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one day down, 27 to go.

January 4, 2010

YO.  how was your first monday of 2010?  all you expected and more?  mine was.  definitely all i expected. definitely more.

everyone’s january goals sound great!  thanks for sharing them, i love hearing your goals because it motivates me to do well with my own.  y’all have your sights set high for this month and i know you are all strong enough to succeed at whatever you put your minds to :)

fun to hear your movie treat selections as well! like i mentioned, we saw avatar last night and i believe that it lives up to all the hype!  i really liked it.  i was going to snack on some veggies but decided to have one last popcorn hurrah (i know this girl would be proud!)~i munched on some unbuttered popcorn and sipped on some black tea.

so today was day 1 of my jamaican me bikini ready challenge.  let’s jump right into the details, shall we??


meal 1: egg white scramble+onions+peppers+mushrooms & black coffee @ 8:15 AM


can you believe that the original pancake house considers this two egg whites?  that is a full size plate.  i used to order three egg whites but cut it down to two when i could never finish my breakfast.

since i am cutting back on carbs a bit for the next four weeks, i didn’t order the usual dry wheat toast that i normally do at my monday morning meeting.  the waitress (who knows our orders by heart) was so shocked that i didn’t want the toast.  i had to explain why and she got all amped about it. 

to be totally honest, i didn’t miss the toast.  and, like clockwork, i was hungry three hours later.  that is how i know my portions are spot on.

meal 2: salmon+laughing cow+spinach+peach salsa+flat out @ 11:00 AM


served on a paper towel. extra classy. as you can see i’ve got my contigo water bottle filled up~i believe this was the third round and it was only 11 AM! the bottle holds 24 ounces, so to have 48 ounces down before lunch is pretty good if you ask me.


after lunch my new employee arrived!  i spent the afternoon training.. which i am not that great at, to be honest.  it is hard to teach someone a zillion things that are second nature to you.  bah~i hope she is not too confused!  it is going to be a loooong week of lots of training.

the afternoon slipped away from me and i missed my 2 PM snack time.  i was on the go and so i just grabbed my bag of berries that i had planned to eat with my yogurt.

meal 3: bag ‘o’ berries @ 3:30 PM




SO.. the plan was to not eat less than an hour before cardio.. but that didn’t work out.  i ate the berries on my way to the gym and i hate running with a full stomach.. so that is my reasoning on skipping the yogurt.  i knew i needed something but the yogurt/berry combo would have left me too full, so i went with just the berries. kapeesh?

today was cardio + abs as per the plan.


minutes speed incline
0-1 3.5 0
1-2 5.0 0
2-3 5.5 0
3-4 6.0 0
4-5 6.5 0
5-6 7.0 0
6-7 7.5 0
7-8 8.0 0
8-9 5.5 .5
9-10 6.0 .5
10-11 6.5 .5
11-12 7.0 .5
12-13 7.5 .5
13-14 8.0 .5
14-15 5.5 1
15-16 6.0 1
16-17 6.5 1
17-18 7.0 1
18-19 7.5 1
19-20 8.0 1
20-21 5.5 1.5
21-22 6.0 1.5
22-23 6.5 1.5
23-24 7.0 1.5
24-25 7.5 1.5
25-26 8.0 1.5
26-27 5.5 1
27-28 6.0 1
28-29 6.5 1
29-30 7.0 1
30-31 7.5 1
31-32 8.0 1
32-33 5.5 .5
33-34 6.0 .5
34-35 6.5 .5

SO. as you can see, i only made it 35 minutes instead of the planned 45.  reasons being?

  1. i was too hungry and didn’t have the energy to run anymore
  2. i am used to 20 minute HIIT sessions.. i guess i need to build my endurance up to make it 45 minutes.. since that is more than double what i am used to!
  3. i have incredibly insane cramps. i think there is a piranha in my uterus chomping at my insides. yes, it hurts that bad.

this was a good test to see where i am at i can also gauge my progress. i am not at all let down that i didn’t make it the full 45 minutes.  had i finished off the 45~ it would have just finished off the .5 incline set and then had one more set that was identical to minutes #2-8. in case you wondered.

i ended up going 3.65 miles in the 35 minutes. i will add it to my mileage page!

something i noticed? i need new music on my shuffle.  i got real bored after 20 minutes and i need to make a new playlist if i am going to be doing 45 minute long cardio sessions!

next up was 15 minutes of abs.. i picked five ab moves and as many as i could of each one for a full minute three times through for a total of three cycles clocking in at 15 minutes total:

  • floor crunches
  • mountain climbers
  • oblique crunches on ball
  • reverse crunches on floor
  • side plank (30 seconds each side)

by the end of this workout i was drenched in sweat!  i felt so dang good!


i came home feeling weak and hungry so i immediately snagged a reduced fat string cheese (or as susan would say~ a cheese string!)


after inhaling this—i didnt even pull the strings off, i ate it in big bites!—i hit the showers and then got to work on making dinner.

meal 4: faux fettuccini alfredo + chicken spinach fontina meatballs


don’t worry. i am fully aware that my lighting sucks balls.  let’s talk about this DELISH meal!

for the faux noodles, i grated some raw yellow squash & raw zucchini.  i microwaves the “noodles” for 3 minutes.  for the “alfredo sauce” i nuked 2 laughing cow wedges+splash of water+pinch of corn starch+dried basil for a couple minutes.  i tossed the “noodles” and “alfredo sauce” together and then used the microwave once again to heat up four chicken meatballs~ the ones i purchased from costco the other day.IMG_4762

i bought these because they seemed like a quick & easy protein source and the ingredients and nutrition stats did not seem too bad! check it:



i topped the pasta with the four meatballs and then devoured


toot toot! you guys!  toot my own horn because this was incredible. to the max. plus eleven. it seriously was better than your standard fettuccini alfredo! i loved it and can’t wait to eat it again.. i think it may have to reappear on my menu plan sooner rather than later.

the best part? this took less than ten minutes to make. start to finish. booya. 


now i am sipping on my daily cup of green tea and will be having my chai protein shake in about an hour. 

i will show you how i make the shake in tomorrow’s post!

i will be updating the challenge page after posting this and you can also check out tomorrow’s meal plan if you want!

wow, it is 8 o’clock and i have worked 9 hours, worked out for an hour, showered, gone to the store, eaten 4 meals, blogged AND relaxed with some tea. that has to be some sort of record.  i am going to spend the rest of the night tackling my google reader :)

serious business: marshall applied for his passport awhile back.  they told him he would get it around the second week in january.. which would leave plenty of time before our jamaica departure date of february 5th.  well, he got a letter saying he had to provide further information to verify his identity~ including at least 5 more forms of identification and a whole booklet detailing everywhere he has ever lived, worked and gone to school. um. what?! we leave in 4 weeks! i am beyond stressed about the situation.  we aren’t sure why they are requiring him to do this.. maybe because his name is common or maybe because he is half mexican or maybe because they are just being stricter with passport issuing.  whatever the reason, it sucks! we need to get it resolved QUICK.  hopefully he can dig up enough information and overnight it to the agency (which is in new hampshire!) and then pay EXTRA money to expidite the passport so he gets it in time for the trip.  sigh.  this has been weighing heavily on my mind and i just wanted to share it with you guys and ask you to say a little prayer in hopes that it will all work out! i would die if he couldn’t go to jamaica :(

ok, serious talk over. how about some fun questions?!


1. what are some of your favorite songs to listen to while doing cardio? i usually prefer upbeat things like metric, the sounds and matt & kim.

2. have you traveled outside of the country you live in? what countries have you visited? i have been to mexico, great britan, wales, scotland, ireland, switzerland, italy, norway, belgium, france, the czech republic, the netherlands (or is it holland? tina?) and canada (for less than a day.. i got deported.. but that is a story for another day!) and soon to add jamaica to the list. yay for travel.

xo. janetha b.

62 Comments leave one →
  1. January 4, 2010 8:31 pm

    Sounds like you’re quite the traveller! I really hope he can get his passport soon, that’s so bizarre!
    My fave songs for cardio are definitely: shakira, britney, lil wayne, lady gaga, (basically high pulse hits), house/electronica/dance music, and I LOVE the sounds too!!
    As for countries I’ve visited: UK, Belgium,Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, India, Japan, Singapore, China, and of course the US…my family travels a lot since my dad’s family is all in Finland & Sweden and my mom’s in Saudi Arabia (and I’ve lived in Dubai/London/California).
    PS…your “fettucine” alfredo looks divine…those chicken meatballs look like they’d be a useful staple in my kitchen when I go back to school next week!

  2. January 4, 2010 8:31 pm

    ooh I love The Sounds! So fun. I like working out to Modest Mouse, Bayside and Thursday.

    I will think about you and Marshall lots and lots. I hope he gets his passport in time. I’m sure he will.

    I need to check out my costco for those meatballs. That’s a great way to incorporate some more protein into your life.

  3. January 4, 2010 8:36 pm

    hey janetha! lovin your eats!! what kind of fake pasta is that? gona try that treadmill workout tommo girl!

  4. January 4, 2010 8:43 pm

    I want to find those meatballs. NOW! I need protein sources in my life! I’m so bored :(

    1. my current cardio choice is lady gaga, but i know that’s totally a personal preference ;) Muse and Mutemath have some great stuff too.

    2. I’ve been lucky enough to have visited, Mexico, France, Italy, and Switzerland. My favorite being France..I can’t wait to go back!!

  5. January 4, 2010 8:43 pm

    First things first, there are places that can help you get through passport rigamarole like this but you pay for it. Let me know if he still is having problems in a week or so.

    But more importantly, OMG I have a piranha chomping on MY uterus and not only that, I was lucky enough to get a visit from Aunt Flo not once, but TWICE this month. Super fun!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    PS Dinner looked majorly awesome!

  6. January 4, 2010 8:44 pm

    OH and I will definitely be thinking about Marshall’s situation…I’m sure it will work out, try not to get too stressed!

  7. Lindsay permalink
    January 4, 2010 8:45 pm

    Good luck resolving those passport issues with Marshall!! I know what it feels like to have a trip coming up soon and you’re still anxiously awaiting a passport….
    Sounds like a great day of eats and awesome workout!

  8. mom permalink
    January 4, 2010 8:48 pm

    Whew I’m beat just reading this!! But SO proud of you. I have a few goals pretty easy but they will make a difference.
    1+ gal of water I’m almost there (and will probably be up all night!)
    No cheats except for my free day so far so good! (Dad’s eating a bowl of ice cream grrr!)
    Take photos and measure (tom morning)
    I have been to Spain, Italy, London, Switzerland (for a minute haha), Mexico, Jamaica, St Thomas, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama
    Haha you don’t want to know what’s on my ipod I am so old school!!
    Can’t wait to try the chicken meat balls, and prayers are being said.
    Love you!

  9. January 4, 2010 8:56 pm

    Wow, I love all of your meals and moves! Looks like such fun!
    I don’t listen to music when I run outside, but when I do the elliptical, or run on the treadmill, I like music I wouldn’t normally listen to, but is really upbeat, like lady gaga, sum41, black eyed peas, etc…

    and wow, you have really been quite the world traveler! I’ve only been to mexico for a mission trip once, but my family is planning a trip to Sicily to visit family this summer so I’m super excited about that!

  10. January 4, 2010 8:59 pm

    Girl. Your eats look great for today!
    Hope everything works out with Marshall and his passport!!

  11. January 4, 2010 9:02 pm

    How ironic, I was just going to ask for running playlists on WBL. I need some new tunes… badly

  12. January 4, 2010 9:19 pm

    Oh those meatballs look sooooo good. I just bought 2 others by the same brand – Buffalo chicken and Cranberry Jalapeno. But neither have as good of stats as those!

    1. I just love to listen to my fave country songs so I can zone out and just sing to my music.

    2. I’ve been to London, Pairs & Mexico. All fantastic trips!

  13. January 4, 2010 9:42 pm

    Wait what, deported??!? I HAVE to hear that story! Glad I’m not the only one who gets cramps (don’t know if mine are “piranha” bad) and is sick of her playlist.

    I’ve been to Mexico, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria & Honduras. Right now I’m on a kick to see more of the US, there’s so much to see!

  14. January 4, 2010 9:48 pm

    I hope you can resolve the passport issues for Marshall in time. What an unnecessary, stupid and stressful situation. I once had my purse stolen and it took me over a month to get a new license. I’m not a citizen. I’m a “legal” alien with a green card and apparently this freaks people out. I honestly can’t tell you why I haven’t gotten my citizenship yet, I just keep putting it off. I was born in Hungary. :)

    Well, I was born in Hungary so I’ve clearly been there. I also lived in Germany for 2 years when I was a kid and I’ve been to Canada a few times. However, I haven’t even been out of the State in almost 5 years though. BAH! This year will include a vacation, DAMN IT!

  15. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce permalink
    January 4, 2010 9:55 pm

    2 egg whites? are those ostrich eggs by any chance? i’ve been to vietnam, hong kong, singapore, and taiwan, yet i’ve never been to mexico or canada. go figure!

  16. January 4, 2010 11:23 pm

    @Jenngirl – LOVE me some Muse when running! I once fell off the treadmill when I got cocky and threw in a little shimmy-shimmy to the beat. I also love old Moby, Faithless, and weirdly, Nick Cave.

    I hope Marshall is able to rustle up all the appropriate paperwork. I’m crossing my fingers for you both!

  17. January 4, 2010 11:26 pm

    Chai protein shake! I’m so there! I used to put some chai mix in my vanilla whey, and it was so good but I ran out of the mix and can’t find it anywhere. Sad day. I can’t wait for your recipe!

  18. January 4, 2010 11:35 pm

    the bag ‘o’ berries looks delish!
    the passport situation..well, hate to say this but when I legally changed my name to Averie and also changed Skylar’s last name to match my new last name (I have a great hubs who let me do that and didnt try to keep his name on her!) but the whole thing from walking into passport office to new passports showing up in mailbox took about 16-18 days. Total. So girl, I would say use an agency to help you. Google stuff, get resourceful. They are REALLY strict about things and sometimes are just anal to be anal and you drew the unlucky anal card on this one, so just work thru it and be super proactive!

  19. January 5, 2010 12:38 am

    Oh man, I hope Marshall gets his passport or you’ll have to find some other young stud to go with- kidding!

    Wow, didn’t realize you’d traveled so much! I have too, very lucky. I have not been to less “comfortable” travel locales such as Africa, Most of Asia & India & South America. I need to toughen up and do it.

    Good job on day 1 and for having the popcorn. I don’t like hearing that you were weak though.

  20. January 5, 2010 3:33 am

    What a good start to your fitness regime, I hope you get the passport sorted what a nightmare! I’ve only ever been to Europe- Barcelona (lived here!) France, Prague, Tenerife, oh and Ireland my mama and little sister live here!

    I have so many favorite songs to work out to but here are a couple of all time favs:

    Hot chip ready for the floor –


    Dizzie Rascal holiday –

    you should totally check these out x x

  21. January 5, 2010 4:01 am

    dang girl! you are amazing, have I told you this before/ i just read this post word for word, i am just so intrigued byt your little plan you have going on here and it has motivated me to clean up my diet a bit! I am cutting back on the carbs at night and also nut butters to 1 serving a day. I know I could shed a few lbs, nothing that I am worried about or care TOO much about, but you have just motivated me to get my butt in gear!

    I printed out your treadmill routine and am doing it this morning!

    those chicken meatballs sound fantastic! I need to scope those out next time I go to BJs.

    I LOVE traveling! i have been to Israel (3 times) mexico, Dominican rebublic, st lucia, st kitts, costa rica, canada, london, puerto rico, paris, probably a few more I cant think righht now lol

    I hope everything gets squared away with marshall and he is able to go!

    OH and songs, I love anything upbeat, techno, eletronica (space cowboy, assemblage 23, imperitive reaction, basshunter, rocco & Bass T, Marc Korn, Lady gaga) to name a few
    <3 yoU!

  22. January 5, 2010 4:43 am

    I need a good 60-75 minutes of music on my iPod because I always skip some songs. They have to be upbeat so I can move to the beat!! :)

  23. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    January 5, 2010 5:07 am

    Bummer about Marshall’s passport! Hope it all works out in time for your trip!

    I love working out to pop and dance music. I need to have something upeat.

    As for foreign countries, I’m been to France and Italy.

  24. January 5, 2010 5:16 am

    Oh no!!! Hope you guys can get the passport thing figured out asap! :( You definitely don’t need any stress going into a tropical paradise.

    I AM IN LOVE WITH THE SONG “What You Say” to work out to right now!

    I have been to England, Mexico, Jamaica, Canada, and we are going to Italy, Greece and SPain this spring!

    Have a wonderful day my lovely Janetha! :)

  25. January 5, 2010 5:27 am

    I actually just watch TV while working out. When I do listen to music it helps alot.

    I’ve been to all sort of places. Nothing cool like Europe or anything :)

    Those are some salty balls. May want to nix the sodium the week prior to vacation!

  26. January 5, 2010 6:01 am

    Awesome post- inspired me to put down my morning tea and get to my ab workout right after this post!

    Songs- I cant get enough of the black eyed peas and madonna on runs- The Black Eyed Peas “Where is the Love” gets me going when I think I am going to give up. It is funny that music for me to workout to is pretty different than music to listen to at my house.

    Travel- Costa Rica, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada (I lived there), Hawaii (I lived there too) England, France, Finland, Estonia, Africa (Cameroon), Panama- I love to travel and will go about anywhere- I get itchy to travel all the time.

    Very smart to pay the money to expedite- a person will stand in the passport line for him- I used a company to do this and it worked out very well for me! I think it is gonna work out fine for you too and you will be off to Jamaica just as planned!

  27. January 5, 2010 6:32 am

    Ugh that passport sitch sucks. I hope he gets it!!

    I LOVE the pasta, may have to steal it!!

    1. I love really upbeat songs- a lot of Black Eyed Peas, some of my favorite mid-70’s punk rock, stuff that gets me MOVING!

    2. I have been to England, Ireland (2 weeks), Italy (6 weeks!), Canada (8 times!) and soon to move to the Great North, aka Canada… but you already knew that =)


  28. January 5, 2010 6:49 am

    Wow, those meatballs look delish! As does everything, really. :-)

  29. January 5, 2010 7:09 am

    OMG, I LOVE that dinner! I must recreate ASAP! I actually think Geoff would love it as well. Awesome idea.

    1. I have a full range from soul to 80s to modern pop. Variety is the spice of life.
    2. I have been to Ireland, Austria, Hungary and Belize.

    My good friend in DC has a connection with the passport agency and can work to get you an expedited passport for Marshall in like 2-3 days if you end up needing it. Just let me know and I can see what I can do to make it happen :)

  30. LindsayRuns permalink
    January 5, 2010 7:15 am

    That is an awesome first day!
    I love listening to oldies occassionally, it’s fun!

    I’ve been to Costa Rica, Mexico, France, Belgium, Amsterdam, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Sweden. SOOO much fun, we almost went to Spain last year but bailed for personal reasons…I want to travel again so bad!

  31. January 5, 2010 7:17 am

    Can I steal everything you eat?? Seriously! I’m making that pasta pronto!

  32. eatolive permalink
    January 5, 2010 7:43 am

    thaaaat is crazay! don’t they know you have a trip to go on!!!? geebus! i certainly hope he gets his passport in time!! i’ll pray for you! :) keep us updated on that for sure!

    i want to recreat that fettucine. it looks amaze. x ten.

    songs i use for cardio (used to be my running songs) are … bleed it out, bombs over baghdad (makes me go fast and hard on the cybex arc trainer!, twss?), til i collapse, remember the name, and anything that will push me through ;)

  33. January 5, 2010 7:47 am

    Great job with day 1!!!!!!!!!! Sending good vibes for Marshall- sounds REALLY stressful. My step-mom is going through similar hassle with passports after hers was stolen when they were in Italy. Sucks.

    1. what are some of your favorite songs to listen to while doing cardio? I just have Jillian Michaels screaming at me. LOL.

    2. have you traveled outside of the country you live in? what countries have you visited? I did nt know you had been to SCOTLAND! When are you coming back?!!!!!! I have been to Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Dubai.

  34. Emily permalink
    January 5, 2010 7:57 am

    1. I like anything from the Scrubs or Bones soundtracks, so uplifting!!!
    2. Since I grew up on an island, the continental US felt exotic to me! But I’ve also been to Canada, the British Virgin Islands, the Bahamas, and St. Martin.

    P.S. I gave you a blog award –

  35. January 5, 2010 8:07 am

    Holy shmoly, that plate of eggs looks so tasty but 2 egg whites? Hm. I wonder if their cooks can count ;)

    LOVE that alfredo!! Sorry about the passport headache. I do know they have gotten stricter (if you want that story, just email me) but the stuff they’re having you guys do sound rediculous.

    I’ve been to Italy, Canada (duh, I could spit on Canada from my house), Czech Republic, Amsterdam (for a day but it still counts), and France. I want to hear the deportation story!

  36. January 5, 2010 8:21 am

    Ah! I can’t believe you like Matt&Kim, I saw them when they opened for Cut Copy a while back… so there’s some other music you might like. And Jay-Z. And Wayne… I love laughing at his lyrics while I’m sweating bullets.

    I just noticed we have the same page layout. Good taste ;)

  37. January 5, 2010 8:25 am

    looks like a great! I’m just catching up on everything and I loved all the recap posts :)

    Happy 2010 girl!

  38. Ashley permalink
    January 5, 2010 8:57 am

    Janetha, you are my new favorite blogger. You said sucks balls. I love you!

    The whole new Breaking Ben “Dear Agony” is fantastic to workout too. I powerwalk though. I’d probably need something faster to run too.

    I’ve only ever been to Mexico and that’s when I was 7. Doesn’t look like I’ll ever be able to visit out the country at this rate. I’m too damn poor.

  39. January 5, 2010 9:34 am

    I love how upbeat my foodie friends are! You are all such an inspy. Will DEF pray for Marshall’s passport, that’s horrid.

    I don’t listen to music unless I plan on singing along, showtunes or metal. (Awkward combo, no?) I watch the TV at the gym or stare into space and get lost in my head, which is a GOOD thing because I’m a novelist and I work out a lot of my writing when I get to zone out like that.

    I’ve been to Canada and Kenya, and I’ve been in Heathrow Airport but only for a layover, didn’t get to go explore Britain or anything (which seems rather silly with my last name)! I’d love to spend time in Europe and Asia, and go back to Africa, but we don’t get to travel much.

  40. January 5, 2010 9:40 am

    Ugh, I am crossing my fingers and saying my prayers for Marshall’s passport. That sucks…Good luck with the training and I can’t wait to see this Chai protein shake thang.

  41. January 5, 2010 10:07 am

    I’ve been to Italy, Mexico, and many places in the US!

  42. January 5, 2010 10:40 am

    i successfully got my visa for thailand in 4 days, which is unheard of. all you need to do is go in for marshall and flirt your way in. works every time.

    im praying and crossing fingers and everythang for marshall’s passport.

    congrats on day 1…you are going to look smokin’ come jamaican time my lady! hope you got to relax last night – i hate those days where before you know it, its bedtime then you get up to do it all over again. i take that back. sometimes i like them if i have accomplished a lot.

    travel…love. obvs. england, wales, scotland, france, austria, germany, italy, spain, australia, thailand, laos, cambodia, china, vatican city (it is in fact its own entity)…next up canada, argentina or england (for the 3rd time…love it).

    and LOVE YOU!

    happy day!

  43. January 5, 2010 10:44 am

    I used to go to this pizza place all the time and would just order a salad (with no green olives) and one time I decided to order the salad with a slice of pizza and the people at the counter were SO confused!

    Hope Marshall’s passport problem works out.

  44. January 5, 2010 10:44 am

    dinner looks fab! I love laughing cow for my cheese fixes! Good luck with the passport. Fingers crossed!

  45. julie permalink
    January 5, 2010 11:06 am

    ugh that IS stressful! if worse comes to worse just bundle him up in a big suitcase and bring him that way. haha that’s horrible julie.

    yessssssssssssss for popcorn one last time! i AM a proud mama bear.

    for real i hate when you’re (not you, me) like halfway through a workout and you can hear your stomach over your music. that’s always the most annoying thing in the world to me :)

    have a great day girly!!

  46. January 5, 2010 11:22 am

    great workout! Sorry you had massive cramps=/ I always hate that! feel better soon! What an awesome travel list! Ive been to Mexico, about 8 countries in Europe and all over the US! I love to travel and I cant wait to expand that list and see more!

    As for workout jams, I love really upbeat music. Really gets the blood flowing. Right now I really like Tik Tok by Ke$ha….the lyrics are so dumb but its catchy and has a good beat I can zone out and concentrate to. Have a wonderful day!!

  47. cathy permalink
    January 5, 2010 12:11 pm

    That so sucks about the passport, but my fingers are crossed it will get worked out in time. I HAVE to have upbeat music while working out. I like Pitbull, DJ Laz, Nelly, Britney Spears or kick your ass music like Limp Bizkit. I’ve been to Jamaica (LOVED) and grand Cayman ehhhh.

  48. January 5, 2010 12:47 pm

    oh no! sorry to hear about the passport issues. my friend is in brazil right now with her BF and they had last minute snafus too…but it all worked out! it cost a little extra but it was worth it and im sure you guys will make it happen!!!

    new music is definitely key…i added some new songs on sunday night and it was such a pleasant surprise for my return to the gym. definitely speed up when an awesome song comes on!!

  49. January 5, 2010 1:12 pm

    Sounds like you got TONS accomplished. That’s one kick ass work out, too. I plan on doing HIIT and abs today too.
    Oh man, I just said a little prayer to the Passport gods for Marshall. I’m sure everything will work out, but can def. see how you’d be anxious about it.

  50. Cicily permalink
    January 5, 2010 2:05 pm

    I love Matt and Kim! I recently downloaded the new Shakira CD, “She Wolf”. Love it! I didn’t think I would like it, but she has some serious beats. Great to run to. I’ve never been out of the country. I flew over Canada to get to Alaska. Does that count? Good luck with the passport.

  51. January 5, 2010 2:05 pm

    I can’t wait to try some of those recipes. I’m really getting tired of eggs and chicken breast!

  52. January 5, 2010 4:06 pm

    Do you live near a passport office? I suppose it’s completely different in the U.S, but my city has the only passport office in my province, and doing everything in person makes it SO much easier. And there isn’t all of the delays of mailing everything in.

    Also, I always eat my “string cheese” by chomping right into it. Food is too yummy to be played with ;)

    1. LOVE Metric!!! I’ve seen them play a bunch of times (yay Canadian bands!) I’ve been listening to a lot of Mute Math, Modest Mouse, Bloc Party and Death From Above 1979 while working out lately. But it’s time I update too (your Hush Sound suggestion btw was spot on!)

    2. I’ve been to the U.S, Mexico, Cuba (twice), Jamaica, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and France. I still have to send you an e-mail about Jamaica, I WILL do that!! Or maybe do a Flashback Friday on the trip?

  53. Tina permalink
    January 5, 2010 4:38 pm

    My first monday was crap! Almost FML-material (seriously, thank you for that tip, Janetha, I go there everyday to laugh my ass off at others’ misfortune), but I’ll blog about it in the next post.

    I’m glad you had a good day though!

    1. I LOVE running to Alice Deejay’s
    2. Haha, you said it right: it’s the Netherlands, officially. But people (including yours truly) falsely call it Holland sometimes, to get a bit geo-historical on you: there is a province in the Netherlands called Holland. This is in the west, it includes Amsterdam and Rotterdam, which is basically where all the trading was happening. That is why internationally it is known as Holland sometimes, because that’s where the merchants were. But when the Dutch say “Holland” they mean the province in the west (while speaking Dutch that is).
    But to answer your question… lived in: Bulgaria, England, Switzerland and the Netherlands, been to: Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain (I don’t think I missed anything…but I”m not sure :P)

    P.S. I hope the passport thing worksout, I hate it when you get bureaucratic bullshit to deal with

  54. Tracey permalink
    January 5, 2010 4:41 pm

    Love the “food porn” as of late! Please put the Alfredo recipe up asap!!! I too have started getting back to a good exercise and eating routine,your food ideas always inspire me:)

  55. January 5, 2010 4:58 pm

    on the real, J, you should definitely be the spokeswoman for laughing cow. You’re recipes as of late have been PHENOM!

    ughhh, so sorry about the passport sitch. Gotta hate bureaucracies! (p.s. that word is a boetch to spell) Hope everything gets figured out for ya, sweetums!


  56. hayleycepeda permalink
    January 5, 2010 8:47 pm

    You’re doing awesome on your challenge so far! Your meals look very healthy and well-balanced. I LOVE your faux spaghetti and chicken balls (??) dish!

    Countries I’ve visited: Saudi Arabia (born there), Egypt, Japan, England, Wales (family and grandparents from there!) France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Bahamas, Belize…perhaps more but my brain is fried.

  57. Lynn at The Actors Diet permalink
    January 5, 2010 9:48 pm

    one song that really gets me moving is “defcon” by “supersystem.” you should listen to it sometime – i always feel kinda weird, though, b/c two of my ex boyfriends are in that band…

  58. lowandbhold permalink
    January 6, 2010 9:22 am

    Oh no! I really hope things work out with Marshal’s passport. Things like that are such a huge pain!!!

    1. I’m not going to lie, I usually listen to hard core rap on during cardio – it’s the only thing that keeps me moving. But during ST or maybe lighter cardio I’ll just put the iPod on shuffle and listen to whatever.
    2. I’ve only been to Mexico (three times) and the Bahamas, but I hope to go lots more places in the future.

  59. January 6, 2010 10:56 am

    When we went to Jamaica, circa 2007, we had to get our passports expedited too. I remember getting my passport photo taken on a day I was sick. Blech.

    Loove your faux noodles (and did you catch it? You made a pun! You ate meatballs, and said your lighting sucked balls!) hehe

    Congrats on your first day, only hope the passport thing gets worked out.

    And Janetha, to be honest I sort of figured we ended the e-mail chain. Baha, I let e-mails go untouched for a long time too, so no worries! Just glad you’re enjoying my posts. And I would agree, I would totally dig meeting you too! 2010 is gonna be big with blogger meet ups, I can feeeel it. :)


  1. ABC. « meals & moves
  2. Faux Post « Eat.Move.Love.
  3. twelve giveaways of christmas. « meals & moves

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