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i broke my arm…

March 7, 2010


you guys! that last post with the flashback friday photo was just that.. A FLASHBACK! i was cracking up at how many of you thought i just barely broke my arm. a lot of you got the whole flashback friday coming soon thing… sorry to those of you who didn’t~ that was never my intention. but it made for a good laugh! hah.

more on that in a moment.

okay, wow! so, i haven’t legitimately blogged since last monday and even then it was pretty half assed. it feels good to be blogging today. i woke up, put my contacts in, brushed my teeth and put my rambling shoes on. so hold on and enjoy the ride.

i have a LOT of photos on my camera card.

instead of a day by day play by play, let’s just break it down into a week summary, shall we? let’s go.



lots of yoatgurt which i have seen lots of you ladies enjoying as well!


i’ve had a few greek yogurt messes with vitatops & nature’s path flakes & mighty mapes~




random snack plate lunches.. this one had leftover chicken fingers, veggies & hummus~

IMG_7276 IMG_7277 IMG_7278 

chicken finger wrap with veggies + hummus on the side.. yes i made good use of those leftover chicken fingers!


leftovers~ see the dinners section below for details!




tried this luna bar for the first time:


it was good!




one night this week, we enlisted my favorite bunny bearing boxes~


along with some turkey burger~


and some broccoli on top for good measure!


one night my mom and i had our old, long time friends over for dinner. it was awesome to see them!


i made my sun dried tomato basil hummus + laughing cow + basil stuffed chicken coated in panko bread crumbs~ 


along with asparagus, steamed zucchini + squash coated in laughing cow sauce and a delicious green salad that our friends brought~




i have ran 9 miles this week, which keeps me right on track with my mileage goal~ you can check out my progress here.

one of my favorite cardio workouts this week was yesterday’s:


minute # speed (MPH) incline
0-1 6.0 1.0
1-2 6.5 1.0
2-3 7.0 1.0
3-4 7.5 1.0
4-5 8.0 1.0
5-10 repeat min 0-5 1.0
10-15 repeat min 0-5 1.0
15-20 repeat min 0-5 1.0
20-25 repeat min 0-5 1.0
25-26 4.0 walking 0.0


total time: 26 minutes, total distance: 3.0 miles

i think this can go in the “moves” section.. i signed up for a 5k the other day! i will be doing it with my bestee kristen, who has never run a race, so that will be super fun to do that with her. my knee hasn’t been giving me grief these days, so i think i want to try to run a half marathon sometime this year.

i had a REALLY killer upper body workout on tuesday but i can’t remember the details. dang. sorry kids.

wedding planning.

things have been going good! let’s check in on the to-do list:

  • venue
  • photographer
  • wedding gown
  • bridesmaid attire
  • photo booth
  • caterer
  • cake
  • groom’s cake
  • drinks
  • dessert
  • invitations
  • groom + groomsmen attire
  • flower girl dresses
  • florist
  • save the date cards
  • officiant
  • registry
  • dj/music

so, things are getting crossed off the list! slowly but surely. my main focus right now is trying to find the perfect bridesmaid dresses.. i am actually not going with the original plan of having four colors of dresses.. instead, i am going to have them all in purple dresses. the real task at hand right now is finding the perfect purple dresses.. harder than you’d think. when i have a specific shade of purple in mind (to match the guy’s pumas) along with something that is fancy enough for a wedding but casual enough for flip flops.. well, it takes a lot of searching. i am still on the hunt. if anyone comes across a super cute purple dress, send me the link!

a few other random tid bits..

first off, blog reading? haha, what is that?!

i opened my reader this morning..


bwahaha. sorry, i probs will have to mark all as read. let me know if there is something going on in your life that you want to share with me, because i definitely genuinely miss all my bloggie friends, but i also realize that it is humanly impossible to catch up with you all. you get it, right? <3

second, we went to the dog park yesterday! i thought you would enjoy seeing a ridiculous amount of photos from the occasion. it was muddy, but SO fun. we had 7 dogs and 4 humans.

IMG_7314IMG_7320IMG_7332 IMG_7334IMG_7335 IMG_7338IMG_7345 IMG_7347IMG_7348 IMG_7354IMG_7316 IMG_7318

so cute.

third, my LOVELY friend from norway arrived! tonje, along with her brother magnus, got here on friday. tonje used to live here a few seasons ago and she has not been here for TWO whole years! it has been great to catch up with her~ she is here until the 23rd so i am sure you will be hearing lots about our adventures.

we went out last night~


FYI, the viking is on the right.


OKAY! so now that you are all up to speed, how about my flashback friday sunday!

so, like i said earlier, i broke my arm three years ago TODAY.  march 7, 2007 was a bad, bad day.

if memory serves, it was a wednesday and i was playing hookie from work and headed up to the canyons for some much needed snow shredding. that’s snowboarding, for those of you who are not familiar with my lingo.

SO. went to the canyons. it was a sunny day, great snow, fun times, good friends, the whole ball of wax. (what does that phrase even mean anyway? i don’t think i’ve ever come across a ball of wax…)

i was doing really well at jumps that season. i’d been riding with some super good dudes and had overcome my fear of big jumps. i was real stoked because i had been stomping a 65 foot jump that day, by far the biggest jump i had ever, ever tried in my life.

i am trying to find a photo of a jump that big, just to give you guys who don’t snowboard an idea of what it was like.. hold on please..

okay so here is what it looks like from above, the last jump is the one i am talking about, but at the time there were only two jumps, not three.


anyway, i can’t find a legit photo of what the landing looks like.. but all you need to know is that the snow got super icy at the end of the day, i got way too much speed, and instead of sticking the landing, i flew 75 feet through the air and landed on to flat, hard, icy ground.. and my humerus broke my fall.. literally.

i remember everything like it was yesterday (and thank goodness it was not just yesterday!) and the ski patrol paramedics thought i had dislocated my shoulder and kept asking if they could pop it back into place. i told them NO WAY and to just get me to the hospital.

they carried me down the rest of the run on a stretcher sled thing like this:



and i recall they wanted to zip the plastic all the way up over my face.. but i am EXTREMELY claustro and made them leave my face out in the open.

my arm felt like it was floating in the air, but it was actually hanging very low on my leg and i had lost all feeling to the lower half of my arm. i want to throw up a little bit just thinking about it.

my friend ben rode in the ambulance with me and called my mom, who i am sure went into a huge panic, and i am sure she will be commenting on it below, and i was rushed to LDS hospital.

long story short, i got to the hospital and got an xray.. thank goodness they didn’t try to pop my shoulder back into place SINCE IT WAS MY ARM that was broken.


clean break. it wasn’t a compound fracture.

they told me they would have to cut me open and put a rod+screws in me to piece me back together. i laid in the hospital for over a day before they operated on me. i can’t remember exactly how long it was but i do remember that i went a VERY long time without surgery. it was miserable.

i eventually got surgery and this is what the inside of my arm looks like now:


don’t mind how hideous i am in this one…i just want to give you an idea of how awesome i looked the day it happened.


i was in the hospital for 8 days i think? i had lots of visits from family and friends which was awesome. my parents were SUPER helpful and my friends came and shaved my legs for me :)

my dad helping me put my hair up~


and my friends kept me sane.


and eventually i got to come home with lots of stitches and bruising~

image image

best part about it all? my sister made me a houndstooth sling :) (dont mind the wet spots, dont know what those are all about)


once i got home, my mom took care of me like there was no end! she showered me, made me food, hung out with me. she was the best ever. thank you mom!!

my sweet dog, mable, kept me company through it all. miss her <3



well i think that is enough flashback action for now. i’ve got lots to do today!


oh, make sure you enjoy a bowl of CEREAL today~ it is national cereal day! i started my morning off with a bowl of mixed cereal (chocolate cheerios, nature’s path flakes and kashi go lean)~



1. have you ever broken a bone? what was it and how did it happen? i have had a broken arm one other time, in 6th grade, it was not nearly as bad as my humerus!

2. happy national cereal day! what is your favorite cereal?? i can’t pick. i love them all.

xo. janetha b.

51 Comments leave one →
  1. March 7, 2010 1:33 pm

    Love this post: frankenstitches, supermodel hospital photoshot, french kissing the dog and the Anxiety Generator. All frickin’ classic!

    So glad this was a recap and not a broken arm for Spring. I can hardly stand how cute those dogs are! I’d give ’em tongue too!

  2. March 7, 2010 1:36 pm

    Ok, that break is just downright scary. You’re lucky that it was a clean break though, and now you’ve got battle scars :) I broke the bone in my hand below my pinky finger in a car accident, and it sucked!

    Fave cereal: reeses peanut butter puffs, no doubt.

  3. March 7, 2010 1:41 pm

    So glad your arm recovered well – love the houndstooth sling. I haven’t broken a bone! *knock on wood* Love the cute dog park photos as well, so much fun!

  4. March 7, 2010 1:46 pm

    Happy to see a new post from you!

    When I was 12 I broke my nose from skiing. I had to have reconstructive surgery to correct my septum when I was 14. Your arm looked pretty bad! Glad you recovered! My face looked pretty messed up after the accident, breaking my nose affected my whole face and my eyes were bruised and gross looking. I don’t have any pictures, though.

    I have a soft spot in my heart for raisin bran. My grandma in Florida ALWAYS had raisin bran in the house. I also do love puffins, especially peanut butter! Tastes just like the captain crunch of my youth.

  5. March 7, 2010 1:53 pm

    Ahhhhhh grossie!! Okay sorry about that :-( hehe. That’s a badass break!

    1. Just broke my toes a couple times. Once trying to kick my friend and I accidentally kicked the table (that was my big toe). Then I caught my baby toe on the door frame (you know how that happens) except it didn’t just hurt and go away – my toe was sticking out almost perpendicular to my foot. Bah.

    2. Oh man so many! Kashi golean, Life, and Rice Krispy Treats cereal!!

    Glad to see you’re back – I’ve missed you lady!!!

  6. March 7, 2010 2:05 pm

    Ah nice to read one of your posts! I have never broken a bone touch wood! My favorite cereal would have to be cornflakes if we’re talking dry but quinoa porridge is top! x x

  7. louisianagrown permalink
    March 7, 2010 2:07 pm

    AHHH I just spent the entire end of this post holding on to my arm in sympathy pain. I’ve never broken a bone before, and I definitely think God is sparing me for a reason. I can’t handle it!

  8. March 7, 2010 2:21 pm

    OUCH! Good Lord girl, that must have KILLED! I dislocated my patella when I was 14 doing lunges, chipping a quarter of it off. I got surgery to take the broken piece out, and now avoid lunges like the plague. I’m not risking that pain ever again, no matter how good my butt would look!

    Funny you mention the purple bridesmaid dresses! My brother is getting married this summer, and one of his fiance’s bridesmaids is also getting married a few weeks later. She just showed me her dresses, and they’re really pretty! In the sweet thistle color:

    Good luck as you keep planning!

  9. March 7, 2010 2:27 pm

    Looks like you are Ms. Productive these days. That arms looks terrible. I’ve broken my elbow twice. Not fun at all. Its hard to put on pants, etc. haha. I remember it so well……ugh! Cereals, well we don’t eat a lot of cereal except oats but as a kid I couldn’t get enough SMACKS!! Thats just sugar in a bowl, yum.

  10. March 7, 2010 2:34 pm

    Yikes, that looks so scary! Wow. Is it absolutely fine now? Is it limited in any way? I am cringing just looking at the x-ray.

    Missed your posts but glad you are making headway on your to-do list!!!! Def mark all as read for my posts…you missed some epic muffin making yesterday, but other than that, Reader has been publishing really old posts randomly. No idea what’s up with that.

    Fave cereal…hard to pick. Raisin bran crunch is hella tasty. As is Golden Grahams, Honey Bunches of Oats, Weetabix, crunchy nut cornflakes, Ricicles and mini honey nut shredded wheat. I can’t think of a cereal that I don’t like- except Lucky Charms. So good in theory but those marshmallows are nasty.

    I have broken a bunch of bones. Kneecap, wrists (both, several times), all my fingers, all my toes, both ankles, scafoid (little bone in your hand), knuckle. Not to mention stress fractures in my ankles and hip :( Boo. Good reason to eat lots of yogurt IMO.

  11. March 7, 2010 2:40 pm

    Hiya – miss you!

    Nope, never broken a bone but I’m kinda Ms. Carefulpants. I barely ski let alone fly over jumps!

    Favorite cereal is Golden Grahams or that square-with-a-hole-in-the-middle bran/granola cereal. I haven’t eaten it in so long I can’t even remember what it’s called!

  12. March 7, 2010 2:46 pm

    EKKKKKKK that arm shot gave me the heeby geeeeebies!!!! ouch ouch ouch!!
    MM CEREAL-PB puffins are sooo yummay.
    yes you are my hero for yoatgurt!

  13. March 7, 2010 3:13 pm

    That is the second time I read about tha break and it still amazes me! You are a little rockstar for going through that! Sheesh!!
    I fractured my arm while camping when I was younger. bmx racing our bikes to the bottom of an already steep hill seemed like a good idea at the time ;)

  14. March 7, 2010 3:19 pm

    I’ve broken EVERY bone WOO!

    Hmm…my all time fave cereal is Cocoa Krispies. I did devour a box of PB puffins on Thursday though shhhh….

  15. March 7, 2010 3:34 pm

    Ahhh so much yummy looking food! Greek yog with VitaTops – check, snack plate with hummus – check, White Chocolate Luna Bar – check check! That is my favorite flavor ever. I just bought some sundried tomato Sabra today so I’m thinking your chicken recipe will be in order some time this week.
    Awesome job on getting things crossed off your wedding list so quick. Wait – the guys are wearing Pumas??? Could you be any cooler? That’s so awesome! One of my friends and his wife wore hightop Converses to his wedding and it was so great.
    Oh, and I love your yellow shades. I have a pair just like that in hot pink. Yep.
    My favorite cereal? Do I really just have to pick one, gosh! The all time favorite would probably have to be Peanut Butter Puffins with Kashi Honey Almond Crunch close behind. Hope you have a great week, girl :-)

  16. March 7, 2010 3:41 pm

    I have broken my nose, well it was a fracture, but still…I also fractured my wrist enough to have a full cast on my arm. That was fun in the 7th grade. I played the saxophone then and was still able to rock it since I had my fingers free! Lol!

  17. March 7, 2010 3:42 pm

    Dang!! broken arm looks so painful!!! ooof!! you are one tough lady! (not that i didnt know that already!)

    the puppy time looks like SO MUCH FUN- those photos are too cute for words!!!

    oh, and i’m def. craving annie’s now!!

    hope your Sunday is going well!!
    love youJanetha!!!

  18. traynharder23 permalink
    March 7, 2010 4:12 pm

    quaker oat meal squares. or shredded oats!

    chiped my tooth but never broke a bone!

  19. March 7, 2010 4:46 pm

    WOW – I´m so sorry for your broken arm, Janetha!
    I hope you get well soon.
    Amazing recap!
    Lovely pics and eats, as usual ;)
    Have a terrific week, girl!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  20. actorsdiet permalink
    March 7, 2010 5:09 pm

    i have never broken a bone…yet…knocking on wood….

  21. March 7, 2010 7:12 pm

    That break xray makes me nauseous. I’ve had some horrible falls off my horses in the past, but nothing like that.

    You chicky are amazingly tough!

    I’ll keep my eye out for cute dresses. Have you discovered Off Beat Bride yet? The website and the forum are AMAZING.

  22. March 7, 2010 7:22 pm

    dude i totally suck at blogging right now. i’ve blogged like twice this week. it’s a major fail but things are so crazy right now!

    anyways i’m staring at a box of chocolate cheerios as i type this haha. they’re okay! like chocolate capn crunch cocoa puffs or something.

    i’m feeling guilty about commenting and reading blogs right now when i should be doing school work and going to bed. so i think that’s what i’m going to do.

    i miss your face :( i hope you buzz manana!

  23. March 7, 2010 7:28 pm

    Oh wow, that is scary. Glad to see that it didn’t stop you from going back to the slopes though. I’ve never broken anything. I had a stress fracture in my foot that required a cast in 7th grade and I’ve sprained my ankle more times that I can count.

    I got my b-maid dresses at J. Crew. They have some cute ones.

  24. March 7, 2010 7:51 pm

    Glad you’re back!

    What a scary story, glad you’re ok now!

    I have never broken a bone, but I have cracked my own ribs with nunchucks! (No joke!!)

    And favourite cereal? Now, It’s Kashi Go Lean Crunch. But I used to love Cap’n Crunch, too (and still do- on a rare occasion)!


  25. michelle permalink
    March 7, 2010 8:51 pm

    Holy crap lady! Owwwwwww!

    I hairlined fractured my wrist in 2nd grade while trying to flip off the monkey bars but that’s it.

    Favourite cereal? Oh I love them all too! Junkie ones: Apple Jack, Captain Crunch and Fruity Pebbles. More virtuous ones (the ones we have in the house): Multi-grain cheerios, Peanut Butter Panda Puffs and Life/Shredded Spoonfuls.

    I could eat cereal by the huge tupperware-bowl-full. Just give me the box and a quart of milk. Really I could.

  26. March 7, 2010 8:52 pm

    After looking at your x-rays I question whether I actually ‘broke’ anything, WOW, it’s amazing how we can recover from such things!

    In the 7th grade I broke my ankle and had a hard-cast up to my knee… one day I decided to go walking without my crutches and fell in a pot hole and sprained the other ankle… I an a genuine clutz… they wanted to just give me crutches with my hard-cast on one leg and a soft-cast on the other… my dad told them I’d end up with a broken arm if they did that… so I was in a wheelchair for sometime while my ankles healed… it was horrible. :P

    Favorite cereals… Life and Cheerios… I also like Kashi Autumn Harvest Shredded Wheat. :)

  27. March 7, 2010 9:21 pm

    OMG dang, that must have been an intense experience! glad it is in the past :). awesome sling lol! i’ve broken way too many bones (thank you gymnastics) but i don’t think any of them compare to yours!! dang that is a lot of blog reading, that’s when i just hit mark all as read :)

  28. March 7, 2010 9:51 pm

    Oh man Janetha. That’s a gnarly break. I was fascinated by your snowboarding. I know you loved it but for some reason I wasn’t imaging you doing crazy jumps and stuff! So cool. Glad your arm is all healed.

    I don’t think I’ve ever broken a bone. Maybe a small fracture when my horse thought my thumb was a carrot and wouldn’t let go.

    Fav cereal would be Peanut Butter Puffins.

  29. March 7, 2010 10:26 pm

    Wow! What a break! I can imagine how your mom must have felt when she got the phone call…

    Have a great week! :)

  30. March 7, 2010 11:32 pm

    You found your wedding gown?!?!

  31. March 8, 2010 12:37 am

    i knew you didnt break anything recently b/c i saw 2007 on the xray film and was like whew, thank god her crazy days are (somewhat) behind her! :)

  32. March 8, 2010 6:05 am

    That is why I am scared of snowboarding. Yikes! I have never broken a bone, but I did break my nose running track. That is a goofy story. Way to go on the wedding planning. I can’t WAIT to see you and hear all about it! xoxo

  33. March 8, 2010 6:23 am

    OMG that pic of the xray with the bone detatched from yoru body is CRAZY!! I am so glad that it healed ok and you are still able to be that rockstar snowboarded that you are!!

    that basil and LC stuffed chicken breast sounds SO good…I am sure I could just figure out how to do that…unless you want to post the recipe :) I love having old friends over!! laughing and talking about the old times! my best friends are those from when i was 5 years old, they know me inside and out and I always love seeing them!

    I took a TOTAL technology break this weekend and I havent even looked at my google reader yet! I am sure its in the 500’s!! I just had to come check in with you :)

    love pumpking up pasta with protein like turkey bugers and is there anything better than annies mac and cheese?!?! it may sound strange but one of my favorite food combos as a kid was mac and cheese with apple sauce! don’t knock it till you try it!

    fav cereal?! AHH I have so many! right now I am loving Barbara’s shredded wheat, it tastes like LIFE :)

  34. March 8, 2010 6:24 am

    That x-ray shot is amazing. Not in the good way, but in the mind-blowing Icant believethatreallyhappened way. How is your arm doing these days? Does it still give you troubles when you lift weights??

    1. I broke my elbow three times. First time was on a crazy carpet sliding down a hill, second time I fell off a swing, and third time it was playing horseshoes.

    2. Me and cereal are on a break until it stops forcing itself into my hand whenever I’m in the kitchen ;)

    Have a great week JB!!! xoxo

  35. March 8, 2010 6:46 am

    You fooled me. Glad you’re okay!

  36. March 8, 2010 8:32 am

    What a crazy story. When you hurt yourself you really go all out huh?? :)

    1) I’ve never broken a bone. (Knocks on wood)
    2) I love me some Quaker Oatmeal Squares. Unfortunately I’m not allowed to buy them anymore – self imposed restriction. One box lasts about 10 hours in my house…

  37. March 8, 2010 8:38 am

    My google reader is on +600 too.. Oh the busy lives of bloggers! ;)

    I’ve never broken anything. Hope it stays that way!

  38. March 8, 2010 9:13 am

    Ohhhh my gah, that broken bone picture sent CHILLS down my spine. You poor thing!! :(
    However, I do admire your audacity to get back out there and continue doin’ whatcha love! A lot of people would let something like that allow them to never get back out on the slopes at all.
    Have a great week, darling!

  39. mom permalink
    March 8, 2010 9:51 am

    Whoa, reliving that experience almost put me over the edge!! Yep, I could recall for everyone the EXACT words she used on the phone with me but ahem……let’s just say I KNEW right away that we (or she) was in serious trouble!! She did have to wait way too long for surgery, the pain was totally off the charts so much so that her dear old dad even got in the fray with nurses about getting her some “relief”! We parents are certainly bears when it comes to someone messin’ with our sweet cubs!!!

    Happy to say she got put back together by a terrific surgeon – we are thankful for the modern miracles of medicine and medical technology!

    Glad too that you’re not afraid of continuing your love of snowboarding and wake boarding – way to go Neef!!

    I’ve only broken a couple of toes because I am such a total clutz, always tripping! The cereal is the old school original Cracklin Oat Bran – and they do not make it anymore, so I don’t eat cereal!

    Love you xoxoxo!!

  40. Susan permalink
    March 8, 2010 10:40 am

    BAH! I totes thought you were lying in the hospital somewhere with a full arm cast! Silly me. Glad you’re okay though.

    LOVIN those puppers pics.

  41. March 8, 2010 11:13 am

    When I was 9, I was crossing the street and was hit by a small truck. I went flying and broke my right femur when I landed. I was in a hospital for 3 months with a rod through my knee pulling things back together and letting them fuse etc… Then it was on to a half body cast for months, crutches and then a complete lower leg brace for EVER! Good times! Lesson for the day. LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET!

    Fave cereal is Boo Berry. So bad… But so, SO good! HA!

  42. lowandbhold permalink
    March 8, 2010 12:12 pm

    Love the doggie walk! I’ve missed you!!!!

    You are so hard core with that break. I’ve never broken anything. Boring huh?

  43. March 8, 2010 2:18 pm

    omg. That’s nasty!!! I’m glad that you’re okay now! I’ve never broken a thing in my body…so I’m still a wimp, just imagining you in the hospital like that…poor baby!

  44. March 8, 2010 3:35 pm

    so glad you got to post! I miss your witty fun voice.

    That’s a killer break. You’re a trooper.

    I’ve had something similiar…except in my heel. My heel broke completely in half and I rupurted my achilles tendon along with it. So, the top half of my heel was still partially attached to my achilles tendon, which was up on my calf. I had two screws put in to repair it!

    I personally dig my weekend scar on the back of my foot. It’s my own personal battle wound and is a great topic starter sometimes.

  45. traynharder23 permalink
    March 8, 2010 5:06 pm

    HAHHAA i DID eata pb banana (full banana) with tbs pb. totally the right ratio!

  46. March 9, 2010 9:35 pm

    Kashi cereals!!

  47. March 16, 2010 2:35 pm

    That Pow Wow bar looks beyond delicious. Do you know how i can get some?

  48. March 19, 2010 6:56 pm

    You and Mabel were getting some serious tongue action there!.

    Yes, I wanted to barf a bit reading that post and I’m pretty medically minded. (swallows hard).

    65 feeeeeet. that’s insanity. insanity. But how badass anyway!

    Glad you’re all better now!

  49. love for ever permalink
    March 20, 2010 8:36 pm

    My son just broke his arm just below the shoulder after falling off his scooter and the doc. only put his arm in a splint to see if his arm would heal like that but he also had ostyomilitis we his was a baby and they said if it does not heal right they will have to do surgery and put a rod and pin in his arm and he is 9 Yrs. old sorry to hear about your accident glad you are ok.


  1. flashback friday: they’re coming out. « meals & moves
  2. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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