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five five ten.

May 5, 2010

hola! thought i would start with a spanish greeting~ that is about as far as my cinco de mayo celebrations go. oh wait, lunch was mexican-ish.. but we will get to that momentarily.

did anyone else notice the synchronicity in the date today? 5/5/10? i am a huge numbers geek.. so of course i was happy when i realized that 5+5=10! that is what the title is all about. in case you wondered.

first off, i would like to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to miss GC & miss jenny. i know i don’t always remember to make birthday announcements, but today.. i’m on it.

SO! thanks for all the great ideas for moves in my next upper body workout. i can’t wait to put some suggestions to the test.  but for now, i am already suffering from a mayjah case of DOMS in my chest and back. hurts so good ;)

i will go ahead and announce the winner of a copy of “this is why you’re fat” by jackie warner because i know that is why you all came to read this post, right? :P



this is too crazy. i looked at #122.. and look what her comment said! meant to be? i think so.


congrats! please email me your mailing address and i will have the book shipped to you right quick. it’s your lucky day!


i feel like posting random things today. that’s what wednesdays are for, right? of course right.

national food holidays for may 5:

  • chocolate custard day
  • hoagie day
  • oyster day

did you inadvertently celebrate any of these national food holidays? i didn’t. but i DID celebrate waffle wednesday!


meal 1: protein waffle + an orange @ 7:15 AM


i used my protein waffle recipe and blended the ingredients in my magic bullet:


and then cooked the waffles in my waffle iron. that i keep at work. that is totally normal, folks.



i drizzled SF log cab syrup on the waffles.


i also had an orange because it just sounded good.. albeit too many carbs for BFL standards. what can i say? i am in a fruity mood these days. 15 extra carbs is not going to kill me.


all together 305 calories, 3g fat, 43g carbs, 29g protein

wow. that was an early time for meal 1, no? let me rewind. i woke up at FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING today. yeah. weird. i think this wakeup call challenge is working. i got up, completed 10 minutes of plyometric moves and then hopped in the shower.

remember.. it is not too late to join in on the challenge! the person who racks up the most minutes will win a sweet prize and there will also be a prize awarded to one participant, selected at random. click here for details and email me to join!

i got to work at 6:30 and then left again at 7:30~ i had to head out to my physical therapy appointment.  i was originally just going to go straight to the appointment and then to work, but i was up-and-at-em’ so i decided to seize the day and get to work early. plus, that is where my waffle iron resides, so it worked out perfectly in the end :)

physical therapy is amazing. they put heat on my ankles, then did the ultrasound on them, then a long, deep tissue massage, then some crazy prickly/shocking medicine something or other. i could get used to this. i have another appointment on friday~ really looking forward to it! for those of you who don’t know, i am being treated for tendonitis in my inner ankles. i got it from running in the wrong shoes! so make sure you always buy the proper shoes for the way you run.

pages i have added to the blog lately:



now you know.

meal 2: chicken quesadilla! & veggies @ 12:30 PM


i decided to channel my inner future mexican last name (only 73 more days until i take marshall’s (mexican) last name!!) and had a quesadilla for lunch. i used a tumaro’s tortilla, a wedge of laughing cow cheese, 2 TB of trader joe’s corn salsa, 2 TB of sunflower market’s medium salsa and 3 oz of grilled chicken breast. 


veggies on the side for added volume and crunch!


i am addicted to mini bell peppers. thank you, costco.


all together 315 calories, 6g fat, 27g carbs, 29g protein

 blog posts for you to check out:

  • my guest post on eat the damn cake. now.. i know i usually don’t delve into body image and that sort of thing on my blog, but that is what ETDC is all about~ so this guest post has a slightly different tune. hope you enjoy my ramblings over there.  and a big thank you to those of you who’ve already commented on it :)
  • deb is a strong woman. and she is going through some stuff. serious stuff. just wanted to say i love you deb!
  • katie’s vlog is a must see. she talks about the insignificance of the daily let downs and why we should just be happy ALL THE TIME. seriously, this video will brighten anyone’s day~ if not by her words, by her super cute accent. love you kbwood!
  • april is freakin’ muscle woman. this workout of hers was inspiring to me~ i bookmarked it for future moves and i am just really impressed with the strides she has made towards muscle gain.
  • may is holly’s month. if this doesn’t get you going, i don’t know what will. make may YOUR month, too!
  • lisa’s got the moves! check out her videos on how to strengthen your core.
  • averie is getting lean & mean. she is currently training for a fitness comp and her progress photos knocked my socks off. wait, i wasn’t wearing socks to begin with…

that should keep you busy. and actually some of those links are old news.. as i am pretty dang behind the times. my google reader is still up around 300. i haven’t had a lot of free time lately.. and unfortunately, the first thing that has to go is blog reading. i am sure you all understand. but it is sad when i miss out on all the fun shenanigans you are all up to! i am sure that i will catch up one of these days.

meal 3: strawberries & chocolate protein shake @ 3:30 PM


i really, really enjoyed this shake! since i am out of vanilla protein powder, i’ve been using up my chocolate.  i usually mix the chocolate with either a frozen banana or with coffee to create a mocha.  well, today i was living on the edge (hah) and threw in four frozen strawberries with my chocolate EAS premium protein powder, 1 cup of almond milk and a bit of ice.


the result was creamy, dreamy and DELICIOUS. it may be a new favorite!

200 calories, 5g fat, 12g carbs, 28g protein


today was a HIIT day and my physical therapist has given me the A-OK to run.  i am still a little weary of running because of the pain, but i really miss running. weird, who am i? so i decided to take it easy on the treadmill and complete a higher incline, slower paced workout. i increased the incline and speed by just a hair with every minute that went by. after each five-minute interval, i went back down to the 5.0% incline but i didn’t go ALL the way back down to the original speed. i went back down to the second notch from the previous interval. this way, i increased the speed more and more with each interval. make sense? probably not.. but once you see the table it might click.

here it is:

“slow paced+increasing incline treadmill HIIT”

minute # speed (MPH) incline (%)
0-5 (warm up) 4.0 1.0
5-6 4.2 5.0
6-7 4.4 6.0
7-8 4.6 7.0
8-9 4.8 8.0
9-10 5.0 9.0
10-11 4.4 5.0
11-12 4.6 6.0
12-13 4.8 7.0
13-14 5.0 8.0
14-15 5.2 9.0
15-16 4.6 5.0
16-17 4.8 6.0
17-18 5.0 7.0
18-19 5.2 8.0
19-20 5.4 9.0
20-21 4.6 5.0
21-22 4.8 6.0
22-23 5.0 7.0
23-24 5.2 8.0
24-25 5.4 9.0
25-30 (cool down) 4.0 1.0

total distance: 2.3 miles max HR: 170 ave HR: 145 calories burned: 200

this workout was actually more challenging than it looks. if you are looking to slow it down on the speed for a day, give this one a try and let me know what you think!


should we talk about wedding stuff? or, actually, honeymoon stuff. ay, ay, ay. the honeymoon.

first we were thinking east coast. wait, scratch that. VERY first, we were thinking greece.

then we got real, and we were thinking east coast. turns out, it is about $1000 in airfare for the two of us to get back east. we decided that when we do spend the money to head to the northeastern part of the great US of A, we don’t want it to be on our honeymoon. well, marshall really decided this, and his logic makes sense. we want to chill out and relax on our honeymoon (and i will NEVER combine the words “chill out” and “relax”~ i won’t even type that horrible hybrid word. it is hideous and i hate it. i digress.) and if we spend the dinero (what up, cinco de mayo) to go east, we are going to want to see the sights, do the cool things and not lay around basking in the glory of our new marriage all day long.

so the east coast is out.

and it is safe to say florida is out, because it is the same price to fly to the carribean as it is to fly to florida.

we have been tossing around ideas. a cruise of the mexican riviera? a jaunt down to cabo san lucas? a cozy bed & breakfast in northern california? how about a camping trip somewhere in the mountains?

nothing is for sure. and i am sick of searching for packages on until 2 AM every night with no decisions made and a lot of sleep lost.


what i do know is that i want to go somewhere we have never been.. which rules out vegas, colorado, seattle, san francisco, santa cruz, san diego (and the majority of califonia.. actually).. but we also want to go somewhere fun, relaxing and warm.

the warm part won’t be hard. it will be the middle of july.

keep in mind.. we want to keep it between $2000 TOTAL. with flights and food and hotel and whatnot. and we live in utah… so with airfare included in that budget, we probably have to stay on the west siiiiide.

i sure do need some travel tips. if anyone has something to say to the effect of “HOLY CRUD, YOU HAVE TO GO HERE ON YOUR HONEYMOON!” then i am all ears! talk to me.


meal 4: garbanzo bean turkey bake & lotsa veggies @ 6:30 PM


i was so excited for these leftovers. truth be told, i was originally dreaming up a mexican fiesta of a feast for cinco de mayo.. but then i learned marshall would be out of town, so the novelty wore off. who wants to cook a fiesta feast for themselves?

well.. maybe i would. but not tonight. tonight i was dreaming of these leftovers. and they were just as good—if not better!—than the first time around. in case you missed it, here is the recipe.


and here is what i did to it prior to devouring…


332 calories, 3g fat, 40g carbs, 37g protein

by the way.. i had a fuji apple + 2 tsp trader joe’s flax almond butter while bloggin’. my camera card was in so i didn’t take a photo. but the snack totals were 146 calories, 5g fat, 24g carbs and 3g protein.

while i really miss marshall, i have been able to make myself useful and get all of my laundry done. if you know anything about me, this is something that happens about five times TOTAL in a year. yeah. i loathe folding laundry. it is usually in a clean heap on the floor of my bedroom.



it makes it quite the chore to find outfits every morning. i clean the kitchen once, sometimes twice a day. and love it. i don’t mind bathroom cleaning and i’ll even vacuum.

but folding clothes.. i hate.

maybe when i become a wife my habits will change.

but i doubt it.

for now, my room is in order:


we’ll see how long it lasts!

side note.. penelope jane never leaves my side. she’s the best.

i want to get to bed early tonight. i’ve been up since 5:30. that’s not normal for me. i guess when you become a morning person, bed time should come earlier. but i am a real night owl. and staying up late + getting up early does not typically equal the 7 hours of sleep that i require in order to not be a huge brat to everyone the next day.

not sure how i am going to solve this equation.

but i am sure that it’s time for a faux wendy’s (protein) frosty @ 9:30 PM


(recycled photo)

200 calories, 5g fat, 14g carbs, 25g protein

this brings my daily totals to:

40.13% protein

42.52% carbohydrates

17.34% fat

1500 calories


not too shabby.

that’s all she wrote.

buenas noches, amigos!


1. if you are married.. where did you go on your honeymoon? and if you aren’t, where do you want to go? i want to go to greece. i want money to grow on trees. i want, i want, i want.

2. what is your favorite mexican dish? two words: breakfast burrito.

xo. janetha b.

77 Comments leave one →
  1. Kristin permalink
    May 5, 2010 8:23 pm

    My fiance and I are looking into honeymoons right now too so I am excited to see what people suggest. We are thinking Hawaii, I’ve heard it’s beautiful there.

  2. May 5, 2010 8:29 pm

    I love that you’re so dedicated to BLF….but you’re also going to eat what you want and live your life! You’re smart J! You know that eating one extra orange in a day will nottt throw your bod off in the slightest! And this is why I love you. Actually, that and the whole keeping your waffle-machine in the office is pretty great too. HAHAH :)

    And my favorite mexican dish = straight up beans + salsa + chips….makes me happy!

  3. Jennie permalink
    May 5, 2010 8:32 pm

    We went on a cruise for our honeymoon 13 years ago. I’m so glad we went. It was SO much fun!! If I could do it all again, I would. :)

  4. Amy (Up and Running!) permalink
    May 5, 2010 8:38 pm

    OMG it’s nice to know that my bedroom floor isn’t the only one that looks like that 360 days out of the year! I wish laundry would fold itself.
    I love mexican, I normally get fajitas but lately I have been wanting to try tamales!

  5. May 5, 2010 8:39 pm

    We went to Oceanside. It was awesome. But FYI you can’t go on a cruise – remember all those people who went on cruises for their honeymoons and one of them went missing…just saying. That’s why we skipped that idea :-)

  6. May 5, 2010 8:42 pm

    the word splooge cracks me up everytime!

    Thanks for the linkage girl! I loved your guest post as well–I think I’ve talked about this as well on my blog–we have great bodies, why do we hide them? Frustrating sometimes isn’t it?

    Mmm Mexican. I love me some Chicken Tortilla Soup as an appetizer with chips/salsa/queso and then some delicious enchiladas with LOTS of cheese :).

  7. christin permalink
    May 5, 2010 8:42 pm

    what about lake tahoe? flights from slc to reno are so cheap! i don’t know if you’ve been but it’s gorgeous and plenty to do (especially with reno so close.) they have great dining in tahoe and if you like being outdoors, it’s AWESOME. july is hot there, too!

  8. mom permalink
    May 5, 2010 8:45 pm

    Oh your room looks wonderful and that little penelope is too cute too!! Glad the physical thappery is feeling good!

    Honeymoon – drive down Washington, Oregon and California coast in Februray, brrrr!

    Enchildas Suizas from Red or Blue Iguana (I think you asked this question last year haha)


  9. May 5, 2010 8:58 pm

    We had a “local” honeymoon and stayed at the Del Coronado on Coronado Island in San Diego. It was nice but the hotel was way too expensive for what it turned out to be… But still, we had a great time! :) I’m sure your honeymoon will be great no matter where you’ll end up! :) :) :)

  10. May 5, 2010 9:29 pm

    I went to Hawaii and it was amazing! I know you have been though. We may do a Mexican riveria cruise this year if Allen can get time off though, I think it would be a lot of fun and prices are reasonable.

  11. Christin L. permalink
    May 5, 2010 9:36 pm

    My honeymoon was a cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel, and it was awesome!! We aren’t married anymore, but no love lost, and we both met the loves of our lives after we split, so all good! :)

    Also, shout out to the other christin above… don’t see my name very often!

  12. May 5, 2010 10:13 pm

    tonight I celebrated with my friends at a local mexican restaurant here in Greece! I’m studying abroad here, and Cinco de Mayo is definitely not the same when there are riots occurring. However, I’m still finding time to read your blog and it’s making me less homesick, which I love!

    I just moved over to blogspot again. I’m staying there from now on @! Check it out!

    Love you janetha b, you’re literally the best!

  13. May 5, 2010 11:35 pm

    Just wanted to tell you an idea quickly….We just booked a 4 day Bahama Cruise that goes to 3 places (Norwegian Cruise Line) for $200 a person PLUS airfare to Florida (on Jet Blue)for like $350….pretty good deal…email me if you want any details :)

    LOVE the new pages and your room looks awesome!

  14. May 5, 2010 11:46 pm

    Thanks Janetha for the sweet compliment re my progress pics and for the mention…you’re too sweet!

    And for the super sweet comments you left me today :) You know I adore you too, girl, and I will always be there for you…as you are for you!

    Honeymoon. We got married in Vegas, spur of the moment decision, $199 LittleWhite Chappel package. 9 yrs later, they said it wouldnt last :) So we were already in Vegas. And we spent the next 5 yrs on honeymoon. Grand Cayman, St. Thomas, Vegas, Napa, and plenty of hard core partying 6 nights a week where ever we lived. It was great! The honeymoon lasts if you make it last no matter where you “go” or not.

    If you give me your budget, I could make some better suggestions. I have traveled quite a bit to honeymoonish spots that you may like!

  15. May 5, 2010 11:57 pm

    Those waffles look so good I gotta start using my iron a bit more hmmmmmmm x

  16. May 6, 2010 2:32 am

    I need those little peppers you had at lunch in my life. They are so adorable and I bet they’re delicious! I plan to pick some up this weekend. I love getting up and at em early! I wake up at a nut job time pretty much on a daily basis (which is why I’m commenting on your blog at 5:30 ;)). All your smoothie mixes look super tasty. Hooray for the magic bullet. Doesn’t having a clean room make you feel 10000% better? It does for me!

    1. We went to Riviera Maya Mexico and stayed at Secrets Resorts- WONDERFUL trip
    2. Any sort of Mexican bowl or salad that involves cooked onions and peppers :)

  17. May 6, 2010 3:42 am

    My laundry ALWAYS looks like that!

    We went to Vegas- it was so fun!

  18. May 6, 2010 3:55 am

    We went to Kauai but thats because it was cheap for us then (we were living in Kona on the Big island at the time). IT WAS AWESOME though. I say go to New Zealand or Austraila! My favorite places!!
    Mexican food…..I love fresh Ceviche with chips and avocado!

  19. May 6, 2010 4:00 am

    We did a cruise that was supposed to go to all these wonderful tropical places. Word of advice….NEVER take a cruise during prime hurricane season. We ended up on a ship for 7 days!! It was still nice, but not what we paid for.

    And my favorite Mexican meal…..Veggie Fajitas! With tons and tons of guac. Actually, I think I could just make guac an entire meal. Amen! :)

    Have a lovely day my love.

  20. Lindsay permalink
    May 6, 2010 4:07 am

    We still haven’t gone on a honeymoon, we went right back to work on Monday! I want to go to southern France/ Spain really bad, we almost went last year. One day that will be our honeymoon! :)

  21. May 6, 2010 4:24 am

    Good luck with the honeymoon planning!
    I say the Bahamas!!

  22. May 6, 2010 4:36 am

    I have tendonitis in my inner ankles too…need to get on that PT deep massage!! I love that you posted about Katie’s vlog, it totally made my day last week too :)

    Greece would be AWESOME for a honeymoon!! I just want to go somewhere warm for mine, whenever that happens!

    GUACAMOLE PLEASE!! I could bathe in that stuff.

  23. May 6, 2010 4:48 am

    I love the new little graphics for your meals and moves! It’s those little things that get me excited :) I alwaysalwaysalways tell people to get fitted for running shoes. It is worth every single penny. You may recall, I injured my hip and couldn’t run last summer because I was in old shoes. The extra hundred bucks on shoes would have been worth it to avoid the pain!!

    1. I would go to Hawaii, which I’m sure you’ve already looked into.Can Americans go to Cuba yet? That would be fun! My dream honeymoon though would be backpacking through South America. If a divorce doesn’t follow a backpacking trip, then you know it’s true love ;)

    2. Quesadillas!! REAL quesadillas like the ones I had in Mexico with delicious green salsa, cactus and potatoes. Holy yum.

    Hope you’re having a great week JBsoontobeJG!!!!! xoxo

  24. andrea permalink
    May 6, 2010 4:56 am

    I just read Body For Life and am so scared to start b/c I never really do weights unless w/ hubby or a trainer. Truthfully, is it mildly easy to follow, I fell like the book doesn’t go into too much detail about the day to day eating etc…

  25. May 6, 2010 5:19 am

    I can’t choose where I want to go on my honeymoon! Nick and I were talking about it, and I would love to do Greece, but we know we won’t have the $$ so I think we have narrowed it down to Sonoma for wine tasting (we love our wine!) or Disneyworld! How fun would that be?!?!

    Tie. Enchiladas and burritos.

    Have a great rest of your week!!


  26. Brandi permalink
    May 6, 2010 5:48 am

    I love that you have a waffle maker at work :) I wish I could, but we don’t have a kitchen, so I’d have no way to really clean up.

    1. We went to Nags Head, NC on our honeymoon. We both LOVE the beach and that’s where my family always took summer vacations. My uncle has a cottage there, and he let us use it for the week. It was totally relaxing and perfect!

    2. Favorite Mexican?!? I love making my own Mexican food at home (less greasy) but you can’t beat authentic tacos on homemade soft corn tortillas with lots of onion and cilantro.

  27. snackface permalink
    May 6, 2010 5:58 am

    I’m just in love with the fact that you wrote “splooge.” It’s such a good word.

    Hmmm I’ve never thought much about marriage+honeymoon stuff, but I’d want to go to Italia or Greece any day!

    Favorite Mexican dish is huevos rancheros. I love them so so so much. And I love YOU so so so much! xoxoxo

  28. May 6, 2010 6:25 am

    Haha, I loved all the cinco de mayo random references.
    We went to Italy on our honeymoon (Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Venice). It was wonderful. I want to go back :)

  29. May 6, 2010 6:30 am

    We went to Sandals in Jamaica. I highly recommend an all-inclusive. No one wants to be worrying about things on their honeymoon, and this way all you do is relax and enjoy.

  30. May 6, 2010 6:45 am

    I kind of didn’t have a honeymoon! We only had a short x-mas break to get married on (teachers aren’t allowed to miss days before or after a break) and we got married at home in St. Thomas so we figured that since we live in a typical honeymoon destination we’d just get a fancy hotel room there for a few days and “honeymoon” there. But the 1st morning I woke up, thew up, and basically didn’t stop puking until we were back in NY – yes that includes puking in the airport, fun times. We DID get to, ahem, consumate though, and that’s really all that matters!


  31. May 6, 2010 6:54 am

    hey love! awesome post! i love all of your shout outs all the time showing other peoples blogs and things, its so greatttt YOU ROCK!

    I want to make your garbanzo turkey bake like you have NO idea!! I just need to get some turkey and garbanzo beans :)

    favorite mexican dish is CHICKEN FAJITAS! I love the grilled peppers and onions on the sizzling plate…I dont even roll them up…just eat it right off the skillet with some guac and beans! so so so good!

    when I get married I want our honey moon to be somewhere HOT and exotic (think carribean) I wnt to st lucia a few years ago and it was amazing!!!


  32. Katrina permalink
    May 6, 2010 6:57 am

    Do you know…that every morning when I get to work, I go STRAIGHT to your blog? I am obsessed. Don’t be afraid…it’s not like stalker obsessed or anything! LOL

    I’m telling ya, if I ever get a date, that turns into somewhat of a relationship, and takes a path to marriage….I REALLY wanna go to Paris for my honeymoon. I know I know people…totally cleche! But it’s TRUE!! Ahhh the city of romance. I’d go without the man to be honest! Maybe I’ll meet some hot french man. Ooo lala!!!

    My favorite mexican food…smothered burrito’s from La Puente! OMG AH mazing. Shame I have to limit myself to this maybe once a month. It used to be AT LEAST once a week! *drools*

    Happy day everyone! Love you Janetha B!

  33. May 6, 2010 7:25 am

    Faux frosty!!? On my list to make – right now! My fave Mexican dish is definitely migas…or tres leche! After a weekend in Mexico I’ve definitely had my fill…!

  34. Rebecca permalink
    May 6, 2010 7:44 am

    I read your post on ‘Eat the Damn Cake’, (great post btw) I also have muscular quads and have a hell of a time finding flattering workout pants. I really need new ones and was wondering if you had any favorite brands/styles? I now want to see how many squats I can do with my husband on my back!

  35. May 6, 2010 7:57 am

    Wowzers. Meal #4 is purty.

    1. We did not but we plan to (I should email you…) and our thoughts are Columbia or Nicaragua. Pretty cheap to fly to central america at the right time of year (I don’t know if July falls into that time period though…)
    2. Chimichanga. Yep, I like deep fried burritos best. Followed by a breakfast burrito. LOVE Mexican food.

  36. May 6, 2010 8:01 am

    hey janetha – i see from your love of peppers that you’re a costco member – have you looked into costcotravel? it’s on the costco website and you can build your own package. it sounds like you may do well with an all-inclusive package, maybe in mexico? we did one for our honeymoon and recently took a trip to NZ and AUS using costco and they BY FAR have the best deals, customer service, and trips. just a thought :)

  37. May 6, 2010 8:08 am

    Hi Janetha. I found you via your GREAT guest post at ETDC. (which I love btw)

    I really liked your meals breakdown and your workouts too! And your getting married!!! how exciting!

    we had a very tight wedding/honeymoon budget. We just did a road trip to SF and back (we live in Cali) It was a lot of fun, but i’d rather have just stayed in one place and explored the city. Each stop was a day or two max. BUT MEMORABLE!

    we need to go back!

    Just wanted to say HI and nice to “meet” you!

  38. lowandbhold permalink
    May 6, 2010 8:40 am

    Mmmm, I love breakfast burritos. I’m sooo hungry right now.

    1. Not married, but I hope to go somewhere in Europe for my honemoon, I’ve never been and I realllly want to. Have you been to the Bahamas? That can be fairly cheap and the beaches are insanely gorgeous.
    2. I really love all Mexican food, but I rarely eat it. Quesadillas are pretty bomb though.

  39. Steph permalink
    May 6, 2010 8:55 am

    My honeymoon recommendation is Playa del Carmen, Mexico. A lot of all-inclusive resorts to choose from so you can probably stick to your budget.

    I love fish tacos!

  40. May 6, 2010 8:56 am

    This is my typical advice, just from past price experience:

    Cruise! There are a lot of WARM cruises on the West Coast, and the prices can be AMAZINGLY cheap – plus, you get to see many places without worrying about where you’re going to sleep at night – plus the food is always good. And there’s always a gym.

    Just a thought! You definitely get the most BANG for your buck with a cruise!

  41. May 6, 2010 9:20 am

    Yay for the Magic Bullet. I think mine is near death…

    My husband and I vacationed at Disney World! It was fabulous :D

  42. May 6, 2010 9:38 am

    when i meet a man and he decides to take the plunge with me haha the sucker better take me to greece! or else we’ll head right home and get divorced. how funny you JUST commented on my blog and i’m commenting on yours. except its way earlier where you are ;)

    love you girlfraaaaaan

  43. May 6, 2010 10:03 am

    First off – I loved your post on eat the damn cake. I have that exact same issue with my belly and seriously, seriously, the best possible way that I have found to get rid of it is to eat fruit only on an empty stomach and with no other foods. That’s it. And it’s been wonderful. It sorta ruins all the cool recipes like your choc/strawberry smoothie or the orange with your waffles but I swear by it.

    Second – we went to SF for our honeymoon and while we were also trying to save some spending money, we were floored by the amount of cash $$$ we received at the wedding. I’m talking almost $1000 and I’m sort of embarrassed to say that we spent it ALL in San Fran. It was glorious. I want to get married all over again.

    Also it was really funny because the morning after the wedding while I was packing the Jeep, Dave was frantically going through all the wedding cards, taking the cash out and writing down how much was in the envelope. Hilarious.

  44. May 6, 2010 10:12 am

    For our honeymoon, we wanted to camp… but since we eloped and there was no time to plan and execute a camping trip, we stayed at the Appletree Inn outside Yosemite. Went on hikes and had picnics, layed by the river…. And had our ‘wedding night’ dinner at the Branding Iron… the local’s said it was the best place for dinner in the area and it was. It was such a relzxing, no stress trip. I wouldn’t change a thing about it, except that we should have stayed longer. It’s SO BEAUTIFUL… I actually got teary eyed when I got to the top of Vernal Falls… but I’m a huge lover of nature and it totally moved me. Brian and I just stood there looking at the sights (trying to ignore that there were many other hikers around us) for a good 15 minutes just holding each other… *que sappy music* HAHA

    My favorite mexican dish… if nutritionals were not a factor… A burrito with ALL the fixin’s and a shit ton of chips and salsa… oh, and a mango marg :D That’s right, I said it…. shit ton! HAHAHAHA

  45. May 6, 2010 10:17 am

    Favorite Mexican dish: butternut squash enchiladas!

  46. May 6, 2010 10:21 am

    SAN DIEGO!!!! That is where you should go, end of story. I can get you free tickets to the zoo. I can take you to Trader Joe’s, becuase that’s where newlyweds always like to spend their time, right? Problem solved. Next? :-) JK sorry I just got really excited. Money no object, I would like to go to Ireland for my honeymoon, but I’d also really like to go to Hawaii…or an Alaskan cruise…haha, I could dream for days on fun vacay spots.

  47. Janet permalink
    May 6, 2010 10:29 am

    Hey Janetha

    I just read your guest post, and I have the same issue with my stomach as you! When I wake up in the morning I look lean, but at night before I go to bed, I look pregnant! Which is not flattering on a 19 year old college student. Honestly I don’t really know how to deal with it, but it really was nice to see that someone else has the same insecurities and doesn’t let it effect their life. Thank you for sharing your story and I am really going to try to take your advice!

    Btw you’re fabulous.

  48. Sarah W. permalink
    May 6, 2010 10:31 am

    1) we flew to Mexico (from VA) for our honeymoon, stayed at an all-inclusive and didn’t venture off the property to do excursions. I KNOW we spent LESS than $3,000 but don’t know the exact figure. we had a blast just relaxing :)

    my parents are going on 2 weeks mediterraean cruise next month to Turkey & Greece – they better bring me back something good for bragging about their trip! meanwhile my in laws are in Hawaii as we speak for 2 weeks. HRMPH! i need to win the lottery, stat.

    2) guacamole & chips & queso :)

  49. May 6, 2010 10:36 am

    What about Lake Havasu City, AZ? It’s apparently a big spring break place, but shouldn’t be crazy in July. It has warmth and water and isn’t a continent away. Also, the London Bridge is there!

    My favorite Mexican food might be enchilada. But the boy and I just made fish tacos Monday night that were incredible. Put guac and salsa on anything and I’m a happy girl. :)

  50. May 6, 2010 10:50 am

    I vote the UK! Though not London because that is ridiculously expensive (talking $15 for a 1 day subway pass, $7 for a cup of coffee…) BUT, Scotland is so relaxing and fun. Though not exactly warm. But so much to do and lots of cheap stuff- tons of FREE things in Edinburgh and day trips, scenery…I mean, a city with a castle in the middle? This is a popular romantic getaway from scotland:

    fave mexican food: BURRITOS. And quesadillas. I don’t think I have eaten any Mexican food that I didn’t like…(would you believe that I have never tried guacamole?!!!!!!)

  51. May 6, 2010 11:35 am

    what a great guest post! thanks for sending me to check out a new site. i feel you on the belly thing…i mean, in theory i am thin, but sometimes my belly sticks out like i am 5 months preggers and i cannot for the life of me figure out what i am eating/drinking/doing that causes it!!!!

  52. May 6, 2010 11:36 am

    We wanted to go on a Mediterranean cruise, but have booked Cabo. My favorite Mexican cheese enchiladas.

  53. May 6, 2010 12:24 pm

    1. I would loveeeeeee to go see Australia!
    2. My fave is either bean burritos or quesedillas!

    I neeeeeeeed to get a costco membership. Those baby peppers would be perfect for my packed lunches! Actually, my mom has one, maybe i’ll just have to steal hers for a time ;)

  54. May 6, 2010 12:27 pm

    My husband and I went to Victoria for our honeymoon and had a blast! Plus it was good on the budget, but we didn’t have to fly, we drove then took a ferry over. Big decision with little time left!

  55. laura permalink
    May 6, 2010 12:37 pm

    i am from Spain so you have a home in my city Asturias!!!!!!!
    Spain is awesome to spend a honeymoon.
    i am sure that you will have a good time

  56. May 6, 2010 12:46 pm

    ahhh thank you SO MUCH for that shoutout!! THAT WAS SOO SWEET!! omgsh i love you!
    i just got the vanilla EAS pro powda and i LOVE IT!!
    I am still reading your bloggie even tho im taking a break!

  57. Sara permalink
    May 6, 2010 12:56 pm

    Your waffles always look amazing, you are so lucky they let you keep the maker at work. jealous.

    I think you should go to Arizona for the honeymoon. There are resorts there, yes? It’s local, (very!) warm, yet not too expensive. Airfare is always the problem, us Easterners cry about the cost of flying out west too!

  58. May 6, 2010 12:57 pm

    I want a waffle machine at my work. What do you think the kids would say if I just started busting out the waffles in the middle of a math lesson? Last year I had a coffee maker in my room, and I drank waaaaaay to much so it had to go. :-(

    1. I went o Mexico and laid on the beach for 9 days. Glorious.
    2. Taco Salad

  59. May 6, 2010 1:12 pm

    I love that you have a waffle iron at work, haha!! I wish I had one!!

    1. Andrew and I went on a Caribbean cruise last summer for our honeymoon.

    2. chips, salsa, guacamole, quesadillas, refried beans, chicken tacos, I can’t pick just one!!! ;)

  60. May 6, 2010 1:20 pm

    My husband and I went to Costa Rica for our honeymoon and had THE. BEST. TIME. We first looked into it as a honeymoon destination because I heard it was inexpensive. They were so right. We booked a bungalow on the water at Punta Uva (ranked the most picturesque beach in the world in 2008) for a mere $400 for ten days. HEAVEN!

  61. May 6, 2010 1:32 pm

    THANK GOODNESS YOU DIDN’T DECIDE ON GREECE!!! Have you seen the complete mayhem going on over there today after their government decided on a bailout! It looks like a Middle Eastern war zone!

    I giggled like a little school girl at the word splooge. :)


  62. May 6, 2010 1:54 pm

    I love your idea of protein pancakes, so simple but I never would have thought of that!

  63. Megan permalink
    May 6, 2010 2:15 pm

    Hi there! I “lurk” daily and love your blog! I’m not married yet but I vacationed to Northern AZ and LOVED it! It’s gorgeous and I would imagine the weather would be perfect in July. I checked out some really cool ghost towns (in Prescott, if I remember correctly), hiked and rode in an air balloon in Sedona, and swam at some really neat National parks. I highly recommend it!

    Mmmmm! Mexican! I LOVE chips and salsa and veggie fajitas and I def agree with the commenter above, Mexican isn’t Mexican without lots and lots of guac!

  64. May 6, 2010 2:32 pm

    I just LOVE that you keep a waffle maker at work. That is precisely why I think you are so freaking fun and awesome.

    We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, but we didn’t get to go until 6 months after our wedding. It sucked because we went home the day after we got married, but it was awesome to drag the whole thing out for so long ;)

    My favorite Mexican dish, if calories don’t count, is just plain chips + salsa. Pure. Love.

  65. May 6, 2010 3:11 pm

    I’m a big fan of chocolate-strawberry protein shakes. I highly recommend adding a bit of banana too!
    I would also love to venture to Greece on my honeymoon. I guess I should nab a husband first.

  66. May 6, 2010 4:08 pm

    We’re going to Maui for ours.

    You should check out San Diego. It’s really nice.

    Guacamole. I could make a meal out of that in itself.

  67. eatolive permalink
    May 6, 2010 5:07 pm

    my honeymoon vote is def anywhere in the carribean :) you could absolutely keep it under two grand! ah, such an exciting time for you!! :) xoxoxo

  68. May 6, 2010 6:09 pm

    I see a lot of cruise suggestions here so they beat me to the punch. I was actually against a cruise for our honeymoon until my husband found a really unique one: The Panama Canal! He has traveled the world so finding a place where we both hadn’t been was a bit of a challenge. We loved this trip. Also, I’ve been to Puerto Rico a bunch (my fam is from there) and that can be a super nice trip…sun, sights, history and AWESOME food. And you can keep it relatively cheap if you stay in San Juan and eat at local places. Hint: the roadside food is the BEST and it’s super cheap.

  69. May 6, 2010 6:12 pm

    Man that physical therapy appointment sounds extensive! And pretty fun :) I used to get the electric shock twitch thang on my shoulder and I loooved it.
    Husband and I went to Maui and Kauai. Par-a-dise. Absolutely amazing. But so freaking expensive.
    Dominican Republic is another amazing place to vacay. Every think about going there? Punta Cana (in DR) is just lovely.

  70. May 6, 2010 6:24 pm

    i love breakfast burritos too. my fave!

    we went to south beach for our honeymoon. it was awesome and i highly recommend!

  71. *Andrea* permalink
    May 6, 2010 6:24 pm

    loved your guest post!!!! it’s true that we are our own worst critics

  72. May 6, 2010 6:40 pm

    I’d love to go to Australia, but simply skiing out West would be amazing enough for me!’

    My favorite Mexican dish is pollo al chipotle!

  73. May 6, 2010 6:46 pm

    I randomly have been craving oranges lately (not my usual fruit). Yum!

  74. May 6, 2010 9:56 pm

    1. What’s that? Am I married you ask? NOPE. Patiently (impatiently) waiting thank you very much. If I could go ANYWHERE I would get lost in Europe for 2-3 weeks. Realistically though, I’ve always, ALWAYS wanted to do a long road rip out West. Grand Canyon, AZ, crazy wacky roadside stops and kodak moments and nights spent in a tent. Sounds amazing to me!!

    2. Three words…. Chicken Quesadilla Fajita. I could eat those babies every day. The size of my ass cannot allow such insanities though. HA! :)

  75. May 6, 2010 10:19 pm

    My floor looks exactly like yours!! I haaate doing laundry so much that I pawned the job off on the boyf :)
    For a honeymoon I would love to go to Italy or Spain. Or back to New Zealand. I want I want I want I want too haha

  76. May 7, 2010 2:55 pm

    oh girl, I have the perfect answer to your honeymoon woes: Bed and Breakfast a la PB&Jenny. I’ll make y’all protein oats every day. You can walk around farms, (because that’s legit all there is to do in CT), perhaps ride a tractor? I know, you’re so tempted.

    Regardless of what you end up doing, y’all will have a blast and a half ’cause you’re so rad – so don’t sweat it, k?! Luhhhhyou!

  77. marisa permalink
    May 8, 2010 4:47 pm

    Seeing that we share genetics, I can assure you (because I speak from experience) that being a wifey does not change our laundry habits. Eric lovingly refers to mine as Mt. Everest. It is huge. Plus I have three other little mountains to worry about. We went to San Diego and had fun…( other than our rental car and hotel being canceled and we had to scramble once we got there) but we always talk about wishing we had gone on a cruise. We’ll find a place for you… and my house is open. :) Plus, I live right by Mexxi’s with yummy chips and lots of salsa… my favorite with a B5 Super. Yum.

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