am a goon. we met at the theater, spent the whole time wishing the other one would reach out for a hand hold, but neither of us did. wimps. we ended the “date” with an awkward hug and we parted ways.. even though we both wanted to keep hanging out.  the next day, friday, i was at a bar with some friends and he was at a concert that was right by where i was. he came over and said hi and we hung out for a bit.. but then parted ways, once again.  the next day, saturday, he asked if i wanted to hang out at his house. i quickly agreed and headed up to his house. he lived about 45 minutes from me. i remember exactly what i was wearing. right down to what purse i was using that day. i used to be an avid purse changer. anyway.. we hung out, watched TV and movies, and just had a great time. who knew we were so compatible?!

the inseparableness began. we literally hung out every day!

bigpics 069a1

bikes!babe ambersbday7

we also worked together, and nobody knew we were dating, so we would sneak kisses in here and there while at work. very sneaky. it was so fun and new and exciting!! eventually we became “official” boyfriend+girlfriend. i remember that it was the night of the 4th of july. he was sick and so i went up to his house to see him. and i asked HIM to be my boyfriend. he may tell you differently, but don’t believe him! this was the very next day:

july5 032july5 019 july5 002

we dated for quite awhile. i got penny. she and randy became best friends. we went on trips to vegas. hawaii. california. moab. life was good! oh, and marshall ended up becoming an installer so we weren’t actually working TOGETHER every day. we would just see each other in the mornings at the office. i think that was a good thing for our relationship—not to always be together all day every day.

boatingstrtmuttsan fran 019

in february of 2010 we went to jamaica on a work trip. i had NO idea what marshall was planning on.. but he ended up proposing to me while we were in jamaica. it was a huge surprise! we had talked about getting married but i didn’t think he was really ready for the commitment. turns out, he was. and we got married on july 17, 2010. the rest is history in the making :)

Wedding Photography In Utah

awe. that was fun. i like thinking about our love story.


1. what is your current relationship status? if you are attached.. how did you meet?

2. designer jeans: yay, nay, or sometimes?

go packers :)

xo. janetha g.

109 Comments leave one →
  1. January 21, 2011 7:14 pm

    Aww you and Marshall are so cute together.
    As my facebook would confirm, I am very very single, haha
    I could never get myself to pay more than 20 dollars for jeans. I just stalk the Target discount rack and wait for a bargain.

  2. January 21, 2011 7:19 pm

    Loved reading your love story! So cute. My husband and I have been together since high school. Yes, we are that couple. ;)

  3. Marisa permalink
    January 21, 2011 7:21 pm

    You mean not concurrently, right? Consecutively may apply. This is going to br a fun month to read about you! I would do it except I am already 6 months behind. Love all the pictures… You need to add some SD ones to the mix! You guys are cute and I love you both

  4. January 21, 2011 7:22 pm

    Sweet lord on a stick, you guys are the cutest EVERRR.

    This challenge looks like a lot of fun! I may even participate, but not necessarily starting right now. ;)

    1. Takennnnn, and I just detailed our story recently here:

    2. I have a $70 pair of jeans, and they are definitely more comfortable than my $20 pairs, for sure. That being said, I have way more $20 pairs.

  5. January 21, 2011 7:26 pm

    I love your love story. I also love you and Marshall’s love for the packers!

    I’ve been taken for almost a year, which is weird to say!
    And I don’t own any jeans over 30 bucks!

  6. a taste of health with balance permalink
    January 21, 2011 7:36 pm

    i love your story! you guys are such an awesome couple. i’m looking forward to reading the posts throughout the challenge! have a great weekend :)

  7. January 21, 2011 7:38 pm

    I love hearing these stories. Its always fun to see how couples got together. When I met my hubs, I wasn’t even wanting a boyfriend and he was this foreigner guy who just wouldn’t stop calling. How could I resist? hehe!
    LOve my designer jeans but I also love my gaps jeans. designer jeans do last A LONG TIME. I get mine at Nordstrom rack, score!
    Much love JG and MG!

  8. runyogarepeat permalink
    January 21, 2011 7:45 pm

    So sweet! This is a cool challenge. My boyfriend & I actually went to soccer camp together back in 7th grade but didn’t know each other, then we both worked at that same camp 2 years ago, when we connected and started dating.

  9. January 21, 2011 7:46 pm

    I am single and really have no idea how to meet potential partners. I spend a lot of time at the gym and it might be weird if I start hitting on guys while lifting:) I loved hearing about you and Marshall.

  10. January 21, 2011 7:48 pm

    I love that 30 Day Challenge! I may have to look into, it’s kind of like an extended survey!

    I still havent tried vita tops, which makes me sad.

    You and Marshall are so cute. Um, do you ever call him Marshmellow? Random but he is Marshall and seems mellow so I think it jives. Or maybe I am wrong!

    Single and I wont pay over $40 for jeans.
    Sorry girl but Go Bears!!

  11. January 21, 2011 7:48 pm

    First off I love peanut butter on my yogurt!!! Secondly, you guys are adorable! Love your story and the little details. Example: Seeing a movie together and being chicken to hold each others hand. Totally been in that situation! Love that last photo too!

  12. January 21, 2011 7:50 pm

    Oh my goodness I just love your love story! You two are super cute together :) I met my hubby at work too! We were working at Teleperformance and I was preggo at the time (I chose adoption for my little girl) and afterwards while I was out of work to heal he and I started hanging out every night and then he got a crush on my friend…but then that didn’t work out and then one night we got pulled over and it freaked me out (I was drinking underage) and so after the cop left I asked him to give me a hug and then he spent the night at my house and we ended up cuddling… and the next morning we were just boyfriend and girlfriend ;) Inseperable ever since! Now we have a 1 year old little man who steals my heart every single day!

    I don’t own any expensive jeans, but I would love to! I usually buy mine at American Eagle, never Old Navy cause the crotch looks silly!

  13. January 21, 2011 7:52 pm

    I think I’m going to have to steal this 30 day challenge. I too, love to ramble about random stuff!

    I loved reading your story about how you and Marshall met and dated. So cute! Yes, I’m in the designer jeans boat, by mistake. My friend has a friend who gets them wholesale and I got a pair of true religion jeans for only $65!! Now, I totally get it, they are way more flattering and don’t stretch out like some of my others.

  14. January 21, 2011 7:53 pm

    Vita for breakfast? Great idea. I need to try this! Looks just delicious. and your outfit is adorable. i want those boots! They look more than comfy. You and the man are so freaking cute. Great flashback ;)

    1. what is your current relationship status? if you are attached.. how did you meet? Marrrried. Josh sat in front of me in one of my classes. We were engineering nerds together :)

    2. designer jeans: yay, nay, or sometimes? I don’t own any but wouldn’t be against it!

  15. January 21, 2011 7:57 pm

    What a cute post…looove it!

    Happily married! I was dating one of his best friends when we met. I left the LONGterm relationship for my man and been together 10.5 years now! Lol!

    No designer jeans. Just never thought to try any. My most expensive pair is from Express: :D

  16. Ashley permalink
    January 21, 2011 8:02 pm

    My longtime boyfriend and i’s “song” is pachuca sunrise. I always dreamt of having them perform at our wedding one day. :)

    • January 23, 2011 6:27 pm

      they were here in concert two days before our wedding! we took our whole wedding party to the show.

  17. Meg permalink
    January 21, 2011 8:03 pm

    I LOVE those jeans! Seriously they are very flattering on you.

  18. January 21, 2011 8:36 pm

    aw, what a sweet love story! you both look so happy in all of your pictures. I am single, with a string of not-so-awesome exes, so I’m just enjoying the single life for now. that, and full time work + school leaves little time for a boyfriend. :)

  19. January 21, 2011 9:15 pm

    Awwww!!! I love your story! :D

    I’m single and for the longest time, I’ve been ok with it. I was never at a point in my life where I felt like I could have a boyfriend (dealing with personal self-esteem issues, food issues, etc). I didn’t even want to have the possibility of having someone until all my issues were pretty much worked through and I felt like I was at a good point in my life. I now feel that I have worked through my issues, I am more at peace with myself and my self-esteem issues, so I think that I would be ready for a relationship now. I know that the right person will eventually come along. :D

    Oh, and can I PLEASE work for your boss! Designer jeans as a gift? Sign me up! :D

  20. Nicole C. permalink
    January 21, 2011 9:24 pm

    I met Ben almost 5 years ago. I was already in a long term relationship that I had my heart set on but alas, I opted that my heart was breaking. He was right there to swoop me up and help get my mind in a different place. I remember exactly what I was wearing the night I met him and the fact he rushed home from a 10 hour drive, got dressed up just to meet me. Made me feel good. We have been living together ever since I moved out (he as my room mate with a bunch of other people). We started out backwards I supposed and had tough times with “friends” but he is the most reliable person I know..the rest is to be written..

    I used to buy mine at Express for $80 a pop but I can’t find the wash I want. So now, American Eagle is where I get them for around $40. I would pay double that to have them not be low rise..ugghh I hate jean shopping.

  21. January 21, 2011 9:39 pm

    Ugh, you two are SO freaking cute!!!!!!!! I love that you both went to see Minus the Bear.

    Andy was straight edge when we first started dating. It was weird when he first started drinking…I teased him. We’ve known each other since I was 19 but didn’t start dating for a couple years after. We met through a mutual friend. I had plans with his friend and he brought Andy along. I fell for him almost instantly. What a goober. We talked on myspace all of the time but didn’t date for a long time after. 2 years!

  22. January 21, 2011 9:46 pm

    love the challenge!!! it seems really fresh, new, and not played out like so many of the challenges in bloggieland are…i totally want to do this! or at least use the ?s’ as a jumping off point. I am going to work this in, somehow. Maybe not daily or all 30, but a few.

    How did we meet? In a bar 12-13 yrs ago.

    Designer jeans. Yes. Will wear the F21 types but they arent comfy and if there’s one thing splurge worthy, it’s jeans!

  23. January 21, 2011 9:52 pm

    My husband and I met online…yahoo personals :o) Little did we know that our fathers had worked together for more than 35 years! Love, Love, Love him!!

  24. January 21, 2011 9:56 pm

    Aw, J! LOVED this post. You guys are adorable so compatible even if you had nothing in common. I love that you met at work and then he proposed on a work trip… gorgeous pics of both of you. I met the bf at a bar on a random night. His friend told me his name was “Lloyd” (hence his blog name!) and I told him my name was Satan. A match made in heaven. ;)

  25. January 21, 2011 9:59 pm

    Aw, I didn’t know you guys met at work! I really loved reading about how yall met and fell in love.

    1. Yep. I met my love online through blogging. Oh me oh my. ;)

    2. I’ve never actually tried on a pair of designer jeans. That probably is because they generally haven’t been available in my size. Maybe I’ll try soon.

  26. January 21, 2011 11:34 pm

    Loved reading about you and marshall…makes me feel like I know you even better know. I LOVE crackers and cottage cheese:) That challenge sounds like a lot of fun!! I LOVE designer jeans and good thing I have a good stock of them before I got married….stupid teacher salary and Billy still being in school=no more nice clothes. LOVE your daily outfits, you are inspiring me to get ready! Have a great weekend Janetha!

  27. January 21, 2011 11:36 pm

    O yes, I remember when I was thrilled to have a myspace account!
    Marshall is totally rad, you need to drag him to the foodbuzz festival next time!

    1) Well, James Franco and have been married for about a year! hahaha. But in all honest I’m as single as they come, and even that trashy dating reality show I was in didn’t do me much good. plus I think my flat chest and sarcasm scares guys off. weirdos, Im totally hot!

    2) This is my jean theory: its like finger prints, each person has a different body type and some jeans look and work better for others. But what is a definite no-no is PAJAMA JEANS! ugh!

  28. January 21, 2011 11:54 pm

    1. what is your current relationship status? if you are attached.. how did you meet?
    ——-Married! We met in a bar, which is weird, since we’re both online so much, and neither of us go to bars. Both of us had friends drag us out. I walked in the bar and pointed him out to my roommate as the hottest guy in the bar. She dragged me over and forced me to talk to him all night. We went on a date a week later, and I KNEW. It took him a few more years to soften up enough (he was recently divorced) to finally propose.

    2. designer jeans: yay, nay, or sometimes?
    —-If I can get them on the cheap, sure!

  29. January 22, 2011 12:37 am

    I totally agree on the designer jeans thing! I used to think it was so dumb to spend that much, but once I got my first pair, then another…now I”m hooked! I only have 2 or 3 and they’re all from Costco or the Rack, but still pricy!! I just can’t go back to cheap ones now!

  30. January 22, 2011 1:44 am

    This was so cute to read! I love hearing how-you-met stories. :) I’m single, though.

    I’ve never bought/worn designer jeans … I’m too cheap when it comes to clothes!

  31. January 22, 2011 4:27 am

    i LOVE reading “how we met” stories, and yours is way cute. i love how you remember so many details (clothing, day/dates) etc…shows how very special the whole relationship has been!
    we’ve been married 15.5 years. met at the gym – i taught aerobics and b took my class…
    gap or american eagle jeans fit me best – luckily they’re not super expensive! love that your boss bought you jeans – very cool!
    best football sunday of the year this weekend (super bowl can be a letdown in terms of good football!) – have fun!

  32. January 22, 2011 4:40 am

    Killer incline workout!

    I love the blog idea..may have to steal it.

    I hate to admit it but…designer jeans fit better and last longer.

    Mike and I met at a dance club. Our relationship is awesome!!!

  33. January 22, 2011 4:48 am

    You and Marshall are a sweet pair. I want to do the 30 day challenge! Would you be mad if I did?

  34. January 22, 2011 5:01 am

    I love reading love stories!! You guys are the greatest and I love how you said you guys would sneak kisses at work before anyone knew you guys were dating, so cute! U two are def perfect together and I cant believe it will be one year in july since you got married! time flies!

    Happy weekend girl! Yay for your vacation soon, Im sooooooooooooooo wishing I was going somewhere warm on vacation soon, so sick of the cold!

    Oh and I am sorry to say but I am a designer jean whore : p its not really because of the name, its because true religions and rock and republics just fit amazing on me ; ) I love them!!!

    love u! katie xoxo

  35. movesnmunchies permalink
    January 22, 2011 6:02 am

    i love the 30 day challenge~! and cute scarf!

  36. January 22, 2011 6:06 am

    LOVE this challenge!!! What a breath of fresh air since all the challenges out there seem to be diet/weight loss related. I love a good LIFE challenge! :)

  37. January 22, 2011 6:35 am

    This post came at a coincidental time. Last night I just ended my year and a half relationship. Now, before you pity me, let me tell you that this post made me realize that I made the right decision, and I will be happy eventually. I’m really not as upset as I thought I would be because the relationship had been on the rocks for a few months. It was time. I could feel it. I don’t like it much…the feeling of losing your best friend and bracing yourself for the loneliness that is about to follow, but I know that someday I will meet someone who I am compatible with, more so than how I was with my ex boyfriend. Life will go on. I am only 18. But, sometimes I feel 25, trying to settle down into life when I know there are numerous opportunities out there for me. Anyway, I didn’t mean to write all about this, but it is nice to get it out. What I wanted to really say in this comment was that I think what you and Marshall have is really special, something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. It’s obvious that you took the right path and become really great friends before starting a romantic relationship. I think by doing that you were able to see his realness, his quirks, his flaws, and his personality. There were some things in my relationship that didn’t occur until later and were bothering me a lot. I didn’t feel like I was in a healthy relationship for myself, so I knew I had to let go. It was tough, but I finally did it, and I am proud for not sacrificing my own self-worth.

    Thanks for this post, Janetha. You are lovely. :)

  38. January 22, 2011 6:35 am

    What an adorable, fun story! I loved reading about it. You and Marshall make such a cute couple. :D

    For designer jeans, I usually make $60 my upper limit. But if I found a pair that was more expensive that fit really, really well, I would definitely consider splurging and paying a bit more. :D

  39. Lindsey permalink
    January 22, 2011 6:43 am

    I love the engraved heart, where did you guys get it?

    1. Married- we met while doing a triathlon, and got married a year later!!
    2. Designer jeans, they just have that amazing fit and look to them!

  40. January 22, 2011 7:01 am

    I love this idea, I am going to copy the idea on my blog…hope you dont mind :)! Join me as I share all my stories!
    I am currently in a relationship. We met in 7th grade and have basically been together ever since. Right now we are dealing with a long distance relationship as he is in the Marines and deployed over seas. It is definetly a challenge but I am looking at is as a positive thing- I miss him so much but Im taking this time away from him to focus on my work, my family and lots of time with my girlfriends :)
    Designer jeans are a no-go. Im afraid if I start I wont stop and ill lose all my money to jeans.

  41. thedelicateplace permalink
    January 22, 2011 7:02 am

    <3 heart melted :) first the easy question…i buy target jeggings ha. i'm super cheap with jeans. now onto the relationship story. we met at college and i had transferred to the school. being a noob, i needed to make friends asap so i did! i found a great group of people during fall semester. in the spring, this hot guy came back to the school to hang out with his friends (nate was studying in italy the semester i transferred). turns out his friends were my new group of friends! we introduced ourselves and that night went to a party together. we found out over some liquid courage how much we had in common and spent until school ended together. we'd go on walks, study in the library, late night diner runs etc. we both just kept waiting for things to fizzle but they never did! he proposed to me in springtime in 2007 and we were married oct 26th, 2007. we love each other so much more now than i even thought possible. we're each others best friends and i know i can count on him for anything! he's very kind hearted and sensitive and i couldn't ask for a better life partner!

  42. January 22, 2011 7:12 am

    I love this challenge. Do you mind if I steal it for my blog too?

    Jason and I actually met online. For some reason, I am really shy about telling people that!

  43. January 22, 2011 7:36 am

    Awww! I love reading the story of you and Marshall! So cute! I really like your challenge too!

    My boyfriend and I met in college. We used to sit next to each other and barely spoke. It took a year later for us to actually talk and hang out. We’ve been together for a little over 5 years now. So glad that we finally decided to talk to each other :)

  44. January 22, 2011 8:15 am

    fabulous scarf! your love story is adorable :)

  45. January 22, 2011 8:19 am

    (1) married. met in a bar, one night stand, peed in his laundry. fast forward to about 8 years, and that’s us. no cute story there – guess we’ll have to come up with something to tell the grandkiddos :)

    (2) designer but only if someone else is paying for it

  46. lowandbhold permalink
    January 22, 2011 8:22 am

    I like that challenge, may have to try it someday! And you and Marshall are so adorb. I love your story.

    I have a mix of designer and not jeans. I’ll be honest, if I could afford them I’d own more. I like them a lot…

  47. K is for Karma permalink
    January 22, 2011 8:43 am

    your love story is adorable. i love that you say you and marshall were so different. that’s how my boyfriend and i are. at our cores, however, we are so compatible. you two are adorable!

    i’m sorry about your car troubles, have you brought it to a few places to get looked at? i’ll send all my good feeling car vibes your way ;) XO

    also loving the challenge — since my blog is so new i may tag along and use it as guidance, as well. thanks for sharing <3

  48. Laurie permalink
    January 22, 2011 9:59 am

    Aw, what a sweet love story! Love it!

  49. January 22, 2011 11:09 am

    So I’m dying to know where/when was the first kiss? Was it the day you were watching movies? So cute. It’s clear you live and respect each other so much. I love that Marshall doesn’t drink at all. Very healthy.

    Man, my life was simple when I used to just wear my Levis 501 jeans. There was another expensive brand we all wore in college but I can’t remember what they were called. Some long foreigny name. This is so Seattle, but I really love my Eddie Bauer jeans, but they only sell petites by catalog. If my next job allows jeans, I’ll by a nice pair at

    Chris and I met when he sent me an IM in 1998. I was on AOL, and he’d done a search for single women in NY. We started talking, went out, moved in together, bought a house, and then got married after 5 years. We’re best friends, like you guys, which makes it work. :)

    PS. I broke down and bought a pair of high clunky black shoes yesterday. Aren’t you so proud of me? I’ll send you pics. They’re super cute! ($30, Steve Madden, TJ Maxx)

    • January 22, 2011 11:13 am

      Ergh – commenting by IPad is tough. You guys LOVE each other (duhr), and I would buy fancy jeans at Nordstrom. That is all.

  50. January 22, 2011 12:35 pm

    Looks like a fun challenge- I kinda wanna do it, too! I met my boyfriend on my freshman hall in college and we started dating last year (I’m a junior now). :)

  51. January 22, 2011 1:46 pm

    you guys are so cute together! I love it.

    I am so glad you are doing the challenge although talking abot yourself isnt quite a big challenge when you have a blog :)

  52. January 22, 2011 1:56 pm

    You’re making me crave VitaTops!
    As for your questions…
    1. Attached. We met at the gym on the treadmills:)
    2. Designer jeans are definitely worth the occasional investment–they fit like a dream, make my butt look amazing, and last forever. That being said, I haven’t gotten a pair since high school (when I found an awesome pair at the Saks outlet), and I’ve just been buying regular brands ever since.

  53. January 22, 2011 2:52 pm

    Such a cute story! And I kinda like these questions, perhaps I will have to do it also :)

  54. January 22, 2011 3:02 pm

    I miss cottage cheese :-( I tried to eat it twice as a snack this week and was miserable. I think I can have greek yogurt and cottage cheese IN things, but not by themselves anymore. Much sadness.

    I’m attached, but we aren’t married. coming up on 6 years together. We met at a concert

  55. January 22, 2011 3:42 pm

    awww, i love love stories! :) you guys are so cute.

    i’m engaged to someone i’ve known & been friends with since high school (about 10 years ag0), but we started dating 3 years ago. <3

    and i'm a sometimes girl on designer jeans. i had a pair of citizens that i literally lived in for about 3 years before they completely wore out. most of my jeans cost about $20 though…

  56. January 22, 2011 4:00 pm

    You and Marshall make the most adorable couple <3

    No love life for me but I do enjoy the single girls life for just now :)

    Designer jeans sometimes… if they are comfy then yay! I am all about comfort over labels.

    Have a great weekend J!

  57. January 22, 2011 4:26 pm

    Oh my gosh that is such a cute story :) I met my boyfriend at college and when we first started hanging out I really just wanted to be single…but I started to realize how much I really liked him so I decided to give it a try with him, but I made him work for it for a whileeee!! But we’ve been together ever since and I hope for the rest of for ever, too :) awwwwww

  58. Kelly permalink
    January 22, 2011 4:55 pm

    What a SWEET story!! My husband and I have known one another forever. Quite literally. He is 11 years older than me and our families are friends so he has known me my whole life. I had the MOST ginormous cruch on him when I was 15 but he was um…26…and he thought I was just a bratty kid with braces and pimples. Hahaha…good times. I married him 10 years later when I was 25.

  59. elise permalink
    January 22, 2011 5:00 pm

    i had a giddy smile on my face the entire time i was reading this – so clearly IM the goon :) so cute. i heart you guys so much. and i love that we both met our husbands through work. im looking forward to hearing all the rest of these “challenge” ramblings.

  60. January 22, 2011 7:06 pm

    Beautiful, lovely post! I am kinda of tearing up over here…such a sweet story of how you guys meet and where you are now. I love hearing how other people meet. I am currently single, as Lori is still with the same boyfriend (going on 9 years!!!!). Crazy, no ring yet, haha

  61. January 22, 2011 7:19 pm

    My boyfriend and I met through online. I went on several bad dates, but from day #1, things w/ Jared have been awesome. We just clicked.

    I normally buy my jeans from J. Crew or Madewell because I can get them in a shorter length. Designer jeans are always SO long and I’m too lazy to get them hemmed.

  62. January 22, 2011 7:20 pm

    I love this and am totally going to copy you…just call me copy cat..biter..whatever…

    I stole a pair of Seven jeans from my sister and I totally love them…I love the way they always look perfect and always feel comfy…but hate the price!

  63. January 22, 2011 7:20 pm

    Your love story is so cute!! I love hearing how other couples meet! My husband and I met at a party in college…we were both in our first semester on campus. We have been together for 12 years but only married for 6.

  64. January 22, 2011 10:05 pm

    You’re still welcome. Thanks for the shout-out. Heart you.

    Designer jeans…yes, about 50% of the time. They last FOREVER – I’ve had my Sevens for almost 6 years and they still fit like a dream. I swear, designer jeans really do fit better.

  65. January 22, 2011 10:07 pm

    Awww, I loved reading your love story! Crazy how many details you remember! You two look absolutely great together!

    I am recently single and though I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m lovin’ it, I am using the time to really get to know myself better. Had it not been for my inward perspective, I may never have gotten into blogging!

    I have never paid more than $50 for a pair of jeans. I would LOVE a pair of Lucky’s, but I am just too cheap!

  66. January 22, 2011 10:18 pm

    ah what a cute story! you know all my friends in middle/high school were vegan x-ers. now they are all chubby, meat eating, smoking, drinking fools!

    my hubby and i met in high school and had the same friends, but didn’t start dating until we both went to usu.

    i love sevens and diesels but have only gotten them from downeast. i just got some taverneti jeans for $3.50 when they had their clearance sale! they were $200 then $70 then $7 with half off. they are super cute too. i plan on getting a really nice pair of jeans once i finish my body for life challenge. that is my reward. well that and a sweet arss.

  67. Rachel permalink
    January 22, 2011 11:03 pm

    Very cute and fun story. Great pics too. This may seem like a silly question, but can you describe how you wear your scarves? I can’t seem to get them to look good, and have even looked online at videos on how to wear scarves, no such luck for me, can’t make them look good. And I buy my jeans at Old Navy. They are not great, but it works for my budget.

  68. January 22, 2011 11:23 pm

    Aw, y’all are so cute! I’m 20 and currently single, but I’m at school and I do have someone waiting to start something back home ;)

    My favorite jeans are these lycra-infused skinny jeans (practically jeggings) from Charlotte Russe. I wish I had stocked up when I bought them, because now they’re all I ever want to wear!

  69. January 22, 2011 11:34 pm

    I absolutely love your style!! You always manage to look effortlessly put together but with a comfort factor too…will definitely be stealing some looks :)

    That’s such a cute story about you and Marshall! the photos of you two are so cute and I think it’s important to form a good friendship before seeing someone and in your case it worked out perfectly!

  70. January 23, 2011 12:34 am

    Aw, love this! I just might do that challenge, too! It sounds so fun! :)

    Sam (my boy) and I met in middle school! Ah, there are a lot of stories to tell there.

    I’ve never bought designer jeans–I know if I ever do, I’d be hooked. So I’m going to put it off as long as possible.

  71. January 23, 2011 12:36 am

    By the way, can I ask you something wordpress-related? Your blog is one of the ones that I’ve gotten an email notification from if you replied to my comment – how do you set this up (when a reply is made to a comment the user has left on my blog, an e-mail shall be sent to the user to notify them of the reply)?

    • January 23, 2011 6:35 pm

      jessy, i have to manually add the commenter’s email to the reply. i get my comment notification in my gmail, then i hit reply, add the commenter’s email to the CC and then it replies in their email and on the thread. it is a big pain in the butt.. but it works well.

  72. January 23, 2011 12:58 am

    Awww you two are sooo cute! I like reading about how couples got together. :)

    I wrote about our story last year, a week before our 12th wedding anniversary…

    My Love, My Life…

    I’ve never bought designer jeans… I’m not sure I could bring myself to spend that much on jeans. :)

  73. January 23, 2011 6:25 am

    Designer jeans = yay!! Now, only if I could afford more than 2 pair…..
    This may sound funny, but Jay and I met playing in a kickball league….! :)

  74. January 23, 2011 7:36 am

    awwww! you guys were like jim and pam in the office…just cooler ;)

    i’ve been married for 4 years, and i love thinking about the way we met too. I thought he liked my friend sarah, so when i met him at a party at a friend’s house I was just thinking it was so I could approve/disapprove of him for sarah. that night he came back to our house just to talk and hang out. for the next month he would come over every time i was at sarah’s place, but i just thought it was all because he liked her. come to find out he was coming over only when i was there because he liked ME! we spent an evening talking from midnight til 10am the next morning…and he asked me on a date afterwards. the rest is history! love that man :)

  75. January 23, 2011 11:09 am

    me and marsh should host a superbowl party together

  76. January 23, 2011 12:51 pm

    Loved reading your love story! So cute.

  77. January 23, 2011 1:12 pm

    Aww, yay! I loved re-living your story with you! You guys are so adorable.

    Meeker and I met the VERY first day of college. He was the first guy I met at the University of Colorado (a school with more than 30,000 people!). We lived in the same dorm, and were friends for about 2 years before we decided we really liked each other. We got married during our senior year of college, we just couldn’t wait any longer!

    I have a few pairs of designer jeans and a lot cheap-o jeans. I love them all.

  78. January 23, 2011 3:34 pm

    you two are adorable!!!!

  79. January 23, 2011 4:38 pm

    Love it, you guys are awesome :)

    I feel ya on the designer jeans- i’ve bought Paige jeans at Nordstrom rack and Marshall’s and they are nice and long (hard for me to find!) and soo comfy!

  80. January 23, 2011 5:55 pm

    cute cute cute. i lovvvvve you too!!

  81. January 24, 2011 8:34 am

    Hey Janetha! So quick question about your breakfast? You have greek yogurt, vita top and PB- for BFL would you count the PB as protein? Even though it falls under the healthy fat category? Or do you just not have your protein incorporated into this meal? Thanks!

    • January 24, 2011 9:50 am

      hey ashley! greek yogurt has 20-24 grams of protein per cup–so that was my protein for that meal. although, this is a little carb-heavy for BFL standards.. as a cup of greek yogurt has about 9 grams of carbs (for plain–flavored has more), and the vitatops have 20 something grams of carbs.

  82. January 24, 2011 12:33 pm

    This is such a sweet post, I love it!
    I’m engaged and really excited to marry my best friend!!!

  83. Carla in Sydney permalink
    January 24, 2011 4:41 pm

    Thanks for sharing your story! You guys are gorgeous together. I also met my now live-in partner of 6 years at work. I had a big crush but it took me a while to tell him how I felt and LUCKILY he felt the same! We had a “bumpier” ride due to the fact that we were both in the process of leaving our husband/wife and we lived in different states! We got there though and now, like you, have 2 beautiful doggies that I would give my life for. You and Marshall really inspire me to try and make my relationship the best it can be because you seem so PERFECTLY HAPPY!!!! :-)

  84. January 24, 2011 9:41 pm

    I met my current boyfriend during my sophomore year in high school. We started dating our senior year and have been going strong ever since. We’ve known each other for 5 years and have been dating for 3 years. Long distant and in college is a rough combo but we make it work with a winning mixture of trust, respect, genuine love and appreciation, and honestly real attraction (in every aspect… physical, mental, spiritual…etc.). We go through our ups and downs as does every real couple, but that reminds us that it’s real and that life isn’t easy and it only gets harder after college. I call him my “mountain man” and I love that man more than I could ever articulate (even to myself!).

    As for designer jeans, I think the way to go is for the pair that fits your body best. Could be sevens, hudson, gap, or levi’s — doesn’t matter to me as long as I’m comfy! But I must say I used to love sevens now I hate the way they fit me. Used to love Gap jeans in 2008 before they underwent their jean facelift and took on many different styles… I say before because I had the BEST pair of jeans ever that fit me beautifully and it turns out that my best friend (with an entirely different body) found they fit her perfectly too so she went and bought them as well. Well as any girl knows if you LOVE a pair of jeans you wear them in quickly. Unfortunately we both ripped our respective pairs after less than a year of having them. Gap then of course changed their look and I haven’t found a perfect pair there since (although I did find a grey-ish wash contender there last spring).
    Anyways, the point to my story is it doesn’t matter designer or not the jeans must FIT you!

  85. April 18, 2011 7:44 pm

    OOOOOh, girl! I totally just started this challenge, and blogged about my fab husband and how awesome he is.

    I know we got a bit gushy, but I don’t care. They’re totally adorable. Thank you so much for blogging this series! I’m very excited to read all of your responses!! :D


  1. BOO! I do love you | K is for Karma
  2. ten & ten. « meals & moves
  3. polka dot love | K is for Karma
  4. What made me smile today…..and some bad dates « Simply Shaka
  5. A little glimpse into my personality… « The Auspicious Squirrel
  6. leave room for the holy spirit | K is for Karma
  7. Challenge: Attraction
  8. potassi-yum. « meals & moves
  9. Things you really don’t need to know…but I’m going to share anyway | K is for Karma
  10. picking up where i left off. « meals & moves
  11. pasta & procrastination. « meals & moves
  12. 30DC: My Current Relationship
  13. 30 Day Challenge: Day 1 Current Relationship | Kelsey Toney

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