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you love trip recaps.

February 22, 2011

time to start recapping my chicago trip! i know, i know..  i just flooded my blog with trip recaps from mexico.. but when trips are taken and amazing food is eaten and glorious sights are seen.. there is a lot of recapping to do!

last thursday, my best friend (kristen) and i flew into chicago to visit our friend danny & his boyfriend, derrick.  they recently moved to chicago and we had promised we would visit. we weren’t aware that mid-february wasn’t exactly an ideal time to visit chicago.. but we had already booked our flights before we found out this little nugget of information. so, we packed our warm coats, boots, scarves, gloves and beanies and off we went!

i will spare you details and photos from the night we arrived. we didn’t get to danny’s apartment until nearly midnight and the food we ended up finding was nothing to blog about. instead, let’s start with friday morning’s breakfast!


we went to a cute little café just around the corner from where we were staying. it was called banana’s foster—isn’t that the best name for a restaurant? for those of you who are curious, it is literally steps from the granville station. and you should go there if you live in/near chicago.


such a cute place!


i was mesmerized by the huge menu and the various flavors of hot cakes. which, i soon found out, are different from pancakes.


i went with the banana topped with toasted pecans, as per the waiter’s suggestion.


for a little protein, i added a side of egg whites to my order. don’t they look like mashed potatoes?! yeah, they aren’t.


these hotcakes were amazing! i loved the crispy texture and the warm bananas cooked inside the hotcakes. the caramelized nuts were a nice addition.


definite success for our first meal in chicago!

after eating, we started our day of exploring the city. the weather was unseasonably warm—what luck for us! it was nice to have danny as our own personal tour guide. IMG_8263

first stop: millenium park!


finally got to see the notorious bean in person. yes!


can you spot me in the bean below? hint: far right.


the view from underneath. so crazy!


obligatory close up in 3, 2, 1..


i was told by one of you fabulous readers that there was an intelligentsia coffee near the park, so that was our next stop. i was also told that it is the best coffee in the city, so i was excited!


their brewing method was so fun to watch!


i snagged a bag of beans for my mister.IMG_8339

after grabbing a cup of joe, we were off to see more of the city. we walked to the john hancock building and kristen & i went up to the observation area on the 94th floor. the sights of the city were breathtaking!


i love big cities.

by the time we were done  at the hancock building, we were ready for more food. mara told me i had to try frontera while in the city, so we checked it out. there was a 2.5 hour wait.. um, no, not happening. we went next door to xoco, which happened to be recommended by another one of you guys! (sorry, i don’t remember who recommended what, but i did write it all down!) there was just a small line at this casual culinary hot spot.


i love that xoco tells you where their food comes from.


the menu was GIANT. luckily, kristen wanted to share, so we ordered a torta from the oven and a torta from the grill.IMG_8392

we started with chips, guacamole and salsa.IMG_8398

the tortas we chose: IMG_8400

on the left is the woodland mushroom torta, which was filled with roasted garlic mushrooms, goat cheese, black beans & arugula. on the right is the milanesa grilled torta, which was filled with chicken, black beans, pickled jalepenos, jack cheese and cilantro cream sauce. ohhh my gosh, both tortas were SO amazing. i kept saying, “YUM” after every. single. bite.

i didn’t have any room left for dessert, but when you see a sign that says this, you can’t resist:


homemade mexican vanilla soft serve? where do i sign up? we got a small cup of it with churros.. they accidentally brought us some (very rich) hot chocolate, too.IMG_8406

just give me a vat of this soft serve. i will die happy.


thanks for a great meal, xoco! please come to utah! Winking smile

not sure how we managed to walk after this feast of delicious food.. but i think the fact that H&M was on the agenda helped motivate me to move.

we walked down michigan ave with only one thing in mind. when you don’t have an H&M at home, visiting a city with a THREE STORY location is a big deal!


after spending over an hour and way too much money at H&M, we decided to head back to the apartment for some much needed relaxing.

derrick & kristen


me & danny


we played some games and laughed a lot. it was a great ending to a great fist day in chicago!


tune in next time for day #2—more incredible food, more sight seeing and more not-to-be-missed chicago landmarks.


1. is there a dessert that you can always make room for, no matter how full you are? i am certain i have a specially reserved area in my stomach designated for ice cream.  and, i mean, it melts.. so it doesn’t take up a lot of room. right? right.

2. have you been to chicago? this was my first trip to the city!

xo. janetha g.

55 Comments leave one →
  1. February 22, 2011 8:23 am

    Great trip so far! I am going to have to quit my job to read these recaps ;)

  2. February 22, 2011 8:36 am

    I live in the Northwest Suburbs, so I go to Chi-town all the time! Aaahhh, Intelligentsia, my favorite! I also love Argo Tea!

    I will always make room for flourless chocolate cake, the richer and more decadent, the better!

  3. February 22, 2011 8:39 am

    1. LOVE H&M
    2. I want those pancakes! hahaha Looks like a great time!!!

  4. February 22, 2011 8:39 am

    I’m not really a dessert person so I hardly ever make room. I never do actually haha!

    Looks like a blast!

  5. February 22, 2011 8:49 am

    sounds like such a fun time! i have never been, i would love to see the big bean!

  6. Ashley permalink
    February 22, 2011 8:50 am

    Yup in the city nearly every weekend these days. Best food in the country outside of norcal! Its restaurant week right now so I’ll be indulging at Indian Gardens, my fav Indian joint. Might hit up Gilt for drinks!

  7. February 22, 2011 8:54 am

    Yayy! So glad you’re back :) I missed ya. The first recap was fabulous. I’m not sure what looks best…but I’d be all over those hot cakes. And homemade mexican vanilla soft serve definitely screams Janetha!!!!

  8. February 22, 2011 9:03 am

    I used to work in Chicago when I lived about 10 miles outside of the city – it was a quick 15 minute train ride.

    Now I live in the “sticks” – about 55 NW of Chicago, and really only go downtown a few times a year – I need to change that because you had me at this:

    milanesa grilled torta, which was filled with chicken, black beans, pickled jalepenos, jack cheese and cilantro cream sauce!

    I need to try to make this at home!

    Sorry the wait was so long at Frontera – 10 years ago I could go there for lunch and never had a wait :D

  9. February 22, 2011 9:04 am

    i LOVE chicago! My boyfriends family lives there and we have visited several times. His dad works in the big CNA building that is like, bright red.

    I read a great book about the World’s Fair with a serial killer in the 1800s. It is called “devil in the white city” you should pick it up!!

    Also, I love your blog title today. .. youre funny

    Have a great day..hope your boy enjoyed the coffee beans

  10. Kristen permalink
    February 22, 2011 9:08 am

    I LOVE that you do recaps, and I’m especially loving this one. Can’t wait to read where else you went. I’m counting the days until my trip on March 11.

    I went to xoco and got split a few sandwiches with some friends and they were ALL great. We got the mushroom one. I don’t even like shroomies, but that one was my favorite. I wish we had gotten the churros and hot chocolate. NOMZ.

    Looking forward to seeing where else you went :)

  11. February 22, 2011 9:21 am

    I love Chicago – we used to visit all the time when my family lived in Western Michigan (it was only a 3 hour drive). Did you get a chance to see the lake?

    I can remember clearly the museums were fabulous and having a lot of fun at Ed Debevic’s. Also, I’ll never forget the pizza at Uno’s.

    One trip, back when Furbies were cool, my sister, brother, and I thought that they needed a vacation so we snuck them in the car. The Furbies not only had all batteries revoked, but they never made it back home.

  12. February 22, 2011 9:27 am

    I’ve been twice, love it. Wish I could go more often. Dan goes there a few times of year for work.

    First time was for sorority convention in College. 2nd time was for Dan’s work retreat on his first day working for his current company (2 Junes ago)

  13. February 22, 2011 9:31 am

    I totally agree that there’s always room for ice cream! Ice cream is the best dessert option. Ever. That vanilla soft serve looks great. I would have made extra room too.

    The first time I went to Chicago was for work over three years ago. It’s a great city! My favorite memories were walking along Michigan Avenue, eating some deep dish pizza, and trying out a local popcorn shop. I also loved the fact that there’s a river running right through the middle of the city. So you have this great river to walk along with the city skyline as the backdrop. So pretty!

  14. lowandbhold permalink
    February 22, 2011 10:08 am

    I love Chicago! I’ve only been when it was cold though, would love to go in the summer sometime!

  15. February 22, 2011 10:13 am

    Chicago is seriously one of my most favorite cities. Luckily my sis lives there so I get to visit as often as I like!
    Love your bean pics!

  16. February 22, 2011 10:14 am

    I almost always have room for some key lime pie. Which is funny, b/c I’m a chocolate girl all the way. I think it’s because I don’t get it very often so I think I must get it when I can.

  17. February 22, 2011 10:17 am

    So, what is the difference between pancakes and hotcakes? And how could you go to a place named Banana’s Foster and not order a bananas foster?

    I went to Chicago once when I was in high school, but I caught some crazy cold and was out pretty much the whole time. Boo.

    • February 22, 2011 11:15 am

      It was breakfast! Haha.. I did get something with bananas though. The hotcakes were crunchy.. not the same as pancakes at all. Crunchy on the outside and soft, mushy and delicious on the inside.

  18. February 22, 2011 10:30 am

    that trip looks like so much fun!
    i’ve never been to chicago, but really want to get to nyc soon.

    danny is a cutie!

    one dessert i can always make room for is sugar free vanilla ice cream<3


  19. February 22, 2011 11:00 am

    What yummy looking tortas ! Can’t wait to see more :)

  20. February 22, 2011 11:35 am

    There is always more room for soft-serve. It goes down so easily!

    I have a lot of family in Chicago; I’ve only visited a few times, but I loved the city every time, and I don’t even like cities. I’ve had the best pizza of my life there (deep dish, like a huge pie!), and I don’t even like pizza. I’ve listened to amazing jazz there, and I don’t even like jazz! It’s a great city.

  21. February 22, 2011 12:04 pm

    I went to Chicago for one day on a roadtrip and I LOVED it. I would really like to go back and see more of it. Glad you had fun!

  22. February 22, 2011 12:09 pm

    What? How are hotcakes different from pancakes! Educate me!

    • February 22, 2011 12:10 pm

      I explained it up there a bit, after Rose’s comment. Hotcakes are crunchy on the outside, unlink pancakes. And they are better, in my opinions!

  23. February 22, 2011 12:30 pm

    YAY I’m glad you went to Xoco, I *think* I recommended it? haha. But yes, the food there is amaaaazing. I agree that ice cream is my “there’s still room” sort of dessert. ;) Can’t wait to see where else you went! :) (I lived in Chicago for 9 years, to answer your other question, which is why I love seeing where people visit when they go!)

  24. natalie permalink
    February 22, 2011 12:38 pm

    i have been to chicago a number of times and just love the city! i was going to tell you about this food tour to go on but it is only april-november. so thats a bummer. i looove chicago dogs and cubs games!

  25. Errign permalink
    February 22, 2011 12:44 pm

    Before I read the caption, I totally thought the egg whites were mashed potatoes & I was all like “what is girlfriend doing with mashed potatoes in the am?” haha.

    Never been to Chicago, but it looks like a good time!

  26. February 22, 2011 1:06 pm

    recaps are a sign of a good life! Means you’ve been on a lot of adventures. Likes CHI town!! AMAZING! I think the best thing just might be the H&M!!!

  27. February 22, 2011 1:42 pm

    Churros?! YUM! & Vanilla soft serve. Best dessert ever!!
    Love the pictures of the bean! I have to visit it in person too :)

  28. February 22, 2011 1:44 pm

    observation area on the 94th floor of the hancock = THE PLACE to have your date take you in Chicago. Basically valentine’s day, a marriage proposal, etc…that is hancock material. I love that you went there!

    Rick Bayless/Frontera. Awesome place, always a huge wait.

    The amazing thing about Chicago is that even those places that arent considered “amazing” by critics can be pretty dang amazing.

    I lived in Chicago for 5 years and that’s where Scott’s from, all his family is back there, and so is my sister and her hubs/child in Lincoln Park. Seeing your sights remind me that 1. its an awesome city 2. it’s huge 3. it has winter. I do miss it though. But am not leaving San Diego :)

    Glad you had a great trip!!! Thanks for the recap :)

  29. February 22, 2011 1:49 pm

    i LOVE chi-town!! can’t wait to go back and why in the world did i miss out on the best coffee shop in town! when i go i’m totes making a rick bayless reservation fo sho so i can skip out on the 2 hour wait time. brunch in chi-town is supposed to be what’s up!

  30. February 22, 2011 2:36 pm

    I almost always try to make room for dessert, that is of course if the restaurant or wherever I am eating has a good dessert that I want. :)

    I’ve never been to Chicago before. I am dying to visit there! It looks awesome! I’m glad that you had a great trip!

  31. February 22, 2011 2:48 pm

    I can always eat chocolate. I don’t consider that dessert though (unless it is baked into cookies or cake or something). Chocolate is a category unto itself.

    Chicago is a pretty cool city. I’d love to visit again! And yeah, Intelligentsia is pretty great, too. I’ve only been to the one here in Venice but the Chicago one’s got to be just as good, I’m sure.

  32. February 22, 2011 3:58 pm

    My sister and I joke that there is always room for ice cream because it fills in all the cracks! :)

  33. falafelwaffle permalink
    February 22, 2011 4:57 pm

    Looks like you had an amazing time!
    Plus the food all looks amazing.
    I’m not a major desert person so I prefer to fill up on the starter and main course. I’m more savoury than sweet.
    I’ve never been to Chicago, but it’s one place I’d love to visit. x

  34. February 22, 2011 5:35 pm

    Those hotcakes look delicious! I must find a recipe and try them out! Love your blog!

  35. February 22, 2011 5:40 pm

    You have the BEST trip recaps!!! I love reading them. ;)

    Chicagos seems incredible. Everything from the food to the company. So glad you are having a great time. I can’t wait to read more.

  36. February 22, 2011 5:59 pm

    We have intelligentsia coffee in la too. I LOVE that place!

    Too bad about the line at Frontera. I wouldn’t have wanted to wait that long either!

    I love Chicago. Andy and I went four years ago.

  37. thedelicateplace permalink
    February 22, 2011 6:15 pm

    i have been to chicago, i love it! no h&m?! omg. i had to live without it for 5 yrs but i have one now that i moved :) fave dessert? usually gluten free vegan brownie + vanilla coconut ice cream

  38. February 22, 2011 7:08 pm

    Oh how fun! I live in Central, IL, and some of the farms listed on the restaurant board are located right near me. Neat!

  39. Ashley permalink
    February 22, 2011 7:19 pm

    I think I’m the only one here that hates that coffee joint.

    One to many bad cups.

    My favorite place is in your neck of the woods. Love Muffin in Moab. Now THAT is a REAL coffee house!

  40. February 22, 2011 7:24 pm

    I’m so jealous of ur trip! The food alone looks drool worthy! I too love big cities ( la doesn’t count because we lack super high buildings).

    I always have room for ice cream as well. It’s what I eat when sick and have no appetite. There is always an appetite for ice cream!

  41. elise permalink
    February 22, 2011 8:09 pm

    your recaps are making me want to travel like CRAAAZY. ive never been to chi-town which seems criminal. this post confirmed it. i love everything about the city, minus the temperature. mostly im basing this on the food. but the bean is a big draw too.

    that coffee looks amazing…and who knew hotcakes were different from pancakes?

    also xoco’s menu is pretty fantastic, but the fact that they tell you where it comes from is pretty cool.

  42. February 22, 2011 8:16 pm

    Ah I miss Chicago! I’ve been there MANY times, as my mom’s whole side of the family lives there. I must go back soon–Seth has never been!

  43. February 22, 2011 8:21 pm

    I LOVEE seeing your recaps of “my” city :) It looks like you had a blast!

    My mom and step-dad got engaged at Frontera, I’ve never been but I’d love to meet Rick Bayliss – he’s an amazing chef!

  44. February 22, 2011 8:49 pm

    Definitely ice cream!! Was that mexican hot chocolate?? Spicy?

  45. February 22, 2011 11:23 pm

    My brother went to school in Chicago so we made MANY trips there. Nothing compared to the feeling of excitement I got with the first glimpse of the city skyline there. So gorgeous.

    Everyone probably told you to get deep dish pizza, so I hope you did! It is such an amazing foodie city and I love seeing all the places you went that I have never heard of (seeing as it’s been something like eight years since I’ve been there, that’s why.)

    Also, love the close up shot of you in the bean. The ring is gorgeous!

  46. February 23, 2011 4:21 am

    I LOVE YOUR TRIP RECAPS!!! travel and blog as much as you want – i am glued to the recaps when you post ’em!
    never been to chicago…want to go. ummm, maybe not in february?!! how about for the marathon in october?!!
    i always have room for ice cream. it just fills the gaps, no?!
    welcome back home! glad you had such fun with good friends.

  47. February 23, 2011 11:59 am

    your pictures are gorgeous of chicago- love them!
    I can ALWAYS have room for ice (especially ted drews which is special to St Louis)
    I have been to chicago many times and I love it there! If I could I would move there

  48. February 24, 2011 12:55 am

    Chi town holds a very special place in my heart – it’s where Tyler proposed – in Grant Park :)
    Love seeing all your pics!

  49. February 24, 2011 9:12 pm

    I loved my soup at xoco when I visited back in December 2009. SO GOOD. Would easily eat at that little restaurant for the rest of my life.

  50. February 24, 2011 9:50 pm

    Aww! I used to live 4 blocks from banana fosters — and moved about a month after the opened (so we never got to go). Now I’m convinced I need to go there next time I’m in town! So glad you got to check out Xoco, its supposed to be AMAZING. And Frontera, I’ve heard, is worth the wait (as ridiculous as it is). LOVE for Chicago!

  51. kristin permalink
    April 28, 2011 7:43 am

    Hi, Janetha! It looks like you had a great weekend in Chicago with your friends! I agree, no trip is complete without a stop at “the Bean.” I am the custom media editor at Midwest Living magazine and we’re working with Enjoy Illinois on a Facebook contest called, “Magnificent Getaways Giveaway Contest,” which invites people to share recent magnificent Illinois experiences for a chance to win one of three one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime experiences in Chicago and across Illinois. The Grand Prize alone includes dining (for four) on the Ledge at Skydeck Chicago, Terzo Piano and Lawry’s Prime, plus a stay at the Trump Tower and more! If this is something you’re interested in you can enter one of two ways: or on the contest website, Please feel free to contact me with any questions at Thanks! Kristin Bienert, Custom Media Editor for Midwest Living magazine, Meredith Corporation


  1. chicago is delicious. « meals & moves
  2. the last few bites. « meals & moves

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