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odds & ends.

March 22, 2010

hi everyone! congratulations on making it through yet another monday.  those mondays sure are sneaky.. they come around more than fridays or saturdays, i SWEAR!

this post is going to be full of random junk, so hope you enjoy my riff raff.

the rest of sunday’s eats.

after publishing my last post, i made another delicious turkey sandwich~


180 calories, 1.5g fat, 24g carbs, 19g protein

yum. can’t get enough of that bread. it is 50 calories/fat free/10g carbs/3g protein per slice.  i buy it at sunflower market, for those of you who have asked.

i spent the day being super productive and hanging up laundry.. which is the single worst chore in the world, if you ask me. UGH. hate it, hate it, hate it. would rather scrub toilets with a toothbrush.

i also filled up my supplement/vitamin container for the week!


it never occurred to me until yesterday.. but i never think about the calories that i take in each day through vitamins and supplements.  not that i am a calorie counter.. i just thought it was interesting when i realized that i take about 100 calories worth of pills and calcium chews each day.


my hunger found me sooner or later and i finally got around to making ellie’s lovely sweet-but-savory egg white omelette! or is it omelet? i am never sure.

i stared off with a cup of egg whites, cinnamon, vanilla extract and a touch of stevia~

once the eggs became firm, i added a wedge of laughing cow light cheese and a tablespoon of sugar free raspberry smucker’s..


folded it all up and let it get all sorts of melty and delicious!


granted, this was not the prettiest omelette ever made.. but it sure tasted fantastic!


i fail completely at omelette making. i am ashamed.

this snack was really low carb so i toasted another piece of that sunflower market bread and sopped up the raspberry-cheese remains with the toast!


all together: 215 calories, 2.5g fat, 20g carb, 29g protein

later that night i went out to dinner for one last hurrah with my norwegian friends who have been in town this month. so sad to see them go! :(

i ordered a side salad with grilled chicken:


poor lighting. i drizzled it with balsamic vinegar. clocked in at 147 calories, 1.5g fat, 6g carbs, 24g protein.

obviously that was not a very filling meal so right when i got home i had dessert!

protein cake!


if you won a progresso giveaway like i did, you have the perfect protein cake making mug:


look how glorious it comes out!


1 scoop whey protein, 1 TB unsweetened applesauce, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 egg white. mixed and microwave for 1.5 minutes. topped with naturally more peanut butter.


198 calories, 6g fat, 8g carbs, 30g protein


i was up too early for my own good.  5:30 AM. how do you early risers do it?

meal 1: egg white scramble + fresh fruit @ 8:30 AM


231 calories, 1g fat, 29g carbs, 24g protein

aerial shot. i get sick of photographing this meal every monday. i did switch it up this week and get fruit. twas a nice change from the toast!

how is it that 231 calories kept me full for 3.5 hours? i am still puzzled.

meal 2: another turkey sandwich. this time with avocado. @ 12:00 PM


no diagonal cutting today. just ate the whole thing in one piece.. in a paper towel.. at my desk. classy lady.

IMG_8310 IMG_8311

lunch was:

290 calories, 7g fat, 39g carbs, 20g protein

i have to tell you guys. my boss brought back some coconut from hawaii and it was baked in sugar cane and vanilla extract. OMG.. SO GOOD! i calculated it into my lunch macros and that is why the carbs are so high. it was pure carbs, totally worth it. i had never had such a delicious, coconutty treat!

forgot to take a photo. woops.

i was going to head straight to the gym after work but i realized that i forgot my shoes! doh. so i went home after work and had my afternoon snack there.  i was thinking about my delicious omelette from yesterday so i decided to recreate it in scrambled form.

meal 3: egg white+laughing cow+raspberry jam scramble & 1/2 english muffin @ 4 PM


two things:

one, this is definitely the least photogenic meal in the history of man.

two, the omelette form was much better. while this was still good.. it was not as amazing as the omelette version i made yesterday. i guess i will just have to brush up on my omelette makin’ skills!!

i really dig the sweet eggs. it makes me wonder if there is any hope for me to ever like sweet cottage cheese??

now i am letting my snack digest before i hit the gym for some HIIT on the elliptical. not sure what tonight’s meals will consist of but i have some ideas floating around in my head.


how about some odds & ends, since that is the title of this post.


  • i purchased the insanity DVDs and will be incorporating the workouts into my moves.  i know this strays from the body for life way of working out, but my main focus for this challenge is the eating regimen. since i can’t do any running right now, i am hoping these DVDs will help get my heart rate up into the zones i want to achieve.


  • oh yeah.. about that no running thing. my ankles are in a lot of pain. it is the muscle that is on the inside of each leg, right above my marble. wait, what? marble? yeah, that is what my family calls that knobby part of your ankle. it’s your marble. promise.


me, pointing to my marble. anyway, about an inch above my inside marbles, the muscle hurts SO bad. the pain extends about 3 inches up my leg. this is where it hurts:


pretty sure it was from my shoes.. and i won’t be running until things feel better. if anyone has some advice regarding how i can make them feel better faster, lay it on me! i am in a lot of pain :(


  • life is busy. if anyone has a fun, interesting topic they would like to talk about on my blog, please contact me and we can arrange for you to do a guest post! i know that everyone is busy, but if you want to ramble about something on meals & moves and give me a day off.. i would be more than happy to let you do so. just let me know if you are interested.


  • fish oil pills make my burps taste disgusting.


  • tomorrow is national chips & dip day! yum.


  • i have had an overwhelming number of emails asking me how to calculate a 40/40/20 ratio eating style but i don’t have the time/energy to post about it.. so that will be in tomorrow’s post!


  • i am all out of odds & ends.


1. do you take vitamins/supplements? which ones? i take a multivitamin, thermoCLA, fish oil and calcium chews.

2. are there any funny names you/your family uses for body parts? in addition to “marble” for the bump on the ankle, we also grew up calling the—ahem–female body part a “toetoe”. NO idea why, but it is pretty hilarious.

have a good night! please let me know if you’d like to do a guest post!

xo. janetha b.

101 Comments leave one →
  1. March 22, 2010 4:27 pm

    I take a multi every once in a while, and fishoils. I do take calcium too, since I don’t get a ton of dairy and veggies in. Those eggs look delicious! I think I’d love an omelet with jam and laughing cow!

  2. March 22, 2010 4:35 pm

    I love the way you organize everything by day! I need to being better at taking my multi-vitamin… Such a great idea! Have a great week!

  3. March 22, 2010 4:38 pm

    I was creaving chips and salsa today too. Maybe I will wait till tomorrow. SMmuckers in a omelette…nifty.

  4. March 22, 2010 4:38 pm

    I take a multiviatmin, plus fish oils and calcium every day!

  5. March 22, 2010 4:38 pm

    You have an amazing site! I love it – found through HEABs. Can’t wait to read more…and you are after my heart with those sandwiches and that bread :)

  6. niecy permalink
    March 22, 2010 4:44 pm

    I made the cinnamony sweet omelette for myself twice this weekend after you shared the recipe. So good! I’m a pretty bad omelette-maker too. Mostly because I always make the pan too hot. I have no patience so I turn the heat right on up! oops :)

    Also, I have a possible quick fix for the fish burps – I’ve read they can be prevented by storing the fish oil pills in the freezer and taking them in their “frozen” form. I’ve never tried it because I don’t take fish oil myself, but I do always suggest it to others. Let us know if it works!

  7. March 22, 2010 4:47 pm

    i must make that proein cake soon!
    sounds so easy and looks great :)

  8. rebecca permalink
    March 22, 2010 4:47 pm

    the “marble” is called the medial malleolus and from what you are describing it sounds like the muscle is the posterior tibialis, which runs right behind the “marble”…i think once you get some arch support, the pain will often go away…if not i can suggest some strengthening exercises…hope you feel better soon!

  9. March 22, 2010 4:49 pm

    1. Is the protein cake really THAT good?! Lately when I’ve made protein powder conncoctions I haven’t really enjoyed them that much. Currently, I only have banana cream pudding pp & Peanut butter. Think it’d be tasty with that??

    2. You’ll have to let me know how you like insantity DVDs. I think they look like fun–Therese is doing them too!

    3. I take multivitamin, Fish Oil, and Vitamin b6. My mom says it helps with moods, depression etc so I take that. No idea if it works—I dont feel sad too too often so it must be doing ok!

  10. March 22, 2010 4:49 pm

    I made that protein cake the other day and I think I did something wrong. It was a really weird consistency. The only way to describe it was squeaky. Is yours like that?

  11. March 22, 2010 4:51 pm

    Haha oh girl, I just love you and your random odds and ends! You never cease to make me smile, every single day.

    I do take a Multi and a cal supplement but I never try to think about the calories. I think if I did, I would be a bit obsessive and that would just be silly.

    The savory/sweet eggs are amazing! Right! But I still think you need to try the dijon on the eggs. Please try this soon and let me know what you think. If you are really crazy, I say try some dijon and jam. Promise you this combo is face rocking!

    Sorry to hear about the ankle pain. I am having some knee issues right now but I think the ultimate best method for getting over it, is just rest. I know its annoying, but it always always works!

    Take care my love!

  12. March 22, 2010 4:54 pm

    I don’t take any vitamins or supplements! I like to think I get everything I need from what I eat….

  13. March 22, 2010 4:55 pm

    I take b12 and vitamin d, because my doc said I was low in b12 and vit D because its good for you!

    cant wait to hear your review on the insanity DVD’s it looks intense and I have heard about it! ahh yes, the early risers…I work AT 5am, two to three times a week meaning I am up at 415 to be in my car by 430..its awesome (i kid, i kid) BUT the great thing is that I am done for the day at 12:45 or 1 which is nice so I have the day! I am so used to it now, its like nothing!

    mm the sweet and savory eggs look SO good!!! I love LC wedges on..ummm everything

    One time I made a protein cake in a mug that was too small and had a little microwave accident. That mug looks PURRRFECT for it!

    my friend used to call the the part of yoru elbow where you can pull out the skin her “weenus” hahaha I laugh now when anyone talks about that!! (which is almost never) but it still cracks me up!

    love you!

  14. March 22, 2010 4:55 pm

    oh my. You have no idea how good that turkey sandwich looks to me! Please let my “vegetarian for lent” be over…SOON!

    I stink at omelette making which is why I leave them open-faced! I just slide it out of the pan and it looks better than when I try to flip it cuz I usually mangle the crap out of it!

  15. March 22, 2010 4:56 pm

    I fail at omelette making too – I always end up with scrambled eggs! May not be as pretty but still tastes just fine. I need to try those sweet/savory oats!!

    1. I’m a total slacker when it comes to vitamins partially because I have to take them at specific times during the day or I get all pukey-pants. By the time I remember about them, I’m usually in bed and don’t want to get up!
    2. No fun names but toetoe is pretty funny!

  16. March 22, 2010 5:08 pm

    Ok – I might have to try the protein cake with those kind of stats.

    We called a boy’s pee-pee a “ding-ee.” I have no idea why.

  17. March 22, 2010 5:08 pm

    I am terrible at making omelets too. I would never have thought to put the jam in one either. Interesting. I’m not a “good” early riser either

  18. March 22, 2010 5:09 pm

    Haha, I’m so glad you love my protein cakes! I should try them in the progressio mug!

  19. mom permalink
    March 22, 2010 5:15 pm

    Haha you make me laugh!! Flappers for my arms.

    Did the doc call you back??

    I need a good meal please come cook!! :) xoxo

  20. March 22, 2010 5:23 pm

    vitamins…i used to take flax oil and various oils, such as DHA and stuff like that and yes, it has calories in it, crazy huh. And maca, too, which is why i just prefer to eat them when I can and not do pill form. I take probiotics and a multi vitamin every day now, that’s it.

    The cheese, jelly, and eggs reminds me of how my grandma used to make eggs!

    And I hear you on being busy. girl. life is insane for me too :) Sorry i cannot volunteer to help ya, you know i would but i am slammed too!

  21. March 22, 2010 5:31 pm

    Man, your posts make my day. I love the randomness and funny tone! I stink at omelet making too but then I got an omelet making pan and it was GENIUS! Its all in the pan girl. Hope you have an awesome HIIT workout!

  22. March 22, 2010 5:43 pm

    Your food looks amazing! I just take a multivitamin. I take the centrum performance multivitamin. I don’t think my family calls things by other names, but my boyfriend calls ears your “earballer” and boogers are called “woogles” hahaha. :)

  23. March 22, 2010 5:49 pm

    I clock in quite some calories on vitamins/calcium too. I love the chocolate/caramel chews and gummies though! And I NEVER forget to take them.

  24. March 22, 2010 5:51 pm

    I take CLA. When I remember. I need one of those old people pill boxes like you have!

    I’m not sure if you realize it or not but, you’ve just granted me permission to eat as much chips & salsa as I want tomorrow!!!! Yes!

  25. March 22, 2010 5:51 pm

    I would never think about calories in vitamins and supplements either. Thats crazy how it adds up! LOL

    And I would hang your laundry for you if you mop my floors. I hate mopping like you hate laundry.

  26. March 22, 2010 5:56 pm

    I have never tried eggs with something sweet like jelly- you totally have me wanting to now! And I lurve me some avocado on sammys.

    1. do you take vitamins/supplements? which ones? I take a multi & maca
    2. are there any funny names you/your family uses for body parts? Hmmm I don’ think so?

    Hope you have a good Tuesday chica. I agree- thank goodness Monday is ova!

  27. March 22, 2010 6:15 pm

    I have the same dilemma with ‘omelet’ vs ‘omelette’…so i just started using ‘omelet’ because it’s shorter, and easier to type ;)

    1. I try to take a daily multi, but have been seriously slacking lately!!

    2. I’m sure there’s something, my family is so strange haha…

    I’m so glad to be getting back to normal blog reading/commenting!! I still have clicked the “mark all is read” on my reader, I can’t get enough of everyone!

  28. Amanda permalink
    March 22, 2010 6:19 pm

    Hey there! That’s pretty interesting about your ankles, because it’s the same place I have pain from running. I do wear the right shoes though, shoes I got from a running store that analyzed my gait (which they said was normal). For me, the pain comes on about a day or so after I run and feels like a bruise — it hurts to the touch but doesn’t throb on its own or anything. If I stay on a running schedule of three times a week or more, the pain just builds. So I only run one or two times per week and it really helps me a lot to do what I call a “mini-ice bath.” It’s kind of like how some runners do ice baths in the bath tub, only I use a 5-gallon bucket 2/3 full of water with a big block of ice (I just freeze water in a huge Tupperware container) in it and I soak my legs for about five to eight minutes. My feet and shins feel sooo good afterward. It works way better than regular icing.

  29. March 22, 2010 6:22 pm

    I take all sorts of stuff at any given moment. I just started taking prenatal vitamins!! NO i’m not pregnant ;) They have LOTS of good stuff in them. I should do a blog about them. Glutamine is a huge staple along with fish oil.

    We call that our cookie or cooter LOL!

  30. March 22, 2010 6:23 pm

    I was doing so good for awhile taking my supplements regularly but I ran out a month ago and need to restock..but I was taking fish oil, D3, magnesium, and co-q10.

  31. March 22, 2010 6:25 pm

    Hello dear! Did you ever figure out what ailing your ankle? Let me know if you do, because I have the SAME problem in that SAME (bizarre) spot. It’s so annoying, because I can’t isolate what exactly causes it!

  32. March 22, 2010 6:32 pm


    ooo that bread sounds delish!!! and LOVE yo sweet omelet!! looks greaaaaaat! hahaha im with you on the 530 AM thang! I DO NOT SEE HOW PPL DO IT!! i would die! im a 10 or 11 AM kind of girl! LOVE YOU!

  33. March 22, 2010 6:42 pm

    Do you pronate? I’m having similar problems with my ankle, and my dad (who’s an orthopedic surgeon) things it’s post- tibial tendonitis, which is basically when you wear down the tendon on the inside of your ankle by overpronating. I’m getting custom orthotics, so hopefully that helps! Definitely get it checked out!

  34. March 22, 2010 6:42 pm

    I wish I could find that bread here! The coconut sounds divine! I don’t take supplements but I am looking into starting to take something for post workout muscle soreness…thoughts?

  35. March 22, 2010 6:51 pm

    Amazing post as usual, Janetha :D
    Have a great week, girl!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  36. March 22, 2010 7:09 pm

    I take the same! Except regular CLA and calcium pill. But I ALWAYS forget!

    Umm sweet eggs are a stretch for me but I love sweet cottage cheese. I do half cup mixed with stevia and nut butter. Then dip green apples in YUM!

    Love ya JAB!

  37. actorsdiet permalink
    March 22, 2010 7:13 pm

    i’m no good at omelet making either. they always end up scrambled.

    i take fish oil, a multi, green pills – and my calcium i take in gummy bear form.

  38. March 22, 2010 7:18 pm

    OK just to let you know – I am now addicted to protein cake.

  39. March 22, 2010 7:21 pm

    OMG Those eggs look amazing! I need to get some egg whites and jam asap!

    I wanted to get the insanity dvd’s but I am not sure how my downstairs neighbor will feel about that lol. I can’t wait to hear your review!

  40. Brianna permalink
    March 22, 2010 7:43 pm

    WOOOOO!!!! Ok so I can’t wait to hear what you think of Insanity!!! I have the DVDs as well!! They are amazing!! Pretty intense but well worth it, you will feel great afterward, a little tired but great nonetheless. Have fun!!!

    p.s. have a towel near by and be prepared to drip in sweat!!!


  41. March 22, 2010 7:45 pm

    Its crazy how vitamins tack on extra calories! That omelette looks fabulously tasty!

  42. March 22, 2010 7:45 pm

    I actually tore the tendon in that exact spot this winter while training for a Half…apparently it’s a really weak part of most people’s legs, and if you don’t have proper arch support it can really be disastrous, especially if you are a pronator…It’s really good that you stopped running, cause I didn’t and was off my feet for a good month. The thing that helps the pain the most (for me) is to freeze a styrofoam cup full of water, and then do an ice massage on the area, peeling away the sides of the cup as the ice melts…it really helps because it gets deeper than an ice bath!

  43. March 22, 2010 7:51 pm

    I had the fish burps so bad one day I threw up.

    Now I take them at night, when my acid reflux is under control.


  44. March 22, 2010 8:01 pm

    Doh! Did you up the amount of baking powder in the protein cake? It’s more than I remember (1/4 or 1/2 tsp????) and I’m relieved b/c mine were coming out like bricks Tasty bricks but bricks.

    Forgot to mention yesterday that a good DOMS for obliques is with the TRX or a high pulley on super high weight (so that you can pull on it with all your weight and it won’t move). You hold the handle straight above you then stick your hip out to the right for 15-20 reps then bring it back. Switch sides- omgeee doms. Sorry delayed reaction.

    Love love love sweet eggs a ton. Have them all the time- esp at night if I’m feeling snacky for something sweet and I don’t want to nosedive into some sugar.

    Yes, I’ve been paranoid about the cals in supps. hello?? Despite that, I take (when I remember) DHA/EPA; calcium & D & Mg; multi, B-12, folic. And some herbs for ‘ahem’ regularity. ;-)

    I can help you as a guestie- should I look in the archives for something appropriate? Um, actually I’m about to write one about Kettlebells so why don’t I shoot that your way and we can double post? good? Hang in there.

  45. Amy (Up and Running!) permalink
    March 22, 2010 8:18 pm

    I take a women’s one-a-day active metabolism and a calcium chew every morning…the caramel flavor is delicious…makes me want more than one. :-)

    I’m bummed the Sunflower Market isn’t in my area…I guess I will have to stick to my wimpy low-cal bread. Boooo.

  46. Ariffa permalink
    March 22, 2010 8:29 pm

    my family doesnt have any words for body parts but when my mom is talking about sex she says snoo snoo

  47. March 22, 2010 8:39 pm

    oh girl, i use sparkpeople to track my calories roughly.. i mainly use it to ensure that i am eating enough! sad but true… but it works for me. it calculates your fat/carb/protein ratio.. although i am usually heavy carbs (60%), protein 20 and fats 20… I do not think i could survive BFL.

  48. March 22, 2010 8:43 pm

    I for SURE have several “adorable” names I’ve given my body parts. The “human fanny pack” for my lower gut. It’s always there and I can’t take it off. HA! At least it looks less stuffed these days which is quite fantastic. Stupid, stupid fanny pack!!

    I also like to call my triceps “oh hay hays”. I say hay and they KEEP saying hay hay. If you get my drift. HA!

    And of course, the always classic “second ass”. You know, the roll that forms at the top of your thighs, right under you actual ass. ;)

    Oh, I could just go on and on.

  49. March 22, 2010 8:56 pm

    Oh Janetha don’t make me blush! I just try and get better and better at running. You dominate at working out in general!! I just squirm when I see your workouts. I’m such a weakling I’d probably hurt myself trying to do the workouts you do haha.

  50. March 22, 2010 9:01 pm

    Oh I hate putting laundry away too! I always put it off until Andy offers to do it. I’m horrible!

    I need to try protein cake. I have some protein powder on hand, I might as well have a good at it!

    I’m skeptical about a sweet and savory omelet or egg scramble but also curious. I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and try it sometime! I’m always nervous about sweet and savory combos but I always end up enjoying them. Example: chicken salads with dried cranberries.

  51. March 22, 2010 9:49 pm

    I like your supplement/vitamin container! I should get one! I’m terrible about taking my vitamins. I try to take a vitamin, and Omega 3 supplement, and calcium chews, but I forget most days…

  52. March 22, 2010 10:18 pm

    I have supplements a multi, a b-complex, calcium, and fish oil…but do I take them??? Nooooo…I have the best of intentions. I’ve never considered the calories in them…probably b/c I always forget to take them.

  53. March 22, 2010 10:30 pm

    A boyfriend of mine’s grandpa used to make him jelly omelettes…so when we were together, he introduced me to the AMAZINGNESS of jam/jelly+eggs. Now whenever I order eggs at a restaurant, I ask for some jam on the side :-)

    SO FAREEKIN FUNNY about the toetoe…whaaa?!?!? Hahaha.. Awesome. We called that part the “Ginee” (pronounced Jai [as in the song “Jai Ho”] + knee)…tmi?

    I need to make this protein cake.

    All your BFL stuff is so inspiring. You have such dedication, and I know it will yield exactly results you want, if not greater :) Have a lovely evening!

  54. March 22, 2010 10:32 pm

    Girl you are going to LOVE Insanity!!! Send me a msg if you have any questions. Or go to Katie’s blog, she is am Insanity goddess!

  55. March 22, 2010 10:52 pm

    I really need to try these Sweet Omelets.. they look so good! I’m really curious to hear how you like ‘Insanity.’ I’ve seen it posted around, but I’ve never been able to get into home workout videos. I am awful about remember to take my vitamins & supplements, which is why I prefer to get them in powder form and mix them in with my shakes!

  56. March 22, 2010 10:55 pm

    50 cals a slice?! Wow thats good.
    I’m totally craving a turkey sandwich now aha!



  57. March 23, 2010 12:57 am

    I take a multivitamin with iron every morning. I don’t eat fish so i bought some omega 3 fish oils but they both have 100% of 2 vitamins, so i would be overdosing and can’t take them!

    As for funny names, it’s not a body part, but i call the remote control for the television the ‘dee dee’.. my bf thinks im crazy! lol! Great post! Insanity looks hard! You should see Therese’s blog at
    If you haven’t checked it out, she’s started doing the insanity dvd with her hubby!


    • March 24, 2010 12:25 am

      Ah thats so cool! i love her blog and she has the best body! lol! in a non lesbianonic way obviously!! im so intrigued by body for life! xxxxx

  58. March 23, 2010 3:15 am

    I don’t take any supplements or vitamins but to be honest I don’t feel like I’m missing anything..
    Haha we always called the belly button the “tut” so weird! ;) I love family insider-names ;)

  59. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    March 23, 2010 3:46 am

    I don’t take any supplement,1 because I don’t think I need it if I eat a balanced meal, 2 because I’m still skeptical about pills.
    your turkey sandwich pictures are making me want to take the key and drive to the supermarket at 7am and buy some turkey!!!! :D

    guest post? what about a post not related to meal & moves? what about a post about how to be happy? ;) Let me know if you’re interested, since I’ve read few books about it, I could write some tips and highlights about what i’ve learned.

  60. March 23, 2010 4:49 am

    i REALLY need to start taking my vitamins regularly. I even bought one of those vitamin holder thingys and def lost it. haha. i wish you could have come to baltimoreeeeeeeeeee :(

  61. March 23, 2010 6:11 am

    Aw…girl, I’m sorry your leg is hurting! I’m the queen of injuries, so I can totally relate to how horrible it is to be in pain! :( I hope it’s feeling better soon!!

    I go off and on with taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement. Sometimes I’m religious about it and sometimes I completely forget to take it. ;)

  62. March 23, 2010 6:37 am

    I’m looking forward to the 40 40 20 post.

    I would fill that Progresso cup with coffee every morning. I love the size!
    I take a multivitamin and a fish oil supplement every morning.

    Sorry about your leg :(

  63. March 23, 2010 6:41 am

    OMG i can’t wait to see how you feel about Insanity!

    That bread looks so doughy and amazing for only 50 calories! Yum yum yum. Oh and it’s not normal to call your ankle bone a marble…just sayin ;)

  64. lowandbhold permalink
    March 23, 2010 7:04 am

    That’s the exact place that my legs have been hurting! I’ve been wearing Zensah compression sleeves and it helps somewhat.

    Whit and I watched the Insanity infomercial during Fitbloggin. I really want it!

  65. March 23, 2010 7:05 am

    i would tell you all the funny body part names my family has, but they are probably too x-rated for a comment. seriously disturbing, i know.

    love the odds and ends – i think in odds and ends, so it is really easy for me to follow along with posts like this, haha.

    i usually take a multi every morning – that’s it! sometimes i supplement with an iron pill too for good measure.

    take care of that injury my love, and have a fabbity fab tuesday!

    love you!

  66. Kelly permalink
    March 23, 2010 7:07 am

    Haha that’s so funny I did the exact same thing with the eggs.. they were much better as a omelet, I gonna work on my skills! I take calcium w/vitamin D, omega 3-6-9 and CLA – still not convinced the CLA is doing anything

  67. Valerie permalink
    March 23, 2010 7:19 am

    I take Omega 3’s and Bluebonnet Maxi Two. Gotta love the mom & pop nutrition stores who know you when you walk in, don’t charge taxes, and give you a “military” discount for being a loyal customer :)

  68. March 23, 2010 7:46 am

    Toe Toe? Interesting lol. I call that part of my ankle as well although Im sure it has a more technical name!

    And that omelet looks and sounds bomb….I can’t wait to read about the ratio split!

  69. eatolive permalink
    March 23, 2010 8:17 am

    jam in an omelet? im gonna have to try that! yumm

    i hope your marble feels better soon! i think the only thing i called something different is actually pretty common, the hangie ball in the back of your throat. in fact, i STILL call it the hangie ball.


    ps nice use of that soup mug! ;)

  70. March 23, 2010 8:34 am

    There is no hope for sweet cottage cheese – it’s just nasty. Unless you can find the no-sodium version, but I can’t seem to track it down. I am intrigued by that sweet omelette though – looks great. I think the key to a perfect omelet is a smallish pan and a lot of patience.

    Toetoe?? HA!

  71. March 23, 2010 9:00 am

    I want to do insanity so bad! I can’t wait to see how it works for you!

  72. March 23, 2010 10:16 am

    Omg your boss is awesome for bringing in those coconut treats. They sound delicious.
    My boss is doing Insanity now and he loves it! He hopped on the P90X train and did that twice, too.
    And on your ankle – it sounds like you overpronate. I over supinate, and the opposite tendon was giving me trouble. I got fitted for different running shoes, wore orthodics for a while, and was good as knew.

    I take a b12 supp about 3 x’s a week because I don’t eat meat, and same with acidophilus because I don’t eat too much dairy. But, oh man, fish burps – have had those and they are THE WORST!!

  73. March 23, 2010 10:31 am

    I suck at omelettes. I start out with good intentions and things always end up as a “scramble.” Total fail, but still tasty!
    I take a multi in the am and pm, along with a Vitamin D3 and BCAA supplement. On workout mornings, I also use GNC’s Amplified NO loaded.

  74. peanutbutterfingers permalink
    March 23, 2010 10:52 am

    “toe toe” haha that’s hilarious!

    ever since we got our dog, we call her “area” her “peaches.” we had to think of something b/c she’s always lickin’ ’em!

  75. hayleycepeda permalink
    March 23, 2010 11:05 am

    I seriously get the BEST meal ideas from your blog and Lisa’s (I’m an Okie). Your food stuff always looks so good!!! I really want a turkey/avocado sandwich right now, but I can’t eat deli meat. DAMN!!

  76. March 23, 2010 11:54 am

    Delicious eats!

    I take CLA, One a Day Women’s Active and when I am good (which I have not been lately) I take calcium chews. Almost the same as you!!

    My english grandmother would NOT use the word “fart” so she called it “breaking wind”. And our “toetoe”s were “girlparts”. ha.


  77. Allison permalink
    March 23, 2010 12:07 pm

    I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and am loving the protein cake (I have been trying tons of delicious variations). I normally don’t like to impose my nutrition/fitness ideas on other people but I do think that this is something that could help everyone! The “fish burp” that you get is most likely a sign that you are not properly digesting the fish oil which would mean that you are not getting the full benefit. One way to compensate for this is to add a high potency enzyme with lots of lipase (fat digesting enzyme) to your regimen… although I don’t know if you have any more room in your pill box! Hope this helps you and others!

  78. March 23, 2010 12:09 pm

    HellZ YES to the sweet omelette! <- no idea how to spell it. Half of mine come out as scrambles…hehe, they are hard to make pretty! But so tasty. Give the cottage cheese another go- I grew up eating cottage cheese and jelly sandwiches. Oh so delish.

    I take a bunch of supplements- calcium + vitamin D, fish oil (blackcurrant flavour- really good, and one of the 2 things that I have had shipped over to me when I lived in the US- check out the kids section of the drugstore for tastier ones) and a kids multivitamin (strawberry flavour- also delish). Honestly, I probably wouldn't take them if they tasted nasty!

    Body parts- my family always called teeth toothy-pegs. "go brush your toothy-pegs, kids!"

  79. March 23, 2010 1:04 pm

    Hi Janetha,

    I just came across your fun blog. I actually grew up in SLC to before I spent my high school and college years in Virginia. That’s a great idea you have for remembering you vitamins. I need to put something like that together! Cheers!

  80. March 23, 2010 1:25 pm

    Sweet eggs, huh? I may have to try that! I take a daily multivitamin, folic acid, calcium, and fish oil. Although I’ve never noticed fishy burps? Not sure I would like that.

  81. March 23, 2010 2:23 pm

    Eew….tuna burps. Lol, that is one burp I do NOT want.
    Your protein cake almost looks like a buttery biscuit!

  82. March 23, 2010 2:24 pm

    Awww sorry you’re feeling tired and over-done :( take a break!
    Not sure about the sweet eggs…I make enough savoury things sweet to keep me going – I don’t need anymore!

    I take iron every day (anaemic) and folic acid (not preggers!) and calcium. Except I haven’t taken the calcium in weeks because I am a lazy ass.

    Can’t think of any weird words for body parts but I do agree that fish supplements are minging for breath/burps. Cannot abide it!

  83. March 23, 2010 3:02 pm

    Yay to the protein cake! I take fish oil, calcium + glucosamine, vit c + multi vit I’m sure I rattle! ha ha x x

  84. March 23, 2010 3:55 pm

    I love these sweet and savory omlettes I’ve seen around. They look yummy, and protein cake=genius!
    I used to experience similar pain on that area of my leg. I think part of the problem was not having the ideal shoe. I believe it’s called tibialis-something or rather, and it definitely helped me to take a little time off. Good luck!

  85. March 23, 2010 5:52 pm

    so I just popped my savory oats cherry, sweet omelettes are next on my list. oh, I’m such a hoebag.

    p.s just catching up on your posts. Now that I’ve seen you in a bra I’m officially 10x’s more in love with you. Didn’t think that was possible.

    nighty nighty sugar plum!

  86. snackface permalink
    March 23, 2010 6:07 pm

    JANETHA!!!!! I’M SORRY THAT I’M AN AWFUL FRIEND AND I’VE FALLEN SOOOO BEHIND!!!! Anyway, I am going through all the posts I need to catch up on and I’m leaving one-liners. I love and miss you!! xoxoxo

  87. March 23, 2010 6:47 pm

    The egg looks AMAZEBALLS!!! Seriously. I want one NOW. Your food always looks SO GOOD! Totally forgot that I had a green stache day and linked to you! Just forgot to tell you aboot it. Hahaha oops! have a suuuuper week :)

    Happy Green Day

  88. March 24, 2010 12:09 pm

    Okay. Where to start. I am pretty sure it is “omelette,” because that’s what my spell check always tells me, plus it looks more pretty. Protein cakes rock my socks. And I’m sure someone mentioned this, but your ankle pain could be achilles tendonitis related. I used to get the EXACT same pain. Stretching out my soleus and icing the area after running got rid of 99.99% of the pain. I only slightly feel it now the day after long runs.

    I just started taking fish oil and calcium, but I need to get some yummy calcium chews!

  89. March 24, 2010 9:13 pm

    Thanks for the link, Janetha! Those muffins are one of my favorite things she has made.

  90. March 26, 2010 2:24 pm

    I take a multivitamin/mineral plus Glucosamine (sp?), flaxseed oil, and Vitamin D.

  91. April 25, 2010 6:23 am

    I LOVE those protein cakes.. I have been making them for a while now..(I think I found the recipe on a blog a while ago) Only I do mine with 1 tbs coco powder! :) They make a great snack! :) Do you have a protein powder that you really like!? I am still trying to find the best tasting out there and am always searching! :)

  92. April 25, 2010 6:25 am

    Also…too funny about the ‘omelet’ I have been doing that for years (with jam and cheese..) I use feta and NSA jam! Mmmm!!! Looks yummy! :)


  1. Scrapbook Birthday Party: Where The Guests Will Make Albums Of Favorite Birthdays
  2. five. « meals & moves
  3. Getting back in the Grove « CardioFoodie
  4. Apple Slices « CardioFoodie
  5. do you kombucha? « meals & moves
  6. Lynn – 4/20 «
  7. Pesto Pasta and Sweet Omelets!
  8. Three 4 Three. « Freckled Foodie's Blog

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