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tid bits.

April 14, 2010

hey friends!  i am so glad you guys enjoyed my “moves” videos from my last post and nobody made fun of me ;) although some of you did mention that you liked my accent.. funny, i never really thought i had much of an accent!  i have never been told that i do~ except by my foreign friends who think “all americans sound like crap”.    i guess everyone does have an accent of their own, they just don’t know it because they are used to it.

today’s post is going to be on the shorter side (with lots of random tid bits) because i went to the last jazz game of the regular season tonight!  we are played the suns, who hail from averie’s home turf! next up are the playoffs!  my company snagged playoff tickets so i will be lucky enough to go to one of the games. any basketball fans out there?

anyway, onto today’s details.



meal 1: waffles with peanut butter protein fudge @ 8:45 AM


you heard me right. peanut butter fudge


for the fudge, i mixed one serving of EAS chocolate premium protein powder with a bit of water and 1 TB of PB2.


i toasted two nature’s path flax waffles and spritzed them with some ICBINB spray.


this honestly tasted like peanut butter fudge. it was delicious and protein-packed.  i topped each waffle with a nice, thick coating of fudge before devouring.


350 calories, 10g fat, 31g carbs, 34g protein

tid bit #1:

i got an email from today that listed america’s five healthiest superfood combos and i wanted to share them with you!  each combo was paired with a description of why the foods work together along with a recipe.  i posted it all below :)

imageimageimageimageimage prefaced this list by saying: “Our top 10 superfoods are delicious (and full of nutritious benefits) on their own. But for an even healthier, more powerful you, try these superfood combos.”

  1. Oatmeal Pancakes with Wild Blueberry Sauce:Morning energy booster: Try this great-tasting a.m. meal; the vitamin C in the blueberries helps your body absorb more of the plant-based iron in the oats.” recipe here!
  2. Greek Yogurt, Chocolate, Walnut, and Wild Blueberry Parfaits: “Dark chocolate is rich in heart-healthy antioxidants, and recent research shows that wild blueberries are just as good at protecting your heart from damage as they are at protecting your brain.
    Put them together, though, and trigger even more heart-helping power: The flavonoids called catechins in chocolate, and flavonoids called quercetins in blueberries are thought to work together to keep your blood from clotting.”
    recipe here!
  3. Red Bean–and–Olive Oil Dip: Here’s a satisfying and slimming snack that can be a dip or spread: Beans and avocado are loaded with filling fiber—and the oleic acid in olive oil may trigger tummy hormones that increase the feeling of fullness between meals.” recipe here!
  4. Wild Salmon and Brown Rice Bowl: The compound sulforaphane in broccoli is a potential cancer-fighter—and you boost that power by as much as 13 times when you combine it with the selenium in salmon.” recipe here!
  5. Chocolate Chunk and Walnut Oatmeal Cookies: Supercharged snack: This amped-up cookie combines three of the best foods for women into one delicious treat.” recipe here!


all the recipes looked delicious and totally things i could work with to make BFL friendly, so i do believe i will be incorporating these suggestions into my meals in the near future! hope you do, too.

today we had a luncheon at work.  you may remember this if you are a long-time reader, but we have a few guys who work here and make the BEST authentic mexican food! grilled marinated carne asada, fresh salsa, cabbage slaw with lime, white corn tortillas, beans & rice.  quite the feast!


i was in charge of dessert and so i whipped up a couple of fruit pizzas because they are quick and easy.. just how i like it (TWSS).


you can see how i make my fruit pizza in this post.


just so you all know.. every time i make fruit pizza, people rave about it for hours. if you have to make a dessert for an occasion, i highly suggest this one.

i am sticking to my BFL challenge and so i skipped a lot of the eats and treats from the luncheon today and used my leftover grilled chicken and couscous from last night to create my own mexican-inspired plate.

meal 2: spicy chicken and cabbage couscous bowl @ 12:00 PM


this was delicious and SO spicy.  that home made salsa is on fire!


it ended up being a delicious combo of flavors. i am a big fan of throwing a bunch of stuff in a bowl and calling it lunch.

tid bit #2:

a couple lovely ladies out there in blogland have made their own variations of my apple cinnamon protein coffee cake and i wanted to share their glorious creations with you!

monica from run, eat, repeat posted her version in this post.


erica from itzy’s kitchen posted her version in this post.


jayme from jayme bakes posted her version in this post.


check these ladies out! they know how to bake!

work was pretty busy today and that is always a good and bad thing. on the good side, the day whizzes by. on the bad side.. i leave the office feeling like i still have SO much to do! oh well, still two more days of the work week, right?

i wasn’t starving for meal 3, but i knew i had to have a little something before heading to the gym, so i kept it light and simple.

meal 3: english muffin with greek yogurt peanut butter mousse & maple pecan butter @ 3:00 PM


not the most aesthetically appealing snack. it was one western bagels alternative english muffins, toasted, and then i topped one half with 1/2 cup oikos+1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder+1 tsp PB2 and the other half i topped with susan’s maple pecan butter because today just so happened to be national pecan day!


~250 calories, 5g fat, 23g carbs, 29g protein



after this snack i worked for another hour, then went home and changed for the gym and did a quick 20 minute HIIT on the treadmill:

minute # speed (MPH) incline
0-1 6.0 0
1-2 6.0 0
2-3 6.5 0.5
3-4 7.0 0.5
4-5 7.5 0.5
5-6 8.0 0.5
6-7 6.5 1
7-8 7.0 1
8-9 7.5 1
9-10 8.0 1
10-11 6.5 1.5
11-12 7.0 1.5
12-13 7.5 1.5
13-14 8.0 1.5
14-15 6.5 2
15-16 7.0 2
16-17 7.5 2
17-18 8.0 2
18-19 9.0 0
19-20 2.0 0

’total distance: 2.31 miles.

you may recognize this one, it is my go-to 20 minute HIIT. i made that move page back before i made tables! this version above is a tad easier to understand.

tid bit #3:

remember how i told you guys my 15,000th comment was coming up, and the lucky 15,000th commenter would win a special giveaway?  well, the other day, it happened!


want to know who it was?!?!


julie from peanut butter fingers! congratulations to her. i am going to be mailing off the goodies in her prize pack this weekend :)  i love doing random giveaways.. and also just sending random things to people.. it makes me smile.  have you guys heard erica talk about BAoK? (blogger acts of kindness)  if you haven’t, please go check out her post about it here!

after the gym i had to be speedy and get ready for the game.  it didn’t start until 8:30 but i wanted to be sure to have time for dinner. it is all about the food, people!

i am pretty proud of the fact that i can shower, wash & dry my hair, do my make up and manage to throw on some clothes in twenty minutes flat.  that is dang good for a girl with long hair such as myself.

meal 4: grilled muenster, almond butter & pear sandwich + protein frosty @ 7:30 PM


this was too good to not eat again! i used the last of my muenster and the last of my pear. savored every last bite!


for the protein part of the meal, i took a protein frosty on the go!


dinner totals: ~380 calories, 13g fat, 36g carbs, 36g protein

then it was off to the jazz game!
IMG_0035 IMG_0031

during the half time show they did a tribute to larry h miller, who passed away last year (he owned the jazz).. and they dedicated the court to him. it was pretty cool!


we just got home from the game.  guess what?


we lost! sad face.  i am not as torn up as poor little marshall is!  oh well, we are still going to the playoffs :)

tid bit #4:

kombucha giveaway winners announced!

i used to select THREE winners from the 174 entries.

winner 1: #19


April 11, 2010 at 10:36 am | #19

Ya know, I had the same experience as you! I tried it for the first time a few months back and it just didn’t do anything for me. I probably only drank about 10 sips. It just tasted too vinegar-like.

I’d love to give it another go- maybe a different flavor would change my opinion!


winner 2: #54


April 11, 2010 at 1:05 pm | #54

i do :) i think i like the trilogy flavor best, although i haven’t tried them all due to the price tag… my budget doesn’t always allow for such indulgences all the time :( anywho, i love the taste and while i’m with you on drinking my calories, i think this does so many positive things for me it’s worth the minimum intake!

winner 3: #23


April 11, 2010 at 10:41 am | #23


i love kombucha for the taste and the many benefits such as healthy skin..i have bad acne issues and i swear it helps clear my pores and just leaves me feeling rejuvenated!

congratulations, ladies! please email me your mailing addresses and i will get your kombucha coupons to you ASAP. thanks to everyone for entering! there will be another kombucha giveaway in the near future :)

since it is way late, i didn’t want to have anything too heavy for meal 5, but i don’t like to go to bed on an empty stomach.

meal 5: 1/2 cup kashi go lean & splash of almond milk @ 12:30 AM (eep!)


80 calories, 1g fat, 15g carbs, 7g protein

i need to go to bed!!!!!!!


and apparently, judging from this photo, i need to get my engagement ring resized again. it is always falling down to the side like in the photo. i just don’t want to give it up for the week it takes to resize! haha. maybe i should just start eating a boatload of salt so my fingers swell…

tid bit #5:

susan is the coolest person i know!  i got this awesome HOUNDSTOOTH CUP HOLDER in the mail today!


THANK YOU, LADY! she knows me too well :)

i know that i typically do two question tuesdays but it is nine minutes to 1 AM. sorry, not this week.

also, i won’t be back tomorrow since it is guest post thursday but i do have something lined up for everyone to enjoy!  make sure you tune in and let my guest poster know what you think!!


1. what is YOUR go-to cardio workout? there has to be one thing you always fall back on if you just aren’t feeling creative when it comes to cardio.  is it running outside? the elliptical? rowing machine? swimming? let’s hear it!

2. favorite sport to watch? how about favorite sport to play? my answer is snowboarding on both parts. but i also like to watch gymnastics and diving. sure wish i could participate in those two! 

xo. janetha b.

66 Comments leave one →
  1. Diana permalink
    April 15, 2010 12:07 am

    I do intervals too, they’re the most effective and it doesn’t take too long! :)
    fav sport to watch is probably… gymnastics, tennis and swimming/diving. During the olympics I’m all over that! :)

    That fruit pizza looks delicious btw!

  2. April 15, 2010 12:08 am

    I love your posts and meals but i have noticed you dont get alot of fruit & veg, you mainly focus on the protein do you? xx

  3. April 15, 2010 12:43 am

    thanks for the shout out :)

    and honestly i wish i had WP so I knew how many comments ive had! I’m thinking in your ballpark. That would be so cool to know. I like stats.

    I saw Erica’s bloob cake she made today and your coffee cake…wish that I could eat eggs or gluten. Would make my life sooo much easier I think!

    Love the fruit pizza. You quick and easy girl. Me too. :)

  4. April 15, 2010 3:04 am

    That houndstooth cup sleeve is so freaking cute! What a great idea. Thanks for the shout out and hooray for the protein coffee cake (Josh is trying it for the first time this morning- will let you know what he thinks too…but I think it rocks :)).Great list of superfoods…I think thats more encouragement for me to get parfaits every sunday…but I guess I’ll have to switch from apple to blueberry. Favorite go to workout: 1. Body Attack or Running, 2. Favorite sport to watch is football to play soccer

  5. April 15, 2010 3:23 am

    Awww, I love that last pic of you!! You are a trooper, I have no idea how you stay up so late. I’m ruined by the time 9pm rolls around :P

    I’m so happy you got the cup sleeve so soon! I thought it was going to be weeks! Jeez, Canada Post have really stepped up their game. I love your chocolate waffle fudge and am SO trying that next time I have waffles (ie next meal. Just joking. Maybe.) Also still planning on a fruit pizza for a friend’s b-day next week!!

    1. If I want to do some cardio, but am feeling uninspired by all my choices, I go to a spin class. No matter what, I always get a crazy cardio workout from it, and I (usually) leave high on endorphins.

    2. LIVE, I like watching basketball, but it’s boring on TV. I honestly enjoy watching golf on TV, but don’t tell anyone :P As for playing, baseball!

  6. April 15, 2010 3:35 am

    LOVE fruit pizza! It is one of our favorite treats to make. :)

  7. April 15, 2010 3:49 am

    I’ve seen that article from Health and I really want to try to make the cookies. A cookie being deemed one of the healthiest foods in America….ummm I’m all over that!

    My go-to workout is probably running or the ET. It always gets my HR up and keeps it up.

    Favorite sport to watch= football
    Favorite sport to play= softball

    Have an amazing day honey!

  8. April 15, 2010 3:56 am

    your posts are always so fun to read!

    fav go to cardio workout is running. it can be quick, no special equipment and i feel so much better even if its a short run!

    fav sport to watch: football! fav sport to play: soccer!

    enjoy your day!

  9. lessonstolearn permalink
    April 15, 2010 3:56 am

    I love the waffle idea! You are so creative with your use of protein powders. I’m taking note!

  10. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    April 15, 2010 4:12 am

    lately it has been running outside, it’s such a mental giveaway! I don’t know why I waited so long to try it, now I’m hooked! :D

  11. April 15, 2010 5:06 am

    Peanut butter fudge? Sounds amazing!

    Still drooling over that coffee cake. I think I need to make it finally this weekend!

    Go to cardio workout? Running, for sure.

    I love to watch & play hockey!! But street hockey for playing because I am a terrible ice skater ;)


  12. Errign permalink
    April 15, 2010 5:19 am

    I really like zumba and mountain biking for cardio!

    I like to go skiing & watch rugby and soccer :)

    Happy Thursday!

  13. April 15, 2010 5:32 am

    Hi love. I’m back from vacation and back to blog reading :) So many good things in this post. I’m definitely saving it! Pb fudge, dessert pizza. Awesome! Great job on staying within BFL rules and still enjoying some salsa, etc. during lunch. :)

  14. April 15, 2010 5:43 am

    That fruit on the pizza looks sooo tasty. I like to watch baseball, but only at the baseball park – and it’s just the local minor league team. Other than that, not a big sports fan. My go-to cardio is probably step aerobics b/c I have the step and a ton of DVDs to choose from at home. Makes it super simple

  15. April 15, 2010 5:50 am

    You are some dedicated blogger… On normal work days I’m always in a wonderful dreamland by 1am ;).
    My favourite cardio workout is running although I don’t really do it for cardio.. I just like to run :).
    For some reason watching sports bores me to death. I’ve never seen a game and am perfectly fine with that ;). Oh no wait, I really like watching Marathons (although they must seem really lame to most people). I just can’t believe that they run so fast..

  16. Brandi permalink
    April 15, 2010 6:25 am

    yum, that pb fudge looks awesome!

  17. eaternotarunner permalink
    April 15, 2010 6:33 am

    You guys are TOO cute! My fav cardio is definitely running. I basically love to watch the olympics, but I love to play softball :-)

  18. April 15, 2010 7:05 am

    hey hot stuff! love the protein fudge atop the glorious waffles!! this weekend I want ot make the homemade protein waffle. I dont have a waffle maker but jason does, so I thikn thats definately on my radar this wekeend!

    congrats to Julie and the winners of the komBOOcha! they will love it if they haven’t tried it. I have the guava flavor to try out today…yipeeee

    my go to cardio is def one of a few HIIT routines, that I may or may not have stolen from your moves page ;) I think HIIT in any form is my go-to because it gets the job done in short time…the days of steady state exercise (besides long runs outside) is over.

    To be honest, I am not a HUGE sports person. I know its strange because I am super athletic and played sports my whole life, but the idea of sitting in front of a tv to watch a sports game just doesn’t excite me. BUT if I had to choose what is my favorite sport to go and watch and have fun at? That would be the red sox during the summer! I will always jump at those tickets!


  19. April 15, 2010 7:05 am

    that game sounds SO much fun! Love that spicy cabbage bowl toooo!
    you and your man are so freaking adorable.
    go to cardio-anything HIIT !! after doing that, i cant imagine doing LONG cardio ever again! ugh, so boring.

  20. April 15, 2010 7:11 am

    Go to cardio would be running or walking or the elliptical. Or just throwing on some music and dancing!
    Love watching baseball, especially the Red Sox like Naomi! Love those Boston boys!
    I have a houndstooth Camelbak water bottle. I’m going to the store where I got it this weekend, I’ll see if they have anymore!

  21. April 15, 2010 7:21 am

    I LOVE Muenster cheese. Favorite cardio is running or spinning! :)

    I still can’t believe Larry Miller died. Crazy! My family has season tickets to the Jazz game and has ever since I was a little girl and I always remember seeing him at every game. :(

  22. April 15, 2010 7:25 am

    sooo jealous of the basketball game!!! that would be soo amazing. i loveeee basketball. anyway, that pear & munster combo has my mouth watering. along with the peanut butter fudge! i’m officially ordering some pb2 :)

  23. April 15, 2010 7:38 am

    Sooo I found kombucha yesterady and I won’t lie–Im a lil scared to try it! I dont even like the vinegar smell–gotta get over my fear! I got one of the fruity flavors like you suggested though!

    and hoo-rah for the Jazz! The OKC Thunder made it into the playoffs too!

  24. Susan permalink
    April 15, 2010 7:52 am

    So many things to love about this post..recipe ideas, giveaway winners, cute coffee holder, and the fact that you are stunna blogger with 15000 comments! Wooooooo! Love you lady!

  25. April 15, 2010 8:03 am

    I can’t believe the Jazz lost! :-( I run…that’s really the only cardio I do – I don’t feel like I get a good workout if I do anything else. M

    My favorite sport to play and watch is basketball – seriously I could watch it all day every day. March madness is like Christmas for me!

  26. April 15, 2010 8:08 am

    Ummmm peanut butter fudge?! And I’m in love.

    My go to cardio is running – er – it’s also like my 99.9% of the time cardio…I’m super uncreative. And my favorite sport to watch…football! The Bears! It’s painful most of the time – but apparently Bears fans are suckers for punishment…

  27. actorsdiet permalink
    April 15, 2010 8:37 am

    i am not a jock – i hate working out, i don’t like watching sports (though i will go for the conession stands) but for some reason i LOVE watching the olympics. i think i like the drama behind the stories.

  28. April 15, 2010 8:51 am

    My favorite cardio is probably swimming or biking.

    That fruit pizza looks AMAZING.

  29. *Andrea* permalink
    April 15, 2010 8:54 am

    yay!! thank you so much for (randomly) selecting me haha.

    cute pics of you and the FIANCE :-) i also found that article on food combos really interesting.

  30. Nicole G permalink
    April 15, 2010 9:04 am

    I’m an outside running myself. I go running with my mom on weekends. Its such a nice experience, one of the few times we get to spend just us!

    I lovee how most of these superfood combos are basically varieties of combos that are on blogs every day lol You blogging ladies definitely have a heads up!

    Nicole G

  31. April 15, 2010 9:29 am

    Yay, for Waffle Wedn! I know celebrate every week, thanks to YOU!

    My go-to cardo: RUNNING, fo sho!

  32. April 15, 2010 10:13 am

    Well if you have an accent, so do I. :( I always thought we were in the un-accented part of the US. But I agree w/your friend, compared to the rest of the world – Americans DO sound like crap.

    1) My favorite form of cardio is this kickboxing workout I DVR’ed from FitTv. We only have the one TV with satellite though so I can only get access to it when Dave isn’t home watching something. But I love it!

    2) I like watching hockey and baseball, but I normally people-watch more than I actually see the game. :) I don’t play sports. This is a good thing, trust me.

  33. April 15, 2010 10:17 am

    My favorite form of cardio is running outside, just love being in the outdoors with the fresh air. Love it.

    I do not play sports, but I do love to watch them.

  34. April 15, 2010 10:18 am

    1) Definitely running outside. If I’m in a funk, a 2 mile run outside will basically solve any dramas!
    2) Football aka soccer! Second is basketball for sure.

    As if your foreign friends said your accent sounds like crap! Rude! You sound lovely to me!

  35. Jayme permalink
    April 15, 2010 10:26 am

    hay hayyyy, i got a meals & moves mention! :D my baby (the blog) got deleted because of personal reasons, but i’ll still be creepin’ and commenting every once in a while.

    ahaha.. because you said ‘accent’ you’re probably going to get all kinds of weird search terms.

    i love the superfood article. :D those are some pretty balllllin recipes. and your fruit pizzas.. it’s gonna happen. one day they’ll be in my kitchen. and your protein frosty. it’s gonna be in my tummy.

  36. Kelly permalink
    April 15, 2010 10:27 am

    Your eats looks so delicious today, PB fudge… drool. That fruit pizza is tricky, it looks so healthy and light – but I know it’s not!

    1 – I go through phases, right now my go to is running on the treadmill – I do 10 minutes pre and 10 minutes post lifting and on cardio only days I’ve actually been doing the same HIIT as you lately – I totally stole.

    2 – I’m not really into watching sports, I do enjoy a nice Red Sox game on the tube in the summah though (my classy accent comin through). I also enjoyed playing baseball until one broke my nose :)

  37. April 15, 2010 10:34 am

    GO BLAZERS! Maybe we’ll meet in the playoffs?

    I ate my last meal (dinner and dessert combined) at midnight last night, so you were in good company. Oops!

    Love you girly!

  38. April 15, 2010 11:06 am

    My go to for cardio is always running because I can do it anywhere if I’m traveling.

    I love bball! Go Celtics!!

  39. April 15, 2010 11:08 am

    How cool that you got to go to the Jazz game! Sorry they lost :( K I need to try a protein cake too. I finally tried the protein “cookie dough” and I’m venturing out more with protein powder:)

    My go to cardio is running. Love it, and can do it (almost) anywhere!

  40. April 15, 2010 11:43 am

    janetha bean…you are too dang cute in all your moves videos! i just watched them. adorable!

    and i love that your co-workers BBQ! i wish we did that here. that looks so much better than what i had for lunch today.

    my go-to cardio = running.

    fave sport to watch and play = figure skating!

    ah yeah.

    love ya baber…have a great thursday :)


  41. April 15, 2010 11:48 am

    What do you use on your skin? It looks great :)

  42. April 15, 2010 11:58 am

    YAY~ I can’t believe I won something!

    1. My go-to cardio workout is definitely running. Running is my passion, so I try to get in as many weekly miles as possible.

    2. My favorite sport to watch is baseball, but I am biased since my fiance plays. He actually played in Utah his first year for the Ogden Raptors! Not sure if you are anywhere near there or know of them.


  43. April 15, 2010 12:31 pm

    I’ve already volunteered to make fruit pizza for my brother’s fiance’s bridal shower…I can’t wait to try it!!

    The elliptical is definitely my go-to cardio workout…easy on my knees, and I can watch TV while I do it :)

    Hope you’re having a great week love!!

  44. Erika permalink
    April 15, 2010 12:56 pm

    Hi Janetha! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now and thought I’d finally send you a little note. Thanks for the fruit pizza tutorial. I’m going to a dinner party thing tomorrow night and am in charge of bringing the dessert, and this seems like the perfect thing to make, and so easy too!
    You have the most gorgeous eyes, by the way :)

  45. April 15, 2010 1:15 pm

    oh, that fudge…and the fruit pizza…killing me here, lady. It’s almost my bedtime and I am so behind with Reader today and now I want to eat something. Thanks for that. Heh :D So, while I could ramble on for a while this is a short but snappy reply.

    Cardio: I am hooked on the cardio wave machine right now 8.5km in 20 mins? Hell yes. Kills my legs, totally worth it.
    Fave sport to watch: gymnastics. fave to play: tennis

  46. lowandbhold permalink
    April 15, 2010 1:21 pm

    I love going to b-ball games, but I’m not necessarily a fan of b-ball. We just got our first NBA Team last year and we’re going to the playoffs, so that’s fun! Sorry for the loss tho.

    1. Definitely the elliptical. Tho lately it’s turning into running outside, just because I kind of have to.
    2. College football. Go Sooners! Favorite sport to play, golf or running. I’m not incredibly athletic :)

  47. April 15, 2010 1:23 pm

    An accent? I didn’t notice but then again I’m Canadian. I feel silly doing moves like that sometimes.

    My favourite jam/preserve is “kaya” and it is a coconut jam available in Singapore and Thailand. It is so creamy, sweet, and the pandan leaf adds a hint of vanilla to it.

    I will be making my own jam with local berries this year and trying to make it as low in sugar as possible.

  48. Amy (Up and Running!) permalink
    April 15, 2010 1:31 pm

    So many versions of the protein coffee cake to choose from! Ahh.
    I love to watch baseball (HATE football…just thought I’d add that) and I love to play volleyball!

  49. April 15, 2010 1:52 pm

    Spinning love it! I also love that cup holder! x x

  50. April 15, 2010 1:54 pm

    Those waffles are intense! Count me in for anything with nut butter toppings!

  51. April 15, 2010 2:18 pm

    Saw your profile on another page. Glad I read your informative and well-written blog. Look forward to following you here. Have a great night. Cheers!

  52. snackface permalink
    April 15, 2010 2:38 pm

    Gahhhhh I NEED pb2. I’ve been saying this for at least a year now. I’ll have you know that I brought Greek yog back to my fridge because I needed yoatgurt. Love.

    You know there is only one type of cardio I do: elliptical. Well, that and copious amounts of walking and dancing. I was going to take this to a dirty place, too, but I’ll refrain.

    I don’t like watching sports. Oh wait! I do enjoy watching tennis for, like, an hour. The only sport I really enjoy playing is golf! I’m just not that sporty!

    LOVE YOU!!!

  53. homecookedem permalink
    April 15, 2010 3:39 pm

    Hey Janetha!! I am going to have to start making that protein fudge. I have all the ingredients. I’m running low on PB2, but just ordered some peanut flour from byrd mill, you may have heard of it from Smoothie Girl Eats Too. I’m pretty excited about it!

    My go to cardio has always been running. I mean you don’t need anything for it except a pair of running shoes! Love that!! But lately, I’ve really been loving at home tabata workouts. I really hope those are good for BFL, because I’m actually kind of enjoying them. I like being done with my workout fast.

  54. April 15, 2010 4:15 pm

    I am SO making that peanut butter fudge ASAP. Looks amazing!

  55. April 15, 2010 4:52 pm

    Holy YUM, I’m diggin’ that chicken bowl !!

    My favorite go-to cardio in riding my bike… I love being able to get a great lower body work out and get my heart pumpin’ all while outside.

    My favorite sport to watch is MMA. ;)

  56. mom permalink
    April 15, 2010 4:58 pm

    well I’m bummed, i never win anything :( – maybe I am exempt due to the whole relation thingy huh?!

    You and Marshall look SO cute in those photos – sad for the Jazz too but playoffs are A-ok.

    Oh the Mexican feast looks TOO good – I should have dropped by.

    Love you love your blog! xoxo

  57. Jennie permalink
    April 15, 2010 5:37 pm

    I recently found your blog and this is my first time posting.

    We love watching the Suns and the Coyotes. Both our teams won last night! Yay Phoenix! Sorry…Jazz. :)

  58. April 15, 2010 6:54 pm

    I love how you say this post was gonna be short and it ends up being a book! But hey… The more the better J!!

  59. April 15, 2010 9:11 pm

    You are beautiful and so photogenic! I am am ‘ellipticizer’. As in GET OFF OF MY MACHING crazy about them. I need to branch out and challenge myself!

  60. April 16, 2010 5:56 am

    Love that fruit pizza! What a fun dessert!

  61. April 16, 2010 6:51 am

    WHY on earth do i always read blogs while i’m eating breakfast. i should read them BEFORE i eat breakfast so i know to make ridiculous good looking things like protein syrup fudge (even though i don’t have pb2) and waffles (which i also don’t have but am going to get at tjs right now) and other delish things

    i want to make fruit pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! i gotta find an occasion to make it :)

  62. April 16, 2010 8:06 am

    That peanut butter fudge concoction looks amazing. I need it in my life. Too bad PB2 is still behind with their shipments. Sis and I have been waiting for over 2 months now. New rumor is they will have all order filled by April. THEY BETTER! :)

    1. I’m an ellipticaling fool. I do it after every strength workout for about 30 minutes.

    2. I honestly don’t get into ANY sports. Maybe some speed cooking. HA!

  63. April 16, 2010 9:51 am

    Oh goodness, that peanut butter fudge looks amazing! Great combo!! My friends and I used to have fruit pizza parties. We would get together just to make and devour fruit pizzas, haha!

    I like to watch hockey but I used to love basketball a few years ago. Sports come and go in waves for me!

  64. April 16, 2010 5:11 pm

    Go-to cardio workouts these days are boxing and spin classes. Favorite sport to watch is definitely college football, favorite sport to play.. I only ever did gymnastics, but I wouldn’t say that’s my favorite anymore.. I cheat on this question :p


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