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flashback friday round twenty two.

January 22, 2010

round 22! that is my favorite number ever! and how freaking crazy is it that it falls on the 22nd of the month?!  i love, love, love random synchronicities like that. that is one thing that belongs on my happy list.

WELL, we made it to the weekend!  i am not going to lie, this morning when i was dealing with work drama i honestly didn’t think i was going to make it through the day without gouging my eyes out.. BUT, alas, here i am~ off work with eyes full intact. whew, that was close.

i went into the office early today so i could leave early.  i know.. SHOCKING, right? i woke up at SIX on a friday. that is not like me one bit.  i made myself a half-full pot of french pressed coffee before leaving the house.  i added some unsweetened vanilla almond breeze for a special friday treat :)  this actually filled me up quite a bit so i held off until 8 AM to eat breakfast.


meal 1: vanilla + cinnamon protein oatmeal @ 8:00 AM


you guys!  i am outraged. i buy my EAS premium protein powder at costco.. it is a triple blend (whey, casein & soy protein) and this is the only protein powder that i like to make protein oats with.  i have tried it with EAS 100% whey and other brands of powder and the protein powder clumps up and gets all sorts of gnarly in the oats.  SO~ i’ve relied solely on my EAS premium protein powder.  WELL.. seeing as how i have just one scoop left~ i went to costco to buy another bag.


they don’t carry it anymore.  the horror!!! now i am going to be forced to pay full pop for the stuff! blarg.

my lunch was enormous. or so it seemed..

meal 2: TWO arnold thin sandwiches + veggies & hummus @ 12:00 PM


yeah that’s right. two. i put a laughing cow wedge on one and some annie’s honey mustard on the other.  i put a slice of oven roasted turkey on each sandwich.


may seem like a lot, but the total calories for both sandwiches came out to 340.  not too shabby, eh?


i had a mix of carrots, baby portobellos and sugar snap peas with some sunflower seed hummus on the side.  mushrooms sure are not photogenic.. well, unless the photographer is this girl. her fungus photos are a thing of beauty!

since lunch was so big i didn’t have my afternoon snack and went straight to the gym for my workout.


it was a cardio+abs day and i wanted to keep it interesting so i did three 15 minute sessions on three different pieces of equipment.


minute # speed (MPH)
0-1 4.0
1-2 5.0
2-3 6.0
3-4 7.0
4-5 8.0
repeat minutes 0-5 two more times 4.0 to 8.0
total time: 15 minutes
total distance:1.5 miles



minute # resistance
0-1 5
1-2 6
2-3 7
3-4 8
4-5 9
repeat minutes 0-5 two more times 5 to 9
total time: 15 minutes
total distance: 2.1 miles

for some reason whenever i am on the elliptical i think about this girl. she is the elliptical master!


minute # level
0-1 5
1-2 6
2-3 7
3-4 8
4-5 9
repeat minutes 0-5 two more times 5 to 9
total time: 15 minutes
total distance:1.35 miles


i finished the workout with 15 minutes of ab work:

  • 1 minute twists on decline bench (15 lb weight)
  • 1 minute lower ab crunches on decline bench
  • 1 minute standing right side crunches (25 lb weight)
  • 1 minute standing left side crunches (25 lb weight)
  • 1 minute bench tuck crunches
  • 1 minute reverse crunches on bench
  • 1 minute ball crunches with twist
  • 1 minute ball plank
  • 1 minute stability ball tucks
  • 1 minute crab abs
  • 1 minute leg thrown downs
  • 1 minute scissor kicks
  • 1 minute side planks (30 seconds a side)
  • 1 minute floor crunches
  • 1 minute floor plank

the end! it was an awesome workout and i was feeling awesome afterward.

i came home, showered, hung out with the pooches had a few handfuls of emily’s amazing trail mix and then eventually ate something..


meal 3: greek yogurt mess @ 5:00 PM


this had:

  • 1 cup 0% oikos
  • sliced strawberries
  • sliced banana
  • 1 TB unsweetened cocoa powder
  • tiny squirt (1/2 tsp?) agave. i love the word squirt! and the drink!


all mixed up.


yum. and now i am typing this! i am not sure what i’ll have for dinner yet.. hmmm.. as per my jamaica me bikini ready meal plan it says “not sure yet” and i am still not! hah!


flashback friday round dos dos!

if you read last week’s flashback, you will remember that i was showing you my first passport experience and i showed you all the photos from when i moved to london for school at the age of 19.

well, i am an idiot~ like i told you in monday’s post~ and my REAL first passport experience was when i was EIGHTEEN and i went with my parents to italy! doh~ just a minor blonde moment there.

i thought i would do an accurate account of my first passport experience this week with my trip to italy in august of 2001

i was 18.  my brother, doug, had served an LDS mission in italy and it was time for him to come home.  instead of coming straight home, my parents and i flew over to italy to see the sights, meet some of the people he had made friends with and just experience a little slice of what doug had been living for the prior two years.

now.. please do not make fun of me.. my sense of style back in 2001 was a little ridiculous.  i was really into punk rock and worked at a skate/snowboard shop and wore guys’ shorts and spike belts and skate shoes. you’ve been warned.

okay~ this was nearly a decade ago so i don’t recall all the details.. we will see how this goes ;)

one city we were in was lecce, italy and doug had a family he was good friends with.  my parents and i became fast friends with them as well!

p.s. the dates on the photos are way wrong!

janetha + pier


janetha + pier rocking out


janetha + raffi (left) + another friend after church one sunday


we went over to sicily on a ferry~

janetha + doug


another town we were in was licata, sicily and a family we became great friends with was the sclafani family.

eating authentic italian pizza and coca cola!


in the clothing store they owned.. it was so crazy because in the afternoon, all of the shops would close down and everyone would go home and eat a giant meal and chill out! it was rad!

this is back row: doug, dad, sandro & front row: janetha, angela, mom


out front of their house~ it was an AMAZING house.. look at their cute pup on the balcony!


they had a chicken farm. obviously i did not look too stoked on it..


italy and sicily had awesome graffiti everywhere. i loved it!

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not sure where this castle was.. but it was super old and fun to explore. sorry for being so vague.. i just have a bad memory!

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there were lots and lots (and LOTS) of great restaurants in italy. the food was so good and there were so many courses! here we are after a big meal~


it seemed like every bathroom anywhere we went was immaculate. beautiful tile work! maybe that is why my brother ended up starting his own tile business?! ;)


i loved how slow-paced everything was in italy.  there were plenty of old men sitting out front of all the shops.. playing checkers, hanging out, being friendly!


not sure where this water was but you can see in my face that IT WAS COLD!


and as always, i had to snap photos of animals <3


look at those tiny puppies!! too bad i couldn’t take one home!

here are a couple photos out front of something rad elephant statue thing. sure wish i could remember where it was.. in italy somewhere!

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well folks.. there you have it! my REAL first passport experience!  i feel like i have redeemed myself :) hope you enjoyed this installment of flashback friday!

i know that lindsay has already thrown up a flashback friday post of here own, check it out! and if you participate.. let me know so i can link back!  i know, i know, i didn’t link back last week. i am so sorry! to make up for it, the flashback posts of last week:

sorry girls! nothin but love!


that’s it for tonight! i have a busy day tomorrow so i am not sure if i will be posting, but i will be emailing those of you participating in my secret bloggie valentine with your secret valentine mailing info! 

hope you all have a fun, relaxing weekend!


oh! oh! before i forget! sunday, january 24 is national peanut butter day! thought you would all appreciate that bit of info :)


1. if you use protein powder, what is your favorite brand and flavor? i like EAS brand (chocolate and vanilla) the most but i honestly haven’t branched out much. for fruity kinds, i like syntrax brand. i really want to try some sort of cinnamon protein powder!

2.  any fun weekend plans?! i have a baby shower, dinner for a friend’s birthday, snowboarding and SLEEPING!

xo. janetha b.

54 Comments leave one →
  1. Kelsey permalink
    January 22, 2010 7:27 pm

    I just started with EAS as well! But I don’t have a blender to use and am looking for ways to incorporate it into foods. So far the best I’ve come up with is adding ICE to my EAS+water mix. ;) Anybody have any good ideas?

  2. January 22, 2010 7:30 pm

    I have the BSN cinnamon roll protein powder.. it’s pretty good! But my favorite is Biochem 100% whey in chocolate fudge. So good!!

  3. January 22, 2010 7:32 pm

    I really like All the Whey brand protein powder to mix in with my oats and to drink in smoothies/shakes and to make protein pancakes with. All the flavors are good that I have tried so far, but cupcake batter is my favorite. With oats! Mmm mmm!

  4. January 22, 2010 7:34 pm

    22 is my fave tooo! But I already told you that. I do not think I have told you that my new apartment turned out to be number C-22, I was ecstatic! lol Today is such a great day =D

    Love the eats and the FBF photos! I miss Italy so much!!!

    1. Love the EAS powders, but Jay Robb is my alltime fave!
    2. It is my LAST weekend before school so I am living it up! lol actually not too much… hanging out wiith the boy, pizza and drinks and dinner at his grandma’s on Sunday (REAL sushi!!)


  5. Lara permalink
    January 22, 2010 7:48 pm

    I like Jay Robb Whey powder. It blends well in oats, yogurt, cottage cheese and best of all does not contain artificial sweeteners or other junky ingredients like all the others.

    BSN Lean Dessert is very tasty (the cinnamon roll is great) but does contain a lot of junky stuff.

  6. January 22, 2010 8:07 pm

    With workouts like that, your meals are fine. You’re going to be in great shape for your vacation! I always read your workouts, even wrote down a few, and then get too lazy. :)

    Love the flashback. Hysterical old photos and pretty sights!

  7. January 22, 2010 8:20 pm

    Fun pics!

    I like Jay Robb and BSN dessert which is exactly what the person two comments above me said. I still really want to try that chai tea protein shake that you made a few days ago.

  8. January 22, 2010 8:25 pm

    I dressed exactly like you in 2001! I wore a studded belt, dickies and skate shoes pretty much every day!

  9. m i c h e l l e permalink
    January 22, 2010 8:34 pm

    I’ve heard great things about Dynatize so just ordered some at vitacost on-line. My norm is Optimum Nutrition Whey but the flavor is pretty bland. I also use their recovery protein post-workout and the vanilla flavor tastes so good! Must be the added carbs (=sugar) in it.

  10. lowandbhold permalink
    January 22, 2010 8:56 pm

    Yay for round 22 on the 22nd!! Young Janetha is so cute! And I’m so jealous that you lived in Italy!

    I use spirutein vanilla protein powder. I like the other flavors, but vanilla goes with more so I buy big tubs of that and some little packets of flava.

    I’m not sure what the weekend will hold. I’m staying in tonight to recover from the week. Have a good one girl!

  11. Errign permalink
    January 22, 2010 9:00 pm

    I have never ever had protein powder. Not sure why – just never bought it, I guess!

    I still rock a studded belt in my snowpants – it’s old school and I love it!

    My weekend plans include skiing @ Moonlight Basin tomorrow & then going to a snowbar, which sounds like the best sh!t ever. Happy Friday!

  12. julie permalink
    January 22, 2010 9:02 pm

    hahahahaaaaaaaa LOVE these fbf pics you’re hilar.

    ugh i HATE when damn costco stops selling stuff. like don’t they know how people depend on certain things to be there. ugh. you got me into the eas thaaang so i do 100% whey vanilla eas uuh said that all backwards.

    i’m excited to see who my secret lovaaah is

  13. January 22, 2010 9:06 pm

    You are adorable in all those pictures :) I keep meaning to add protein powder to my oats again, but never feel like oats lately…

  14. January 22, 2010 9:06 pm

    sunday, january 24 is national peanut butter day! and TOMORROW (Sat.) is Natl Yoga Day!!!!!!! Free yoga in so many studios across the country, i linked it up today in my post.

    Choc protein. YES. Raw Vegan Brown Rice Chocolate Sun Warrior brand OR the same in Jay Robb brand. Both are lovely and allergen-free!

    You look sooo hot in all your pics, as usual. And thx for the stellar comments/emails the past 48 hrs. muah!!!!!

  15. January 22, 2010 9:24 pm

    Have you tried BSN Dessert or Syntha 6 in it?? That is the only protein I’ll use in my oats. SOOOO good. I also love ON 100% Whey, All The Whey brand, Syntrax Nectar…I think that is it. I’m the protein queen!

  16. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce permalink
    January 22, 2010 9:38 pm

    OMG i totally would have snatched one of those puppies and made a run for it! love the old pics. glad you survived your work dramzzz so i could enjoy your post tonight :)

  17. lindsayruns permalink
    January 22, 2010 9:38 pm

    I’ve only really tried GNC !00% whey cause that’s what my husband always had so I raided his pantry when I started. Chocolate Caramel is my favorite, but I use unflavored so I can mix it into whatever. I did try the EAS chocolate, but it tasted like “chocolate flavor”, not chocolate, to me. (like the difference between grape drink and grape juice…haha I’m gonna go watch Chapelle videos now)

  18. January 22, 2010 10:03 pm

    Currently I’m using Jay Robb vanilla whey and liking it – although it does clump my oats! Not ok…boo boo boo. Need to try EAS…!!

    Upstate NY this weekend for some r&r…yayayay!!

    • Lara permalink
      January 23, 2010 7:34 am

      If you add a TBSP of water or so when mixing in the protein powder it doesn’t clump.

  19. January 22, 2010 10:08 pm

    Haha, loved the flashback and saying hi to the younger you! You “age” well…You’re even prettier now! THough, you were just as cute as when you were young. :-]

    I have a big LA blogger meet-up on Sunday…I CAN’T WAIT!!!

  20. January 22, 2010 10:24 pm

    haha LOVE the flashbacks! i think you get more beautiful as you get older-as if it were even possible for you to get any prettier!!
    great cardio workout!

  21. January 22, 2010 10:41 pm

    Ahhhhh!!!! I <3 eas premium protein too. I've been meaning to get over to Costco for weeks and weeks. It makes the BEST oats.

    I'm going to the HKC Kettlebell certification tomorrow and I'm STOKED!

    (I take pictures of animals when I'm traveling too! It doesn't matter where you are in the world puppies are CUTE!)

  22. January 22, 2010 10:54 pm

    Fontana dell’Elefante on the piazza del duomo,in catania,sicily ;)
    italy is great,and the people there are all so nice and optimistic :)
    and best of all: their food :)
    nice blog :)

  23. adrienmelaine permalink
    January 22, 2010 10:57 pm

    I’m a brown rice protein powder girl. I used to do whey, but it really doesn’t favor my skin, so I quit and moved onto a vanilla brown rice made by Heartland gold. It dissolves like none other into oatmeal.
    I luurve it!

  24. January 23, 2010 1:53 am

    Oh my god, I love the fact that you were into punk as well! I had a huge punk/ska phase when I was sixteen or so.. Haha. I was a wild child!
    Your workout sounds fabulous, I really need to steal some of your workouts and soon!

  25. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    January 23, 2010 5:14 am

    1) I love Nutribiotic vanilla brown rice protein powder.

    2)The most fun thing I’m doing this weekend is going to Trader Joe’s. Woohoo!

  26. January 23, 2010 5:19 am

    I love italy! So fun! I have been on a mission to try EVERY protein powder out there. So far my top five are muscle milk light (the 100 calorie packs are awesome for snacks), Jay Robbs Whey, BCN Chocolate Fudge, and Sun Warrior protein. Wish I could by all these at Costco, haha!

  27. January 23, 2010 5:54 am

    Awww, thanks for the bee-day shout out :)

    I was a total punk too!! Not so much into skateboarding, but I did the studded belts, combat boots, and coloured hair thing for a while too. I actually secretly still love hardcore punk music ;)

    1. My favourite is IsoFemme. It’s full of artificial sweetners, but pretty damn tasty and has quality protein in it. I just bought some Whey Gourmet Vanilla because it’s sweetened with stevia. Not as tasty, but I at least feel better eating mass quantities of it (and doesn’t give me the sucralose tummy pains).

    2. Tons!! Lots of food, cake and family time will be had. I’m stoked.

    Have a great weekend JB!!

  28. January 23, 2010 6:31 am

    LOVE All The Whey Cake Batter. Nectar chcolate truffle is tasty as well. I’m going to try out a new natural whey soon and i’ll let you know how it is. I think the manufacturer is MGN.

    No plans for the weekend yet!

  29. January 23, 2010 7:01 am

    I LOVE the Italy pics! I was just thinking of the summers I spent in Italy when I was young… Such fun memories… :)

    Happy Weekend!

  30. January 23, 2010 7:07 am

    I really want to try protein powder but there are just sooo many!

  31. January 23, 2010 7:14 am

    I love old pics! My favorite kind is hemp protein…it’s got a slightly nutty taste that I really love mixing with nut butters, and no artificial ingredients! My weekend starts on Thursday, so it’s already been way too much fun- I’m hoping for a yummy dinner out and early to bed tonight!

  32. January 23, 2010 7:35 am

    Ah, sorry about your protein powder dilemma! I don’t use it, but I imagine that if I did, I would be REALLY picky about it :)

    Love the flashback! Italy is truly incredible, and it looks like you had lots of wonderful experiences!

    And in my life, EVERYDAY is national peanut butter day!! (or at least I celebrate it daily)

  33. January 23, 2010 7:50 am

    Ha! Only girls in Italy could get a way with rocking shoes like that to church! Love it! Guess what? I am drinking tea out of my happy little “E” mug! Thanks so much–it is fabulous. And you are too! xoxo

  34. January 23, 2010 9:15 am

    Yay what adorable photos- Those old Italian boyfriend photos are fun. I just might have one or two lying around myself ;-) Ah yes, when we were young and crazy, right! Ha ha!

    You were NOT thrilled in the chicken coup.

    Yes, all the old men sitting around drinking booze in the middle of the day. And oogling young blond american girls :-)

    I didn’t think you dressed weird- you rocked the look!

    Protein powder. If I was stuck on a deserted island and had to choose: my vanilla lover is called Elite (I think- haven’t bought it in a while $$$$). My fave choc is a soy based one called Skinny Mini that I have to order on line.

    Weekend- having a belated bday lunch today with my BFF from High school (who’s parents I hang out with…ha ha I’m weird!). Then may buy a netbook and get rid of the laptop that literally has a physical crack in the plastic on the entire right side of the computer. GAH!

  35. January 23, 2010 9:37 am

    i hate when costco stops carrying products! i feel like that happens ALL the time too :(

    haha at least you rocked your rocker phase…i apparently went through a baggy shirt phase for years. not cute :)

  36. January 23, 2010 9:55 am

    OMG…LOVE the flashback pics. everytime i see photos from high school, i think a part of me dies a little more inside at the horror and the fact that i actually thought i was cool back then. shudder.

    protein powder…i wont be much help on this. i have had that teras whey stuff, which was good. spirutein is in my pantry right now. but yeah, so not good for this question.

    weekend…i was going to go home but apparently an ice storm is coming, so those plans might have to fall through :( im not happy.

    have a fab weekend love!!!!!

  37. January 23, 2010 10:23 am

    Ahh that picture of you in the water looks like something out of a 70’s fashion mag :) Glamoroussss!

    Lovin’ the cocoa-y yog! I love how chocoaltely yogurt can get with just a little COCOA BABY! I also find the flavor gets lost in oats or something, but it totally works with greek yogurt! My fahhhhvorite!

    And nahh girl! That sandwich thin lunch doesn’t seem big at all! The thins are PUNY–sometimes you gotta make the executive decision to just bulk that sh!t upp :-D

  38. Christine permalink
    January 23, 2010 10:29 am

    I love the Italy pics!

    1. I don’t use protein powder very often, but I do like spirutein- vanilla. I’ve been thinking about trying EAS.

    2. I’m going to the Islanders/Devils game tonight, then watching the Jets/Colts game tomorrow with a bunch of my family and friends. hoping they make it to the superbowl! Oh, and eating lots of peanut butter of course! haha

  39. January 23, 2010 11:06 am

    Cute pictures. These make me want to travel so bad.

    1. I used EAS PP for the most part during my first challenge. Since then I have branched out to Gold Standard because I really like their flavors. Yesterday, though, I bought some Pure Protein because Target was out of like, everything else. I got the vanilla and I’m drinking it in a green smoothie right now, but not sure I can taste it.

    2. I am working all weekend. Boo.

  40. January 23, 2010 12:25 pm

    I’m sooo glad you asked about protein!!
    I was researching every blog a week ago and could not find any good recommendations. Finally went with BSN Dessert in Cinnamon Roll… OMFG!!!
    I love! love! love!!! the cinnamon roll, especially put into oatmeal.

    Love the Italy pics. It’s so eye-opening to see how other countries live compared to us, even with the little things, like bathroom decorating.

  41. Jessie permalink
    January 23, 2010 3:04 pm

    Hey there!
    Love your blog…you are really inspiring to keep moving and get strong. Unfortunatly I think I strained my left hamstring (at the base of my butt), and was wondering if you know anything about that sort of injury? Thanks so much!


  42. January 23, 2010 5:33 pm

    I don’t really have a favorite protein powder yet but right now I’m using Optimum Nutrition 100% whey in french vanilla creme and it’s pretty good! This is the first vanilla protein powder that I’ve bought and actually been able to use. I tried Jay Robb’s egg white protein in vanilla a while ago but it made my throat itch b/c of the eggs!
    I haven’t tried it yet but I hear really good things about BSN lean dessert in cinnamon roll.

  43. Lynn at The Actors Diet permalink
    January 23, 2010 7:13 pm

    i like jay robb….mixed into my oat bran. yum.

  44. January 23, 2010 7:48 pm

    Ahh, your pictures of you in Italy are 1. adorable and 2. make me want to go there! How fun!

    1. I just bought a generic (kroger) protein powder that is a mix of whey and soy and I LOVE it. Best was only $12. Score.

    2. I should probably clean my house this weekend. And take the puppy for a nice long walk.

  45. rny_alison permalink
    January 24, 2010 12:42 am

    BSN Cinnamon and BSN Banana Nut Bread are both awesome in oatmeal!!!

  46. January 24, 2010 7:56 am

    Hahah thanks for the photogenic fungus shout out ;) I did get a new camera a few months ago but didn’t really announce it so I’m glad you like the new pics!

    I DIED looking at your Italy pictures. I adore Italy!! The first dinner I had there I didn’t realize how many courses we would be served and went to town on the first two! Authentic Italian food is amaze!

  47. January 25, 2010 8:31 am

    Feelin the link love. Thanks babe!

    Gah I would love to go to Italy! I’m sure the italian men were diggin your tomboy snowboarder look. I worked at Pacific Sunwear in high school so I totally rocked the surfer digs even though I have NEVER even tried to surf lol. Roxy what what?

  48. January 25, 2010 2:49 pm

    I’ve tried LOTS of brands of protein powder, but I think my favorite will always be Spirutein. However, I have a “Guide to Protein Powders” on my blog, if you’re interested in others.


  1. Hatha Yoga Illustrated | Exercise Yoga
  2. Dumbbell Shoulder Workout For Building Big Round Delts | Muscle Building Directory | Workout Tips To Get Ripped Muscles
  3. smoothie ‘stache. « meals & moves
  4. Flashback Thursday | The Healthy Everythingtarian
  5. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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