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focus on food & fitness.

April 17, 2011

sunday night already? where did my weekend go?! oh.. that’s right.. i slept the whole weekend away. no, seriously, aside from a bikram yoga session yesterday, the insanity fit test today and a quick trip to costco & the grocery store.. i haven’t left the couch in 48 hours.

rather than bore you with every last minute detail of my uneventful weekend, i want to talk about something i realized today. yes, amidst all the lounging and laziness, i managed to have a revelation.

this post is about to get real wordy and full of deep thoughts. feel free to skip to the banana muffin recipe at the end.

there is always a lot of talk in blog land about the scale. recently, i read about the scale on mary’s blog (she is working on giving up the scale) and melissa’s blog (she pulverized her scale in the middle of the street). these particular posts have got me thinking about my own relationship with the scale.



i don’t weigh myself. plain and simple. i don’t. i have no idea how much i weigh and guess what? i honestly don’t care how much i weigh. i know that i am not excessively over or under weight.. so i don’t think i need to know that number. it is not important to me.

it took me a long time to get where i am today. i used to be an avid scale user. every morning, like clockwork, i would weigh myself. as expected, the ritual of weighing myself became something that i had to do, and the number i saw would dictate my mood for that day. you guys, that’s ridiculous. plain and simple.. letting your weight dictate if you are happy or sad each day is straight up STUPID.

so i stopped weighing myself. i haven’t weighed myself in over a year. not even at the doctor’s office. i just tell them i am not over or under weight and that i don’t weigh myself. they understand and never make me hop on the scale. i have come a long way from when i let my weight affect my mood, and unless my weight becomes a health concern, i have no plans on weighing myself any time soon.

granted, i gained a lot of weight after giving up the scale. that had nothing to do with weighing myself and everything to do with the ice cream and excessive bowls of cereal i was eating every day. when my jeans stopped fitting comfortably, i changed my eating and exercise habits and got back to where i knew i needed to be (in order to avoid purchasing a whole new wardrobe.)

anyway, let’s talk about the here and now. i started the insanity challenge on april 3rd. i wanted to track my progress but i didn’t want to weigh myself. so what did i do? i took before photos and i measured various parts of my body and wrote the measurements down. in addition to photos and measurements, i completed an initial fit test (part of the insanity program) and wrote down my numbers for the fit test. i made a plan to eat clean 6 days a week with one day off—very similar to body for life—and then i hit the ground running. well, not running, more like jumping.. the insanity program involves a whole lot of plyometrics.

fast forward two weeks. i have been sticking to my workouts, focusing hard on eating the right foods and have been drinking lots of water. i have had healthier habits these past two weeks than i have had all year. i am determined and focused.

i completed my fit test today—that is something the insanity program has you do every two weeks to see how you have progressed. want to see my results?

there are eight exercises. you do each one for one minute and try to improve your score. here are mine:

move day 1 day 15 difference
switch kicks 100 109 +9
power jacks 44 50 +6
power knees 85 107 +22
power jumps 28 38 +10
globe jumps 12 13 +1
burpees 14 17 +3
pushup jacks 25 30 +5
plank obliques 50 60 +10

as you can see, i improved on every move. to be honest, i wasn’t sure if would improve.. but i was pleasantly surprised by my progress!

so, after the fit test, i was in the shower, where i do my deepest thinking (what, don’t you?) and i got to thinking about how we measure ourselves.

there are lots of ways to measure our progress when dieting and exercising:

  • how much we weigh
  • body fat percentage
  • our measurements
  • the way we look
  • how our clothes fit

but one thing that often gets overlooked when we want to measure our progress is how our fitness has increased. i never once have monitored my progress according to how many reps i can do of any given exercise in one minute. that fit test i did today made me feel AMAZING. better than any amount of weight lost. better than any old pair of jeans buttoning. i increased my number of reps in every exercise and i felt stronger. i felt stronger, more fit and like i made a huge accomplishment.

who cares if i have lost any weight in these past two weeks? does it really matter if my thighs are smaller? no. what matters is that i am more fit. and i am doing something good for my health. and that is what it’s all about.

the other side of this post is the food side. like i said, i have been focusing on eating clean, healthy foods 6 days a week. i take a day off to indulge and satisfy my cravings. that was friday night, when i ate my weight in homemade ice cream and brownies. boy, was that awesome.

but i want to point something out: i felt like crap the next day. my body was saying, “hey, janetha, what gives? you have been eating so healthy 24/7 and you really just threw me for a loop with all that sugar! thanks a lot.”

because i have been focusing on eating clean, healthy food the majority of the time, my body has set the bar higher on what makes it feel good. my body is having a great reaction to all the healthy food. it is like a domino effect.. the more i eat healthy the better i feel. not only do i feel better, but my complexion is nicer, my skin is softer, i have more energy.. the list goes on. all because i am focusing on a healthier diet.

i am going to continue to focus hard on my insanity challenge. i am going to focus on my fitness and focus on my food. i am going to strive to work hard at my workouts and eat healthy each and every day. and in case you are wondering, i am still going to eat that ice cream once a week. we all need our indulgences. that’s part of a healthy lifestyle, in my opinion.

i think that the real sense of accomplishment comes when we see that our bodies are reacting positively to the healthy changes we are making in our diet and exercise regimens. the cool part about this is that we can get instant gratification from gauging our accomplishments this way. if we rely on the scale, it could be months before we get to “the magic number” we are after.. but just after a week or two of focusing on healthy eating and diligent exercise, i feel like a whole new person with a huge burst of motivation to keep up the good work.

OKAY, the serious stuff is over. sometimes i have to get these deep thoughts off my chest! and now, a healthy recipe to help keep us all focused on our food.

these muffins aren’t as high in protein as my lemon chiaseed ones.. but they do have 11 grams per muffin.. and for a muffin, 11 grams of protein is pretty stellar.

high protein banana muffins.

makes 12 muffins



  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 1 T baking powder
  • 1 T cinnamon
  • 1/2 t baking soda
  • 1/8 t salt
  • 3 medium overripe mashed bananas
  • 1 cup 0% plain greek yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup xagave
  • 2 T unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 T vanilla extract
  • 3-4 T unsweetened almond milk


combine flour, protein powder, almond meal, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda and salt in a bowl. mix well.


in a separate bowl, combine bananas, yogurt, egg, xagave, applesauce and vanilla.


pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix well. add the milk—as much as you need to create a nice batter.


separate the batter into 12 muffin cups—either silicone, paper liners or a greased tin—and bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.


try not to eat all 12 at once.


nutrition info per muffin:


well.. that’s enough out of me for the night. thanks for reading! have a great monday.

xo. janetha g.

85 Comments leave one →
  1. April 17, 2011 8:33 pm

    I don’t own a scale and neither do my parents so I don’t know any different…as long as my jeans fit, I’m happy haha! I think strength/power is a fabulous form of measuring. Also, I tend to be heavier the stronger I am so the whole weight thing means nothing to me in terms of my fitness level. Your muffins sound bomb!

  2. April 17, 2011 8:38 pm

    <3 Love this! I'm doing New Rules of Lifting For Women and just today, we did the Body Weight Matrix (24 squats, 24 alternating lunges, 24 alternating lunge jumps, 24 jump squats as fast as you can) and I really had to take a step back in total awe over the fact that I've cut my time nearly in half over the past 6 weeks. It feels amazing. And that feeling is so much better than anything else. I also ran the furthest I've ever run in my life yesterday and these kinds of accomplishments no one can ever take away from me. :)

  3. April 17, 2011 8:39 pm

    Loved your thoughts and the recipe! You know what I’m doing now… Right now the main thing I’m focusing on is how my clothes fit so I can get to the next size down. It’s actually way more motivating than using the scale. :)

  4. April 17, 2011 8:39 pm

    I hear you!!!! This post is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! I am bookmarking it right now so I can get to it later too! :D

    I stopped weighing myself too. But then, one day I was just curious. Once I hopped onto that scale, my day went down to the south pole. It was awful. I didn’t like the number I saw. But you know, I am most definitely at a healthy weight — I just have more muscle than I used to. I am STRONGER.

    I feel so much better and have found that balance. I know I want to continue to become Stronger and more toned, but I think one of the first steps we have to take is to accept ourselves for who we are and what we are capable of.

    This post was BEAUTIFUL!

  5. April 17, 2011 8:39 pm

    yay to not giving a s*** about weight! I havent weighed my self since….ummm I dont remember! But it was for sure before I went into rehab for my eating disorder. And since then I’ve for sure gained some and lost some…and I kind of care but also don’t care about how much a weigh. Does that make sense? oh well :P

    You are gonna look smokin at palm springs! Deb and I need to prep so you dont put us to shame!

  6. applesnoats permalink
    April 17, 2011 8:43 pm

    This is such an awesome post!!you are such a great scaleless role model…hopefully I’ll get there eventually!as a (soon-to-be )college athlete, my strength and fitness are always put before my weight though. I love it that way …I will take muscle gain over weight loss any day

  7. April 17, 2011 8:47 pm

    I got obsessed with the scale. It dictated how my mood and day would go and if the number was “bad” I’d beat myself up. I had to break the cycle. I now only weigh myself ONCE a month to check in. I measure, I look at muscle gained and toning instead of a number. I’m so much happier!

  8. April 17, 2011 8:47 pm

    Can you get the insanity workouts online? or dvd’s(from the library)? I’d like to try them. I do weigh about every 2 mos….Since I finished BFLife I have been baad! Went to Vail for a week…drank wine….drank from scratch hot cocoa(dark choc, truvia) and from a can whip cream, molten lava cakes, big bag of chips….just nuts! SO I am back to writing down food and water. I just can not do it any other way…WHY WHY are our minds this way? So I think oh I can cheat b/c no one will know…well that person who does not is my own mind…is that nuts or what. SO I write it down and I know…know to be better! This stunned me today! Ok done writing….

    • April 18, 2011 9:49 am

      hey tona! i bought mine off craig’s list. i know they aren’t online but they may be at the library.. not sure, i don’t go to the library haha! i think that you will get back to where you need to be. you were on a vacation! don’t beat yourself up and just get back on track :)

  9. April 17, 2011 8:55 pm

    you’re totally inspiring me to write a blog post about this very topic! i used to also be a daily weigh-er…while i admit i still have the scale, there will be weeks that go by that i won’t get on it. and if i do get on the scale and i don’t like the number, i do beat myself up still but i’m slowly learning to go by how i feel, rather than the darn number on the scale…and i love love love how fit i am now…i can run forever and do pushups with the best of ’em.

    PS. i also have my best thoughts in the shower too. ha ha!

  10. April 17, 2011 8:57 pm

    boy those muffins look good.
    i weigh myself, but i dont do it every day, it is maybe once a week at the most. It is to help with my progress as well as how i feel and how my clothes fit, i’m not obsessed with it so i think its a healthy relationship so i’m cool with weighing myself.

  11. April 17, 2011 8:58 pm

    I love your deep thought posts – mostly because I am literally nodding my head in agreement with every word!!

    Your insanity improvements are amazing!! :)

  12. April 17, 2011 9:05 pm

    I was just thinking about this the other day. I’ve been doing Jillian’s 30 Day Shred DVD for the last couple of weeks, but on Wednesday, I decided I wanted to switch things up a bit and went back to my favorite Jackie Warner Timesaver Training DVD (I swear I can’t thank you enough for turning me on to her DVDs). Well? I about died! Like seriously! I had to take 3 breaks and I thought I’d never make it to the end! The last time I did the DVD was about 3-4 weeks ago and it was tough (I always get a good sweat going) but I was able to power through it without any breaks. It definitely showed me proof of something I already had my suspicions about…JW > JM! I am so going back to the Timesaver Training! The workouts are a bit longer, but I feel so much better, and stronger after powering through them!

  13. April 17, 2011 9:20 pm

    Ahh! I loved this post Janetha! You are wonderful! I just subscribed to your blog about a month ago and am falling more and more in love everyday…

    I hate the scale. I never weigh myself! Right now my jeans DON’T fit. But I’m not weighing myself I just need to jump back on the healthy bandwagon! Your right though…health is more than a number or even fiiting into your jeans! It includes endurance and all of the above!

    Your a smart cookie! Or muffin in this case! :)

  14. April 17, 2011 10:04 pm

    this is a great post Janetha!!! “you guys, that’s ridiculous. plain and simple.. letting your weight dictate if you are happy or sad each day is straight up STUPID.” Couldn’t have said it better! :) I really like seeing how fit and strong I’ve become by competing with my past workouts and seeing how much better I can lift something heavy, or how agile I can be in certain activities, etc. EX: today I had to get a bunnnnchhhhaaa stuff at costco for a club event i have tomorrow for school. I managed to lift all of those myself and put them in the trunk because I can tell I’m stronger now! Hehe sorry this is so wordy. Just thought I’d add my 2cents.

  15. April 17, 2011 10:23 pm

    Great post! I totally know what you mean about eating healthy and having a “cheat day”. When I took my “cheat day” this week, it was awesome for a sec & then my stomach was like WOW, what gives. Since starting BFL, my body is more sesitive to unhealthy foods. It’s great.
    As far as scales go, I’m kind of neutral about it. I don’t hate it but I don’t really us it all that much. It’s just kind of there. I think I use it more to see how heavy my packs are when I go backpacking.
    I occassionaly weigh myself, but I know my body very well and know if I’m packin on a little extra. You can just feel the slugishness. I don’t believe in achieving some specific number on a scale, but I do use it as a measuring tool.
    Nice ‘Insanity’ Stats! Ya.

  16. April 17, 2011 10:25 pm

    Love this post! I have to admit that I’m working on weight loss more than fitness at the moment, but I go in waves like that. I find that when my weight is up, I get more motivated so it’s actually helpful. I tend to get more slacky when my weight’s dropping at a good rate, but I’ve been doing this for a long time. It’s so different for everyone.

    So fun to see you mentioned on Chobani’s Facebook page!!!

  17. April 17, 2011 11:32 pm

    What an excellent post. First of all, congrats on your fitness improvements!! That’s so awesome. And I really think this is true: “because i have been focusing on eating clean, healthy food the majority of the time, my body has set the bar higher on what makes it feel good.” My body definitely notices when I feed it junk. Ooh also speaking of protein muffins I’ve been making your almond chia seed ones every week and I love them! Thanks! :)

  18. April 18, 2011 1:29 am

    How do you like INSANITY?

    I love it. I have been doing it a while.

    I am doing ASYLUM and INSANITY together once I get back to the US, my dvds are waiting for me…for this week I am in Europe on business using my INSANITY dvds.

  19. April 18, 2011 2:24 am

    The muffins look wonderful! Banana bread or banana muffins are music to my tastebuds!

    Great post, again! The party girl post and now this one…wonderful, Janetha.

    Good for you for not owning a scale, not caring, and having such a level-headedness about it all. Wish more people thought like you think :)

    And congrats on becoming healthier, drinking less, eating “clean healthy food” as you put it…awesome!

  20. April 18, 2011 3:11 am

    wow, those are impressive INSANITY improvements, janetha! way to “kick butt!” :)
    and thanks for your scale/weight insights…what an awesome way of looking at the issue…you’ve taken a fresh approach, and it makes so. much. sense. love your “deep thought” posts, always!
    i love those muffin cups – very cute for spring!

  21. April 18, 2011 3:52 am

    This spoke so deeply to me this morning. Just recently, I started weighing myself so much more because I’ve actually been gaining weight over the past year but it’s a GOOD thing because I’ve been trying to gain. Well, to be honest, it’s still hard to see that number go up even though I know in my heart that it’s what needs to happen. Well, today I was feeling kind of bloated and not so great and I went to get on the scale and stopped myself. There was NO NEED for me to see that number. I know I am healthy and getting so much STRONGER. I love that you said that because for the first time in my life, I feel so incredibly strong and healthy. I’ve always been underweight or sick because of my Chrons and now I’m finally healthy and THAT is how I should be measuring myself. <3 you!!!!!!!

  22. April 18, 2011 4:18 am

    way to go JG! Thats some awesome goal achieving! I never use scale. We don’t own one. I think we can evaluate how we feel and look just by staying in tne with it. Well, for the most part. I think pictures also say a lot.
    Thanks for the delicious recipe as always!

  23. April 18, 2011 4:21 am

    I LOVE THIS POST, Janetha! I have spent too many years letting the scale dictate my mood and self-worth. STOOPID! After taking a year off of dieting and trying to understand my body, I am finally able to step back into knowing that the scale is only one very small tool in this whole weight loss journey. I am way more proud of saying that I ran a half marathon back in November than saying I lost over 50 pounds!

  24. April 18, 2011 4:34 am

    I’m so jealous of your sleep filled weekend- I need sleep like whoa. And this was just a fabulous post over all. I haven’t learned to give up the scale yet, but I would love to! I think its especially daunting during pregnancy! Ahhh. Way to kick butt in insanity. And those muffins look so good- I love how they browned up on top

  25. April 18, 2011 4:52 am

    I agree with you completely about the scale. I don’t own a scale and I have no idea how much I weigh. I usually judge by jeans. I really need to get some excercise into my life. I think I would feel much better about myself if I worked out and toned up. I do have a wedding to look good for after all :)

  26. April 18, 2011 5:02 am

    Thanks for the post! I too am sick of having my day depend on my weight. I hardly ever weigh myself anymore, in fact I try not to. My sisters are obsessive as well and I just keep telling them not to do it. Go by how you feel. I love that you tell the doctor no, I am definitely going to start doing that :)

  27. April 18, 2011 5:15 am

    I’d definitely eat all 12 at once if what I’m going to bake will be as beautiful as yours. :D

  28. April 18, 2011 5:49 am

    I loved reading this Janetha — it has taken me a while, but now when I weigh myself it is just to see where I’m at. Before, I would let it define me as a person and it would have such an impact on my mood and eating habits. Now I go by how my clothes feel and look and I go by how I feel inside!

    I’ve tried having a “cheat” day once per week and I have to say, I have those same feelings the next day — I just feel like crap! Now I try to just have a cheat meal — and that tends to help me not feel like crap.

  29. April 18, 2011 5:53 am

    mmmmm. i love all things banana <3 they look really fluffy and delicious!


  30. April 18, 2011 6:18 am

    This is amazing, Janetha. I can relate in so many ways and I KNOW millions of other people can too. I think it’s amazing how you express yourself so that others can relate and really get inspired to be healthier and in balance, not just with their body, but with their MIND and sanity. It should nevr be about the number on the scale, but the level of confidence we express.

  31. April 18, 2011 6:19 am

    i love your attitude. that’s all. :)

  32. April 18, 2011 6:23 am

    Cheers to you my dear! My whole life, I’ve gotten weighed at the doctor’s and that’s about it. We own a scale, but my mom is the only one that uses it. I’ve never thought too much about it.

    But now you’re making me give the whole “scale” thing some thought. I’m of the opinion that a single number is not a really good indicator of health. Weight, BMI, BP, pulse – looking at one number alone isn’t going to tell you the whole story. I believe our health is composed of the processes and abilities of our body, what we put into it, and what we give out from it. Simple pimple.

    In all fairness to people who have a turbulent relationship with the scale, I can imagine that it’s really hard to let something that you have such little control over dictate your mood for the day. It makes me sad to think about!

  33. April 18, 2011 6:45 am

    those muffins look amazing!

    I couldn’t agree with you more on the issue of weighing…working in the fitness industry I find a lot of people always refer back to weight loss in lbs as opposed to body fat loss. I don’t ever weigh myself either. I see no point in it because I have a lot of muscle mass so the scale doesn’t give me the information that I need about how I’m doing physically. I go based off feeling a lot and how my clothes fit.

    Insanity is wonderful btw :-) I loved it when I did it!

  34. April 18, 2011 6:55 am

    Congrats on your progress! That is awesome.

    I gave up really paying attention to the scale until this past week. I prefer to focus on inch loss but even that was put on the back burner the last few months. I was feeling great that I had no desire to look at the scale BUT the scale proves I need to focus more on my food situation. I really don’t like to set a scale/weight goal but I have (I want to get to my healthy goal weight by next April…so that would be a 90 lb loss) Oh boy!

    I don’t obsess about it though. I know that my problem is not with my normal workout routine but food so I have a lot of changes to make.

  35. April 18, 2011 6:56 am

    Amen sista! I talked about the scale not too long ago too ( Sometimes I still think about weighing myself just to see where I’m at, but I never remember to first thing in the morning, so it just doesn’t happen.

    Your rocked that fit test! I love seeing those kinds of improvements. They always make me feel so much better than losing a pound. I want to be strong!

  36. a taste of health with balance permalink
    April 18, 2011 7:13 am

    this is a great post ! i weigh myself on occasion, but don’t let it affect me because i’ve come to a point where i’m say to myself who really cares anyway? i could be ” give pounds heavier” because i’m lifting more, and when i’m “5 pounds lighter” i could be doing just cardio and not have the definition and shape that i really want.
    i think its silly to obsess over numbers because honestly we fluctuate so much- its all about how you feel and giving your body good nutrition. that is the most important part.. and everything else will follow

  37. April 18, 2011 7:48 am

    I have a scale but I don’t use it often. I haven’t used it for so long that the battery is dead, lol!

    Anyways, I do know my weight because I get weighed at the doctors office. But the number doesn’t really affect me.

    I go by my energy levels throughout the day. When I eat junk, I always feel lethargic and not motivated to do anything. When I eat healthy, I have a lot of energy and I’m more productive, I stay positive about my outlook and at times, it actually creates more time for me. Who wouldn’t want more time in their day right?

  38. April 18, 2011 7:58 am

    I did the same thing. I seriously went years without weighing myself after self-destructing when I used to see those numbers in college. I’m much happier judging based on how my clothes fit me, except when I dry my jeans and then convince myself I’ve gained 5 pounds…kidding. :)

    Part of the reason I’m obsessed with running is tracking my times and progress. It allows me to watch my endurance, strength and speed increase and it challenges me mentally. I completely agree that increasing your fitness is the most important thing of all. It doesn’t matter how skinny you are if you’re not around to enjoy your life long enough.

  39. April 18, 2011 7:58 am

    great post! I have tried the 6 days of more concious eating and one day where I let myself eat more fun foods and I have found that it leads to overeating and categorizing as good and bad foods. i think that it works better for me to spread out the fun foods so that if I really want a bowl of ice cream on a “healthy” day, I don’t have to tell myself no.

    Have a great day!

  40. April 18, 2011 8:10 am

    Good for you, Janetha! I think people are way too obsessed with numbers these days.

  41. April 18, 2011 8:15 am

    Great job on your insanity workouts! I try not to focus on the scale either. I have been working on getting in shape for my wedding and try to use measurements and how my cloths feel to determine my improvement. My fitness goals have definitely changed over the years. I use to exercise to loose weight, and now I do it to feeling strong, fit and because I enjoy it!

  42. April 18, 2011 8:18 am

    I am 100% agreement with you. I have just recently been measuring myself by how fit I was and nothing else. I think that is what is keeping me going without forcing myself.
    I have been sick since July and with that I have found different forms of fitness. That is teaching me that my traditional forms of fitness aren’t the same. Specifically I think Yoga has shown me more than anything.

    Congrats on your improvement. You are an inspiration!

  43. April 18, 2011 8:24 am

    I can’t thank you enough for this post! I was in the same place that you were -weighing myself daily (or multiple times a day) which created so much anxiety. I haven’t weighed myself in weeks now, but focus now on how I feel – internally (do I feel overstuffed? bloated? weak? overly tired?) and strength-wise. If the clothes fit tighter or I just feel blah, I get my butt in gear.
    I’m glad I’m not the only one in the boat :) I’m so excited for your Insanity progress and would like to see how much I could accomplish – if only the set wasn’t so expensive! One of these days..
    Great recipe, too! I’m a sucker for high-protein baked goods, especially your apple cinnamon protein coffee cake. This will be my next one to try!

  44. April 18, 2011 8:36 am

    I totally weigh myself SEVERAL times a day. I can relate to how you used to be. I wish I could give up the scale but I have a 8 week challenge to lost 10 lbs for GPPFIT.COM (The gym I use) Hopefully if I can get back to that weight (the goal is 122, the weight I was when we got married) then I can toss the scale forever!!! It is funny though, since I use the scale so often my 2 older kids like to walk in and see their number everyday as well…healthy? I don’t know. I just think it is cute.

    • April 18, 2011 9:54 am

      Good luck with your goal–but I do hope when you reach it you are able to toss the scale forever. I used to be the same. My number was 117. I had to be 117. I would KILL to be 117. What the hell, why was the number 117 so important? I felt healthier and more in shape when I was at 127 than when I was at 113.. so why was I sooo into weighing 117?? And furthermore, who cares if I weigh 117 or 127, it makes no difference to anyone else, and it shouldn’t make a difference to me. All I am saying is don’t get too wrapped up in 122. You are doing the GPP workouts, that should tell you how awesome and in shape you are, no matter what that number is!

  45. April 18, 2011 8:37 am

    Major props on gaining such a healthy relationship with the scale. I still weigh myself from time to time (once a month maybe?) and I’ve found that accepting the number for what it is- a number- has helped me more than when I didn’t weigh myself while recovering from ED. Then, I didn’t weigh myself because I was petrified of what the number would be. Maybe one day I’ll get to the point where I honestly don’t care enough to weigh myself, but in a weird way knowing my weight is a form of reassurance for me, because I’ve seen myself go up and down and I’ve learned that the number never correlates to my happiness!

    • April 18, 2011 9:55 am

      That’s sooo rad that the number doesn’t have anything to do with your mood. The reason I don’t weigh myself is because I know it WILL affect my mood. So you are one step ahead of me, good for you!

  46. April 18, 2011 8:38 am

    Great post Janetha! I have had stupid moments freaking out over gain or my clothes being too tight when I know I’m eating well and that my fitness is improving. It takes a lot of strength to step back and say “This is good for me! This is a good thing, I don’t need numbers or any of that stuff”

  47. Errign permalink
    April 18, 2011 8:46 am

    Hope you are having a happy Monday as well. :)

    Great post. Personally, I weigh myself once a month, on the last day of the month, while I am calculating my monthly running mileage. I’m not really sure WHY I weigh myself, but I guess it’s just a way to check in…I don’t know…hmm, something to think about for me.

  48. Carol permalink
    April 18, 2011 9:03 am

    Great post! Love the idea of testing your strength! Something for me to think about:)

  49. April 18, 2011 9:07 am

    GREAT point Janetha. I recently wrote about having a pair of jeans to use as judgment instead of a scale, but fitness is an awesome way too! I’m trying to do more strength training so I think I’ll take measurements and see how i’ve improved!

  50. April 18, 2011 9:26 am

    awesome post! I totally agree- I gave up the scale and am SO glad that I measure myself by my fitness levels and the ability to go harder. I also love seeing more muscle definition :) Good thoughts, girl!! I posted something similar on my blog last week, so it is fun to see others agree with me!!

  51. April 18, 2011 9:43 am

    I think you are a great inspiration to ladies out there (like me) that live their life by the scale. You have a healthy, awesome outlook. I especially like that you don’t even weigh at the dr’s office- it takes off all pressure. :)

  52. April 18, 2011 10:01 am

    Love this post! I used to be an avid scale weigher too. Im working on giving it up. Now I just weigh myself like hhmm every week or so…but even then I just take it with a grain of salt. All I know is that my clothes fit fine and I feel amazing. And thats all that matters to me!

  53. April 18, 2011 10:03 am

    great post! I don’t weigh myself either. I haven’t since December. I don’t mind having the doctors weigh me, but I look up when they do it. I know that I’m not overweight. I know my pants still fit me. That’s all that matters!

  54. April 18, 2011 10:37 am

    Wow. I just real all your posts from this weekend. Heavy! All I have to say is that I’m so glad you’re my friend. You’re such a positive influence and fun person. Love you! xoxo

  55. April 18, 2011 10:39 am

    I just made those muffins — SO good!

  56. April 18, 2011 10:55 am

    I love this attitude. A number on the scale is not indicative of strength or endurance or performance. These are the benchmarks that are important to me, and I eat to fuel for them.

  57. emilyscurls permalink
    April 18, 2011 11:13 am

    Measuring in terms of fitness… Now that’s a healthy concept!

  58. April 18, 2011 11:18 am

    I don’t weigh myself either:)
    Thanks for the banana muffin recipe! Sounds delicious and protein filled!

  59. Katie H. permalink
    April 18, 2011 11:41 am

    Two places I get the best ideas and thinking done:

    1. Shower
    2. A long distance run

    The shower happens much more often though. And we should all be thankful for that. :)

  60. April 18, 2011 12:19 pm

    This is why you are so awesome!!!
    I, unfortunately, am very overweight and it’s detrimental to my health (or lack thereof) so it’s necessary for me to weigh myself. But, that number does not dictate my day! It’s simply one part of the equation.

  61. April 18, 2011 12:39 pm

    You make a great point. I do weigh myself once a week just to make sure I’m on track but I rarely, if ever, evaluate my fitness levels! You’ve definitely given me food for thought, even though I don’t think I’m ready to give up the scale just yet.

    And congrats on making so much progress in two weeks! You should be so proud of yourself. I’m sure it’s great motivation to keep up the good work :-)

  62. April 18, 2011 1:05 pm

    You’re a great role model as far as food and fitness is concerned. I love that you don’t care so much for the number on the scale as you do getting your body the nutrients it needs and wants! That’s so great. I deprived myself for far too long, and so now my body is relearning how to adjust to normal eating.. Weird, huh? P.s. Calorie counting sucks. Life is so much better without it :)
    I hope your week goes great! <3

  63. April 18, 2011 2:02 pm

    Ooooooooo those muffins! Yay to Bikram I’m going tomorrow and can’t wait! x x

  64. April 18, 2011 2:06 pm

    I use the scale to track progress while losing the baby weight, but don’t know my weight so I don’t get obsessive. It is a good balance for me now, but I don’t plan on it being forever. I love not using the scale when just trying to maintain my weight. I think its the healthiest thing to do. I also try to focus on fitness improvements. For example, this past week I didn’t have a good loss according to the scale. I could have cared less because I banged out a 25:12 5K race and placed in my first race! Who the F gives about my weight? I want to make progress, but I want to be strong and fit more. ;)

  65. April 18, 2011 6:26 pm

    Did you cut back on end-of-post questions after reading that Hollaback post? Yours were always fun, I miss them! :)

  66. April 18, 2011 9:20 pm

    Brav-freak’n-O!!!! I love this post and seriously, all the feelings i have too. being able to accomplish something that makes us feel strong is so much more fulfilling than that pair of pants or bikini that I’ve tortured myself w/ trying to fit into for years! I mean, i never thought I’d be able to run 15 miles and I did; I ran a 1/2 marathon with a 3 minute pr w/o even looking at my watch during the race…and those things make me feel wayyyyyyyy better than fitting into my pants! :)

  67. April 19, 2011 10:50 am

    I still have issues with the scale..I can’t lie. I do still weigh myself every clockwork. (like you said) BUT I can say that I’ve come a LONG way in realizing how my body FEELS, rather than looking at a number as a mood indicator.
    One day I WILL get away from weighing every day, but for now I am happy with the progress that I have made :)

  68. April 19, 2011 4:02 pm

    I got rid of my scale three years ago! I weigh myself maybe once every two months out of curiosity. But I know where I sit based on how my clothes fit, so it’s never really that surprising. Plus, I hold all my weight in my belly, so even a 1 lb gain can make my pants feel more snug. And vice versa. It’s pretty easy for me to tell without the help of a scale!

    This injury has really thrown me for a loop in terms of fitness though. I can’t even run a 5k anymore. So “being fit” has a whole new definition for me right now. I’m just happy I CAN still run (albeit, in short intervals) and try to take advantage of that whenever I can :)

  69. April 19, 2011 4:49 pm

    Love this! I put my scale away a year ago and never looked back…Going by what I see in the mirror and how my clothes fit has been way better for my mental happiness. I know I am in a healthy weight range so they number doesnt matter anymore…I had a long past with scale obsessions..scary place to be in. I workout to feel good, take care of my health and look good…and be able to indulge alittle more without my pants getting tighter.
    Your Insanity challenge is so inspiring, Ive heard its so tough!

  70. April 20, 2011 9:13 am

    Thanks for this post! I haven’t weighed myself in awhile…and it feels pretty good, although a little scary. I’d love to get to a place where I can say the scale doesn’t matter. Not there quite yet but I am getting there. When I trained for the marathon, I started to focus on those fitness accomplishments rather than weight. It was definitely helpful. Lot of great tips in here. Thank you!

  71. April 21, 2011 8:48 am

    love you!! yes, getting rid of the scale was the BEST thing I have ever done!! i think I’ve been free for over a year now? I think this calls for some champagne! ha! Anything I can call a celebration I will CELEBRATE.

    Love you so!

  72. April 22, 2011 10:55 am

    Thanks for linking this recipe up to the FaveDiets blog hop!

  73. April 22, 2011 12:59 pm

    You are beautiful! That is all! I think a lot of this post comes from self-acceptance, greater love for yourself, and perhaps the fact that you are loved and accepted unconditionally by your husband! What else matters? All that matters is that you are happy, healthy, feeling emotionally/ mentally healthy, have contentment and inner-peace, and most of all, know that you are loved! I love this post so much! BE KINDER to ourselves- and enjoy the ice cream/cereal! (Or better yet, both at once, mixed together- omg, so good), but also honor your health. If you ever have a low day, look back at this post, and look back on your wedding pictures- you radiate joy, and this post serves as a reminder that you are not a number on some calibrated/digital/electronic device!

  74. April 24, 2011 7:19 pm

    Now you’re my role model.

    And can you please bring Insanity so that we can do it together!!”???

  75. April 28, 2011 5:49 am

    Great post!! I agree, us fitness buffs often overlook the very reason we exercise: to increase our fitness levels! We get too caught up in our bodies to appreciate the hard work. This is such a great reminder.


  1. Protein Packed Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffins « Just the Tip
  2. flashback post. « meals & moves
  3. Wednesday weigh-in: My Scale « Love 4 Living
  4. What to Read Wednesday « Greek Yogurt & Apple Slices
  5. Fun Links Friday | I'm An Okie
  6. Delicious Food I Saw
  7. $1000 worth of giveaways for a healthier YOU. « meals & moves

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