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January 27, 2011

hey guys! hope your thursdays have been glorious.

i said i was going to make chicken piccata last night, but i actually ended up making up a simple, new recipe for chicken parmesan. we had our friends kristen and rory over and i wasn’t sure if they would like piccata, so i played it safe with a classic, adding my own healthy twists.


this was so good! everyone else really liked it, too. there were no leftovers.. what does that tell you?


i went ahead and made a recipe page for the chicken parmesan.. click here!

another body for life friendly recipe.. here are the stats:


all healthy eating standards went out the window with dessert, however. we broke out the ice cream maker again.. for the third time this week.


we are addicted!

this time, we made chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.. i used my cookie dough recipe and froze it for a bit, then crumbled it into small pieces.


what do you know, another winning ice cream flavor!


we are never buying ice cream again.

this morning i woke up with a sugar hangover. it’s true. they happen.

breakfast was something old (kashi golean) and something new (sliced banana) with a splash of skim milk for good measure.


adding sliced banana to cereal needs to happen more often. i forgot how great it tastes.


lunch was packed with more potassium.. this time in banana sandwich form.


i simply cut a banana down the middle (long ways) and smeared some mighty maple peanut butter on it, sandwiched it back together and sliced it into bite size pieces.


eaten alongside the same old wrap you’ve seen all week.. chicken, feta, hummus, sprouts and lettuce.


i had a lot of errands to run after work and so my snack escaped the camera’s eye.. it was a perfect foods protein bar. not to worry, i will be reviewing these bars soon! and there may or may not (okay, there may) be a giveaway in store.

i am about to make dinner. it’s going to be sesame stir fry and i will finally update the horrible photos on my recipe page. oh man, those were bad.. back in the day when i didn’t know a thing about photography..


i told you i would get around to it.. day #4 of my 30 day challenge (that is going to turn into a 60 day challenge, i am sure, but i will get it done!).

discuss your views on religion.

i could get reallllly detailed about this one and go off on a tangent about my deep thoughts on religion, but honestly, i think religion is something that is SO “to each her own” that i don’t want to go too deep into it. i will, however, tell you a little bit about my history with religion as well as where i am now.

i have mentioned it before, i was raised in a very active LDS (mormon) family.  this is very typical of utah residents, and no.. we are not the religion that is full of polygamists, so please don’t ask how many wives my dad has. the answer is one, and it is my best friend, momma b.

so, all my thoughts on religion are going to have to do with the LDS faith, because i know NOTHING about other religions.

anyway, i grew up going to church every sunday and following the rules of the mormon religion. it wasn’t until i was 16 or 17 that i started to get frustrated with several things about the church. as i got older, i found more and more things about the church that i just didn’t agree with. and this is not because of my teenage rebellion. i simply found that a lot of mormon people i knew were hypocritical and judgmental of others and there were a lot of self righteous members. it made me sad and it made it hard to relate to the religion with so much hypocrisy going on.

i don’t want to rattle off examples, but here is a very, very general one.  in the mormon religion there is something called the “word of wisdom” and it states that you can’t drink coffee. when i lived in london, i was studying abroad with lots of mormon girls. i would drink coffee or tea and they would tell me that it was the worst thing ever, yet they would suck down diet cokes all day long. correct me if i am wrong, but an 8 oz cup of coffee in the morning is a whole lot better for your body than multiple 12 oz cans of soda. i am sure that if the word of wisdom was established at a time that there was soda, it would have stated that you can’t drink it. i still can’t fathom those who judge me for drinking coffee and continue to drink gallons of soda each month. really?

anyway, there are lots more examples, but i am going to leave it at that.. it gives you the general idea of what i went through.

i stopped going to church when i turned 18 (and moved out with my at the time boyfriend, but that is a different story) and that is the same time that i was dabbling in drugs.  eventually, i came to my senses and grew up, but i didn’t go back to the LDS church.  i learned a lot in my younger years and i used those life lessons in a positive way and really turned around to be a great person. i am not trying to sound conceded. i simply am saying that i changed. i learned from my mom that following the rules could be fun. as in.. not driving drunk or doing illegal drugs or shoplifting or.. yeah, i was a bad kid.

it was a struggle for my parents, mainly my dad, to accept the fact that i don’t go to church and that i won’t be going back to the LDS church. all of my siblings went on mormon missions and got married in the mormon temple. when i did not go on a mission OR get married in the temple, i know that was hard for my parents to swallow. i think they felt like they had failed in some way. and sure, when i was younger i can see how they might think that.  but now? not so much. the most important thing they need to see is that just because i don’t go to church doesn’t mean i am not a good person. and i know they know that, but i am sure they still struggle with the fact that i’m not all about organized religion.

it’s hard to go against what your whole family is doing. but it is also impossible to practice a religion that you do not agree with 100%. at the end of the day, i have to do what i believe, not what i feel pressured to do.

ANYWAY, i guess what i am getting at is that i turned my life around and became a better person without religion. i stopped telling lies. i started obeying the law. and i didn’t need to go to church to be a good person. in fact, i know a lot of people who don’t practice an organized religion and are, in my eyes, better people than some LDS folks i know. it’s sad, but it’s true.

my whole family is still LDS and active and i have tons of respect for them and for the religion. i feel like growing up in an LDS household taught me great morals and i have a strong belief in god. i pray all the time and i really believe that prayers are answered. if i am having problems or am sick or something is going on where i need my dad to give me a blessing, i am all for that. if my family wants me to go to church because they are speaking or because of a baby blessing or something like that, of COURSE i will go! i do church activities with my mom all the time. it’s fun. i am not someone who is against the church by ANY means.

i think the most frustrating thing for me is the people that think if you aren’t LDS then you aren’t going to have the same privileges in the afterlife as those who do follow the religion. there are a TON of good people out there and they aren’t LDS. i fully believe that if you are good, honest person and stick to good morals, you will have a great afterlife.



well, this ended up being longer than i wanted it to be. typical. i am such a rambler. hope you enjoyed my thoughts on religion. the next topic is super heavy. i guess i better gear up for that.

have a great night!


1. do you like bananas? what’s your favorite way to eat them?

2. if you want, chime in below with your own thoughts on religion. i would love to hear your story.

xo. janetha g.

95 Comments leave one →
  1. January 27, 2011 5:30 pm

    1. Yes, I love bananas, and I love them in bread or cake form :) Or with Nutella.

    2. I’m Jewish, which for some reason, is rare in food blog land. I grew up in a very diverse area, and didn’t realize exactly how diverse my area was until I wasn’t in it anymore! There were a few traditions that were very important that we kept for our wedding, and we intend on raising our kids Jewish as well…but I’m a firm believer in that everyone should do what they feel is right!

  2. January 27, 2011 5:33 pm

    Love bananas! I eat one every day…

    Oh girl, this resonated so much with me! I am dealing with similar issues with the Jewish religion and my family. I’m getting married by a pastor, not a rabbi, and I know it hurts my parents, especially my mom, that my fiance is not Jewish and I probably won’t have a Jewish home. It’s been hard to realize that what they might want for me is not necessarily what I want for me, and I wasn’t going to turn away a wonderful person just because he wasn’t Jewish.

    I am grateful for my upbringing and will always consider myself Jewish, but I also think *some* Jews can be clique-y and judgmental too and I don’t want to be a part of that. Nor do I want to be made to feel guilty if I don’t follow other people’s standards of what they think I should do. I love G-d and try to be a good person, and so does my fiance and we want raise our future kids to do the same, and I think that’s all that matters!

  3. January 27, 2011 5:33 pm

    I really enjoy making healthier versions of traditional recipes! Chicken parm is a good one! Yours looks fabulous! Glad your friends enjoyed. And the ice cream…drool. I’m coming over soon for some ice cream, ok? Nanas are awesome in cereal- and oatmeal. Just a fabulous fruit. I enjoyed reading about your thoughts on religions. I am a to each their own kind of person (in terms of religion). I know for a lot of people- religion has done great things to help them keep or get their lives on track. For me, I just believe that with all the different religions out there- how can we be totally convinced that what we believe in is the only way/the right way? I try to learn a little bit about different religions and incorporate pieces of them into my life.
    1. do you like bananas? what’s your favorite way to eat them? Deliciousness. Favorite way? Oh gosh- I think in Oatmeal

    2. if you want, chime in below with your own thoughts on religion. i would love to hear your story. See above ;)

  4. January 27, 2011 5:33 pm

    i love bananas! dont eat that many though, might have to have a few more now and again, especially with PB!

    i seriously want an ice cream maker after seeing you make it, i love cookie dough i would just pig out so bad ha

  5. January 27, 2011 5:34 pm

    I was raised Jewish. My parents made me go to Hebrew school until I dropped out at age 11. So, I never had a Bat Mitzvah (you have it at age 13.) My parents were not very religious and we really just celebrated some holidays and observed some traditions. When I was younger, none of my friends were Jewish and I hated being different. I wanted to celebrate Christmas to be like everyone else.

    Now, I am really more agnostic than anything. I do still enjoy some Jewish traditions, specifically ones that have family dinners. Jason was raised Christian although he is atheist (or agnostic, it changes) now. If we have kids, we do plan to incorporate traditions from both religions into our household. While we won’t go to church or synogauge, we will celebrate the different holidays.

    • January 27, 2011 5:36 pm

      Also, we had a non-demoninational wedding performed by a judge. We did include the Jewish tradition of breaking the glass (google it) in the ceremony simply because I liked it.

  6. January 27, 2011 5:35 pm

    I soooooooooo need an icecream maker, stop tempting me to buy one! lol! I know I will be eating icecream for all my meals If I get one!

    I like bananas mashed up in my oats or in a smoothie!

    Thanks again for helping me out today with entering the giveaway!

    Love u! xoxo

  7. January 27, 2011 5:38 pm

    Loved hearing your story Janetha. I’m fascinated by these sort of stories and people’s opinion on religion in general. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. January 27, 2011 5:38 pm

    I love you little nana sandwiches! Totally stealing that! I bet they’d taste amazing frozen too.

    Religion is an interesting subject for me, especially recently. I am not in a place where I really want to answer the question whether God does or does not exist, or whether I should follow a particular dogma or not. However, the last couple of years have made me a lot more spiritual and I’ve actually started going to church for the positive messages and feelings I get from the sermons. I think a lot of the lessons in many religions can be extended to our wellbeing, but it depends on who’s doing the talking and what exactly they are saying, if you catch my drift.

  9. January 27, 2011 5:42 pm

    I LOVE you. I have so many of the same issues (the coffee vs. diet coke addiction; the crazy high meth/porn/plastic surgery use; the judging of others; the afterlife). You understand. :)

    Although, I pointed out the coffee vs. soda thing and my dad hasn’t touched Dr. Pepper since. ha!

  10. January 27, 2011 5:45 pm

    Sub Baptist for LDS in there and we’re pretty much EXACTLY the same, save for the fact that I went with my best friend’s family to church. My parents didn’t care (we didn’t even go to church until my grandparents moved here when I was 7, and then I was baptized Catholic, but the boys were cuter at the Baptist church so I switched when I was 13, not kidding), but my Catholic grandparents resented me for it. Around 18, 19 I really started to see how hypocritical so many of the churchgoers were, stopped going, did some really caaaa-razy bad things in life, stopped doing those things, never went back to the church, but continue to develop my own spirituality all the time. I personally believe we are all praying to the same god, so if Christianity gets you there, great. Buddhism, great. Islam, great. I just can’t get behind the whole if you’re not a Christian you’re going to hell bit. I really can’t.

  11. January 27, 2011 5:47 pm

    I love bananas, but I always forget that I love them. And then I eat one, and I’m like “holy crap this is delicious!” And then I forget again.

    My husband and I are non-religious. We got married by my brother (who was deputized for the day by the State of California). It was awesome.

  12. Krista permalink
    January 27, 2011 5:49 pm

    Wow – if I were to write my “religion story” it would be very similar to yours. Only, I grew up in a Presbyterian church. I did the whole church on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday night thing for years. It was all I knew. And even though I always hated it, I also knew I *had* to go…it’s just the way my family ran and it was expected that we all go. But even as a kid, something felt off– I’d see people at church act one way and then see them act completely different at school. Time-after-time, the behavior of fellow church-goers really made me question what it was all about. Long story short, when I left home, I realized I finally didn’t have to go to church…it was so freeing! I believe there are “many ways to the top of the mountain” and I can’t choose just one way to believe/think and tell everyone else that they way they believe/think is wrong. So I haven’t gone to church in about 10 years…but I consider myself a good person and I don’t feel the need to “cheat the system” by lying, cheating, stealing, etc. My parents, like yours, were (are?) hurt, but I had to talk with them and say I couldn’t go to church just to please them anymore. I guess they finally accepted it, and I do feel like I’ve let them down in some way, but I have to do what’s right for me. I like the idea of a church community though so I’ve looked into one that encompasses all believes (or just spiritual), but I’ve yet to try it out. Anyway, sorry this is so long…I enjoyed reading your take on it and could really relate. :)

  13. andrea permalink
    January 27, 2011 5:52 pm

    I like bananas with peanut butter!! I have the same story except insert Catholicism.

  14. January 27, 2011 5:57 pm

    You are killing me with all this homemade ice cream! I need an ice cream maker! Yes, need. ;)

    • January 27, 2011 5:59 pm

      Haha, I said almost the same thing but a minute later. :P

  15. January 27, 2011 5:58 pm

    I freakin love Google Reader, we’re all such addicts – even posts this long have a bunch of replies within 15 min! :P

    On to the comments: (you provoked a few!)
    – I need to eat bananas & nut butter like that – amaaazing!
    – You are killin me with the ice cream maker! And yea, sugar hangovers are why I’m on a no-added-sugar kick at the moment
    – I literally laughed out loud after reading “I could go off on a tangent” and scrolling down to see the tons of text after – I’d hate to see what a tangent looks like! ;)
    – I agree with you on religion. I came from a Catholic family myself, but my dad had already stopped going to church, so I wasn’t pressured by him, I was pressured by my grandmother! She was devout Catholic, and when I told her I questioned the existence of God, she may as well have died on the spot!

  16. January 27, 2011 6:00 pm

    I was raised Presbyterian but had some pretty bad experiences with Youth Groups in high school… I just cannot stand the hypocrisy that runs rampant in organized religion. My mom is still VERY religious and I have no problems with what others choose to believe, but I’ve been SO much happier since I stopped going to church.

  17. Beth permalink
    January 27, 2011 6:07 pm

    I love bananas. I love them sliced on PB toast or dipped in almond butter.

    Like I said in my comments on the drugs/alcohol post, I was raised in a very strict, fundamentalist religion. There was a lot of confusion and judgment and hypocrisy that ultimately drove me away from the church. My grandma was the religious matriarch of our family and she was really mean. I found out later that the reason she didn’t like me was because I was adopted (therefore not a real member of the family) and I was born to a Jewish mother…which makes me Jewish, and so in her eyes I was somehow tainted. So yeah.

    I still believe in God, but not in the same “Everyone is going to hell but us” way that I was raised. I still try to follow Jesus’ example in the way I treat and care for other people. I basically try to be a good person. It’s honestly a huge relief to not feel like I’m walking on spiritual eggshells anymore, in danger of being condemned to hell at the slightest infraction.

    I remember drinking wine in the presence of someone from church and she told me I was sinning. She insisted that the wine in the Bible was really grape juice (because back then they could TOTALLY control the process of fermentation without the benefit of refrigeration). People have some crazy ideas, most especially where religion is concerned.

  18. January 27, 2011 6:07 pm

    I was so close to making tofu and chicken parmesan tonight. I’m regretting not making it now. Thats okay, its definitely on the menu for next week.

    Thank you for sharing your views on this topic. I am really enjoying learning so much more about you. I had no idea you were raised Mormon. I truly appreciate your honesty and sharing your beliefs now and how you’ve grown because of the views that were instilled in you. You are such an amazing person girl.

  19. January 27, 2011 6:10 pm

    i think the issues you raised are things that people struggle with in most religions. i was raised catholic, but i don’t go to church anymore, nor do i consider myself catholic. i do, however, consider myself religious and to have faith. i found too many things about catholic teaching to be hypocritical, and i just wasn’t happy being caught between what i felt was “right” and what the catholic religion says…. blah blah, i don’t want to hijack your comments, but i like what you said!

    and i DO like bananas! my favorite ways to eat them are incorporated in a smoothie or whipped into oatmeal.

  20. Veronica permalink
    January 27, 2011 6:12 pm

    I thought this was very interesting, but I have to say, your comments on the diet coke vs. coffee thing sound kinda hypocritical. So you are judging them for soda, but saying they shouldn’t judge you for coffee? Just because you *think* it would have been included in the rules? I’m not saying the rules are right/wrong, whatever, but this sounds like a poor justification for drinking coffee. And I’m not sure why you “can’t fathom” drinking soda…what makes you feel that coffee is really any better? Again, not saying it is or isn’t, but that is personal opinion and not a reason to feel that these girls were doing anything wrong. Just my two cents! I am really enjoying these opinion-centered posts…keep it up!

    • January 27, 2011 7:24 pm

      i don’t think my point was clear… let me dive into this a little more. i was not judging them for drinking soda. not even a little bit. i couldn’t care less what they drink. they would look down upon me for drinking coffee. the reason mormons cant drink coffee is due to the caffeine. however, diet coke has caffeine. the word of wisdom was established at a time where soda did not exist. that is why i said that if the word of wisdom was established today, i think things like coke/dr. pepper/etc would be included in the list with the other prohibited items. i am not trying to justify drinking coffee, either. i don’t need to. i was pointing out the fact that i drank coffee and they drank soda, and they were appalled that i would drink coffee–where as i was not appalled that they would drink soda. rather, i was appalled that they would pass judgment on me while drinking caffeinated beverages themselves. also–i didn’t say i can’t fathom drinking soda. i said i can’t fathom those who judge me for drinking coffee when they drink caffeinated beverages themselves. i don’t think there is anything wrong with soda OR coffee. i think there is something wrong with people criticizing me for drinking coffee or tea when it is a whole lot better for your body than soda is. it is not my opinion that it is healthier.. it’s a simple fact. when soda includes things like high fructose corn syrup, sugar or aspartame–they just aren’t as healthy as coffee or tea. i was just trying to give a small example of how i was singled out for so many choices i made. i think that people should spend more time worrying about their own faith rather than picking apart other people and the choices they make.


      • Veronica permalink
        January 27, 2011 7:55 pm

        I misunderstood :) Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have to say that I DO agree with you (and I also DO agree that coffee is healthier…just being a devil’s advocate :)) and I totally understand where you’re coming from. Thanks for clarifying.

  21. Matt @ The Athlete's Plate permalink
    January 27, 2011 6:13 pm

    I am not religious AT ALL, but I believe there is some higher power out there. I can’t remember the last time I went to church…

  22. January 27, 2011 6:23 pm

    THank you so much for sharing. It really lets us into your life. I grew up in a Christian home and am non denominational christian. But I actually found my faith (real faith) when I was out of home and on my own. I also spent time in Africa and worked with orphans. I think that where God’s love really impacted me.
    sorry, I was in a rambling mood too. :)

  23. January 27, 2011 6:26 pm

    holllllllllllllllllllly s*** (excuse my language) I need that ice cream in my mouth asap!!! Looks so good!
    I heart ice cream.

  24. January 27, 2011 6:27 pm

    I love bananas!! I am eating one right now! I also love having sliced bananas in my oatmeal, cereal, and on pb&honey sandwiches. I could eat an entire loaf of banana bread in one sitting.

  25. January 27, 2011 6:29 pm

    Great post. Again. I am loving your more serious responses because I feel I am getting to know a different side of you. :)

    I grew up in an organized Christian church. Went to church camps in the summer, etc. My parents, however, did not go to church. I still don’t really get why we had to go but they did not join. Anyway.

    I also quit the church when I turned 18 and was no longer forced to go. I had some bad experiences with my youth pastors (they basically told me I needed to break up with my then-boyfriend, now husband or I was going to Hell) that just turned me off totally. I still read my Bible and I am still a Christian. When we move back to the U.S. I would like to find a church my husband and I can go to.

  26. January 27, 2011 6:53 pm

    what are you and deej twins together? she was ALL about the naners today haha she even had them with her oatmeal in the morning and her wrap at lunch! uuuh food twins :)

  27. Sarah permalink
    January 27, 2011 6:57 pm

    My boyfriend went through that exact same thing. He was raised in an LDS church, and has since realized that there are alooot of things about the church that he doesn’t agree with. I was actually raised Christian and went to a Southern Baptist middle/high school…Hypocrisy is something that has ALWAYS frustrated me about people in general, but especially in the religion I was raised in. And it’s an impossible quality to not have as a human being; we’ve all had a moment or two where we were not exactly practicing what we preach. But when you’re actually are a preacher for a living, how about you not have an affair and steal from a school? (Yes, our pastor did that. Sigh.) Just stuff like that…Like you said, I know plenty of people who are probably more morally sound than most “religious” people.

    Loving the serious talks!

  28. Christin permalink
    January 27, 2011 7:00 pm

    I agree and understand what you say about people being judgmental. But I go to my church for me and not for anyone else. So people can judge me on this earth all they want but I know who judges me in the afterlife and that’s all that matters to me. I just know how I feel when I go to church and when I don’t. And I definitely feel better when I do. I agree that “to each his own.” you gotta do what’s best for you without anyone elses ideas in your ear. Amen, sister.

    Ps I don’t go a day without eating a banana. LOVE them :)

  29. January 27, 2011 7:01 pm

    Not crazy about banana’s by themselves, but LOVE them cooked in my oats, topped with PB and nuked then mashed on top of PB bread.

  30. January 27, 2011 7:32 pm

    I love banana’s and totally need to get an ice cream maker. It is my most favourite thing :)

  31. Katie permalink
    January 27, 2011 7:40 pm

    I loove bananas! I put them in/on anything I can and paired with bananas bff peanutbutter. sub LDS for catholic, good people at heart is what matters in my eyes

  32. January 27, 2011 7:53 pm

    You are the very best and I love you!!

    I hope you know that I am ok that you are not about organized religion – you have so many great qualities, you have come so far from where you were, I get all that and am so grateful for the life changing things you have gone through, you are an incredible young woman!

    You continue to teach me wonderful lessons in honesty, service, compassion, tolerance, prayer, love, etc – the list is endless—- thanks for being you and always doing your very best! xoxo

    • raluca permalink
      January 28, 2011 5:03 am

      “thanks for being you” – this is probably the most beautiful compliment one person give another person in life.

  33. January 27, 2011 7:55 pm

    Hey Janetha! I have an interesting relationship with bananas. I like them fresh, but hate banana flavored foods. Go figure!

    I’m LDS too, and I totally hear what you are saying. I’m from Montana, and moving to Utah and then Idaho totally freaked me out. The church was so different from what I was used to. The beliefs were the same, but so many of the people … well, I’m afraid I have to agree with you on a lot of points. I had a roommate who had a truly frightening addiction to Coke and junk food. I think that was much worse than coffee.

    I think religion should be a joyful thing that lifts you up and serves as a guide for living a better life. I’ve never been able to see it as a Check List of things you have to do. Too many people around here go through the motions or just live the lifestyle as more of a cultural thing than a religion. That’s their choice of course, but I want something different. I think religion should lead us all to care more for our fellow man, regardless of the choices they make. It certainly should not include judging others.

    Thanks so much for sharing your story!

  34. January 27, 2011 8:14 pm

    Wow, lots of heavy discussion. Thanks for our honesty and openness Janetha. It’s so nice to get a more well-rounded view of who you are as a person, and I’m really enjoying it since I frequent your blog so much.

    Bananas: yes. Anytime, all the time, on anything, in any amount, with any flavor pairing. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. Give, me, bananas. If I had to pick my favorite way to eat one is with lots of crunchy peanut butter smeared on the inside : )

    Yikes, lots of opinions and experiences out there on religion. I was raised Catholic and most of my family still practices, however, I don’t see them actually practicing a lot of the principals they are taught in Catholicism in their everyday lives. I don’t think they even agree with the doctrine 100%, which makes little sense to me. That was one of the things I began to research and question about Catholicism around the age of 19, which is when I started considering going to other churches to find out what I really believed.
    I have a more detailed account of my faith story over at my blog, but essentially, I was sitting in a Catholic mass one Sunday by myself as my family was out of town, and I felt like everyone person in that room was just going through the motions. And at that moment all I said to God was, “You’ve got to be more than this.” Well, no more than a month later a new friend/coworker came into my life through the job I had at the time and invited me to a non-denominational church, so I hesitantly went, not knowing what it would be like or if it was going to be some kind of cult. But when I went to service that Sunday, I met people who genuinely had joy about being at church and worshiping God. And they actually prayed real, genuine prayers (out loud) and read their Bibles. I’d never seen anything like it at the Catholic churches I had attended, and I knew that’s what I wanted: a genuine faith.
    Anyways, I attended a Bible study prior to service and the pastor closed the group in prayer, saying, “and I just pray that all of these young people here today are reaching their full potential in Christ.” And at that moment, even though I knew I wasn’t a horrible person breaking the law left and right or anything, I knew I NEEDED God and I started weeping.
    It wasn’t anything that I conjured up emotionally or intellectually. I know it was God’s spirit opening my eyes and my heart to the truth. That may sound hokey or overspiritual to people (trust me, that used to be me, doubting everything that sounded the least bit spiritual), but it was something that I nor any other human could’ve convinced me of. It was a heart change. I realized who I was, who God was, and how big my sin was. And that even my “good deeds” were often stained with selfish motives. That was more than 5 years ago now and I am even more in love with my Creator than I was then. I don’t claim membership to any “organized religion” but rather consider myself a follower of my soul’s savior: Jesus Christ. And I believe He is the only way to heaven, because I believe every word in the Bible is true and relevant to my life.

    Thanks for opening it up for people to share their stories on your blog Janetha. I really appreciate it as I believe it helps foster a more honest and open blogging community, even if our primary focus is on food and healthy lifestyles most of the time : )

  35. January 27, 2011 8:15 pm

    Yikes, that was long. Sorry! I’m a rambler, too!

  36. January 27, 2011 8:35 pm

    I related to this so much re: religion. I grew up in a strict Catholic family and stopped going to church and didn’t get married in a church and was so afraid of upsetting my family. Ultimately I grew up to be a good person so I think they are okay but it hasn’t been exactly easy for them to accept.

    I need to find mightly maple and try it with bananas. They don’t sell it around here! :(

    Also I just copied you and bought the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream maker. I am convinced that I need it after reading you write about the ice cream you’ve been making. It looks so good!!

  37. Errign permalink
    January 27, 2011 8:47 pm

    I adore your ‘naner sammich slices :)

    I am so glad my freezer sucks and takes days to freeze the basket, or I’d be eating ice cream urryday! I do have a fantastical pumpkin gingersnap ice cream on my blog though :)

    I was looking forward to reading this post of yours, because I had assumed you were no longer LDS anymore & was curious as to why. :) Growing up, my family was not religious, except for phases my mother would go through (which irritated the heck out of me, because I didn’t think being religious or going to church was something you could turn on and off). Generally, my brother, dad & I would use Sunday mornings as a time to go skiing or hiking rather than church, so I’ve never considered myself religious. I do believe in a higher power though & I think for now, that’s enough for me. :)

  38. January 27, 2011 9:21 pm

    Bananas are just about the perfect food, as Rick Reilly wrote: because they taste about the same coming up as they do going down

    As Butters said: When god made me, he must not have been paying very close attention because I turned out wrong, just plain wrong

  39. January 27, 2011 9:50 pm

    wow i could spend an hour just reading the comments!

    i took on your challenge and posted about it on my blog. Day 26: Attraction.

    So far people are loving it and a few people already posted it on THEIR blogs. Way to spread the good stuff, J!

    Bananas…i made nana sammies for skylar just like that every day + a sprinkle of cinnamon in the middle

    and thanks for the email re the giveaway, spam, etc situation

    and religion. way too much to type. I was raised catholic, converted to judasim to be like scott, don’t feel that either. and now…am ‘nothing’. I just try to live a good life and be kind to others type thing :)

  40. January 27, 2011 10:13 pm

    amen to being a good person without the church, i totally believe in that. i was baptized when i was 15 and have had a LOT of ups and downs since, but i’m (mostly) happily active now and it’s working for me.

    i love bananas in cereal. and on almond butter sandwiches. and in green smoothies. yum yum yum.

  41. Amy permalink
    January 27, 2011 10:15 pm

    Yes, I love naners!
    And I am going to chime in on the religion part of your post, only because we have somewhat similar stories. Growing up, I went to a Congregationalist (Protestant) church every sunday. I was very active in my church, and also in my church youth group (traveling on missions to Puerto Rico to build homes for those that did have that ability.. except as I got in my teen years something happened. Regardless of the beliefs and morals that I had acquired, I still chose a different path. As my path got worse, I slowly pulled away from my church — however not their beliefs — and traveled that path until I was about 20 years old. (Now at this point, I am a full blown drug addict; physically/emotionally/ mentally addicted to my drugs of choice. It wasnt until I was in such despair from so many failed attempts at trying to get clean, that I felt I had only one choice left — to end my life. As this transipred, something inside me told me to give sobriety one more try. Was it the prayers to God of relief from the pain I was suffering? Was it fate? I am not sure, what I do know is that without my previous life and life choices, I would not be the person I am today, and I would not have all the wonderful people and experiences in my life. I am thankful each day I wake up, each sunny day I get to breathe deeply into, and I am thankful that I can be the best person I can be — everyday — all while following the same principles I was taught via my religion….
    Did I return to “my church” no. But I returned to God, as he is what he is to me personally, and that is what i feel matters…

    Wow that was a ramble. Sorry! Just wanted to share!

  42. January 27, 2011 10:19 pm

    I hate nanners unless its in warm pudding. I am a believer and religious….I do not judge others on their lifestyles b/c that is between GOD and them. I am active in a non-denominational church and active in many local and abroad mission works, etc. I get a lot of joy helping others so its so, so me oriented! ha But yea less judging and setting a good example to others. My kids had no idea what skin color was until we moved to Memphis for a job and hmmm the Christians taught them. So that was a good lesson on just b/c you are a Christian doesn’t mean you do not SIN. We all sin.

  43. marisa permalink
    January 27, 2011 10:49 pm

    When Eric was in the hospital, his ethnic nurse would say he was low on “potashum”… so that is what we call it now.

  44. January 27, 2011 11:46 pm

    I loved this post! So glad you opened up!
    Gosh now I want to give you a “Jewish lesson!” now that I know you don’t know about other religions.
    Anyhow, both my parents are Jewish but they are fairly liberal and not really religious. We dont go to temple or anything. But I went to a non-religious Jewish elementary AND high school. Actually, I didn’t have nonjewish friends until I went to college! But like I said, my school was NOT religious and we didn’t have uniforms or anything like that. But, because of the schools, I do know a lot about Judaism. I agree with a lot of the Jewish philosophies and I’m proud to be Jewish, but in no way am I hardcore religious and do all the holidays. What I love about Judaism is that it can be very individual and I don’t think its hypocritical. I love that judaism does not believe in converting people to Judaism or forcing anyone to do anything. And challah, challah is awesome!
    I have a question though. If you were to have children, what religion would you want to raise them in?

  45. January 28, 2011 2:41 am

    I’m spiritual, but not religious. I believe in a higher power and I think as long as you’re a good person, give back to the world in some way, you’re good to go.

    Chocolate cookie dough ice cream is my fave. I want Randy to take me out for a cone!

  46. Nikki permalink
    January 28, 2011 3:37 am

    I’m LOVING these recent posts! I’ve been reading you for awhile now and while I totally enjoy reading about your recipes and meals, it’s nice to get to know you a little more :) You’re very brave for putting yourself out there like this, not too many people have that kind of courage. You just keep getting cooler and cooler in my eyes!

  47. January 28, 2011 3:58 am

    I totally agree about hypocrites in the LDS church. It is something I struggled with growing up and it is why I left the church as well. I still believe and have my own faith. I am grateful to the church for the lessons it taught me. I am also grateful that the church emphasizes families. My family struggled with my choices and I think they still hope that I will one day be back. For now I don’t practice a religion. That may change in the future especially as I get older. Who knows…. I do know it was good to read about your struggles and hear that I am not the only one to feel those things.

  48. January 28, 2011 4:12 am

    wow, another great post, janetha! everything from super-yum ice cream (cookie dough is the best!) to your insightful comments on religion. i love when you “ramble”/”tangent”/share! :)
    i grew up mennonite (no, not the type with bonnets/old order – i am mainstream) but no longer attend church – stopped in my early 20s, mainly because i did not make it a priority for sunday mornings. still have a strong faith in God as He has worked wonders in my life. like you, the husband and i get really turned off by hypocracy – we prefer to live with honourable intentions daily, not just appear “good” sunday mornings at church.
    thanks SO MUCH for sharing your experience and views!

  49. movesnmunchies permalink
    January 28, 2011 5:28 am

    oh my gosh your banana is perfectly presented with the nut butter!.. my fav way is def either in a green monster (frozen) or with almond butter!

  50. January 28, 2011 5:42 am

    Great recipe! And, the cookie dough ice cream has me wanting some now!

    Religion is a HUGE topic, and I think you approached it well. There was a time where I was arrogant about religion. I thought religion = strict, hypocritical people. But, I know that it doesn’t have to be that way. Recently, I found faith in God. I think I knew He was always there, but I never reached out to Him. My life feels more complete and I feel much better now that I have opened up a relationship with Him. I don’t know if I will go to church every Sunday, just because I don’t think you must do that to have faith in God. But, I know that I do want to start attending to see how I like it. I can feel God anywhere, not just church. So, the biggest deciding factor will be how the people there treat me and how comfortable I feel. But, like you, I say to each their own. I just finally found my own. :)

  51. Kelly permalink
    January 28, 2011 5:48 am

    I grew up Jewish and so is my husband but I honestly don’t believe in organized religion. I feel like it all one God and religion was man made. I don’t understand how someone can say that a Muslim or a Buddist isn’t going to a glorious afterlife simply because they believe something differently than I do. That goes to the root of being judgemental and that is exactly what all religions say not to do! I remember being a little girl (I grew up in the Bible Belt of Texas) coming home and praying to God that if the world ended tomorrow would he please make an exception for me and my family because we weren’t bad people. Yeah…I was 6. So I am completely against organized religion and the way it can make people feel.

  52. January 28, 2011 6:05 am

    i actually don’t love bananas…i like them in smoothies, but that’s about it! i know…crazy, right?

    I’m a Christian, but don’t really believe in denominations or having to live by rules for fear of being punished for being a bad girl. Having a relationship with Jesus is the only thing that is worth having…and it’s through love for Him that religious laws are followed. I believe in Him, that he died on the cross for my sins, and that I’m forgiven and loved. And that’s all I need to know :)

  53. January 28, 2011 6:06 am

    That chicken parm looks so good! I’m totally going to have to look at the recipe. Oh, and I love the butterfly spoon! So cute!

    I love bananas. I eat them everyday. I love having them with peanut butter! Yum! :)

  54. January 28, 2011 7:12 am

    I love the way you dealt with this topic. My mom is Catholic and my dad is Episcopalian- I went to Catholic high school, but was raised Protestant. Personally, I identify far more with the Protestant faith than Catholicism, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t find a lot of it to be very true. What frustrates me most is the hypocrisy of a lot of the Catholics I grew up with, just like you said- I had one friend who was saving herself until marriage, but did a lot of fooling around with random guys anyway. I’m not saying that all Catholics are like that at all, but I really think that slightly less strict religions with more room for interpretation leads people to be more devout in general, and to stop looking for loopholes that allow them to continue behaviors they know aren’t good for them. My faith is not perfect by any means and I can’t judge anyone else’s religion of relationship with God because I’m not in their shoes, but I think I’m in a really good place for me right now.

  55. ally permalink
    January 28, 2011 7:25 am

    My grandparents on my dad’s side were strict Catholics so my dad had a very religious upbringing (taught by nun’s at an all boys school, rosery praying every night before bed, etc.). My sisters and I were baptised Catholic and sent to Catholic school to make my grandparents happy. I think, in some ways, the strictness of the religion ruined any real spiritual type relationships I could have had because it’s so based on rules and routines and it always seemed like such a chore to me. When my grandparents died we pretty much stopped going to church altogether. My dad now compares forcing religion on kids to brainwashing, which may be a little extreme but I know where he’s coming from. My sister wants to get her daughter baptised not because she cares about the church, but because she has this irrational fear that if she doesn’t her daughter won’t go to heaven. Janetha I competely agree with you that if you are a good person you will have a good afterlife (if there is such a thing, but I think a discussion of that is way beyond the scope of this comment!), no matter what your beliefs are.

  56. January 28, 2011 7:29 am

    1. lurveeeeeee nanners…they’re super versatile. my faves include banana ss, banana oatmeal, and banana & peanut butta.

    2. i was raised in a christian household from the time i was little. we’re nondenomonational, which i love and i’m super contemporary. JESUS LOVES YOU! :)

  57. January 28, 2011 7:36 am

    Fascinating take on religion…Personally, I love hearing all viewpoints, because I was raised agnostic, but taught to respect all beliefs. So, as a kid, I went to mass, temple, unitarian celebrations and more.

    BTW, we are addicted to our ice cream maker, too. I recently make a tart Pinkberry knockoff that was ridiculous, and used greek yogurt as a base.

    • Megan permalink
      January 28, 2011 9:23 am

      OMG Katy! I MUST know how you made tart yogurt in your ice cream maker! In AZ, there are VERY few good tart yogurt places and I LOVE it (especially now that I’m pregnant!!!). Can you please pretty please share your recipe?!?!?!

  58. January 28, 2011 7:37 am

    wow I love your posts recently, and feel like I am really getting to ‘know you’ I applaud you for being so open and sharing your experiences with all of us, janetha–for REAL! you are awesome

    I grew up in a Jewish household–both my parents are jewish and both sets of grandparents are all holocaust survivors (my father acutally grew up in ISrael) I grew up in a somewhat liberal town, mixed religions but the majority being Jewish. I learned about all religions in school which I believe is SUPER important. To not only learn about what you believe in, but what other religions there are out there as well.

    I really didn’t have many non jewish friends until I went to college which was such an eye opening experience, because I found that all of the sudden I was the minorty and I was the first jewish person some of my friends had ever met in their lives. Ever.

    I am so proud to be Jewish and definately am somewhat religious, but I would never preach it over another’s beliefs. I respect everyones choice of religion (or not if they don’t believe in anything)

    AND…we eat. A lot. Thats the best part!!!!

  59. January 28, 2011 7:56 am

    I am about to hop on plane just for the ice cream..

    Religion is such a touchy subject..I find that those who claim to be the most religious are hypocrites. I go to church every Sunday, started religiously when my husband and I seperated 4 years ago, and have found that I have truly changed as a person. I am not a preachy person and when I go out to dinner I don’t demand that everyone hold hands to pray..I feel that I live by the motto, “do no harm” and I teach my children the same. I have introduced my children to God and try to instill in them good morals and values, to be kind to others and to be kind to themselves..I think that alone will put me in a good place after I pass…

  60. January 28, 2011 8:12 am

    Thank you for sharing your story about your religion. I was raised Catholic and so was my husband. We were married in a Catholic church and had our children baptized. I have recently started to think about what religion means to me and whether Catholicism is really what I want to practice. I am interested in attending other churches and learning more about other Christian denominations however I don’t think my husband will be very receptive to the idea. I have not approached the subject with him…maybe I should.

  61. January 28, 2011 8:23 am

    love bananas..i have to have one every day! :o)

    i think we might need to get an ice cream maker. Dh goes through a gallon a week. It would pay itself off very quickly. Ha!

    Thank you for sharing your views on religion. it is always such a touchy subject.

  62. lowandbhold permalink
    January 28, 2011 8:30 am

    I’m loving these deep posts, actually.

    I was raised Methodist, but my parents never discussed God or went to church so I got everything from my Grandma. Eventually I fell into a Southern Baptist church with all of my friends. I was “saved” baptized twice (because they said when I got baptized the first time it was a lie) and totally ruined my relationship with my parents, who weren’t cool with the church thing. It really jaded me and I turned away from God for a long time. Eventually, I realized that I had to do it on my own terms for my own reason and I’m working my way back to my faith. I’m a firm believer in prayer and being a good person – doing unto others as they would do unto you. It’s working for me.

  63. January 28, 2011 9:11 am

    Good thing I logged out of my other alias….don’t laugh….well at least too hard :)

    1) Bananas are best frozen and then pureed in a food processor

    2) I completely understand the struggle between parents & their religious expectations of their children. I belong to a more traditional denomination, however what I believe matters the most is that there’s a relationship with God (regardless of the terms of that relationship).

  64. Megan permalink
    January 28, 2011 9:20 am

    I was raised Lutheran and was baptised in a Lutheran church. I also was married in a Lutheran church, but we are not official “members”. However, I do love the pastor. He was a math major in college, and totally has a logical, scientific, analytical mind (unlike many pastors). According to the Pastor, faith is personal. His sermons are SO uplifting, that he actually makes me want to go to church. BUT, that being said, I am not very religious at all. I pray all the time, but like someone above me said, I believe that everyone is praying to the same God/Allah/Buddah above. We all call him something different, but it’s all the same. I don’t care what religion you are or are not. If you are a good person, perform good deeds, are compassionate, and live your life in an unselfish manner, then you will end up in a good place. Going to church on a Sunday doesn’t make you a good person. It doesn’t justify that you drink a twelve pack every night. Or that you talk down to your wife. I know many people who subscribe to this philosophy, and it’s quite sad. It’s like they don’t get the “message” from the sermons. Clearly I could go on and on about this too!

    On a side note, we are having our first baby in June, and our trying to decide if we want to baptise or christen him… BIG decisions!

  65. January 28, 2011 9:32 am

    1. I need the ice cream in my life.
    2. I LOVE your mom’s comments! they are so sincere and from the heart.
    3. I totally dig your point of view. Growing up Baptist, I felt the same way and as a grew older and partied a little too hard, I drifted away from that. Baptist’s are full of hypocrites too, but also full of some amazing people. Just not my thing. I do believe in the power of prayer and that there is a higher being, just haven’t figured the rest out.
    4.I am totally loving your P.O.V. on these topics.

  66. January 28, 2011 9:36 am

    Yesssss I love bananas! Love banana sandwiches.

    I’ve got a story for ya with religion! I grew up “Baptist” but hardly ever went to church.. I was raised to believe in God but was never really that religious. After I married my husband (who was also raised Baptist), I noticed that he was a lot more religious than I was in terms of studying the scriptures, etc.. he tried to get me to study and I would always push him away. Well, he was “searching” for a church in 2008 after I had our first baby and he ordered a free Book of Mormon. Long story short: I hid in the bedroom when they first came, lol but later my heart was softened – as they always say. Converting has been the best thing to happen to me. I’ve grown leaps and bounds in great ways since I’ve converted. I understand where you’re coming from about the LDS people who act like they are better than everyone else and judge others but this whole experience for me and the LDS people I’m around here — are incredible. I took the Words of Wisdom and used it to help me change my eating habits and that also helped me lose weight in 2009! You mentioned about good people having a good afterlife – yes!!! Of course we will all be judged of our works but everyone gets a chance to learn The Gospel even in the afterlife. That makes me terribly sad as well to hear LDS members are judging others on coffee/tea/whatever because yes, we can follow the Words of Wisdom but it’s our own personal choice. That’s the beauty of it… we have free agency! We all have our flaws tho and I hope that those people who are judging others will take a good look in the mirror at themselves instead of pointing fingers at others. It’s a shame that others get driven away from the LDS church because of others judging and with words – I’ve seen it a lot actually. I just know when going to church that I hear and see things that inspire and motivate me to want to be a better person and I know I wouldn’t get that kindof inspiration If I didn’t go so the church has done so much for me. I pray that all may just focus on doing good and loving one another! That’s what life should be allllll about because that’s what matters the most.

  67. Kate permalink
    January 28, 2011 9:45 am

    I LOVE bananas! I’m bananas for bananas. Okay, not that much. I love chocolate dipped/covered bananas, and I love banana ice cream. Yum! It’s easy to want to make banana bread with bananas that are starting to age too quickly, but I like to cut them up into slices and freeze them for smoothies. Then you don’t have to use as much ice in smoothies, and that’s when the bananas are the most flavorful, so it’s a win/win! yippee!!

    Also, I made the sweet potato shepherd’s pie last night and LOVED it! Leftovers for lunch today! yay!

  68. January 28, 2011 9:47 am

    I guess this clarifies our convo on religion as of last time we talked, funny how fitting the challenge was to that :P I guess you know my opinion now on religion is live your life in the moment and enjoy yourself … no use dwelling on what someone else did, or some kind of bad karma that is going to be “passed down from generation on generation and cursed for the rest of life” hahha , what evz i guess!

    So i know your probably way sick of my two cents as ive been a gab case this past week – but bananas are the GREATEST in a chocolate protein powder+avocado+ice shake. Its like an ice cream. Seriously.
    another great thing, is banana pean ut butter spread, You blend the nana and PB and spread it on anything – toast, dip your pancake/waffles into it… fill your egg white french toast dumplings with them…. yeah i love nanas. :)
    I wanted to ask you one thing -how do you make the “list” of recipes and pages for them? on the meals page i know there is a list, but do you create like a post or something with the recipe ad just tag it to your meals page?
    I cant figure it out!

    • January 28, 2011 10:04 am

      I make a whole new recipe page and each recipe page is a subpage of the meals page and i add links to each page on the master page! they are “pages” not “posts” in wordpress.

  69. Kate permalink
    January 28, 2011 9:50 am

    Oh, and one more thing about bananas. There is a place on 400 South in SL called Lunaberry and they make banana nutella crepes. (They also make strawberry nutella crepes, but this post was about bananas). That is also a great way to eat bananas. :)

  70. January 28, 2011 10:14 am

    In my family everyone has their own personal faith. It is pretty private. I only learned a couple of years ago that my mom believes in god.

    In elementary school I felt left out because most of my friends went to church and asked my parents if we could go. They tried a few different places out before settling on one that met our family needs We all went together for four years, until we made a family decision to stop going.

    Going to church as a family was a great thing to experience and I incorporated what I learned into my own belief system!

  71. January 28, 2011 10:23 am

    Okay, firstly, I wanna know why I have never seen the bite-sized, peanut butter-filled, banana idea until now! Well, actually I’m grateful I found it now :) I can’t wait to try it!

    Annnd secondly, I know exactly where you’re coming from with the whole religion thing. I was baptized into the Lutheran church; I attended the church every Sunday and on holidays. The hypocrite when I was younger was…my mother. Then, as I got older I realized the majority of church-goers were hypocrites and they were judgmental! I was so turned off by religion and I haven’t looked back since.

    I delved into a rebellion of sorts-drugs, sex, alcohol-but I grew out of it at a young age and I think I’m a much better person now than I would’ve been following an organized religion. I think it’s easier to seek a more vibrant and giving life, not through attending church, but through experiencing life as it is and making the most of it by being a good person.

    Anyway, love your blog! And the 30 day challenge :)

  72. Melissa S permalink
    January 28, 2011 10:30 am

    Awesome, awesome, awesome post. I can really relate to having to go against your family to find yourself and do what is right for you. Its never an easy thing to do, but I think in some ways it allows us to grow up a bit. I’m really proud of you and your journey with finding your own path. Religion is a very hot topic so I’m sure you went back and forth on whether or not to post this. But it rocked. And it tells your readers to be who they are inside and out.

  73. January 28, 2011 12:01 pm

    Such interesting topics being brought up! I love it!
    My parents were both raised very strict Catholic and so my Dad does not really believe in religion (he always teases that he put in his time because he literally went to church 5-6 days a week). My Mom has always attended a very liberal church, which we went to growing up. Thankfully, my parents have always let us believe what we want and have never really forced or been disappointed if we don’t go to church now. I think because their families were SO strict, they never wanted to do that to their kids. I definitely believe in higher power and I think churches can be a great form of community, but I just haven’t found the right one yet.

  74. January 28, 2011 12:56 pm

    Great post again!

  75. Genevieve permalink
    January 28, 2011 1:22 pm

    Hi Janetha, I read your blog often but have never commented. I loved your post on religion though, so I had to say so. I think the most important thing to uphold in the whole “organized religion” conversation is a sense of respect. You may not agree with another person’s beliefs, but you have to respect them. I grew up in Idaho and had many LDS friends, although I am not LDS myself. I did/still do disagree with a lot of the principles the church operates on, but I have always thought that the religion does an amazing job of emphasizing the importance of family, values and morals. I am in my late twenties and just now beginning to explore my faith, so it’s very interesting to see where others are at and how they have gotten there. Great post!

  76. Ashley L permalink
    January 28, 2011 1:52 pm

    I got really excited when I saw this. And it was fabulous by the way.

    Then I scrolled as fast as I could to find Mama B’s comment. You have the best mama ever! Her comment the previous challenge made me cry.

  77. runrettarun permalink
    January 28, 2011 2:15 pm

    I love that you are posting BFL friendly recipes! I need ideas. I love bananas. Used to hate them but they really are so versatile. I used to hate veggies too and now I don’t. :)

  78. Jennifer permalink
    January 28, 2011 2:36 pm

    I grew up in a Methodist church that I felt went through the motions. I started going to RUF in college and found people that studied the Bible, took it as truth, and had a relationship with God…how refreshing! I am a Christian now and have found the same. I have found so much joy through the Word.
    One thing I want to say re: hypocrites. Yes, some people are hypocrites, especially if they aren’t asking forgiveness from those they sinned against. All of us, however, sin! And that does not make us hypocrites – just sinners. Christians aren’t perfect. Good news, though, is that Jesus died to completely COVER that sin. There is freedom there and a peace that baffles the pre-Christian me.
    Thanks for being brave and posting your views on religion. Love your blog and hearing about your life!

  79. Nicole C. permalink
    January 28, 2011 3:54 pm

    Love bananas, straight up. I haven’t really thought about other ways to eat them. The frozen chocolate kind are tasty too. Your ice cream looks delectable! Makes me want to get the Kitchenaid attachment, you know since I have so many ;)

    Hmm, religion eh? Welp, I was baptized Catholic, had first communion and then in high school I was confirmed into the church. I don’t go now though. Since i went to a private catholic high school i said that I really didn’t neeed to go since i had religion class. I think one of my best friends sort of pushed away because of the fact I didn’t go to church, no matter what religion i joined. I thought about going randomly or in times of confession to the priest about wrong doings or just when i would like someone to pray for me. It’s sad though because I feel it is SO repetitive and the same thing is spoken each time i went i knew exactly what the priest would say, when to stand, when to sit, what to repeat. Just wasn’t for me. My Mom goes every Sunday and is a Sunday school teacher too. I find that God has better things to do and others to help rather than hearing my needs. SO, I often talk to my Aunt (the one who was killed that I spoke about in the last serious post). I always tell her that if she were here my life would be different and i would have always had the confidence i have been trying to find my whole life. If my prayers are strong enough then she can deliver them for me but I’d rather God help those who need it more than me.

  80. January 28, 2011 5:13 pm

    i think your religious beliefs are great. i am catholic, and was genuinely surprised to find that people had issues with the catholic church. why? because my church in particular, and my family, only taught an over-arching message – being good to others and yourself is the #1 most important thing. unlike other catholics i know who might have been taught something more rigid, my experience with my religion was one of tolerance and doing/standing up for what’s right. i am happy to practice that message today and that’s what religion remains to me!

  81. January 28, 2011 6:12 pm

    Your dinner looks amazing! will definitely make it soon. I made your chicken/broccoli casserole for my boyfriend after you said Marshall loved it, and my boyfriend is OBSESSED with it!! He always requests it now and I showed him your blog (and gave the credit to you for the awesome recipe!)

    I wish I could eat icecream then I’d be all over those creations too!

    I was never baptised or brought up in a religious home so I don’t have much to add regarding religion as I don’t know much about any of them. In some ways i’m grateful for being given the chance to explore whichever ones I wanted to but not having a religious foundation I was never inclined to really involve myself in any as I don’t have a great understanding. The most religious belief I have is ‘karma’!

  82. January 29, 2011 9:48 am

    Homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream?! Shut the front door! That is my fave flavor!

    I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on religion. I have gone back and forth since I was a teenager between going to church every time the door is open and not going at all. I think sometimes I just feel guilty about not going to church and so I dive in head first and overwhelm myself. I do believe in God and the power of prayer, but I’m not as big on gathered worship. I like to learn things for myself instead of being told how to interpret the Bible. I may not be the poster child of a model Christian, but I have been saved and I believe I am going to Heaven when my time here is done.

  83. Vanessa permalink
    January 29, 2011 10:35 am

    What you need to realize is that it’s not about a religion. It’s about a relationship with Jesus. Being good will not get you eternal life. Nor will being a Morman, Catholic, Baptist… I can go to church every Sunday, read my Bible, do the right thing, but it will not get me salvation. You have to confess and believe in your heart that Jesus died,rose again, and is coming again. That’s my view. Sorry so long, I just love Jesus cause he loves me!!

  84. January 29, 2011 5:17 pm

    LOVE bananas :D

    It’s really quite interesting to hear all the diff views on religion – I was brought up Hindu but as I grew odler I moved away from a lot of the ritualistic parts of the religion and bits that didn’t make any sense to me but were done in the name of ‘tradition’ or ‘culture’. To be fair it wasn’t my parent’s fault for trying to teach me this but what they knew and were wanting to pass on after they came to a new country (Australia) from India.

    Australia, unless you go right out to the outback it a very multicultural place – so growing up with diff religions and cultures was very normal. Christianity is still the main one though but school always taught us about every religion which was kinda cool.

    My parents while quite religious themselves have only ever asked me that I keep a corner of my heart for God and never forced me to believe that it had to be the Hindu way or else.

    I married a Christian (actually Roman Catholic) and we had a mixed Hindu/Christian ceremony and it to be honest it wasn’t even very religious at all. We are both more spiritual than religious which makes it work – we celebrate both Hindu and Christian festivals – go to both temple and chuch when we want to and never feel like religion has or ever will be imposed on us.

    As I grow older still and start thinking about the possibility of a family in the future, I find that I want to back and revisit all the practices in mine and my husband’s childhood but really try and understand the meaning behind it all, so that when/if I do have kids I can at least let them know the purpose of doing anything and for the joy of it.

    I believe that God is one, we just all have different names for Him/Her and different ways of showing our devotion – I don’t think it makes a difference what religion you are. If you can take the values and lessons from your faith and become a better person because of that, then you have already won :)

  85. January 30, 2011 10:08 pm

    I’m catching up, even though you’re on vacay I still feel the need to comment! I know absolutely nothing about the Mormon religion so I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on it! I grew up Anglican, which is sort of like a more relaxed version of Catholic. But very rooted in English traditions (my family is Scottish). My mom taught Sunday school growing up and it was a regular part of my life until I was in middle school. But when my parents divorced, we all stopped going regularly. My mom always said church was more of a social thing for our family. It’s how we met people in our area and created some life-long friends. But I think we ALL sort of fell out of the “church culture” when the drama in my family went down. With that said, I am still a very spiritual person to this day. Just on my own terms.

  86. Lisa permalink
    January 31, 2011 5:00 am

    Hi Janetha,

    Growing up in a JW household I had doubts from a very young age that even the “elders” of the religon could not clarify for me. The biggest doubt for me was that if god was such an understanding, forgiving, loving being how could he expect all of civilization to follow one religion and the rest perish. It was all very black or white with so many contradictions. This lead me to investigate other religions to see if I “fit in” or felt god somewhere else. I went to a baptist church (jesus karokee style), a roman catholic (stand up, sit down, didn’t know what to do next) and an anglican where I came to the same conclusion and my questions remained unanswered. The only place where I began to find peace was when I started going to a buddist temple. But I wouldn’t describe it as finding god, it was more like a good blueprint to live you life. I think from all of these experiences I came to the conclusion that life and death and god are all alot less complicated than we humans make it out to be. We have to be satisfied with our lives, whether that means not breaking the law or dedicating oneself to helping others. We can create our own “hell” and if we think we are going there we probably will. I don’t have nearly any friends who grew up with an environment similar to me as I am not in contact with any of the JW’s now and often people put a stigma on people who have left or continue in such a religion. Thank you for telling your story.


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