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and i still couldn’t come up with a title.

December 29, 2009

sometimes i have a title in mind before i start rambling.. but most times i hit publish on windows live writer and it reminds me that i have to enter a title before publishing.  today is most times.. let’s see what i can come up with~ am in a pretty random, sassy mood so this could get interesting!

let’s start out with a search term from today’s wordpress statistics:


oh wow.  that is comforting to know that

A) someone is searching for “”

B) my blog comes up when this is searched. oh boy!

okay. moving on.


i ended up eating breakfast pretty late today~not until 9:30.  i cooked myself some protein oats on the stove in my work kitchen.


one of my bosses was in the kitchen with me and says: “hey janetha, could you maybe remember to turn the stove off when you get done making your mush? you’ve left it on a few times.”

um. oops. so i guess i have almost burned down the building once or twice.  i must be such a space cadet to actually leave the stove on.. that or i am just REAL excited for my protein oats and forget to turn it off!


topped with mighty maple and eaten along side a cup o joe~ perfecto.


my day was filled with lots of year-end busy work and trying to prep things for my new assistant~she starts monday and i am in no way prepared to train her!  ah well, lucky for me we already knew each other so i am sure she won’t be bothered by mess of a self come monday morning.

lunch was a repeat of last night’s dinner, minus the bleu cheese and plus honey mustard.

buffalo chicken salad~


i actually think that this was even better today! all the flavors had the chance to meld together fabulously.


i had to work late today and had a lifting session straight away so i fueled up shortly before leaving the office.

chocolate banana protein shake~


the shake itself was pretty unphotogenic so i decided to show you my shake with this kailey style steeze.  all this outfit does is remind me how much i wish i had an h&m in salt lake.  it is, hands down, my favorite clothing store.  my top and my shoes are from there~the cardigan is from nords and the jeans from good old nordstrom rack, another one of my favorite clothing stores. even though it can be a hassle to deal with the rack shopping, you gotta love uber cheap true religions. oh and P.S. my bosses who care were out of town so jeans at the office it was!


today as i was driving to the gym i pulled out my body for life journal from my first challenge.  i was flipping through it to get ideas for today’s workout.  i got a huge kick out of some of the stuff i wrote so i thought i would share it with you.

OH! first of all it was a sign from god for me to check out this old journal because look what i found!



and then i read some of the entries. they were rad and made me realize i need to start doing this again, just so i can look back on my thoughts. writing things down in a book is a lot different than typing on the blog.

exhibit A:

these were the meal/exercise logs from DAY ONE of my challenge. (click to enlarge)


i love how i wrote down “planned” meals and then “actual” meals. dang, i was one organized janetha b! i want to be that girl again. she was determined and had mayjuh success.

exhibit B:


this day is from the end of october. so yeah, you can see i did taper off on the meal planning but i still kept track of what i ate.  what i love most about this page is that i wrote “PENNY!” with a triple underline. that was the day i got my little bean and i am glad i have that on paper :)

exhibit C:


haha. “i feel skinny & good!” YES. and that was only 4 weeks into my challenge. love it. i also love that i can read my meals & moves for that exact day that i felt “skinny & good” and see what i was doing right and what works for me to feel good. that is worth solid gold, folks.

anyway, all this BFL reminiscing had me wanting to integrate some BFL lifting into my workout today.

my workout was of the lower body variety today.  unfortunately my ankles hurt from running in my new shoes yesterday.  gotta break them in!  so i didn’t do calves but i did everything else.

  • warm up=5 min on treadmill @ 6.0 incline 2.5

*i did 15 bench tuck crunches between these sets:

exercise weight reps
bulgarian split squats 10# db each hand 12 each leg
bulgarian split squats 12# db each hand 10 each leg
bulgarian split squats 15# db each hand 8 each leg
bulgarian split squats 17.5# db each hand 6 each leg
bulgarian split squats 10# db each hand 12 each leg
step up w/ knee raise 5# db each hand 12 alternating

*i did 30 floor crunches between these sets:

exercise weight reps
barbell dead lift 25# barbell 12
barbell dead lift 30# barbell 10
barbell dead lift 40# barbell 8
barbell dead lift 50# barbell 6
barbell dead lift 30# barbell 12
stability ball ham curl body weight 12
exercise weight reps
laying bridge 10# on hips 20 x 3 times
mountain climbers body weight 20 x 3 times
donkey kicks body weight 20 x 3 times


the end!


i refueled with quite possibly the most chemical-laden protein bar out there:


i am fairly certain that the ingredient list is longer than randy the basset hound.


i made up for it by having a super clean dinner!

i started out with some chicken that apparently graduated from college by the looks of the cap~


good thing! i would not want to be eating stupid or even semi-unintelligent chicken.

this chicken was not only smart, it was also vegetable grain fed, antibiotic free and all sorts of natural.

i finally had the chance to use my cute new mini le creuset casserole dish!! (which, by the way, i snagged for five dollars at tj maxx)

i coated the chicken in lots of seasonings, such as garlic, basil, thyme, oregano.. you know. the basics.


i topped the chicken with some chopped red onion~


and covered it all with marinara~


baked it for about 40 minutes at 400 degrees [f] and then topped the final product with some fresh grated parmesan using my cute new mini cheese grater~


ah i love mini things! mini grater, mini baking dish. i was in mini heaven!

i ate the chicken over a bed of steamed vegetables~



and now i am sipping on some english breakfast tea and hanging out at mi casa.


one page i saw in my BFL journal was this:


i wrote: “went to gyno – she was rude about protein. lame!”

ah! it all came back to me! back on october 7, 2008 i went to the OBGYN and she seriously reamed me about eating 120g of protein daily.  i was very active in the body for life message boards back then and posted about it.  that post can be found here (with replies) but i have copied/pasted part of it for convenience:

the gynecologist asked what supplements i was taking, i told her CLA, fish oil, and that i used protein powder. she asked me why i used protein powder, and i explained to her that i eat 6 times a day, balance my protein and carbs in every meal, and aim for 20g protein a sitting so i end up with 120 g and 120 g protein each day. when hearing this, she kind of went berserk, it was weird. she freaked out saying that it was WAY too much protein for someone to consume daily.

her exact words were “well this better just be a temporary weight loss plan and not a program you intend to follow for the rest of your life!”

heh.. i said well, it is for life actually. and then i made it clear that it was not just to lose some quick weight. instead, it is to stay in shape and maintain a healthy figure. she was not having any of it.. she told me that if i eat 120 grams of protein a day, my bones will become brittle and weak and my body will pull all the nutrients in my bones to process all the protein my body is taking in.

i told her that i take a multivitamin and that i still eat food that have a lot of calcium. she told me that there is nowhere near enough calcium in any of the food i eat to balance out eating that much protein. the worst part is she was very rude about the whole issue.

i do not know much about how our bodies process protein and what protein takes away from our bones, i am no nutrition major..i just follow BFL recommendations for my body size and all i know is that it has made me feel better than i ever have.”

wow. i remember this appointment like it was yesterday!  the doctor was so rude to me.  i thought it was a little out of line for her to be lecturing me on my protein intake when i was not asking for her opinion on it~i was simply there to get an annual exam.

it is ironic that i saw this journal page today because.. back to the doc i go tomorrow! yes, i know.. it has been OVER a year since october 7th.. oops, my bad. a little late. hey whit~i guess that is my confession for today!

when i made the appointment i made a special request not to see the same practitioner.  although i think it would be fun to see her again and tell her that i am doing just dandy with this much protein in my daily diet, nearly 15 months later.

anyway.. i guess there is no real purpose for that whole ramble~i just found it ironic and interesting that i came across it today!

hey, i warned you at the beginning of this post that it may be a little odd.  hope i delivered.



1.A: what are your thoughts on my experience at the doc last year? do you think it is out of line for a gynecologist to criticize, in a very rude manner might i add, your healthy eating habits when you have not asked for an opinion?

1.B: what are your thoughts on protein intake? is it important to you? do you keep track, or not really pay attention? how much protein do you aim for daily? i know that my body responds well to and equal daily intake of carbs/protein so that is what i aim for.  typically, i like to eat 1 gram of protein for each pound i weigh (roughly).

yeah.. those are long and intricate questions~but i would love to hear what you all have to say!

and if you don’t feel like answering those~

2. what is your favorite clothing store? h&m for liiiiife. oh h&m, please come to the SLC.

oh gee- i just realized i still have no idea what to title this post!

59 Comments leave one →
  1. December 29, 2009 11:15 pm

    WOW so lame about the gyno-the entire post i was thinking “i love how janetha loves her protein because i do too!” IM ALL about some protein and protein shakes..
    fav store-express or forever 21!!

    what is h&m? maybe im so out of the loop?!

  2. December 29, 2009 11:19 pm

    H&M is the BEST! Hands down! I used to shop there when I was younger in Scandinavia (since its a Swedish chain) so I was THRILLED when they brought it to San Francisco and are now popping up all over the US :)
    As for the protein- I eat a sh!tload of protein- mostly because I just LOVE and naturally crave tonnes of protein, but I also eat enough carbohydrates and fat to balance it all out. 120 grams/day does seem like a lot of protein, but if you’re eating balanced, I think its fine. I do remember learning in my college nutrition class though that too much protein can contribute to kidney damage.

  3. December 29, 2009 11:31 pm

    I have never been in an H&M and it kills me, because I know I’d love it.

    I remember that appointment too (Well, your tracker post about it) I know you know how I feel about protein. BFL has proven to me time and again that it works, so I think I’m a lifer on that. (Well except for the holiday carbfest that needs to END. ugh. Yay New Years!

  4. December 30, 2009 12:26 am

    I think your gyne could have said it in a nicer manner, but there have been studies showing excess protein is harmful in the ways she/he stated…and I do think it’s a physicians responsibility to comment on something that may be harmful to their patients health, although they ought to do it in a kind, diplomatic way :) I LOVE H&M too, I always walk out of there with a new purchase when I visit! Your mini casserole dish is adorable, too.

  5. December 30, 2009 12:33 am

    Hey girlie! Wow, it’s cool looking at your old journals! You were so organized! I love that about blogging, too–being able to look back at certain posts and immulate that behavior. I have a journal where I kept track of my weight, so now I look back at really “good” periods and see what the heck I was eating! It’s great.

    Re: your gyno. Well, I basically never think it’s ok for someone to be rude. Right or not. As far as protein, I am really no expert, but I strongly believe that the body is not a machine and therefore it is different for everyone. My mom, for example, does really well on a high protein diet. I do better with a balance. It’s personal!

    It’s obvious from reading your blog for so long that you really do know what works best for YOU–so whatever that is, just keep doing it, because you look great!

  6. December 30, 2009 12:56 am

    Ahh I loved your ramblings! I also loved seeing your BFL journal – so fun to look back at what you were doing/how you were feeling a year ago.

    1. I would be SO OFFENDED if my OB told me anything like that. I know I would cry…I get really flustered at those appointments anyway, and I’m sure it would have caused a major meltdown on my part. Geez, you handled it well, girl.

    I wish I ate more protein…I try so hard to squeeze it in, but I just don’t really like it. I feel fine without a huge amount in my diet…but I never stay full for long – so I try to bump the intake whenever I can.

    2. I hate shopping for clothes, so no favorite stores for me. :-)

  7. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    December 30, 2009 4:09 am

    I’m sorry that that doctor was rude to you but I think she has a point there! I do agree that 120 g of protein a day is way too much and for the long time health concern, especially for your bones, you might want to do a little research on that issue. From what I’ve learned, we need just 0.5g per kg of body weight to function, more than that will consume calcium from your bones to process the extra protein that you take. Furthermore, from China Study, protein, especially from animal source contributes to develop cancer. So, dear, you really have to reconsider it. Maybe talk to other nice nutritionist? or read more about this issue? I wish you the best and I know that you stick to it because this eating style suits you and works, but you should know that health concern is priority number 1 comparing to weight issue, right?

  8. December 30, 2009 4:52 am

    My confession for the day is that I absolutely love cookie dough balance bars ;) I know they have more weird stuff in them than my mom’s boxroom, but they taste awesome!

    1.A: what are your thoughts on my experience at the doc last year? do you think it is out of line for a gynecologist to criticize, in a very rude manner might i add, your healthy eating habits when you have not asked for an opinion? I think it’s…um…not sure. It’s her place to voice concern about health issues, but I think she could have been more polite and pointed you in the direction of a nutritionist if she was worried. She isn’t qualified to give out nutritional advice. There is a lot of research on too much animal protein putting strain on kidneys, but BFL is nothing like Atkins or anything so my guess would be that 1g per lb of body weight is probably okay, especially since it is so well balanced out. I’m no nutritionist though!

    1.B: what are your thoughts on protein intake? is it important to you? do you keep track, or not really pay attention? how much protein do you aim for daily? I count protein because I feel best when my protein intake is decent- recommended for me is about 40-45g but I eat closer to 70-80g which seems to work for me. I have concerns about eating too much more than that on a regular basis.

    and if you don’t feel like answering those~

    2. what is your favorite clothing store? River Island (UK).

    OMG- I was just writing this when your card came! Thank you so much! LOVE the photo of you all :D YAY!

  9. December 30, 2009 4:56 am

    I had a very similar experience with a doctor once – and also even had it in GNC once. The woman working there told me I didn’t need protein powder since I am a woman. I’m like WTF? I’ve done my research for years and find it fine to consumer 1 g of protein for bodyweight – it works for me and I look my best. I think you should do what works for you! The only instances I have seen otherwise is when I’ve have clients that get kidney stones often – but it’s usually because of something else.

  10. December 30, 2009 4:57 am

    Hey there lovely lady!

    Okay quick question for you…

    What kind of Protein Powder do you use to make your shakes? I am totally lacking in my protein because I have had to eliminate dairy and I need to find some more ways of getting in some essential nutrients. (I can’t eat meat either)

    Actually, I am sure this is somewhere on your blog, but what do you all put in the shake? I think I need to start making these a daily thing. I really want to avoid the pre-made products, like Ensure, that stuff makes me gag! :)

    Hope you are having a great week hun.
    Much love! <3

  11. December 30, 2009 5:15 am

    I would have punched that gyno…seriously. I’ve had meal plans where I was gettting 200g of protein and i’m fine (body convulsing). No really you have to do things for your specific goals. You don’t want twig arms or a head that looks like it’s twice the size of your body so eat your protein!

    The rules of food change every year it seems. That’s why I have a trainer so he can keep my mind aligned…somewhat. He is an expert and studies all this stuff.

    I figure since some bloggers are starting to hop on the protein band wagon kick more will follow.

    I haven’t been clothes shopping in forever. I use to like Von Maur.

  12. Stephanie permalink
    December 30, 2009 5:28 am

    Hmn…. well, I think we are all in agreement that she should have been more diplomatic in her manner. As for the amount of protein, I think (from my magazine-blog-book educated viewpoint, ha!) that since you are getting the majority of it from whole foods, you are fine. I think it would be more concerning if you were drinking protein shakes/bars/etc. all day every day, but you get lots of “natural” protein such as greek yogurt, organic chicken, etc. If you think about the SAD, most people who eat “typically” American eat that much protein. It’s only when you look at other regions– such as the medeterrain diet, etc.– that you see a significant decrease in protein.

    Fave store– Target. One stop shopping!!

  13. December 30, 2009 6:00 am

    I looove looking through old journals. I kept detailed records of my food and workouts a year ago too. It’s fun just to flip through and see how my strength increased over the months!

    1a. Not cool for a GYNO to chime in about DIET. Maybe if your diet was affecting your nether regions. If she was that concerned, she should have referred you to a nutritionist.

    1b. Ha, I must eat more than you because I get around 120g of protein a day, and still take in around 200g carbs!! Maybe because my fat is always so low? Anyways, I function best around 120g protein too. I’d say I got around 60g when I was a vegetarian and was really lethargic back then. I also tried getting around 160g a day once and my tummy bloated out. Also, I like a lot of my protein to come from meat. I don’t know how but animal protein just makes me feel more energized!

    2. Does the Running Room count? :P

  14. December 30, 2009 6:35 am

    Wow what a jerk of a GYNO. I Say for the amount you work out/intensity thats good for you for maintaining muscle mass. screw what the doctor says and do what works for you!!

  15. December 30, 2009 6:52 am

    heeeey! I have a question! My new nutritionist suggested getting more protein… Your protein oats look realllly good! The only thing is I don’t have enough time in the mornings to cook it on the stove! Have you ever made it in the micro? what would you reccomend?

  16. December 30, 2009 7:00 am

    Ok, so I am going to totally generalize here so hopefully people realize that this has been MY experience and I do not think every doctor is like this, BUT every female doctor I have been to has been very judgemental. I had one female gyno question my personal business because of one abnormal pap and it turns out that the test was taken right before my monthly visit and was completely normal the next time. I also had another female dentist question my oral hygiene because I had a tooth crack. Despite the fact that I went to see her associate 2 months earlier and he told me there was nothing wrong with my tooth and I just needed a $400 mouth guard!

    I know there are some great female docs out there, my sister being one, but I feel that in my experience, they are very judgemental and almost did not listen to me because they “knew” best. Now my male gyno is awesome and despite the gender difference makes me feel so comfortable. And he looks like Ross and Monica’s ad from friends! :)

    Sorry for your experience, you are obviously treating your body very well. Sorry even more for my rant…

    Fave store? BCBG and JCrew. Love them.

  17. December 30, 2009 7:10 am

    I love your schmancey cheese grater!

    And that buffalo chix looks devine.

    I needz pics of your doggy. C’mon!

  18. December 30, 2009 7:23 am

    You are so funny! Smart chicken indeed! Try finding turkey/chicken deli meat WITHOUT added sugars! That is a challenge!
    I had to comment on your ‘blog title’. I can NEVER think of a title, and therefore have succumbed to terrible alliteration filled titles:
    Terrible Tuesday, Monday maddness, or simply Wednesday…
    I have no creativitey! I think your titles are good! I love the pic of you drinking coffee! so cute!

  19. December 30, 2009 7:36 am

    1. That gyno definitely sounds out of line. I mean I’m sure she was just concerned, but there are better ways to express that. And it seems like your plan has worked GREAT for you. I would have definitely been a bit shaken up though.

    2. I don’t keep track of my “exact” protein intake, but I do make sure that each meal has a good balance of protein + carbs, as well as some fiber, because I know that’s the combo that makes me feel the best.

    3. Love H&M! Wish we had one. Also, I love Gap, Urban Outfitters, and Banana Republic.

  20. julie permalink
    December 30, 2009 7:42 am

    dude that outfit is killa. i know you had to beat them boyz down ;)

    that gyno was out of place. it had nothing to do with the vijay jay so she should have just shut her mouth. she was prob just jelly that you looked good! biotch.

    i lurrv me some h&m and nordstrom rack and marshalls :) my tight or lack of bank account restricts me from the places i would really love to shop. my favorite of all is for sure lord and taylor …(their sale rack).

  21. eatolive permalink
    December 30, 2009 7:50 am

    there was no need for your gyno to be RUDE!

    if she wanted to say anything about your protein intake, she could have done it in a better way!

    looove H&M :) …i have seasonal store loves, haha. I absolutely adooore JCREW in the fall/winter but not so much in spring/summer. :)

  22. December 30, 2009 8:02 am

    Can I just tell you how much I love your meals??

    And I think that doctor is wrong!! Sometimes I eat more like 160 grams a day! And as long as your not going super low carb with it (Like Atkins) and you don’t have any kidney problems than eating that much protein isn’t that hard on your body!

  23. Lara permalink
    December 30, 2009 8:16 am

    Newer studies have shown that higher protein intake is NOT dangerous unless someone has a pre-exisiting medical problems that necessitate a lower protein intake. The purported “dangers” of more protein were from eons ago yet still get cited (especially by vegans) I can’t remember the exact number but basically no harm from it unless someone is exceeding something like more than 2 grams/lb of their body weight in protein and even then there is no conclusive evidence it is harmful unless it causes someone to not eat other important nutrients.
    I do think it is best to get protein from whole foods.

  24. December 30, 2009 8:26 am

    Wow, that search is a little crazy! I get some creepy ones too. Some real crazies out there!
    Love the outfit:)

    1. I think it was not your dr’s place to be rude and lecture you like that. A) it’s rude, and B) she’d an OBGYN, not an RD

    2. I don’t keep track of my protein amounts, because I believe (and I’m only speaking for myself here) it’s easy to get enough protein without taking lots of supplements/eating lots o’ meat etc. In my experience, about 1 -1.5 grams of protein per body weight in *kilograms* works best for me. Again I don’t keep track of it, though. I just try to make sure each/most meals consist of mostly veggies/whole grains, a little fat, and a little protein. Works for me, but I agree that others in that it’s highly subjectable. One person may need more protein than carbs, and another vice versa! I’m one of thsoe vice versas ;)

  25. December 30, 2009 8:28 am

    I track my protein sometimes but not always. I’ve stopped counting calories so that makes it more difficult. I think you should do what works for YOU. I like protein but it also gives me a huge headache if I eat too much of it at once. Same with caffeine. I love fruit and eat 3-4 servings/day which some people may think is too much fructose. Do what you want and don’t let some gyno try to talk you out of it!

    The Buckle is my favorite store for jeans and American Eagle for tops.

    I love all your chicken recipes and am so stoked because I finally found a store that carries turkey breasts (I can’t digest chicken) so now I can recreate some of your amaz recipes. :)

  26. December 30, 2009 8:58 am

    1.A: what are your thoughts on my experience at the doc last year? do you think it is out of line for a gynecologist to criticize, in a very rude manner might i add, your healthy eating habits when you have not asked for an opinion?

    I do think her approach was rude. I didn’t realize that protein affected calcium intake (or is it that if you were eating so much protein, not enough room to eat milk products?).

    I think maybe she could have said the same message, less rudely and harshly. Something like – “it sounds like you’ve researched this pretty thoroughly. I’m a little concerned you aren’t getting enough calcium though”

    1.B: what are your thoughts on protein intake? is it important to you? do you keep track, or not really pay attention? how much protein do you aim for daily?

    I honestly don’t pay too much attention. I’d be interesting in reading/learning more about it though!

    2. what is your favorite clothing store? lululemon

  27. December 30, 2009 9:13 am

    isn’t it fun finding old journals? I have a diary at my parents house that has a little lock on it, but I don’t know where the key is! :)

    1.A: what are your thoughts on my experience at the doc last year? do you think it is out of line for a gynecologist to criticize, in a very rude manner might i add, your healthy eating habits when you have not asked for an opinion?

    NO – that is crazy. I think there is always a good way to talk about those things, a respectful and ADULT way to discuss them, but being rude is not a good way to get a good response from anyone.

    1.B: what are your thoughts on protein intake? is it important to you? do you keep track, or not really pay attention? how much protein do you aim for daily?

    I have no clue how much protein I eat :)

    2. what is your favorite clothing store?

    Used to be B. Moss, but it closed…so I don’t know now! I like the Gap sometimes, Old Navy for cheap stuff…and Banana Republic (love) but can’t afford anything in there.

  28. December 30, 2009 9:13 am

    I’m pretty sure she is right about protein…anytime you overconsume a certain ingredient it will overshadow the others. however what she failed to mention is that if you eat a balanced diet WITH the 120g protein, and you are utilizing it ALL, then it balances out anyway. Might have to take extra calcium to do a balanced diet there, but as long as you are utilizing all that protein and having enough other nutrients, your body should be able to process everything just fine! It is when you have things in EXCESS that you aren’t utilizing when it becomes a problem.
    don’t quote me on this, because I’m no RD yet, but yeah.
    Love you!
    Stupid doctors know nothing about nutrition.

  29. December 30, 2009 9:18 am

    Okay, that search term made my whole morning. Hilarious. “Meals and Night Moves?” perhaps?

  30. December 30, 2009 9:24 am

    Hope you have a good appt girl!

  31. louisianagrown permalink
    December 30, 2009 9:27 am

    I think that no doctor should ever be rude to you. That is just not the way to gain your patient’s respect or get them to listen to your advice. With that said, I do believe that doctors are trained to speak up when they think someone is hurting their health, whether or not they have been asked. If she was that rude and passionate about it, I think it would really be worth talking to your family doctor about and seeing his or her opinion on your protein intake.

  32. December 30, 2009 10:10 am

    love love love H&M! i just bought two dresses from there on sunday!

    yay for mighty maple – do we have any updates on whether or not it is in fact getting discontinued? gah, i sooooo hope not.

    as far as protein…i think to each his own. if high protein works for ya, i say go with your bad self. personally, i don’t really crave protein (ahem, i love me my carbs), so i don’t really worry about my intake, and i feel fantabulous!

    i LOVE anthropologie. now only if my wallet loved it too…. :)

    mwah – love ya!

  33. December 30, 2009 10:15 am

    I like H&M, but sometimes get frustrated at how you have to really pick through the racks, kind of like at Forever 21. There is just too much to look at. It’s sensory overload.

    I don’t really have an opinion on protein. But I do always forget to turn the oven off.

  34. December 30, 2009 10:51 am

    I love all the flashbacks on this post. That doctor sounds cray cray though. Everyone is different, and if what was working for you was WORKING for you, she should have kept her mouth shut.

    Also, I giggled at the stove comment. I do things like that ALL the time. And whilst it is really not funny, it is in a way. But if the building burned down it would not be. You see what I am saying, right?

    Anyway, I think the journals are great. That’s what I love about blogging too. Just go back and see what was working and where you went wrong. You are right JB! We shall be back like we want in no time. WE CAN DO IT.

    <3 you!

  35. *Andrea* permalink
    December 30, 2009 11:34 am

    i love your top!!!! h&m is definitely a cool store. i love forever 21 and tjmaxx. so cheap yet so trendy ;) that’s annoying about the gyno…i’ve had bad experiences with my doctor too. i feel judged a lot by doctors for some reason!?

  36. *Andrea* permalink
    December 30, 2009 11:35 am

    oooh by the way i love your journal! one of my new years resolutions (corny i know) is to keep a journal – though prob just a word doc – of everything i eat every day. now that i saw your jjournal i think planned/actual is a cool way to do it!

  37. December 30, 2009 12:36 pm

    My fave clothing store is Forever 21….hands down!

    I love how positive your journals are. I hate looking back at mine because they are scary and depressing!

    Now we can look back at our blogs :) Jealous of your MOOLAH sighting!!!

  38. Lizzy permalink
    December 30, 2009 12:43 pm

    love me some H&M the clothes are so affordable i love it! i think my favorites would be H&M forever 21 and ann taylor loft. and i guess i gotta like gap, considering i work there! hehehee

    xoxoxo girl! love u

  39. lowandbhold permalink
    December 30, 2009 12:59 pm

    I don’t make oatmeal for myself during the weak because I am so prone to leaving the burner on and I freak out about it all day long during work. It’s a sad story.

    Love you’re ‘fit girl! Yay for jeans during the week :)

    1.A. She’s a bitch. Period. If she was genuinely concerned about your health, fine, but she could have expressed it more professionally.
    2.A I’m lucky to get in 50 grams of protein per day, but I’m all kinds of doughy in the middle – so maybe I should try to eat more ;)

    2. Forever XXI and Target – no H&M near me, but if there were I’d be all over it.

    Have a good appoitment Janetha! <3 you!

  40. Deveree permalink
    December 30, 2009 2:43 pm

    Hi! I’m new to your blog, and I love it. I also live in SLC! You’re the first local food blog I’ve found.

    As for the OB comment, I agree she was way out of line. From my education, however, (degree in Nutrition) I agree that too much protein is not only damaging but also unnecessary. Our bodies cannot store excess protein, we can store fat and carbs, but not protein. Also, the guidelines are to take in 0.5-1.0 g of protein per Kilogram (1 kg=2.2 lbs) of body weight. That being said, your body only needs about half (60 g/pro) the amount of protein it is getting. The other 60 g your body gets rid of through your urine. That is why your gyno is concerned about your kidneys; kidneys make the urine and it is not natural for urine to contain large amounts of protein every day. I hope this information is helpful!! I’m no expert, I’d recommend researching your high protein diet a bit further yourself.

    Anyway, maybe I’ll see you around sometime ;)

  41. Deveree permalink
    December 30, 2009 2:53 pm

    Correction, your gyno didn’t say anything about your kidneys, that is from the other comment I read above. But just keep in mind that protein is different from the other two macro-nutrients (fats and carbs) because when eaten in excess, it can’t be stored in the body and used for later. That is why high protein diet= weight loss. BUT, that doesn’t mean it comes without the cost of your organs and bones paying the price for the breaking down of the protein. The last thing to remember is that our bodies need less protein compared to fat and carbs.

  42. December 30, 2009 3:42 pm

    I have NO PROBLEM with too much protein. Seriously, at least for me, protein fuels for workouts. it gives us strength. lean protein gives us lean muscles. its low calorie. it makes me feel gooood.

    and my parents have always said at least 1 gram or 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight. sooo thats about 120 or MORE! plus, eggs, yogurt, chicken, fish, protein powder, pshhh what’s NOT to love?! gyno.. pshh. whatever.

    favorite store? buffalo exchange. i love being able to buy already broken in jeans, and designer shoes for at least half price, even if someone else has already worn them. heh. heh.

  43. December 30, 2009 3:48 pm

    one can not be consumed with petty things like turning the stove off when there are oats to be consumed .. peeps just don’t understand! ;)

    ugh, that doc sounds like a biotch in a half. I vote you give her a right hook to the face and show her just how much all that protein has been paying off ;) just a thought.

    love you muffin!

  44. December 30, 2009 4:45 pm

    Cool deal! I just started reading the Body for Life Champions book. Is that a good start or should I pick up the original? I need to start a log. Liked looking at yours ;) Thanks!!

  45. hayleycepeda permalink
    December 30, 2009 4:55 pm

    I am SO making that buffalo chicken salad…yumm-OOO!!!!

    Good ‘ole BFL – I love looking back at my journal entries from my first challenge. I was so pumped and motivated! I wish I’d found a $5 bill in mine..heheheh.

    I hate saying this, especially since my husband is a doctor (though he’s a radiologist) but doctors REALLY (IMHO) don’t know THAT much about nutrition. From what I know from Chris they don’t take that many courses and learn much about nutrition and for her to freak out that insanely about the amount of protein you’re getting seems a bit ridiculous. Hello?!? What about the fact that you exercise, eat healthy and drink lots of water?! Does that not count for anything? I’m sure you are MUCH healthier than the majority of the patients she sees!

    As for my doctor’s visit – I developed my second case of shingles 2 weeks before my wedding. I was stressing big time and suffering from a nasty rash under my armpit and down the right side of my arm. I was freaking out because my dress was strapless and every time I lifted my arms you could see. Not to mention that it was itchy and painful. I flew from NC to TX because that’s where our wedding was and the week of my wedding I went and saw my parents’ doctor about the rash. He decides he wants to take my blood sugar AFTER I tell him I’ve already JUST eaten breakfast and of course it’s higher than usual. So I get upset at him (this was towards the end of my BFL challenge) and I’m telling him how healthy I am, that I hardly ever touch sugar, etc and THEN he pulls out the BMI chart! So then I REALLY let him have it…I tell him how I could care less what that says because it doesn’t take into account body composition (muscle vs fat) and that i won’t even look at it. Then I’m like, “Why are we even TALKING about this?! I’m here for a freaking rash!”

    Needless to say I only go to see a doctor when I absolutely HAVE to.. :)

  46. December 30, 2009 5:45 pm

    I think that is kind of crazy that she went off like that. Whatever diet that you do is your business. You were and still are a very healthy person, so I don’t get her being rude like that. Now my personal observation on what I have researched, is that protein does leak calcium from your bones. The problem with achieving a athletic body(BF% of 18 and under) is it can require more protein intake. If you eat calcium enriched foods(and you do), then you should be fine. Personally for my goals, I want my intake to be a minimum of 60 grams of protein with not going over 100 grams a day. Good decision to see another doc.

  47. December 30, 2009 7:59 pm

    Wow, so much to say JB! I think you left the burner on b/c you were so freakin excited about the oats and PB. What else!!

    OK I’m really hoping that you didn’t stand next to a Smith machine, take a photo of yourself and NOT bang out about 20 good weighted Smith Squats. I have Smith machine envy right now! And yah that outfit is darling and I didn’t know that they sell TLs at Nordie Rack!?? I thought it was all old lady cr*p there??

    I think it’s great if you can get inspiration from your old journals. I found myself reading them page after page and for some reason, not being much the wiser :-/ As for Prot. I only have counted a once or twice and I was about 120 (too little by your standards). I just eat some at every meal but I don’t measure.

    Your doc *unless she’s an endocrinologist or ortho or has special training* probably has the nutrition education of a gnat. Really, they don’t emphasize it in med school. One doc I know (genius) has no breakkie, a diet coke for lunch, handfuls of M&Ms as a snack and then eats dinner. Duurrrrr. Genius hematologist. Whatever. But it’s the rudeness that is unacceptable.

    Love that you wrote Penny on your diary- THAT was worth keeping them! :-)

    I sense that you have a renewed BFL flame under you- you’ll do great. I’ve never ever said or thought that I look skinny, so kudos for feeling the confidence to say it! go JB!

    <3 u!

  48. December 30, 2009 8:14 pm

    Ahhh, I’m always afraid I’m gonna leave the stove on and when I come back my apartment will be burned down. Ha! That’s cool you found that BFL journal :)

    1) I think the gyno DEFINITELY shouldn’t have been rude to you. I mean, that’s not a good way to get someone to change their habits! I know 120g is a lot of protein, but everyone’s different. I mean hey, it may work for you! I don’t have enough knowledge in the area, but I’d prob check with a qualified nutritionist to see if those concerns are valid. Still, she shouldn’t have been rude. That’s ridiculous!

    2) I pay a little bit of attention, but I’ve found that I actually function better on a medium protein intake. I feel icky when I eat too much of it!

  49. December 30, 2009 9:18 pm

    I have heard a little lower recommendation for protein but everyone IS different and I am sure your bones are fine. Maybe your GYNO was PMS-ing lol.

  50. December 30, 2009 9:46 pm

    Okay, what a bitch. Shut the hell up, lady. I personally think your eating habits are FINE. And I don’t think it’s her place to berate you like that…esp in that snotty way!

    I don’t really think much about protein…some people thrive on protein… I feel best when I’m on a high-carb diet.

  51. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce permalink
    December 30, 2009 10:28 pm

    girl only you could turn a weight room into a photo shoot, you are so pretty! ick. hope you luck out with a different gyno tomorrow!

  52. December 31, 2009 9:11 am

    I’m LOVING that outfit – super cute! You should inform your boss that oatmeal is not mush ;)

    Yikes to the doctor! I’ve been lucky that my doctors haven’t been too bad. It helps that my doctor is someone I know outside of the office so there haven’t been issues.

    Fav stores (I don’t have just one) = Macy’s, Banana Republic, Express, H&M, and Gap

  53. December 31, 2009 9:14 am

    OOweeee i love reading all the intense comments :D LOL I agree with April, and mostly everyone..but either way u should NOT be disrespected or condescended to, ESPECIALLY when you are already in a vulnerable (ahem) “position” at the gyno!!!! My nonny always nags me to start a journal and i really need to do it, it would be so awesome to look back and see a more private record that isn’t really blog stuff. XO good luck girl!

  54. mom permalink
    December 31, 2009 10:35 am

    So glad you kept such a great journal to refer back to… I have to rely on my mind that is almost like a sieve!!

    Doc was totally rude, I’m pretty sure I was there (see the whole mind thing!)

    I love to eat protein because it fills me up and gives me tons of energy to get going! I don’t keep track but I am always low on the consumption unless you are cooking for me!

    LOVE the look of the chicken dish, yummmm!!

  55. December 31, 2009 11:43 am

    LOL I love seeing what people search for to get to blogs. Amazing.

    Your body for life journal is so motivating to me. I think I’m going to try it out.

    How rude of the doctor. It bugs me because I personally feel like most doctors do not understand nutrition as much as they should. And don’t always trust that their patients do actual research to make sure they are bein healthy. Blah. how annoying!

  56. December 31, 2009 12:30 pm

    Ughh I HATE days when a title just won’t come to mind….that’s probably why half of mine are shorter, and major cop-outs?? HAHAHA, oh well :)

    But Janetha, those jeans look HAWT on you!!! I love the h&m style…wish there were more closer to me too! It’s like a cheaper Urban Outfitters!

    And wow–i would NEVER guess that extra protein could make your bones brittle….wouldn’t it be the other way around LADY?! protein makes you strong and sexyy!!!!!!! which is J’s middle name… hahaha–you’re fab just the way you are, and have learned what works for YOU…so i’m glad you stood your ground!!

    I shoot for at least some type of protein with each meal and snack, but since i’m a veg…i don’t really get THAT much–compared to others!
    And I looooove URBAN. So, so much!!! XOXOX HAPPY NYE!

  57. rny_alison permalink
    January 1, 2010 1:10 pm

    I eat ~125 grams of protein a day. I had RNY surgery and lost 211 lbs by adopting a high-protein, clean-eating lifestyle. I now maintain my goal weight, but this eating plan is for life.

    I am going to the bookstore to pick up a copy of The China Study today. Have you read it?

  58. January 1, 2010 10:51 pm

    I remember reading that thread on tracker. She was rude and clueless. For most of humankind, people have eaten higher protein diets. The high carb low fat diets are partially to blame for the obesity (and all that comes with it) epidemic.

    I LOVE Anthropologie although I can’t really afford it. I like shopping at Tulle online. Mod Cloth online has lots and lots of things I’d love to buy as well. I can usually find something I like at H&M too.


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