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stocked up.

January 9, 2011

hey guys!

glad you all enjoyed the random post earlier today. i feel pretty good now that all my camera cards are clean. what’s even better is that my toilets and kitchen are clean now, too.

after tidying up the house, i decided to escape the shouting of the football fans and hightailed it to costco and target. two of my very favorites. i really needed to get some grocery shopping done. last night there wasn’t an ounce of protein in the house and we ate a mishmash of vegetables over pasta and some balsamic mashed sweet potatoes. yes, it was a good dinner, but not a lick of protein.

i had a list and was on a mission. i hit costco first and then target. i LOVE doing my shopping on sunday because, with utah being super populated with mormons who don’t shop on sunday, all the stores are empty. i didn’t even have to wait in line at either store!

two hours later i came home a whole lot poorer.. but with a TON of stuff.


yowza. and that is just the food part of what i purchased.

because i know i like seeing what people buy at the store, i decided to show you guys what i stocked up on.

i typically go to costco twice or three times a month and then to the regular grocery store a couple or few times a week. if i am diligent, i will meal plan and then only have to go to the regular store once a week. i have been a BAD meal planner lately and have gone to the store almost every single day. i got fed up with that today and so i made a meal plan for the week along with a list of other groceries we needed.

let’s break it down!



  • rotel
  • corn
  • enchilada sauce
  • diced green chiles
  • lots of diced tomatoes & tomato sauce




  • whole wheat english muffins
  • whole wheat bread
  • low carb high fiber tortillas
  • whole grain spaghetti
  • fiber wasa crackers
  • two kinds of cereal
  • two boxes of annie’s mac
  • brown rice (me) and white rice (marshall)
  • white bread (marshall)



  • chobani greek yogurt
  • cooked chicken strips
  • low sodium herbed turkey breast lunch meat
  • albacore tuna pouches
  • pink salmon pouches
  • raw chicken breasts
  • raw chicken tenders
  • lean ground beef
  • lean beef chunks (for stew)
  • cottage cheese
  • two cartons of eggs
  • muscle milk ligh (chocolate—on sale now at costco!)
  • string cheese
  • morning star crumbles (faux meat)



  • grapefruit
  • lemons
  • clementines
  • 3 colors of bell peppers
  • cucumber
  • red onions
  • gala apples
  • cauliflower
  • tomatoes
  • spring greens mix
  • baby carrots
  • celery
  • avocados
  • butternut squash
  • cilantro
  • parsley
  • kale


other stuff.


  • hummus
  • ketchup
  • corriander
  • freeze dried oregano
  • taco seasoning
  • stew seasoning
  • feta cheese
  • laughing cow cheese
  • peanut butter (crunchy and smooth)

WHEW. i also bought a bunch of other random stuff like vitamin water (for marshall), toilet paper, a mirror, wall hooks, light bulbs, a few different household cleaners, socks, cotton balls and a jackie warner workout DVD.

for the most part, marshall and i eat the same things. there are only a few things i buy for JUST him and JUST me.. like the white and wheat bread, the white and brown rice, etc. (kinda like his and hers, right katie?)

i usually don’t go so crazy at the stores, but now i have everything i need for all meals for the next couple weeks. i will probably have to pick up some fresh protein, but other than that, i am pretty set!

here is the dinner plan for this week:

  • sunday: stuffed chicken & roasted squash & salad
  • monday: chicken enchiladas
  • tuesday: out for kristen’s birthday!
  • wednesday: crock pot vegetable beef stew
  • thursday: taco soup
  • friday: pasta with tofu
  • saturday: paninis & soup & salad

of course, that may change a bit, but at least i have options! lunches will be a breeze, too. i have been eating out for lunch a lot lately just because i haven’t been prepared. now that i am stocked up with things like tuna, turkey, chicken, string cheese and fruit, putting together lunch will be a snap.

after putting all the groceries away i immediately got to work on dinner—stuffed chicken, roasted butternut squash & sweet potatoes and green salad.


first, the chicken!


i love this brand of chicken, it is at target. i do eat chicken but i like it to be happy, non hormonal chicken.

first, butterfly the breasts.


next, smear a layer of hummus and a spoonful of feta on the inside of each breast. top with a sprinkling of salt and black pepper.



secure the chicken breasts closed with toothpicks.


season the outside of each breast with salt and black pepper. next, coat the chicken first in an egg wash and then in a layer of whole wheat panko bread crumbs.


place the breasts in an oven safe dish.


bake at 375 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until chicken is cooked thoroughly.


stuffed chicken is one of my favorite dinners! there are so many different ways you can stuff the breasts. (TWHS?)


hummus and feta is an all time favorite filler.


for the roasted butternut squash and sweet potatoes, i seasoned them with salt, pepper and TJ’s 21 seasoning salute. they roasted at 450 degrees for about 30 minutes. i purchased the pre-chopped butternut squash from costco because i thought it would be convenient.. well, sure, it was. but it was gross. the squash was really mushy and flavorless.. i will not be buying the pre-chopped squash again. i guess the extra effort of peeling and chopping the squash is worth it in the end.IMG_5669

while the squash was bland, there is nothing a little ketchup can’t help!

the salad is pretty self explanatory.. it had spring greens, cucumber, red bell pepper, carrots and celery.


oh, i never mentioned this, but i really failed on the 20 salads in december challenge! i made it to 14 salads. not bad, but not good. i am working on my salad consumption all the time.

this dinner was great! stuffed chicken never lets me down.

hope you are all ready for another work week! i know i am, after such a lazy weekend.

oh, and since you all loved the photos of the pups from my last post.. i leave you with penny’s latest.



1. how often do you grocery shop?

2. who do you shop for? if it is for more than just yourself, do you each eat differently or all the same?

xo. janetha g.

86 Comments leave one →
  1. January 9, 2011 9:40 pm

    Grocery stores are super crowded here on Sundays. I try to go on Saturdays if I can. I go once a week. I buy food for me and Jason but really mostly buy the food that I like. Is that bad?!

    • January 10, 2011 1:21 pm

      no way, you do the shopping :) if marshall wants stuff he really likes, i make him go!

  2. January 9, 2011 9:45 pm

    Oh WOW ohWOW OH wowowowowo!
    That chicken looks so good! I have to make that! WOWWWW! I’m not even kidding. I have now resigned for my week of being a vegetarian!

    I love looking at what people buy at the grocery store! My family does not eat dinner together most the time. Lol. We are so disconnected a lot of the time. I shop for myself though!

    And I love love love Darigold Trim, small curd cottage cheese!
    Go eat them curds! Yum, yum ,yum!

  3. January 9, 2011 9:48 pm

    I love that Columbus herb turkey from Costco :) especially because it’s low sodium! I shop generally once a week and meal plan. In general the husband and I eat the same dinners although our other meals differ. I also buy him bananas which I hate!

  4. January 9, 2011 9:58 pm

    that chicken looks INCREDIBLE. i usually just top my chicken with hummus and feta, but i never thought of stuffing it in there! must try!
    i feel like i’m at the grocery store every other day, its awful..but i secretly love grocery shopping :)

  5. January 9, 2011 10:08 pm

    That stuffed chicken looks amazing! Don’t tell my mom but we go to Costco on Sunday for that same reason ha, I love it. It is probably even more empty in Provo than Salt Lake. So fun to see your meal plan for the week, you have inspired me to do the same! We shop once a week and Billy and I eat 3 our of 7 dinners the same usually. He is all about frozen burritos and taquitos:) Me not so much! Have a great Monday Janetha!

    • January 10, 2011 1:22 pm

      Oh man, I bet it is sooo dead in Provo! We go to the Bountiful one, which is pretty dead.. the Bountiful Costco even had to stop selling coffee because they never sold it and it went bad! And they don’t sell beer at that one, either.

      • January 11, 2011 2:43 pm

        hey we totally go to the same costco andwe have similar grocery list! ( i have kids though so we also have fruit leather and some other treaty things) ok so weird question. i would love to know where you are finding laughing cow blue cheese wedges around here? i have looked everywhere and can’t find them. also the whole wheat panko crumbs?

  6. January 9, 2011 10:14 pm

    i love seeing what people buy! so much fun, thats a lot of stuff woah.
    that chicken looks absolutely delicious.

    i am trying to get back in the habit of meal planning since i will be at the gym 4-5 days a week so not giving me much time to think of food and shop for it during the week, after class i am STARVING so like to have a solid plan in place.

  7. January 9, 2011 10:16 pm

    Yum, that chicken looks divine. I shop once a week on a Sunday afternoon, after meal planning. We all eat the same dinners, but breakfasts and lunches are “help yourself”, and I buy everybody’s favourites for those.

  8. January 9, 2011 10:18 pm

    we do costco maybe every two or three weeks? and I hit up Winco about every two weeks. And usually Fred Meyer once a week. And for things I forget, I pick up Josh (he rides a vanpool) right by a Safeway, so I get the random things there.
    We mostly eat the same-but I do get some things for just one of us (I eat greek yogurt, josh eats string cheese, snacky things like that)

  9. January 9, 2011 10:19 pm

    Nice haul!! I too spent a boatload of cash at Costco this weekend, but being stocked up is soooo worth it! :)

  10. January 9, 2011 10:26 pm

    I shop weekly on the ad’s at Soopers, Sprouts and if there are select big sale items at Target/Safeway. I shop and plan 3 meals per day x 4 folks! Well M/Friday hubby works from home, 5 days kids/I bfast,lunch, dinner b/c I homeschool and I work from home 13+ hrs week. Weekends the hubby cooks and I give ideas :) I do Costco 2 times a month and especially with coupons.

    **our Costco has greek yogurt but its all high sugar flavored greek*(same brand as yours) I wish they at least had plain in there!

    • January 10, 2011 1:23 pm

      you are amazing! i got exhausted just reading what you do. i wish chobani plain was at costco, too. plain fage is at some of our costcos but not at the main one i go to. i don’t eat the sugary chobani often, but marshall eats 3 or 4 a day!

  11. January 9, 2011 10:41 pm

    That’s a bummer about the pre-cut squash being gross! Maybe it was just bad luck? I need to get on board making stuffed chicken, I haven’t done that in a long time.

    I will admit, I haven’t been good about meal planning lately, either. I try really hard to put everything on a list, so I can get in one big trip to last me the week. But if I have a random craving or see a recipe that looks irresistible, I may end up going a couple of times. I’ve been trying to be careful about how many times I go, because I always end up buying stuff I don’t need and spending too much! ;)

  12. January 9, 2011 10:56 pm

    Wow, that was a huge restock trip! I can’t wait to hear about taco soup :)

  13. January 9, 2011 11:19 pm

    I live 3 blocks away from a Whole Foods in NYC which has been so dangerous for my budget since I enjoy going there and would rather hang out there then go clothes shopping! (haha yes I’m cool like that) So to answer the question– I go daily! It’s rare that I’ll buy groceries in bulk like that ever- I have a tendency to eat when I get bored so it’s just better for me to not have too much food in the apt


  14. January 9, 2011 11:19 pm

    YAY! I love seeing grocery posts. :)

    Right now I shop once a week and sometimes will go back a time or two if we run out of something like milk or bread or fruit. I just shop for Kepa and myself currently and we eat the same things for the most part which makes it easy.

  15. January 9, 2011 11:41 pm

    TJ’s 21 seasoning salute, still have to buy that

    I buy the same Skippy Naturals you have, creamy.

    Target has great Archer Farms brand beans IMO if you ever need beans, theirs are cheap and good.

    I love that you did all that on a Sunday when the stores werent crowded b/c of the mormon factor. I use Football Sunday afternoons for the same thing: everyone is at home watching the game, well, not really, but the stores are less crowded here on Sun pm’s.

    Precut veggies/fruits..omg i posted about that earlier today in my pineapple post. I mentioned how it scares me a bit that precut veggies and fruits just sit there…for a long time….on the shelves. They get rotten and mushy. Sorry yours was meh.

    Have a great week! :)

  16. January 9, 2011 11:43 pm

    I am the grocery store at least once a week! Costco is every 2 weeks or more! It’s amazing how fast we go through food with only 3 people in our house! But we all have different foods we like–so my grocery shopping is all over the place!

    I wish my Costco had sun dried tomato hummus (yes, I looked to see what type of hummus yours was haha)! We only have hummus with roasted pine nuts!

    • January 10, 2011 1:25 pm

      bummer! we have the pine nuts one, too. but for awhile there we had the spinach artichoke one and i was in heaven! i wonder what determines the flavor they stock.

  17. Liz @ Blog is the New Black permalink
    January 10, 2011 3:37 am

    I shop frequently and I HATE it. But, I am lazy about having to carry groceries in! Love me some stuffed chicken- yum!

  18. Bronagh permalink
    January 10, 2011 4:03 am

    Just de-lurking to say I really enjoyed this post! I’m super nosey and love seeing what people buy in their grocery hauls (Yeeeeah, i’m sad like that) It was also really interesting to read your meal plan – I feel inspired now to plan my own delicious eats for the week :)

  19. January 10, 2011 4:10 am

    good work on the food purchases, janetha! great to feel stocked up for a while!
    we live right across the street from our grocery store, so i go daily. take all i can carry at one time – can’t remember the last time i took our car to get groceries – very convenient!
    your dinners for this week sound great!

  20. January 10, 2011 4:46 am

    Love the grocery haul girl and how cool on Sundays every store is dead, I wish it was like that here, since its a madhouse I go during the week in the day ; p and I go to 2 different places, I go to Super Walmart for most of our stuff but then the natural food co-op for all of mine, I get some stuff at walmart , like cereal and almond milk !

    Hahahaha, yup his and hers is right! love u!!! Thanks for the shoutout !

    Your chix sounds delish, I have been eating chix more, Im thinking of making some chix tonight with laughing cow chipotle cheese in the middle!

    Have a great day girl and hope you get your back up phone at work, and maybe get your other one fixed if needed! xoxo

  21. January 10, 2011 4:48 am

    I end up at the grocery store almost every day. I’m awful.

  22. January 10, 2011 4:50 am

    I always get so happy when I get to go on a BIG shopping trip. It makes my heart full when the fridge is full. ;)

    PS- Tell Marshall congrats on a well deserved win! We were crying here, but I have to admit, if they would have lost that game, it would have been sad because GB was leading the entire game. Well deserved win!

  23. January 10, 2011 5:07 am

    I hate buying in bulk. I send my hubs to costco for the bulk items he wants. I blame it on the lack of storage we have here. haha.
    I like going to the regular store, so I will go 3x a week for us rather than 1 time. Call me crazy!
    We eat everything the same but that because my husband likes anything and EVERYTHING! I got off easy marrying him. I have a feeling that when we have kids, they are all going to be PICKY eaters just to piss me off, haha.

  24. January 10, 2011 5:17 am

    Looks like a sucessful shopping trip indeed! I love Skippy Natural PB! <3

  25. January 10, 2011 5:17 am

    PS – Can’t wait to see the Taco Soup…Mmmmm

  26. January 10, 2011 5:35 am

    That’s quite the shopping trip!! I do all the shopping but never a trip that big – I do smaller trips more often I guess?

  27. January 10, 2011 5:43 am

    hummus inside of chicken is a dream come true. HOLY YUM! i can’t wait for the chicken enchiladas either ;)

  28. January 10, 2011 5:52 am

    I grocery shop every other day it seems. My life is boring so I like to have something to do.
    First you get me hooked on hummus in pasta, now you’re going to get me hooked on hummus chicken. No complaints!

  29. January 10, 2011 5:58 am

    That chicken looks incredible! I definitely want to try making it sometime.

    I usually go food shopping once a week. I shop for my boyfriend and I. We typically eat the same things except for snack type foods. He eats more of that than I do.

  30. January 10, 2011 6:15 am

    I love grocery shopping! I only have to shop for myself and my boyfriend but we eat completely different meals! I pretty much go to the grocery store every other day and costco maybe twice a month.
    I can’t wait to for the pasta and tofu recipe!! Hope you had a great weekend! xx

  31. movesnmunchies permalink
    January 10, 2011 6:21 am

    your grocery lists are awesome! I think I might steal it :)

  32. January 10, 2011 6:24 am

    I buy that chicken too! So proud of you ;)

  33. Sarah W. permalink
    January 10, 2011 6:35 am

    i personally would love to know the items you specifically bought at Costco :)

    yayyyyyy for being STOCKED!

    • January 10, 2011 1:31 pm

      oh boy, here goes:

      – white bread – tortillas – chobani – cooked chicken strips – turkey lunch meat – cottage cheese – eggs – string cheese – muscle milk – morning star crumbles – grapefruit – clementines – avocado – spring mix – carrots – celery – bell peppers – tomatoes – bnut squash – hummus – feta – laughing cow – vitamin water – toilet paper – jackie warner DVD

      that’s it! $230 later…

  34. January 10, 2011 6:52 am

    That is one BIG grocery shop!!

    I do one “big” grocery shop per week, usually on Saturday or Sunday and then to the store for little bits like produce I want to be really fresh once or twice a week. I love grocery shopping so this doesn’t bother me, in fact I would love to shop every day if I could! I shop for both myself and the hus but if there is something he wants I didn’t buy, he’ll go grab it.


  35. Lisa permalink
    January 10, 2011 7:03 am

    Janetha….I love how you are showing your food purchased + meal plan for the week. I love cooking for my family and the way you show the deets of your dinners is so great! Thanks!

  36. Lisa permalink
    January 10, 2011 7:04 am

    Oh…I forgot to say that I shop for me, my husband and 3 kids. We all eat the same (although the kids don’t always love it:) and I shop 1 big time plus usually a quick drop in to grab what I need trip.

  37. January 10, 2011 7:15 am

    You really did stock up! Wow!

    I do my shopping on Sundays too but its more crowded. Not too bad, though. I think its so funny that you credit less crowds bec Mormons.

  38. January 10, 2011 7:23 am

    I grocery shop about once a week, and if I run out of fresh produce I’ll go back in the middle of the week. I only shop for myself so I don’t have to get that much. I do, however, stock up of my nuts and nut butters!

  39. January 10, 2011 7:25 am

    balsamic mashed sweet potatoes sound awesomeeeee. Awesome job shopping! I do major food shopping 1x per week and then usually stop at the store in the middle of the week to restock fruit (especially apples), veggies, and anything else we’re out of. The squash looks like it turned out just perfect. I food shop for both Josh & I (breakfast, lunch & dinner). I usually make his & her versions of most meals. :)

  40. January 10, 2011 7:35 am

    Loving the shopping I like to see others food shopping! I just buy for me and usually stick to the similar kind of stuff x x

  41. January 10, 2011 7:36 am

    It seems that every week is different with how many times I shop for groceries. Some days it is once or twice a week, but I have done it 3 or 4 times before. It just changes with what is going on in my life, LOL ;)

  42. January 10, 2011 8:13 am

    looks like quite the successful grocery trip! costco and target are two of my faves! you must try NEWTREE chocolate from target. belgian biscuit is TO DIE FOR.


  43. Ashley S permalink
    January 10, 2011 8:25 am

    We go to Costco about once a month and the grocery store usually once a week. Sometimes I’ll find myself at the grocery store twice if I’m out of fruit or veggies. I cook for myself, husband and son and we all eat pretty much the same things. Like you and Marshall though, I eat brown rice and they eat white! Plus, I usually don’t eat the snacky food that I get them just like they don’t eat my oatmeal and type of cereal.

  44. January 10, 2011 8:38 am

    I like to try and save my shopping for Tuesdays after I drop lil b off at school…I have to shop for 4 of us…lil b usually eats what I eat…kp is very picky and so I have to modify dinner for sauces, no red meat, no noodles..and then the hubs works nights so he gets easy packable dinners…it is quite annoying and I am totally ready that everyone needs to start making their own meals:)

  45. in the pursuit of fitness permalink
    January 10, 2011 9:06 am

    I try to go once a week but i usually end up going a couple times a week. I live really close to the Georgia/Tennesee state GA, I go to kroger and in TN, i go to Publix and Target. I always make excuses to go TN just cause i love publix produce so much! Costco just opened up about 20 mins from my house, so im excited to check costco out!

  46. January 10, 2011 9:26 am

    neefy poo!

    i hope your week is looking up – based on your last couple posts, you seem to be down, which is totally not okay in my book, because i heart you, and people i heart need to be happy. so there.

    ummmm…can i ask how much you spent on all this? the purpose is to pretty much just dream that one day i can buy that much food in one sho.

    hugs and love,

  47. January 10, 2011 9:36 am

    I went to Costco yesterday for the first time in years – we definitely spent way too much $$ but they had great deals – like a giant jar of Maranatha almond butter, big bottles of agave nectar and cheeses. Adam had to really convince me to not buy any produce – we really don’t have enough space – I kind of forget that in the shopping high ;)
    Btw, I’m hosting an awesome giveaway for a light peanut butter right now (although looks like you have plenty after yesterday’s trip!). Check it out if you’re interested. :)

  48. January 10, 2011 9:42 am

    nice breasts! lol! those look good…i’ll have to try them!

  49. a taste of health with balance permalink
    January 10, 2011 10:08 am

    nice buys girl- bulk laughing cow, aww yea! those breasts looks fab. (and yes, that IS what he said!)

  50. Sarah permalink
    January 10, 2011 10:51 am

    oh my. i’m jealous of your grocery haul. i’m especially jealous of your costco chobani’s. yum! i grocery shop just for myself. i do a big trip every 2 weeks, but i usually have to go at least once between for bananas, spinach, and other random items.

  51. thedelicateplace permalink
    January 10, 2011 11:33 am

    i grocery shop 1x a week for nate and i. we always do it together :) we only buy enough food to last us 1 week! we shoot to buy all of our bf, lunch & dinners under $100 and we rarely go over that. we are bargain hunters and eat in season. also, we have a no packaged foods rule in our house (except for oatmeal)

  52. January 10, 2011 11:39 am

    Ha! We eat so many of the same things. And I was so geeked to see the Muscle Milk Costco coupons. Stocking up on those this weekend!

    1. I grocery shop way too often. There’s Costco, then the regular grocery store, plus Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods located conveniently by my office for all my at-work grocery needs. Foodie to the max.
    2. My hubby and I shop together, and we mostly eat the same stuff. He eats some stuff I don’t — bagels, full-fat cheese and carby snackage — but for the most part, we eat the same thing. Luckily, the boy can cook, so if he wants something different, he’ll just make it for himself. Works out way better for me that way!

    • January 10, 2011 1:39 pm

      totally jealous of your access to a TJs!

      • January 10, 2011 2:00 pm

        Don’t be. it’s in Manhattan and is by far THE most crowded, most unruly TJs ever. Lines up the wazoo. But still worth it for the hummus, ya know?

  53. January 10, 2011 11:40 am

    I usually have one big trip per week and then sometimes a little trip for a few things. I shop for my fiance too and for the most part we eat the same things, but there are a few things that I get just for him: oj, skim milk, etc and some things just for me: coconut creamer, almond milk, etc. Thankfully we eat the same main meals!

  54. January 10, 2011 12:33 pm

    I do one big trip, and maybe two smaller trips a week. At school it’s just me, but at home it’s for my parents as well- which just means that I buy larger quantities of everything I eat (and skim milk for them). Hey, if I’m cooking, I get to decide what to make :)

  55. January 10, 2011 12:36 pm

    i still haven’t made stuffed chicken breasts but they always sound so appealing to me. i love the idea of being able to have any flavor combo you’d like. for some reason, i am always intimidated by meat. but, you make it look pretty easy here! i’ll have to bite the bullet and make these one day :)

  56. January 10, 2011 12:42 pm

    Even though I live with my parents, I grocery shop for myself. As a vegetarian and health foodie, I want different things than them! I also cook a fair amount more and organic produce is more important to me. It’s a hassel, but I love my food:)

  57. January 10, 2011 12:42 pm

    Great shopping trip! I try and do one big trip but usually end up going out at least 2 more times a week. Since I cook for another family for dinner everyday, I feel like I always forget something! I also have separate lists for different stores.

  58. January 10, 2011 12:50 pm

    I go once a week on Sundays, right after the gym (I get there when it opens). Unfortunately people shop like nuts everyday here, but in the AM on Sunday, if it’s before 11, it’s not too bad (i’m usually there at 9:30). I shop for just Dan and I.

    I buy his and hers breads, rices, tortillas, milks, and sometimes pasta. Dan doesn’t like wheat bread, brown rice, or WW pasta (although if it’s casseroled or sauced, sometimes he can’t tell). I also buy him things like pretzels, graham crackers, olives, and nutella that I don’t eat. Plus there is a long list of things I eat that he won’t (mushrooms, hummus, etc).

    I wish Costco was ever tolerable here. We have 2 in the whole Austin metroplex and the one up North closest to me is always insane. I went there super early on Saturday morning and waited 45 mins to pay for 1 item. It was too crowded to shop and I really had to have my medicine!

  59. runrettarun permalink
    January 10, 2011 1:01 pm

    Awesome shopping trip! And thanks for the ideas :). We go to the store every 2 wks w/ a mini trip every week for fresh produce. We shop for 4 people: The Lover, the boys and myself. I try to do similar meals w/ simple variations since the dudes in my life eat differently than I do.

  60. January 10, 2011 2:13 pm

    O man do I shop! I go to some form of food store at least once a day! With all fairness, I am a personal chef for a family 5 nights a week and I teach 2 cooking classes at elementary school so I guess you can say its just another day at work for me!
    I hit up costco maybe once a month. I usually get canned tuna, cleaning supplies, spices, maybe some veggies (because I seriously can go through loads of veggies no problem!). I’ll go to ethnic markets maybe twice a week because they have CHEAP produce and cheap tahini and all that “ethnic” stuff. I’ll go to a regular grocery store maybe three times a week, and Trader Joes also about three times a week. Its weird, but certain places have things that are cheaper and places dont always carry everything I need.

    Whoa I wrote a lot!

    Anyhow, I always try to go to the store late at night of in the mid morning. those are the less “rush-hour” times so the check out lines are short. Costco can be a nightmare on weekends, so I try to tackle that on weekdays. The downside to that is not as many samples :(

  61. January 10, 2011 2:43 pm

    so jealous of your empty costco on sunday. hehehehe.

    we do 95% of the shopping on Saturdays or Sunday and then pick up things midweek that we run out of, like produce and milk.

  62. January 10, 2011 3:37 pm

    I love grocery shopping, but since we’re focusing on our food budget I don’t get to really go crazy at the store anymore :( looks like a fun trip!

    I shop for me and the hubs and only get a few varying things for each of us… Different breads, cheese for him, nuts, dried fruits and dark chocolate for me. The usual.

    Dinner looks amazing by the way!

  63. January 10, 2011 4:25 pm

    omg I grocery shop WAY too much I think my problem is that I go so much but don’t buy an insane amount of food everytime so I end up with multiple trps that could have been one…but I do it on purpose bc throughhout the week if I am craving something that I didn’t buy I will just gladly stop by the market and get it! its close to my house so no biggie!

    My andmy BF eat different with certain foods too! brown rice for me, white for him and he LOVES pumpernickle and rye bread, which I really don’t care for!

    dinner=amazing I want to cook with you!

  64. Nicole C permalink
    January 10, 2011 4:39 pm

    1 – I shop far more often than I like. I am really surprised the ladies that run the Smiths by me don’t know my name. It’s about a skip away from my house too so it’s gets pricey. Have you ever seen that show about the crazy coupon people?? Saw one guy with a $5,000 tab and paid like $150 if that..i wish!

    2- I try to shop by the week for meals, not enough room to buy in bulk plus it’s only us 2 and it will just go bad if we don’t get to it. One of my bucket list items is to find recipes and cook more. Ben is like the twin to Buddy the Elf, his sugar consumption is sickening. So, we don’t eat alike but he will eat whatever i make for dinner.

  65. January 10, 2011 5:23 pm

    yum. Everytime you make stuffed chicken breasts, it looks so good! I need to get over my raw chicken phobia and try it.

    I really wish our Costco carried Chobani. So jealous! I’ve requested for them to do it but no go so far.

    LOVE Penny pics.

    We shop fairly often. 2-3x a week because I don’t meal plan. However I am trying to meal plan this week. We’ll see how it goes.

  66. Carrie permalink
    January 10, 2011 5:24 pm

    Thanks for posting all your shopping finds! I love seeing what people buy. :) I’m jealous of your uncrowded Sunday shopping, but don’t know if I could handle all the snoooooow! It’s supposed to snow tomorrow here in NYC, and I’m not looking forward to it – this city is just a crappy place to be in bad weather!

  67. January 10, 2011 5:59 pm

    Awesome haul! I recognize a lot of the same products I buy–we should be grocery shopping buddies:)
    1. I shop for food once per week, sometimes twice if I forget something for a recipe.
    2. I pretty much just shop for myself, but I’ll occasionally pick up some grapefruits or some cheese + crackers for Seth.

  68. January 10, 2011 6:00 pm

    I am wildly impressed with how much you buy at Costco and Target. That’s amazing. I’m also really jealous of all of that food! In other news, that chicken looks ah-mazing and I really need to copy you!

  69. January 10, 2011 7:58 pm

    i have a lot of free time, so grocery shopping is something i do to pass it. i have tried CSA’s before, but that takes away part of my “job!”

  70. January 10, 2011 8:02 pm

    that chicken looks great! i actually stuffed some tonight with pepper jack cheese and garlic and it was surprisingly bland….I’ll try your recipe next time! thanks!

  71. January 10, 2011 8:20 pm

    Just so you know, I tagged you in my post today ;)

  72. January 11, 2011 7:09 am

    Usually I will go to the store for fresh produce once a week and everything else every other week. I’m recently single, so I’m still trying to learn how to shop for just one. My cabinets are always super stuffed though…like to the point of, “No, don’t open that door!” *ker-plunk* and a jar of peanut butter falls on your head!

    Love seeing all your foodie loot! And that stuffed chicken looks great! Why have I never thought to put hummus inside a chicken before??

  73. elise permalink
    January 11, 2011 1:07 pm

    dude, im so impressed with that stash. clearly i need a house for storage purposes alone. we could never fit that amount of stuff in our fridge. youre so organized with your food plannign for the week. i love it. makes me want to peruse through my cookbooks and figure out something new and exciting to make.
    kyle and i are the same with brown and white rice. although i usually go with quinoa. his and hers is more noticeable with the meat thing though. he buys one of those big roasted chickens and uses it in sammies, pasta dinners, salads, etc throughout the week.

  74. January 11, 2011 4:07 pm

    that chicken looks so good! I am going to have to make this soon. :)

  75. January 21, 2011 2:43 pm

    oh man i gotta try that chicken!!! i am always looking for new, GOOD chicken recipes…it’s so boring sometimes! This looks awesome thanks!


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