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spring clean up.

March 27, 2011

hey guys! this one is gonna be a heavy post. consider yourself warned!

it seems like this post might be silly when i consider the serious life threatening events that have happened with my mom lately, but ultimately.. this stuff does matter and i can’t just pretend like the issue isn’t there, so i am going to address it—no matter how insignificant it may be in my life right now. yes, i see the bigger picture and know that all that really matters is that my mom is doing well and we are a happy, healthy family—but this post is about the smaller picture.

i haven’t talked seriously about my meals & moves in a long time. sure, i show you guys some of my meals and share lots of new recipes i create and clue you in on the random workouts i do.. but i haven’t sat down to write about what’s really going on in a long, long time.  the reason is because i haven’t even thought about what’s really going on in a long, long time.

i used to be a meal planner. a workout schedule follower. a goal setter. i had a lot of organization when it came to what i ate, how i exercised, the supplements & vitamins i would take, the amount of water i consumed each day.  i wasn’t EVER obsessive about things, i was just responsible. proactive. this all came naturally and it kept me in line.. and it also kept me at a happy spot with my weight and i always felt good about myself. on top of things. in control.

well, lately.. as in, the past 6 months or so, i think that i have fallen into a trap.  a trap of not paying much attention to when i eat, how much i am mindlessly eating, how many carbs i am OVEReating. i don’t have a set workout schedule, i just do what i feel like. i haven’t drank a gallon of water a day once this whole year. my vitamin and supplement habits are sporadic. basically, i am all over the place.

i blame this on the combination of two things: “married life” and “busy life”.  i have totally lost all structure in both my meals and my moves.  i have become a little TOO “go with the flow”.

now, before you think i am being ridiculous and over the top, let me point out the good things.

foodwise: i eat healthy. dang healthy. i have been focusing a LOT on eating all natural and organic foods.  i would say that 90% of the food choices i make are healthy ones. i do eat out, but i limit dining out to an average of twice per week.  i make the majority of my food from scratch and the only calories i drink are in the form of a splash almond milk in my coffee and an occasional kombucha (when i can afford it!) otherwise it is always water. i don’t remember the last time i drank alcohol. i have had a total of three sodas in the past 15 months. i know a lot about eating healthy and i apply my knowledge to my diet each and every day.

exercisewise: i work out regularly. i would say i work out an average of 5 days a week. i have been doing 2 or 3 workouts each week and 2 or 3 cardio sessions at the gym each week. i can run 10 MPH on the treadmill for two minutes—i am damn proud of that. i am able to do the intense workouts with ease. yes, they are challenging, but not so challenging that i can’t do them. i can run five miles without stopping and it’s no big deal. i am in shape.

see? i am not too hard on myself. i realize all the good i am doing. i have healthy habits!

but i can’t keep ignoring something: i am not exactly comfortable with myself right now.

i don’t weigh myself, i haven’t in over a year. and i wouldn’t say that the main problem is my weight. it is just how i feel.  sure, certain clothes (read: jeans) don’t fit me as well as i would like them to.. but that’s not the biggest problem. the biggest problem is i just don’t feel good.

i am eating too much at meal times.

i am eating too many random handfuls of snacks here and there.

i am not drinking nearly enough water.

i am not lifting weights.

i am not getting enough sleep at night.

i am eating too much sugar.

i am kind of out letting everything get of control, while i keep trying to tell myself i am  in control.

and guess what? i am kind of turning into a bitch because of it. i am cranky sometimes and i KNOW it is 100% because i am not giving my body the attention and respect it deserves. and, consequently, i have a bad attitude about things.. and that’s just not right. and it isn’t fair to myself or to the people i am grumpy towards.

my go with the flow, unmotivated attitude has spilled over into other aspects of my life. my car is a mess. i have a to-do list a MILE long. there are 14 people i need to mail things to. i am just getting way, way, WAY too unorganized. it’s lame.

it’s time for a wake up call. a spring clean up.  no, i am not talking about cleaning up my house (although we did a lot of that today). i am talking about cleaning up my act. time to set some goals. plan some meals. have some structure. regain control of my habits and in turn regain control of my happiness.

i usually keep this blog light-hearted, but sometimes when i need to buckle down, i become an over-sharer and tell you guys a bunch of stuff you could have very well gone without knowing. i feel like one benefit to blogging is it helps with accountability and responsibility. so, i am putting it out there. i am going to be better from now on.  i am going to revert back to my old habits.

pretty sure i haven’t set a single goal since before my wedding. yikes! so, without further procrastination, here are a few of my goals when it comes to meals & moves:

  • drink a gallon of water daily
  • eat at least 125 grams of protein daily—spacing it out at each meal
  • take all my vitamins & supplements regularly
  • stick to a workout schedule
  • stop grabbing handful after handful of random stuff when i am at home just because it is there and i am bored (peanut butter filled pretzels, cereal, mary’s crackers, dark chocolate)
  • don’t eat while driving (i swear this is my downfall—when i eat my snack in the car i feel like i didn’t eat a snack at all)

those are just a few things i am going to be focusing on.

how is this going to affect you, my reader? well, you might be seeing some calorie counts. and you will probably see more of my meals. and you will definitely see more goal setting and checking in. these are all things i used to do often but kind of let drop by the wayside.

OKAY! so, how about i show you day one of spring clean up?


breakfast @ 11 AM: egglewich + big mug of coffee.


i ate breakfast at 11 AM today because i didn’t wake up until 10. i LOVE sleeping in.

i fried an egg in a cast iron skillet and sandwiched it between a toasted thomas bagel thin.


i was sent these bagel thins for review* and i am not gonna lie, i really do like them. i think the key to enjoying them is to not think you are eating a bagel, because they don’t taste like a bagel. if you want a bagel then eat a bagel. if you want a delicious option for sandwiches, use a bagel thin.  they really do taste good and the nutritional statistics can’t be beat:


6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber—plus they are whole wheat. i could see myself buying these and using them in regular breakfast rotation in the future.

i spread a wedge of laughing cow cheese on the toasted bagel thin before placing the egg on top.


215 calories, 15g protein, 26g carbs, 7g fat

i kept it pretty light because i was heading to the gym and didn’t want to barf all over the treadmill. what? it could happen.


marshall and i headed to the gym together around noon. i headed to the treadmill for the following HIIT routine:

minute # speed (MPH) intensity (RPE)
1 6 5
2 6 5
3 6.5 6
4 7 7
5 7.5 8
6 8 9
7 6.5 6
8 7 7
9 7.5 8
10 8 9
11 6.5 6
12 7 7
13 7.5 8
14 8 9
15 6.5 6
16 7 7
17 7.5 8
18 8 9
19 10 10
20 3 5

i finished up with 20 minutes of walking at 15% incline and 3 MPH while reading my new issue of oxygen magazine.

marshall was still working out, so i did about 10 minutes of various ab work and 10 minutes of stretching.


lunch @ 2 PM: green monster.


in the mix:

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 10 ice cubes
  • 1 serving vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1 small banana
  • 5 strawberries
  • 4-5 leaves of kale
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/8 tsp each xanthan & guar gums


350 calories, 30g protein, 40g carbs, 8g fat

notice the new message on our table jar???


never thought i would say it.. but i am so over winter!

after my liquid lunch, it was productivity time. not only am i spring cleaning my habits—i am spring cleaning my house.


marshall and i got to work and after a few hours of solid cleaning, the whole house is spotless. AND all the laundry is done. AND folded. i figure i have to have a clean house if i want to clean up my habits.


i snagged my snack at about 4:45, right before heading to costco & target. it was a perfect foods fruit & nut bar (no photo) which is 280 calories, 18g protein, 26g carbs and 15g fat.

i am pretty proud that i successfully hit up costco, the pet store, khol’s AND target all in under 90 minutes. um, wow.

i got home and fixed dinner.

dinner @ 7 PM: lemon basil chicken pasta + broccoli.


this dinner was marshall’s special request. it’s one of my favorite meals so i was totally OK with it.

i started out by sautéing an onion and a pound of diced chicken breast in a skillet.


i added the chicken to the sauce that i had prepared while the chicken cooked. for the sauce, i combined the juice of 2 lemons, 1/4 cup of hummus, 5 small diced tomatoes, one bunch of chopped basil, salt and pepper.


i tossed the sauce with whole wheat spaghetti noodles for marshall and steamed spaghetti squash for me. i steamed some broccoli, broiled some garlic bread and finished it off with a sprinkle of asiago cheese.

this was a tasty, quick dinner that came together in no time. my portion, with the garlic bread, clocked in at 400 calories, 35g protein, 37g carbs and 11g fat.

i am going to have some greek yogurt & a vitatop as soon as i hit publish, which will end my day at 1400 calories, 113g protein, 161g carbs and 41g fat.. a protein/carb/fat ratio of 43/31/26—not bad.

okay, NO, you will not be seeing calorie counts like this every day. and NO you won’t see every meal i eat. i have never been a serious calorie counter (way too much effort!) and i really don’t have an amount of calories i am aiming for.. i just tracked today’s stats to see where i was and to make sure the ol’ eyeball method was still on point with the calories and macros i thought i was taking in.  i really prefer using the fist/palm eyeball portion method. turns out, i was right.. and my eyeball method was still spot on. i guess it’s just like riding a bike. i just needed to pull the bike out of the garage and put some air in the tires, eh?

well.. that’s enough out of me. thanks for listening. have a great monday!


1. what is one goal you are working on in your life right now?

2. are you mindful of calories or do you have zero idea about how many you eat?

xo. janetha g.

*see my FTC disclosure here.

128 Comments leave one →
  1. Benit permalink
    March 27, 2011 9:48 pm

    Hi Janetha,

    I don’t remember how I came across your blog—but I’ve been following you for a little while and I love your blog. Your post was so honest and is such a reflection of how I’ve been feeling the past while……so good on you for owning it and turning it around! Me, I am still being a huge procrastinator. I’ve had a lot of family issues and health issues, and procrastinate with everyday things that seem so “ordinary” like going to the mailbox. It feels crippling at times. But, like you, I’m just ready to bite the bullet and take back control of my own life. Also….your kitchen looks awesome!

  2. March 27, 2011 9:52 pm

    i need to do a little bit of habit spring cleaning myself.. good luck!

  3. momma b permalink
    March 27, 2011 9:58 pm

    I love this post!!! I too need a kick in the pants and I might actually set a goal or two of my own :)

    I’m going to have the doctors fix me and then get on a better meal routine. I can’t wait to get back to the gym!

    You are my inspiration … you tons!! xoxo

    • March 29, 2011 1:49 pm

      Hope you are continuing to great better!! I think of you often :)

    • March 30, 2011 7:56 pm

      Momma B! I hope you are feeling better! I just wanted to say that your comment itself is an inspiration… seeing you say “I cant wait to get back to the gym” after your ordeal is totally awesome! You go girl!

  4. March 27, 2011 10:06 pm

    Well if you remember I’m doing body for life right now (not perfectly, and not much yet in the way of results, but I’m doing the best I can!) so I appreciate these types of posts! You know…sometimes I feel guilty for feeling down about my weight or whatever when there is so much terrible problems in this world. I feel guilty over my mild depression because there are people who can’t get out of bed they’re so sad. But at the end of the day, I’m entitled to my feelings and thoughts and you are too. Obviously you know your priorities, but like you said it’s all about how you feel right? And your mom, husband, and friends want you to feel your best. If this is what does it, then go for it! I’m trying to work on a lot of the same things, I should be drinking a gallon of water per day (I don’t keep track but I know I should start), 150 grams protein, and as close to a 40/40/20 macro ratio as possible.

  5. March 27, 2011 10:20 pm

    I definitely get like you where I know I need to reign it back in in certain areas. Isn’t it funny how things tend to creep a little out of control from one aspect to all aspects? It’s nice though, when you start getting one part together (like not eating too), that you start keeping things cleaner and pay more attention to everything else? It’s a good thing to get back to feeling good (I just typed goof!). :)

  6. March 27, 2011 10:41 pm

    I’m exactly where you are right now! I just don’t feel good and am cutting back and being more mindful! I am starting to feel a lot better and the jeans are finally starting to fit better! Most the time I am a calorie counter but lately I’ve been eating things I don’t prepare for diners and stuff so that I challenge myself to listen to my body instead of rely on calories to tell me what I need.

  7. March 27, 2011 11:00 pm

    Way to go! I just started reading your blog a little over a week ago, and as someone who works in fitness–I totally appreciate the fact that I saw the problem and reined it in immediately! (Too many people, as you know, get to it “tomorrow”… you know, the day that never exists on anyone’s calendar! ;) So–keep it up, and I look forward to reading more of your posts for inspiration!

  8. Julia permalink
    March 27, 2011 11:09 pm

    Hi Janetha I’ve been reading your blog for a while and its fun and honest, its also interesting to see how everyone else live in other parts of the world (I’m in the UK). I too need to clean up the eating act I just find it harder in the winter to keep it in line, salad just doesn’t hit the `I need 2 bowls of stew/soup with lots of bread then maybe dessert… don’t you know I reserving energy for the winter !!’ feeling.
    Anyway Good Luck your do it I’m impressed with your organisational skills and that message from your Mom was so sweet.

    Take Care

  9. March 28, 2011 1:07 am

    Hi Janetha!

    I am a new and avid reader of your blog and just thought I drop by and say I can totally relate to this post! My healthy habits have gone a little wayward as my schedule has become crazy; I defo eat far too much sugar and snack too much. I’m with you on getting in check with getting healthy. Good luck!

    PS I hope your mum is continuing to feel better and that only good news is coming her way xxx

  10. March 28, 2011 1:41 am

    Ahhhh the wonders of a married and busy life! I’ve definitely gone through this too- so I know how you’re feeling. Sounds like you’re taking all the right steps to get your body and mind in a more comfortable/fit state. Obviously, my feelings on body image and gaining weight are a little tainted these days by the need to actually gain weight. I am still trying to stay healthy in terms of exercise and eating well- but my sugar tooth could use a reality check. Dinner looks awesome :)

  11. March 28, 2011 2:57 am

    Ive never been a counter. Fat, protein, cals, etc. I don’t know other than I have very, very rough ideas but I dont even think about it. I eat tons of plants, some protein, and dessert :) And that would include carbs. Again, don’t track the values though.

    For you, based on everything you wrote, if tracking it is going to help you feel better about yourself and get you back on track and where you need to be or want to be…awesome! Whatever works for YOU!

    And thank you for being bold and posting this. I wish more bloggers would air it out like this one, Janetha! Thank you:)

  12. March 28, 2011 3:01 am

    I love reading your blog and I admire how you are completely honest with everyone. Props for taking some initiative on getting back on track! Although you always look amazing, I can relate to not always feeling your best. I agree with Erica, that dinner looks delicious!

  13. March 28, 2011 3:13 am

    Did I write this post? I had my last hurrah yesterday and today it’s back to ME and what I KNOW works. Sure I wish that it didn’t matter to me BUT IT DOES.

    I’m spring cleaning and all my food is packed and I even bought a new lunch bag that you would be envious of because it’s houndstooth and huge :) All I did yesterday is cook and weigh out food…obessive, maybe.

    I haven’t weighed recently like I used to. When I used to weigh once a week I kept my weight at 115. I’m going to start weighing every Thursday. I know it will suck at first but eventually i’ll be where I want to be.

    Lets do this J! Besides..who really wants to buy a new wardrobe because your pants are too tight?

  14. March 28, 2011 3:23 am

    you go, girl!!! thanks for being your usual open and honest self. it’s why i love your blog and your writing style.
    you gotta do with what feels right for you, right now. so you go for your goals! share as much or as little as you wish~and you had a great day one. that’s all it takes – one day to turn your ship around!
    happy monday!

  15. March 28, 2011 3:53 am

    I love you! I love how open and honest you are but I also love that you are still realizing that although you may not be as regime as you know you can be, you are still one hot mama! :) I think there are so many times when we just need to reassess our life, our goals, and where we want to be and why. That’s all it takes usually. You already know you have the motivation, you just need to remind yourself. ;)

    I think you’ll do great with these goals and I’m behind you 100%!

  16. March 28, 2011 3:57 am

    spring time is the perfect time for self examination. I know youre not too hard on yourself yet you don’t want your “rut” to affect other people. ha, been there. still am! Go for it girl, you got this in the bag. Spring Cleaning for the mind and body!

  17. The Teenage Taste permalink
    March 28, 2011 4:11 am

    I have the same problem with my carb habit and eating random handfuls of food throughout the day. I noticed it happens a lot when I am bored so…I guess I should fill some of my spare time with cleaning! Or blogging! ;]
    Hope you get out of your rut soon and remember we are all here rooting you on Janetha! Have a great week! :]

  18. March 28, 2011 4:19 am

    Thanks for being honest Janetha — as corny as this saying is — thanks for keeping it real! Life happens and our bodies sometimes take a back burner — thanks for recognizing that, for sharing that and for doing something about it.

  19. March 28, 2011 4:44 am

    Such a great post. I just recently had the same ‘ah-ha’ moment. I had been sick for almost 10 months. I was doing good the first 6.. but the last.. I started eating crappy and just let my life fall apart. Then I woke up one day and it was like a WTF moment. I found that changing my workout helped a lot. I was also a person who never respected the Yoga practice. But I’m finding that it has really helped me focus on the things I need in my life. I realized ‘falling off the wagon’ was a mental issue I was having about myself. My thoughts on me.
    I don’t count calories. I focus on the the Protein, Carbs, and Fat content.

  20. March 28, 2011 4:49 am

    because of past control issues with food i try not to focus on calories as much, but rather am trying to base my meals around vegetables and portion control. it’s hard, and married life makes a HUGE difference in a lot of people’s habits! i would say the biggest thing i’m working towards right now is just being as healthy as i can be and focusing on others.

  21. Susan permalink
    March 28, 2011 5:00 am

    I love how your so open about everything. I’m really excited to see pictures of your meals and workouts!! Best of luck on regaining the structure back in your life – I’m 100% sure you’ll be able to since you’ve done the structure thing before.

    1. One of the goals I have right now is to complete the BFL challenge. I’ve been skimming through your old posts (when you did the challenge!) to get some inspiration for meals/workouts and it’s really helping me plan everything before hand :) Can’t thank you enough!

    2. I’m mindful of them, but I’m not obsessive about them like I once was. I used to count EVERY little thing that I put in my mouth.. if it was a stick of celery, yep, I’d count it! I’m glad I’m not that way anymore because it really is a pain in the butt.

  22. March 28, 2011 5:09 am

    I admire your ability to recognize that something was off and do something about it instead of continuing on as you are. I think that’s great! You’ve gotta be happy with you and I think your spring cleaning will help.

    I can answer both questions here, because for me they’re one in the same: my goal is to lower my blood pressure. It’s insanely high (thank you, maternal genes) and needs to drop significantly. I was told (by a medical professional) to lose about 15lbs and cut back on my sodium intake, so I’m tracking every calorie and every milligram of sodium (via Sparkpeople) to hopefully achieve that goal. It’s helping me eat a more balanced diet, but I sorta hate the tracking. Eventually I’ll know what foods are okay for me to eat (I have to keep sodium around 1000mg a day) and what ones aren’t but until then…I’m VERY mindful of everything I put in my mouth. :-/

  23. March 28, 2011 5:14 am

    Lmao I know this is random…but I had a dream you and Marshall had a really addicting reality show! Hahahaha I could not stop watching episode to episode in my dream. I know exactly what you mean about not feeling so great though:/

  24. March 28, 2011 5:24 am

    Let me tell you, your kitchen is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it! :) That pasta dish looks incredible!

    One goal I’m working on right now, it trying to eat much healthier. I’m trying to be mindful of what I am eating. I also try to take vitamins every single day religiously. I need to focus on drinking a LOT more water. I think I walk around dehyrdrated a lot. I have no idea how many calories I eat everyday. I’d be curious to take note and see. I try not to focus too much on that and just try to eat healthy and have foods that I enjoy eating. :)

  25. March 28, 2011 5:32 am

    you are so hard on yourself, girl. but maybe that’s a good thing? i find myself never setting super strict goals like this – with food, my professional life, whatever – and that’s not always a good thing. good for you for keeping yourself in check, but make sure there’s a little wiggle room for fun! you deserve it.

  26. March 28, 2011 5:35 am

    I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I try to eat healthy most of the time and work out regularly but, for me, it’s those mindless handfuls (or bowlfuls) of food just because its there and I’m board that get me. I like the idea of spring cleaning for your body. I want to feel my best at my upcoming wedding. Thanks for the inspiration to start making changes to my own diet!

  27. Sarah J permalink
    March 28, 2011 5:41 am

    sounds like yesterday was a great start to your cleaning up your act! :) right now, my main goal is to be more focused and efficient at work. i feel like i spend a lot of wasted minutes at my desk doing un-productive things. i have the freedom to come and go as i please at work, so i decided that i should get there, be focused and finish my work, so i can go enjoy my day as i want!

    i am mindful of calories most of the time. i’m usually pretty aware of what i’m putting into my body, even though a lot of the time i know i’m consuming more calories than i need.

  28. a taste of health with balance permalink
    March 28, 2011 5:44 am

    great outlook and healthy approach! when i’m “off” it almost always correlates to my diet, and changes need to be made. almost instantly i feel better and you are well on your way to feeling the same. your attitude is admirable because you keep things in line but don’t go crazy and put all this stress and restrictions on yourself. ps- love that photo of you two by the coffee :)

  29. March 28, 2011 5:51 am

    I think you are beautiful! I was actually going to comment and say how impressive your workout schedule has been, and how great you look! Seriously Mrs. G, you are incredible! However, if you truly believe you have not been eating well, and are feeling like “crap”, then I wish you all the success with your new structured plan! I have been feeling so SO gross lately (Yes, I needed 2 so’s for emphasis), and have been stress-eating way to much as well. I’m starting my days with a scoop of Greens+ Multi+ in Vanilla (from Genuine Health) or Amazing Grass, a probiotic pill and an enzyme! I also need to work on not going to bed on a over-full stomach. I hate feeling “sluggish”- I agree, time to do some “spring” cleaning (although it is freezing outside: snow, ice, slush, cold wind, down jacket/mitt/hat-wearing-needed weather).
    Have a wonderful week! Sending you and your family lots of hugs! Hope you feel back to your wonderful self soon!

  30. Sarah W. permalink
    March 28, 2011 5:58 am

    oh my gosh! this post is EXACTLY how I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve definitely packed on some lbs (despite STILL needing to lose weight), the past few months have been one excuse after the other, and while I knew I NEEDED to diet, I just never did, I also thought maybe I could out-train my shitty diet, which, might be true, except the out-train part never happened!!! as a result, my finances this month have been off kilter and crazy (over-budget) in practically every category…plus eating out crap food etc. think HUGE portions of frozen yogurt, and chips & queso from cali tortilla for dinner on sat night or double portions of birthday cake on Sat night (i have 3-4 birthday celebrations left this week to still celebrate!)

    my birthday is wednesday, and birthday week is never a good time to start to clean one’s act up, but that being said, my “diet” begins April 1. I need to start planning meals, cooking meals, eating clean, saying NO to dessert (dessert every day just isn’t good for me, so I’m going to limit to 1-2x weekly but it must be WORTH it.), MOVE MORE, EAT LESS, and start studying for GRE and stop shopping until I lose 10lbs!!!! ugh!!!!!


    p.s. what greek yogurt do you eat? Do you eat the flavored chobanis? it kills me to eat them b/c they have so much sugar, but I really like the extra protein pack! i need that extra protein! does it really matter? (i do NOT like plain greek yogurt)

  31. March 28, 2011 6:08 am

    Wow…your kithen looks amazing!! Thanks for keeping it real, girl! :)

  32. March 28, 2011 6:08 am

    Oh man, I can definitely relate to your feelings right now. While I like the weight I am at, I definitely need to “tone up” by strength training a bit more. After getting married last year, i haven’t let myself go, but I have been eating more and eating bigger portions. While sometimes it’s okay (when I’m actually still hungry!) other times it’s just because I WANT more but am actually full. I’ve been trying to get more protein lately too. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction!!

  33. March 28, 2011 6:26 am

    I need to do something very similar to this — I’m struggling with the same crankiness, extreme fatigue, and just too much food, sugar, etc.
    Good for you for posting about it! :)

  34. March 28, 2011 6:29 am

    Like all of the other commenters, I’m actually relieved to see that I’m not alone. Because I’m working out a LOT, I’ve been eating more than normal. And putting on a lot of weight. Ugh. When I don’t eat well, I not only feel sluggish, I just feel disorganized, and I know that planning my meals really helps.

    So I’m glad you’re going through this, because it will inspire me as I try and take back control, too!

  35. March 28, 2011 6:30 am

    I think it is great that you are so in tune with your body. Don’t you love that we can just FEEL when things need to change? That is power! You got it, girl

  36. March 28, 2011 6:42 am

    Friend, I think you took all the words right out of my head :)

    Since my surgery in December, my regular planning and EXCITEMENT for planning meals and things has just gone by the wayside, along with all the new stresses/excitement over moving into our new house and getting through a super cold winter.

    Needless to say, I’ve been baking more, and while most of it IS healthy, my jeans aren’t fitting comfortably either. I’ve been making an effort the past 2 weeks to really think about my food again – especially snacking and mindless munching.

    Everyone gets into ruts sometimes, and as long as we figure out what we need to get ourselves pumped up and excited again, everything will balance out :)

    My new goals for myself:
    – drink more water, no soda
    – more veggies than fruit every day
    – start getting in more consistent activity, whatever that might be on any given day
    – getting quality sleep

  37. March 28, 2011 7:23 am

    I usually tend to stay mum when it comes to topics like this, because I believe to each body let thy self nourish, but since I adore you so much I’m going to pretend like we are chilling one on one and you told me this. Here’s what I would say:

    I think it’s completely understandable given everything that’s been going on that you have not been feeling at the top of your game.

    I think you eat super dang healthy. I think you are a goal setter and that meeting health goals is a great joy for your.

    I think it’s awesome that you make health and happiness a priority.

    But please don’t ever feel bad about yourself! We all have times in our lives when things are not as within our control as we’d like, but it does mean that we are weak, out of control, or need to be fixed in any way. It’s life. It’s crazzzzzzy. And you are doing a great job of handling things right now.

    One goal I am working on right now is being less hard on myself. I tend to beat myself up if I’m not being productive with school, work, etc. But I’m learning that life is so much more enjoyable when I take time for me.

    And I haven’t the foggiest idea of how many calories I eat! I just kind of listen to my body and trust it.

    Love you!

  38. March 28, 2011 7:31 am

    I couldn’t agree more – if I don’t plan, then all bets are off and I just become lazy – lazy by not working out and eating whatever and not caring. You have had a lot going on since the wedding – I gained 20 pounds the first six months I was married – yikes!

    Have a great day J – I am off to fill my water glass. :D

  39. March 28, 2011 7:35 am

    I am so over winter too. its just getting old.
    My main goal right now for myself is to be healthy and eat healthy. I want to exercise regular as a part of that. But life gets in the way and its hard, i know.
    All your food looks so good though!
    I am mostly mindful of calories when I eat, but somedays i just don’t care..

  40. March 28, 2011 7:41 am

    I love your blog, Janetha! I’m so with you on everything you mentioned, and I feel the same way. I’ve definitely let things slide a lot more than usual, and I’ve been trying to get back to normal. It seems that you’re doing a great job though! I really hope your mom is getting better and better each day.. she seems like such a sweet lady! :)

  41. March 28, 2011 7:49 am

    Great post Janetha, it seems like a lof us are doing spring cleaning (life & house) these days. It’s good that you recognize what it is that you wanted and put it into action. Sometimes, the doing part is the hardest. For me, sometimes planning is the hardest.

    One thing I am working on right now is meditating every day, it could be as short as 5 minutes of just being alone and paying attention to my breath or 30mins of meditation yoga

    P.S. oopppps, I had this comment posted somewhere else by mistake.

  42. March 28, 2011 7:55 am

    I must say this again –….

    You sound just like me right now. I have been acting the same way about my eating/snacking/workouts. My husband is on the same page and we are both planning on a gooooood Spring clean-up as well. This year has been rough in terms of jobs for me… then my husband got transferred across the country. We have both agreed that this week is our last week of flying by the seat of our pants (we are moving into the new apartment) and then we need to buckle down, start planning, and focusing on healthy living again. You have inspired me as well.

    So happy that your mom is doing better. You are such an incredibly strong woman. I praise you for your constant honesty – even if you feel you are oversharing. There are tons of us out there that feel the same way as you do and it helps us to know we aren’t alone!

  43. March 28, 2011 7:57 am

    Good luck getting back on track. I think this could actually add some much needed stabillity to your life right now.

    p.s. I love using hummus as pasta sauce!

  44. March 28, 2011 7:58 am

    I know exactly what you mean about just not feeling comfortable because you’re not giving your body the attention and care it deserves. I love how you put it – you need to “spring clean” yourself. You’re definitely not alone in that feeling :) Love the meals&moves&house cleaning, aha <3

    I'm trying to come up with a manageable list of goals to work towards in April. And I'm hoping to never count calories again, just because it caused a lot of grief for me, but I still try to be mindful about general calories because it is a really useful tool.

    Good luck Janetha!

  45. Katie H. permalink
    March 28, 2011 8:05 am

    You are awesome – 2 minutes at 10 mph?? that’s great!!! Way to go! and 5 miles without stopping is great too!!

    I think I recently hit the same type of slump…I’m turning it around. :) I noticed for me, it seems that as soon as I get in a really good place with exercise, the food part starts to waiver, and vice versa. No more. I WILL do both at the same time.

    You are an amazing person, you will be great. We’ve all seen how your determination has paid off before. I hope you get to feeling better right away! xoxoxoxo

  46. March 28, 2011 8:07 am

    I have been using to track my calories as much as possible…the weighloss isn’t happening so I need to try something new. BFL just wasn’t possible at this time…with school/work/kids I couldn’t get the workouts in and I have to work on the whole planning meals thing.

    My major goal right now is to stick to my half training and complete the half in May…not looking to be fast..just looking to finish:)

  47. March 28, 2011 8:31 am

    Thanks for sharing your struggles, and you can do this!!
    I am mindful of my calories as I have been trying to lose a few pounds.

  48. March 28, 2011 8:40 am

    I was just thinking so much of this same stuff for myself. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and haven’t been putting it into motion. I’ve never been exactly the person I want to be in terms of my eating and exercise, but I do notice a HUGE difference when I am not paying attention to what I really need. I track calories and watch what I eat on weekdays but on weekends I abuse my body and am really realizing how much that sets me back on my goals. April is going to be my turn around month. I look forward to continuing to read your blog for motivation!

  49. March 28, 2011 8:42 am

    I have been feeling the exact same way. Thanks for the reminders. I don’t mind longer reads, just so you know. I tend to want to read more about people that are interested in actually sharing life lessons.

  50. March 28, 2011 8:43 am

    First of all, I don’t think it’s callous to be thinking about this in light of all that’s going on with your family. In fact, it’s a time when you need to make sure you really ARE taking care of yourself, because you’re spending so much time and energy on a lot of other people right now.

    Second of all, I can totally relate to this. Ever since the holidays, my life has gotten really busy with school, work, and trying to fit in time to still have a life and see my friends. As a result I’ve gotten a lot more lax about food and exercise… as you said, I still eat healthfully and work out, but those workouts are often just 30 minutes on the bike while I read a magazine. So I’m starting to try and get up early before school to make sure I get a GOOD workout in before my crazy day starts, because I know that I’m exhausted when I get home from work and class and just want to veg out and eat whatever’s around. So making a few big things on Sunday night really helps!

    Hang in there, lady. You’re a warrior!

  51. March 28, 2011 8:57 am

    This post is exactly what I needed Janetha. I’ve noticed the same thing with myself lately. I think relaxing a bit with my food is good, but it spirals out of control. I’m eating too many handfuls of chips, twizzlers or starbursts after dinner, and cookies at night. It’s making me feeling fuzzy in the morning and leaving my stomach all wonky. I even resorted to GUM last night..I NEVER chew gum! I guess basically I’m in your same boat – I need to clean up my act. Thanks for showing me it’s not just me!

  52. March 28, 2011 9:04 am

    I made bagels last night. They are so good! I think the cure for winter blahs = carbs…and probably way too many of them. I hear ya! xoxo

  53. March 28, 2011 9:06 am

    I am feeling the same way right now. Just out of control. Not like “insane” out of control, but not structured…like haphazard, almost.

    I’m going to take this challenge with you! :D


  54. March 28, 2011 9:10 am

    It’s easy to fall off the wagon, but hey it’s life! I think I have worked out once..yes ONCE this year! Crazy!? You are doing fine, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

    I’m very cognizant of calories and wish I wasn’t. Once I get moved over to Colorado I plan on getting back into better shape and feeling better about my body. One thing at a time for now. :)

  55. March 28, 2011 9:17 am

    Thank you so much for the honest, candid post about your life and situation right now. It is inspiring to read about the healthy changes you are making. Sometimes, we lose sight of the bigger picture amidst all of the craziness of our everyday lives, and it can be so helpful to take a step back and look at ourselves lovingly but critically. In my life right now, I’m working on being kindler and gentler to myself. Some weeks, that means giving my body an extra day of rest after an especially difficult workout or long run. Other times, it means not getting down on myself when I’m grumpy or feeling a little blue. I so wholeheartedly value being kind to others, and sometimes I forget to turn that kindness inwards to myself! I wish you so much luck making these positive changes. You’re an inspiration! :)

  56. Nicole M. G. permalink
    March 28, 2011 9:24 am

    Ok, Janetha, I think you wrote this post just for me. Seriously, everything in your first couple paragraphs applies to me. I have been asking myself since right before the holidays, how did I get to be such a crab and in such a bad mood and unorganized! I am stressed, sleepy, sluggish, and gaining a tad bit of weight (not enough for anyone else to notice, but I am). I know a lot of it has to do with the weather. I am in such a great mood on the few warm days we have gotten, but this winter weather and snow crap needs to go away and fast! I had the winter blues like no body’s business! Thanks for sharing your ideas and tips and now I feel like I have a spring-cleaning buddy to get me into gear! I will be right there with you making some positive changes in my life, diet, and attitude. Thanks and know that you are an uplifting friend to many….even across the interwebz :)

  57. March 28, 2011 9:31 am

    I love this post and I can totally relate. I gave up alcohol for Lent, and I think that really gave me a kick in the butt for how much cleaner I can be eating and how much harder I can be working out. I renewed my subscription to Oxygen, I’m busting my tail in my workouts (I’m doing a 5 day split, 3 days of HIIT and 1 day of steady state cardio) and for the past three weeks I’ve been eating CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. I can’t tell you how much better I feel and I can see my abs again.

    My goal isn’t to do a fitness comp…just to look like I could. I’m not tracking calories, but I am eating 5-6 meals in the 250-300 calorie range and I’m trying to mentally keep track of protein and land between 120 and 130.

    If you need support or an accountability partner…I’m your girl.

  58. March 28, 2011 9:48 am

    Good job on the protein intake! I’m not quite in the same mode as you are right now due to the little one growing inside me but I’m bookmarking this post for two reasons, 1) the chicken recipe and 2) the positive outlook you have on making these adjustments. I know that come September, when I want to look like my old self again I too, will have to dust off the old bike and put some air in the tires. :)

    Love you girl! Sorry I’ve been MIA from the comment section for so long.

  59. March 28, 2011 9:49 am

    I absolutely love the idea of spring cleaning up your act! Being busy can totally get in the way of being organized – and I love that you’re looking to get back on track. Since you eat healthy and exercise already, I’m certain it will be a piece of cake for you! :)

  60. Hayley permalink
    March 28, 2011 10:04 am

    Thank you for this post, Janetha! Since January 1, 2011 I have managed to shed 12 pounds (8 to go!). However, this past week has been baaaad for me, as I sucuumbed to my fair share of temptations. I hopped on the scale on Saturday and was disappointed to see that I have gained 1-2 pounds (my scale is old school and hard to read – i.e. not digital). It was just the push I needed to get back on track. Your post is that much more motivating to me – let’s do this together! Now I just need to get on that house-cleaning bandwagon…..

  61. runrettarun permalink
    March 28, 2011 10:08 am

    Everyone has issues balancing sometimes but you’ll get back to it! I’m focusing more on protein and less carbs. I never paid attention to protein before and it’s shocking how little I’d been eating.

  62. March 28, 2011 10:16 am

    I love how honest this was :) It is always good to check in with yourself and see how YOU feel. I am working on less sugar and less boredom eating. Plus, upping weights in lifting and doing more running intervals. I count calories only when I need to get back on track-so haven’t done it in awhile (it is tedious!!) good luck!

  63. Julie permalink
    March 28, 2011 10:39 am

    You go girl! You were honest, and I am not so honest with myself at times. I say “Get it girl!” You have inspired me to take a look at my own habits and how I can revamp mine. I say ….. SPRING CLEAN UP FOR ALL!! :)

  64. March 28, 2011 10:44 am

    This is exactly the kind of post I needed to read! I think I need to set some spring goals for myself, mainly stop blindly sticking my hands in the chocolate chips.

  65. March 28, 2011 10:57 am

    Your honesty is why I keep coming back! This was a great post Janetha… and I have been kind of feeling the same way. Like things are out of whack. I haven’t been making meal plans… or blogging as much (probably bc of the lack of meal planning & injuries). I have just been feeling burned out. I had two injuries in a row, not realted, that have really kind of gotten me down. It’s hard for me to not be able to do what I want to… Just this morning (& before reading your post) I talked to my gf who is recommitting with me… We’re gonna plan a little more & also keep eachother accountable and I’m thinking we’ll both be a bit happier to boot. I like that you’re calling it a spring cleaning ! Thinking of it that way makes me feel like I can re-vamp my old tired routine and get back to my old self in no time.

    On the bagel thins… I thought you weren’t a fan of the whole sandwich thin thing …?

    • March 28, 2011 11:05 am

      Yikes, sorry about your injuries. I hope all heals up well. And yes, we can recommit! We can do it. On the sandwich things–Nope I wasn’t a fan! I don’t like Arnold thins.. and I did try the OneBuns with my burger a few weeks ago and really liked them. I think the reason I didn’t like the Arnold thins was they tasted fake. The OneBuns taste good and so do the Bagel Thins. But like I said, they are NO bagel. They are great for sandwiches and use as a vehicle for other things (like burgers) but they don’t replace bread. I think that was my issue–I went into it with the mentality that they were like eating bread. Um, not the case. That’s like calling a hamburger patty a steak. They are made of the same stuff, but they are by no means the same thing. So–if I am going to have a piece of garlic bread I am going to use BREAD, like dinner last night. But if I want a tasty, low cal option for a sandwich, then those thins really do the trick. Haha, can you tell I have thought long and hard about this?

  66. claire permalink
    March 28, 2011 11:01 am

    I am not sure how I came across yoru blog but i have continued to check in because I like that you are real and not a typical food blogger. I LOVE LOVE LOVE today’s post. It helps to read about others to get myself in check. I need to calorie count more but not sure how many calories I need each day. I would love to loose 7lbs in 2 months. Suggestions?

  67. Errign permalink
    March 28, 2011 11:03 am

    I love this post, the idea of spring cleaning, and the word “egglewich” :) And of course, your amazing blog & the HIIT workout you shared in this post. Think that’ll be my run tomorrow!

  68. March 28, 2011 11:37 am

    First, I want to say thanks for keeping it real. It is very inspiring when other’s are open and honest about their lives, good or bad.
    One goal that I have right now is to complete a half marathon, which I will be doing next month. Booya! As far as food goes, I am very aware and fairly structured when it comes to my calorie intake. I know and am realistic if I’m overeating or just not eating the right kinds of foods, I really listen to what my body needs. I don’t count calories, but I eat pretty healthy most days of the week as well as move my bod like a maniac.
    Keep it up with your goals. Success is just around the corner. Knock your rut on its ass!

  69. March 28, 2011 11:47 am

    Seems to me if you are not feeling your absolute best, you owe it to yourself to do what you can to get to feeling your best! Good for you :)

    1. One goal: to add more variety to my meals! I’m eating clean, lots of veg and fruit and stuff, but I pretty much have the same three meals in my current rotation. Yes, three. I’m really good at a rut.

    2. I don’t count calories. I have this really great nutrition software and I had to track my diet for a while for a class, and that was really eye-opening to me. I might track again for a week or so, just to see if how I think I’m doing matches how I’m really doing.

  70. March 28, 2011 11:49 am

    Thanks for your honesty, Janetha! I know I’ve definitely been there before! But the fact that you shared this with us means you can’t fail. I love the accountability of blogging!

    I don’t count calories, per se, but I’m aware of them. Sometimes I think I should count them just to see. There are days when I go to bed hungry and I wonder if I didn’t eat enough. But I want to avoid going over the deep end, too. I tend to have an obsessive personality when it comes to health habits.

    My goals right now are to finish training for my May Marathon, finish planning my wedding (ugg, the stress!) and get in amazing shape before I get married and MAINTAIN it!

  71. March 28, 2011 11:57 am

    I think we can all relate to feeling like this at some point or another. It doesn’t mean that we’ve become unhealthy, just that we’ve let our priorities go a bit. Sometimes it feels really good to eat a deliciously unhealthy meal, forego the workout and go to bed at 4 am because we went out with friends. But not all the time. Kudos to you for making changes to create the best life for you, without becoming unhealthy about it. One of the things I’ve always loved most about your blog is that you seem disciplined in your health, but still pretty carefree- never obsessive.

    I know ballpark how many calories I eat, just because I counted them for so long. It’s hard not to be aware of them when you know the calorie count of almost everything. But I try not to think too much of them, mainly because it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the food for me. I love to eat, and by giving my body what it wants when it wants it and making good choices most of the time, I know my weight will stay at a healthy place!

  72. stuffedsillysarah permalink
    March 28, 2011 12:01 pm

    Hi, I really like your honesty and I’m sure I agree with most of what has been written above… but, I just wanted to say – LOVE your wedding photo in the kitchen!!! : ) x x

  73. March 28, 2011 12:29 pm

    I’m glad you wrote this post. I appreciate that you’re so honest. I have a bit of weight to lose and reading this really helped me to verify the fact that you really have to look on the inside for happiness, not just the outside. You are extremely healthy (from what we see) and take great care of yourself but sometimes it’s all about how we feel on the inside!

  74. Abby permalink
    March 28, 2011 12:34 pm

    A goal I am working on right now is dropping a few pounds and getting my toned appearance back. It seems like I do amazing on most days but some days I just will snack for no reason on things I wouldn’t regularly eat and I need to stop this mindless habit! I would like to get to a point where I am happy with my body and move on and MAINTAIN a healthy lifestyle. I am pretty aware of calories and I also schedule my workouts (which I love) into my daily planner as if it was any other appointment or engagement. I would like to incorporate more protein into my day as well.

  75. Christina permalink
    March 28, 2011 12:55 pm

    I just started reading your blog. I love that you posted your meals, with caloric count. That’s SO helpful and inspirational! I’d love to see more posts like this! Thank you!

  76. March 28, 2011 1:09 pm

    I completely understand where you’re coming from. I feel like I’m in the exact same spot (well except for the married part, haha… that’ll come in a few months). A lot of it has to do with the winter too, I’m sure. It’s really hard to motivate yourself when it’s freezing outside and your house is so warm and cozying. But what makes this post speak to me even more, is that yesterday (maybe while you were typing this?) I decided I need to make a change too. I’m a classic stress/boredom snacker and I find that I tend to eat dessert even if I’m not hungry. And my workouts have been suffering. But no more! I’ve made a nutrition and exercise plan for myself that I know will make me feel so much better. And it’ll help me so much to know that you’re making changes for the better too! You’re seriously so inspiring!

  77. March 28, 2011 1:18 pm

    ah I eat so much! I hate to think of tallying calories. I definitely need to work on eating smaller amounts around the clock rather than a few larger meals

  78. March 28, 2011 1:25 pm

    this post couldn’t have come at a better time! i have so been feeling exactly the same, i have put on around 10 pounds purely because i’ve been slacking with what i eat and exercising. Today i decided i wanted to change it and bought some new trainers and i’ve arranged to go to the gym tomorrow with a work colleague! This post has totally given my motivation for healthy living back and i want to resume with my blog :) Thanks Janetha!!

  79. Carla in Sydney permalink
    March 28, 2011 2:13 pm

    Thankyou for sharing this Janetha! Although, to me, you look just perfect – It is often more about the way we feel than the way we look to others. I am carrying quite alot of extra weight now and it makes me very upset but as soon as I start making an effort with my food and exercise, I feel that I am looking better – Even though I wouldn’t really be looking any different at all in such a short amount of time. The mind can be a very powerful thing! PS: I adore your kitchen!!! :-)

  80. March 28, 2011 2:19 pm

    I just started calorie counting again today. Now that I’m no longer in Toronto, I can no longer use the excuse of “living it up in Toronto while I can” to let my eating habits get away from me. Personally, I don’t do well with schedules and planning. But I gained 10 lbs BEFORE my injury. Now I’ve spent the past 6 weeks sitting on my butt, which hasn’t really helped.

    My plan of attack is to stop eating out (I was eating out like crazy in TO). Eat more veggies (embarrassingly, there have been days recently where I haven’t eaten a single veggie!). Track calories & get out for walks every day (still not allowed to exercise). Also, I need to stop stress eating. Hopefully that will calm down after the funeral and I’m settled back at home.

    I’m right here with ya JG!

  81. elise permalink
    March 28, 2011 2:20 pm

    oh man do i relate to this post. sure, i eat clean 99% of the time, but theres stuff not shared on the blog and as a result, lately i feel like ass which causes me to turn into super bitch (poor kyle, ugh). it doesnt help that vegas and my sisters visit landed back to back on the calendar…i want to go with the flow and enjoy life and not worry about the small things, but when it seeps into my mood i have to get proactive. im with ya girl!

  82. March 28, 2011 2:23 pm

    I feel the same way! The ever delicate diet-exercise-life-work balance.

    Tonight I need to study…but I might go to a yoga class before I hit the books, even though I don’t really have time, because it would make me feel soooo good!

    With so many competing interests, I have to remind myself that I need to take care of myself too! I find it especially hard when I am in a realtionship…because who doesn’t love spending time with their boyfriend/fiance/husband!

  83. March 28, 2011 2:32 pm

    I can relate to feeling off and how when keeping things in focus with health really helps. I feel more like myself and AMAZING ever since having baby B and working on my “Body After Baby” progress. Mainly because I am caring for myself by eating healthy and working out hard again. I follow a workout schedule and am mindful of calories too. I average 2400/day for my weight loss right now. It’s nice to lose weight steadily eating 2400 calories. LOL

  84. March 28, 2011 2:40 pm

    Love this post. I need a spring cleaning myself. (for me and our apartment!) I’ve been so lazy since I started having random pains that I’ve turned it into an excuse not to work out or eat like I used to. Setting mini goals for myself helps a ton. I need to get on the boat.

    Your kitchen is so gorgeous. I want to live there.

    One of my goals is to get through this year of student teaching alive, find a job and start focusing on my overall health. I really want to lose 30 lbs before we decide to start having kids. I think losing weight would help alleviate a lot of health issues too! Plus, I just feel so bleh. I don’t always calorie count, just sometimes to gauge how the old eyeball is working!

  85. March 28, 2011 3:51 pm

    I’m proud of you for getting back on track with everything! My life has been chaotic in the same way. The past couple days I’ve been trying to handle all of the knick-knack business I always put off..
    Anyway, your meals look great! And I personally love learning about your food, so I don’t mind more ‘meal’ posts at all :)
    1400 isn’t very much! It looks like you’re gonna end up losing some weight!
    I count calories out the wazoo.. Trying to stop now. I run too much to count. It shouldn’t matter. Anyway, I’m working on it.
    Good luck with the goals!

  86. March 28, 2011 4:07 pm

    Spring cleaning feels great both in the house and the bod!
    I find the cleaner I eat, the easier it is to stay on track. I have no doubts you will be back to your cheery self in no time at all! I really enjoyed your post, I feel it is something we can all relate to at one time or another :)

  87. March 28, 2011 4:18 pm

    i adore the wedding picture in the kitchen.

    i love your honesty, sometimes we need to stop & look at whats going on with ourselves. being able to know whats going on & then fixing it is just huge, so big hugs j!

  88. March 28, 2011 4:33 pm

    spring cleaning is a great idea! I defiantly need to follow in your footsteps!
    I do count calories, but I am trying to lose weight, so as soon as i can get that and maintain. I hope to just follow my bodies cues.

  89. March 28, 2011 4:38 pm

    i love your honesty that you constantly share. I am pretty positive you have inspired so many people to buckle down and reach a goal of theirs that has been lingering

    You are awesome, and I hope you know that and you will surely knock these goals out of the park!

    my goal? My competition 4 weeks away AHH

  90. March 28, 2011 4:45 pm

    Love this post. I too have slacked a lot since I got married and because I have also been busy. I am happier when I am in better shape and my life is organized – I’m a bit of control freak, I admit it. Last week I started counting calories again using MyFitnessPal on my phone and I’ve been focusing more on getting workouts in. I already feel a little better just knowing that I am making progress and making good decisions.
    Great job getting back on track. Spring cleaning time it is!

  91. Danielle permalink
    March 28, 2011 5:26 pm

    Isnt it amazing when we stop taking care of our bodies that things like our car and to-do lists get out of control too??? Same thing happens to me. Lists, car, closet– MESSES! I’ll be taking acue form you and trying to clean up my act a bit in many areas.
    Hope all is progressing well with your mom, what a scare! You are so lucky to have the relationship with her that you do, but I know you already know that :) Hugs to both of you!

  92. March 28, 2011 5:28 pm

    Hey, I totally support you! It’s your body, so you damn well know if you’re feeling your best. I need to start my own spring cleanup.

    But can I just say how much I admire you for stepping up and buckling down when you feel like you need it? There’s this thread I feel in the blog world–a refusal to admit that sometimes you just need to tighten up and put in place some healthy restrictions. I guess because a lot of health bloggers are former disordered eaters, or have a lot of recovering readers, I get this real finicky distrust about any kind of restriction or new set of “rule-ish goals”. But I think it’s totally necessary at certain points of one’s life.

    Anyway, rock on!

  93. March 28, 2011 5:34 pm

    I admire you so much that you have listened to your body and made these goals. I know you will start feeling so much better soon. I too am trying to “get back on track.” 

    What is the list of vitamins & supplements you take? All I take is a multi-vitamin and I am looking for something more. 

    I tried those bagel things when my mom and I were in Florida in September. They were great for sandwiches!!

    This may be a silly question, but what is the “intensity (RPE)” part of your chart? It’s probably really obvious. Lol sorry. I would love it if my husband actually wanted to work out and go to the gym with me. I know it’s a recent thing for you two and I am so jealous!

  94. March 28, 2011 6:13 pm

    you know what i admire most about you? the way you’re so connected with yourself and your body. You KNOW yourself and you HONOR yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, lord knows I struggle with honoring my body 100 percent of the time. But rather than dwell on the ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ we can learn from each and every experience. I have no doubt you’ll do waht’s best for your body, mind and soul.

  95. March 28, 2011 6:14 pm

    I totally get this. I’m glad you are taking control and getting back to a place where you feel good. I love your honesty. You are one of my inspirations!

    I’m counting calories again right now. I’m also trying to decide whether or not to stay gluten free. I’m learning toward yes since I felt better doing it. Eh, I don’t know.

  96. March 28, 2011 6:16 pm

    I think snacking is my downfall. I eat so many random handfuls of things that I don’t even realize it, and I know that adds a lot of calories!

  97. March 28, 2011 6:17 pm

    Hope this makes you feel better, darlin’! I know goal-oriented peeps feel so much better when having a challenge to achieve :)
    My goal right now is to implement the attitude I had on vacation (relaxed, not knowing what time it was/being a slave to the clock) in real life :)

  98. Alyssa permalink
    March 28, 2011 6:37 pm

    Thank you for your honest words!
    And remember: taking care of yourself also includes giving yourself a break. Knowing that it’s OK to let things slide once in a while, and ESPECIALLY when you are facing difficult situations! Remember to treat yourself with love and respect, the way you would a dear friend who was going through a parents’ illness and dealing with, well, life.

    As for my goals, well, today was the first day of my 21-day vegan experiment. So far, so good, lol! I feel really good, and I couldn’t say that this morning. So, yay for the small victories!

    Take care!!!!!!!!!

  99. Amy permalink
    March 28, 2011 7:08 pm

    Ugh, I know what you mean, I’ve been TRYING to do the same thing for the last few months. I started with working out again and am getting back into my 5 days a week routine. Now I need to work on cleaning up my eating. I’m tracking what I eat for now to stay within my calorie range… but my problem is that I don’t know the macronutrients and how much I need to eat a day and what’s in what foods, so I go over my limit of protein, but don’t get enough fats… I’m getting annoyed! Plus, I’m always freakin’ hungry! I have the worst habit of snacking bad foods, especially at night when I’m tired and lazy.

  100. March 28, 2011 7:24 pm

    Thanks for being so honest and putting it out there what’s been going on (not enough bloggers do that). I think the goals you have set are great and can’t wait to hear about your progress with them!

    I used to plan meals for the week and now not so much. My social life has been more hopping lately and I attribute it to that. I am the same way with snacks, instead of taking the time to prepare a snack, I will eat whatever is in sight. Example-while making a smoothie tonight, I downed some chocolate morsels. Did I need them? Hell to the no!!

    As always, great post :)

  101. March 28, 2011 7:30 pm

    I think there is such a fine line between “relaxing a bit” and going too far… I think I was a bit too hard-core last year about working out and didn’t allow myself to enjoy life enough. Unfortunately, I ended up relaxing a bit too much… I’m also in the process of my own spring cleaning right now (although I wasn’t very successful this past weekend…). And as you said, it’s really all about how I feel. When I eat right and exercise right, I feel great, have energy, and am fun to be around. And it really all comes down to planning. Just a little time over the weekend and a conscious decision to follow the “plan” makes all the difference…

    Have a great clean up! :)

  102. March 28, 2011 7:44 pm

    Your kitchen is fabulous! I did some major kitchen cleaning today…it just feels so good to have a sparkly clean kitchen!!

  103. March 28, 2011 8:23 pm

    I actually have zero idea of the calories I consume. I know when I eat too much – my stomach hurts. Sometimes I don’t care – I am distracted and keep eating. Later: guilt. I know when I eat too little (rarely), because of the obvious ensuing hunger.
    Right now I am also trying to do an inner “spring cleaning” as well as an outward cleaning & organizing. After living & eating healthily in Scotland for 5 months, I travelled around London with my mom & completely went nuts eating so many muffins and so much bread each day…wow! I gained 15 lbs in three weeks. I’m going to get back down to a weight and body I am more comfortable with – healthily.
    I weigh myself but try not to do so too often. I don’t count calories. I have tried in the past but nothing ever sticks, and I’m kind of glad because I think I’d go *nuts* if I began.

  104. March 28, 2011 8:44 pm

    Simply…you are awesome. I love this post! I can totally see myself in what you are saying…I think I’m a bit like you, very goal oriented and what I like to call disciplined – I work out regularly, eat well, and set goals for myself, but I wouldn’t say I’m fanatical. Over the past year, I started slacking on my workouts, maybe grabbing a handful of nuts too many and cheat days became multiple cheat days. While I didn’t pack on tons of weight, you…just didn’t feel good about myself. Stuff didn’t fit quite right but that wasn’t the most important thing…I felt tired, bloated and not comfortable with myself.

    When I realized I had to reign myself in, I did a 10 pound challenge through my bootcamp, which was like my “spring cleaning”…it was less about the weight loss than jumpstarting me and getting back into healthy habits again. People couldn’t understand why I was doing the challenge but it really was more about how I was feeling than how I was looking…so I totally feel and hear where you’re coming from! Thank you for such an honest post…I’m glad to know that I’m not alone!

    So to answer your questions – a goal I’m working towards is running a marathon this year…doing the 10 pound challenge was my first step because I was feeling so tired, loafy and lethargic that I couldn’t imagine lugging myself over 42 kilometres. And I’m mindful of calories too, because I suffer from the “all or nothing” mentality so if I don’t watch it, I’ll go crazy with food!

  105. March 28, 2011 11:07 pm

    Janetha, as always, I greatly appreciate your honesty. You are genuine, and that means a lot to me. I feel like I can trust you–that I can come to Meals and Moves and be real. Thank you.

    I’ve definitely struggled with “feeling all over the place” lately as well. Like you, I’ve been eating mindlessly, especially at night when willpower falls to the wayside. I wake up in the morning feeling “blah,” yet hopeful that the new day will bring new behavior. So far things haven’t really changed. BUT, you’ve inspired me to set some goals. I’m going to write my desires on paper so that they’re concrete. :-)

    I have NO doubt that you’ll rock this! xoxo

  106. March 29, 2011 4:46 am

    just the post I needed to read, ever since I moved I feel I have been way disorganized, but first I really have never been an organized person. I keep trying to be, but just get behind which creates all types of problems. I notice for me is trying to balance everything I need to do in a day. I start to feel overwhelmed, and this is my weakness. I sit and talk with Lori about how I cannot do this or need to do that, and just waste time sitting there talking. I need to get my butt moving, haha I try to be good with me eats, pill taking, workouts, but some days it is hard to be good all the time. But something I am trying to better with everyday, instead of making excuses for my laziness.

    I know you will get back on track!! You are a strong person! Thanks for the inspiration to do better.

    And you have a beautiful kitchen!!! So jealous :)

  107. March 29, 2011 5:37 am

    I am so glad you posted about this! I have been having the same thoughts/problems lately. I used to be a lot more mindful of my calorie consumption and had a good plan for my meals and snacks throughout the day. I rarely ever snacked at night. Lately, I can’t help from going into the kitchen and nibbling on little bits of this and a spoonful of that…and late at night…we won’t go there! I have become a snack monster lately and I have not being doing enough in my workouts to keep up with it. I’ve been doing just enough to say I worked out that day and that is it.

    Within the past week or so though, I have been trying to belt down a little and get back into my groove. Like you said, I’ve been “going with the flow” for too long and I was starting to feel very uncomfortable in my skin and it’s time to get control of it!

  108. March 29, 2011 8:20 am

    i will be reading this post + its comments for days!

  109. Rachel permalink
    March 29, 2011 9:47 am

    Great post. I want to know how do you drink a gallon of water a day? That is amazing to me. I find drinking water so difficult. I am going to try to drink a lot more, and improve on many other areas in my life. I am new to your blog (a couple months new) and I love your honesty. It is so good to post things like this, because you are motivating people and helping people.

  110. Rachel permalink
    March 29, 2011 1:36 pm


    Thank you for your response (via email). I was not sure if I should respond here on the blog or to the email. Anyway, I just wanted to say Thank You for the tips on drinking a gallon of water in a day!!

    I am working on drinking at least 64oz today. Man, it is hard getting used to the frequent visits to the bathroom, but I have not felt as hungry today! ;)

    Thanks again!

  111. March 29, 2011 1:51 pm

    Hey Girl! Sorry I am late posting this- I am just catching up on my Google reader right now :)
    But I think you are awesome for doing this- I think we all need a little ‘spring cleaning’ – maybe just in different ways..but it is so important to really put some deep thought into it.
    You made me remember to take my vitamin today..which I just did :)
    And, I CANNOT wait to make that recipe- going to make it TONIGHT, but with turkey sausage instead of the ground turkey! It will be on the blog…so be on the look out for a ping back ;)
    OH & I have to tell you have much I LOVE your Volcom pot– SO AWESOME!!

  112. March 30, 2011 7:57 pm

    I love this post! It is honest and from the heart and THAT is why I love you and your blog! I am sure you act will be just as clean as your beautiful kitchen in no time!

  113. April 2, 2011 7:59 pm

    Oh my gosh girl! I LOVE THIS POST! This has inspired me so much!

    I’m more mindful of my calories; I don’t want to count them, but I don’t want to go overboard either.

  114. May 3, 2011 9:45 am

    i have been thinking about this lately too and suddenly i feel like i have swung to the other end from easy breezy to just over thinking it all. Trying to get back to a better middle ground


  1. another meal, another move. « meals & moves
  2. thinking – pure2raw
  3. Losing the way. « Healthy Apple-Tite
  4. Hummus In Pasta Sauce « Greek Yogurt & Apple Slices
  5. Back to basics | I'm An Okie
  6. no fooling here. « meals & moves
  7. flashback friday: top ten. « meals & moves
  8. Let’s Be Honest | kissmybroccoli
  9. check in time. « meals & moves

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