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flashback friday round ten.

October 23, 2009

pardon my absence last night.  would you believe me if i told you i went to bed at 6 PM?  well, you better believe it.. because that is what i did.

right before i left work this is what i wrote on twitter:


sure enough.. i got home.. curled up into the fetal position.. decided to take “just a little nap” and woke up around 10 PM with text messages, missed calls and voice mails flashing red on the blackberry curve.  sorry life, i was sleeping.

i have to send a daily sales total every night.. and i have to talk to my boyfriend every night.. so i took care of those two items of business and went back to bed.  i only woke up one other time, at 1:45 AM when my roommates got home.. but i easily drifted back to sleep and didn’t awake again until 6:40 AM.

yes, that is over 12 solid hours of sleep glorious sleep.  and no blog post. and no blog reading. yes, i am behind.. but at least i am rested. i am sure you all understand.


let’s have some weight issues ramble time, shall we?


i feel incredibly sluggish from not working out in OVER A WEEK.  but obviously my body needed the sleep and it is trying to get better.  i think my health is more important than my muscle growth and fat loss right now.

speaking of fat loss.. i went to the doctor yesterday.  hmm, that transition didn’t make much sense, did it?  well what i am getting at is that i had to see my weight yesterday.  i hate that part of going to the doctor.  having to step on the scale. it gives me anxiety.. i hate having to see what i weigh because i fear that the number will be too high and determine my mood for the rest of my day.. week.. month.. life.  you get the idea.

before yesterday, i hadn’t weighed myself since august.. when i had that freak-out moment and wallowed in self pity and talked about it here on the blog. before august, i hadn’t weighed myself since march.  and the number was not my favorite in march.. but it was one i could live with.  in august, however, the number was not one i could live with. it was disgustingly high, my clothes did not fit and i was already depressed BEFORE seeing that number on the scale. seeing the number just made it that much worse.

so i did something about it. and i have been doing something about it since then.. but i have not stepped on a scale because i did not want the number to dictate my mood.  i refuse to let a number take control and make me depressed.  so i chose to just do what i needed to do.. exercise regularly, eat the right amount of food, drink a gallon of water a day and be persistent.  and stay off the scale.. because honestly, i was feeling good. good about my healthy habits and good about the fact that my clothes were starting to fit again.

guess what? when i got on the scale at the doc yesterday i discovered that i am back to my march weight.  which is just 7 pounds away from “that certain number” that i am aiming for. my feel great weight, if you will.  i have not been weighing myself these past couple months and i have steadily lost weight.. i am about 6 pounds down from my freak-out moment weight.

by the way, “that certain number” is still about 8 pounds higher than my lowest weight~which is what i was at the end of my first body for life challenge in the photos on this page.  yeah, i was a lean, mean muscle machine last november.. but it was from die hard weight lifting and super strict eating.  it was awesome for the 12 weeks that i did it, but not something i wanted to do for a lifetime.  after the 2008 holidays were over i ended up around 120 lbs and decided that is where i felt happiest. my “skinny” clothes still fit and i was not being too hard on myself when it came to exercise and clean eating. it was the perfect balance and the perfect weight, for me.

i just wanted to share this with you all and say throw your scales away.  coming from a girl who used to weigh herself every morning like clockwork.. it isn’t worth the feeling that little (or big) number can give you.  it is CRAZY how much control one three digit number can have over your mood. i am sure a lot of you know what i mean.  i am so happy i am no longer a slave to the scale and that i have let the way i FEEL determine my mood.. not the amount i weigh. because in the long run.. who cares what that number is? if i feel good, healthy and strong then i am on the right track.  if i feel chubby, don’t fit into my clothes and am being lazy then i know something has to change.

this way, if i am on the right track, making healthy choices, slowly losing or maintaining.. i can stay happy.  where as before, when i was addicted to the scale, if i was on the right track and happened to step on the scale to see a GAIN.. i would just think all my hard work was for nothing and get all sorts of depressed.  but guess what? sometimes i weigh more. some days there is more water weight. and even though i am on the right track in the grand scheme of things.. that 3 digit number being higher can make me feel like a complete failure. so i would much rather go off of how i am feeling and not a number.

peace out scale.. see you at the doctor’s office next time i am sick.


so.. yeah, still sick. the doctor made me wear a mask during my appointment.  i have the flu.. but not the swine flu.  eats were lame yesterday.. as i was just not that hungry.


meal 1: luna bar @ 11:00 AM

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this is by far my favorite bar.  i don’t really like bars that have chocolate in them.  unfortunately, this doesn’t have much protein and it doesn’t keep me full for long.  but it is still delish!

meal 2: grilled turkey + cheese & cup of tomato soup @ 1:15 PM


marshall and i went to the soup kitchen. SLC girls.. i sure hope you frequent this place on the regular.. it is the best soup place ever!IMG_7286

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this is my favorite soup in the entire world. i am not exaggerating. and you get all the breadsticks you want.. for free. i had a wheat one.

i added turkey to the standard grilled cheese to up my protein intake.  i also asked for wheat bread and didn’t get it. i was too sick, tired, hungry, etc. to send it back. sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches.IMG_7290 IMG_7292 IMG_7294

i was really busy at work all afternoon and then i went to bed at 6.. so i didn’t eat anything else!  the downside was that i didn’t drink much water.  and when i don’t drink enough water i get a UTI.  without fail.  i have gotten them chronically since the age of 3 or 4.  the only way to keep myself from getting one is to drink high volumes of water.. and when i don’t, i can plan on having a UTI.  this was another reason i curled up in a ball and went to bed at 6 PM. ugh, thanks a lot defective bladder.


time for flashback friday! wow! i can’t believe this is round 10.  stellar.  as i mentioned in my last post, i got miss penelope jane a year ago!  i thought today would be a perfect time to flashback to the night i picked her up from the airport and the first couple days i had my little bean.

i purchased penelope from a breeder in PA. i was going to get a pure bred entlebucher but they are $1200.. and my roommate found penelope’s litter for $450 per pup.  the breeder stated that she was not sure if the pups were pure bred or if they were mixed with a cavalier as her female entlebucher had gotten pregnant on accident.  i didn’t care if i had a pure bred dog or not so i decided to purchase a female pup. here is the only photo i saw before buying her:


i die. so cute.

anyway, i just realized that the whole store is here on my other blog! so i am going to be a slacker and copy and paste some of this!

“monday night i got a call from the breeder. a crazy coincidence had occurred! a man called the breeder, bonnie, wanting a male pup. penny’s brother. well, wouldn’t you know it? he lives in SLC! what are the chances?! so she made quick arrangements for her brother to be shipped in the same crate as penny. bonnie had never shipped to SLC before and now she was shipping 2 pups at once.. spooky. the best part about this is she was able to make the long flight with her brother in the crate with her, which made me feel very good. also, her brother lives here and they can check in with each other! one last perk was the shipping rate was the same for one or two pups, so i was able to collect half the shipping back from the man getting the male pup. that was nice.

i spoke with the man on the phone regarding meeting at the airport. he said my name right, and he did not act surprised when he heard it, as most people do. i always get a remark.. “that is an interesting name” or “wow i have never heard that”…instead he said, “i had a patient named janetha, i am an optometrist.” um.. ok.. never in my 25 years has anyone told me they have heard my name let alone known another janetha. weird.

when we pulled up to the airport parking lot, marshall and i saw 3 people walking inside with a camera and clapping their hands. gee i wonder if they were there to get a puppy??? yeah, they were. we got to talking with them and when i asked what the janetha’s last name was who he knew, he said hancock! that is the very person i was named after! ok, this was weird. i was named after a friend of my parents… who he knew from his practice.. and now we were both getting puppies. and he thought janetha was a normal name. haha. awesome.

we waited anxiously, the flight landed at 9:34 and we didnt see the pups til about ten after. the anticipation was literally killing me!! when they finally arrived in a small crate on the unusual sized baggage claim, i was sooo excited! i pulled them out of the crate, first the male (they named him kramer) and handed him off, and then marshall took a couple snapshots of penelope before pulling her from the crate. she was SO SO SO little.. way littler than expected! what a doll. her brother was just as adorable.”

so isn’t that nuts that the guy getting the male pup knew the woman i was named after? it is SUCH a small world we live in! i love small world experiences.

here are the photos from the airport. she was SO TINY!!

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we took her home to meet randy. he instantly clobbered her with his slobbery kisses :) look at the expression on her face. priceless!


instant buddies! randy loves his little sister.


she peed all over my bed the first night.. didn’t feel guilty about it either..this photo was taken immediately after i tore the sheets off my mattress.


the next day i took work off so i could spend time with my new little baby and let her meet nana sue.  the random thing is, i am wearing that same olive green hoodie today! weeeird!


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we had a long day of shopping and playing.. and penelope climbed up on the back of my neck in the car and fell asleep just like this! so hilarious!


she is silly.  another funny thing she did that day was freak out when i put her collar with her name tag around her neck.  here is a video of her trying to get the name tag..

oh.. miss penelope jane. i don’t know how i ever lived without her!

october 21, 2008:


october 21, 2009:

10-21-09 053

sweet as ever.


well that wraps up flashback friday round 10! did you participate? i wouldn’t know because my reader is up past a million. sorry. let me know and i will link back and hopefully catch up with you all soon!

but not tonight, because tonight is my brother & SIL’s annual halloween partaaaay!

here is a flashback photo from last year.. the bee, the lady bug and master shake.. ha.


this year we will be leaving penelope at home with her brother.. and we have a goofy couples costume planned. stay tuned.

i am also going to start moving stuff over to my new house this weekend so i am sure a lot of my time will be occupied with that. sorry for being such a crappy blog friend lately.. i can’t wait to be situated in my new house and healthy so things can be back to normal!


1. what is your favorite bar? how long, on average, do bars keep you full? like i said my fave is the nuts & cranberry luna bar.. but i am lucky if it keeps me full for any longer than 2 hours!

2. what are your thoughts on using a scale? hate it? love it? hate it but use it anyway? i am no longer addicted to weighing myself and i couldn’t be happier about it. but i know that some people are just fine with weighing themselves once a week or on a regular basis. it changes my mood too much so i did away with the scale! what about you?


xo. janetha b.

p.s. don’t forget my mini food processor giveaway ends tonight at midnight!

55 Comments leave one →
  1. October 23, 2009 2:56 pm

    janetha love! ahhh i hope you continue to feel better – hopefully the fun weekend should have you back in tip top shape in no time.

    OMG she is the cutest puppy! i can see why you couldn’t resist this ball of love.

    i am COMPLETELY WITH YOU on the scale. i used to freak out if i was up like 2 pounds, letting it dictate my mood and that is NOT okay. once i ditched the scale, i was so much happier and since my clothes still fit, i imagine my weight hasn’t shifted much either.

    love youuuuuuuuuuuu

  2. October 23, 2009 2:58 pm

    I am 200% with you on the scale issue. I absolutely hate having to face that number and would prefer it not dictate my mood for the rest of the…month? But I’ve also noticed that it does act as a force to push me back on track a little more and splurge a little bit less. I still have my scale and it’s collecting dust in the corner of my bathroom. Still not sure if I’m in denial or if I just don’t believe in scales anymore. Hehehe

    My favorite bar…that’s a tough one. To keep me fuller longer, Odwalla super protein. I like blueberry Zbars for a snack. And I love the Luna white chocolate macadamia before a work out, but flavor-wise, I like Nature’s path organic pumpkin flax bars. They’re like…candy bars. It’s crazy.

    Have a fabulous weekend Janetha!! And thank you for sharing your thoughts on the scale, glad to know there’s someone out there who has the exact same thoughts as me!!

  3. October 23, 2009 3:18 pm

    I’m a scale junkie. I HAVE to use it or I get carried away…it keeps me in check.

    I don’t eat Luna Bars although I have had one or two. Not sure what flavor but it was yummy!

  4. October 23, 2009 3:19 pm

    I agree with you about the scale. there was a period a few years ago where i tossed my scale b/c i was so pissed. i had lost weight and was shockingly fitting into pants that I thought I still had 10more lbs to go to fit into. so i said eff it and thre wit away and with it went my good habits and I fell off the wagon and gained more. sigh vicious cycle – so i sucked it up and bought one late last year after the wedding – but i dont weigh daily. i weigh every week or every 2 weeks when I want to try to keep on track w/ things

  5. October 23, 2009 3:21 pm

    I mean – can I just say – Penny never stops melting my heart – she is just too precious! :) Loved hearing the full story! And Lando does the same thing with her tag – silly dogs!

    Nice job on the weight lady! :) Keep up the great work!

  6. October 23, 2009 3:22 pm

    She might have been the cutest puppy ever! She’s still adorable but that little puppy face! Love it!

    My Mom’s name is Sue too. I always call her Nana Sue when she’s around Bailey and Chief. She just rolls her eyes at me!

    Bailey was a ladybug last year too! Love it!

    My favorite bar is probably the macademia Kind bar. It keeps me full for about two hours. Not great but not a terrible snack.

    I have a love/hate relationship with the scale. On one hand, I like to see where I’m at. On the other hand it’s so easy to get wrapped up in that number and let it change the whole day.

    Have fun tonight! I can’t wait to see pics!

  7. October 23, 2009 3:23 pm

    Amen sista!! A-men.

    I only occasionally (very very rarely) weigh myself if I go home since I don’t have a scale here at school. I used to be obsessed, and it would make me depressed if I stepped on it. I can generally tell what my weight is by how I look and how my clothes fit. It was a long journey to get here, but here I am! It very well might’ve been handy to have a scale during the 1-2 months in which I drastically gained 12 pounds. Seeing the slow increase probably would’ve halted me in my tracks, and it wouldn’t have gotten to be such a big number. But what’d done is done, and now I really hate the scale!

    As for bars – I eat them for convenience, but they really only satisfy me for 1-2 hours, no matter what the calories!

  8. October 23, 2009 4:21 pm

    honey I hope you don’t mind but I opted to forego reading your weight issue ramblings.. I’m at times easily triggered. Hope you understand :(

    okay, lamefest over! 1st of all, has it seriously been 10 weeks since you started FBFs?! redic! I am in love with this sweet and special tribute to dear penelope.. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside

    I kid you not, I was SO close to being a bumble bee last year — then I opted to be hermoine granger instead.. tough call!

    1. zbars are my favs but never keep me full. The regular clifs are much better for satiety.
    2. no scale para mi! brings nothing but woes!

  9. October 23, 2009 4:22 pm

    Hope you are feeling better, keep eating that yummy soup and sandwich combo, that looked so good!

    What an adorable puppy! I’m not *really* a dog person but I have a soft spot for any baby. It’s when they grow up that I get bummed….my cats aren’t nearly as cute to me as they used to be.

    1) I love clif bars and larabars but I usually consider them “treats” since they never keep me full like a meal does. I’m actually about to dig into a larabar right now for Cookie Friday!

    2) I weigh myself on the first of every month. Sometimes more if I think I’ve gone overboard. Then I determine if I need to adjust my habits in order to maintain my “happy weight.”

  10. October 23, 2009 4:52 pm

    Hey there loves, hope you are feeling better. Being ill is the worst, but I am glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself and not pushing it. Good for you! Trust me, you are doing the right thing.
    Okay first of all CONGRATS on a great experience with the scale at the doc.’s office. I tell ya, I swear those things are rigged though. They have to be at least 5 lbs off (towards to higher number!)
    You rock for having the most commendable attitude towards the scale issue. Truly, your stunning beauty is beyond any insignificant number. And trust me girl, you’ve got it going on in more ways than one! ;)
    Feel better soon!!! :)

  11. October 23, 2009 5:22 pm

    OMG this is my favorite flashback Friday yet!!! I HEART Penny so much!!!! She was the cutest little baby :)

    I really am jealous of your scale freedom. I am 100% addicted to the scale and it does affect my mood. It has made my body for life challenge that much harder because as I see the numbers stay stagnant (and even go up) I am getting so STINKING frustrated! The logical side of me knows I am gaining muscle. The emotional side says “this stupid program isn’t working. I should go back to being a cardio queen and subsisting on 1200 calories.”

    How did you first break out of the weighing habit? I really should toss it out, but I feel like I need some hard numbers to track my challenge…

    Anyway feel better babe…don’t worry about your reader! Blog comments take a back seat to getting better!

  12. October 23, 2009 5:48 pm

    Hey Girl, yes, every single woman on earth has had her day gone wrong b/c of the number on the scale. Not just ones with eating dis or dis eating…but every woman. I would love to meet a singular woman who’s never had a bad day b/c she didnt like the number on the scale. They dont exist. We live in a culture where thin in rewarded, period. And so when one is not feeling thin, they ain’t feeling rewarded. I think it’s universal that at some point in life, we’ve all been there. Some people more frequently than others where the scale totally messes them up not just for the day but for a decade. Consider yourself fortunte in that regard and btw, you’re a hotass bitch so dont let the scale mess with ya, but I know, easier said than done :)

    You in the bumble bee costume…too awesome!

    And I posted a doggie pic for my FBF pic this week, too. They peeed and pooped all over my house nonstop after Skylar was born so they have been rehomed. It was an unbreakable jealousy habit x 3 dogs. Un-liveable so they had to go. Sad but true.

    Anyway my hottie, email me bout the guestie. I wrote u back but just follow up with me, ok love?

    And feel better from your sickness and your scale thing was good….progress made in your mental state with regard to the scale. yay!


  13. October 23, 2009 5:57 pm

    Ok first of all….keep your pup away from me. Because i seriously think I would have to steal her from you. hehe, she is the cutest thing EVER!!

    And congrats on being closer to your happy weight! I’m right with ya; as long as you are feeling good, then its all good!

    have a good weekend! xoxo

  14. Michelle permalink
    October 23, 2009 5:58 pm

    Oh my gosh, that is the cutest little puppy I have ever seen!!

  15. October 23, 2009 5:59 pm

    penny is such a pretty girl! I want a dog!! hub and I have been considering it for too long. we both like big dogs, but we live in an apartment, near the beach, with a nice fenced patio area- we’re allowed to have a dog, but. any recommendations for an apartment dog?

    1. my favorite bar is the raw red tea bar that I I’ve mentioned on my blog before. coconut, figs, rooibos, almonds, vanilla. its good eats for a bar.

    2. I cannot remember the last time I stepped on a scale. actually, no, I can; it was over a year ago when we were in vegas and there was a scale in the hotel bathroom. just out of curiosity. I’m with you though; if my body doesn’t feel right, I know it, and then I will make some adjustments in the food/exercise department as necessary. no need to obsess over silly numbers!

    feel better!! make sure you get enough rest this weekend.

  16. October 23, 2009 6:03 pm

    Oh this is easy. My current favorite bar is the Chocolate Peppermint Luna bar. Tastes just like a thin mint Girl Scout Cookie to me. Like I’m being bad, yet I’m not. Brilliant!

    I weight myself every Friday morning before I leave for work. It’s become ritualistic. It helps keep my tank of an ass in check. I’m on a mission damn it. So far so good. 20 lbs lost in roughly 85 days, YEAH!

    Hope you feel better!!

    And I could just eat Pnnelope. Seriously. She has the face of a dog you just want to smother with hugs and kisses.

  17. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    October 23, 2009 6:09 pm

    Hope you feel better soon!

    I love your attitude toward the scale. I wish I could say I didn’t weigh myself often… Sometimes I get caught up in what the number says. Other times, though, I find it to be very reassuring that I am indeed treating my body well.

    1) I love Larabars, but they only keep me full for about 1/2 an hour! I don’t eat them often. I find Z Bars fill me up a bit more. Even though they’re small, they’re packed with whole grains.

    2) Right now, I probably weigh myself a few times a week… Something I working on.

  18. October 23, 2009 6:15 pm

    Love puppy pictures, I could have watched that video forever.

    1. Larabars are my favorite taste – but don’t keep me full for long…like 0 time actually. So, I don’t really eat them – or any bars.

    2. I have the same freak out at the doctors like you did. I have actually cried when I stepped on the scale – it literally ruins my life. I always tell myself to ask the doctor (or nurse, or whoever is weighing me) if I can step on backwards so I don’t have to see the number – but I’m always too embarrassed to ask. So I step on forwards….look at the number…and always freak out – high or low – I always lose it. I’m a freak.

  19. hayleycepeda permalink
    October 23, 2009 6:18 pm

    Oh I am totally feeling the Penelope love…she is so darn cute! I love the video of her trying to get her collar off…so funny but I felt so sorry for her!

    Way to go on the weight loss AND the non-scale-obsession. Just goes to show that “a watched kettle never boils.” Does that make sense? Kind of like watching the scale usually results in 0 weight loss. Anyway, I’m happy for you and I hope you’re feeling a lot better after all that sleep! Sometimes that’s exactly what we need.

  20. October 23, 2009 6:24 pm

    so with you on yo scale “philosophy.” your story is PROOF that your body will find its way to its happy weight if you take care of and listen to it.

    proud of your progress chica :)

  21. October 23, 2009 6:35 pm

    Yay that you lost the lbs and feel good about your weight. I used to weigh daily, not now- once every 3 weeks or so. Right now not at all til I lose the vacay pudge.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Penny- I totally had to squeal while looking at her photos!

    You looked so cute in the bumble bee costume. I think I’m lame but I don’t get Marshall’s costume- it’s not ‘naughty’ is it?

    Bars never “fill” me- ever. But KIND bars are YUMMMY! Very very yummy.

    Feel better! :-)

  22. October 23, 2009 7:20 pm

    I adore that pup!!! Seriously, I want a dog so bad it hurts my heart.
    I know EXACTLY how you feel about the scale. All to often it tells me what kind of day I am going to have- how whack is that!?!?
    Anyways, I have decided only to weigh once a week from now on in order to make sure that I am moving in the right direction, but not to over obsess.
    On a sidenote: I sometimes feel like if there was no such thing as a small, or “skinny” jeans, or “mini” skirts, or “baby” tees, we would all be much happier. Sometimes I wish nobody gave a shit what everyone else thought and we all lived in harmony…ya know?
    Have a great weekend chickie!!

  23. October 23, 2009 8:37 pm

    Even though you’re sick, you still managed to put together a super fun post! Love the costumes! We’re do a big couples costume party every year too, so fun!

    I totally know what you’re going through with the scale thing. My hubby has been out of town for a while (military) and I thought I’d get so lean while he was gone b/c I could eat what and when I wanted, and workout as much as I wanted, etc…. instead, I gained 3 stubborn lbs. that I cannot lose no matter what I eat or how much I work out!! Sometimes life just makes things hard and we go through ups and downs with our weight. It sucks, but it happens. I still weigh every day, it makes me happy when I am maintaining but kinda down when I gain a little. I love it and hate it.

    My favorite bars are Kind bars and Larabars, the PB&J = super yummy! They really don’t fill me up that much, I think it’s all the sugar. I’m actually trying to cut way back on my bar consumption, they cost a lot, are high in sugar, and keep me full for about 5 seconds, so why do I eat so dang many? I don’t know!! :)

  24. October 23, 2009 8:46 pm

    great post!!

    I actually like the scale.. it keeps me in check! I don’t obsess over it.. I have a certain range that as long as I’m within it I’m ok!

    Grilled cheese and soup is perfect sick comfort food :) Feel better soon!!

  25. October 23, 2009 9:13 pm

    1. My current favorite bar is the Chocolate Coconut Chew Lara…but it keeps me full for about 2 hrs max.
    2. I feel so great now that I am liberated from the scale. There was a period of time in which I weighed myself up to 10X a day, which obvi NOT healthy. Then one day I stopped. It was so nice not letting a number affect my emotions. I forgot to even bring my scale with me to school this semester..and I couldn’t care less:)
    Hope you continue to feel better!

  26. *Andrea* permalink
    October 23, 2009 9:22 pm

    thanks for being so honest! i feel the same when i see the number and i think it’s too high etc. i admire you for setting your mind to something and going for it. you’re awesome :) i think you look great too!

  27. Emily permalink
    October 23, 2009 9:24 pm

    1. I am a bar fantatic my my handsdown favorite is Balance Bars (cookie dough or yogurt honey peanut flavor).

    2. I recently discovered (actually like 2months ago but I haven’t done anything about it so let’s say recently) that I gained 10lbs so I think me and the scale will need to be better friends!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  28. October 23, 2009 9:47 pm

    Penelope is absolutely too cute for words!

    I think my favorite bar is probably the Clif Mojo Trail Mix – I love the granola-y feel to it and the sweet and salty combo. It keeps me full for an hour or two usually.

    I have a scale and weigh myself almost every single morning. While it is probably a somewhat obsessive habit, that can be counter-productive at times, it really helps me gauge where I am overall. I’ve had lots of weight issues in my life (both ups and downs) and I’m best able to keep myself steady (or lose weight when I need to) when I use the scale.

    Congrats on the good news at the doctor – you’re fabulous!

  29. October 23, 2009 10:33 pm

    omg that pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. October 23, 2009 11:12 pm

    Oh the dreaded scale… I have actually used a scale to keep my weight in check successfully many times. Calorie counting was my other tool in keeping everything in check. However, at this point in my life, I am trying to forget about cal counts and get rid of the scale. It is going to take some concious effort. Did you just throw your scale out or did you hide it from yourself?

  31. October 23, 2009 11:15 pm

    Favorite bar is Clif Mojo, but doesn’t keep me full for too long:(
    I’m addicted to the scale and can’t wait till the day I shed it and throw it away, glad you are now peaceful and happy without it!

  32. tessa permalink
    October 24, 2009 12:29 am

    girrrl i’m with you on scales… i HATE them, no good can from it. well at least in my case, not a fan.
    mmm bars, that’s a toughie. the ones i eat the most are clif bars, but the best?! larabar cashew cookie… in my humble opinion.
    love seeing the flashbacks lady!
    oh by the way i’m typing this from canberra australia :)
    have a fabulous day chica!

  33. October 24, 2009 1:01 am

    Great post, Janetha!!! I 100% agree with you. Scales are just NOT worth it! not worth obsessing over, getting upset over. Still, I am SO happy for you that you are closer to your goal weight! YIPEEE!!! I told you it is possible,you just gotta be patient! :-)

    and freaking adorable pup!! :D

  34. October 24, 2009 1:07 am

    Favorite Bar= PURE bars and Bumble Chai bars :)

    Scales=hate. wont go near one :(

    your puppy.=love.. i want to give him kisses.

  35. October 24, 2009 5:08 am

    This post really, REALLY makes me want to get a dog! I’m finally living in a place that allows them with a nice big backyard for peeing in. When Chris yells at me for getting a dog, I’m blaming you, mmmkay? :P

    1. I love chocolate-y bars!! But I’m also a chocolate fiend. PowerBar Harvest bars are my favourite. They’re made with rolled oats and keep me from gnawing my arm off for at least 2 hours. Luna bars are a close second. I also love Clif and Larabars, but that’s more for taste, and not substance.

    2. I threw away my scale ages ago!! I started freaking out when I gained a few pounds once I transistioned from a calorie deficit into maintenance calories. So I figured the hell with it and just gave it up. I ended up losing even more weight after getting rid of the scale and hardly even realized it! Also, I haven’t been weighed by my doctor since I was a toddler. Weird.

    Feel better!!!!

  36. October 24, 2009 5:17 am

    I hope you’re feeling better- sometimes sleep is all we need!

    I LOVE the good talk about weight. It’s much more important to be happy than to stress over a number!

    Penelope is adorable! Love the pics =)

    1. My fave bar? So hard, I am incred. indecisive… but I love almost all luna bars!! They keep me full for 2 hours too, usually. Sometimes I can get 2.5 outta them, sometimes only 1.5!!

    2. I’ve been getting on the scale for BFL… but honestly I like relying on eating healthy and how I FEEL more than the scale. It causes unneeded stress! My life is stressful enough!

    Feel better!


  37. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    October 24, 2009 5:54 am

    my favorite bar now is POM original flavor.

    definitely hate the scale! as you say, it triggers anxiety! even when I see the number down I don’t feel right…. when it’s higher than I expected… I get anxious and when it’s lower I get worry about it. So, never happy with the number when I see it. It doesn’t happen the same with doctor office’s scale, because when I weight there I’m with cloth and usually after eaten… so that number isn’t indicative.
    But girl~~ I have to congrats you on getting your ideal number. I remember you were procrastinating when you were doing everything you could but still not loosing a pound. See? it works! just patience! :)
    so happy for you!!!

  38. October 24, 2009 8:29 am

    so jealous of your sleep!! I wish I got 12 hours of sleep! that must have felt amazing!

    penelope is the cutest pup I have ever seen! omg and that ladybug costume she had for halloween last year is just perfect!!

    HUGE congrats on getting to that nuber on the scale!!

    I never use one, I go by how my clothes fit, the only time I see what I weigh in a number is at a Dr. office, other than that I never get on one!

    Fav bar, I think I have a new fav which is the Amazing grass chocolate peanut butter flavor! SO good and filling too! also a huge Date and walnut KIND bar person! That luna is great too!!!

    have a wonderful day!!

  39. lowandbhold permalink
    October 24, 2009 8:33 am

    Love your scale victory! I’m happy that you no longer let it define you. You work so hard and deserved a good doctor’s apt. Maybe I really should throw my scale out…

    Oh Penny is the cutest thing ever. Those pics made me melt!!!

    Hope you had fun at the party!

    1. Clif Peanut Butter Pretzel mojo – but yeah only a few hours
    2. I weigh a lot. I know it’s bad. But I have stopped caring so much what the number is, it’s just something I do. Don’t know if that makes sense or not.

    Hope you’re on the mend lady! Have a good weekend!

  40. Lizzy permalink
    October 24, 2009 6:06 pm

    i hope you are feeling better my love! nothing worse then being sick, thats for sure!

    I hate the scale, and have had similar instances like you and weighed myself everyday and if the number wasn’t what i wanted i would be in a bad mood all day. but i’ve grown up alot and i do just weight myself just once a week, an thats if i remember! its been so much better that way!

    ps. penelope is the cutest dog EVER!

  41. mom permalink
    October 24, 2009 6:52 pm

    LOVE flash back Friday and our darling PJ, I had forgotten how teeny tiny she was she is still so, so cute!! Glad you got some much needed rest, love you xoxoxo!

  42. Katharina permalink
    October 24, 2009 6:54 pm

    Oh my goodness! Penelope was and always will be a cutie. Seriously! And YOU! You are so beautiful :) You and your mother look so much alike. You know you will age with grace m’lady.

    1. That is my fave Luna bar! But my favorite bar??? I’d have to say something from the Boomi Bar brand OR Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar.

    2. I don’t care for the scale honestly. I don’t have one and I don’t really think about it either. I just go by how I feel and look in general. However, there are times when I worry if I’m losing weight (yeah weird problem to have lol), and then I’ll try to find a scale just to make sure I haven’t lost any.

  43. October 24, 2009 7:41 pm

    glad you are feeling a bit better- this time of year sucks for cold/flu stuff :(

    I LOVE this post. Scale…gah. It’s been a huge source of stress the past 3 weeks not being able to weigh myself. It’s impossible for me to even contemplate the idea that my weight hasn’t changed- for years I have weighed myself daily, and I am so tetchy and out of sorts not knowing the number each day. But having said that, it’s been strangely liberatin…little things like eating more sodium one day or something that I usually avoid, because I don’t have to face the number as soon as I wake up. It’s also helping me sleep later because I don’t leap out of bed to stand on the scale as soon as my eyes snap open. I feel like this has been HARD but worthwhile. I plan on weighing myself when I get back and unless something craaaaazy has happened with my weight while I’ve been away (logice would say ‘no’, my body defies logic on that front though so who knows?) I am hoping I can cut back to 1-2 times a week.

    Bars… I need the higher protein ones to keep me full. I like at least 15g- I recently discovered Carbrite which I LOVE! Pureprotein were good too but I kind of burned out on them. Laras and Clif, I like a lot but they don’t keep me full at all. Cookie dough balance bar is good but it seems really tiny compared to other bars! Before I came to NY this time, I’d been making mini breakfast cookies which had a great balance of carbs/protein/fat (around 150 cals, 6g fat, 10g protein) which was a good mix for me. Though nowhere near as convenient as a bar. I haven’t tried the full sized Promax bars but a couple of the tiny ones was surprisingly filling- maybe psychological since I ate 2 :P (I’d recommend asking them for samples if they fit BFL criteria!)

  44. October 24, 2009 8:45 pm

    LOL master shake?
    love the puppy pics. SO ADORABLE!
    glad your weight is back on track – mine sort of is , but not really. blargh!

  45. pilgrim permalink
    October 24, 2009 9:06 pm

    you have a right NOT to be weighed at doctors office. they have no reason to weigh you unless the doctor has a specific reason and asks you to weigh. ever since i learned this (last year) i haven’t been weighed by my doctor! Just tell the nurse as soon as she calls your name.

    :) dont be shy! b/c you KNOW it will dictact your day.!

  46. October 24, 2009 10:01 pm

    Scales suck. That’s all there is to it! I know when I’ve been less than healthy, when I don’t feel great about my body, when I haven’t been eating as well as I should or exercising as well as I should and when my clothes don’t look as good. I know these things without numbers telling them to me. I also know when I’m feeling healthy and good about the choices I’m making. Numbers don’t tell me that either! So yes, I still have a scale and yes, I still step on it occasionally (a little more often right now that I’m feeling a wee bit body bummed but still not that often) but I don’t rely on it, nor do I allow it to fully dictate my day, my mood, or my overall body feelings. That’s way more based on what I see in the mirror. I’m a visual person, not a numbers person! I like to have it to check in every once in a while… but it’s a dangerous little device sometimes. Boo scales.

    On other notes: I’m stealing Penelope away from you so watch out!
    AND I hope you’re feeling a bit better now and that doozy of a sick is going away.
    AND I hope the move is going well this weekend!!!

  47. October 25, 2009 3:55 am

    I LOVE the weight talk ;) I can relate a lot. I’ve been weighing myself once a week and that is a big step down from daily. I’m glad to see you can weigh in so little and still be losing weight. That is inspiring to me! It’s a tough balance to find between obsessively weighing in to keep yourself in check and never doing it out of denial (I speak from experience!). Seems like you have found a balance that works for you!

  48. October 25, 2009 8:00 am

    Your dog is ADORABLE in all those pics!

    I can’t pick a favorite bar, but I at least have it narrowed down to 3 :) Coconut creme lara bar, all Clif bars, and most of the Odwalla bars.

    I loved what you had to say about the scale. I’ve gone back and forth with weighing myself too. I do weigh myself now, but I really try hard to not let it affect my mood. I’ve come a long way with that, but sometimes that scale gets the best of me!

  49. October 25, 2009 4:05 pm

    I hope you are a lot better by now! :)

    Penelope is THE. CUTEST. PUPPY. EVER.!!! Loved, loved, loved all the pics! They brought a big smile to my face.

    I loved your discussion of the evil scale. I used to weigh myself way too much and let my weight dictate my mood. You are so right. It’s just a number and so many things can influence our weight.

    I still weigh myself about once per month to keep “an eye on things.” I once gained tons of weight “without noticing.” Well, that’s of course not true as my clothes didn’t fit, and I started wearing clothes that resembled sweat pants… But anyway, I guess I like to “know” where I am at. I give myself a pretty “generous” range of where I’d approximately like to be. If it’s a bit higher, I take a closer look at my diet, exercise, etc. But I don’t obsess anymore.

  50. snackface permalink
    October 25, 2009 7:48 pm

    Wow, I’ve just read over everyone’s comments about this scale issue and all I can say is that I wish everyone who commented would read over this comment section again. It is clear that an overwhelming majority of women feel nothing but dislike for the scale. Which makes me wonder: why are we still stepping on them? There is no point. Years ago, I used to weigh myself about 3 to 5 times a day. It affected my mood, spirit, outlook, how I treated my friends and family. It was hell. I grew and realized that this number is meaningless to me, a young, lean woman whose metabolism is still kind. It doesn’t measure how well my body functions, combats illness, recovers from a night out, dominates a workout, carries me through my days. And that’s all that matters when it comes to one’s body. I haven’t weighed myself since May, and I’ve truly never been happier. I don’t own a scale, and when I was home this weekend I thought for a second, “should I weigh myself?” I said to myself, “Hell naw. You don’t need that.”

    Sorry to dump all that on here! Anywayyyy….I’m going to eat Penelope. She is the cutest thing in the world.

    I hope you’re feeling better!!!! I’ma be looking out for your next post to make sure.

    Oooh fave bars…still Clifs- Z-bars and regular and Builders and Mojo’s. LOVE the Clif company, obvs. And you :)xoxo

  51. October 25, 2009 8:53 pm

    OMGoodness I can’t even stand the cuteness that is puppy Penny! I just wanna nibble her ears!

    I’ve been bad blog friend too with guests in town, and now I have the sick (just a cold and cough – NOT the flu, I insist).

    Favorite bar – Amazing Grass, Greens Super Food

    Well, I got on the scale this morning after 5 restaurant meals and was happy, but I don’t weigh myself very often for exactly the reasons you talk about. Because I know that this is a daily journey, I do check in to make sure I’m on the right track and that my body is cooperating. But I do it like every 2 weeks so I’m not freaking on a daily basis.

    Feel better soon – I know I’ve already told you the gym will still be there. I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself and for being happy with a number that floats higher than your lowest number. That’s a big deal. You have to find a liveable number.

    I’m doing Zumba this week. Hoping that will shake the cold out of me! Germy hugs!

  52. October 26, 2009 7:10 am

    the scale is a doozy. lots of hate and love for it from so many women. i at one point weighed myself daily to keep myself in check. then it was once a week, and now it’s once in a while. It’s crazy how a number can so drastically change your mood.


  1. weekend recap. « meals & moves
  2. guest post! deb h. « meals & moves
  3. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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