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random to the max.

May 26, 2010

hola amigas (y amigos?)

wow! a lot of you guys are scared to shower at the gym!  while several of you do utilize the gym facilities.. the majority of you said that the thought of showering at the gym gives you the heebee jeebees. i don’t do it simply because i go straight home after the gym, so i can shower in my own bathroom. but i am sure if i worked out in the morning (never going to happen…) i would still not opt to shower at the gym. it sounds like a pain in the butt, hauling hair dryers and flat irons and makeup to the gym. i live so close to my gym that i would just drive home!

thanks to those of you who chimed in on what brand of food scale you prefer. it was interesting to read everyone’s take on measuring food.  several of you do measure your portions and others shy away from this method because it seems too obsessive. i say that you should just do whatever floats your boat and there is no right or wrong when it comes to using a food scale and measuring cups!

today has been ridiculously productive. let’s take it from the top!

woke up at 7:15 AM and remembered i had a seminar to be to at 8 AM.. hmmm.. had to scratch the wake up call challenge. i feel like i am letting myself down on the challenge. i hope to finish the month out strong.. hold me to it, k?!


since i was in a rush and wasn’t sure if the seminar would have anything appetizing (they said they’d have a “continental breakfast” but i am never sure what to expect with that.) i decided to grab an apricot heart thrive bar to eat in the car:


this is a new-to-me product i received in a care package from allie. thanks, lady! while they are high in carbs, they don’t have any crazy ingredients and they taste amazing. not a bad choice for a morning snack.


i had no time to make coffee OR stop for coffee, but there was half a pot leftover in the french press (that my roomie made last night) so i channeled my inner tina and went for an iced coffee (on the go!):


random fact: i like my hot coffee black but my iced coffee with almond (or soy) milk. i like my hot tea with milk & honey but my iced tea black and unsweetened. isn’t that weird? i thought long and hard about this on the drive to the seminar. i think it’s pretty odd that my preferences change depending on the temperature of the beverage, and that they are the exact opposite for coffee and tea!

turns out the continental breakfast didn’t have waffles. (SIGH.. another waffle-less wednesday!) actually, it was a spread of muffins, eggs, melon, hash browns, bacon, OJ and coffee.  i decided to have some eggs (for protein) and melon (for carbs) and water (to stay hydrated) and coffee (to stay awake!):


i don’t think i need to tell you that the seminar was boring. BUT.. lucky for me, it got out early! so i had time to go home and throw together some ingredients for crock pot wednesday:


oh yes. it’s back. crock pot wednesday is in full force! more on that in a moment.

i had a little extra time between throwing dinner together and the time i was supposed to be back at the office, so i took the opportunity to hit the gym!


wow.. it is pretty amazing to go to the gym at 10:40 AM on a wednesday. it was practically empty! i sure wish i could go at that time every day.

i busted out a 30 minute total body workout!

  • 5 minute treadmill warmup / 0.5 miles

chest/hamstrings/triceps superset:

move weight reps sets
dumbbell chest press on incline bench 25# ea 15 3
dumbbell stiff legged deadlift 15 3
seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension 15 3
  • 100 upper ab crunches on decline bench

quads/shoulders/biceps superset:

move weight reps sets
bulgarian split squat 15# ea 30 (15 each leg) 3
upright dumbbell row 12# ea 15 3
alternating dumbbell biceps curl 10# ea 15 3
  • 100 oblique twists (w/ 10# weight) on decline bench

back/glutes/lunge superset:

move weight reps sets
low cable row 50# 15 3
donkey kicks body weight 30 (15 each leg) 3
alternating forward & reverse lunges body weight 30 (15 each leg) 3
  • 100 scissor kicks for lower abs

the end! total workout was 35 minutes (with the warmup), max HR was 167, average HR was 139, calories burned=200. not bad for a half hour of work! and i hit my chest, triceps, shoulders, back, biceps, hamstrings, quads, glutes, upper/lower abs & obliques! i was pretty stoked on the speedy workout that i made up on the fly :)

i didn’t take photos but i munched on about 7 mini bell peppers and a wasa cracker with sunbutter on top after my workout.

i went into the office and did some work before eating lunch. i probably should have eaten sooner, but i got wrapped up with some stuff and didn’t end up eating until nearly 2 PM!




in the mix:

  • lettuce
  • carrots
  • about 2 oz low sodium herbed turkey breast
  • 2 mini cucumbers, sliced
  • 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • hummustard dressing (hummus+spicy mustard+water)
  • 2 wasa crackers


i have become ADDICTED to the big bag of mini cucumbers from costco! they are so cute.. and everyone knows that cute food is more fun to eat :)

since i was only at the office for about 4 hours, time really flew today! i felt like i was in and out in no time. too bad i don’t have early-out seminars every wednesday ;)

after work it was straight to the wedding venue!


we did a walk through so we  could map things out and finalize how many tables we need, where the photo booth would go, how we could manage to get a freezer on site (to hold all the vanilla bean ice cream!), how long the photo clothes line could be, what flowers we would need, yadda yadda yadda.. all things wedding!


not sure if you guys know this, but we are getting married at a retail store. yep. it is a tropical plant/cactus store! they have a huge greenhouse full of amazing plants and then an outdoor area with a koi pond and a gazebo. it is glorious! and the best part is we don’t have to spend $$$ on flowers~ they are already everywhere you look!

i took some photos for your viewing pleasure~

IMG_2348 IMG_2336 IMG_2337 IMG_2339 IMG_2341

it’s gonna be awesome.

i feel really good about the wedding plans as of right now.

a week ago, i wouldn’t be caught dead typing that sentence. but the past few days have been ridiculously productive!

in the past week:

  • we’ve almost finalized the guest list & added several addresses to the list (still have a handful to get, but not too stressed)
  • the bridesmaid dresses came yesterday!
  • i booked our engagement photo session (set for a week from today)
  • i figured out what i want the centerpieces to look like
  • i recruited my maid of honor’s sister to make the rehearsal dinner invitations
  • we registered
  • i’ve been working on the wedding website
  • my dress came (and fits like a glove!)

…so things are coming together!

don’t get me wrong, there is still a ton to do.. at the top of the list is the music. we need to figure out a DJ and also a playlist of the songs we want at the ceremony and reception. this is a big deal, as marshall & i are both really into music. i hope we can figure this out soon! we also need to find an officiant that reflects our personalities. oh, and i need to purchase marshall’s ring! eep. so yes, there are still big things that need to get taken care of, but i feel confident that it will all get done before the big day.

which is now 51 short days away!

after the venue walk through, marshall & i went home to eat dinner. i LOVE crock pots.. i didn’t have to do a single thing to get dinner ready!


dinner=taco soup


you can check out my new recipe page to see how i make my taco soup!


not gonna lie.. this was my best batch of taco soup ever.IMG_2353

marshall agreed.





it was pretty nice to go home and eat dinner and NOT have to go to the gym. i loved working out earlier in the day. i really, really, really want to become a morning workout person. but i also really, really, really don’t have the will power in the morning. i feel like i have more energy at night and i can give more of an effort to my workout if i do it at the end of the day.

plus, i suck at waking up on time for anything. i know kacy knows what i mean! every night i go to bed, thinking “yeah, i will get up and workout!” and then every morning i talk myself out of it. i just love sleep so dang much. sigh. one day? maybe?

oh! my BLT list for the day. for those of you just tuning in, i am going to tack a list on the end of every post that lists anything that passed my lips that wasn’t photographed. as a way to stay accountable before the wedding!

today’s list:

  • 1 wasa cracker with ~1 tsp sunbutter
  • ~ 7 mini bell peppers
  • 1+ gallon water
  • fish oil capsules x2
  • CLA
  • vitamin B
  • multivitamin
  • calcium chew
  • 5 pieces tropical twist trident
  • handful of shredded cheese

well this post has been all over the place! new products, coffee and tea preferences, seminars, salads, baby cucumbers, crock pot recipes, total body workouts, wedding shenanigans, workout time talk… ay ay ay, i can’t keep up with myself. random to the maxxxxx times infinity plus nine!

so i’ll call it good and hit publish :)

but not before some questions! because i know you love to answer them, right? ;)


1. how do you take your coffee? and your tea? and your iced coffee? and your iced tea? in that order: black, with milk & honey, with almond milk, unsweetened & black.

2. latest new-to-you product that you enjoyed? the heart thrive bar was awesome, but i can’t buy them near me. i also am loving the mini cucumbers from costco!

guest post thursday tomorrow! talk to y’all friday!

xo. janetha b.

73 Comments leave one →
  1. May 26, 2010 7:39 pm

    Mmm taco soup! I’m definitely putting on my “to-make” list! I like my coffee (iced and hot) with milk (skim, vanilla soy or almond) and stevia – it depends on the kind of tea, but iced tea has to have lemon!

  2. May 26, 2010 7:42 pm

    i love the randomness girl! SO glad you are feeling good about the wedding –thats so great girl!!!
    coffee-MUST have almond milk with truvia!!
    2. hmmmm i am loving wholly guacomole!

  3. May 26, 2010 7:46 pm

    can i just say: BEST WEDDING VENUE EVER.

  4. andrea permalink
    May 26, 2010 7:46 pm

    1. Dunkin donuts coffee light with skim milk and one truvia
    2. eas whey protein powder

    That taco soup looks amazing!

  5. May 26, 2010 7:58 pm

    LOVE the wedding venue!!!! AMAZING!!!

  6. May 26, 2010 8:06 pm

    Your wedding venue is absolutely beautiful and so unique. I cannot wait till I find my person and then get engaged and plan a wedding. It sounds stressful, but also VERY fun. I also worked out this morning at the gym and had to bring my stuff to shower after the workout and it was absolutely a pain in the arse. I just felt very disoriented and my hair felt weird all day(I think that the water might not have been on a water softener:( )!!

  7. May 26, 2010 8:09 pm

    coffee: 0%, 2% or soy latte please.
    tea: nothing but green.
    iced coffee: con leche.
    iced tea: green.

  8. May 26, 2010 8:17 pm

    black coffee, black tea. always.

  9. May 26, 2010 8:19 pm

    I am the same with coffee – black only for reg coffee, splash of soy with iced. I can only use SF syrup from Starbucks in cold drinks too, hate the taste with warm! And if theres syrup, there must be some milk. Fact: I have a wasa light rye crackers with 1/2 t of nut butter pretty much every other day at some random point, but never photograph it! Your venue is gorg and it sounds like you have got the important things set up for the wedding – I had so much to do the last month but it all worked out perfectly. I know it will for you too!

  10. May 26, 2010 8:25 pm

    I LOVE hearing about your wedding plans – and that garden/retail store : ) is gorgeous; that is such a great idea!
    I’m working on similar tasks right now as well (music, what the boys are wearing).
    I don’t drink a lot of coffee or tea, I usually just add a little sweetener. I do LOVE Chai Tea Lattes though..yum!
    I <3 Heart Thrive bars! They actually sell them in my school's cafe. And I've got to get my hands on those mini cucumbers – what a great snack!

  11. May 26, 2010 8:41 pm

    Your wedding venue is way gorgeous. I can’t wait for pictures from the big day. You are sharing right? haha.

    When I make coffee at home, I use sugar free flavored creamer. Anywhere else – a splash of skim milk and two Splendas. Mmm. Coffee.

    I haven’t really tried anything new lately but I did finally branch out and try guava kombucha the other day. Um. YUM.

  12. traynharder23 permalink
    May 26, 2010 9:03 pm

    hot coffee: black (if i’m feeling chemical romance, i’ll put in a splenda)

    ice coffee: black

    tea: hot: unsweetened

    cold/iced: unsweetened

    i really liked the tazo sugar free tea! it was damn good. what else….

  13. May 26, 2010 9:29 pm

    Oh taco soup! We’d love that at our house. I’m checking out your recipe, crock pot recipes rock.

  14. May 26, 2010 10:11 pm

    Love those Heart Thrive bars! I love ’em crumbled over cottage cheese:)

  15. Teshon permalink
    May 26, 2010 10:26 pm

    Coffee, whether hot or iced must come with half and half if I’m out otherwise I love adding almond milk, and a decent amount of it. Yum! I’ve been a fan lately of Good Earth Chai Tea with almond milk and a little sweetener, but I’ve never been an iced tea fan. It just tastes like dirty water to me.

    Regarding the ‘new’ product. I have been reintroduced to brie cheese. It was just one of those things where I hadn’t had it in years and then I saw if popping up on a bunch of blogs.

    On a side note, I usually am a lurker but since I’m posting, thanks for such an amazing blog! I’m surrounded (with work) by a very unhealthy industry and it’s so refreshing to read your daily ventures. Good luck on the rest of the planning!


  16. May 26, 2010 10:31 pm

    Aww yay! Aren’t the heart thrives like a bowl of oatmeal in heart form? I wish I stocked up on some before leaving schoolio.

    Where did you get that orange bowl? I saw it on another blog and me likey it!!

  17. May 26, 2010 10:45 pm

    What a fantastic wedding location! And that Taco Soup looks perfect. Tortilla Soup at restaurants is one of those things that tastes so amazing with all the goodies.. but I’m liking the stats on this one much better, thanks for the recipe!

  18. May 26, 2010 11:21 pm

    i can’t drink tea or coffee with sugar/honey! Just plain! However i like my tea strong and my coffee milky! You sound super excited for the wedding now! :) & i love your crockpot recipes! xx

  19. kettlebelllove permalink
    May 27, 2010 3:22 am

    Wow, your venue is GORGEOUS!

    I love my crockpot too. I started a batch of soup in mine early this morning. It’s nice to not have to worry about prepping and cooking dinner after working all day.

    1. Coffee – a few drops of stevia and a splash of heavy cream, tea – unsweetened (I despise sweet tea) with lemon. I like hot and iced made the same way.

    2. When we were in Florida a couple weeks ago the grocery store had jalapeno Sabra, which was awesome. Unfortunately I can’t find that variety here. Booo!

  20. May 27, 2010 3:24 am

    Wooooooooooooooooooooo what a full post!!! Love it!!!!!!

    I am loving that taco soup, I need to do more crockpot meals, so easy, and good for busy days!!!

    LOVE the venue where you are having the wedding, its going to be amazing, and I am so glad you are getting alot done on your to do list, and the dress fits like a glove!!!! Can nto wait to see it!!

    I like my iced coffe with just stevia, but hot coffee has to have coconut milk creamer and stevia, I think it has to have creamer because it helps to cool my coffee down!!!!

    I am stoked to see Iron Man 2! Glad to know it rocked!!!

    Oh and working out in the day is the best, there is nobody at the gym then, so you can bust out an awesome workout like you did in not time!!!

    Heart Thrives rock! U can warm them up in the microwave too, and put some peanutbutter on top! delish!!!

    Have a great day girl!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  21. May 27, 2010 3:31 am

    Oh, that site is beautiful! I’m so happy for you guys’ wedding. The flowers… :D

    I like black coffee (occasionally with only a splash of WHOLE milk, makes it creamy!) and black tea. Hot or cold. :D

    Lately I’ve been starting to enjoy cottage cheese more, mainly for the protein content. I found out how to make it taste not as nasty (mix it with fruit or jam, mmmmmm!) and I eat it after 30-day-shredding! :D gotta get my protein in. :)


  22. May 27, 2010 3:40 am

    I hate coffee and tea. It’s flavor = dirty water.

  23. May 27, 2010 3:49 am

    Taco soup is sooooo good! I can’t seem to make soup right now because its 90 degrees outside and I’ll sweat just eating. Maybe I’ll crank up the AC or even better….make it a taco gazapacho soup!!
    Mini cucumbers are awesome from Costco. I’m loving their mango as well!

    Bet your glad you’ve gotten a lot of wedding stuff done. Now its just the small details left….and lots of them.

  24. May 27, 2010 3:58 am

    Wedding shopping is so much fun! Not sure how much my man enjoyed it, but I sure loved window shopping for all of the fun wedding elements.

    I have never made taco soup but I think I should. It always looks so good. Kind of reminds me of thin chili.

    Have a wonderful day lovely lady!

  25. balancingbrianne permalink
    May 27, 2010 4:11 am

    i can’t wait to try your taco soup recipe!

    i take 1 T of heavy whipping cream in my coffee. i actually picked up BFL after reading your story, and i know it’s heavy on the fat – but it’s the and i know a T isn’t going to kill me : )

    i don’t know if i’ve tried any “new products” – does my raw milk count? :)


    p.s. thanks for posting all of your HIIT workouts – your blog is the first place i come when i need something new!

  26. May 27, 2010 4:48 am

    Your wedding is going to rock. Seriously. Any place that is botanical and as naturally beautiful as that is foolproof. Love it.

    Moving on…your mini cucumber lovefest reminded me of what my mom is currently addicted to. (She acts like she invented it and you’ve probably done it, but I’ve never had it.) Anyway, she buys the little gourmet cucumbers and has a huge snack plate with those and Heinz Salad Vinegar. Add in stuffed olives, French bread with oil/herbs, brie and some other crap, and you have her latest obsession–Salad Vinegar and cukes.

    This is the woman that raised me, so don’t judge–leave that up to me ;)

  27. May 27, 2010 4:50 am

    I LOVE your wedding venue!!! and that picture of the happy couple :) I have to say Janetha, I am verrrry impressed that you’ve managed to pull off wedding planning in such a short period of time! I have some good friends here who are going through it, and they’re losing their minds with a year to go. I’m sure there’s extra stress you haven’t talked about, but I think you are managing it all fabulously :)

    Oh, and that taco soup recipe is bookmarked. I’ve never had it before!

    1. I prefer both my coffee and tea iced. I’m not a huge hot drink person. Iced coffee and tea have got to be sweetened for me, and the coffee needs milk. They’re just more potent tasting when cold. When hot though, I like both black. Sometimes I add a splash of almond milk to coffee to cool it down so I can drink it asap.

    2. PB Larabar!! Coconut cream is on the next grocery list ;)

  28. May 27, 2010 4:59 am

    I actually have coffee with almond milk always and tea back always, whether iced or not. I never really thought much about it. Your preferences are interesting. But they totally fit your sporadic personality which I adore. :)

    Also, I love the idea of getting married in a garden shop. So creative and beautiful. And hey – any way to cut on spending to have more money for food/drinks/music/FUN is a great idea in my book. Glad you’ve been productive on the wedding front. It feels so nice when things start finally coming together.

  29. May 27, 2010 5:51 am

    Love the wedding venue!
    Do baby cucs take like regular ones?

  30. May 27, 2010 5:55 am

    That heart thrive bar looks so yummy. I haven’t seen them here yet. I know this is bad, but I like my coffee with sugar-free hot chocolate. It’s the only time I ever like chocolate too – strange I know. I love the idea of where you’re wedding will be. How cool!

  31. May 27, 2010 5:59 am

    I’m a little late on this one, but I usually never shower at the gym either. My new gym is so so clean, and the other morning I DID shower there. Don’t really enjoy it, but it was clean enough for me to do it and feel ok. Ummm that taco soup looks incredible!

  32. May 27, 2010 6:03 am

    What a great place to get married! We are doing a backyard wedding, but still considering the possibility of doing the ceremony at a farm/garden… so beautiful!!

    I love that you’re doing a BLT’s list… I think I should steal your idea and do that too! Accountability is everything…

    Coffee black or with a hint of milk, Tea black, Iced coffee with a bit more milk, Iced tea with lemon!

    Latest new-to-me product… I am LOVING cashew butter! Yum!


  33. May 27, 2010 6:28 am

    I missed your last post (will read it after this one) but I think it’s funny that people are freaked out about the gym showers. I use them more often than the one at my house since I’m there almost every day :) I rent a locker so I keep my shoes there, my hair straightner, shampoo, conditioner, etc. It’s faster than going home even though I live across the street.
    I like my coffee (hot or cold) with milk and tea (hot or cold) black :)

  34. May 27, 2010 6:29 am

    Oh and congrats on getting major wedding stuff done!!
    And I’m also having an oikos giveaway – check it out :D

  35. May 27, 2010 6:39 am

    The place you’re getting married looks gorgeous!! What a fabulous idea so that you don’t have to decorate with flowers and they’re already there for you!! Awesome!! I’m so excited for you. You’ll want to do your wedding day over and over and over, I promise!! So enjoy every single second of it and don’t think about anything except what’s going on in that moment!! :) YAY!!!!!

  36. May 27, 2010 6:43 am

    I love reading your posts :) You have such a great healthy balance in your life! Fabulous. I strive to be more like you <3. Glad the wedding stuff is coming together! its so stressful, but worth it in the end. I cannot wait to see the pictures. That crock pot dish looks out of this world. I am going to have to try making that. I have been getting more and more into using my crock pot lately- love making refried beans in it. I like my coffee with stevia and almond milk- deliciousness

  37. May 27, 2010 6:52 am

    I am a recent black coffee convert. I started getting weary of the additives in the creamers provided in my office (no packaging to check nutrition content either) and so I weaned myself off it. Black coffee may not be my favorite, but it is my preference. As for teas … I’m not much of a tea drinker, but I will toss a green tea bag in my water bottle every so often.

  38. May 27, 2010 6:54 am

    I LOVE the location for your wedding! Rad idea about the flowers etc. That is awesome. High five.
    I also want a crock pot REALLY badly. Do I want that more or a blender more? I’m about to splash some savings on one…gah. If only money were infinite!

    I take my hot coffee and tea with milk and sugar. But I am MUCH more fussynabout my tea. It HAS to be skim milk only and 2 tsp sugar. Coffee can have anything milk/cream-like in it! Iced coffee comes with milk and accoutrements also but iced tea is black! Wow. Random ramblings.

    Sunflower seed butter is new to me and I am basically OBSESSED. Like, maybe more love than almond butter. Holy smoke. Love you!! Your wedding is going to be a dream!

  39. May 27, 2010 6:58 am

    I love your venue, you wedding is going one of a kind!!

  40. May 27, 2010 6:58 am

    Oh I love cactus and tropicals! I grew up pretty close to that store. I remember when it first opened, It was a tiny house with a small green house!! I’v never been to a wedding there but I hear they are beautiful with all the tropical plants and flowers!!! You must post pics for sure!!!

  41. lowandbhold permalink
    May 27, 2010 7:07 am

    hot coffee – with half and half. cold coffee – with vanilla soymilk. hot tea – blech, but if i have to have it i drink it black. iced tea – artificial sweetenah, or black.

    um, i had coconut m&m’s yesterday, and they were glorious.

    The wedding venue looks off the chain!

  42. May 27, 2010 7:50 am

    Oh goodness…taco soup sounds so perfect. I *love* taco soup but have never made it homemade. Going to try that for sure! :D

  43. Steph permalink
    May 27, 2010 8:08 am

    I like my hot coffee with 1 packet of stevia and a splash of fat free 1/2 & 1/2, iced coffee heavy on the skim with 1 packet of stevia. I never drink iced tea but I like hot green tea and bedtime tea. I never add milk or sweetener.

    I just bought my first kombucha on Tuesday. I didn’t hate it and I’m excited to try other flavors. I had the trilogy and it definitely tasted like the pickled ginger you get with sushi.

    Glad to hear you’re less stressed about the wedding!

  44. Taysa (Water, Butter and Wine) permalink
    May 27, 2010 8:22 am

    That is such a creative and beautiful wedding venue! Do they advertise that they host events or did you just ask randomly? I would never think of asking a place that doesn’t advertise for events. I can’t wait to see all the pictures from the wedding!!!

  45. May 27, 2010 8:56 am

    Wow, you’re going to have a gorgeous wedding there!! Beautiful venue :D

  46. May 27, 2010 8:56 am

    What’s a donkey kick??

    Coffee.. I like it plain with stevia! I used to be able to drink it black but now I’m addicted to stevia!

  47. May 27, 2010 9:03 am

    1. I don’t drink coffee. In fact I’ve only had 1 cup of coffee ever in my entire life and it was loaded with sugar and cream. I’d rather have tea (green) with nothing in it and it doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold.

    2. I am in LOVE and have been in love with the premier protein bars from costco. I know that they are not organic, but when we are out and about they are pure awesomeness. They get rid of my hunger pains and cost a lot less than going out to eat. My favorite is the peanut butter chocolate…can you say yummy!!!

    What a great idea for a wedding venue, hopefully you didn’t have to pay to rent it out either. How are the house renovations coming??? You should put up some before and current pictures. You will make the most beautiful bride! My wedding day was the best party of my life!

  48. May 27, 2010 9:09 am

    I love your wedding venue. Pea Daddy would spend hours at the nursery if I let him, so that is right up his alley. I’ve been to one wedding at a similar venue and it was absolutely gorgeous.

    I take my coffee decaf (boohoo) with almond milk and stevia. Same goes for the tea.

    You’ve gotten the girls and me hooked on those mini Costco peppers. Maybe 2 bags a week? And those pea pods too! Talk about BNLs!

    Have a great Thursday, Neeth!

  49. May 27, 2010 9:30 am

    I could go any way with coffee/tea and drinks. I like sugar, no sugar, black, flavored, you name it! I’m not picky :)
    And the newest product I’m loving is California Complete Protein bread from Alvarado St. Bakery- so seedy and yummy!

    Finding music for your wedding sounds like so much fun! Will you post your playlist for us?! Would love to see what you’re into!

  50. May 27, 2010 9:43 am

    oh lord we are wednesday twins! well kind of just not really other then the fact that my work day flew by too and i didn’t get to eat lunch until 2pm! holy late lunch and angerness at coworkers hahaha

    your wedding venue is seriously gorgeous to the MAX. i can’t wait to come…i mean see pictures of the actual day! hahaha love you girll

  51. May 27, 2010 10:32 am

    What a awesome wedding venue. It’s gorgeous and so different! You are a genius. I would buy those cookies just because they are shaped like a heart. I know I’m lame, but I’m a sucker for all love type things!

  52. May 27, 2010 10:42 am

    HELLO MY TWIN seriously…i love your eats, and also always get worried when they say things like “continental breakfast” I would have a bar or smoething small before hand as well! just in case

    the store where you are getting married is BEAUTIFUL I love that there are flowers GALORE….i love flowers :)

    checking out how to make your taco soup but sadly I have no crock pot :( booo one day when i get wedding, a crock pot will be on my list…that would be a whiles away though lol

    i am LOVING my sunbutter, it is such a nice change from PB!! i have been dipping my weight in celery in that tub and its going fast!! also delish with carrots. the baby cukes from costco are awesome! i buy a pack of those and they are gone in 1 week flat! i eat them like candy!

    I drink my hot coffee with some skim and stevia or truvia and same with my iced…hot tea i like a little stevia and almond milk, ice tea…straight up!

    new foodie find for me…hmmmmmm well this isnt from a store, but I am obsessed with the tomato/avocado/corn thing I made!

    love you!

  53. May 27, 2010 10:44 am

    perfect idea about the location of the wedding! never would’ve thought to do something like that! :) it is beautiful.

    1. how do you take your coffee? and your tea? my iced coffee & hot coffe are both taken with either sf syrup or splenda. No milk products, I like em’ black. Tea? I like em’ sweetened w/ Splenda!

    2. latest new-to-you product that you enjoyed? Fiber Gourmet pasta is my addiction lately.

  54. Kelly permalink
    May 27, 2010 11:20 am

    So glad you’re feeling better about the wedding plans, trust me it’s all worth it!!

    Love your moves today, I’m totally stealing them and doing this workout tomorrow. I’ve been in a bit of an unmotivated workout rut and I def think this will help. You should totally become a morning workout person, it really is the best having it all done first thing in the AM, makes you feel great all day and you have time to relax at time. Plus at my gym it’s pretty empty so I have the place to myself!

    1 – I don’t drink coffee but I like coffee flavored things, I’ve taken to adding instant espresso powder to oats and protein shakes. I drink my tea straight up.

    2 – I’ve really gotten into dijon mustard on my veggies lately, shocking that this is “new to me” but I only tried mustard for the first time ever in the last year! I also tried Walden Farms BBQ sauce and I’m kinda hooked on that – bad bad habit!

  55. May 27, 2010 11:34 am

    Everyone tells me how great crock pots are, but I never know what to make in them. Hello, crock pot Wednesday!

    Wedding plans= so, so exciting. You + future husband are adorable. I think I may have already told you that? Ah well, I don’t mind saying it again.

  56. May 27, 2010 11:56 am

    Okay so I’m just going to have to comment (first comment!! <3) to say that you are pretty much a GENIUS for your venue choice! I'm thrilled that your preparations are going well and am looking forward to reading more about your big day :3 You are so beautiful, and so fit! This blog is going to be a pleasure to read.

  57. May 27, 2010 12:07 pm

    those mini cucumbers are really good, they go bad really fast though so eat them all! they get kind of slime ish. my favorite new product i would say is these really good fruit leathers i found from whole foods, i got ginger lime and vanilla pear flavors! also stevia drinks, dr stevia is really good!

  58. May 27, 2010 12:12 pm

    what a gorgeous venue! LOVES!!!!!!!!! I like the Heart Thrive bars too- I have one left that is defrosting to eat this weekend. Email the company for samples- that was how I got a stash!

    1. how do you take your coffee? and your tea? and your iced coffee? and your iced tea? coffee- skim milk, cinnamon and a buttload of sweetener. Tea- soy milk and sweetener. Iced coffee- sweetener and either soy milk or any other milk. Iced tea- plum-a-granite Snapple only.

    2. latest new-to-you product that you enjoyed? spicy red pepper hummus- was awesome but relationship was short lived because I got bored after buying a huge tub.

  59. May 27, 2010 12:16 pm

    LOVE the venue. They have done weddings before, right? Just don’t want them freaking the day of because of something they didn’t expect (conga line through the cacti?).

    I’m getting so excited for you guys!

  60. May 27, 2010 12:17 pm

    I don’t drink coffee.

    Mmm, taco soup sounds so delicious!

    Your venue looks awesome – what a unique idea!

  61. May 27, 2010 12:24 pm

    Hey, I like my coffee and tea the same way! LOL!

  62. May 27, 2010 12:27 pm

    I drink my coffee black and my tea the same way. I used to have splenda in my coffee but slowly weened myself off of it about a year ago and now I do not like my coffee sweet. It is so strange how we can train our taste buds.

    My newest thing is Sweet Potato with cottage cheese and almond butter. Thank you for that idea! I could not decided the other night what I wanted for dinner and after reading about it on your blog I thought what the heck lets try it. Holy YUM!!!!! It is one of a few things that sound good right now being newely pregnant so I think I will have to keep a stash of all those ingredients.

  63. May 27, 2010 12:46 pm

    TACO SOUP! AHHH! I keep meaning to make that! That and stuffed pepper soup! Perhaps I too should incorporate a Crockpot Dinner into my weekly meal planning! Brilliance!

    The venue is gorgeous. I love places that sell plants. I could just roam them for days fantasizing about my SUPER DREAM GARDEN! Great choice and I’m sure you saved a ton on flowers. Now you can spend it on important things, like food, and a ticket to fly me out to see you get married. HA! ;)

    Coffee = sugar free creamer and splenda
    Tea = depends on flavor, plain with splenda OR with a splash of milk (Thai Spice Tea with a splash of vanilla creamer and a dash of cinnamon tastes JUST like pumpkin pie!
    Iced Coffee = skim milk (or almond breeze), splenda and a dash of cinnamon
    Iced Tea = Splenda and LOTS of it. I like my iced tea SWEET! I bet this freaks you out. DA DA DAAAA!


  64. May 27, 2010 12:55 pm

    Your taco soup looks amazing! Now that the weather is heating up, I should take advantage of my crock pot. I just can’t bear turning on the oven when it’s sweltering.

  65. May 27, 2010 1:41 pm

    Wow! The venue looks awesome. I want to go!
    I take my coffee dark with half and half and sugar. I haven’t tried any new products lately, but I did just get my haircut AGAIN hahaha!
    I’m the opposite of you. I work out in the morning and would give my left boob to become an afternoon exerciser. I’m just way too tired after work, but because I work out in the morning, I’m sore all day. I can’t win!

  66. flowyogilates permalink
    May 27, 2010 2:30 pm

    Love your Taco Soup…. mhhhhhhh

    with sojamilk and sometimes black; plain; don´t drink iced coffee or ice tea

    2. tempeh; vegetarian chicken fillets …. both were delish

  67. May 27, 2010 3:38 pm

    I LOVE the place you all picked for the wedding.

    FYI – if you really want some Heart Thrive Bars I have wayyyyy to mean. But, Whole Foods does sell them. In the WF by me, they are next to the coffee stand in the vegan baked snack section.

  68. May 27, 2010 4:19 pm

    Holy moly – your taco soup looks amazingly delicious, I’m definitely gonna have to give that a try.

  69. Carla in Sydney permalink
    May 27, 2010 4:51 pm

    That is really, really cool that they allow weddings in the flower shop….such a great idea! You are very lucky and it looks like a beautiful venue. I can’t wait to see you in your dress…I am sure you will be a stunning bride!

    PS: I love Marshall’s tatt’s…..quality tatts are just awesome! :-)

  70. May 27, 2010 11:44 pm

    Music was a huge deal for us at our wedding too. Funny thing is we are both super into music but I can hardly remember any of the songs. I know there was Radiohead, Jeff Buckley and Bjork. Probably a some Nick Drake and Red House Painters too. This was 11 years ago so the list might be a little different now.

  71. May 28, 2010 7:28 am

    The venue is absolutely beautiful. I want to get married in a giant garden one day :)

    And OF COURSE cute food is more fun to eat. And baby cukes are the epitome of cute.

  72. May 28, 2010 9:05 am

    i am just going to put this out there…i am willing to become ordained to marry you and marshall. and i’m serious.

    i like my coffee with milk…preferably the 2% kind.

    happy weeeekkkkeeennnnddddddd!!!!!

  73. May 29, 2010 9:39 pm

    1. Those cucumbers on that salad look soo yummy!
    2. My cousin just had her wedding at Cactus and Tropicals and it was so beautiful, you are going to love it!

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