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oh so random + flashback friday.

July 9, 2010

when i read something interesting and/or funny, i email it to myself. i also save interesting and/or funny emails for decades. i stock pile them. with good intentions to post them on the blog. and then when i finish posting at the end of the day.. i realize i never showed you guys a shred of my stock pile.

so today.. i am cleaning out the inbox.

prepare for ridiculously random bits and pieces!

first off.. have you voted for my photo yet? please do. i will love you forever. CLICK HERE.

moving on.

baby whales grow at a rate of 10 lbs every hour.

thought you’d like to know.

my roommate has a garden.


he grows raspberries.


and then freezes them.


and then i make delicious protein shakes with them.


maybe it doesn’t look pretty, i blame the spinach. hey, at least i’m getting my iron.

  • 1 cup silk vanilla soy milk
  • 15 cubes of ice
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum (boo.. i am out of guar gum and can’t find any more)
  • huge handful of frozen raspberries fresh from the garden
  • 1/2 frozen banana not fresh from the garden.. we do not have a banana tree
  • 30 grams vanilla protein powder
  • some spinach

i love my old navy reusable plastic cup complete with straw!


love it.


straws win at life.


marshall installs windows. whenever the home he is installing at has a dog, he sends me a photo of the pup. these photos make my day! i love dogs! well, yesterday.. there was a different animal at his job:


baby birds! he said the momma was holding worms in her mouth for these little sweeties. aren’t they SO cute?!

modest mouse played a free show last night at pioneer park. turns out when the word “free” is attached to “outdoor concert”, there are more people than there are blades of grass in the park. my anxiety and claustrophobia were both at levels that i am not comfortable with.

but i did see friends and have fun, regardless of the crowd and the inability to hear the music because of the horrible sound system.




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the lovely gliding calm brought this video to my attention the other day. and i proceeded to watch it multiple times. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!


ahahaha it doesn’t get any less funny each time i watch it.

back to the modest mouse concert. we bailed early because it was a joke. we headed to the desert edge pub.


kristen got the bruschetta and i got the goat cheese & black bean quesadilla and we went halfsies.




black bean & goat cheese quesadilla:



OH! coupon alert. if you “like” bear naked on facebook (click here) then you can print a 2-for-1 coupon! who doesn’t love free stuff?

moving on.

marshall took the kids to my house this morning and stopped by the office on his way to bring me an iced coffee. i love it when the kids are at the office!



i am sure that was not enough canine love for one post. so i will share this email i got:

DOGS. they make the world go round.

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today’s lunch was simple and delicious. just how i like it.


who needs to go grocery shopping? this girl. but i don’t want to because i am moving in less than a week!

5 egg whites topped with ketchup:


one slice of sprouted wheat toast + laughing cow cheese:


i also munched on about 10 mini bell peppers while my eggs cooked.

funny article time!

i don’t remember who’s blog i stole this link from (so pipe up if it was yours!), but this article about what girl clothing trends guys hate is absolutely hilarious. and true. here is a sampling:

About as erotic as the hand towels that inspired them. Or is this Care Bear material? Either way, boo.


Fringed Tops of Any Sort
You know what your clothes don’t need? Fake hair.


Maxi Dresses
What are you hiding under there? A peg leg? Chemical explosives? An army of small children about to dance out from underneath you, like in “The Nutcracker”?


[source.] read the whole article HERE.

flashback friday: HEY, LADIES!

my bachelorette party is tomorrow! EEP! i am SO FREAKING STOKED! so i thought it would be fun to show you a plethora of my photos with the girls over the years.





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woooooooooo! that concludes flashback friday. did you do a flashback friday? i know monica did!

i am super stoked for my bachelorette party tomorrow. i know my friends have put a lot of time and thought into planning it and i can’t wait to see what is in store!

i won’t be back tomorrow.. but i hope you all have a great weekend and i will be back sunday night! marshall is in vegas all weekend.. i hope he stays out of trouble! ;)


one of today’s Qs actually has been sitting in my inbox for weeks! it was a question a reader had asked me to ask on the blog so everyone could weigh in:

1. what are some of your healthy, creative, positive ways to reward yourself in life, like when you accomplish a goal? i know it has nothing to do with this post, but i think it would be awesome to hear how everyone rewards themselves in healthy, positive ways. i will list the responses in my next post so we can all get creative with rewarding ourselves ;)

2. what is one clothing trend that you just don’t like? i used to talk a lot of smack on the romper AKA adult onesie.. but then i got one for my birthday and LOVE it. so my new answer is furry boots. they are hideous.

xo. janetha b.

46 Comments leave one →
  1. July 9, 2010 4:48 pm

    I don’t even like birds and those little bird are so cute!

    And I would have to go with skinny jeans. I look like a stuffed sausage in them.

  2. July 9, 2010 4:56 pm

    i LOVEEEE hot baths!!! and vacations, day trips to the beach :) and froyo!! to reward myself!!

    the jeggings- im not digging them on me. i look like a bird

  3. July 9, 2010 5:07 pm

    I do the same thing! My inbox is so full of things that I have forgotten to blog about.

    1. i reward myself with things like massages, frozen yogurt, earrings :)
    2. lol, i kind of want a onesie now bc they look so comfortable (i used to think they were so ugly). i don’t know what i’m disliking now… will think about it :)

  4. July 9, 2010 5:39 pm

    those dog pictures all made my day! i was laughing out loud!

  5. *Andrea* permalink
    July 9, 2010 5:52 pm

    those raspberries look so delicious! i love summer fruits, especially locally grown ones!

    haahaa that video is hilarious. have a fabulous bachelorette party!!!!

  6. July 9, 2010 5:53 pm

    OH MY GOSH, I love the Chihuahua pic!!! (Naturally I would!)

    Lately, I’ve been rewarding myself quite a bit with shopping for new clothes. I never use to have this habit until recently. I think it’s because with my job, I always feel like I have to be dressed very nice and I am always looking for professional trendy clothing that actually fits. WHen I find something, I just buy it.

    Have a fantastic weekend my darling!!

  7. July 9, 2010 6:04 pm

    Voted!!!! :)

  8. July 9, 2010 6:05 pm

    Have an amazing bachelorette party!!! I can’t wait hear what you ladies get up to! Love the puppy photos too, adorable.

  9. Kristen B. permalink
    July 9, 2010 7:05 pm

    WTF! that video is ridiculous! “IT”S SO VIVID AND COLORFUL…. IT”S TOO MUCH… WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!”. Love it. But I wish I could see what dude looks like.

    Anyways, everything is ready to go for tomorrow!!! It’s going to be fun!!!!

  10. July 9, 2010 7:06 pm

    Crocs shoes. Can’t stand them. I get people who use them because they suit their work environment, but holey plastic shoes are not flattering or attractive to wear as part of an outfit.

    Have fun on your Bachelorette party!!!

  11. July 9, 2010 7:37 pm

    I haven’t been commenting much because life has been overstimulating and I am easily overwhelmed (how do you blog like you do?? I have absolutely not figured out the formula), but I have been reading faithfully and gotta say, as a fairly recently married girl, I’m so excited for you! good things are happening. good things :)

    1. I make my husband take me out :) no, not usually. he is a massage therapist, so I might request a massage. or I’ll take the time to give myself a facial, or buy a new book, or get my nails did.

    2. I’m with you on the furry boots. crocs are hideous. and I’m not a fan of the whole emo look for guys. …are people really wearing terry cloth in public?

  12. July 9, 2010 7:38 pm

    I need to hit up Old Navy–I NEED that cup.
    1. I like to reward myself with treats for my mind. I’m a total word nerd so I love to go to Barnes and Noble to buy a good book:)
    2. I always hated ponchos, not to mention the whole Uggs with shorts look. It makes no sense, people.

  13. July 9, 2010 7:45 pm

    I always go for pedicures to reward myself. I love the foot massage! HAVE FUN at your PARTY! Don’t get too crazy now, hehe!

  14. July 9, 2010 7:46 pm

    “when i read something interesting and/or funny, i email it to myself. i also save interesting and/or funny emails for decades. i stock pile them.”–THAT IS ME TOO! I do it tons now that i have a blog but always did it.

    The trend of those big huge moo-moo dresses as scott calls them! yes, I agree, what are you hiding. We have our 70s and 80s to hide our bodies. We can show em loud and proud now!

    The free concerts = tons of freaks congregating and making you claustro..omg me too!

    My BFF from childhood’s batchlorette party is tomorrow nite…pole dancing! I am sooo bummed that i am not gonna be at yours or hers, both of you live 2000 miles away.

    Hit me up if you need any recipes!

  15. July 9, 2010 7:53 pm

    Dogs totally do make the world go round! Love them <3 <3 A goat cheese & black bean quesadilla ? I need to make this at home!! I'm also totally going to old navy to get one of those cute containers with a straw. Have a BLAST at your bachelorette party.

  16. July 9, 2010 8:01 pm

    I still can’t stand rompers. I think some people look cute in them, but I know it would not work on me. I hope you have an amazing time at your bachelorette party!

  17. actorsdiet permalink
    July 9, 2010 8:02 pm

    i always get a massage whenever i accomplish something major (or when i’m comforting myself).

  18. July 9, 2010 8:06 pm

    I set mini-goals with mini-rewards. For 30 lbs, I bought this pair of totally impractical rain boots I was dying for. At 40 lbs I am going to buy this really expensive dress I am coveting for a wedding in October. One thing I heard that I loved was a woman tracked how many miles she ran in a year and the next year took a vacation that far away. I thought that was a fantastic way to see how far she had gone!

    • emily permalink
      July 12, 2010 2:51 pm

      i love that vacation idea!

  19. July 9, 2010 10:13 pm

    I can’t wait for your bachelorette party either! Ahhhh we’re going to have the best time ever! I love love love you LB!

    p.s. I loved flashback friday too : )

  20. July 9, 2010 11:10 pm

    LOL i looveee the romper! They all look super weird on me but i’m dying to get one! :D I’m not a huge fan of gladiator sandals..

  21. Nicole permalink
    July 10, 2010 12:01 am

    I LOVE the randomness of this blog!! I am such a random person that it’s nice to not have structure once in a while and jump from idea to idea.

    The picture of the dachshund looks very similar to my little Roxy, so cute! My mans parents have 2 basset hounds so whenever you post ones of yours I think of theirs, they are sisters named Lucy and Ethel.

    Annoying trend- I concur with the leggings and furry boots by far but I really hate anything Ed Hardy and the girls that wear the leggings, with furry boots and bedazzled hats.

    Have a GREAT bachelorette party, let me know if Marshall needs bailed out ;)

  22. July 10, 2010 12:19 am

    Just popped on to say I cannot stand those big leather-faced wedges that are supposedly so popular right now (please read that sentence without making an old lady voice). See here:

    They look super unflattering, and I just don’t get the appeal whatsoever. That humungous expanse of leather up the foot is hideous even on stork legs. It has to stop!

  23. July 10, 2010 1:39 am

    Hahahaha, I love the dog-pics, my ex-boyfriend used to do that with his dog as well, place something on it’s snout (is it snout?) and have it sit for a while before it could eat it – omg those EYES! They SPEAK!

    Furry boots! And people wear them in the summer too! I’m with you on that one ;-)

    I hope you have the best time with the bachelorette party :-).

  24. July 10, 2010 2:20 am

    Maxi dresses are the worst. You can’t wear them unless you’re 6 ft tall anyway. Uggs are the devils footwear as well.

    Enjoy the bechelorette…maybe you’ll see double rainbow!!

  25. July 10, 2010 3:27 am

    I totally want one of those to-go cups. I need to get to the states, ASAP. :P

    Love the FBF of you and your girls! Enjoy your bachelorette!!

    I like to reward myself in non-food ways… buying myself a book or a new piece of clothing when I reach a goal or feel really good. Sometimes I do in food ways, but I try to make it healthy like Froyo instead of ice cream :D

    I’m still so-so on the rompers… and although I own a pair of uggs (SO warm!) I HATE when people wear them with skirts. Shudder.


  26. July 10, 2010 6:25 am

    Ahhh have SUCH a fun bachelorette party! Can’t wait to see pics!

  27. July 10, 2010 7:53 am

    I love your pictures!!!! You are a great photographer. and I’m so jealous your roommate has a raspberry garden… all the raspberries you want! That is amazing :)

  28. July 10, 2010 8:38 am

    Pabst Blue Ribbon…YES!!!!!!

  29. July 10, 2010 9:31 am

    So I love that half of your friends have bangs. ;-)

    I don’t really like much the 80s stuff. In fact, I sort of think almost all styles from the 70s less than desirable. There are a few things I like though. I’m all about the styles of the 20s – 60s no matter the current trends.

    I love that dress with the belt by the way.

  30. July 10, 2010 9:44 am

    Hot baths, holidays and chill out times! A clean bed and snuggles watching a movie with my boyfriend :)

    Love the funny emails, my boyfriend’s Dad sends me tonnes everyday! It’s so good to laugh :) x

  31. July 10, 2010 9:55 am

    In summer I reward myself with frozen yogurt after a long hot bike ride!

    I am not a big fan of the peasant tops. I think they make everyone look pregnant LOL

  32. July 10, 2010 12:00 pm

    Love your dress from last night!! SO CUTE! I reward myself everyday by living my life to the fullest :) The clothing trend I don’t like is shirts/dresses with elastic at the bottom — those make my body shape look sooo weird! haha. Have an awesome time at your bachelorette party, can’t wait to see some funny pics!

  33. July 10, 2010 12:26 pm

    Have fun at your bachelorette!

    I don’t like rompers at all.

  34. Marisa permalink
    July 10, 2010 6:33 pm

    You used the random fact I sent you! I blogread as a reward for each chore I do… And I hate Uggs-in-the-summer-with-shorts. I love them on my girls with cute tights and a skirt… But everything miniature is cute. Gladiators are hideous if you have feet like me!

  35. lowandbhold permalink
    July 11, 2010 7:49 am

    Free modest mouse?! Yessss…. I’m jealous.

    Those baby birds, omg! Made my day. So much so that I just used the term OMG, which says a lot.

  36. July 11, 2010 2:48 pm

    Hi there, I’ve been absent from the blogging world for a while, but I know that your wedding is coming up really soon, and I’ve been thinking of you! I love all the flashback pics. Hope you had an awesome bachelorette party!

  37. nutritionedge permalink
    July 11, 2010 6:18 pm

    Voted! You made me laugh so hard with the ‘storing of stuff’. I am the BIGGEST hoarder (with genuinely good intentions- “I’ll use it later”) and since I am in the Nutrition and Supplement Industry, I HOARD info sheets on EVERY SINGLE Product ever so I can review it for the blog etc. And by that I mean numerous copies etc. I ended up having to throw away/recycle 6 boxes and 4 garbage bags full because it was over-taking my life! I never got around to it! Now my theory is that I’ll only save what I NEED, or really will read/study. If I am not going to get around to it in a week, then I don’t bother taking it. I am so sentimental and like saving things for ‘incase I ever need to refer to them again’. My parent’s basement still has my unreturned high school textbooks (incase….)lol.

    QUESTION: Marshall and lots of his friends have tons of tattoos (they’re amazing btw): are you ever planning to get tatt’ed up? For your wedding maybe? A tattoo ring or something to commemorate the occasion? You must get so sick of this question- sorry if it’s been asked and answered a million times!

  38. July 11, 2010 6:19 pm

    SORRY- I meant to post that as my website and not under the previous domain:
    Voted! You made me laugh so hard with the ‘storing of stuff’. I am the BIGGEST hoarder (with genuinely good intentions- “I’ll use it later”) and since I am in the Nutrition and Supplement Industry, I HOARD info sheets on EVERY SINGLE Product ever so I can review it for the blog etc. And by that I mean numerous copies etc. I ended up having to throw away/recycle 6 boxes and 4 garbage bags full because it was over-taking my life! I never got around to it! Now my theory is that I’ll only save what I NEED, or really will read/study. If I am not going to get around to it in a week, then I don’t bother taking it. I am so sentimental and like saving things for ‘incase I ever need to refer to them again’. My parent’s basement still has my unreturned high school textbooks (incase….)lol.

    QUESTION: Marshall and lots of his friends have tons of tattoos (they’re amazing btw): are you ever planning to get tatt’ed up? For your wedding maybe? A tattoo ring or something to commemorate the occasion? You must get so sick of this question- sorry if it’s been asked and answered a million times

  39. July 11, 2010 7:57 pm

    Uggs need to die. I hate them. They are sartorial death to me. I realize that this is a wildly unpopular opinion. But still. I think they suck.

    Anyway. Bachelorrette! Whoooo!! I can’t wait to hear the recap. You are going to be a married woman in one week. Woah. xx

  40. theresawillandaway permalink
    July 12, 2010 12:08 pm

    oh my goodness, this makes me want to make a smoothie right now! a healthy way that i reward myself (well maybe not so healthy for my wallet!) is to go shopping, and get a little something. there aren’t too many trends that i don’t like, but i’m not really a fan of the velor jumpsuit, circa JLo Jenny from the Block era

  41. July 13, 2010 11:11 am

    Haha- that’s the article I had on my page :D I thought it was hilarious too!!
    Those baby birds are sooooooo adorable. I just love baby animals
    Flashback Friday = YAY! Always my favorite!!

  42. October 23, 2010 3:41 am

    It is delightful… Beautiful pictures

  43. October 28, 2010 6:37 am

    i always get a foot massage coz i find it very relaxing and soothing:.*


  1. win my stuff: giveaway #3. « meals & moves
  2. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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