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May 16, 2010

i am lucky.

lucky to have 47 people who said something making me feel better about my last post. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

lucky to have several people email me, telling me that everything is going to be OK.

lucky to have a fiance who is willing to go to the store and get all the groceries for the trip to the cabin while i am still at work, allowing me to have time to go to the gym before heading out of town for the night.

lucky to have endurance and strength.. to be strong enough to power me through friday’s HIIT:


minute # speed (MPH) incline (%)
1 5.0 5
2 5.5 5
3 6.0 1
4 6.5 1
5 7.0 1
6 7.5 1
7 6.0 1
8 6.5 1
9 7.0 1
10 7.5 1
11 6.0 1
12 6.5 1
13 7.0 1
14 7.5 1
15 6.0 1
16 6.5 1
17 7.0 1
18 7.5 1
19 6.0 1
20 6.5 1
21 7.0 1
22 7.5 1
23 6.0 1
24 6.5 1
25 7.0 1
26 7.5 1
27 8.0 1
28 2.0 0
29 3.0 10
30 3.0 10

30 minutes, 3.12 miles.

lucky to have a mom who is selfless enough to give me her HRM watch after i lost mine.. only to buy another one for herself.

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lucky to have pups who miss us when we leave.. and roommates who take care of them while we are gone.


lucky to have the chance to spend the night at such a beautiful cabin.


lucky to receive products like POM wonderful and kombucha for free~ to make stellar fizzy cocktails.


lucky to have a friend all the way from norway send me some chili nuts. they are delicious.


lucky that i won averie’s giveaway for a mini food processor so i can make TWO INGREDIENT sun dried tomato hummus anywhere i go.


lucky to be in the company of people who LOVE delicious appetizers, just like me.

veggies & greek yogurt ranch dip~




chips & salsa~


fruit & dip~


spinach artichoke dip & pita chips~


lucky that we had not one, not two, not three, but FOUR bags of stacy’s pita chips. how did we get so lucky?!


lucky there are yellow labs named sage that remind me of my sweet mable, RIP.


lucky i have the best friends in the world to cheer me up and forget all my worries.

IMG_1614 IMG_1596 IMG_1602 IMG_1603

lucky we had a delicious BBQ feast friday night.

pasta salad~


grilled veggies & chicken~


green salad~


lucky someone had a birthday which gave us a reason to make better than (subpar) sex cake!! (a cabin tradition!)

 IMG_1636 IMG_1641



lucky i am friends with this birthday girl. i love her to pieces.


lucky i have the ability to throw all rules out the window for a night, and eat cake straight from the pan with everyo else. it tasted like chocolate french toast.


lucky i am slowly but surely becoming a morning person (thanks to the wakeup call challenge) and have the chance to go on nature walks before everyone else wakes up. just me and my shadow.


lucky i live in such a beautiful state.

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lucky i know how to work a french press, since nobody was up yet and i wanted coffee.


lucky to have such gracious hosts who make us breakfast!



(i ate probably half of this bowl of fruit while breakfast was cooking. i cannot tell a lie.)





and cinnamon bread.

my plate~


(add about 7 pounds of melon to this picture to get the real story.)

lucky we made it home in one piece. goodbye cabin!


lucky marshall loves me enough to spend a whole day inside on the couch with me.. even when i turn into a complete spaz and do silly dances and sing ridiculous songs for hours on end.

lucky i had time to read ALL the blogs in my google reader.. since i sat around all day.. and it is so nice to be caught up with all my favorite friends (no, i still didn’t comment, sorry!)

lucky i have the sense enough to take the day off from working out when my body tells me it needs a break, both physically and mentally. take. a. break. and i did. no workout yesterday.

lucky for sunshine, so we can enjoy our libations on the patio of salt lake city roasting company.


lucky i’m not marshall, who’s sunglasses are missing, thus making him do this adorable frowny face when the sun is piercing his eyeballs. (okay, that was mean, but he is so cute.)


lucky for birthday dinner for my friend darrell, which took me to a new-to-me restaurant.


lucky i completed elementary school, so i could read the menu and make my selection:


“grilled chicken piadine: portobello mushrooms, fontina, mixed greens balsamic reduction”

for the record, a piadine is described as a warm, tender, unleavened bread (read: tortilla) wrapped around a variety of savory fillings.  if you want it put into terms that make more sense.. it’s an italian taco, folks.


lucky marshall gave me a bite of his margharita pizza. yum.


lucky we decided fro yo would be a good choice!

lucky i realized it is smartest to put your fruit on the bottom, before the fro yo.


lucky they had graham crackers AND coconut for toppings.


lucky we have jobs so we can pay for 1.69 lbs of fro yo.


lucky to find out i won FOUR giveaways recently. four! thanks coco, amie, danica and ruth! wow.. someone’s luck is turning around.

lucky it is a beautiful day today!! time to get off the computer and enjoy this lovely weather.


see ya later, alligators!


1. why are YOU lucky? you saw that question coming from a mile away, i’m sure.

2. weekend highlight?

p.s. my wedding is TWO MONTHS from tomorrow! eeeep!

68 Comments leave one →
  1. mom permalink
    May 16, 2010 11:23 am

    I knew when I say the title “lucky” this was worth reading at my big computer……I was not dissappointed, in fact I am ready for church with tears streaming down my face, I’m a mess – we must be related!!

    You are just the sweetest most intuitive young woman I know – realizing and capturing and sharing all these awesome lucky things is wonderful!!! I must have the photo of you and your shadow……totally a favorite!

    Have a peaceful Sunday, I love you beyond measure, thank you……mom.

  2. May 16, 2010 11:30 am

    This post is so cute!! You are so pretty! and love the eats :D

  3. May 16, 2010 11:41 am

    Yay! So glad that you’re feeling better! Looks like you had a great weekend. :)

  4. May 16, 2010 11:41 am

    I love this post! I need to feel lucky more. I’m lucky to have the best family in the world and the best friends, I’m lucky I have the courage to finally stand up to my bully boss and I’m lucky I have the power to change my future for the better x x

  5. May 16, 2010 11:49 am

    I feel lucky to get to follow your amazing, uplifting, inspiring life. I’m glad you had such a nice time this weekend with all your many blessings.

  6. May 16, 2010 11:49 am

    I LOVE this post! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and that things are taking a turn for the better! You ARE lucky and it is sooo awesome that you see that girl!

    Love you tons! <3 Em

  7. May 16, 2010 11:55 am

    I’m glad you are feeling better today. Fruit on the bottom FY is kind of the best idea ever.

  8. May 16, 2010 11:59 am

    Just got up to speed on your last post…and it’s amazing that even through all those obstacles, you still see yourself as lucky. You are a wonderful person with a beautiful heart that shines through in every post- everything WILL be resolved in time :)

    I’m pretty lucky for the life I lead in general. When I think about some of the struggles others have had, my life is pretty damned charmed, so I need to start sucking it up when I feel lousy and remind myself of that!

    Hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday love!!

  9. May 16, 2010 12:09 pm

    I love the mornings! It’s my favorite time of day.

    I also love blue chips and dangit I have some in the house from our party last night.

    I’m glad you’re having a great time Janetha!

    I don’t have much luck in life in general but i’m pretty lucky to be alive after my accident when I was five.

  10. May 16, 2010 12:13 pm

    Great post. It’s so important to remember all of the things we are so lucky to have! Sounds like you’re overflowing with it this weekend. I am so lucky to have a sister who is my best friend, to be married to someone who loves me for the crazy person I am, for the strength to push through high rep workouts then still be able to do kickboxing…

  11. May 16, 2010 12:17 pm

    Janetha, beautiful post and the fact that your mom is your #1 commenter, truly amazing. My mom doesnt even know what a HR monitor is, let alone read my blog. She refuses to read it and thinks it’s a waste of time and dumb. I am so grateful for you, that your mom reads and that you two are so close :)

    Glad the food proc is coming in handy!

    What a cabin….omg. Drool. The fact too that you have no children, no one who “needs” you…and can focus on yourself and Marshall and just enjoy being with your friends, what a true gift right now..sounds like you need it and I am so happy that this weekend was just what the dr ordered for you :)


  12. ari permalink
    May 16, 2010 12:30 pm

    and we’re all lucky that you blog!

  13. May 16, 2010 12:31 pm

    Very cute post and yes you are LUCKY and I’m glad you realize that because it will turn that frown upside down in no time. =)

    Greek yogurt ranch dip….please share the recipe!

  14. May 16, 2010 12:47 pm

    ADD 48 readers who support you and love you! I am behind on my reader- SORRY! I am so sorry you had a shitty day but so happy you are turning things around! Stay positive and if you ever feel crappy, just remember that you have hundreds of people that love you and think you are amazing NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, DO, Don’t Do, feel, look like etc. Love you girlie!!!!!!

  15. May 16, 2010 12:48 pm

    Wow, so beautitful! I love cabins and the smell of a fire place, breakfast cooking, and the great outdoors. So lucky! I am lucky to have such an amazing little family (hubs and pups) that make me smile every day and treat me like a princess. Sounds like Marshall is that type of man himself to take care of you! Those are REAL men!
    Happy Rest day.

  16. May 16, 2010 12:52 pm

    That cabin is GORGEOUS! So are all the pics you took!

  17. May 16, 2010 12:53 pm

    I loved this post! I miss Utah already!

    I’m so glad you are having a better today. I was so sad for you. :( You do have a LOT on your plate.

    I’m lucky to live in such a beautiful state right now!

  18. May 16, 2010 1:11 pm

    Love all the cabin pics! :)

    I’m lucky because I got in a great workout this morning, had lots of fun with the toddler while we were running errands, and am enjoying some quiet time right now while he is napping. Lucky indeed! :)

  19. May 16, 2010 1:12 pm

    awwwwwwww such a great weekend! And so well deserved after this week. The fruit looks fresh and amazing. Stacy’s chips….too good for words. Froyo? My favorite dessert. And you are looking GORGEOUS girl! You are going to be one beautiful bride. I am lucky to have had time with my husband after he traveled all last week. Lucky to have an incredible weekend full of sunshine, gardening, grilled pizza and brunch :) Just very lucky all around. 2 months? How exciting :) :)

  20. Katrina J permalink
    May 16, 2010 2:00 pm

    Sometimes when everything around us seems to being going so wrong, the best thing we can do is recognize what is right. See the things that we are so lucky to have, and realize that no matter how bad things get, we still have so much beauty that surrounds us in our life.

    After everything that has happened over the course of this week, I feel lucky to know that I am a strong, independent, and responsible woman. That, no matter HOW HARD things get, still manages to keep her life in some sort of order. I am lucky to have an amazing doctor, and friends that have so much love and support. I am a very lucky girl. Even though, things are far from perfect right now.

    I miss the gym. I am hoping by tomorrow I’ll be able to get myself back into the swing of things. It has been 5 days and it feels like 5 months.

    And…I am such a darn slacker. I WILL be getting my blog going this week. I must dang it! I took some great pictures of the first hula hoop workshop that I was blessed to teach. 12 girls from the ages of 6-9 up in PC (highlight of my weekend). It was amazing :)

    I am SO very happy that things are looking up for you my Janetha! I love you sunshine!!! <3


  21. May 16, 2010 2:09 pm

    I’m feeling lucky for the (finally) beautiful weather! Looks like such a fun time :-)

  22. May 16, 2010 2:14 pm

    It does look like your luck is turning around. You deserve it girl and I’m so glad you had fun at the cabin. I’m very much looking forward to a rest day after yesterday’s 4 hour hike and this morning’s 8 mile run. My body is pooped!

  23. May 16, 2010 2:39 pm

    I’m so glad you’re feeling so lucky in so many ways!! :) AND, I LOVE better than sex cake!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg, sooooooooo amazing!! :)

  24. May 16, 2010 3:16 pm

    What a BEAUTIFUL post Janetha!!! When I get stressed I think of all the beautiful people in my life and things that Im lucky to have!!!!!!! I LOVE this post!!!! The luckiest thing you can have is family friends, a wonderful fiance , and LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful night!!

  25. May 16, 2010 3:30 pm

    Aww I’ so excited for your wedding Janetha. You’re going to make such a gorgeous bride I can already picture it. :) I’m lucky that i have family that loves and supports me though everything that i do in life. And I’m lucky to have my health and the ability to eat, move, love every day without having to think twice. I just wish we had a self-serve fro yo joint in Chicago so i can prove that i make enough money to eat 1.69lb of yogurt too. hahahaha :)

  26. May 16, 2010 3:47 pm

    I thought this post was beautiful in itself – but then I read your mom’s comment!!! Awwww!

    Utah looks freakin’ gorgeous. And I can smell the bacon from that picture ;)

    1. I’m lucky to be able to take this month off and spend it with my friends and family. Not many people ever have the luxury to do that.

    2. This is where I should say it was out tearing up the town with my BFF. While we DID do that, I think my real highlight was laying in bed with her all the next day watching cheesy TV and giggling :)

  27. May 16, 2010 3:50 pm

    Very beautiful post!! You are a lucky lady! :)

    And that’s so cute that your mama comments on your blog! My mom told me I made her cry at work once reading it so our mama’s are similar! LOL

  28. May 16, 2010 3:50 pm

    What a great post. Sometimes we get so bogged down with money and material things, when having our health and loved ones really is the most important thing! All else is trivial :D

  29. May 16, 2010 3:51 pm

    Awww, I loved this post! Glad you had a great weekend. There are many ways we are lucky and blessed, so try to focus on those. Hopefully the luck trend will continue into the week for you. You deserve it.

    PS – That frowny picture of Marshall rocks!

  30. May 16, 2010 3:57 pm

    Glad you’ve been finding so many things to stay positive about despite all of the stress and BS that happened over the past week. Keep smiling and hang in there! :)

  31. May 16, 2010 3:59 pm

    I LOVED this post! You are lucky, for sure!

    I turned to Nick after I read this and I said, “Why am I lucky?” and he replied, “Because you have a cat, that loves ME.”. WHAT?

    In any case, I am lucky to finally be able to live with my love after so many months apart.

    I am lucky I have a new kitten who loves BOTH of us and is adorable.

    I am lucky to be living in one of the greatest cities in the world, doing exactly what I have always dreamed of doing.

    I am lucky to have an amazing group of family and friends I can always turn to.

    I am lucky to have an incredible group of blog friends- I love the food blogging community! (And YOU!)

    I am lucky for the beautiful weather we are having, the wonderful food I have been able to eat and how happy I am. :)

    Best thing this weekend? You’re going to have to read my blog and find out in the next couple of weeks. ;)


  32. Maren permalink
    May 16, 2010 4:24 pm

    Janetha. I have been reading your posts on my phone so I haven’t been responding . I love this post! It reminds all of us how truly blessed we all are! Some days I complain all day about anything and everything, but this posts reminds me of all the things I’m lucky to have!! The cabin looks beautiful and that is definitely my FAVORITE! We have a beautiful cabin in Minnesota.

    Why am I lucky? I am lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend and (future in-laws) that always take care of me!!

    Highlight of the weekend? Soon to be Garbanzo Bean Turkey Bake that’s in the oven! Can’t wait!!

    I am glad that you are doing better after what looks to be an amazing time at the Cabin!

  33. May 16, 2010 4:28 pm

    Loved this post- made me smile, as all of your posts do :)
    I am so lucky for so many things in my life- sometimes I need to step back & take a moment to realize how lucky I really am.
    Looks like your cabin adventure was fun!!!

  34. May 16, 2010 5:00 pm

    Eek, just read the post before this! I am sure everything will work itself out and things get better soon. Hope Marshalls teeth get better also, I have 3K worth of work to be done on my chompers, ick.

    Looks like you had an amazing wknd and you are a lucky gal to get to enjoy all of it! I am lucky to have friends, family, money to buy myself nice things have a nice life, a dog who I cannot live without and yeah….I can go on and on and on but will stop there.

    I was hoping the highlight of my wknd would be a date I had last night but it (or he) didn’t live up to my expectations so I am saying laying by the pool both days was my highlight!

  35. *Andrea* permalink
    May 16, 2010 5:34 pm

    2 months!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!

    i am lucky for finding great, inspiring and HONEST and sincere blogs like yours <3 also lucky for wonderful parents, a great sister, GRADUATING college next week, the ability to run, laugh, smile, dream and live in the u.s.a. :)

  36. May 16, 2010 6:09 pm

    You are lucky, and an amazing woman. Such an inspiration to all of us and myself :)

  37. louisianagrown permalink
    May 16, 2010 6:18 pm

    You look SO happy in these pictures. Looks like a relaxed weekend in an absolutely BEAUTIFUL cabin was all you needed to perk right up.

  38. hayleycepeda permalink
    May 16, 2010 6:43 pm

    I so love this post…

    I am SO glad you got away on a little retreat to yourself for some de-stressing and relaxation with friends, beautiful scenery and good eats. You definitely deserve it!! The weather looks gorgeous, too…

    2 MONTHS until you’re wedding?!? EEEEE!!!! :)

    I feel very lucky to have a little baby girl growing inside of me, especially because I know people right now that are struggling to get pregnant. I feel so lucky to have the support and love of my husband, family and friends while I’m still grieving the loss of my friends. I feel lucky knowing we are financially stable (knock on wood) and able to enjoy life and take trips that many others are not as fortunate to do…and I feel VERY lucky to have wonderful bloggie friends like you who provide amazing blogs to read that inspire and uplift me everyday…thank you!!!

  39. May 16, 2010 6:49 pm

    This post was adorable…almost as adorable as your mom’s comment! Loveliness.

    I am lucky to call two countries home and have all the wonderful friends and family that I do in both!

    This weekend was immense. Highlights: dancing my socks off with the boy last night and running a new personal record distance of 11 miles! eep.

    Wedding so soon = major excitement!

  40. May 16, 2010 7:13 pm

    you are, indeed, lucky!!! we all are, if we can all just take a moment to appreciate it.

  41. May 16, 2010 7:36 pm

    Girl I’m so glad to read that you’re feeling better! This post has me smiling big time!

    I didn’t realize you’d won FOUR giveaways! That’s friggin awesome!

    It’s always amazes me how lucky I am. Even when I’m struggling with the occasional rotten streak of luck, I’ve got a roof over my head (even if it’s leaky), a job (which I may dislike to the max), two wonderful dogs, and an amazing man who I love to pieces.

    So all in all, I love my money pit home, big mongruls, and goofball boy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    … erhm aside from the money pit home. I’d prefer it stop breaking :)

  42. Michelle permalink
    May 16, 2010 8:04 pm

    That cabin and its surroundings are gorgeous! Definitely lucky. ;-)

    I feel lucky every single day. I always say as long as we have our health, we have everything :-)

  43. May 16, 2010 8:13 pm

    At the risk of sounding hippie-dippie, I’d loved the extent of your gratitude in this post. Thanks for the Utah pics – i lived outside of Salt Lake and also down in Blanding for a spell, and the scenery never ceased to amaze me.

  44. May 16, 2010 9:00 pm

    Looks like you had a great time!

    I’m lucky I finished my bike ride yesterday–55 miles in Reach the Beach ride– with a broken bike! I didn’t have to walk across the finish line!

  45. May 16, 2010 10:43 pm

    Janetha, it looks like you had an AMAZINGINGLY fun weekend at the cabin (which is beyond gorgeous btw)! I loved hearing of all your blessings, it’s so easy to forget them and dwell on everything that’ not going right. Sometimes the best pick me up is to list them all like you just did. Thanks, I really enjoyed hearing them all!

  46. May 16, 2010 11:30 pm

    I loved this post! I am lucky for having my happiness and health, lucky for having a working body i am able to look after and use to workout and lucky i have found someone i want to be with for the rest of my life! Sorry you had a bummer of a day on Wednesday, we all have days like that where you just need to cry! xx

  47. May 16, 2010 11:32 pm

    We’re so lucky to be able to share your everyday ups and downs. We all love you, and we’re all lucky to know each other! :) Feel better soon. I loved this post!

  48. May 17, 2010 1:35 am

    Beautiful post. It reminded me to be thankful for the little things in my life and the people around me that I love. Thanks girl!
    I want chips and salsa NOW.

  49. Cecilia permalink
    May 17, 2010 4:49 am

    I feel lucky that I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago. It always brightens up my day to read it.

    I’m also lucky to have the best kid in the world! Life is hard being a single parent but I have a great kid.

  50. May 17, 2010 5:21 am

    I’m just catching up on things, so I’m lucky that you posted this after I read the other one, or else I would have continued to be worried about you.

    And just for the record, it looks like you are pretty damned lucky (and I don’t just mean winning four giveaways…but wth? I’ve never won anything! You go, girl!). I know you have a lot of stress right now, but you also have a lot of support and don’t have to do it alone.

    I’m lucky it was actually not raining over the weekend for the first time in forever. Oh! And I’m lucky that my boss is gone today and tomorrow so things will be peaceful-ish.

  51. May 17, 2010 6:33 am

    I had fro yo at one of those places last night! It was definitely my weekend highligt.

  52. May 17, 2010 6:41 am

    So glad your luck is turning around sister friend. Sounds like you had an amazing time in the cabin. And wow…those surroundings. I want to take a vacation to that spot in Utah! Seriously…cray beautiful.
    I’m lucky because my freinds, family, an husband couldn’t be more supportive of me up and changing my life to go for my dreams…and that I’m able to do so.
    Weekend highlight was having time to RELAX. It was super amazing…

  53. May 17, 2010 9:21 am

    aw, I love this post- I can’t think of anyone who deserves such an awesome weekend more than you right now, m’dear…everything looks great. I want to come hang out with you and your friends one day.

    Why am I lucky? I am lucky to be part of the blogging community- the support I have had over the past few days has meant the world to me.

    Weekend highlight? PT session! LOVE! DOMS! WOOHOO!

  54. May 17, 2010 9:41 am

    WHERE’S MY SEX CAKE!!!!!!!! hahahaha i keed. but for real this post was amaze-a-balls :) so glad that you had such a nice weekend! you earned it for sure girlfriend!

    i’m lucky to have this awesome internship that pays which helps me pay the HUGE bills i have and gives me the experience i need to never have to worry about money in the future :) wahoo!

  55. May 17, 2010 9:42 am

    Aww…you make me want to go rent a cabin in the woods! You have some really fabulous friends (real life and of course, bloggie friends like me…) and I don’t think luck has anything to do with it. You are a sweetheart! Hope your week starts out right :)

  56. May 17, 2010 9:51 am

    Just when I thought I couldn’t LOVE your post even more, I read Momma B’s comment.

    J – You are so lucky and so loved…..You are a strong woman and will make it through it all and be able to look at it all with a smile on your face :)

    Happy Monday!

  57. May 17, 2010 9:52 am

    P.S. I am lucky to have a friend like you :)

  58. May 17, 2010 10:15 am

    You are lucky! I’m sorry Wednesday was such a rough day. I wish it had been better for you. I loved the pics on Wordless Wednesday, but I wish it had been a better day. You’ve got so much going on, I can see how it adds up and leads to a breaking point. I’m glad you have so many people around to help you out and make you feel better and get through things. That’s not really lucky, it’s just what you deserve because you are so awesome.

    1. I’m lucky because I know so many amazing people, I have a super loving boyfriend (even if he is far away), I’m able to do crazy things like drive across the country, I have supportive blogging friends… I could go on and on!

    2. Weekend highlight was EVERYTHING. I seriously love Oregon and have had so much fun since I got here.

    Hope you have a great week Janetha! :)

  59. May 17, 2010 10:25 am

    I’m lucky to have your blog to read?!? You’re the BEST! That’s a whole lotta lovely lovely luckiness you’ve got going on and I love every little bitlet of it. Things will get a whole ton better for you, no worries! And hey, at the rate your winning contests, I’d say some lotto tickets would not be too crazy of in investment right about now… can’t you just smell the win?

    I love chili nuts. And I want to devour that cake all by myself right now.

    My weekend highlights = local music show and plenty of grooooovin!

  60. May 17, 2010 10:34 am

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. We are lucky to have your awesome blog! :)

  61. Katie Anderson permalink
    May 17, 2010 10:50 am

    So I got introduced to your blog about a month ago from one of my besties, Jamee Davis (Uhrig) My wedding is July 17, 2010 (is this the same day as yours?), and I am trying to eat right and exercise. Your blog is a huge help for me. I am also currently on weight watchers so I can actually see what certain foods contain and track what goes into my body. I love that your recipes contain the nutrition facts so I can just punch that into the WW calculator. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for your inspiration and for all of your help with the food and workouts. Congrats on your wedding!

  62. May 17, 2010 11:15 am

    Just caught up on your posts. So glad you’re feeling better. I know when things seem to all go downhill in one go – not fun. You do have a great fiance and amazing friends. Hopefully the weekend in the cabin cleared your mind and you’re ready to start another week strong. :)

  63. May 17, 2010 12:57 pm

    I am lucky to have such a fabulous loverboat in my life : ) loved this post, loved our cake making hot mess fest at the cabin & most of all I love you!

  64. May 17, 2010 1:10 pm

    may is positivity this month, and this was like the ultimate post of happiness. we are lucky to have you in the blog world and spreading such lucky love. love, love, loves it.

    i am lucky to have a job, have lunch #2 waiting to eat and have two legs that are going to allow me to run 10 miles tonight. word.

    love ya to pieces!!!!!!!

  65. May 17, 2010 1:32 pm

    Hi Beautiful friend!!!
    LOVE all the AMAZING things going for you right now chica! you are a hard-working, passionate, extremely caring love-bug who deserves all the “luck” you have! I donno if I believe in luck…I’m huge on believing that time and effort (hardwork)=REWARDS! but sometimes unfortunate things happen to us…I’m praying for you girlie, I know you will pull through all the tough obstacles you are currently battling! keep pushing through and keep that beautiful chin up! the reward=HONEYMOON! ahhhh 2-months!? time is FLYING!!! I bet you are so so so excited! and you should be because you have a great man, and two adorable doggies!
    on that note: I am so lucky to have a family that supports me in all my crazy endeavors and allows me to be ME! I am so lucky that my body allows me to KILL it on the daily, and wake up to do it again! I am lucky that I figured out how to fuel myself in order to recover!
    AND i’m lucky to have met you through bloggy land! you are such an inspirational and balanced sista! I heart you!

  66. May 17, 2010 2:30 pm

    I love this post- I also love the “me and my shadow” photo as well as all the other nature-y ones. So sweet. I’m so glad you turned that frown upside down. Thanks for the shout-out…totally unnecessary but sweet.

    I’m lucky that amongst the madness and sadness that is my life, I took 3 minutes out to read this post. I’m lucky to have friends like you come through for me when I need you.



  67. Marie permalink
    May 22, 2010 1:51 pm

    Wow; can’t believe your wedding day is so close! You must be so psyched!

    Hmm, I am lucky because of the wonderful life I share with my wonderful husband and twins.

    Weekend highlight? Having my husband home from work and spending time as a family. Wow, I sound SOOO boring! :)


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