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jamaica part 2: the proposal.

February 15, 2010

HEYO! so glad you all enjoyed recap numero uno!  it is safe to say you all like delicious food and hate “wasting” your appetite on a crappy chain restaurant meal.

it is SO good to be back and read everyone’s comments. i missed blog land so, so much it is crazy! i have had a really busy day at work but i was able to catch up on a few of your blogs, i will have to catch up with the rest of you guys this week. i feel so out of the loop, but i will try to see what you have all been up to ASAP <3

well i haven’t been documenting my meals & moves since getting back because i know i have all these trip recaps to post, but i did want to show you my super fun, high intensity run i just completed on the treadmill:

minute # speed MPH
0-1 5.0
1-2 5.5
2-3 6.0
3-4 6.5
4-5 7.0
5-6 7.5
6-7 8.0
7-8 8.5
8-9 9.0
9-27 repeat above sequence twice more


total time: 27 minutes, total distance: 3.2 miles, max HR: 176, average HR: 146, calories burned: 235

it was fun and speedy and sweaty! good to be back in the gym!

i am going to go ahead and dive right into my next recap since i do have a lot of ground to cover!

sunday, february 7.

marshall woke up bright and early at 6:30 AM to go play golf with the dudes.  i slept in a tad more~ until 8 AM~ and changed for the  gym.  i am not usually a morning workout person, but i was bored and not hungry yet so i decided a workout was my best option.

the gym was PACKED when i got there. the resort had just checked in a group off 300 some odd people the night before and everyone was hell bent on getting their sweat on in the fitness center.

while waiting for a treadmill, i ellipticalled for 10 minutes and then did some back work:





seated cable rows 60# 12 3 sets alternating w/ squats
jump squats body weight 12 3 sets alternating w/ rows






wide grip pulldowns 50# 12 3 sets alternating w/ squats
jump squats body weight 12 3 sets alternating w/ pulldowns






standing v rope rows 60# 12 3 sets alternating w/ squats
jump squats body weight 12 3 sets alternating w/ rows

and then i ran 2 miles in 18 minutes on the treadmill to finish the workout.

this definitely worked up an appetite! breakfast was pretty similar to the day before~

IMG_6240 IMG_6238

egg white omelette, french toast, coffee, cereal. new contenders: waffle and bagel sandwich. both didn’t make the cut, unfortunately. i stuck to the french toast the rest of the week because it was so dang delish.

after breakfast it was rainy, sad for marshall since he was out playing golf! but good for me because i was scheduled to get the very first massage of my life!

because we are in love we thought it would be more fun and less awkward, my co-worker sim and i decided to get a couples massage!


and that way i could document the experience, right? right.


it is safe to say this is going to become a new expensive indulgence of mine.. even more expensive than kombucha. WOW, massages win at life.

after the massage i went back to my room and unpacked my suitcase because i had nothing better to do while it was raining.  i usually don’t unpack when i am on trips, i just live out of my suitcase.  to be honest, it was kind of nice to have everything in the closet/drawers/etc instead of all mangled in my bag.  so i suppose that whole rainy day activity did serve a purpose after all.

the rain finally let up but marshall wasn’t back yet so i went to the beach to relax for a bit.  he eventually returned from his golf adventure.. he said they just played through in the pouring rain! what a drag.. but he had a lot of fun and that is all that matters :)

we went and had some lunch, apparently it wasn’t worth taking a photo of.. but my dessert definitely was~


coconut ice cream!  gahh.. my favorite.  i remember it from the iberostar in mexico last april.  every time they had coconut ice cream i made sure to take full advantage of the situation in case it never made another debut.  yes, it is just that good.

i adorned this bowl of coconut ice cream with more coconut, chocolate sauce and some banana.


nom nom nom.

after lunch, marshall and i decided to take a walk to the ATM.  good thing i documented such events, right?



the ATM was in a totally different part of the resort.  there were 3 parts to the resort and hundreds of people staying in each part.. and there was ONE ATM for the whole resort.

and guess what? it didn’t work.  out of order. ridiculous.  oh well, at least i walked off all those ice cream calories ;)

on the way back, marshall found a gnarly spider chilling in his web..



and then we went to the “wellness pool”.

basically a pool of warm water with bubbles.. and some cool waterfall thang.


and heated tile seats. pretty relaxing.


that got old after awhile and so we walked back to the room.  on the way back, we passed the gift shop and i needed deodorant.  i asked marshall to buy me some but he didn’t want to stop.. so he told me i could just wear his.  i got all bent out of shape because i didn’t want to use his and smell like a boy.  keep that in mind.

another thing you should keep in mind is that whenever marshall tells me he loves me, ever since we started dating, i would often look at my left ring finger and say, “not enough!”.. just for the record. the term “not enough” has come out of my mouth countless times in the past 2.5 years.  BUT~ it is just an inside joke we have. i was never serious about him not loving me enough :)

marshall kept saying that we should take a walk on the  beach. i didn’t really want to take a walk on the beach so i kept saying no. and he kept asking, i kept saying no.

hah. i am such a brat.

i took a shower and marshall kept saying we should go take a walk. i kept saying no.

he did a lot of hanging out on the balcony that afternoon. i had no idea WHY.. but i thought his back looked sexy so i took a photo. little did i know what he was working up the courage to do ;)


i finally finished getting ready after taking my sweet time.. that is a luxury of being on vacation.  i could do my makeup, sit around for 15 minutes.. do my hair, sit around for another 15.. then finally figure out what to wear and demand a self-timer-photo.


i originally set the timer and ran over to sit on his right knee but he made me sit on his left knee because the ring was in his pocket and he didnt want me to feel it! hah. i was totally oblivious to all this in the photo above and he knew exactly what i was in for. i kind of love the fact that i have this photo.

looking back, this is all so ironic. this was the only self-timer-photo of the whole trip and i demanded it minutes before he popped the big question.  what are the chances?

after this photo, i went over by the bed to put my rings on so we could leave to go watch the super bowl.  as i was putting my rings on, marshall came over and sat on the bed, in front of where i was standing.  he asked, “how much do you think i love you?”

to this, i replied, “not enough to buy me deodorant!”

he then took the ring i normally wear on my ring finger OFF of my finger and put the diamond ring ON my finger.  and  then he said something like, “does this tell you how much i love you?”

i can’t really remember what happened next.. i know we both started crying and laughing and i couldn’t believe i cared so much about the deodorant :P i also asked him if he was going to get down on one knee, to which he replied: “i’m down on my bum! will you marry me?”

i thought about saying no, but realized i had to spend the rest of the week with him ;)

after this i immediately contacted my parents to let them know as well as my siblings!

i was so surprised. i knew we would eventually get married but i honestly didn’t think it would be for awhile! he totally shocked me and did an AWESOME job of picking the perfect ring out. it is more gorgeous than i ever imagined.. and i was always worried that i would not like whatever ring he picked out. whew, what a relief ;)

the funny thing is that earlier that day i was talking to my boss’s wife on the beach and she was asking if i thought marshall and i would ever get married and i was telling her that we would, maybe in a year or so.  i was taken by surprise when he proposed less than 3 hours later!

good job, marshall.

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blurry photo. meh.

the ring was a size 7 and my finger is a size 5 but marshall didn’t have time to get it resized before we left, so we went to the lobby to try to put some tape on the ring to make it smaller so it wouldn’t fall off my finger.

 2-7-10 039

that didn’t work so well!  but i wore it anyway and did the best i could to keep it from falling off during the super bowl.

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the super bowl was in the theater so we went there to hang out.  as my co-workers slowly trickled into the theater, i told them the news. it was fun to see each person’s reaction.

i went with my friend/co-worker sim to get some dinner.. i hadn’t eaten for a really long time and after all the excitement died down, i realized i was starving! the guys wanted to watch the game so off we went.

my first meal as an engaged wo-man:

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broccoli, cauliflower, corn, rice & peas (that is what they call it but it is actually rice and beans), jerk chicken and fried plantains.


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it is safe to say that i ate my weight in fried plantains during the vacation!! THEY ARE SO DANG DELICIOUS. plantains are like a mix of a potato and a banana.. or at least that is what they remind me of. i wish i had some right now. anyone know how to make them at home? let me know!

after dinner i attempted to watch the super bowl with everyone but i just couldn’t, for two reasons:

1. i hate football with a passion

2. i was too excited to sit still and not talk!

so i went back to the room and emailed friends and let them know about the engagement :)

as soon as the game was over, marshall and i finally took that walk on the beach that he wanted to take so badly earlier!

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after our walk we went and hung out by the pool and called marshall’s parents to chat with them about the engagement.

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oh and we found a cat! i love cats.

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and we spent the rest of the night laying in a pool chair, gazing at the stars and talking about what our life will be like once we are married.

i’m so excited.

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1. if you are married/engaged.. tell me your proposal story! you saw that coming.

2. have you tried plantains? do you like them? do you know how to prepare them? mmmm. i love love love them.

i will be back tomorrow with another recap~ this one will have our catamaran boat ride, snorkeling and going to see bob marley’s grave. stay tuned!

xo. janetha b.

131 Comments leave one →
  1. February 15, 2010 6:50 pm

    congratz again girl! What a cute story :) Amazzzzing ring too!!

  2. Sophia permalink
    February 15, 2010 6:53 pm

    First of all congratulations on being engaged. What better place to get engaged…and get married….

    And thanks for the recap…I live for trip reports from back home. The hotel looks awesome and overwhelming.

    I love have plantains on the side with my meals along with avocado.

    For the plantain, you want to buy it ripe, cut both ends off and slice down the middle of the skin of plantain and prey open (same as you would a regular banana). You can slice or cut into half moons, heat pan with oil, gentle put slices in pan and fry until golden brown on both sides.

    PS. thanks so much for having all the guests blogs. I really enjoyed getting to meet new people. I really appreciate them putting themselves out there.

  3. mom permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:03 pm

    Totally so sweet! I will never get tired of reliving the email and phone call xoxoxo!!!! Love you too too much!!

  4. February 15, 2010 7:10 pm

    hey gorgeous chica!! SOOOO EXCITING to read about your proposal! I’m sooo happy for you two, the ring is beautiful! I hope you had a great monday, welcome back! :)

  5. February 15, 2010 7:14 pm

    The ring is gorgeous!! Yay! :)

    I was mean to my hubby right before he proposed to me. He kept telling me to turn on the TV and I wouldn’t do it…hahah.

  6. February 15, 2010 7:16 pm

    Our proposal story is cute: Adam had my dad (a jeweler) make my ring months before I knew anything was going on. He proposed in a tea room at our favorite sushi place, and the ring was in a hollowed out pineapple :)

    Also, plantains: slice, sautee, smash into disks, sautee again. SO GOOD!

  7. Emily permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:17 pm

    Are you going to laugh at me if I tell you I got teary eyed reading that?!? So cute! For growing up on an island I don’t have as much plantain cooking experience as I should but if you shoot me an e-mail I can give you some tips.

  8. Lizzy permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:21 pm

    AHHHH OMG! the ring is BEAUTIFUL! i’m soooo freakin excited for u! you and marshall are soooo cute together! ahhh i wanna get married now! hehehe! <3

  9. Ariffa permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:21 pm

    how sweet, I’m so happy for you =))
    i only like plantains fried they’re so darn goood I neeed to be careful around them!!

  10. Susan permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:21 pm

    Congratulations again. I love the story – and it’s so great that you were able to document it like this. The proposal was so sweet and the ring is freakin’ amazing. You’ve got a keeper! But I think you already knew that…

    Well now you’ve got me all teared up. I need to go watch some trashy tv…

  11. February 15, 2010 7:25 pm

    Aw now I’m all teared up.

    Not engaged, not married and I’m super jealous of that gorgeous rock!

    And am totally going to use that line (as I roll my eyes and wink)!

  12. February 15, 2010 7:31 pm

    i just cried. i cried. this was AWESOME like made my whole night.

    marshmellow is quite the romantic ;) you tell him julie says nice rock kid and excellent job. i’m proud of him.


  13. February 15, 2010 7:36 pm

    Oh my gosh CONGRATS!! My engagement was kinda similar. We lived in hawaii so my husband wanted to go walk on the beach and I was being a brat and didn’t want to go, haha. Totally shocked!! Love this post. SO happy for you!!


  14. February 15, 2010 7:37 pm

    I laughed, I almost cried, then I read this whole story aloud to my boyf. Amazing story, and I am SOOOO happy for you!!! Oh, and that ring is like my dream ring. SO gorgeous!!

    1. Not married/engaged, hopefully one of these days… ;)

    2. I LOVE plantains but have only had them at restaurants. Wouldn’t know what to do with them!


  15. Sarah permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:39 pm

    Oh Gosh Janetha!! I’m just soooo happy for you! Such a cute, sweet story! I love the photo with Marshall on the balcony. I just can feel the feelings! haha If that makes any sense! You’re ring is just beautiful! I hope one day I can have one just as purty!! Once again congratulations!! I know you guys are going to have a fabulous life together!

  16. Megan permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:43 pm

    Yay that’s soo exciting!! I’ve been waiting to hear the story ever since you posted about your engagement and it sounds so sweeet!! :) :) :) YAY CONGRATS!!

  17. Sarah permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:44 pm

    Sarah :
    Oh Gosh Janetha!! I’m just soooo happy for you! Such a cute, sweet story! I love the photo with Marshall on the balcony. I just can feel the feelings! haha If that makes any sense! You’re ring is just beautiful! I hope one day I can have one just as purty!! Once again congratulations!! I know you guys are going to have a fabulous life together!

    (you’re secret stalker Wong btw haha)

  18. February 15, 2010 7:44 pm

    I’m so excited for you! Congratulations!! That is such a cute and wonderful proposal story!

    My husband proposed to me on a ski hill – we stopped halfway down a run, he was pretending to fix his skis. Instead, he got down on one knee :)

    I’ve only ever had plantains once… not a big fan, but I’d try them again

  19. Errign permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:44 pm

    coooooonngratssssss! I’m not engaged/married, so no fun stories for you!

    Looks like Jamaica was an enjoyable trip! :)

    Happy Monday!

  20. February 15, 2010 7:45 pm

    Congrats!!! What an amazing story :)
    My fiance proposed in NYC this past Dec. 26th. We were at a blues club when right after the last song was over he popped out the ring. I was surprised he actually proposed because like you I thought it wouldn’t be for another year but then there were some major signs during the night. Like he kept rubbing my left hand knuckle during the show which is kind of out of the norm.
    Anyways, enjoy the planning!

  21. lowandbhold permalink
    February 15, 2010 7:51 pm

    Your comment on my blog today made me feel so loved darling. I missed you so! So much so that I’m a bit bitter to have to share you with this fiance of yours ;)

    Seriously though… this post made my heart melt. I’m just so so so happy for you and you deserve all the happiness in the world and then some!

    I looove plaintains by the way.

  22. February 15, 2010 7:52 pm

    HUGE congratulations! I am loving your recaps, I would have commented on the first one, but I was reading it on my phone and my phone decided to be a douche and it was difficult to comment. I am getting a massage on Wednesday and I am STOKED. It is long overdue.

    Plaintains! Love them. I don’t think there are too many ways to prepare them as they have to be eaten cooked, and it’s usually done stir fried or fried because boiled would be nasto, me thinks. Mmm I need to cook plantains more.

  23. February 15, 2010 7:53 pm

    I met Mallard through our parents. I went to his parents’ house for a “BBQ” and we were the only guests. Apparently, the BBQ was the next night. Well we hit it off so well that I came back for the real BBQ the next night! I thought it would be fun to hang out the next time he was in town…no strings. We talked on the phone every night that week and I realized this may be the perfect guy for me! I convinced him to drive the 5 hours to visit again the next weekend. Then our romance began to snowball and eventually we were taking turns driving from Illinois to Ohio and vise versa. After a few months that got really old and Mallard starting hinting that I should move to Cincinnati. I told him I was in school and I was not about to move so far with no ring on my finger. (I had been in some awful relationships) It only took a few more months before Mallard chose a diamond and band according to hints I had dropped about what I liked. He planned to propose as a surprise one weekend that I would be visiting. Unfortunately, my best friend was in a horrific car accident and passed away that same week. To give the short version: I was the last person she had called. I avoided her call bc I was tired of being her DD and cleaning up her mess. She called 4 minutes before her car crashed. By the time the ambulance arrived, she was not responding. I felt horrible and I certainly couldn’t drive to OH after the funeral. Mallard drove all the way to IL to pick me up and take me back to OH. I had clothes packed for the weekend. Saturday night, he took me to the nicest restaurant I had ever and have ever been to in my life. After dinner we went back to his house and I went upstairs to change out of my little black dress so I could sit outside by the fire pit . Mallard had a dozen roses, candles and the ring set up in his room! I saw the roses and candles and I thought it was adorable. Then, I saw the ring. He got down on one knee and the rest is a blur! I still get compliments on my ring 4 years later! I would still choose it myself over any other I have seen.

    Your ring is beautiful and it is so Janetha!! Good job Marshall!!

  24. February 15, 2010 7:55 pm

    plantains are amazing and so are you and marshall!!! i’m so happy for you! (ps i’m totally single, and therefore jinxing it all by what i’m about to say – i have my grandmother’s engagement ring and one day i totally want my man to give it to me. what man could say no to a ring that has tradition and is already paid for?! haha)

  25. February 15, 2010 7:57 pm

    That is the most adorable story I have ever heard! You are so lucky, girl! :)

  26. February 15, 2010 7:59 pm

    I’m so excited for you!

    My proposal story is sort of long to type, but it is here –

  27. February 15, 2010 8:00 pm

    I LOVE THIS STORY! I’m sososo happy for you! Ahhh congrats! I don’t have an engagement story, but can you tell I can’t wait to have one?!

  28. February 15, 2010 8:00 pm

    Wow, that is the sweetest engagement story ever! What a beautiful ring too. Looks like you had quite a memorable trip.:)

    I love plantains and make them all the time. I usually wait until they are super ripe, then slice them up and pan fry in a bit of olive oil. Yum!

  29. snackface permalink
    February 15, 2010 8:00 pm

    TEARS!!! Janetha, I am so, so, so happy for you and Marshall! You two are my fave. I’ll stop leaving innaprops comments about yo man. Wait, who am I kidding? I probably won’t.

    I’m also SO happy you’re back! I surriously missed you! Especially during my past week, in which I tried to amp up the protein. And then I discovered delicious whey protein was murdering my stomach–pains so bad I didn’t want to go anywhere. The second I stopped taking it, I felt fine. Why I’m sharing this? Dunno.

    SO, I have no engagement story. Lo siento. Romance is dead over hurr (See: College). I’ve had plantains before and they’re ok. They just make me want a banana.

    I’m off to do homework now. LOVE YOU!!!xoxoxoxo

  30. Lindsay permalink
    February 15, 2010 8:08 pm

    Congrats honey!!!! Beautiful ring!! xo

  31. February 15, 2010 8:16 pm

    your ring is my dream ring, I LOVE IT! :) congrats girl! I wish you the best!

  32. February 15, 2010 8:16 pm

    I’m dying. Congratulations!!!! That is a gorgeous ring! So exciting :)

  33. February 15, 2010 8:18 pm

    AAAAHHHH I love that story, especially how you were all bent out of shape about the deoderant. That is great! I love the ring, it’s absolutely beautiful, and great job with the temporary resizing technique.
    I love plantains!!! My good friend’s Dad owns a bunch of Cuban restaurants and she always brings back some yummy plantain chips.


  34. February 15, 2010 8:21 pm

    Congratulations!!! So cute and romantic :)

    I hope to have a proposal story by the end of 2010… Fingers crossed!

  35. Nicole G permalink
    February 15, 2010 8:31 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!! That was such an amazing proposal story. Marshall is adorable!

    That ring is gorgeous too. Great taste ;)

    Nicole G

  36. February 15, 2010 8:49 pm

    I LOOOOVED reading this story. So happy for you two!!!

  37. February 15, 2010 8:53 pm

    aww i love this! i cannot wait to get proposed to!! i cant WAIT to hear about wedding plans too! GORGEOUS ring girl! you are beautiful-he is a lucky man!

  38. Olga permalink
    February 15, 2010 8:57 pm

    Awww congrats!!! That’s so cute :) I love that you took the self-timed photo then!!! Ahhh!

  39. February 15, 2010 8:57 pm

    Congratulations on your engagement, Janetha!
    Marshall’s so cute! I can’t believe you guys are getting married :D
    Oh, and I’m sorry I took too long to say this, but thank you so much for the opportunity of beeing your guest blogger! That was so much fun!
    Anyway.. Have a great night!
    Brazilian XOXO’s,

  40. February 15, 2010 9:08 pm

    all together now: “awwwww!!!” seriously though, such a cute story and such a cute couple! i’m so excited for you. and the deodorant thing is hilarious, what a story for the grandkids ;) love that pic of you in the pool, very cool!

  41. February 15, 2010 9:08 pm

    What a great engagement story! Congratulations!

    I too had bugged my husband for years to get married, we have been together since we were 13 and we were going on 10 years of being together so I thought it was about time! I picked my ring out, I just didn’t know when it would happen. Well on our 10 year anniversary we went to the Oregon Coast for the night and got a great room, fancy dinner, the works, so I thought for sure he would do it then. Well we were opening gifts from each other and I opened mine and it was a diamond necklace so I thought ok I guess it’s not going to happen this time. The next day we were at home, and it was the actual day of our anniversary and he kept bugging me to go out to dinner and I really didn’t want to I was tired and I just wanted to hang at home. Well we ended up going to dinner with his parents anyway and we came home and watched the movie Click. I had to work super early the next day so I said I was going to bed and I got in bed and I was half asleep and he comes in and turns the light on. I got pissed and asked him what the hell he was doing, well he was on his knee by the bed and he asked me to marry him! Apparently I screwed up his plan of doing it at dinner but I think the way he did it was better! We have now been married for two years!
    Congrats again to both of you again!!

  42. February 15, 2010 9:29 pm

    I have been reading your blog for a little while now and think you are too adorable! SO many congrats on the engagement! The ring is amazing, and the story is priceless :-) I can’t wait to read all about all the wedding stuff to come!

  43. m i c h e l l e permalink
    February 15, 2010 9:36 pm

    L O V E D T H A T!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much! Congrats again!!!!

  44. February 15, 2010 10:13 pm

    What beautiful pictures and a wonderful story that tells everyone so much about your own, unique relationship. I love it!!
    I just got married last May, so if you need wedding-related advice, I’m happy to oblige :) My hubby proposed on a surprise trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas and a dolphin actually carried my ring to me in his mouth. You can read the full-length, long story here:
    Your ring is stunning! He did a darn good job :)

  45. February 15, 2010 10:23 pm

    what a great proposal story and how gorgeouusss is that ring?! congrats!!

  46. *Andrea* permalink
    February 15, 2010 10:24 pm

    awww what a cute story!!! so amazing that you have that picture. you and marshall are adorable. he’s so cute and you look so beautiful in the pictures! congrats again… keep the love stories coming ;)

  47. February 15, 2010 11:31 pm

    Congrats girl, i loved every last single detail. THIS is the post that i was hoping for. Tons of in depth info about exactly what was happening, walks, self timers, etc. PERFECT. I love these types of posts :) b/c i feel like i was right there with you two lovebirds!

    The ring in beautiful. My finer is about a 6, not quite. You have tiny fingers at a 5!

    My proposal. We had been dating about 6 mos, the ink on Scott’s divorce was dry. Barely. We had been living together for 5.5 mos (moved in 2 weeks into dating). On a plane to Vegas for a work trip for him, we decided to get married. He didnt propose per se, we just decided to get married. And we did! And then when we got back home to our real life, i went to a jewelry store and designed my own ring :)

  48. February 15, 2010 11:31 pm

    Your ring is so lovely!!! What a cute fun story!

    Brent and I got engaged in London 3 months after we on my doorstep. It was literally love at first site. We’ll celebrate our 11th anniversary this year. I love reading about engagements and people getting married. I’m looking forward to following your journey to the wedding b/c I love love!!!

    I’ve tried plantains but they didn’t really stick with me so I guess I wasn’t that excited about them!

    BTW I have to say I am so happy you like cats too! Although I didn’t think so, I was secretly hoping you weren’t a dog only girl! ;-)

  49. Alyson permalink
    February 15, 2010 11:34 pm

    eeck! I was literally getting chills reading this. I am SO happy for you! What a great story and that ring is absolutely gorgeous. I loved reading about your trip (and drooling over the pics.. I mean coconut ice cream, yes please!), and way to rock that treadmill! Wonderful to have you back :)

  50. February 16, 2010 12:17 am

    So freaking cute and the ring really is stunning. M did a sensational job.

    You know I never answer your questions ‘cuz I’m always so busy responding to something else your blog brought up but I will tell you about our engagement: we’d been together about 4 years, owned a house and animals together… weren’t really in a big hurry and then Chris’ sister got engaged to a guy she’d been with a short time (maybe a year?). So they planned their wedding 18 months out and everyone was turning to us saying “What does that mean for you guys?” Suddenly we were “forbidden” to get married for like 2 years because we couldn’t beat them to the punch.

    Anyway, I told Chris I’d feel like an idiot if I weren’t at least engaged by their wedding. We did some ring shopping, but I had NO idea he was going to ask me the night he did. Well, I’d had a premonition about it but that’s a longer story. Anyway, he got down on BOTH knees (hilarious) and asked me, and I made him ask like 5 times b/c I knew I’d never hear it again. His sister got married in May 2003, and we got married October 2003. :)

  51. February 16, 2010 12:50 am

    Congratulations on the engagement!! What a trip to remember!

  52. February 16, 2010 2:47 am

    Congratulations what a cute story! You’re going to be one sexy bride and groom!
    My boyfriend doesn’t love me enough so I’m not engaged and don’t have a proposal story ;)
    Thanks for sharing the pics and the moment with us!

  53. February 16, 2010 2:59 am

    Oh dear what else is there to add to the 39842034982 other comments that say exactly the same thing that I feel?? ;) I’m so freaking happy for you Janetha! You two are so adorable and that story is so funny and wonderful!!!
    Still need to get proposed to but I have to grow up first. ;)
    Congrats my dear! Wish you all the best!!

  54. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    February 16, 2010 3:59 am

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a cute story, much better than mine! ;) oh… sweetie, i’m soooo happy for you!!! :D
    I’ve never tried plantains, it looks too big. hahaa.

  55. lessonstolearn permalink
    February 16, 2010 4:23 am

    What a beautiful story! Congratulations again!

    My husband proposed on a long weekend trip to Bar Harbor, ME. We spent the day hiking, and then he suggested we buy some sandwiches and drive up Cadillac Mountain to watch the sunrise. We ate, and then he brought out a book he had made through the Kodak photoshop. It was the story of us, told through pictures! On the next to last page, he wrote, “I just have one question to ask?” And then ont he last page, he wrote “would you like some M&Ms?” He knows I love chocolate, but come on! I was disappointed because, even though I didn’t think he was going to do it yet, it sure did seem like it! He took out some M&Ms and placed 2 in my hand. One said “Marry Me?” and the other said “Please say yes.” He went through so much planning to make that happen. It still makes my heart melt. And he still reminds me that I was crying to hard to even care about the ring that he had also put so much effort into!

  56. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    February 16, 2010 4:51 am

    Awww…what a sweet story! And what an AMAZING ring!! My hubby and I got engaged a few days before Christmas a few years ago. He kept telling me he had a present he wanted me to open, and I kept saying “But it’s not Christmas yet!” Haha

  57. February 16, 2010 5:54 am

    Awwwww, I love it! You are a great story-teller, J! Congrats to you AND congrats to Marshall! Marshall…the ring???!!! SCORE! Well done ;)

  58. LindsayRuns permalink
    February 16, 2010 6:04 am

    Congratulations again! We have a similar story: he took me on what I thought was just a scuba diving trip to Grand Cayman and it ended up being our engagement trip (and honeymoon…still hasn’t happened yet!) Our anniversary is next week and I was planning on telling the whole story then :)

  59. February 16, 2010 6:19 am

    I LOVE YOU! (and I love Marshall too even though I haven’t met him!) Congrats – I am so happy for you, and this story was the cutest. I may or may not be crying right now I’m so happy for you, who can say? :)

  60. February 16, 2010 6:23 am

    Congratulations! You really crack me up with your fear that the ring would be ugly. I know the feeling, my boyfriend doesn’t have the best taste in jewelery and his mother is even worse. I secretly fear getting a ring someday that I don’t like! I’m glad I’m not the only one! Your ring is absolutely beautiful though! Wow! How can I subtly present your ring to my guy….? I’m so happy for you! Big heartfelt congrats!

  61. February 16, 2010 6:25 am

    I love plaintains!! Fresh, dried, fried(hey it’s okay on vacation). I’m pretty sure you can fried them like a banana?? Dang, now I can’t wait for my cruise!!

    Nice tan! Massages ARE the best!

    My proposal was a horse and carraige ride downtown Indy :)

  62. Sarah W. permalink
    February 16, 2010 6:47 am

    I LOVE your story, that bit about “not enough” and the deodorant is HILIARIOUS!!!

    My proposal happened vacationing w/ my parents. I spent alot of time in my beach chair in the waves, tanning/reading and david spent alot of time hanginfg back on the beach with my parents. many days of this occured and I was OBLIVIOUS. There were also many many many times that david wanted to “go for a walk on the beach” but I was a brat and was lazy and kept saying no. hahahahha…so I didnt actually get proposed to until the day before we were supposed to leave.

  63. February 16, 2010 7:04 am

    I loved hearing your story!!!! The surprise factor probably helped make it so amazing too, huh? I know I always love a good surprise. My hubby proposed by having us go on an all day hike (one of our loves) and while we were out his brother set up a romantic dinner for when we got back to his house. He wrote me a letter to read since he knew he couldn’t get it all out and when I turned around he was on one knee with the ring. :)

    Lastly – that spider is FREAKY!!!! And I would kill for a massage right now. Although I wouldn’t kill that spider. I wouldn’t get close enough to that thing. LOL

  64. February 16, 2010 7:08 am

    Just wow. I’m SO SO SO happy for you guys! And I’m such a sucker for a good engagement story!

    Congrats a MILLION times over! The ring is gorgeous, HE DONE GOOD.

    Wedding date yet?

  65. February 16, 2010 7:29 am


  66. February 16, 2010 8:08 am

    Ok seriously…tears in the eyes…I am so stinkin happy for you! The same thing happened to me the weekend Anthony proposed. I got so mad at him for wanting to spend $20 on a stupid Bears winter hat. He was like “this is a special weekend who cares if I spend a little extra money”. I didn’t get why he wanted that hat so bad until after and I felt so stupid for pitching a fit!

  67. February 16, 2010 8:37 am

    This is an amazing story :) Congratulations!

    I absolutely LOVE plantains!! I’ve never made them…but make sure I eat plenty of them when I’m in the Caribbean :)

  68. bre permalink
    February 16, 2010 8:42 am

    OMFG! Yay Janetha!!!!! Congratulations! And yes I’ve been creepily stalking you for about a month. But I HAD to let you know how happy I am for you guys! What a special story. And having that picture right before is awesome.

    1. Not engaged yet. I kept thinking maybe at Christmas, maybe at new years, maybe Valentine’s day. We have talked about that we obviously will, we have been together 7.4 years (*nerd* but who’s counting right?) I really don’t care when or if it happens. kinda fun to see how long we can go without doing it!

    2. Plantains are the sh.t. We would hit up this Jamaican restaurant thy had live music in Newark Delaware (ya sounds exciting “its Delaware”) it was so freKing spicey except the plantains mmmm. They were greasy and delicious. And I’m totally intimidated by cooking them.

    So long lost tracker buddy! *Confession* I have been so out of “it.” Didn’t workout between June 09 till Jan 10 and pretty much ate whatever too. So I’m in the process of shedding my hibernation body and getting hot for summer. Looking forward to keeping up with you! Maybe I’ll even start my own blog… just need a name for it haha.

  69. Grace permalink
    February 16, 2010 8:50 am

    Aw so sweet! Congratulations again!!!

    1. Christmas 2002, I had been dating my boyfriend since February of the same year. For some reason, I was getting the vibes from him that he was going to give me the hugest gift ever. I had a feeling somehow it was going to be a ring, so I kept on talking about it… and he kept on denying it. I spent Christmas Day with him and his family. He gave me gifts, but nothing significant. It took all morning before the gifts were finally passed out. I looked around and didn’t see anything else that wasn’t unopened. I felt disappointed and was thinking, “Okay, so maybe he wasn’t just trying to trick me by all those denials.” I had finally accepted that it wasn’t going to happen, when he reached out and handed me an ornament. I opened it and just stared at it in shock. His family started bugging me what my answer was and I just said “oh. well, yes, obviously!” and started crying despite myself.

    2. LOVE plaintains. I just fry them in some olive oil, maybe mixed with a little cinnamon.

  70. February 16, 2010 8:57 am

    I have never had a massage and now I’m dying to have one! EWWW to that giant spider! A trip to the wellness pool would be needed after encountering that beast.

    Awww your engagement story is so cute!! I’m so happy for the two of you! Your ring is gorgeous!

  71. February 16, 2010 9:01 am

    i have goosebumps. what a great couple!

  72. February 16, 2010 9:10 am

    I’ve got one word- “AWWWW!!”

  73. February 16, 2010 9:34 am

    You two are so disgusting. You know, as in adorable. I can only imagine what the poor man was going through when you refused to go for a walk. Plan B seems to have worked out just as well though. CONGRATS! The ring is gorgeous!

  74. February 16, 2010 9:47 am

    I love, love, love massages! They are so addicting. But I think it’s worth it to indulge every now and again.

    The wellness pool looks like fun!

    I love your proposal story! When Andy proposed to me, I was totally surprised too! It’s awesome that you have photos of right before. I’m jealous!

    Andy and I went to buy my ring together. He told me that he wanted me to pick it out and he would ask me “when he was ready.” I figured he would take his time and almost forgot about the shiny, sparkly ring hiding somewhere in our apartment. A week later, I was driving home from work. I usually call Andy to let him know that I was almost home but for some reason I didn’t that day. I walked in the door and Andy was standing there with a ring looking shocked! He looked at me and laughed. He said, “you ruined it!” and then started to cry. I was so confused until he asked, “Amanda, will you marry me?” It was so adorable. We both cried a lot!

  75. February 16, 2010 9:57 am

    CONGRATULATIONS! OMG…you are Marshall make the greatest couple. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! Such a fab story, and oh..I never get emotional about this stuff, but I cried reading your post.

    I am not married/in a relationship, but I do LOVE plantains as you might remember from my NY trip! I’ve never made them, but I think if you get the ripe ones you pan fry them with a little butter and brown sugar.

  76. February 16, 2010 10:04 am


    On our 4 year anniversary we were supposed to go out to dinner, I was in a really bad mood and being very b*tchy, so we didn’t go, then next day I had a stomach ache, so we didn’t go… finally two days after our anniversary, we went out to dinner and afterwards my now-husband wanted to take a walk around our university campus… it was then that he proposed. I felt so bad for being such a crank the previous two days and I couldn’t figure out why he was being so quiet… sometimes we can be clueless, huh?

    Twelve years of marriage later, we couldn’t be happier or more in love! :) Congrats again, and good luck! :)

  77. elise permalink
    February 16, 2010 10:08 am

    gah! i loved loved looooooved reading this post. hilarious. there are so many things i did before my engagement that were equally bratty and after i was so embarrassed (and shocked at how oblivious i was, too), haha. and my rind was also huge and since i had to wait til the next day to get it sized, i slept with my hand in a fist to make sure it didnt fall off…first thing i did after waking up that morning was check to see if it was still there!

  78. February 16, 2010 10:17 am

    Congrats! My husband also wanted to go for a walk when he proposed. I obliged and we walked down the waterfront in our town. We were nearly back to the car when he pulled me to the side of the path and “I love you so much.” To which I responded, “I love you so much.” “And I want to be with you forever.” “I want to be with you forever!” I’m sure he wanted to tell me to stop talking :) but I was clueless, until he then got down on one knee. I don’t really remember anything after that… :)

  79. February 16, 2010 10:24 am


    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!! I have missed you whilst you were off getting engaged!!!

  80. Angelina permalink
    February 16, 2010 10:39 am

    So excited for you! I love, love, love your ring! Nice work Marshall!

    Plantains- the key to making plantains is frying them twice. Cut them on an angle, fry them for a minute or two, flatten them, then fry them again! I always make two sauces to go with mine. One sauce is a smashed garlic and olive oil, and the other is smashed garlic, ketchup and mayo. Weird, maybe. Delicious, hellz yeah.

  81. February 16, 2010 10:41 am

    You are adorable and I cannot WAIT for your wedding! HA.
    1) Hahahahha. Dan and I are married but sadly there was no proposal since it was more of a joint decision so that I could move here and stay with him forever…romantic in its own way I guess?
    2) Plantains are the BOMB. You can buy them at the local grocery store and frying them is where it’s at unfortunately. They are beautious. I am in the mood for some sort of tropical feast now you’ve reminded me of them. Yum.

    Girl, congrats! xx

  82. February 16, 2010 10:59 am

    Congratulations!!! Your ring is beautiful!

    I fell in love with plantains while honeymooning in St. Lucia. We just had them the other night with jerk chicken, it was snowing so we decided to make a meal that reminded us of vacation. I like them cooked just about anyway but usually fry or bake them with a little sugar. Yummy :)

    Congrats again!!

  83. linds permalink
    February 16, 2010 11:09 am

    i love that story. congrats. i cannot wait to see the ring in person. love you guys.

  84. February 16, 2010 11:18 am

    I LOVE this story! How perfect was everything?!?!?! And the ring? Gorgeous!!! I am so ecstatic for you both!!!! Also, please email me your addy – I lost your Christmas card envelope and I have something for you. Gracias.

    We got engaged at midnight on NYE 2008. We went to dinner where we had our first date and were walking through the park in front of the White House when he asked.

    I love engagement stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. February 16, 2010 11:23 am

    YAY YAY YAY!! What a CUTE story. You two are adorable together and seem like such an awesome couple. Congrats, sweetie :D SO happy for you.

  86. adrienmelaine permalink
    February 16, 2010 11:26 am

    That’s so exciting! Congrats!

    About a week before my brother proposed to his now wife, she was asking me if my first born (from the notorious single girl) would be a flower girl at her wedding- too funny!

  87. February 16, 2010 11:28 am

    yayaya janetha! the ring is gorg!!
    did marshall plan on proposing on the “walk”? haha-

  88. February 16, 2010 11:30 am

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Congratulations janetha!! That ring REALLY truly suits you perfectly…trust your man to know you inside and out. :) I’m not engaged yet, but when I do, I hope it’s as sweet and adorable as your story! hahah

  89. February 16, 2010 11:41 am

    i am so ridiculously happy for you i don’t have the words to explain!!! you are going to be the most BEAUTIFUL bride in the world! and HOLY MOLY that ring is absolutely Gorgeous. it’s unbelievable :) LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

  90. February 16, 2010 11:55 am

    Oh my GOSH!

    While reading this post, I was going to spend my entire comment “yelling” at you for not warning me about that GROSS SPIDER picture…

    Then I read the massage part and thought I would “yell” at you for now getting me determined to find a way to finance a massage this week…

    But then I read the engagement story and I just want to “yell” CONGRATULATIONS!! That is such a sweet story. You will treasure that “before” photo forever. So funny about the deodorant, too! Haha! So romantic ;)

    Your ring bling is GORGEOUS! Just like you! Congrats to both of you!

  91. February 16, 2010 11:57 am

    Oops! I was so busy yelling that I forgot to answer your questions ;)

    1. Matt proposed to me at a fancy restaurant/hotel in England…it was a crazy, stormy, Sunday night and I had no idea why he wanted to go out to a fancy dinner! I thought he was nuts, until he whipped out the rock ;)

    2. Nope. Do they taste like bananas?

  92. February 16, 2010 12:04 pm

    Oh Lordy, I’m so excited for you! Thant is a great story!

    1. My husband proposed to me after a long car ride (which I slept though) to the mountains. I was kind of groggy/grumpy and very hungry – but we walked into his parents mountain house after the car ride, and there were candles, music and a table set for us. He had bribed his sister to come “set up” – I knew the minute I walked in and kind of freaked out and went to the bathroom. Haha – then we sat down to dinner and the ring was on the plate instead of food. It was fantastic. I always thought I would cry when I imagined that moment, but I just laughed and said yes.

    2. I love fried plantains, I don’t think I’ve had them any other way.

  93. louisianagrown permalink
    February 16, 2010 12:04 pm

    I’m so excited for you! Great man, gorgeous ring, hot body, beautiful trip… I know there’s more, but seriously, could your life be more perfect right now?

  94. February 16, 2010 12:09 pm

    Too cute!! Congratulations!!!

  95. February 16, 2010 12:15 pm

    AWWWwwwww! Too cute. I love romantic stories – Congrats~!
    I’m not engaged…YET, but I have been dropping some serious one-line reminders, almost as good as your “not enough” saying.
    Plantains are delicious and addictive. But tough to find at the supermarkets.

  96. February 16, 2010 12:24 pm

    That is such a cute story…congratulations!

    I LOVE plantains too but I never tried to make them myself, I just eaten them at restaurants or when a friend of mine makes them.

  97. February 16, 2010 12:25 pm

    Aahhhh, this is so stinkin’ cute Janetha!! I love how it was such a laid back proposal, and that he picked out the perfect ring, and even that you ate plantains after :) I hear so many stories of girls who put up a fuss over plans when their boyfriends are trying to propose! A good friend of mine got engaged at a waterfall and it seriously took her husband two days to get her out there :P CONGRATS love!! I’m so excited for you two!!!! Is the wedding colour going to be houndstooth? :P WAIT! DO YOU HAVE A DATE YET? I can’t believe I didn’t ask that. You’re probably sick of answering it :P

  98. February 16, 2010 12:29 pm

    OMG. adorable. i love you. and marshall. and i could not be more happy for you! seriously. so much love to you. let’s catch up soon – love you! xoxo

    no engagement story…perhaps someday?

    plaintains = love. maybe i will marry plaintains one day…

  99. February 16, 2010 1:28 pm

    ohmigosh. that is so exciting. i love that you can look back at the whole thing and be like OHH thats why you were staring into space or OHH that’s why you were being so weird about XX or XX. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! i am super excited for you, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!

  100. February 16, 2010 2:51 pm

    Congratulations :) This was such a lovely engagement story! I especially like the just before photograph!

  101. February 16, 2010 2:57 pm

    I love your story!! I am so happy for you :) And your ring is breathtaking too, Marshall has great taste!

  102. February 16, 2010 3:36 pm

    Congrats lovely lady you looks so happy its sounds perfect! Thanks again for letting me post x x x

  103. actorsdiet permalink
    February 16, 2010 4:34 pm

    yay! i remember my first meal as an engaged woman too – we were at the grand canyon for our 5-year anniversary when abe asked – well, he said, “what do you think about marriage?” to which i replied, “what about it?” your deodorant answer cracked me up. congrats to you both!!!

  104. February 16, 2010 4:56 pm

    Gah! I have tried to post this comment like 4 times throughout the day so maybe it will work this time :) WoW! Massage? Heated tile chairs? And the PROPOSAL! Whee ha! My engagement story is kind of long, but I will have to tell you sometime. Love ya!xoxo P.S. I am doing all weights tonight at the gym in honor of you! muah!

  105. February 16, 2010 4:57 pm

    LOVELY proposal story!! I let out an audible “aww.” So happy for you both:)
    PS Coconut ice cream looks delish!

  106. February 16, 2010 6:31 pm

    ahhh I am so freakin excited for you I cannot even stand it! when is the wedding?!?! you are going to have beautiful kiddies…just sayin :)

    the pics are amazing, and love the workouts you do even when on vacay! I never take vacations off in terms of working out either, I take full advantage of the hotel or resorts gym! awesome job!

    the food looks great and healthy…plantains…meh they areok, I prefer bananas though!!

    the coconut ice cream looks INSANE!

    congrats baby girl! xoxoxox

  107. February 16, 2010 6:39 pm


  108. February 16, 2010 6:44 pm

    Wow, that was fun reading your post and everyone’s stories! :-)

    I can’t believe you’ve never had a massage. OMG you are wrecked now- or at least your wallet is.

    Love the self timer photo-“is that a diamond in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” hahah!! Funny that he kept wanting to go on a walk and you kept saying no and getting annoyed that he wanted you to wear some nasty Old Spice Deoderant!! OR Stetson- kidding, Marshall!

    OK our story: short and sweet: Derek wanted to propose 1 yr to the minute from when we met each other- we were supposed to be at a picnic in honor of a couple who were getting married the next day, but it got rained out and we all ended up at Walmart shopping for crap. (NOT ROMANTIC). Turns out at the stroke of one year, we were back at their house and I was walking past a tool shed, so he took me into the tool shed (I was thinking that clearly he lost his mind!?!?) and he dropped to one knee and produced a FAX (anyone remember THOSE?) from my Dad giving Derek permission to marry me. We went and designed the ring together the next day at a local jeweler in Georgia. Fun times.

    LOVE plaintains. You are right-= they are like a super starchy nanner on steroids.

    MISSED YOU! You know I cried over your news=I already told you that!

  109. Cathy permalink
    February 16, 2010 7:11 pm

    OMG I am so happy for you!!!! You guys make the cutest couple. My hubby totally suprised me. He is not the most romantic person in the world. When we first started dating we used to go to this polynesian bar/restaurant for happy hour all the time. So one year he was like lets go there for New Years. We’ll have dinner and see the show. We invited my mom and sister. We went had a couple drinks and then the show started. They started inviting people up from the audience and asked me to go up. I was full of liquid courage so I accepted. I went up and learned a little dance and they asked if I was there with anyone. I said I was and they said they were going to bring him up for a couples dance. I laughed cause I thought there was no way he would go for it. So he came up and takes the mic (I am still completely clueless at this point) He’s talking and all of a sudden he gets down on one knee and pops the question. I was flabbergasted. I honestly thought I’d come home one day and he’d toss a ring at me and say here ya go. He did good. So did Marshall! I didn’t forget about your surprise. It’s coming soon!

  110. February 16, 2010 7:20 pm

    Yay! This is such an AMAZING recap and the best story ever – thank you for sharing it! Y’all are so adorable and your ring is GORGE!! Way to go Marshall!!! I’m so happy for ya!!

  111. February 16, 2010 10:23 pm

    Congrats girl! I LOVE your ring. Marshall did good :)

  112. February 16, 2010 10:24 pm

    Oh and massages? Yes, they are probably one of my more expensive habits. I took Matthew for his first massage and now he is also addicted.

  113. February 17, 2010 12:23 am

    AWWW what an adorable story!!!
    congrats on the engagement, and your trip looked glorious – massages and plantains? count me in!

  114. February 17, 2010 6:16 am

    Such a cute story. I’m in awe. Seriously babe, congratulations, you have so much going for you! That is awesome.

    Massages will change your life. I’m lucky to have parents that care about treating our bodies with a little rest and relaxation! They like INSIST (not even in a spoiled or snobby way at all) in going to get a full body massage at least 2x a year. It’s just like maintenance.. almost like going to the chiropractor.

    Awesome pics. I love them all, especially the one of you in the pool!

  115. February 17, 2010 6:47 am

    Congrats and what a lovely place to get engaged.

    My now hubby and I had decided to live together our last year of college, after an entire day of moving and running errands I was sitting on our only piece of unpacked furniture (a computer chair) and he untied the ring from the string on his gym shorts and proposed. He had stopped at some point during the day and got the ring but couldn’t take the box because I would see it, so he just tied it on his shorts. This June we will be married 2 years.

  116. Sweet and Fit permalink
    February 17, 2010 11:51 am

    ahhh!! i am so happy for you! I love the ring! good job Marshall indeed-io!

    I think i need to say “not enough!” when bryan tell me he loves me, lol!

  117. February 17, 2010 9:37 pm

    That is really sweet! Congratulations!

  118. Brooke permalink
    February 17, 2010 11:56 pm

    Wow, awesome treadmill stats. You’re the best!


  119. February 18, 2010 1:37 am

    congrats to both of you!! what an adorable story!! i got tears reading about your story! too cute!!!! best of luck ~xoxo terri

  120. February 19, 2010 11:05 am

    I never realized you never had a massage before ~ OMG! I would’ve totally made you get one in SF last year. I LOVE them – wait til you pair it with a facial and get to wear fancy robe and such :D

    Freaky @$$ spider!

    I am totally cracking up at the ATM trip and the fact that he wanted you to wear his deodorant ~ Jay has totally done that to me too….I get not wanting to smell like a boy :D

    I am loving your lead into how it all went down and how he just couldn’t get you to go to the beach haha.

    Ahhhh ~ that is seriously the BEST Proposal story ever – J!!! I LOVE it and I LOVE the coincidences. Your ring is absolutely beautiful – Marshall did an AMAZING job! Congrats to you both!!!



  121. February 19, 2010 10:46 pm

    OMG! Congrats! I’ve been way behind on my blog reading, and seeing this made catching up totally worth it!

  122. February 20, 2010 3:33 pm

    Ahh… I’m just now catching up on this but I still wanted to say CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you both. You’re such a cute couple!!

    I love that you kept saying you didn’t want to go on a walk and that you were mad about the deodorant. I could see myself being the exact same way.

    I’m not married nor engaged but Isaac and I have been together for 5 years. I’m still waiting to see when he’s going to pop the question. He won’t talk about with me…. lame-o. :)

    But, I do love plantains! I like to let them get really ripe and eat them raw with dressing or baked in a dish. I recently recreated the Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake, which includes plantains. So yummy!

  123. March 19, 2010 11:32 am

    Oh my gosh, Janetha, where have I been?! I just read one of your recent posts talking about how the wedding planning is going, and I was like, she’s engaged?! Man, I really need to do a better job keeping up with my blog reading! I loved reading your engagement story! The way Marshall proposed was so cute! You two seem really good together! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations, Janetha!

  124. Jessiker permalink
    July 9, 2010 11:31 am

    Oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m reading this for the first time! I like this long version a lot. That is so romantic, isn’t it hilarious when things are put into perspective on when you’re a brat and you feel stupid hahaha.

    Um I sawr plantanes at Winco the other day. I LOVE THEM. I hated most the food in Jamaica and survived off them and nuts.

    I love you! This brought a tear to my eye.


  1. Girl Heroes Janetha & Momma B | Girl Heroes
  2. jamaica part 3: the excursions. « meals & moves
  3. jamaica goods giveaway! « meals & moves
  4. time flies. « meals & moves
  5. flashback friday: 2010. « meals & moves

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