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the vitamins + supplements post.

April 12, 2011

hey guys! glad you are all digging the cell mate giveaway! you have until tomorrow to enter. get on it.

i have had a whole slew of people ask me to talk about what vitamins and supplements i take, why i take them, when i take them, how often i take them… you get the idea. so today is the day i am going to show and tell you! i want to start things out by saying i am not a trained professional in anything except for procrastination. anything i say about vitamins and supplements is not to be taken as advice or as something you should apply to your own regimen. if you choose to take any or all of the things i talk about, you should consult someone who knows what they are talking about.  unless specified, all supplements and vitamins were purchased by me, for me.

in short: i am posting the vitamins and supplements i take and why i take them purely because you guys are curious and i am not telling you that you should take any of these yourself.

great, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get down to business!


this morning i woke up and completed the plyometric cardio circuit of the insanity DVDs.

today was day #10 and i am still going strong with my morning insanity workouts! that is not as much as i can say for my workout partner.. because i did the workout alone this morning. he said he doesn’t have enough energy in the mornings to properly complete the intense workouts. well.. i am the laziest person on the planet and i have managed to complete the workouts with more and more energy as the mornings go on.. so i know it is POSSIBLE. you just have to want it bad enough. i want fat loss. bad. if you work out in the mornings, it jump starts your metabolism for optimal, all-day fat burnage. marshall is looking for muscle gain and cardiovascular endurance. SO, with that in mind, i can understand why he prefers to do the workouts in the afternoon, when he has more energy, and can do the workouts properly. it sucks that i don’t have him there to motivate me, but at least he is still doing the workouts and he is doing them to his own advantage. as far as i am concerned we are still in this together! oh, and i did update my insanity challenge page, it’s insane.


i had a banana protein muffin pre-workout because i felt like i needed something in there to power me through the insanity. i promise the recipe is coming to you soon, i just want to perfect it before releasing it!! they are delicious though, promise.

breakfast came about an hour after my workout—i got ready for work and made coffee and made breakfast, that took an hour.

protein oats + peanut butter.


this bowl had 1/3 cup oats, 1 serving of EAS premium vanilla protein powder and a bunch of cinnamon then i topped it with 2 tsp ground flax and a little over a tablespoon of cinnamon raisin peanut butter.


i don’t always add flax to my oatmeal, but i remembered to today and really should try to more often.. it is packed with fiber and omega 3s, plus it tastes good!


this morning i took my regular vitamins and supplements—i take the same ones with breakfast each day.


women’s multivitamin, super B vitamin and fish oil.


women’s one a day multivitamin

i take a multivitamin every morning because i have always been told i should. i have taken this same mutli for years. it is called “women’s active metabolism” and i take it because i subconsciously think it helps boost my metabolism. maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t, but i will continue to take this every day.

super B-complex

i take this nature made supplement each morning and have been for almost 9 months now. i wanted to take vitamin B and wanted to get it all done in one swoop. this pill contains all the essential B vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B-6, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid.  i bought nature made because i think it is a solid company. and it’s at costco. i’m frugal! vitamin B helps convert food into energy. i know my multivitamin contains vitamin B, but i kind of feel like a little more won’t hurt. again, i am no expert. remember that.

omega-3 fish oil

i have taken fish oil for years! another one just because i have been told and have read everywhere that i should be taking this. i don’t eat a lot of fish (trying to eat more!) so i feel like i need a fish oil supplement. this is also a reason i try to put flax in recipes and on oatmeal and whatnot. i need omega-3 in my life! your body doesn’t make omega 3’s.. you have to get them through food or supplements. did you know that? fish oil is great for your brain.. i need all the help i can get. i bought this brand because it was on sale. it says to take 3 a day. i take one in the morning and two after lunch. just watch out for the fish burps!

glutamine (2 capsules morning, 2 afternoon) and thermoCLA (2 capsules morning, 2 afternoon)



dosage says to take 4 a day, so i take 2 with breakfast and 2 with lunch. i used to only take one dose after my workout (over a year ago) and then i ran out and never bought it again. i finally did and now i am taking it again.. in the morning after my workout and breakfast and again in the afternoon after lunch because i feel weird about taking 4 pills at once. clearly i have it down to a science. anyway, i take glutamine because studies that show glutamine will in fact increase fat burning when taken after meals. you probably have seen a lot of people taking glutamine supplements or adding it to their post-workout shake. well, it hasn’t done me wrong, so it must be doing something right. oh and i bought this brand again because it was on sale.


CLA is something i started taking when i started body for life in august of 2008. i have been taking it almost religiously since then, except for the times i ran out and was too lazy to get to GNC to buy more. i used to take the regular CLA but switched to the thermoCLA about a year ago. i switched because i like thermogenics. thermogenics speed up your metabolism and boost energy (or so they say) but they do make some people woozy, so make sure you consult a professional before using one. anyway, CLA is short for “conjugated linoleic acid” and it reduces fat—namely abdominal fat. i know this works for me because of experience and i swear by the stuff. of course, it has it’s pros and cons. you can read about them here. i saw on wikipedia that the food that has the highest concentration of CLA is kangaroo meat… well, i am not going to be eating any kangaroos any time soon (or ever) so i will stick to the pills. i take two in the morning with breakfast and two after lunch.

speaking of lunch…

3/4 cup cottage cheese + ranch seasoning & PB+banana+jam sandwich.


i totally botched my meal plan again. like i said, i made that as a loose guide to follow if i felt like it. anyway, i wanted to go down the sweet AND savory path for lunch. cottage cheese is strictly savory for me! i mixed it with some ranch seasoning for a little extra oomph.


the sandwich was two slices of oat bran bread from sunflower market, 2 TB cinnamon raisin peanut butter, a skiff of strawberry jam and half of a banana.


here’s my secret: i microwaved it in the plastic bag i packed it in for 30 seconds before eating. this made it warm, melty and gooey. SO good.



after lunch it was time for my after lunch supplements.


again, two thermoCLA capsules, two glutamine capsules, two fish oil capsules and one new guy: a probiotic.


i have been curious about probiotics for over a year now. i have always wanted to take one because i read everywhere how great they i don’t eat enough yogurt. anyway, i have never taken one.. simply because i never knew which one to take! when renew life contacted me and offered to send me* a bottle of their ultimate flora critical care probiotic, i agreed.

i started doing some more exploring and learned more about the benefits your digestive health can reap by taking a probiotic each day. there are one hundred TRILLION bacteria cells in your gut. there are three types of bacteria: beneficial, neutral and bad. taking a probiotic ups your beneficial bacteria and creates a strong GPS (gut protection system!) which is the main driver to a healthy immune system. 80% of your immune system is found in the gut! why wouldn’t you want to keep it healthy? the more beneficial or “friendly” bacteria in your gut, the harder your immune system will fight a bad virus off. (you can see this youtube clip or this one if you want to hear more and see some cool diagrams.. that is where i pulled that whole paragraph of info from.)

this specific probiotic has literally billions of cultures to work in your digestive system’s favor:


renew life was developed in 1997 by doctor brenda watson. she has devoted her time to developing helpful information available to the public regarding the benefit of probiotics. her latest project is a PBS special called “the road to perfect health — balance your gut, heal your body” and you can check here to see when it will be broadcasted on your TV.

anyway, that is my schpill on probiotics. again, i am no expert, but my gut DOES feel better ever since taking it. also, i want to point out that marshall has crohn’s disease and since he has been taking probiotics daily, he has been able to tame the crohn’s beast quite a bit.. if you catch my drift.

anyway.. back to my day. around 2:30 i get a sweet tooth and eat my adora calcium disc:


to be completely honest, i take this calcium because it’s chocolate. a chocolate way to get more calcium? why the hell not?! i take one a day but on the days i am reallllly craving chocolate, i have two.

if i am lacking in fiber for the day, i will have one or two fiber choice discs..


but i noticed that when i ate a couple on a day where i had ENOUGH fiber, i got really bloated and my stomach hurt for HOURS.. so i have limited my fiber supplement intake to only the times i REALLY need it. this is hard to do because they taste like candy! i got plenty of fiber today, so i didn’t have any fiber choice.

and that’s that! those are the vitamins and supplements i take in the course of a day. i do have other vitamins and supplements in my cupboard that i don’t currently take.. they are:

  • cranberry pills: i take these only when i don’t get enough water because i get chronic UTI’s.
  • lysine: i take this only when i feel a cold sore coming on.
  • CoQ10 enzyme: i won this in a giveaway and haven’t started taking it yet.. i have no idea why not, it is supposed to be really good for you!
  • Xpel: this is a pill that helps eliminate water weight and i only take it before a photo shoot or before a bikini-filled vacation.
  • muscle armor: this is a powder that i drink after lifting weights. i used it for my whole BFL challenge and think it’s a great supplement!
  • vitamin D: i heard that you can get too much vitamin D. no idea if that’s true, but that is why i have shied away from taking extra vitamin D.

now you know WAY more than you need to about my vitamin and supplement consumption! hope it answered your questions if you had any.

i won’t bore you with the details of the rest of today’s meals & moves because this post is already suuuper long.. but i did have an apple larabar, then went to bikram yoga, then came home and had salmon with capers, pasta, roasted cherry tomatoes and white asparagus for dinner. ’twas delicious.


what vitamins and/or supplements do you take, if any?

xo. janetha g.

*please see my FTC disclosure regarding this free product i received for review.

73 Comments leave one →
  1. April 12, 2011 6:15 pm

    You’re like a walking drug store! :) I always think I should be taking more vitamins but I actually get annoyed at the thought of swallowing more pills with breakfast. I think it takes away from the indulgence of breakfast if that makes sense. Maybe I need to starting taking them at night with my birth control.

  2. April 12, 2011 6:23 pm

    I take vitamins. I take Vitamin B and D as well as a calcium magnesium vitamin.

    I think I may do a post like this.

  3. April 12, 2011 6:34 pm

    Those are some LARGE pills! I couldn’t do it. Anything bigger than an eraser head and I have to stick it in my food. True story.

  4. April 12, 2011 6:42 pm

    Interesting. I take the same exact B-complex every day. I always mean to take my Omega-3 but don’t always remember. Do you put yours in the fridge? It gets rid of some of the fish-y smell. When I’m training for long races, I take a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement before sleep because I’ve heard it helps with muscle recovery and rebuilding.

    And one totally random question–do the probiotics make you pee more?? I tried them a few weeks ago and I had to pee like every five minutes!

    • April 13, 2011 12:50 pm

      Thanks for the fridge tip! I haven’t noticed that they make me pee more.. I usually only pee about 4 times a day though.. I am a weird one.

  5. April 12, 2011 6:43 pm

    say what??? marshall bailed on you??? well, you get double thumbs up for still going strong! WOO HOO!
    i take calcium because they’re chewable and tasty, same with fruity vitamin c chews (similar idea to why you take those adores!). also glucosamine as prevention – i have no joint issues. i’ve taken all these for years and years, and feel great.
    thanks for sharing! vits and supplements is such an individual thing – everyone could be completely unique in their choices!

  6. runyogarepeat permalink
    April 12, 2011 6:47 pm

    I just did a research paper on vitamin D, and it’s most likely safe to take more in supplement form! Most people actually don’t get enough vitamin D. I don’t take any supplements, but I’ve been thinking about taking iron supplements because my iron is low when I try to give blood (I think because I’m a vegetarian + a runner).

  7. April 12, 2011 6:47 pm

    i AM intrigued by the idea of probiotics but have yet to start taking them. i bought some brand (ohrhira i think it is?) about two months ago but haven’t opened it. i think i’m scared it’ll make me go too much or something. sorry, that was TMI. will my tummy be okay? ack! might give it a shot. we’ll seeee.

    • April 12, 2011 6:51 pm

      That’s what I was scared of, too! I only tried them for one day, and they only made me pee a lot, which seemed kind of weird.

  8. April 12, 2011 6:49 pm

    I’m not the best at taking supplements — but I have a multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B and a healthy gut supplements. I need to do more research and figure out what I should be taking.

    I thought this was a really interesting post — thanks for sharing!

  9. Abby permalink
    April 12, 2011 6:52 pm

    I just take a Women’s Multivitamin and Calcium/Vitamin D. I really want to start taking fish oil but I want to find one that doesn’t give fish burps or a solution to not get fish burps! lol

  10. April 12, 2011 7:06 pm

    I love my vitamins and supplements!! I take fish oil, nutrient complex, and also a digestive–all made with 100% certified pure essential oils….and they really do all make me feel better, lighter, more energetic, and have helped some (me a bit—-but didn’t necessarily take them for this–) lose weight. I take them in the morning…and it revs my metabolism, gives me what I need, and helps me stay healthy-yah!! Love this post, very informative. And yes, we must get our good bacteria and vitamins!!

  11. Chelsea permalink
    April 12, 2011 7:07 pm

    I’m on the fence about vitamins and supplements. With that being said i’ve taken a mulitvitamin off and on (when i can remember to take it) and often feel better after doing so. I’ve also been debating taking calcium since I dont’ really drink milk or eat much dairy. I had a bad experience taking a supplment, it was one i got at a natural foods store and after talking extensively with the store owner thought it would be best for my pms, i found out a few months after being on it that it interacts with the birth control pill and had a total freak out that the lady didn’t tell me that soo i’ve tended to stay away from anything of the sort.
    As for Vitamin D, yes you can take too much but my doctor told me you have to take A LOT to go over and apparently most people who live in northern hemispheres are vitamin d deficient. I found out my levels are half of what they’re supposed to be, and i attribute this to living in Canada : soo i guess i’ll start taking the vitamins/supplements again. THanks for the informative post!

    • April 13, 2011 12:50 pm

      That is crazy about the experience at the natural foods store! NOT cool. Thanks for the tip on Vitamin D!

  12. April 12, 2011 7:08 pm

    Well right now I am taking a lot of supplements, prescibed by doctor. But I do take some that I want to take, I take L-glutamine too, probiotics, vit d, and I have b-12 patches. Um, I think that is, I am not the best person to remember to take pills, so I go through periods that I am really good and then I will go weeks and not take any.

  13. April 12, 2011 7:09 pm

    Neat review! I wouldn’t worry too much about taking too much vitamin D (i’m not a doctor this is just what I heard in class…) because more and more people are suffering from vitamin D deficiencies. The Healthy Apron did a post on vitamin D a little while ago and it was really informative.

    Anyways, I take calcium-magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D3 and occasionally a digestive enzyme (pancreatin) because I get digestive problems since I had severe food poisoning two years ago. You’ve got me interested in fish oil and the probiotics.

  14. Leianna permalink
    April 12, 2011 7:13 pm

    Having hypothyroidism I have to take my pill for that every morning and you aren’t allowed to take vitamins with it so that solves my problems!
    When pregnant I had to take my prenatal vitamin at night but got really sick so I didn’t take it most of the time:(
    I wish it wasn’t so complicated but I can’t change my condition. So I just need to watch what I eat for those nutrients!

  15. April 12, 2011 7:13 pm

    Jeez, all I take is a Multi B vitamin from Trader Joe’s, but you’re making me want more!

  16. April 12, 2011 7:14 pm

    Oh my! You take a lot!

    I take a multi-vitamin, Vitamin B, and fish oil. Well, I take these when I remember. I need to be like you and take them at breakfast or another meal so I don’t forget. I need to get one of those granny meds containers to keep them in or something as a reminder each day.

    I’ve read a bit about probiotics but haven’t bought any yet to take. I think it would be a positive thing. I need to read more about it and then look for them at the store.

    As far as Vitamin D, I know I’ve been lacking on that at times and it’s caused me problems. For that reason I make myself get out in the sun for 20 minutes or so every day so my body can naturally produce it. Plus it makes me happy. ;)

  17. April 12, 2011 7:15 pm

    Probiotics are amazing fo ryour digestive health!!! Thanks for the supplement overview – I love seeing what other people take!

  18. April 12, 2011 7:18 pm

    I take a fiber supplement daily but that’s about it right now. I stopped taking supplements and really need to get back at it. Adora disks look great and totally easy too. I am all about a supplement that tastes good!

    Thanks for sharing! This was a great post. :)

  19. susan permalink
    April 12, 2011 7:25 pm

    can you give me some more information Xpel? I am going on “bikini-filled” trip soon (Greece, our belated honeymoon!!!) thanks!!

  20. April 12, 2011 7:32 pm

    Ha! I don’t take a single one, but feel great. I could probably use some more calcium tho…

  21. April 12, 2011 7:45 pm

    That was very informational! I want to look into taking a probiotic since I love Chobani, but it doesn’t love me back :) I take fish oils and vita-gummies. I know that the gummy vitamins don’t have minerals in them, but I have NEVER been able to get myself to take a multi-vitamin and now that I bought the candy tasting ones, I have no problem remembering!

  22. April 12, 2011 8:07 pm

    I take many of those! My chiro told me to put the fish oil pills in the freezer and then you don’t get the burps. I’ve never had a problem. I really believe in B & D. I still get confused over CLA and GLA – I think I have both in my cabinet. I have to work really hard to remember to take them every day. I admire your discipline (as always).

  23. April 12, 2011 8:08 pm

    I take Every Women Multi-vitamin (New Chapter Organics). In the past I never had a multivitamin that would work for me. I was constantly getting sick, even when taking with food. Every Women can be taken on an empty stomach. Hooray! Plus it’s a whole-food, organic, & probiotic multivitamin that really works for me.
    I am totally going to look into the Adora calcium disc. Sounds like it would be right up my allie.

    • April 13, 2011 12:09 pm

      My multivitamin makes me sick every morning. I should look into this Every Women vitamin. Where can you get it from?

  24. April 12, 2011 8:27 pm

    I love this post!
    I also take the gnc CLA and fish oil. I am also taking thermogenics…but i feel like it is causing me really bad acne breakouts. especially on my back and the back of my legs. have you had trouble with this too? it’s driving me insane because nothing will help. any products you suggest? starting insanity soon & can’t wait! :) ill be right there with ya!

    • April 13, 2011 12:54 pm

      I have never had any problem with breakouts–that’s crazy! Can’t wait to hear how you like Insanity. I love it so far! Keep me posted!

  25. April 12, 2011 8:53 pm

    I pop 2 magnesium pills daily – they really keep things … Moving!
    Loving the gooey PB trick!

  26. April 12, 2011 9:12 pm

    two slices of oat bran bread from sunflower market, 2 TB cinnamon raisin peanut butter, a skiff of strawberry jam and half of a banana = OMG that looks soooo good . Love the micro action on it too!

    I take probiotics, eat fermented foods, used to take a multi vitamin..but not critical for me…and that’s it. Everything else….I just eat food, exercise, drink water, and go in the sun. It works for me altho I have taken most all the supps you discussed at some point in life…just not currently. Call me lazy or I dunno…I just dont take much anymore!

  27. April 12, 2011 9:42 pm

    I loved the post! I think vitamins and supplements play an important role in our health, and I’m glad you were willing to share your daily routines with us. You gave me some new ones to think about.

    Random question: Do any of them make you nauseous? Even daily mulit vitamins make me nauseous, so I’m trying to figure that out. Switched to the “gummy” vitamins and it seems to help a little…

    • April 13, 2011 12:57 pm

      The multivitamin makes me REAL nauseous if I take it on an empty stomach. None of the others do, though!

  28. April 12, 2011 10:12 pm

    i actually only take a prenatal vitamin…one because i’d like to have kids soon and they recommend taking prenatals prior to trying to conceive, and also because it makes my hair grow faster :)

  29. Danielle permalink
    April 12, 2011 10:26 pm

    Best solution to fish burps = Enteric coated fish oil. I buy mine at Costco (Kirkland brand), no more fish burps ever.

    I recently started drinking a Joint Juice every day for my Glucosamine (since I run a lot), I get the bottles at Costco and they are delicious (Cran-Pomegranate).

    Curious about Probiotics, my gut has been not so happy lately so I might give those a whirl.

  30. April 12, 2011 10:55 pm

    Whoa that’s a lot of pills. I used to take them a long time ago but stopped and to be honest, haven’t really felt anything different. Besides, spending money on supplements stresses me out and stress is even worse on the health than not taking vitamins. That’s my excuse anyway. :-)

  31. April 12, 2011 11:31 pm

    I love the supplement overview! Lately I’ve just been taking a multivitamin + vitamin B complex but sometimes that changes!

    I’m so inspired by your morning workouts! I want to be a morning work out person SO bad – but I’m a night owl so I have so much trouble getting my butt out of bed in the morning!

  32. April 13, 2011 12:48 am

    i need to look into this, i’m taking nothing

  33. Magda permalink
    April 13, 2011 1:52 am

    Gosh, you take like 10 or more pills a day… I’ve always thought that eating wholesome nutrient rich food allows you to take less rather than more vitamin pills. Being a vegan, I only take B12 more or less everyday and a multi pill when I remember (and more often than not I forget ;)). I work out 3-5 times a week and I’m perfectly healthy without a ton of pills…

    • April 13, 2011 1:01 pm

      I used to forget a lot, too. I would go months without taking vitamins or supplements and then I would get really into it again. Now that I am focusing on a 60 day fitness challenge, I want to have the best results I can have.. so I am remembering to be diligent with the supplements! I don’t feel I can eat ENOUGH of the foods I need in order to get sufficient amounts that are in the glutamine or CLA. I am definitely perfectly healthy without the pills, but I feel like they make me progress even more.

  34. April 13, 2011 2:16 am

    I only take a multivitamin. I actually take prenatal vitamins because my blog wife Retta told me it would help my hair grow fast. I hope they don’t knock me up though!

  35. Devi permalink
    April 13, 2011 3:11 am

    I want that PB sandwich right now for breakfast. Yum! As for supplements I take a multi with green superfoods (chlorella, spirulina, etc), fish oil, vitamin D3, and a probiotic. I started the probio 5 or 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with IBS and I notice a huge difference. I hate yogurt and kefir, love kombucha, but how much kombucha can you drink, you know? So the probio is perfect for me.

  36. April 13, 2011 3:25 am

    Due to being a Nutrition and Supplement Consultant, I’ve had the pleasure of getting Renew Life product training, products etc ahead of time, and have featured many of them on my blog. I love them! I love their probiotics, and use their FIBERSMART for all my concoctions. They have some really great cleanses as well! CLA is a product I have written numerous articles about, and am such a fan for a variety of reasons! I truly believe everyone should take some sort of probiotic- as 80-90% of your immune system is in your intestinal track! Way to go Janetha! I hope you inspire people to start taking multivitamin minerals, B’s, Vitamin D (a must), probiotics and omega 3! Also- you are a machine!!! You are amazing- waking up when you are not a morning person, and working out! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you are doing well! Sending you lots of love!

  37. April 13, 2011 3:34 am

    Thanks for sharing the vitamins, there are a couple I think I am going to mix into my routine. I just started Insanity so I am sure the extra won’t hurt. As for Vitamin D I don’t know if you can have too much, but you can have too little. My doctor discovered that while my thyroid tests came out ok they couldn’t explain my exhaustion. Testing found that my Vitamin D was low, so now I take Calcium + Vitamin D & I have a prescription for 50,000 IU Vitamin D to take once or twice a week (depending how I feel). I notice a huge difference in how I feel. I believe Caitlin has started working it into her diet too.

  38. April 13, 2011 4:51 am

    Thank you for sharing the vitamins and supplements that you take. I really find it all so interesting. Several months ago, I started taking vitamins religiously. I take a woman’s one a day multiviatmin, vitamin d with magnesium, calcium, and fiber pills. I’m not sure if they are working or not. I think they might be. Anywho, it makes me feel good that I am taking vitamins and supplements that my body needs :)

  39. April 13, 2011 5:33 am

    Good for you for sticking with the AM workouts! major whoop whoop! I love (as I’ve said many times) AM workouts. I teach pump regularly one morning a week and try to sub another. They’re my favorite days! Thanks for sharing all the info on the supplements you take. And your lunch time sandwich looks ridiculously good. I honestly…usually only take calcium. I think everyones gotta take what they think is best for them, but my Mom is a nurse and has really pushed nutrition through food (since she feels you don’t get everything optimally through supplements). Now, that being said- I think it is tough to get certain vitamins & minerals in through food alone….some days you just don’t eat TONS of fruits and veggies, the right proteins, etc. Since I’m preggers, I am taking a prenatal vitamin. I also became anemic early on in my pregnancy, so I am on a heavy iron supplement. I may continue taking a multi after pregnancy- haven’t decided on that one yet. Ok, done with my novel ;)

  40. April 13, 2011 6:01 am

    I take a multi-vitamin, because that’s what everyone says you should do, and vitamin C if I feel a cold coming on. That’s about it though. I use to take vitamin B and calcium/ vitamin K supplement. I didn’t see or feel any changes from taking these so I stopped. Maybe I should consider taking more supplements though.

  41. April 13, 2011 6:14 am

    I tried CLA and I got SUPER nauseous! Dang! But I take L-glutamine, L-thyrosine, vitamin C, Calcium magnesium, rhodiola, vitamin D, and 5HTP. A lot of it is for my mood and to help me sleep!

  42. April 13, 2011 6:28 am

    thanks for this post! it’s really interesting to see what supplements you take. about vitamin d: the upper limit is REALLY REALLY high, and can really only be found in prescription doses that are for treating vitamin d deficiency. so as long as you’re taking the recommended dose of an over the counter vitamin d supplement, you should be fine even if your multi has some vitamin d and you get some from food sources.

  43. April 13, 2011 7:22 am

    I take my multivitamin, super B complex and fish oil. I often think about trying CoQ10n because I’ve also read it’s supposed to be really good for you. But my problem is I get so easily persuaded that all the vitamins are necessary when in fact, research hasn’t even agreed that they’re even advantageous, although I think so. I hardly ever get sick, and I like to attribute that to my healthy lifestyle and plenty of veetamins.

    • April 13, 2011 1:02 pm

      I always up the vitamins when I feel a cold coming on and it immediately goes away!

  44. a taste of health with balance permalink
    April 13, 2011 7:40 am

    just so you know, i’m making your broccoli quinoa casserole tonight. again. because its fabulous. :)

  45. April 13, 2011 7:45 am

    Wow, I couldn’t keep track! If I take anything, it’s a multivitamin and fish oil. I once upon a time took CLA for the same reasons as yourself, but I ultimately decided against it after enough research. Today, I take nothing and that’s the way I like it…it makes me strive to get it all through food every day.

  46. April 13, 2011 8:31 am

    I think the best supplement in that post is the pb&j! Jk :) Looks yummy though. I always forget how much I like those–I will have to remember that as a lunch option. You always have me curious to try CLAs, but I am super cheap, so I will have to remember to price them out. I take: tyrosine, flax seed oil ( I think it provides the same benefit as fish oil w/o the fish taste), prenatal vitamin, calcium and probiotics. I really like the brand I’m taking now and it has helped a lot with my tummy troubles. Anyway…love you and can’t wait to see you tomorrow! I am scared though. Yikes! xoxo

  47. April 13, 2011 9:57 am

    The only other thing I suggest you take is a baby asparin – but that’s just me – I take a multi-vitamin, baby asparin and 2 diabetes medications that will prevent kidney problems later on in my life – but I am a controlled diabetic though, so hopefully I’ll stay healthy for a long time! :D

  48. April 13, 2011 11:11 am

    You take a whole bunch of supplements! I’m glad to hear they’re working for ya. I’m going to look into a few to see if they are something I’d like to take. Thanks for the information.

    One quick question, do any of the supplements upset your stomach? I find that my stomach is really sensitive to certain pills so I’m usually hesitant to take anything new.

    Right now, I take a multivitamin once daily and a hair, skin, and nails vitamin three times a day. I take the latter because I used to have really weak nails that would constantly break but ever since taking these pills, I’ve seen a huge change. My nails are strong, and my hair and skin look pretty nice too. I’ll definitely be keeping these vitamins in my daily rotation long term.

    • April 13, 2011 12:58 pm

      Supplements don’t do anything to my stomach, but the multivitamin makes me nauseous if I take it without food.

  49. April 13, 2011 11:51 am

    thanks for sharing the supps and what not! of course I love reading this kind of stuff!

    OMG microwaving in the plastic bag to make the sandwich buttery and delicious amazing idea!

    <3 you!

  50. April 13, 2011 12:39 pm

    I am horrible at taking vitamins and supplements, but I’m trying to change that! Thanks for such an informative post!!

  51. April 13, 2011 12:48 pm

    This is REALLY interesting- I do marketing for a neurologist and he recently told me to start taking beta carotene, bio flavnoids, and vitamin D. (I’ve been having issues with sinuses/migraines and he said they would help.) Since I started though my stomach has been so off. Did the supplements you take upset your stomach at first? I’m wondering if this will go away- bahh!

    • April 13, 2011 12:52 pm

      The supplements don’t hurt my stomach, but if I take my multivitamin on an empty stomach I get nauseous!

  52. April 13, 2011 12:48 pm

    i think i need to start taking some vitamin d. or just eating more ice cream :) i think i’ll go with the latter of the two :D


  53. April 13, 2011 12:49 pm

    I do supplements too so loved this post! I take a multi with iron, CLA, fish oils, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. I should really take a calcium one too since I’m not supposed to have dairy (but I do sneak some, so bad!)…must get on that!

  54. April 13, 2011 1:39 pm

    I take Rainbow Light Prenatal one a day vitamins bc the iron is gentle on my stomach. And a portion of the proceeds goes to a charity, Vitamin Angels, which provides women and children in developing countries with vitamins. I also take an omega 3 supplement and swear by it. Right now I’m taking the Trader Joes brand and I haven’t experienced any fishy burps :P

  55. April 13, 2011 1:40 pm

    I’m not usually one to give out unsolicited advice so feel free to ignore me, I just think you might be interested to know this. Taking those extra B vitamins are not hurting you, but when you take them with the multivitamin they are not helping either. Your body can only absorb so much vitamin B at once, and since it is water soluble, the excess is excreted. Basically, by megadosing on B vitamins you are just giving yourself really expensive pee. If you take the B vitamins at a different time of day from your multi, they will be better absorbed and used by your body.

    I take probiotics, which have helped with my IBS…also a high quality multi and some other supplements for mood and sleeping. I am always skeptical of people telling me that I “need” certain supplements because I think so much of the information is just clever marketing. Supplementation is individual, not everyone is going to need the same thing, but advertisements and commercials always make you feel like you won’t be healthy unless you use their product.

    • April 13, 2011 2:43 pm

      WOW thank you so much hayley! I am going to change the time I take my B vitamin. You are amazing.

  56. April 14, 2011 11:50 am

    Interesting stuff about CLA! The only vitamins I take every day are calcium, B, and D. I especially like the B & D because I find a noticeable upswing in mood when I take them. I’ve heard about taking too much D before, but I’ve also read that parts of Canada are far north enough that we don’t get any D exposure by being outside in the winter, so that’s why I started taking it. I also don’t take them in the morning, as I’ve also read drinking coffee with vitamins can affect absorption.

    Speaking of absorption, when I took my nutrition course, my instructor told us to put our vitamins in vinegar to check absorption. It mimics stomach acid and is supposed to break down a good pill. Apparently some of the bigger brands like Centrum don’t dissolve in the acid, which means they’re cheap and useless!!

  57. April 14, 2011 12:17 pm

    Sorry I am SUPER late in commenting on this…I’ve gotten behind on my readings, so now I’m catching up! :)
    Ok, so as you know I have Crohn’s too & have been having MAJOR battles with it lately- like really bad. I have heard mixed things about the probiotics, that is why I never bought any…BUT after reading that they have helped Marshall so much, I’m going to go & buy some as soon as I get out of work. Thanks for posting about them :) Any other tips that Marshall does for the Crohn’s? I just started on Humira for it about 2 months ago..I think it’s working, but these pasts few weeks have been AWFUL. (as in I feel like I should live in the bathroom- ok, ew! sorry to include that, I’m sure you catch my’s bad) Anything that helps him I would love to hear about :)


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