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weigh in wednesday.

May 4, 2011

happy wednesday.



crap. i totally missed the memo.

i got a comment yesterday on my guilt free creamy pasta recipe post and it got the wheels in my little brain turning.  thought it would be a good topic for the blog and i want you all to weigh in with your thoughts.

disclaimer: if you are easily triggered with serious talk about food choices and what you eat.. probably skip this post and tune in later for a fun giveaway.

as you may or may not know, i posted a recipe for a creamy, cheesy pasta that was low calorie, low sugar, low sodium and low(er) in fat.  i get a huge kick out of creating healthier versions of anything and everything.  because the pasta had SO much going on and the title: “creamy cheesy roasted tomato and basil chicken pasta with broccoli” wasn’t very catchy, i went with “guilt free creamy pasta”~ much shorter and explains what it is.

anyway, here is the comment i received:


i wasn’t able to email lisa back because she left an unworking email, but i felt like i should address the comment.  this was my reply:


this all happened yesterday, and the topic weighed heavily on my mind for the rest of the night.  i want to spew my thoughts, because i am real good at that.

blogging can be a touchy thing.  there is a whole spectrum of readers and you never know who will read your post and what they will take from it.  i simply blog my thoughts honestly, while trying not to offend folks.. although i am sure it has happened time and again.

i am not saying that others should EVER feel guilty for their own choices, but i do have my own opinion and am not afraid to voice it on my blog. after all, it is my blog and i pride myself on being open, honest and real.

so.. let’s get real!

first of all, i never judge someone or look down on them for their food and fitness choices.  why would someone think less of someone else because they eat or exercise differently? that is crazy to me. i have never and will never think more or less of a person based on what they eat or how much or little they choose to exercise. i mentioned this in my no sugar challenge 1 week recap and want to mention it again. while i make my own choices, decisions and goals that i believe are best for me, i don’t necessarily think these are the best decisions for the next guy or gal.  we are all individuals and the choices we make are our own and i will never judge you for eating a whole truckload of sugar. i really could not care less if you choose to do that.. i just hope you don’t get a cavity, because those hurt real bad. kapeesh?

i share my own thoughts, goals, challenges and experiences with you simply because i like to share.  i believe sharing is caring (right, holly?) and i would hope that at least a few people will benefit from my own personal rambles about what i am doing in my life.  that is the drive and motivation behind meals & moves.  i love to talk about what is working, what isn’t working, what tastes good, what is fun, what is not.. you get the idea.  and i believe you read my blog because you like to read these rambles (at least i hope.)

alright.. moving on.

in blogworld and otherwise (but especially blogworld) it seems that it is a bad thing to prefer eating foods because they are low calorie/carb/fat/whatever.  it is common to hear people say you should eat whatever makes you happy whenever you want and you shouldn’t feel bad when and if you want to eat a donut for breakfast. embrace the donut.

i do agree with this to an extent.  i believe you definitely should eat what you want when you want. that’s up to you. we make choices of what to eat multiple times a day, day after day after day.  but i also believe that you should eat things that fall in line with your own personal goals.  if you have a goal to eat clean, lose weight or even to maintain.. you can’t exactly gorge yourself on fettuccini alfredo for dinner each night. it just doesn’t work like that.  (and if you have a goal to gain a bunch of weight and muscle, like marshall, then you can eat ten zillion calories day after day…)

i have never been someone who labels food as “good” or “bad”.  i have always looked at food as either delicious or not delicious.  i never refused to eat something because it was “bad”.  ever.  i want to throw that out there right up front.. because i know a lot of people have had (or still have) issues with labeling food as good vs. bad.  i have never had “fear foods” or foods that i refused to eat because they are “bad”.  i want to make it clear that i have never had this type of relationship with food because it probably has a lot to do with the rest of my thoughts.

yes, i have declined eating something because it didn’t fall in line with my eating plans for that day, but that doesn’t mean i think it’s a bad food. it just means that i will have to save that one for free day because eating too much of it would take me further from my goals.  i am a very goal-oriented gal and so that’s how i work. others are not (right linds?), it’s a very personal thing.  oh, and of course there are times when i have thrown all goals out the window and just ate everything and anything with no regard or goals whatsoever. lots of times, actually. it’s called being human. no, i am not a goal-setting-and-achieving robot.. sorry to burst your bubble.

anyway, the word that brought all these thoughts on: guilt.

i don’t necessarily feel guilty if i go against my clean eating goals and indulge in a high-fat/calorie/sodium/sugar meal.  this is something i do quite often, actually.  i have always been one to indulge in the most delicious things in life!  i love eating out and i have never once counted my calories or restricted myself from truly enjoying my food. when i am on vacation, the only thing i plan is where i am going to eat next. i. love. food.

BUT.. i do get discouraged if it happen to eat a whole pint of ben & jerry’s or a basket full of bread and butter or a plate full of deep fried calamari (you get the idea) when i am trying to stay on track.  i have been eating pretty much the same way for the past 2 1/2 years. i “eat clean” 6 days a week and take one free day a week.  this is a method i adopted from body for life.  it works for me because i am able to stay on track with my goals while still able to have those things i love so much (like a whole pint of ben & jerry’s or a basket full of bread and butter or a plate full of deep fried calamari…) yes, there have been times when i don’t eat this way.  during the holidays, while on vacation, immediately after getting married, and a few other times where i just let my 6 days on/1 day off habits go. but for the most part, it’s what i do. it works for me. it is tried and true and i like it.  for ME.

there is a lot of taboo about feeling bad about eating foods that ARE high in calories (sometimes labeled as “indulgent”) because there is the movement that we should not label food as good or bad and we should eat whatever we feel like.  well, yeah, i agree.. i don’t label food good or bad, but i know that if i eat these indulgent foods day in and day out, i will gain a bunch of weight and none of my clothes will fit and i will be an unhappy camper.

i am not afraid to talk about it. i am not going to sugar coat everything and say “oh, look, i can eat whatever i want! i can eat intuitively and only eat when i am hungry, stop when i am full and eat treats daily in moderation!”  because i can’t. and that’s not me. as much as i would love to be the person would could do all that without gaining a bunch of weight and being uncomfortable in my skin, i am not. that metabolism left me about five years ago and i am fairly certain it isn’t coming back.  there are days that it is a huge struggle to stay on track with my maintenance goals and other days that it’s just like clockwork.  but no matter what day it is, i do have to watch what i eat. i keep an eye on portions. i am mindful of calories. i eat decadent desserts only when i truly want them.. not every single day. i don’t mind this way of life. i like the way i eat. really, i do.

i am not afraid to say that i do make a conscious effort to create recipes that are not indulgent.  sure, i have lots of recipes that are by no means healthy! they are delicious and not everything has to be healthy.  BUT.. i am passionate about healthifying recipes.  i love to do this.  it is what i enjoy.  i create them and share them so those of you in my same boat can make them and enjoy them as much as i do.  that is where the title came from, because this recipe is one that i can eat day in and day out and it’s actually healthy for me and will get me closer to my goals rather than further away from them.

momma b and i have something we talk about a lot:  you always make a choice to eat something. take lunch, for example. you can choose to eat the 1200 calorie burrito from a mexican joint or you can choose to eat the 400 calorie burrito made at home.  both are delicious. and no matter what you eat, you are going to be full afterward.  the taste of the meal is going to be long gone within a few minutes… so why wouldn’t you just eat the lunch from home?  food is fuel and if you are eating just because you are hungry and need to get full, then making the healthy choice is a no brainer. when i am making my meal choices and eating simply because it’s time to eat (not because i am eating something fabulous from a delicious restaurant or something like that) then i will always make the choice to eat something healthy. i am going to forget whatever it was i ate shortly after anyway. make sense?

so.. let’s see.. what else?

no, i don’t feel guilty if i eat something that isn’t healthy when it isn’t free day. it happens!  but i do feel bad if i have a plan and am working towards a goal and i sabotage my goal by eating a bunch of stuff that isn’t in line with my own personal plan of attack.  i should mention that when i DO eat something that is not in line with my plan, i don’t beat myself up. i put it behind me and move forward like it never happened.

i also want to say that eating the way i do is in no way deprivation.  i eat delicious meals day in and day out. i LOVE everything i eat. i never eat things i don’t like or don’t want. i have developed such a passion and love for clean eating that it really is what i want and crave.  i have that free day in there because i also have a passion and love for foods that fall outside the realm of healthy eating and i would never want to live a life without those things.  i have found a healthy balance that works in my everyday diet and i am here to share my thoughts with you.

i hope you don’t think i am dictating that you should eat the same way i do.. because you shouldn’t. do what works for you and have no apologies. i know i don’t.

that’s my story and i’m stickin’ to it.

WOW. that was long!

your turn. give me your thoughts!

102 Comments leave one →
  1. May 4, 2011 11:57 am

    I think of foods in terms of caloric density. I try to choose foods that I can eat a lot more of (ie, vegetables, low fat dairy) than foods that I would have much less of for the same amount of calories (ie, fried food, full fat dairy). If I can eat greater amounts of food for the same amount of calories, why not?!

  2. May 4, 2011 12:02 pm

    hehe I love your gentle bluntness Janetha! you’re so fun and real. I truly agree that when it comes to eating choices, it’s to each his/her own. However, I also agree that there is opinion and fact. The fact is that we can eat anything/everything we want, but is that REAAALLLY the best thing? I’m sure that all of us humans would like to be at least in decent shape no matter what choices we make. We’re just wired to WANT “healthy”. One thing that really helps me to strive to be fit, healthy, and strong is my children in the very distant future when I’m married. :P (I know, talk about thinking for the long run) thinking about giving birth, being the strongest I can be for them, is what motivates me much of the time. I believe that everything in moderation is good! but that’s just me. It’s proven that worrying too much about healthy/calories/fats, etc. obsessively, rather than just enjoying a nice meal that’s perhaps not AS nutritious, can be more stressful for our mind and body. But again, moderation and listening to our bodies is key. have a beautiful day J!

    • May 4, 2011 12:04 pm

      oh also, I too try to stop when I’m satiated. Doesn’t always work! haha. But most of the time I do, and it helps with my digestion. TUMS can get pretty old you know? :P

  3. Abby permalink
    May 4, 2011 12:04 pm

    Wow! Awesome post! :) I love the way that you “healthify” recipes. Keep them coming! :P

  4. May 4, 2011 12:04 pm

    I love this post Janetha! Thanks for posting and responding to her comment in such a great way :)

  5. May 4, 2011 12:05 pm

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! You have absolutely no idea! I agree with everything you said to a T! While I don’t categorize foods as “good” or “bad” (because let’s face it – that just sets you up for failure), I know without a doubt that I cannot eat processed, high sugar, etc. foods every day of the week. For one, I do not feel good when I do it. I’m not saying I don’t feel good mentally because I love eating a good treat. What I mean is my body doesn’t feel good. I feel sluggish, tired, irritable, and my body doesn’t perform at its optimal levels. Therefore, I know it is my best interest to eat “cleanly” and focus on whole foods the majority of the time – key word = majority. I know it won’t happen all the time, and that’s OKAY! I would never judge anyone else for the way they eat (to a certain extent – I certainly yell at the husband for all the white sugar he consumes). However, I will not sugar coat (as you said) and tell everyone to eat whatever they want whenever they want either. It’s all about balance, whole foods, and a realist approach!

  6. Susan permalink
    May 4, 2011 12:10 pm

    I. love. this. post. Amazing – I couldn’t stop reading. I agree with pratically everything you said! It’s sad that people are judged for what they eat. I have fitness and clean-eating orieniated goals like you, and I try to stick to them as much as possible. However I really do feel like there are obstacles that can get in the way. Example : going to a friends house and being offered ice cream, saying “no” while they eat away at deliciousness.. OKAY, have to say yes! For me it’s just too tempting sometimes, and I feel rather stupid saying no while they eat something delicious. Sometimes you gotta indulge, or else your left feeling deprived (that’s how I feel anyway). And really, if I ate ice cream every day I would be huge since I truly do suck at moderation with sweets. This is why free days are so great!

  7. May 4, 2011 12:10 pm

    awesome post…I also can’t stand when people make snarky or nasty comments on someones food…sure they are posting it for the world to see but how do we know what else they are eating doing, or really who they are at all! there is no need to judge others and whtever choices they make. If they are happy and content and doing their thing…more power to them. I specifically will never talk about my pre comp diet in specifics, becauase I just simply don’t feel the need to. Did I agree with all of the dieting close to show? Nope not at al, BUT I knew it was temporary and for me…there was a HUGE goal at hand–one that I had been working on for almost half a year, so whats a week of a tightened up diet?

    I love your honesty with this post and explaining yourself in such a thought out, mature and intelligent way :) you are awesome!!

  8. May 4, 2011 12:11 pm

    This is right on, Janetha! Thank you for being so articulate on this subject. I’ve had it happen to me before–I say something like, “I went home and made healthy pizza”, and someone’s response was, “and my pizza that I ate at the restaurant was therefore UNHEALTHY?” Like I was calling them a pig or something. My food choices, based on the foods/calories/etc. that are in line with my goals, have nothing to do with what you eat.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!

  9. May 4, 2011 12:14 pm

    I love this post! I feel the same way as you do when I eat something that isn’t going to help me reach my goals. I don’t feel guilty, but more bummed that I let food control my life – even if just for a few minutes. Sometimes I feel like some blogs make it seem like if you watch what you eat, count calories, fat, protein, etc then you’re not living “healthy.” I’m not lucky enough to be one of those people who can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. For me, I have to watch what I eat and modify recipes.

  10. May 4, 2011 12:14 pm

    Love this post Janetha! LOVE.
    I feel the same way on SO many of your points. I think often times people feel like my method of eating is all about restricting myself from eating foods, but it all about goals and results. I know what works for me and for my body, and I know what doesn’t. Sometimes it means more to me to accomplish a goal than to eat a piece of pizza. It’s all in how you look at it I guess. I also love that you said you eat foods you love. I feel the same way.
    Thanks for the GREAT post. You’re awesome girl! xoxoxo

    • May 4, 2011 12:21 pm

      Exactly! You’d rather acheive your goal! ahh! I love this!!

  11. May 4, 2011 12:16 pm

    Janetha I loved this post and I love how you eat — I can’t do the 1 day “off” because it would turn into 7 days “off” since once I’m off I’m off for a while!

    It has taken me a while, but foods are not “good” or “bad” with me — but that doesn’t mean I eat what I want. I know if I have too much of certain foods then I feel sick or my clothes won’t fit if I keep on eating that sort of thing. It is all about balance — and no one person is the same as another, so one style of eating doesn’t make sense.

  12. May 4, 2011 12:18 pm

    Best post ever right here girl! Seerisoouly I wish I could just stick this on my blog. I have gotten ridiculed a lot and peolpe always say eat what you want. okay, that would be healthy food. I love eating healthy. but the blog world can tell you to eat what makes you happy happy happy. Like if i did that ( which i have, and is why I’m not fitting in my jeans), then i would feeel like crapola. I have to be honest and say on my blog, which i did, that i do need help to fit into my jeans. Those that respect me and my choices with be there for me and the others who dont want to well…they can leave. Because I am what you reffered to as an “unhappy camper” right now! Check out my blog post! I posted it yesterday and your in it!!

    <3 this though. Your so real and just like me! I love it!!

  13. May 4, 2011 12:20 pm

    Wow, I just posted a bit about this today. I agree with you on a lot of what you posted, and I do feel that there is an outside pressure because I use products like low fat and fat free. I feel like because these have been labeled, I shouldnt use them. Problem is, I like these products and like the taste of them. I do not ever feel like i am restricting myself, and if anything products and recipes allow me to balance out my eating (or drinking :)

  14. May 4, 2011 12:23 pm

    Well said, Janetha! Unless you have the metabolism of speedy gonzalez (which I do not anymore haha), nobody can eat high suger/fat/calorie foods all day every day and maintain a healthy weight and not develop diabetes, cancers, and other health issues over time. I enjoy these types of foods in moderation like you, but try to eat clean and follow my idea of ‘healthy eating’ most days of the week. I follow your blog because I love that you are open and honest and show true variety in what you eat and a zest for healtifying meals. And as I always say, to each her/his own so….to the commenter, eat whatever you want girlfriend and don’t feel guilty unless you’re going against your own morals.

  15. May 4, 2011 12:25 pm

    This is definitely a touchy subject in blog world (and the real world too!). I think the tough thing about blogs is that each of our blogs is our own space to express whatever we want to express. I think most of us try to do this in a way that doesn’t offend others, but its bound to happen. However, I think readers must understand that what they read is the authors own way of sharing their thoughts and if you don’t like it…moveeee on! At 5’1″ (being a teeny like you), I have pretty much NEVER been able to eat whatever without consequences. Therefore, I have adjusted! I enjoy good food. Most of the time the good food I enjoy also happens to be healthy (this is just what makes my body feel best). I think what we put into our bodies is super important and really can impact our quality of life. I try to keep this in mind :) Hopefully all that rambling made sense ;)

  16. May 4, 2011 12:26 pm

    I definitely agree, especially in that I don’t judge others for eating whatever they want – I just am not able to do so myself, while still feeling my best. I honestly feel jealous of people who can eat whatever, much more so than I would feel judgmental. Everyone has to live with their own choices, so I’m just making mine for ME, and everyone else should do the same. If donuts every morning make you feel good, more power to you! haha

  17. May 4, 2011 12:27 pm

    LOVE how blunt you are. Blogging can be a touchy thing-b/c EVERYone has opinions! Glad you feel comfortable sharing yours.

    I think it is a person’s perception that may make them vulnerable to talk or guilty feelings as such. However, this is not true for everyone. I used to feel guilty, but now, no longer. I just jump back into my normal, healthy habits. :)

  18. May 4, 2011 12:29 pm

    This is a great post. I really don’t like using the word “guilt” to describe anything related to eating, it just seems too negative and I try to be positive about food, even when it is something less healthy or more indulgent. It’s still fuel after all. I think too many women do feel guilty about what they eat and and I don’t think it’s a healthy feeling. It can be tough to find the right balance when you are trying to lose weight, like so many are.

    But I definitely liked the sound of your recipe!

  19. katie permalink
    May 4, 2011 12:32 pm

    great, great topic.
    i think everyone eats, and creates, meals in different ways to satisfy different needs. as i explore different ways of eating, different blogs appeal to me more. but as a reader, i always take into consideration that this is also how the blogger choses to create meals and eat. if i disagree, i move along.
    that being said… healthifying recipes is something i MUST do. and lots of other people too! i used to not and i was quite large because of it. this is what i currently look for in a blog- besides an interesting writer of course! i love a healthier alternative to the more calorie-laden or high-fat foods. honestly, my body sort of demands it!
    anyway, this is long, but i just wanted to say YES! thank you!
    ps i made your chicken cordon bleu casserole a while ago and it was AMAZING.

  20. May 4, 2011 12:34 pm

    Well said. Guilt, like food choices, is a personal and individual choice. If someone wants to eat poorly and then beat themselves up afterwards, that’s their own game. Those days are long over for me, but that doesn’t mean that other people won’t get caught up in that. Nothing we can do for them. All you can do is continue to illustrate what works for you. :)

  21. May 4, 2011 12:40 pm

    Awesome post! My story is so similar to yours. I’m trying to get back on track with the 6 days clean/1 day free. I let that go about 6 months ago and my body has changed – I don’t fit in my clothes, I feel more tired, I can just feel a difference overall. Reading your blog always encourages me to eat healthy meals that are delicious, and I LOVE your healthified recipes so don’t stop those ;) It’s funny when I talk to some girls I know in their early 20s and they say that they can eat what they want, and so could I at that age. I swear, at 25 my metabolism just dropped and I can’t seem to process junk the way I used to. Similar to you, I always pack lunches and healthy snacks. I work in a restaurant and people tease me for bringing lunch and not just ordering there. Why should I spend money on a less healthy lunch when I have a fridge full or fresh produce, a boat load of lean protein, and amazing fresh whole grain bread that was much less expensive???

    As always, your honesty is why I read your blog!!!!

  22. May 4, 2011 12:45 pm

    I love your honesty! When I think about clean eating I think about food that makes me feel good physically and mentally. I love making healthy twists on meals and snacks because I find I get sick lack often, I feel more energized and more comfortable in my body. I also love to indulge (fries and wine please), but take pleasure getting back on track to feeling my best following indulgences.

    Anyways, you put it’s best, so I’ll finish this with “yeah, what she said!”

  23. May 4, 2011 12:45 pm

    I agree that everyone should eat according to what their body needs and what makes them happy. what works for me might now work for you. What works for me now might now work for me next year.

    Others had meal plans while others eat intuitively. What I love about reading magazines and blogs is that I can see how others eat (because there isn’t just a one way to eat) and get inspired by recipes.

  24. ashley permalink
    May 4, 2011 12:48 pm

    I love this post! I also really enjoy learning “healthy” recipes and alternatives to use in my kitchen! You inspire me to stay on track with my own goals.

  25. May 4, 2011 12:53 pm

    “you should eat whatever makes you happy whenever you want” <– the thing about THIS is, you ARE doing that, right? you like to recreate recipes to be healthier. I know how awesome you can make something taste, something that fits with the perceived "constraints" your food choices may have.

    well said, Janetha.

    • May 4, 2011 12:55 pm

      yep kristina, that’s the coolest part. the part where i the healthy stuff is also the happy stuff.. and, of course, the delicious stuff.

  26. May 4, 2011 1:01 pm

    Dare I say best post ever? Or at least the most “real?” You nailed it. I eat to live. I eat to enjoy. I eat to be fit and healthy and happy. I try to eat smart, but I don’t let one mishap set me back. :)

  27. thedelicateplace permalink
    May 4, 2011 1:18 pm

    this was very thoughtful! it’s kinda funny because most of my posts are about high fat (healthy ones though) and prob scare people off. anyway, we only get this life so no use beating ourselves about about ENJOYING it! you are a smart cookie!

  28. Denise permalink
    May 4, 2011 1:28 pm

    Very,very eloquently, honestly and refreshingly said! that is why I LUV your blog!
    keep it up…….and the give aways rock,too!

  29. May 4, 2011 1:31 pm


    I hate feeling guilty about expressing my goals, calorie counts or weight on the blog – but I always get backlash on it. I NEVER would judge someone for what they ate, and think the whole point of blogging is to share what we do to get or stay fit.

  30. May 4, 2011 1:34 pm

    This is suuuuuuch a good post. I like it because I think it addresses something we bloggers deal with on a regular basis. I have had more than once conversation with fellow bloggers about whether certain topics or terms should be mentioned in blogging because it can be so intimidating to say the wrong thing for your readers, but you are right — we just need to stay true to who we are and remind our readers that we’re not speaking for anyone but ourselves.

    I love your honesty, Janetha!!

  31. May 4, 2011 1:37 pm

    I appreciate how honest you are! There is too much perfection in the healthy living blog world!

    P.S. I did BFL starting January 2011 and loved it, I really enjoy clean eating, it makes me feel so good..and yes, I cheat too:)

  32. Kristin Bell permalink
    May 4, 2011 1:42 pm

    Thanks Janny G….so true. It is hard for me to read a lot of “foodie” blogs because some people do not have realistic expectations of themselves and others are just plain dishonest about their habits and choices. I appreciate your realness ;) I’m a little biased cause I love you anyway! NOBODY is perfect….eating or otherwise…if they claim they are, they are lying or just seriously unhappy. On the same hand I truly believe that people who “embrace the donut” EVERYDAY aren’t happy either. There is something to be said about moderation in all things :) I love me some Cafe Rio….I also know what happens to my booty when I love it 5 days a week. It is a balance and a habit to eat/live healthfully….I am finding that a lot of it comes with maturity. Everyone will eventually figure it out for themselves ;) Love ya!

  33. May 4, 2011 1:45 pm

    I think all the comments above me totally summed up exactly what I want to say! I love loveee the way your write. <3

    I made the guilt free creamy pasta last night and it was phenom!!

  34. May 4, 2011 2:06 pm

    Oh for Peas sake. I think this discussion is interesting for sure, but I mostly just wish people would lighten up. Poor choice of words? I’m saying this having just deleted a big long negative comment myself, but really whatever happened to tact? And kindness?

    I love you.

    • Maire permalink
      May 4, 2011 4:06 pm

      I completely agree with Janetha’s and yours (Mama Pea) point of view… but I disagree with you wishing people should just ‘lighten up.’
      I actually find Lisa’s comment very interesting and thought provoking and I feel that people should be able to comment what they really think, thats the beauty of one being able to express oneself.
      Janetha went on to give a very good explanation of how she eats and why she called it what she did. Of course it is annoying when people are mean or just unkind…and I did not read the comment that you had to delete on your blog.. but I feel that Lisa’s comment was purely out of curiosity and that she was truly just wondering what Janetha meant!

      • Sarah permalink
        May 4, 2011 6:13 pm

        This was such a great post! Very interesting, and something I think about often because of blog-reading. I hate it when I read a blog post and the author goes to great lengths to justify something I personally don’t think they should have to justify (e.g. counting calories, weighing themselves, having weight loss goals, saying no to dessert, etc.). I am a big believer in intuitive eating, but I don’t think that calorie counting in and of itself is bad, or focusing on clean food is bad…why have these things become something people have to apologise for? I guess we’ve kind of flipped the focus in the ‘healthy living blog world’ from weight to eating fully without restriction or without worrying about the scale. That’s great, but I think it oversimplifies the process for some people. Maybe it’s just us shorties that have a problem in that our internal mechanisms by themselves can’t stop us from gaining weight? Ha!

        It’s also very interesting how differently people can interpret the same comment. I interpreted the original reader comment as a snide one that was meant to ‘call out’ Janetha for using the world guilt in a recipe title. I think Janetha definitely responded graciously…much more graciously than I would have! (One of the many reasons I don’t have a blog is that I don’t want my language and choices to be scrutinised by an online community.) But obviously Maire interpreted the question very differently than I did, which I find fascinating.

        I am reminded of the post Emily of Daily Garnish wrote not long ago about calorie counting. It was a brave topic for her to cover, given the very strong and vocal opinions of people in the blog world. I believe there is indeed room for all of us in the blog world – the intuitive eaters, the calorie counters, the clean eaters, those who embrace labels, those who detest them, etc. I would love to see more of these sort of posts from bloggers!

        • Maire permalink
          May 4, 2011 9:10 pm

          It IS so interesting how differently people interpret things Sarah! I think that most people felt that it was more of a snide comment though, whereas I thought that it might have just been a thought that crossed the original commenter’s mind and she just wanted to bring it up as a discussion starter, which it certainly has become. I don’t know!– haha anyone else? or maybe the original commenter? lol.

          Either way it is so important for us ALL to understand that everyone has a different way of doing things. Counting calories, eating intuitively, using a combination of both…
          I feel that while blogger’s DO play very important roles and are often looked up upon.. they are just normal people and are allowed to still have not everything figured out themselves, and we as readers need to remember this.

          However… BY posting your life on the internet and including many aspects about how you eat etc. I think that a blogger should expect and understand that they WILL have to justify their ways. Actually maybe justify isn’t the right word… I think just ‘explain’ works. When you open up your life to so many people… not everyone is going to understand right away why you may do something a certain way.. and there certainly isn’t anything wrong with giving a long in depth explanation of it (just like you did Janetha).

          As you said Sarah, it is fascinating how different people interpret things, and this just goes to show how DIFFERENTLY we all think… we have all had so many different experiences in our lifetimes that shape the way we view this world, and this makes it very difficult for bloggers to convey the right idea in just one post sometimes. Hence another post may often be needed to justify, or explain why they are doing the things they are doing!

          • balancejoyanddelicias permalink
            May 5, 2011 5:24 am

            I agree with Sarah. Although I love Janetta’s honesty and how she explains things (fun and sincere), I’d never write a post in response to a comment because they really shouldn’t affect how we think it’s the best thing for us to do.
            Also different people interprets the comments differently, I’d just take it as a curious reader who’s trying to lose/maintain weight, more consciously than others.
            anyway… I love your post Janetha, as always. But I wouldn’t take that comment so seriously.

  35. Valerie permalink
    May 4, 2011 2:22 pm

    preach it, sister!

    those of us who have read your blog for a while don’t need an explanation. we already know how you feel :)

  36. May 4, 2011 2:26 pm

    You’re so gracious. I suppose invoking “guilt” might just trigger a reaction in some people, but I think most of your readers respect your personal views and your awesome knack for creating healthier, alternative recipes. In the end, who doesn’t want a healthier option to consider (CONSIDER being the operative word. Try it, or don’t try it!)?

  37. May 4, 2011 2:28 pm

    I’m like clapping behind my computer screen right now. I love your donut analogy. Yeah, there are foods I love and I don’t want to deny myself of them, but I can’t eat everything I crave day after day because then I’d feel (and look, there, I said it) like crap. I mean, I love vegetables, but given the choice who wouldn’t want to eat nothing but chocolate and frosting all day with zero health consequences? I try to eat what I want, which is both what I WANT and what I know my BODY wants. We can all agree that food guilt isn’t a good thing, but sometimes we have goals or motivations for eating foods that extend beyond how good it tastes. LOVE THIS POST- and YOU!

  38. runyogarepeat permalink
    May 4, 2011 2:33 pm

    Loved reading your thoughts! I definitely agree with you on most of it. I don’t feel bad if I indulge on a meal, but my body feels best when I eat something that is more healthified.

  39. May 4, 2011 2:48 pm

    I really think you hit it right on the money. This is your blog and your choices. You are not shoving anything down someone’s throat. You have creative ways of making good food healthy. To me it’s great because you give me idea’s and ways to improve my diet/food choices and recipes. Keep on keeping on. You are awesome!

  40. May 4, 2011 2:51 pm

    Great post! Its all about balance!

  41. May 4, 2011 2:56 pm

    Great post, I love that you speak your mind and that you do what works for you!!

  42. May 4, 2011 3:00 pm

    great post friend, as usual! I truly believe it takes a while to figure out whats best for you in all areas of life. Life is too short to deprive and yet life is too short not to treat yourself WELL! Its whole balance thing, ya know? Love your advice and thanks for letting me get away wit no goals. haha.

  43. May 4, 2011 3:01 pm

    I think once we look at all food as energy and nutrients, it changes our perspective. instead of something we crave or indulge in, it is something we need and is a builder. i love that when i eat i know what i am eating and i know it is helping me. that is why i eat the way i do. but everyone has a reason for why they do what they do…and that is perfectly fine. great post!

  44. Lauren permalink
    May 4, 2011 3:01 pm

    Janetha, I completely agree with what you say! Though I do catch myself sometimes thinking of some foods as “bad” (french fries!), at each meal I just acknowledge that I want to eat healthily and that each meal is an opportunity to do so. After eating this way for a few months, it is now habit and I readily reach for the healthy foods like fruits and veggies as opposed to the unhealthy foods (for me, these are fried foods and processed foods ect). It is defintely a mind over matter thing, and I do eat treats occasionaly (read:daily). For me a treat is a small piece of chocolate, or a reasonable baked good.I have acknowledged that I have to have a little something sweet each day, and that works for me. Of course, I have days where I indulge, celebrate and basically eat a lot of high calorie/fat/induglgent foods, and thats ok! I have just realized that I cannot eat that way everyday and be happy and healthy, but it is fine everynow and then (like when you graduate college!!!). I think eating right is something that is highly individualized and will be different for each person. The fun part (or hard depending on how you look at it) is figuring out what works for you!

    • Lauren permalink
      May 4, 2011 3:03 pm

      haha I just wanted to make sure that where I used the word “you” everyone I ment me. I re-read that just now and realize it could come across differently.

  45. Errign permalink
    May 4, 2011 3:05 pm

    I am like some of the other commenters and tend to think of foods in terms of the calories/density, but I also am getting way better at thinking about what KIND of calories they are & controlling my “diet” from there (I’m not on a diet, I mean my way of eating).

    I feel like a lot of people (especially women) are programed to feel guilty when they eat something “bad” or whatever, and I totally am too, sometimes. It’s all about figuring out what eating style works for YOU & going from there. :)

  46. May 4, 2011 3:18 pm

    I am with you, as long as you focus on good nutritious eating 90% of the time, have that cookie! And enjoy EVERY bite!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I am mezmorized by the Insanity infomercials. I would love to hear more about how you like it!

  47. May 4, 2011 3:23 pm

    That’s the first thing I noticed about your blog- that you’ve found a way to maintain your body while still enjoying what you eat. It’s far too easy to throw out a food because it’s a temptation or may lead you into a downward spiral, but doing so will get you nowhere, because you will crave that food that you love. I’ve been impressed and a little envious of the way you control your diet and are so happy with it, though I know that didn’t happen for you overnight.
    I agree with not labeling foods “good” and “bad”, but I don’t agree with “Eat what you want when you want” because everybody has a responsibility to take care of their bodies.

    Anyway, keep it up.

  48. May 4, 2011 3:23 pm

    I think my food choices have to make me feel good in the LONG run…which may mean skipping out on a creamy pasta dish, or a bowl of ice cream. I’m not one to deny myself a major craving, but like you, I have to keep it all in check. Indulge sometimes, make a “smart choice” the next time.

  49. Lisa permalink
    May 4, 2011 3:27 pm

    I love this post! I worked in an office once where people commented on my healthy eating all the time. I always felt that when I wanted to indulge, it would be my choice. I appreciate your “healthifying” recipes and as a reader, continue to read bc you do this! Your blog gives me tons of ideas and shows me that I’m not alone in eating healthy bc it tastes good!

  50. May 4, 2011 3:46 pm

    Everyone prefers to eat a certain way and no one should be ashamed for what they like or don’t like to eat. I love eating foods that make me feel good… food is fuel! You should never let anyone bash your eating style because there are “different strokes for different folks”.
    p.s. great post! interesting discussion

  51. May 4, 2011 3:56 pm

    One of the reasons whyI love reading your blog is because you don’t make me feel guilty! You aren’t judgmental or harsh. You are you and just sharing what YOU do with the world. I think you are real and that’s what I love. I didn’t even think twice about you mentioning the pasta being “guilt-less!”

    Love ya!

  52. May 4, 2011 4:17 pm

    I am sick right now and therefore not very eloquent, but I agree 100%. Our lives change on a day to day basis, but being able to find a way of eating that is generally consistent and works is a feat in and of itself. I love this community because it gives me ideas to try in finding my own “perfect” balance as it were, and some of them work well and some of them not so much, but trying is fun. I draw so much inspiration from you, J-bird (can I call you that? I really want to), and I love above all else that you do YOU and are true to yourself. <3

  53. jen mathers permalink
    May 4, 2011 4:24 pm

    I think anyone who reads your blog would know you aren’t all preachy/judgy! You are an inspiration to many of your readers… i also think its unfortunate that comments that are written are so hard to read the intended tone. Hopefully Lisa, just meant it at as a haha comment and just forgot the smiley face and lol… written etiquette is an acquired skill …one Im still working on. But i love your blog and how much time and thought you put into the words you write!

  54. May 4, 2011 4:32 pm

    Truer words have never been spoken. Rock on love! You have said it so well! :)

  55. May 4, 2011 4:44 pm

    First let me say, wow this post is truly inspirational and one that I am going to bookmark to come back to when I need some encouragement. Your approach to food is something I am working towards, finally making a peace with food, fitness and my body. Restriction, labels of “good” and “bad” food, deprivation, have all been part of my life for far too long and I am freakin sick of it. I am finally in stages of recovery and although the obsessive thoughts are still there, I am not as concerned with them. I have gained some needed weight and I have become more happy by letting go of some of the rigid rules I used to live by.
    I love reading your blog on a daily basis because you are never judgmental and this shows in your writing! Although we have never met, I can tell you are a genuine person and I am so glad I discovered your site. Thank you for being…awesome :)

  56. Carol permalink
    May 4, 2011 5:20 pm

    Great post! I agree with many of the other posts…eat clean most of the time and one splurge is not going to derail my efforts. I love working out. I love eating. Yes, there are certain foods I cannot eat because they upset my stomach and make me feel not so good. So I don’t eat them, why would I want to feel that way? Yes, there are certain foods that make my face break out. Why would I eat them? I want to have nice looking skin. I have much more confidence when I look and feel my best. Don’t we all?
    I also love finding healthy recipes. In face any recipe I find I always think about the substitutions I can make to create things that are delish and nutritious:) I agree our diets should be about balance, but I think we also need to listen to our bodies and put things into them that make them feel and look good.
    I love reading your blog and your down to Earth personality! I love that you share the good and the bad. Life is too short to dwell on what we should have done or should have eaten. I’m raising my protein muffin to you tonight! Cheers:)

  57. May 4, 2011 5:23 pm

    Thanks for sharing this. If I ate what I wanted all the time, I’d be about 15-20 pounds heavier and not healthy. It’s nice to see in the blogworld someone saying “I have to work for my goals, but I enjoy the occasional ice cream.” It’s all about the balance. For example, I made some of Mama Pea’s Vegan Balls and am enjoying them immensely, but I’m also making a point of cutting up fruit and veg to have on hand for snacks. :)

  58. May 4, 2011 5:36 pm

    This is definitely a great post. You expressed your opinion so well! While I still deem foods “good” and “bad”, it is something I am working on. Deep down, I know that most foods are “good” in moderation…but I still have my “fear foods” that hinder me. I also get jealous when people can eat lot’s of sugar/ carbs/ fats, etc, and not workout and not gain a single pound! While I am very active and eat clean, I have to REALLY watch what I eat because I can gain weight in a second.

    It’s frustrating, but even though I do get jealous towards those people, I still try not to judge them. ;)

  59. May 4, 2011 5:41 pm

    I love this post and I always love reading your blog…you seem to have a really healthy relationship with food! I think it might just be the wording in this case. The word “guilt” might suggest that you would be doing something wrong, and for people who have issues with food, it can be a touchy subject. In eating disorder treatment, it is often encouraged to take guilt out of the equation. Food is food, and all types serve their purpose, even the “unhealthy” food. There is no good and bad. Don’t worry though…People who know you or who read your blog all the time probably know that you didn’t mean guilt free in such a literal isn’t so much about guilt as it is about living in a way that makes you feel happy and well.

  60. May 4, 2011 5:49 pm

    Yay! What an empowering post! I have a hard time embracing the eat whatever you want, whenever you want concept too as a personal trainer. I definitely think you should give into cravings *sometimes* otherwise you could either get completely burnt out or binge, neither which is good. However, if you goal is to lose weight, obviously you won’t want to eat whatever you want whenever you want if whatever you want is donuts and whenever you want them is always.
    :) Good post, Janetha G!

  61. May 4, 2011 5:56 pm

    interesting comment! for me i’m not afraid to admit that i love eating vegetables, i enjoy reading fitness magazines and i love any kind of recipes or things that tell me how to make things ‘healthier’ i’m not ashamed of that and people are going to judge! judging is what people do. but i say hey if it makes you happy then i’m happy :)

  62. May 4, 2011 6:12 pm

    For me, the biggest thing is reminding myself that in general, I do eat very healthy. Today for example, I nibbled on a little too much oatmeal cake and felt guilty about it. I felt like I threw away all my healthy eating habits for the day. But looking back, I still made great choices for every meal and snack, it was just that one thing that “wasn’t so great.” My body is still getting all it’s nutrients and chugging away healthily!

    I will say though, I am struggling with my version of balance lately. I used to think I had it all figured out, but I now realize I never did. Do we ever?

  63. May 4, 2011 6:15 pm

    Wow this post just popped into my reader and already comment mania!

    Great post, as usual, Janetha. And yes, being honest, open, and real…that’s what i love about you!

    I have recently started consuming small amts of dairy, i.e. butter or cream in baking/dessert recipes and not hiding it. I have gotten quite a few raised eyebrow comments but frankly got sick of “justifying” this (dont do that anymore on my blog with anything) as well as hiding it (which as bloggers we can hid things that may not ‘appeal’ to readers) but i decided what the heck and just post it anyway.

    It’s not some people’s idea of “healthy” and that’s fine. I dont consider brownies health food anyway…so Im kinda like who cares.

    I think you do a wonderful job of doing what works for you, and let the chips fall where they may. I could go on and on. Great post!

    • balancejoyanddelicias permalink
      May 5, 2011 5:26 am

      love your attitude Averie! Just do whatever you want and stop justifying to strangers!

  64. May 4, 2011 6:15 pm

    Great post! I run into topics like this all the time, as people feel the need to “confess” their eating transgressions to me as a dietetics student. For example, when I run into a family friend at the grocery store, she quickly covers up the pie in her cart and says, “This isn’t mine–it’s for my husband!” Just to reiterate what you said above, I would never judge someone based on their eating habits or their exercise regime. Granted, they are both important features in my life, but people are so much more than what is on their plates.

  65. Lettuce Choose Healthy permalink
    May 4, 2011 6:18 pm

    love this post and I love your blog. I always read because you are honest!

    I never judge anyone on their choices .. treat others how you would want to be treated!

  66. Bridget permalink
    May 4, 2011 6:19 pm

    Clearly “Lisa” does not regularly read your blog. To think your naming a recipe “guilt free” means you think others should feel guilty eating the regular version is absurd. This was a great post, but anyone who reads your blog regularly already knew you held the views you explained above :)

  67. May 4, 2011 6:29 pm

    This is a great post, as usual! :) I agree with everything you said – and it’s definitely all about balance!

  68. May 4, 2011 6:32 pm

    I think about this all the time. And by this, I mean how bloggers, especially popular ones, are always told that they should go ahead and eat the cupcakes or whatever. Most of these bloggers, yourself included, came from a place of weight loss, and maintaing a weight loss takes work. You can’t just suddenly be at your goal weight and eat whatever you want.

    Thank you for posting this!!

  69. stephanie adams permalink
    May 4, 2011 6:41 pm

    Please keep recreating those not so healthy recipes into ones that we can all enjoy – without guilt!!! Your blog is by FAR the best one out there & I look forward to reading everyday!!! I do wish you could create a healthy chicken & dumpling recipe. I have tried several “clean” versions & they were disgusting!!!

    Also, I have a really personal question. It is completely none of my business & if you don’t want to answer, I sooooo understand! But you mention a lot that your hubby doesn’t drink … I’ve always wondered why. Again, totally random & none of my business …

  70. May 4, 2011 7:01 pm

    Great post. I was actually just about to post something like this in regards to ‘diets’ and such. People on the blog world are so sensitive about diets and people eating something this is low calorie. It’s up to that person and no one is forcing their way of life down another person’s throat.

  71. May 4, 2011 8:10 pm

    Holy cannoli. Well all I can say is that I totally hear you. And I feel a bit sad that you needed to justify your whole stance on this because one person made an off-comment. Great for discussion purposes, but sad that you had to expend brain power on it.

    This spoke to me: “oh, look, i can eat whatever i want! i can eat intuitively and only eat when i am hungry, stop when i am full and eat treats daily in moderation!” because i can’t. and that’s not me.

    Not me either. OMG if I had your readership, I’d get crucified for the amount of healthifying I do to all recipes. The counting of calories, the weighing, the measuring. But you know what, that is what works for me right now. Maybe in half a year, I won’t be doing that, but right now, healthifying, weighing and measuring is what keeps my weight in a happy place. And that is where I need to be. The end.

    Love you and can’t wait to see you!! Now no more worrying. Do what’s right for you and don’t look back.

    • May 4, 2011 8:26 pm

      You know, the reason I replied in a post is not because I felt I had to. It’s totally because I wanted to and I like spending brain power and energy on it. I know, I’m a weird one. I just got fed up with people thinking that the only mentality to have is that we should eat whatever we want at all times with no regard. There are other opinions out there so I wanted to voice mine I suppose.

      Cannot wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!! Omg!

      Sent from my iPhone

  72. Heather permalink
    May 4, 2011 9:28 pm

    Good post. I agree with what you said. I’ve lost 280 pounds, and I’m super anal about weighing and measuring my food, counting calories, and weighing myself weekly. I feel that I’ll do this forever because well, I don’t want to be 450 pounds again. I do those things to stay accountable to myself, and I honestly feel out of place among most blogs. I’ve started one, but have yet to write in it because of those big differences. I don’t care what other people do. To each their own!

  73. marissa permalink
    May 4, 2011 11:36 pm

    i think you handled the critical comment pretty well. eating healthy is a great goal, moving more is a great goal, bettering yourself in positive ways are great goals. and you are an inspiration to those of us that want to eat cleaner and move more.

  74. May 5, 2011 2:12 am

    I can kind of see where the commenter was coming from. It was just word choice though. If it said LowFat Pasta or something other than “guilt”, then there probably wouldn’t be an issue. I think women have so much pressure to eat right that things like “guilt free!” feeds into that. Just my two cents though.

  75. dani permalink
    May 5, 2011 6:10 am

    de-lurking now. i’ve been reading your blog for the past few months and i LOVE it! everything you say hits the nail right on the head for me. i love your style of eating/working and it has contributed to little tweaks in my everyday life that have made me feel so much healthier/happier. not to mention that your recipes are THE BOMB!! i’ve tried out several with my family and they’re obsessed. for a second they thought i’d turned into this genius chef, then i showed them your website and now they just think you’re awesome too :)

    i wholly agree with everything you said in this post. i also am not one who can eat the rich, caloric/fat/sodium laden dishes all the time and get away with it, BUT i love to eat things that taste similar–minus some of the stuff that will make my thighs bust out of my jeans (it has happened before), so your recipes are greatness squared. they’re light, but not light in the 100-calorie snack pack or 60-calorie-sugar-free-pudding way. it’s REAL food!

    thank you for your blog and thank you for showing me so many cool, new things!

    oh, and i used to live in utah–some of the pics you post of things i recognize make me miss it so! go utah!

  76. Ashleigh permalink
    May 5, 2011 6:38 am

    I love your honesty and your creative, healthy recipes. You don’t use junk ingredients and I personally like that everything isn’t soy-free/dairy-free/gluten-free/(insert “food allergy” trend) even if it is low in sugar/low sodium. Like you, I try to be conscious of protein since I truly believe my body looks and feels best when I get adequate (higher) protein….I’m just all cave-woman-like, I guess. I know 100+ g/day isn’t necessary for everyone, but I like that you showcase your day-to-day choices, which typically meet that standard. P.S. Kapeesh = capisce (its italian)

  77. May 5, 2011 7:03 am

    love this post! hits home for us as we have gotten criticized many times on our blog for saying ‘treat’ etc. It is hard to write what you are feeling without hurting some reader ?!?! so we are so careful about what we say or how we word things because we do not want to offend anyone but then again it is our blog and we should be able to say what we want right ?!! It is hard because we get a lot of new readers to our blog everyday and so many of them do not really know our whole story so they judge us very quickly.

  78. May 5, 2011 8:28 am

    oh, janetha. don’t let these comments get to you. you’re doing what works for your body, and that’s that. we all have different metabolisms, and we all blog about our lifestyles that work for us. donezo. those who don’t get it can shove it. love ya lady.

    • May 5, 2011 8:39 am

      oh girl, they didn’t get to me! i am not at all gotten-to. i just thought it would be a good topic to bring up. thanks for your comment, though. i love you!

  79. May 5, 2011 8:38 am

    I got a comment on my blog yesterday that really got me thinking, too. She said that she didn’t think i should count my calories, that I was obsessed with eating healthy and that I wasn’t being healthy.

    I believe that I have learned from my past and just because I’m counting calories doesn’t mean I’m restricting! I LOVE the food I eat, I crave healthy food. I enjoy eating vegetables, I don’t even crave sugary sweets any more, I like eating healthified treats instead!

    • May 5, 2011 8:40 am


      For sure. Counting calories for one person can be their saving grace in weight loss, while counting calories for another person can be obsessive and detrimental to their health. It is a very personal thing and should not be so generalized! Good thoughts.

  80. May 5, 2011 9:09 am

    I’m a little late to the game in commenting but I’d like to add in my $.02. I’ve always been a big intuitive eater. My parents and I sat down to dinner every day but I remember growing up there were always snacks to be had. Bowls of fruit ready for consumption, bags of nuts, homemade goodies and other foods were there for whenever a craving struck. I think I inherited the grazing gene from my dad, he eats two breakfasts, lunch, dinner, dessert and about 4 snacks in between. It’s just how I grew up. No guilt, no off limit foods or anything like that.

    BUT – now that I’m pregnant my eating has taken on a whole different theme. I’m not a grazer anymore, not *really*. I eat anywhere from 2-5 meals each day but I practically have to force myself to eat when it comes time. NOTHING really sounds good anymore which is so not what I expected it to be like! So I went from snacking constantly on random foods to having to force myself to eat. It’s so frustrating and strange at the same time because my head wants to munch but my stomach is saying NO!

  81. Christine permalink
    May 5, 2011 10:04 am

    Hey Janetha!
    I love your blog and I find your posts so inspiring! I love your thinking about food and fitness and I try to strive to similar goals every day, however, the comment made by Lisa definitely hit home with me only because I know how hard it is to struggle with guilt and eating. I think its true though everybody is different and everybody’s body have different needs and although its sometimes hard, you truly cannot compare your lifestyle to anyone else’s. :)

  82. May 5, 2011 11:31 am

    What a great post Janetha!!
    I think sometimes things are taken a little too literally. I, for example, did not see “guilt-free creamy pasta” and think that that means I should feel guilty for eating creamy pasta but I suppose people take things different ways.
    I really agree with a lot of your points and I think for myself, I love some of the more “indulgent” foods – I’ll take full fat over low fat any day, BUT that’s not to say that I don’t eat salads a lot of days either. You can’t eat cheeseburgers and french fries every day and 1) feel good and 2) maintain or lose weight…

  83. May 5, 2011 12:51 pm

    All I need to say is “amen” “ditto” “couldn’t have said it better myself”. You rock and keep on with your bad awesome self!

  84. Anonymous permalink
    May 5, 2011 7:04 pm

    Hi Janetha! I am teenage girl who is fifteen years old. I love your blog. I hope it is alright if I ask you a question? I am receiving treatment for low thyroid levels after years of strange symptoms, one of them being weight gain. My doctor insures me that it will go away once I get thee right dose but meanwhile I am stuck eating healthy foods, trying to lose weight, and gaining instead. I hate the way I look and want to do something about it but I’m not quite sure the best way to do that. Do you have any advice? I realize you are not a doctor but you are an amazing role model in this aspect! Thank you so much!

    • May 6, 2011 9:53 am

      Hey there, thanks for reading meals & moves! I know thyroid issues are serious business. I can tell you that I have known several women who have had the same thyroid issues you mentioned and they did gain quite a bit of weight and they did indeed end up losing it when they got proper treatment.. so I am sure the same will happen for you! I think you should keep doing what you are doing–eat healthy, exercise regularly and try not to get discouraged. I know it is so hard to see results that are opposite than what you expect when you are working so hard, but this situation is really out of your hands. It is a medical condition and you need to look at it as a temporary, short term problem and things WILL get better and the weight WILL come off. I would say the last thing you want to do is eat too little or exercise too much. These habits can be easy to fall into when you want to see results, but because you cannot control this weight gain, I think that going to extremes won’t do anything for you. Keep up with the healthy habits and just don’t over-do it. Hang in there, I know you will come out of this feeling and looking better than ever!

  85. May 5, 2011 8:24 pm

    Great post girlie! I think the biggest focus should be what works for YOU! Everybody in this world is different…right down to the shoes we decide to wear or the lunch we decide to eat! I love eating clean and what it has done to my outlook on food…I am so much more open-minded when it comes to trying new things than I ever was years ago.

    I’ve been through pretty much all the diet phases without actually ever being on a diet, but the state of mind stayed with me…low carb, low fat, low taste! Now, I try to stay conscious of how much I’m putting into my body, but I focus more on REAL food now! Less processed junk and more natural ingredients! I don’t indulge very often because a lot of foods that I deem “indulgent” end up making me feel like crap…physically! Why do I want to “treat myself” to something that’s going to bloat me (high sodium), make my stomach cramp (greasy food), or give me a headache (sweets)? I eat the way I do because I WANT to and like you said, I know that it lines up with what I want…to be healthy and fit!

    And I’d take your guilt free pasta dish over chicken alfredo ANY day!

  86. May 6, 2011 5:13 pm

    This is SUCH a well-written post with so many good ideas. I think I agree with most of what you’e saying, although I don’t necessarily eat the same way you do. I also don’t tend to be very goal-oriented, for better or for worse. In general, I try t trust my body and I eat relatively intuitively. I would drive myself crazy if I knew I was “supposed” to be eating a certain way on a certain day. But like you said, there are MANY psychologically healthy approaches to eating — everyone has a different path. For me, I look at the big picture most of the time. If I am at a restaurant and have a big creamy pasta dish one day and a big scone the next day, so be it. For me, the important thing is not beating myself up over it, because I know that my cravings will naturally fall back into line with things that my body truly needs (i.e., nutrients). Sometimes I have a few off days, but my body and mind always work together to lead me towards healthier foods. I’m with you that it is not useful to label foods good or bad; a giant piece of buttercream cake might not be very healthy, per se, but I think that it is fine to have it once in a while; in fact, I think that the psychological benefit of enjoying yourself on occasion might even outweigh the TINY benefit you would get from choosing a piece of fruit over the cake…

    You have just inspires me to write a post about the psychology of food choices! Off to go research that…


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