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the RPE scale.

January 27, 2010

hello and welcome to the better half of the work week!

i know you have all been anxiously checking my blog for the results of the nut poll.. well, look no further, the results are IN.

cashews 41.4%

almonds 24.1%

walnuts 12%

pistachios 10.3%

brazil nuts 6.9%

macadamia nuts 3.4%

pecans 1.9%

woooo! cashews (my fave) for the win!

side note, why do some nuts have the word “nut” after them but others don’t?  like macadamia nut and almond. weird.

which reminds me, has anyone ever seen “best in show”? i love it when dude with the bloodhound is driving to the dog show and starts naming all the nuts.  he DOES say the word “nut” after each nut.  “I used to be able to name every nut that there was. And it used to drive my mother crazy, because she used to say, “Harlan Pepper, if you don’t stop naming nuts,” and the joke was that we lived in Pine Nut, and I think that’s what put it in my mind at that point. So she would hear me in the other room, and she’d just start yelling. I’d say, “Peanut. Hazelnut. Cashew nut. Macadamia nut.” That was the one that would send her into going crazy. She’d say, “Would you stop naming nuts!” And Hubert used to be able to make the sound, he couldn’t talk, but he’d go “rrrawr rrawr” and that sounded like Macadamia nut. Pine nut, which is a nut, but it’s also the name of a town. Pistachio nut. Red pistachio nut. Natural, all natural white pistachio nut.”

okay, okay.. enough about nuts.

reader melissa takes the win for best comment i received yesterday:


January 27, 2010 at 12:58 pm | #59

Not sure if someone already posted about this but are you doing 40mph while taking a pic of your smoothie?????????????????????????????????????????????? lol!

ha! no i didn’t notice that.. and oops.. busted.  my mom’s gonna kill me.

OH~ for those of you who wondered.. i was right about the reason you get cold after eating being the fact that all the blood goes to your stomach to aid in digestion.. and then you get freezing and have to turn on your space heater and then your boss gets mad at you for making the electricity bill sky rocket. eh, what can ya do? that is what he gets for telling me my food stinks.

should i actually talk about some meals & moves already?! sheesh janetha, stop rambling.


waffle wednesday! danica’s wafflewiches lately have been making me CRAVE one so that is what i went with today~ instead of the usual protein waffles.

meal 1: wafflewich @ 8:30 AM

IMG_5748IMG_5746 IMG_5747

for the wafflewich, i used two organic flax waffles that actually have stellar stats and ingredients. check it:


and they were DEEEELICIOUS. i loved the bits of flax throughout the waffles.  i dare say they were better than kashi golean waffles.  for the protein part of my wafflewich, i nuked 3/4 cup egg whites+1 whole egg (in a mug sprayed with pam) for 2 minutes.  the shape of the mug made a perfect little circle that fit fabulously between the waffles.


i drizzled a bit of log cabin sugar free syrup on top as a finishing touch. eaten alongside my morning coffee and checking my work email. scrumptious!


yes, i am classy and eat breakfast at my desk.

meal 2: randomness of random @ 12:00 PM


i am trying not to buy groceries before jamaica. this is the result. in the bowl:

  • 1 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup diced italian tomatoes (canned)
  • 1/2 bag steamfresh veggies (leftover from yesterday, served cold) the veggies were a mix of edamame, water chestnuts, carrots and broccoli
  • 1/2 tsp ranch seasoning


i was surprised by how delicious this was! nevermind the fact that my boss (not the one who said my food stinks, the other one) said that it looked like something his dog ate and threw up into my bowl. thanks boss! i liked it. no wait, i loved it.

snacktime was quite the treat!

meal 3: siggi’s icelandic yogurt + coconut chia granola @ 3:00 PM


SO.. i usually don’t eat flavored yogurt and i NEVER eat siggi’s because it is so pricey.. but it was on sale at whole foods so i decided to treat myself to a container.


here are the stats:


if you can believe it.. icelandic yogurt is even creamier than greek yogurt!


it is SO good!! i sprinkled bits of granola in the yogurt as i ate.


this snack was a tad carb-heavy, but my lunch was a tad carb-light so it all balanced out in the end.


today was cardio + abs day.  i decided to do a 15 minute cardio trifecta!  here are the details~

first i channeled my inner snackface and hopped on the elliptical for some steady, hard resistance training:

minutes resistance speed
0-15 level 15 between 6.0 – 8.0 MPH

total time: 15 minutes, total distance: 1.71 miles

then it was time for some high intensity intervals on the treadmill:

minutes speed incline
0-1 5.0 MPH 0.0
1-2 5.7 MPH 0.0
2-3 6.4 MPH 0.0
3-4 7.1 MPH 0.0
4-5 7.8 MPH 0.0
5-6 5.0 MPH 0.5
6-7 5.7 MPH 0.5
7-8 6.4 MPH 0.5
8-9 7.1 MPH 0.5
9-10 7.8 MPH 0.5
10-11 5.0 MPH 1.0
11-12 5.7 MPH 1.0
12-13 6.4 MPH 1.0
13-14 7.1 MPH 1.0
14-15 7.8 MPH 1.0

total time: 15 minutes, total distance: 1.68 miles

truth be told, i was going to go for 30 minutes but dude next to me was passing gas like there was no tomorrow. i seriously couldn’t even breathe out of my nose it was so bad.  and when running at high intensity speeds, it is a tad hard to breathe through your mouth the whole time. i was pretty annoyed by the whack gym etiquette on his part.. if you are about to poop your pants please don’t try to run on the treadmill next to me. kay, thanks.

i finished up my 45 minutes of cardio with a fun new stairmill routine:

minutes speed/level orientation
0-1 level 10 facing front
1-2 level 10 facing right
2-3 level 10 facing back
3-4 level 10 facing left
4-5 level 2 facing front
repeat minutes 0-5 two more times

total time: 15 minutes

it is HARD to go backwards on the stairmill at a level 10. holy geez.

the reason i do the stairmill so often is i have read in multiple articles that it helps lean out your legs and reduce thigh size.  my legs are strong and muscular which i love, but i really wish they weren’t so big around.  i figure it can’t hurt to do the stairmill as my cardio as often as possible.. right?

finished off with 15 minutes of abs:

  • 1 min ball crunches
  • 1 min decline leg lifts
  • 1 min plank
  • 1 min left side ball crunches
  • 1 min right side ball crunches
  • 1 min 10# weighted floor crunches
  • 1 min hanging leg raises
  • 1 min 10# plate twists
  • 1 min 10# plate ball crunches
  • 1 min stability ball passes
  • 1 min 10# plate crunch and twist
  • 1 min legs-against-wall reach to ceiling crunches
  • 45 seconds left side plank
  • 45 seconds right side plank
  • 90 second plank

whew. total workout took 1 hour and i burned 405 calories. the end.

i got an email from a reader, pat, yesterday.  i sent her a reply but i wanted to address one of the questions she asked me here on the blog because i think others may find it useful!

Q: “I have been doing intervals for 45 minutes each day.  I just wonder if I’m doing enough because I don’t get my heart rate up to the level that you talked about in your blog.  Do you think I need to work harder?”

if you missed it, the post where i talked about working out according to your heart rate can be found here. basically, i explained how i sometimes do my interval training according to my heart work so i can see how hard my heart is working.

BUT.. i have not always had a heart rate monitor or worked out according to my heart rate.  i actually prefer to use the RPE scale as a gauge when i do my interval training.

the RPE scale ~ this stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion scale. here is my definition of the numbers as i see fit:

perceived exertion # description
1 sitting on the couch
2 standing up
3 walking slow
4 walking fast
5 light jog, can feel heart rate increasing
6 starting to get challenging but can still carry on a conversation
7 could not carry on a conversation, working hard but still comfortable
8 the line between comfortable and HARD
9 almost 100% effort, working super hard
10 balls to the wall effort, you feel like you are going to drop dead

when i do my interval training, i like to stay between a 6 and a 10.  i try to do a minute at each level.  i will warm up first, going from a 1 to a 5, and then i will start my intervals at a level 6, increasing the speed and/or incline each minute so the exertion i am putting forth is a tick higher on the RPE scale with each minute that goes by.

i will work up to a 9 (and sometimes 10) and then drop it back down to a 6.  on my last interval, i always do a “level 10” for one minute.  this is when i look like a fool, am gasping for air, almost falling off the treadmill and the veins in my temples look like they are about to burst. it is a pretty sight, i am sure.

SO.. my answer to pat’s question up there was this:

A: “you mentioned your HR does not get up to the percentages that i mentioned.  i think that your target heart rate (which is 220 minus your age, then 50% to 85% of that number.. a nice table to see this can be found here) is something you should strive for, but if you are busting your butt during your intervals and it is hard work then i think you will eventually make steady cardiovascular improvements until you can get to where you are working out comfortably in your target heart rate.

you asked if you should be working harder, my advice is that you should definitely not over-do it because you could get hurt.. BUT the only person who can say if you should work harder would be you. when i didnt have a heart rate monitor, i based my intensity of my interval/cardio workouts on the RPE scale.

i think that while doing intervals, it is important to NOT drop below a 6 on the RPE scale.  and there should be a few short bursts where you are at a level 9 or 10, but these should only last 30-60 seconds.  the real key in making interval training successful is going from a 6 to an 9 or 10 several times, as many times as possible, during your workout.

that is what i used to always base my workouts off of. now that i have a HR monitor it is really nice because i know more about target heart rates and how hard my heart is working.  i know that when i started working out, my “level 10” was nowhere near 90% of my max heart rate.. but now that i have trained a LOT~ when i hit my “level 10” my HR has been known to get up to 175 BPM which calculates to 90% of my max HR.  it is not safe to workout in this range for a long period of time~ but then again i don’t even think it is POSSIBLE for me to keep my heart rate up that high for more than a minute!

make sure you are doing your intervals between a 6 and 9 or 10 every time and as long as you know in your heart that you worked as hard as you possibly could work, i think that is good enough.  i think that if you continue to do this then you will see improvements in your cardiovascular ability and your target heart rate will be easier to reach eventually.  for now, rely on your RPE scale but take note of your heart rate levels during you workout.  jot them down and i wouldn’t be surprised if a few months down the road the same workout you did today becomes way too easy for you a month from now.”

whew. sorry guys, long answer. but the RPE scale is something i use in my workouts every day and i think it is a valuable tool that everyone should be familiar with!


crock pot wednesday!


hmmm.. this was good, but not hit-the-ball-out-of-the-park good.   found a recipe for chicken stroganoff online.. thought it would be better than it was.


in the pot:

  • chicken breasts
  • cream of chicken soup (healthy request version)
  • fat free sour cream
  • chicken broth
  • bullion cubes
  • carrots
  • onions
  • celery
  • broccoli (which i steamed separately and added to the pot before serving)

marshall had his with white rice, i had mine as it was.  i think this was a tad too soupy and could have done without all the broth.  but the flavor was spot on. really tasty.

IMG_5774 IMG_5773

the best part of the dish was the chicken. it was so flavorful and tender! i love cooking chicken in the crock pot!

of course, i slathered my dinner in cholula~



before eating, i whipped out my new secret weapon to distract the pups from begging…


kongs with peanut butter!


this kept penelope and randy distracted for quite some time.

IMG_5792 IMG_5781

haha. love them.

OH! for all you pancake lovers out there.. tomorrow, thursday, january 28th is national blueberry pancake day! so celebrate accordingly :)

before i go.. i wanted to share the latest smoothie ‘stache submissions!

elise the seductive hungry hippie~



image image

lisa reppin’ the purple~



OKAY.. i promise i am done rambling now! congrats if you’ve made it this far!


1. do you use the RPE scale? what are your thoughts on the scale? my thoughts are above.

2. what is your favorite hot sauce? cholula girl all the way!

xo. janetha b.

80 Comments leave one →
  1. January 27, 2010 9:54 pm

    Siggi’s is so interesting, isn’t it? The different flavors are really good, too!

    As far as hot sauce goes, my brother always buys me bottles…he’s a conoisseur!

  2. verbalriot permalink
    January 27, 2010 9:58 pm

    Wow that crock pot meal looks EXCELLENTE! And your dogs are maaaaaaddd cute.

    My fave hot sauce is Srichacha, all the way. I’d die for it. Or from it.

  3. January 27, 2010 9:58 pm

    That yogurt sounds awesome.

    1. do you use the RPE scale? what are your thoughts on the scale? I’ve never heard of it before, but it sounds awesome

    2. what is your favorite hot sauce? sriracha :)

  4. Leanne permalink
    January 27, 2010 10:14 pm

    HAHA! I nearly fell off my chair when I read about the smelly person next to you at the gym.. that same thing happened to me yesterday!!! I nearly died, I only lasted 10 min on the eliptical, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. Sad thing is, he was two machines away from me.. it was travelling down wind *gag* Just because I have my headphones on and music blaring and can’t hear you doing it… doesn’t mean I can’t SMELL YOU!!

  5. Nicole permalink
    January 27, 2010 10:22 pm

    Cashews for the win! YESSS! I’m definitely loving these smoothie shots. Perhaps I will have to take one.

  6. January 27, 2010 10:28 pm

    I missed the poll again! Oh well. Cashews are my favorite by a long shot. I can’t even keep them in the house.

    That soup looks so good. I love broccoli!!!!

  7. mom permalink
    January 27, 2010 10:28 pm

    Hahaha I am laughing so out loud about the gassy gym guy!! :) you are too funny! Great info on RPE–thanks for sharing your knowledge I love you to the moon…..and back xoxo!!

  8. snackface permalink
    January 27, 2010 10:30 pm

    Gahhhh why did I submit pics of me without makeup? Mistake, mistake, mistake.

    BUT, thanks for channeling me on the elliptical! I laughed because I don’t think anyone has mentioned me in reference to a workout. Hilar :)

    So, those waffles sound amazing. That yogurt sounds amazing. THE PUP PICTURES ARE EXQUISITE. As in, they made my night! I just want to squeeeeze those cuties!

    GASFACE next to you on the elliptical–are you sure it wasn’t me? I look mannish sometimes.

    I love this RPE scale! I’d say I usually stay around an eight. But honestly, I don’t pay much attention. I just want to be panting and have sweat drippin’ down my urrthang!

    Fave hot sauce is a tie! I love Frank’s Red Hot and TJ’s Chile Sauce. Both so good!

    Love you so much!!! xoxoxo

  9. January 27, 2010 10:32 pm

    This post totally made me laugh! Love it. I use the stairclimber all the time at the gym (is that the same as a stepmill?) because it gets my HR higher than any other machine…and it’s the easiest to read a magazine :-)

  10. January 27, 2010 10:35 pm

    I don’t use the RPE scale cause I would never get it right. Its too vague for me. I’d rather talk actual numbers and use Polar.

  11. January 27, 2010 10:40 pm

    HAHAHA!! I LOATHE GYM FARTERS! OMG! I had one next to me about a month ago. At least he was “polite” enough to get off the elliptical and walk away instead of continuing with the fumigation. I think he knew that I was on to him. I don’t hide annoyance well. :)

    I love Sriracha! Burns so good!

  12. January 27, 2010 10:46 pm

    “if you are about to poop your pants please don’t try to run on the treadmill next to me. kay, thanks.” – fave line of the post.

    Funny about your distraction technique with the dogs- we were evil as kids and would put the pb on the roofs of their mouths and watch them try to lick it off..very funny, but rather mean! :-/

    RPE- no, I can’t use it b/c I feel like I’m barely working at all and I look down and I’m way hi on my HR. One dude told me I was overtraining b/c I was above my lactate threshold b/c everything seemed easier to me than it was. So now I’m a slave to my HRM.

    Oh and if your soup is too soupy you can add some of the gums to them (best to do what you do with cornstarch, dissolve in water first). Experiment. I’m not an expert at it. I use agar powder too, but not sure it helps hugely until it sets upon cooling (if you want that)

    Have a great night!!

  13. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce permalink
    January 27, 2010 10:54 pm

    kongs are a lifesaver, my hyperactive dog will actually stay still long enough to lick the pb outta there! haha oh man, im totally guilty of driving whilst photographing too! waffles! and it seems like siggi’s is on sale throughout the nation at WF, i must pick some up!

  14. January 27, 2010 11:10 pm

    crock pot meal with brock in it? nice work!
    the scale you are talking about, i have no freakin idea what that is :) you should know by now me and gym lingo are at odds and i am not up on it! LOL

    when i had dogs those kongs w/ PB were my canine babysitters…for hours!!!!!

  15. January 27, 2010 11:13 pm

    Girl you are the crock pot queen. LOVE it. I should use mine more often especially since I’m out of the house on M/W from 12-6pm and I am STARVING when I get home.

    That yogurt…man looks good! I’m going home to Chicago this weekend so I am DEFINITELY going over to Whole Foods (there are no WF or TJ in bufu Champaign, IL) to pick one of those bad boys up! Thanks for the inside tip. I’ve seen them before and ya, they are totally expensive.

  16. Alyson permalink
    January 27, 2010 11:57 pm

    Oh I love Skyr! At the Whole Foods in Baltimore they had the most amazing Skyr, Granola & Berry Parfaits. Sorry the chicken dish didn’t come out as well as you’d hoped.. it sure looks good though!

  17. January 28, 2010 12:23 am

    your breakfast loooks AWESOME
    i saw that Siggis yogurt in the store once.. looks So good!

  18. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    January 28, 2010 2:29 am

    I love love love that savory waffle combo… so my kind of breakkie combo!!! :D
    great info about interval workouts…. I really like doing intervals, it’s much more fun and challenging. :)

  19. January 28, 2010 3:20 am

    I LOVE the movie Best in Show! I think the nut part is hilar. Great, great movie, great cast. I love your waffle sandwich! I’m going to have to try that ASAP! Girl, I am sending you a smoothie stache asap! I keep forgetting to take a pic…. or maybe it’s because I always drink my smoothie after I leave the gym and I look hideous! Either way, a photo is comin’ your way!
    Lex :)

  20. January 28, 2010 4:44 am

    Oh my yum! I am totally a chalula girl. We go through bottles weekly!! And byt the way, that cottage cheese concoction looks GOOD to me.
    About the interval training, maybe Pat should only do interval every other day and then a recovery steady state longer cardio on her inbetween days. Her body just might need more recovery for those harder days, I know mine does!

  21. January 28, 2010 4:45 am

    I KINDA use the scale…I really just go by how I feel. And I LOOOOVE Cholula!!!

  22. January 28, 2010 5:16 am

    your chicken stroganoff looks delicious! i wish i had a crockpot, it makes cooking dinner easier and not too mention crockpot recipes are usually really good.

    never heard of the rpe scale, lol but i do love any hot sauce!

  23. January 28, 2010 5:17 am

    I really like Sigg’s but I have never seen that flavor. Must keep an eye out.

    I don’t use the scale but I try to just go on my own instinct. If I feel like I am going to die, I know I am doing it right! :)

    Hope you are having a fantastic week love! :) Your posts always make my day a little brighter!

  24. January 28, 2010 5:28 am

    Can you believe I’ve never tried a Sigg’s yogurt? I need to get on that!

    Yay for cashews winning! I knew they would. :mrgreen:

    Happy Thursday!

  25. January 28, 2010 5:48 am

    I would also go to town on a kong filled with peanut butter. Frankly, who wouldn’t? You should have readers send in photos of THAT!

  26. January 28, 2010 5:50 am

    EWWWW farters at the gym! Aren’t they ashamed???
    The RPE scale seems pretty fab – never heard of that before.

  27. January 28, 2010 5:53 am

    I always use the RPE scale. I don’t have a heart rate monitor anymore and after years of working out, I feel I can pretty well judge when I’m pushing myself the right amount. It helps that I love to kill myself in the gym so it’s never an issue to be sure I am getting a good workout.

    Can you post the amounts of each ingredient from the crockpot recipe? Looks like something I might like to make :)

  28. January 28, 2010 6:45 am

    I love Siggi’s. It’s just too expensive though. It’s so thick and good.

    Frank’s hot sauce all the way, baby.

  29. January 28, 2010 7:08 am

    1. I think the RPE is an absolutely adequate way to monitor your workouts. When I got Spin certified, they teach this so that if you have students who do not have HR monitors, you can help them achieve the levels during class they desire. I use a HR monitor, so I don’t really need the RPE scale. HR monitors are just easier and more exact I guess.

    2. I’ve actually never tried any hot sauce! Don’t hate me :)

  30. January 28, 2010 7:15 am

    hahahaha oh janetha you cracked me up with the story of the gas passer! Don’t you hate that?? And when your working out you have to take deep breaths which is even worse! LOL

    I don’t use the RPE scale because I can never tell! usually I go by my heart rate monitor because I know when I’m getting to the upper levels of intensity by my heart rate! Like I aim for 160-180 during intervals because I work hard!

  31. January 28, 2010 8:01 am

    I’ve just started doing interval workouts again and I adore them! I feel like I’m going to drop dead when I go all out, but then I feel so strong when I’m finished. And of course I’m a sweaty mess! I use the RPE scale to an extent since I don’t have a heart rate monitor.
    I’m also a Cholula fan (and a Siracha fan, and a Tapatio fan, I love hot sauce)! Have you tried the chili garlic cholula? So good!

  32. January 28, 2010 8:02 am

    GIRL i gota find that yogurt ASAP!!!!!! u get that junk @ whole foods?! that sounds freaking awesome!!
    hahaha your goat comment cracked me up.. hmm its kind of catchy tho! it was awesome-tasted like CHEESEcake.. im already craving it for a snack today!
    i gota find that hot sauce too-im usually a texas pete girl & tobasco makes me want to gag.
    love you! have a great day boo!

  33. louisianagrown permalink
    January 28, 2010 8:03 am

    I’m taking a kinesiology class right now where we are supposed to do at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, log it all, and turn it in. The RPE scale my teacher uses goes from 6 to 20, and he makes us calculate by taking our heart rate for 10 seconds, multiplying that by 60, then dividing it by 10. I don’t like it all. I don’t have a heart rate monitor, so in the middle of running I have to stick my finger all up in my neck and count out beats. Looking like a dufus just turns me off.

  34. Susan permalink
    January 28, 2010 8:08 am

    Ahaha that is my favorite part of “Best in Show”. The part at the end with the calendar always gets me too.

    Your wafflewich looks off the chain. And your office seems tres modern – me likey!

  35. Brandi permalink
    January 28, 2010 8:12 am

    alright, I need to get on this wafflewich train. I never remember to buy them!

  36. January 28, 2010 8:18 am

    Mmm bookmarking that crock pot deliciousness! It looks amazing…! And seriously – these smoothie stache pics keep me cracking up all day – probably a little too loud for the office – whoops. Um and my fave hot sauce – tie between Siracha and Crystals!!

  37. January 28, 2010 8:30 am

    I love that you got caught driving and taking pictures! (In my post today I say I’m at a stop light…I wasn’t. Just don’t need to worry the folks you know?)

    That waffle sandwich looks fantastic and I was just wondering yesterday about microwaving a whole egg – glad to know it can be done!

    HA! I can’t pick just one fav hot sauce – are you kidding?! Cholula, Franks, green Tabasco, red Tabasco, Sriracha….they all rock.

  38. January 28, 2010 8:39 am

    I’m definitely a Franks Hot sauce fan followed by Chalulua!

    love your breakfast waffle sandwich! Makin me hungry for sure!

  39. elise permalink
    January 28, 2010 9:09 am

    hahaha, that nut poll TOTALLY reminds me of best in show. that guy was my least fave character :(

    lovin’ the ‘stach pics!!

  40. January 28, 2010 9:30 am

    Dang, bloggers are a bunch of hotties!! What’s up with that? ;)

    YES to the wafflewich. BOO to me also eating breakfast at my desk, and having to eat cold mushy oatmeal instead of waffles yesterday. I wonder how much I’d get made fun of if I put a toaster on my desk :P

    1. I use my heart rate more than RPE. I actually follow my HR really closely when I do cardio, because I’m specifically trying to train myself to get into my high zones and stay there for a long time. I also get really interested by how quickkly my HR can rise and fall some days, while others it seems to have a hard time recovering between intervals. BUT RPE is great for people without HRMs, and I think a really good tool for fitness instructors.

    2. Does salsa count? ;)

  41. January 28, 2010 9:34 am

    My dogs LOVE kongs with peanut butter in them. I sometimes will fill the kongs and freeze them overnight. I then give the dogs then kongs in the morning so they have something to do while I’m at work.

  42. January 28, 2010 9:40 am

    Best In Show = Best Movie Ever

    “Where’s Busy Bee?!?! Find Busy Bee!”

  43. January 28, 2010 9:58 am

    I LOVE Siggi’s Icelandic yogurt. It is a bit expensive for every day, but I it is a great treat once in a while.

  44. lindsayruns permalink
    January 28, 2010 10:03 am

    That yogurt looks great! Yes, I use the scale and I used to push myself on 10 on the treadmill to the point that I was moaning and straining and D_Y_I_N_G…but then again, gym ettiqute and all. Don’t need to be LOUD!

    I’m totally emailing you this article I have from M&F Hers. All about slimming of the thighs for circumfrence while still being a bad ass. ;) You’d enjoy it I think.

  45. January 28, 2010 10:13 am

    oh and i loooove going forwards and backwards and sideways on the stepmill—it works out different parts of your legs, plus it keeps me from getting bored!

  46. lowandbhold permalink
    January 28, 2010 10:30 am

    I’ve tried a similar kind of waffles as tough and LOOOOOVED the flax-age. Yum.

    Sorry the crock pot wasn’t as delicious as you expected, but hot sauce makes everything better.

    I kind of like regular old Tabasco, but I don’t think I’ve ever tried Cholula. I’m sure it would rock my world.

    Enjoy your day chica!

  47. January 28, 2010 10:32 am

    i love your rambling.

    and you.

    come visit. screw jamaica. i can promise you sub-zero weather, snow and lots of indian food.

  48. January 28, 2010 11:07 am

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Best in Show. The nut part is hilarious!!!!!! If we lived closer I’d suggest we get together with our dogs and watch it! :-)

    Yes, I use the RPE scale. My heart monitor batteries died years ago and I’m too lazy/cheap to get them replaced.

    Not sure about the hot sauce??? I love spicy but never really use hot sauce. Go figure.

  49. January 28, 2010 11:17 am

    LOL SO funny Melissa busted you out. Naughty naughty!

    Gah your dogs are adorable. I just got back from lunch, and right when I left, I tossed Niko her PB filled kong. She loves it!

  50. January 28, 2010 11:31 am

    ummmm those waffles, I need them!! they have amazing stats and look so good with the egg btwn them. when i was younger, my brother and I would take the eggo minis and stack them so high with whipped cream and strawberries-the person who could stack the highest without falling over WINSSS…wins nothing, but still they win and when you are a kid, that means the world!

    that is too funny about the smoothie while driving 40mph!! we CAUGHT YOU!!! bloggies will pick up on everything I have come to realize that. at least I hope you were buckeled up!!

    OMG BEST IN SHOW IS THE FUNNIEST MOVIEEE!!! I am so happy you know and love it as well!!! its one of those movies you wouldnt think is funny until you watch it and are nearly peeing in your pants!

    I do use the RPE scale and encourage my clients to use it as well. i also tell them that if they can talk to the person next to them with no problem, not out of breath, they are not working hard enough! I have never tried choula!! I do love sirachi hot sauce and also franks red hot…i put that shi*t on everything :)

    <3 you!

  51. January 28, 2010 11:40 am

    i love a bit of cholula – but i also love the cock sauce (as i know you do too). too good.

    pancakes for brekkie tomorrow!! weeee!

  52. January 28, 2010 11:56 am

    hahahaaa when i was reading your nut list, i was doing it with a southern accent in my head because of “best in show”! and then you mentioned it, and i lost it.

  53. January 28, 2010 12:03 pm

    MMM – wafflewich deliciousness!!! I LOVE how you added maple syrup – I need to try that next time YUM!

    I have to admit lunch looked funky but I am sure it was good to the last drop :)

    I may have to try out that yogurt now and make the coconut chia granola already!

    Did you use your chicken frozen? If so, that adds a ton of water when it cooks….

  54. January 28, 2010 12:20 pm

    I love best in show! Your wafflewich sounds amaze. And something creamier than greek yogurt? I’m so on it!

  55. Laura permalink
    January 28, 2010 12:48 pm

    I don’t often comment, but this post deserves it- you are hilarious! I almost fell out of my chair at work laughing when I read “if you are about to poop your pants please don’t try to run on the treadmill next to me. kay, thanks.”
    Also, I’ve seen that same chicken crock pot recipe online and was thinking of trying it. Now that it has your approval, I think I will!!

  56. January 28, 2010 12:50 pm

    omg, weird! i had something similar for lunch today! steamed broccoli slaw with 1/2 c. ff cottage cheese & marinara sauce! it IS so good! it reminds me of the flavors of lasagna!

  57. January 28, 2010 1:53 pm

    J Bean,
    I have never used the RPE scale, was always a heart rate girl. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Interesting.

    I think the cottage cheese + ranch seasoning sounds delish. Reminds me I still need to make your buffalo chicken salad.

    Favorite hot sauce…not a hot sauce girl. Been pouring tahini on everything myself.

    I’m coveting Elise’s smoothie. It looks like French vanilla ice-cream. I want!

  58. January 28, 2010 1:59 pm

    OMG i laughed OUTLOUD about the guy rippin ass on the treadmill.. that is NASTY! brething through the mouth doesn’t even work for me b/c i always start to think i’m actually sucking the fart particles in through my mouth.

    definitely best to just VACATE THE IMMEDIATE AREA!!

    i want your basset hound… adorable!! for some reason i have a deep affection for the long/low to the ground types!??!!

  59. January 28, 2010 2:16 pm

    I LOVE best in show. I had forgotten about that part, and it made me double over with laughter. I read it through like 3 times before I moved on to the rest of your post. :-)

  60. January 28, 2010 2:52 pm

    <—doesn't know what the RPE scale is, lol

    OMG the pups with their kongs!!

    That crockpot din looks great. The reason it was too soupy was b/c of the ff sour cream. A little fat in there would have held it together a bit creamier. Still looks great tho!

  61. traynharder23 permalink
    January 28, 2010 3:08 pm

    you are TOO FUNNY!!! oh mna, that ‘s why i watch it to LIVE VICARIOUSLY through the dude that eats that greasy stuff! LOL!

    still it’s a secret addiction, man v food.

    and look at you ROCK THE HIIT! and abs!

  62. January 28, 2010 3:25 pm

    ok after my post on runners and bikers getting hit by distracted drivers… I have to say tsk on the photo and don’t do it agian. K, now I’m done being your mom.

    If i could jsut eat PB all day that would be perfect, but I’m glad I don’t have to like it off a rubber toy

  63. January 28, 2010 3:53 pm

    Never tried hot sauce but really wanna!

  64. January 28, 2010 4:53 pm

    That dinner looks good- I need a crock pot!!

    1. RPE scale is really good for tracking your own progress, especially for people who don’t understand HR, etc. I’m for it!
    2. Texas Pete is my fave! Sriracha is a close second.


  65. January 28, 2010 6:59 pm

    dude pecans are in last?! say it ain’t so! ah whatevs – I love ’em all.. never met a nut i didn’t like (twss.. bom chica ow owww)

    crock pots make life amaze!

    you da bestie, pooks ! xo

  66. actorsdiet permalink
    January 28, 2010 7:06 pm

    doggies with their kongs are adorable! julius’ gets stuffed with banana; it’s just the easiest to put in there and we always have it on hand.

  67. jocelynsteiber permalink
    January 28, 2010 7:14 pm

    Omg love the mustaches!! Too funny and you girls are adorable! I’m a baby and can’t handle any hot food so I HATE hot sauce.


  68. January 28, 2010 7:17 pm

    hahaaaaa i’m pretty sure i’m gonna have a stache tomorrow :) woop woop just gotta pick me up some greeeeeeeeeeeeens! even got my guar gum ready for action haha.

    i workout with a HRM and i don’t know what i would do without it. i just love knowing the level that i’m working at and it helps me monitor the days i should take it easier then the others!

  69. January 28, 2010 7:55 pm

    I’ve always wanted to try Siggi’s but it’s way too expensive. Next time it’s on sale, I’ll have to check it out.

    That is disgusting that someone was passing gas at the gym! DUDE! I totally laughed when I read that though. haha

    Interesting about the stairmill and thigh size. That’s a problem area for me but my gym doesn’t have a stairmill. :( :( :(

  70. Errign permalink
    January 28, 2010 8:26 pm

    Loved that super long ramble ’bout nuts.

    That yogurt looks yum – not sure why yogurt has to be so damn expensive!

  71. January 28, 2010 8:47 pm

    Girl, you’re getting more and more popular each day. No wonder I’m seeing less of you, it must be hectic to respond to all these comments you’re getting! Dang, girl! But not surprised!

    Oh, hahaha! I always wondered about that “nut” thing, too. Dang it, cashews won? I love almonds most myself, and then pistachios.

  72. January 29, 2010 9:08 am

    Franks and Crystal are tied for first place in my life :)

  73. January 30, 2010 7:18 am

    hahahahah so its 9 am on a Saturday in my dorm.. and I’m pretty sure already my roommate thinks I’m a crazy person because I fixed oatmeal and french press. On a Saturday. And now I’m laughing out loud at your space heater comment and your classy wafflewich sandwich at your desk. Thanks Janetha.:/

    OMG But I loooove the wafflewich. If I had a toaster that would be what I would make. I love Siggi’s but I almost think its not only too creamy, but tooo tangy for my taste. The tang factor of greek yogurt is a little less I think. :)

    So glad you’re liking my granola!! xoxo

  74. January 30, 2010 7:18 am

    I also can’t believe cashews are the fave! I think cashews are one of my least fave. I like almonds and walnuts.


  1. An anti-atrophy agenda (part 1) « hungry hungry hippie
  2. Hittin’ the HIIT « The Great Balancing Act
  3. bits and pieces. « meals & moves
  4. one minute treadmill intervals, three ways. « meals & moves
  5. “it’s like a TV dinner, but real!” « meals & moves
  6. flashback friday: 2010. « meals & moves

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