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two Q tuesday!

April 6, 2010

it cracks me up (and surprises me!) how many of you thought that coffee cake actually tastes like coffee!! actually, unless it is coffee flavored coffee cake, it doesn’t taste like coffee at all. it tastes like whatever flavor of coffee cake it is, and is meant to be eaten with coffee~ hence the term “coffee cake”.  now you know!

here is the link to the recipe for my apple cinnamon protein coffee cake with almonds.

i have already eaten half of the batch. better save some for tomorrow (wednesday) which is national coffee cake day!  i am pretty excited to mess around with the recipe and make different variations. i will post them as i create them.

there were some great tips left in the comments section of my last post. here are a few:

  • “One thing I have done is replaced all my oil with applesauce (same ratio) when baking.” –ashlan
  • “cooking tip—I always heat the pan BEFORE i put in the olive oil so when the veggies get added, you should hear a nice sizzle, this prevents the food from burning!” –naomi
  • “Kitchen tips… well, my biggest tip would be read the WHOLE recipe the ENTIRE way through- then you can estimate how long everything takes, get ALL your ingrdients out at once, measure, weigh and you’re good to go. So much easier that way!!” –kristin
  • “The only tip I can think of is to not be afraid of aluminum foil! I don’t know why but I used to never use it, but its such a clean up saver! I’m going to start lining saute pans with it” –bre
  • “I always microwave my milk/water for oats before adding them to the pan. The oats cook so much faster when the liquid is already warm!! This is especially good for steel cut oats, which take FOREVER.” –gabriela
  • “I buy jarred minced garlic. Seriously makes my life so much easier.” –lara
  • “I chop all my veggies needed for the week on Sundays. Makes salad and wrap making much easier.” –paige
  • “I sometimes pre-cook veggies in the microwave for a couple minutes before roasting them so they cook quicker – especially baked sweet potatoes.” – susan
  • “My cooking tip is to read blogs for cooking tips. HAHA!” –ildie

great tips :)

this morning i woke up to SNOW.. it has been snowing a bunch lately! i heard that the resorts got over 2 feet of fresh snow last night. too bad i am stuck at work all day, every day. the snow does me no good.


i originally planned to have a protein shake this morning, but when i saw the cold weather outside, i opted for a hot breakfast.

meal 1: apricot vanilla protein oats @ 8:45 AM


i made my usual batch of protein oats using 1/3 cup oats, 1.5 cups water, cinnamon and 1 serving of EAS vanilla premium protein powder.


i topped the oats with 1 TB of polaner sugar free apricot preserves. this is a new-to-me product and i definitely give it two thumbs up!


250 calories, 4.5g fat, 26g carbs, 30g protein


the apricot preserves went well with the vanilla and cinnamon in the oats. this combo is definitely going into my protein oats rotation!

i had to make a trip to costco to get some items for the office. i had two samples~ a piece of a trio bar (really liked it!) and three green grapes.


after costco i came back to the office for a light lunch because i ended up with an impromptu late lunch date with an old friend who is in town.

meal 2: apple cinnamon protein coffee cake + brown cow yogurt @ 12:15 PM


i decided that coffee cake goes just as well with greek yogurt as it does with coffee.


i crumbled the cake into the yogurt, a bit at a time.


the apple cinnamon flavors paired fabulously with the tartness of the greek yogurt!


260 calories, 6g fat, 23g carbs, 29g protein

around 2:15, marshall and i picked out the tile for our house! i am so excited! luckily, my brother owns his own tile company so we really are in good hands when it comes to renovating our house. he is going to be the man with the plan! sure am glad my mom is a real estate agent, my brother is a tile expert, my sister in law has a great eye for interior design and i work for a window company. it makes this whole house buying & fixing up thing a lot less stressful!

i went to lunch at gourmandise bakery and when i went to take a photo of my salad, i realized i had my camera but no card. yipes. i left it at work!

meal 3: half of the greek salad with chicken @ 3:30 PM

the greek salad description:

Spring greens topped with Kalamata olives, feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, pepperoncini
and croutons, served with our Greek vinaigrette. (Half: $4.95, Full: $6.75). Add roasted chicken breast for $1.50.

and add roasted chicken breast, i did! it came with a roll but i passed on it. that took self control.

i went home after work and changed for the gym. i really wanted to cuddle up with the pups.. but i knew better.


upper body workout day!

here are the details:

  • 5 minute warm up on elliptical / resistance level 10


move reps weight
single arm dumbbell row 12 @
10 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
17.5# db
20# db
22.5# db
25# db
17.5# db
bent over barbell row 12 @ 30# barbell

*i did 30 seconds of high knees in between the first four sets, then did the final two sets back to back.


move reps weight
dumbbell chest press 12 @
10 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
17.5# dbs
20# dbs
22.5# dbs
25# dbs
17.5# dbs
dumbbell flyes 12 @ 12.5# dbs

*i did 30 seconds of butt kicks in between the first four sets, then did the final two sets back to back.


move reps weight
seated dumbbell press 12 @
10 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
10# dbs
12.5# dbs
15# dbs
17.5# dbs
12.5# dbs
lateral side & front raises 12 (each)@ 5# dbs

*i did 30 seconds of high knees in between the first four sets, then did the final two sets back to back.


i was short on time, so i decided to superset my biceps and triceps. i did one superset rep of each exercise, then did my 30 seconds of butt kicks to keep my heart rate up, then moved onto the next superset rep. i finished the process off with doing 12 reps of the tricep exercises back to back and then the 12 reps of the bicep exercise back to back.. body for life style. hope that makes sense. if not, just scroll down to the food :)

move reps weight
cable tricep pushdowns
cable bicep curls
cable tricep pushdowns
cable bicep curls
cable tricep pushdowns
cable bicep curls
cable tricep pushdowns
cable bicep curls
cable tricep pushdowns
cable bicep curls
12 @
12 @
8 @
6 @
6 @
12 @
12 @
overhead cable extension
dumbbell hammer curls
12 @
12 @
10# dbs

*i did 30 seconds of butt kicks in between the first four sets.

  • 5 minutes on elliptical / resistance level 15
  • 5 minutes stretching

total time: 45 minutes, calories burned: 310, max HR: 165, ave HR: 132.

my heart rate never gets up there on upper body workout days! but i do feel like i am working hard and lifting heavy enough, that is what matters.


i got home from the gym and immediately refueled with a square of apple cinnamon protein coffee cake.. i can’t get enough of the stuff!


i had been thinking up dinner all day today! one of the packages i received yesterday was from mezzetta and it included some delicious goodies! behold:


roasted red bell peppers, pesto and artichoke hearts.

i used the bell peppers and artichoke hearts in tonight’s meal, the pesto i am saving for another recipe i have in mind.

meal 4: chicken, artichoke & red pepper farfalle with feta + green beans @ 7:30 PM


first, a bit about mezzetta! i was lucky enough to enjoy several of their products when i attended the first annual foodbuzz festival back in november.  i thought that everything i tried was delicious!

from their website:

G.L. Mezzetta is the leading producer of glass-packed peppers olives, and specialty foods in the United States*.

Family-owned since 1935, the fourth generation of the Mezzetta family is continuing the commitment to bring our customers the highest quality foods available. Mezzetta sources the finest fresh produce from the sun-drenched soils of California, Italy, Spain, France, and Greece and prepares them according to our Italian family recipes at our state-of-the-art production facility in Napa Valley. Then, we carefully pack our delicious products in traditional glass jars—ready to eat anytime you want a healthy snack or quality ingredients for your favorite dishes.

Our extended family of employees share a commitment for continued success and customer satisfaction. As a leader in the food industry, G.L. Mezzetta is motivated to ensure the safest and most efficient methods are used in producing our food products to ensure you receive a superior culinary experience every time.

Mezzetta specialty foods are available in retail grocery store across America, as well as club stores, foodservice outlets, fine restaurants, and at our on-line store. Our products can also be found in Canada, the Pacific Rim and Europe.

Mezzetta fits your busy lifestyle.

thanks for fitting into MY busy lifestyle, mezzetta!

for the meal, i diced some boneless, skinless chicken breasts and cooked it with some dried basil and minced garlic.

next, i chopped up the roasted red bell peppers and the artichoke hearts.


i boiled some multigrain farfalle noodles. these have really high protein stats.. 10g for every 2 ounces. not bad for a noodle!


for the sauce, i prepared this sweet basil pesto (you can buy it at target) which is made by simply organic.  for the record, it tells you to prepare the sauce with 1/2 cup water and 1/4 cup olive oil. i used 3/4 cup water and 1 TB olive oil to cut the fat grams and calories. it worked perfectly.


once everything was either cooked, chopped or boiled.. i mixed it all together!


it needed to be warmed through, so i put it back on the stovetop for a few minutes.


to finish the pasta off, i added some fat free feta.


i also cooked some frozen green beans for some added veggie action.

viola! dinner was served!


my thoughts on the mezzetta products? YUM! i didn’t expect any less. but the real test was to see if marshall liked them. he gave the roasted red bell peppers and the artichoke hearts two thumbs up! and you know how i really know he loved the dish? he went back for seconds. that is always a good sign.

special thanks to brita at mezzetta for sending me these delicious products to try and review! disclaimer: i got the items free of charge and i was not paid to review the items.

SO! now we are current. i haven’t decided on meal 5 yet.. while i would love to have another slice of coffee cake i think i should probably switch it up ;)


about the title of this post, you ask? well, last tuesday i answered two reader questions. i decided to do it again this week! usually i ask YOU GUYS two questions in every post.  on tuesdays, i will still ask my questions, but i will also answer a couple!

Q #1!

stef asked: “you’re going back to school? for what?” (p.s. i miss you stef!)

my answer: yep! i am going back to school. at the ripe old age of 27 (i turn 27 in june, going back to school in august) i will be hanging out with kids almost a decade younger than me. weird.

here is the story.  i took my sweet time (7 years on and off) getting my associates degree. yeah, i know, not so rad. i was not your typical graduate-high-school-then-go-to-college-for-4-years-and-get-a-degree type of person. i opted to work full time, study abroad in london, take time off for reasons that are beyond me, and i finally did get an associates degree about a year ago.

i have never really known what i wanted to study. some call it directionless.. i just call it indecisive.  my employer really wants me to get educated in accounting and they have offered to help me (financially) to get an accounting degree.  sweet!

obviously, i wouldn’t agree to doing this unless it was something i am interested in.  i have always loved numbers and math, i do well with accounting and financial planning.   when the opportunity came up, i put some thought into what my employer suggested and i agreed that it would be a great thing for both me and the company i work for.

SO.. there you have it! janetha b is going back to escuela. should be interesting, seeing as how i am a bit out of practice on the whole homework scene.

Q #2!

since that last one was pretty long, i picked a simple one for number two :)

bre asked: “Are you going to have peach ice cream at the wedding?” (i had mentioned that my wedding date falls on national peach ice cream day!)

my answer: sort of! we are having vanilla bean ice cream (my very favorite flavor of ice cream evvver) and then we will be serving fresh peaches on top! it should be delicious!

there you have it! two questions answered. if you have any questions you would like answered, please send me an email! (janethabenson at gmail dot com)


in other news…



see you guys tomorrow for waffle wednesday! and perhaps a giveaway.. if i have time :)


1. did you/do you go to college? what did you study/are you studying? are you like me.. and took some time off after high school? or did you just get it all done right away? tell me your school story!

2. what is your favorite flavor of jam/preserves? raspberry for me!

xo. janetha b.

p.s. two giveaways: peet’s and vitatops!

92 Comments leave one →
  1. April 6, 2010 9:55 pm

    I am in school forever….7th year of university studying medicine, but one more year till I start making moolah! So awesome that your employer is paying you to go back to school – that is so hard to find these days. I need to make that coffee cake when I pick up some protein powder! An avg hr of 132 is awesome I think for lifting IMO.

  2. Julie permalink
    April 6, 2010 10:12 pm

    i am graduating in JUNE from Cal poly San Luis Obispo…. my major is Wine and Viticulture and a minor in Agribusiness!! i got done in 4 years as planned and i even transferred from a community college.. LOTS of hard work, so i am taking a year off and then maybe applying to law school so i can do wine and business law. whew! and i just started BFL!

    and my fav jam? blackberry or raspberry yum :)

  3. April 6, 2010 10:15 pm

    that pasta looks to die forrrrrrrrrr! loveeeeeeeee farfalle, love pesto, LOVE ARTICHOKES!

    oh you!

  4. mom permalink
    April 6, 2010 10:32 pm

    Boy I could use a slice of that coffee cake…..eric ate his share of carrot cake tonight–sad to see it go!!

    Me school haha!!

    Raspberry all the way xoxo!

  5. Diana permalink
    April 6, 2010 11:31 pm

    I love that you’re so dedicated to your fitness. It’s really inspiring! :)
    I never went to college, I took a photography course and that’s it. Right now, I don’t know if I’ll go back to school. I wouldn’t mind but it’s just that like you I’m a bit indecisive. :P
    I love raspberry too! And blackberry, yum.

  6. April 6, 2010 11:58 pm

    first time EVER i just read your gym stuff and it makes sense! i rocked the gym alone today. yeah, me, the yogi. I gave you a shoutout that my gym deets will never be as detailed as yours, but you rock :)

    going back to school. wow. in all your spare time. this is awesome, I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!
    i grad’ed h.s. at age 16, grad college at age 20, married at 19, divorced at 21, married again at 24 and in that time have done max yoga training, real estate licence, grad school in psychology, lactation educator from ucsd, and am about to order materials to start my ACE personal trainer :) i am very over educated soccer mom :)

  7. Sara permalink
    April 7, 2010 12:01 am

    Thanks for posting the coffee cake recipe! I started drooling when I read your post yesterday and knew I had to get myself some apple cinnamon cakey goodness STAT…SOOO you can imagine how excited I was tonight when I read the recipe and realized that I had all the ingredients (except the splenda brown sugar…I just mixed regular brown sugar with regular splenda and it worked great). The final result? YUM. YUM. YUM. I am eating it now as I type…So moist…nom nom. I’ll be lucky if there is any left tomorrow at this time!

    I went to college right after high school and graduated in four years, but still didn’t know what I wanted to do afterward. This resulted in two years of job-hopping and serious lack of direction. Like you, I’m on my way back to school next year…I’ll be starting a combined masters in public health nutrition and dietetics program.

    Oh, and I’m totally with you on the raspberry jam! My grandma used to make homemade batches with raspberries from her garden…Store bought jam just isn’t the same! But since I’m too lazy to make my own, I usually buy Smuckers no sugar added. :)

  8. April 7, 2010 12:55 am

    the coffee cake looks good in everthing. i want some noooow. I would also like some of your pesto, your sweet familio and your motivation! Your workouts are so inspiring!

    I went to school for paralegal but am not using it! I really want to go to culinary school if I could just work around the whole meat thing ;)

    My favorite jam is my mom’s homemade raspberry. LUURVE. xx

  9. April 7, 2010 2:36 am

    I went to school what seems like FOREVA! It took me 6 years to get my associates and I finally hunkered down and finished my last two years in record time for my bachelors in business. I didn’t take time off, I managed to go part-time while I was working full time and married. On the other side…I’ve worked at NASA for the last 11 years and it was totally worth it.

    My favorite preserve is Organic Strawberry Preserves! YUMMO. I sneak it on my protein cake with my PB when I’m craving PB&J.

    Thanks for sharing the coffee cake recipe…I can’t wait try it out.

  10. April 7, 2010 3:39 am

    I went to school right away and majored in business. I really just wanted to be a personal trainer, but you don’t need a degree for that, so I made sure I had a back up!

  11. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    April 7, 2010 3:44 am

    woo!!! more exciting news! back to school? that will be fun! :D
    I study economics and in my case it was straight, undergrad, master, phd. no time to hesitation because everyday I confirm my passion about it! ;)

  12. April 7, 2010 3:46 am

    If I had any ability to bake, I would be making this Apple Protein Coffee Cake! I don’t like cake, but I LOVE coffee cake and apples so this would be perfect.

    That is so great that you are going back to school. Good for you hun!

    I graduated from PSU with a degree in English. I’ve thought about going back a few times for my Masters but then I really don’t have the desire or the money at this point. I’m content with my life as it is now but I do miss school sometimes.

    Have a lovely Wednesday dear!

  13. April 7, 2010 4:09 am

    Okay, I am making that coffee cake TODAY! I love using hr Simply Organic mixes, the sweet pesto one rocks, try it on homemade pizza too!
    I graduated college almost 6 years ago, eeks! Studied Nutrition and a little of sports nutrition, thats why I am a nutrition specialist today. Love it!

    I bet your excited to go shopping for school supplies?! I am a dork when it comes to stuff like that. Its too fun!

  14. April 7, 2010 4:52 am

    congratulations to you for making the decision to go back to school! it really will help you out with everything, especially if/when you’re looking for a new job. it takes a lot to make the decision and dedicate yourself to your studies once again, but it will be worth it!

    i studied english lit at NYU, took a year and a half to work (first at lululemon for like two months, then at a law firm for a year and a half) and just started a grad program (full time) this past january. it’s been very hard to adjust but i’ve gotta admit… i like not doing the 9-6 gig :P

    on an unrelated note: i forgot that artichoke hearts exist. will have to pick some of those up – i haven’t made pasta in forever!

  15. Amy (Up and Running!) permalink
    April 7, 2010 5:02 am

    I LOVE President’s fat-free feta! I can’t even tell the dif btwn this and the full-fat version when I put it in dressing-laden greek salads. (Light dressing, of course.) Yum!

    I went to college right after high school…I figured if I decided to do the take-a-year-off/tour-the-world kind of thing I’d never make my way back to school! Misawell get it over with! I’m studying human nutrition.

  16. April 7, 2010 5:11 am

    What a great crew you’ve got for buying a house! You’re so lucky =D

    That dinner looks amaaaazing. Wow, I love all those flavors!

    I am currently enrolled in college for nutrition, which I will finish… someday. Not sure when, really. I know I DO want to finish it, but currently culinary school and being a chef are my top priorities!

    I LOVE raspberry and fig jam. Fresh, of course!


  17. April 7, 2010 5:21 am

    Thanks for the shoutout, glad you liked the tip!! Yum to the ice cream with peaches at your wedding…such a good summer dessert!!

    I’m currently a junior at NYU and CAN’T WAIT to be done with school. Seriously, I’m starting to despise it.

    Favorite jam is Crofter’s superfood. It tastes SO FRESH, not at all fake-sweet!!

    Hope you have a great hump day :)

  18. April 7, 2010 5:26 am

    First of all…yum on the pesto pasta creation. I think you could put pesto on a piece of house siding and it would still taste delicious. Congrats on going back to school! If my employer would pay for more education, I would do it in a heartbeat. Although I got done in 41/2 years, I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. I studied English/literature and loved it, but wasn’t sure what I could do with it. So, I graduated with a professional writing degree (it was the first year they offered it) and loved, loved, loved the program.

    Even though I work in that “field” now, I still wish I could go back to school (or find a job that I actually enjoy instead of tolerate). You’re never too old to learn–especially at freaking 27–so big props! Fun times!

  19. April 7, 2010 5:29 am

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. YUM. I never think to use apricots ever and I love them when I actually eat them. And it’s nearly impossible to go wrong with roasted red bell peppers (I use that brand too), artichokes and pesto. YUM.

  20. April 7, 2010 5:35 am

    I graduated from Purdue in 08 and will be graduating law school next May. The thought of working a million hours a week terrifies me, but we shall see. I don’t know that law is for me (too late now), but I have a ton of student loans to pay off!

  21. April 7, 2010 5:45 am

    That pasta looks amazing! I am so jealous!! Great moves for the day! You’re so awesome!! Have a good day pretty lady :)

  22. Pat Braithwaite permalink
    April 7, 2010 6:19 am

    I started to go to college, but didn’t get very far. Fortunately for me, I am self taught in accounting and human resources and I’ve had lots of years of practice. I’ve had a lot of employers that have given me opportunity to fine tune my skills. I still wish I had that degree, though. Don’t think it’s going to happen at this stage!

  23. April 7, 2010 6:24 am

    That pasta looks so great!!

    I went to college for 4 years and graduated with a dual degree in Early Childhood and Special Education. I’ve been teaching 1st grade now for 5 years. I really just want to be a stay at home mom when I grow up. Not so sure that’ll ever be financially possible though…

    My favorite is blueberry preserves!! Not that sugar free crap, though that’s what I typically use since the real stuff has soooo much more sugar, but every now and then you just gotta have the real deal!! :)

  24. April 7, 2010 6:24 am

    never knew that coffee cake didn’t taste like coffee either, but now i do! haha.
    i am in college majoring in nursing and i loveee it :)

  25. April 7, 2010 6:26 am

    P.S. I turn 27 in June too! 28th to be exact! ;) Oh and your peaches on top of ice cream sounds divine!!! :)

  26. April 7, 2010 6:44 am

    I went to college straight out of highschool. Got a degree in something that I could not really get a job in, took about a semester off and then started grad school. Finished grad school got a job and soon realized that I really wanted to be a teacher, so long story short, I am back in school to do that.

  27. April 7, 2010 6:53 am

    i LOVE jam…seriously a death trap for me i can put it on ANYTHING! that is why I love the SF stuff. I know it has chemicals and blah blah w/e I love it and don’t eat it everyday! and I do have the real stuff every now and then too!
    thanks for the smoothie stach pic…I look horrid, but hey, we all have our days!

    I think you should DEF serve peach at your wedding yayayay!!

    I went to HS, then right to college. I have a bachelor of science in exercise science and a minor in nutrition. shortly after I got out is when I got my ACSM personal training certification because all the info was ripe my that ole brain of mine. YES I want to go back to grad school for sure, just don’t know what area, either exercise phys or nutrition!!

    i LOVE artichokes, I used them in my salad this past weekend, tht pasta looks killer…any leftovers?!?!

    love youuu janetha! awesome workout as usual….damn I wish we could push around some weight together!!

  28. April 7, 2010 7:02 am

    were all the people who thought coffee cake had coffee in it Mormons? ;)

    I love Gourmandise Bakery!

  29. April 7, 2010 7:10 am

    So boring – high school, college, working world…although I did major in accounting too…haha enjoy!!

    Oh and my favorite jam is orange marmalade…love the orange peels…yum!

  30. April 7, 2010 7:22 am

    YESSSSSSSS. can’t wait to recreate the coffee cake.

    #1 : i went to school for a semester on a basketball scholarship, but i got pretty ill because of my thyroid and the dr. thought it would be best for me to come home for awhile. i lost my scholarship because i wasn’t cleared to play and never went back! i got a job with the state and am perfectly content…i’d love to go back part time to become a dietician though! just can’t bring myself to go back into debt over schooling! it’s so expensive.

    #2 : i <3 blackberry & strawberry jam.

  31. April 7, 2010 7:26 am

    Look at you all classy with your oats in a tea cup.

    1) I got right down to business in college. Graduated with a degree in marketing in 4 years and went to work about a month later. Looking back I took the safe route and still have NO idea what I want to be when I grow up. A stay at home mommy? :)

    2) Raspberry is my fav too! I love the seeds in there…

  32. lowandbhold permalink
    April 7, 2010 7:30 am

    Apricot preserves are bomb. Love ’em. Especially with cottage cheese, bahaha. Sorry, that was mean.

    I went to college right after college and just powered through even though my heart wasn’t in it. I got undergrad degrees in Journalism and English and was six credit hours away from a minor in Italian and 3 credit hours away from a minor in Business, but I abandoned those because I needed school to be over. I wish I had taken some time off and figured out exactly what I wanted to do. Sigh.

    I’ve loved all the Mezzetta products I’ve tried. Great loot, and your dinner looks like a perfect way to enjoy them.

  33. April 7, 2010 7:37 am

    I did it straight through, college then a master’s both in Math because I’m nerdy like that ;-)

    I love strawberry or grape…yum!

  34. April 7, 2010 7:49 am

    Oh that dinner looks to die for! And I’m already craving pasta again even though I had it on every single day last weekend..

    Well the school system’s a bit different over here. 20% of all people go to university but it’s only because you don’t have to go to uni if you want to work in a bank or as an accountant.. or.. well.. basically everywhere ;). I did an apprentice (half school/half work – in my opinion the best way to get to know the work life) as a commercial clerk and am currently working at a cultural center of the government. I want to go back to school though I’m not sure what to study.. ;)

  35. April 7, 2010 7:53 am

    Great post, Janetha :)
    Delicious eats, as usual!
    That pasta dish looked truly amazing… Holy YUM.
    Have a terrific Wednseday!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  36. April 7, 2010 7:53 am

    coffee cake is seriously almost as crackalicious as coffee itself. Ah, have you ever tried those mini hostess coffee cakes? I could go to town on like 5 of ’em. swwwwwwooooooooooonnnnn.

    love you jay-bear! xoxo

  37. Nicole G permalink
    April 7, 2010 7:56 am

    I’m graduating in May with my Bachelor’s and then starting law school in the Fall. I LOVE school actually. I’d be a professional student if I could =)

    Nicole G

  38. April 7, 2010 8:04 am

    I LOVE that Mezetta pesto. So good!

    1. Yup, went to college and have 2 degrees..and am using neither. I didn’t think it would be so hard to get a job that uses my education and pays well, but it’s tough.

    2. I love apricot and raspberry!

  39. April 7, 2010 8:14 am

    Great workout. I love the superset!

    I have a degree in accounting and am a cpa. I hate it though so I’m going back to school part time right now majoring in exercise science.

  40. April 7, 2010 8:18 am

    Yummy those Mezetta products look delish!
    I’m graduating with a BA in Psychology in May, then I’ll be going to grad school in August to get my Master’s in School Counseling…basically to be a guidance counselor, even though they’re not called that anymore!

    My fave jam is apricot!! Second best is strawberry jam- love all the little seeds!

  41. elise permalink
    April 7, 2010 8:28 am

    people thought coffee cake was coffee flavored?!?! thats hilarious. i guess it makes sense, never really thought about it…

    good for you for taking advantage of fulfilling your inner nerd-i-ness :) in HS i was a mix of type A smart-ee pants and slacker (i think i knew i was intelligent enough to get by on minimal studying in those days) but at the same time i definitely made sure my gpa and sats were perfect enough to get into all the UCs (type A activity). UCLA provided quite the rude awakening though. turns out, you have to work your a$$$$$$ off. so yeah, i was pre-med/bio and even though i realized that i wasnt going to pursue med school after college, i still finished it out and then applied to nursing school after (conveniently ucla got a nursing program the year AFTER i graduated…sweet). so yeah, then i went to nursing school for a year and the rest is history.

  42. Sweet and Fit permalink
    April 7, 2010 8:29 am

    what a great post, congrats on getting the title to your house – so exciting! and major congrats on going back to school, i love me some math too!

  43. April 7, 2010 8:49 am

    Dude. I had a jar of pesto in my shopping basket today and couldn’t decide whether or not to buy it. Now I have to go back- I always forget how much I love pesto until I see it on someone’s blog. So cool you are going back to school- I have lots of respect for people that do it because it’s definitely not easy.

    Um, so, school for me. I left high school when I was 12 to go into hospital and didn’t leave hospital until I was 18 (yes, that is 6 years). I went to a community college to get some basic English and Maths qualifications, and have gone back a bunch of times- I studied marketing communications for a while, and advertising copywriting (LOVED THIS) but it was so hard to find work. I’ve gone back twice to study nutrition and dietetics but haven’t been able to stay healthy enough for long enough to finish. I want to go back but I have no idea what i want to study.

    Jam… I love apricot,peach, blackcurrant, bramble and GOOD raspberry (like fresh raspberry preserves). Banana jam is also out of this world good, but I think it was discontinued :(

  44. April 7, 2010 8:54 am

    Janetha my dear, your photos have been downright LOVELY as of late! I keep meaning to mention it, and they keep getting better and better :)

    I’ve been doing the cable pushdown/curl superset lately too. One thing people don’t think of when designing workouts is the EASE of them. So easy to do a superset at one machine, not so easy when you have to hike all the way to the other side of a giant gym.

    1. I’m so excited you’re going back to school!! My mom’s an accountant and has her CMA (among other degrees… she spent 14 years in post-secondary!). I took some time off after highschool too. I moved in with my HS boyfriend and managed a Starbucks, until I realized that life sucked and started part-time at university mid-year. The next year I started full-time, and four years later got a BA in Journalism and Communications. One more year later and I’m working at that same university!

    2. Blueberry, hands down!

  45. April 7, 2010 8:59 am

    Mmmmm pesto!

    I went to Westmont college and studied literature and theatre.

    Favorite jam would be blackberry or blueberry.

  46. April 7, 2010 9:06 am

    congrats on going back to school! you rock! i recently graduated from an MA program, so let me know if you need someone to remind you how the whole homework thing works. kidding, i was always bad at that part :)

    i went straight from undergrad (Rutgers) to grad school (Columbia) and graduated in October. before that, i was homeschooled. so college was a really really big deal for me. as in, SO DIFFERENT. i studied religion with a concentration in gender. i always think i should know a lot more about religion than i actually do, as a result. oh well.

    strawberry rhubarb jam is the best. for real. have you had it?

  47. Kelly permalink
    April 7, 2010 9:07 am

    I love the apricot Polaner! I have to try that coffee cake.

    I def didn’t follow the regular college plan, my parents made me go right out of high school – and pay for it myself if I failed, which I did, fun. I spent that year depressed, drunk, suicidal – it was one of the worst times of my life. After I dropped out, I got a job, worked for a couple years, then went back to college at night. My job paid for the whole thing and I got my bachelor’s from Boston University in 4 years while working full-time – on my own terms. Pretty damn proud of that I have to say.

  48. April 7, 2010 9:09 am

    Yay thx for the shoutouts! Peaches on ice cream sounds lovely! I’m not much for vanilla bean but with peaches that’s sooo yummy.

    I went to Virginia tech for mining engineering. Random right? And I think the recent news explains why I am not directly working in that field. I went straight to school and graduated in 4 and current sell asphalt pavement. Also random right!? I’ve been working for the same company since school for almost 3 years and have done engineering, manual labor, safety, quality control, and now sales. And I pretty much don’t like any of it.

    I have bought about going back to school but I am just afraid of the money. Especially since anything I would go back for would be a lower paying job than what I have now. So alas I remain where I am. Just counting the days till my vacations and living for weekends.

    My boyfriend did accounting and I’m so jealous.I wish I did that. I want him to start his own business so I could work at it hehe.

    I love polanders sugar free jams. I like their blackberry kind. I don’t use it much now but I would make pbjs on toasted ww tortillas. I could go for that now!

    OK done typing my novel. PS congratulations on the house again. Looks beautiful!

  49. April 7, 2010 9:14 am

    ahh my school story.

    lets see. Graduated from highschool in 2003 and went to college right away. University of Oklahoma baby! I started off as a journalism major and then switched to Communication. Did really well in school, graduated in 4 years, and ended up with a 3.85 GPA.

    Then, I realized I wanted to pursue something medical–so now here I am working full time and taking 7-10 hours a semester!

  50. Mary permalink
    April 7, 2010 10:07 am

    Meal #4 looks so yummy!! I love artichokes… going to have to work on a recipe using them… maybe a pasta salad YUM

    I graduated college in 2005 and now I am (what my best friend calls) a “stay at home wife” HEHE My major was psych and I really enjoyed it!

    My favorite jam right now is mango pinapple!!!!!! I’m posting a salad tomorrow where I use it to make a dressing SO. GOOD. :)

    Hope you’re having a great Wed!

  51. April 7, 2010 10:09 am

    You are a BEAST with the weights! I am in awe of your strength. Clearly I need to up the L-Bs myself!

    I went to a liberal arts college and have a degree in Communications with a minor in poli sci. Then I went to law school and obviously graduated with a law degree and passed the bar (yeah, that JD is doing me NO good now). I think I’m using my undergrad experience far more than my law school education, these days, although, you don’t want to get in an argument with me. I’m GOOD. Not as good as I could be if I upped the weights, though!

    Have a good day, J!

  52. April 7, 2010 10:10 am

    I majored in Sociology and Anthropology at Brandeis right outside of Boston. Then I was all idealistic and wanted to change the world and went to law school. I hated it, but was determined to finish, and now I have no idea what to do with my life. I’ll figure it out eventually, but right now career is on hold for a few months :)
    OMG, vanilla bean ice cream is my favorite thing on the planet. It’s the best dessert.

  53. April 7, 2010 10:16 am

    Hahaha, I just posted a link to that exact same article today!

    I did the whole graduate-high-school-then-go-to-college-for-4-years-and-get-a-degree deal and it was meh. I didn’t have ANY idea what I was interested in when I started CSU in 2003 and by graduation in 2007 I had just picked Sociology out of human interest. I’m a people watcher!

    Honestly I don’t want to do anything with my degree, it’s totally useless. I am thinking about going for a Master’s in Nutrition but that’s just a dream for now.

    My mom makes killer apricot jam from her apricot tree. I could sit with a jar and a spoon and be in heaven.

  54. April 7, 2010 10:46 am

    I am in college, favorite jam is strawberry.
    I noticed you always eat 5 smaller meals instead of the usual 3 bigger ones. All of your meals look great by the way. Do you break it up this way to help build muscle or what, I am just curious what the benefits are.

  55. April 7, 2010 10:48 am

    Hii Janetha!! I really admire the fact that you’re going back to school, but don’t worry, you’re FAR from being “ripe” at 27. I’m going to dental school in Boston this August and apparently there are students who are 40+ years old, so…no shame at all! Especially if your education is paid for!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, its something to be celebrated!!

    I would have to say strawberry and raspberry are both my all time favorite jams. I’ve NEVER been disappointed!!

  56. April 7, 2010 10:52 am

    Congrats on going back to school!!! It is even sweeter that your employer is going to help you do it!
    I too took forever to get my associates degree. I went away to school right after high school but my eating disorder started then and sucked the life out of me. Needless to say I worked full time for a few years and then went back part time to get my associates (that was about 6 years ago). I have now just embarked on the journey of becoming an RD. I will be thirty this year and really want to have a career I am passionate about. It will be a long hard road seeing as I can only do classes while working full time and raising my daughter but I know it will be worth it in the end. I also hope it shows my daughter that woman are strong and can do anything they put thier minds to.

  57. April 7, 2010 11:00 am

    I hate that when I forget my camera chip, but, you know your DROID actually takes really good pics as a back up. I was shocked at mine :D

    Dinner looks delish…I have a jar of their Pesto too back from the Foodbuzz Fest and I have yet to use it. I can’t wait to see how you use yours :) Maybe I’ll use it for Pesto Pizzettes – member those???? I think it’s the whole, you have to use the jar in 10 days and there is alot of calories/fat in one jar. I could always freeze it maybe…just thinking outloud.

    Off to check out the NYtimes article and your recipe too! YUM!

  58. peanutbutterfingers permalink
    April 7, 2010 11:10 am

    i gotta try that coffee cake. i loooove coffee cake with my whole heart! ;)

    also, i think it’s wonderful that you’re going back to school. i hope you enjoy it!

  59. April 7, 2010 11:41 am

    1. High school, straight to undergrad, finished in two years with a double major. Taught 8th grade english for two years (using my degrees). Spent the last year being a housewife, heading back to school for RD in the fall. I’m a bit nervous about being the old lady too!

    2. Hot pepper peach preserves!

  60. April 7, 2010 11:47 am

    Right now I am on a guava jelly kick! It is so GOOD!

  61. April 7, 2010 11:51 am

    Dinner looks GOOD! And the man gives it two thumbs up…that’s important for me in assessing whether I’ll make a meal ;)

    1. I got it over with straight out of high school, but then I screwed around in England for two years after that ;) I majored in PoliSci and minored in Art History. Uh, fun subjects, but not exactly career-driven!

    2. Raspberry :) It’s the most universal. In my humble opinion.

  62. April 7, 2010 12:45 pm

    Question Time!
    Yep, I’m going to college. Working on a BS in Food & Nutrition Communication at the moment. Finishing up year 3 and I’m quite burnt out.

    I love love love apricot AND raspberry jam – my favorites by far. Although, homemade summer strawberries is tasty too!

  63. April 7, 2010 1:33 pm

    Congrats on the course, I’m currently doing a home personal trainer course but I have something set up for a few months time but I will be revealing that on my blog nearer the time, fav jam cherry x x

  64. April 7, 2010 1:34 pm

    Hey hey hey! Snow? oh my goodness! I need to make your protein bread- Josh and I would both love this. The apricot preserves make your oats look just gorgeous. That pasta looks out of this world. Artis rock.

    1. Yes, I went to Penn State for Engineering
    2. Blackberry baby

  65. April 7, 2010 2:17 pm

    Love the questions and the answers!

    I went to college right after high school (Ithaca College in upstate NY) but now I’m going back (well, if I get in, which I should know soon) to get a master’s degree. I am a big nerd and I love school and learning, but I’m also really nervous about I’m going to juggle everything since i’m already super busy without school on top of it all!

    I love family friends make low-sugar jam for me…so far I’ve gotten peach and blueberry. Peach was amazing but the boy ate it all!

  66. April 7, 2010 2:19 pm

    Wow-your samples from Costco are a lot healthier then mine! I can’t go in there hungry. I’ve been wanting to try one of those Simply Organic packets, but haven’t tried. Your pasta looks great though!

  67. April 7, 2010 2:48 pm

    Ben can fall asleep on a plane after a venti Americano. I think that’s crazy.
    Do you have the coffee cake recipe yet?

  68. April 7, 2010 3:11 pm

    hey lovely lady!
    first off I am sooooo JEALous that you can fall asleep after drinking coffee…so jeal! haha! and that workout sounds BANGIN’ supa tough! I like it!
    I am the biggest NERD in the world! I went straight off to college University of Washington! and got 2-bachelors degrees in those 4years i lived and swam in Seattle. Now I’m back in Cali going to school full time to get my master’s in nursing from USF!! (i can’t keep my head out of the books!)
    BLACKBERRY JAM!! yummmay!
    i heart you my powwow lova!

  69. April 7, 2010 3:16 pm

    That dinner you made looks rad, miss thang. Skillz!!

    1) I have a bachelors degree which I completed in normalmente time – you can’t defer and such with as much ease in England which is probably a good thing for me!
    2) Raspberry too! Although we have this crazy stuff right now…hmm is it ligonberry? I can’t remember! But it is AWESOME.

    hearts and besos xx

  70. April 7, 2010 3:28 pm

    Dang girl how do you know all of these national food days? That’s rad. Your coffee cake looks delish and your workout rocked I’m sure!

  71. April 7, 2010 3:28 pm

    that is a mighty fine-looking coffee cake.

    1. my undergrad is in philosophy/philosophy of science. you can just imagine how incredibly relevant and useful that has been in my day to day life (I started out as a classics major, ie latin and ancient greek, another practical career path!). I actually overlapped my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. now I’m studying kinesiology and fitness.

    2. um, just not grape? maybe strawberry rhubarb. I loved currant as a kid, but can’t remember the last time I had it. I don’t think I’ve ever had any, but fig jam sounds perrrfect. I may just have to experiment with that…

  72. Errign permalink
    April 7, 2010 3:31 pm

    I have been in school since I graduated high school in 2006, but am just finishing my sophomore year. I have been full time this whole year, but it took me three years to get 33 credits ha! I went part time and took one semester off. I study International Relations woot woot!

  73. Taysa (Water, Butter and Wine) permalink
    April 7, 2010 3:35 pm

    Ooo, those apricot oats look delicious. Thank you for reminding me of a fruit I’ve been neglecting.

    I think there is nothing wrong with being indeciscive. I plowed my way through college and graduated with my B.A. in English when I was 20 years old. I studied English because it’s one of my passions, but I didn’t have a freaking clue what I really wanted back then, and five years later I still don’t have a clue. So now I’m taking classes that interest me through the community college, as well as studying for grad school exams in case I decide to do that. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by just how indecisive I am, so I try to slow down and just enjoy the ride.

    Oh, and I love blackberry jam.

  74. April 7, 2010 3:45 pm

    Ah man, Greek yog+coffee cake sounds like one heavenly combo!
    1. I am in my senior year of college, with majors in English and psychology, and I’m going on to get a graduate degree in nutrition next year.
    2. Favorite flavor of jam=blueberry, hands down.

  75. April 7, 2010 4:37 pm

    Oooh lady you make me smile! I’ve still been reading, just not commenting as much since I’m ridiculously busy in life! But I thought I should throw it out there that I made coffee flavored cake (coffee cake literally) not so long ago and it’s all sorts of amazing!
    In grad school now for City and Regional Planning. Undergrad I was a development studies major. Sometimes I think I’m going to be a perpetual student!

  76. actorsdiet permalink
    April 7, 2010 4:40 pm

    i was a women’s studies music major. which i do so much with now, as an actor, obviously

  77. April 7, 2010 4:45 pm

    I heart Mezzetta products. I just discovered them when I moved out to Cali (bc they’re everywhere here, obvs) and my latest discovery is their capers! Really good.

  78. April 7, 2010 4:49 pm

    I am currently in college. I started at a 4 years university, but because of needing treatment for an eating disorder, I am now I at a community college and I am about to start my junior year in the fall. I am planning on transfering to a 4 year university to continue studying to become an actuary!! :)

  79. April 7, 2010 4:56 pm

    Haha, I think ANY cake is coffee cake because those are two of my favorite things on earth.

    1. I went to school in Boulder, CO for English and Elementary Education. I went right after high-school, hated the college lifestyle, got engaged my senior year – and squeezed all my classes into 3.5 years because I just wanted to be done (and married)!! Glad I did it that way, I was ready to get outta there.

    2. Ew, don’t like jam/preserves.

  80. April 7, 2010 5:03 pm

    I took my own sweet time with college. I started a quarter late, because I was late applying. Didn’t really know what I wanted to do….got literally about 90%of the way through and then decided to move to Florida to chase a boy. Lived there for a year, then moved back home and decided I wanted to go to law school!! Added another major and three minors….finally graduated and you know what? I have no regrets. I wasn’t ready to be working and focused at all. There are no rules in work and college and I commend you for listening to your “inner voice” or whatever you want to call it.

  81. April 7, 2010 5:31 pm

    I went to college straight from HS and studied dance and communication. I did it straight through and have been out for 6 years now I think…but I still miss college a lot, it was an awesome time.

    Raspberry for me!

  82. April 7, 2010 6:02 pm

    i’m SO excited for you that you’re going back to school! my brother majored in accounting and i did finance and had some accounting classes so i’ll scrounge around the house to see if we have any leftover review books and what not if you want! just let me know ;)

    i’m an el studento too! masters time in public admin and lovin it except i have a paper due friday at 5pm and i haven’t started it yet and yet i’m writing but i’m writing here on your comment page. fail. hahaha

  83. April 7, 2010 7:13 pm

    27 is not so ripe. You’re so vivacious and energetic, you’ll pass off as 20 anyway! ;-)
    Aw I miss Stef, too. I want her back!

  84. April 7, 2010 7:29 pm

    I need to make that apple cake immediately. I have seriously thought about it during the day for no reason.

    1. I went to college right after high school and finished in 4 years. I majored in Studio Art and minored in English.

    2. Any berry flavor. Really anything but grape.

  85. April 7, 2010 7:58 pm

    Oooo, I love q and a’s, therefore I love 2 question tuesday! fun :) As for school, awesome that you’re going back!!! Is it for a BA or an MA? I’m in my third year of college right now (almost fourth) and will graduate with a BA in history next May. Awesome.

    Have a great Thursday, filled with lots more yummy eats like coffee cake! Oh, and I like mango butter, blackberry jam, cherry preserves, and pumpkin butter.

  86. April 7, 2010 8:34 pm

    Um, yes, I’ll have a piece of coffee cake (coffee flavored OF COURSE) with a side of coffee cake, topped with coffee cake crumbles and pureed coffee cake syrup on top. There, now I’m happy.

    Wow, you ARE sorted with the remodel, with your connections! So did I ever tell you about the time we were remodeling and I decided that I’d had enough of the tile choosing process and laid down in the middle of the showroom floor? Yah, I was done. Good times. I sense you will follow in my footsteps on that one. No one should.

    Love me some berry preserves (sugarfree of course)= just got some blueberry smuckers and with a name like smuckers it has to be good.

    Yes, went to college, then took a year off where I worked in a large-sized shoe store where I sold shoes to tall black women and transvestites. Then I went to dental school. More good times.

    Love you!!


    • April 7, 2010 8:36 pm

      whoops I meant that you WON”T follow in my footsteps by laying down in the middle of the showroom floor. (STATING THE OBVIOUS, as you’ve already chosen your tile. We had a few rooms to choose for- it was sheer hell)

  87. April 7, 2010 9:20 pm

    aw thanks for answering my q! i’m always curious to learn more aboutcha :). you loves numbers and math? um, want to come do my hw for me? awesome! i think being in school is amazing, can’t beat the life of a student. i have those same red peppers in my pantry, i want to use em in hummus or something. napa is not too far from where i live. oooh that coffee cake, yum! ah how i’ve missed reading your blog, i need to catch up! i’m so bad, i swore i wouldn’t blog till i was caught up with school but what am i doing?? oops! can’t help myself

  88. hayleycepeda permalink
    April 8, 2010 5:19 am

    You always make the most interesting and yummy-looking meals and they really don’t seem to take long to prepare. I need to get my A into G and start cooking some different stuff! I get lots of great ideas from your blog. :)

  89. April 15, 2010 12:55 am

    That pasta looks amazing! I am so jealous!! Great moves for the day! You’re so awesome!! Have a good day pretty lady :)


  1. april goals, a week late. « meals & moves
  2. check in time. « meals & moves

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