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switching it up.

January 5, 2011

i think i made it clear that i think making a mile-long list of goals at the new year is a little silly.

what i don’t think is silly is changing small habits to become a better person overall. it really is so easy to change one or two things to slowly develop better habits!

this month (and, well, this year really!) i am teaming up with the simply bar and participating in their simply switches movement. you have heard me rave about simply bars before, so when i heard about the simply switches idea i was quick to jump on board!


a brief explanation from the simply bar website:

How many new years have you kicked off by saying, “my diet starts now,” or “this year I’ll hit the gym every day”?
If you’re like us, this approach just hasn’t worked. So we’re trying something simple in 2011:

Simply Switches is our “get real” resolution: a campaign to make health a habit, one switch at a time.

What are Simply Switches? They’re small, achievable shifts in eating, exercise and lifestyle habits – simple changes that don’t require a lot of effort, but really go the distance for your health. A Simply Switch can be choosing a green tea instead of a sugary latte in the afternoon, or going to a yoga class after work instead of going home to watch TV. By making three Simply Switches each day, we’re inspiring positive changes that actually last. Join us!

We’ll be tracking our switches on our website daily ( with the help of Registered Dietitian Mary Bamford. Come share your Simply Switches and join our interactive discussion – we’ll talk about what works, what doesn’t, and we’ll keep each other motivated!

To keep you going, we’ll give away two boxes of Simply Bars to a different participant each week. And at the end of the month, we’ll give away 50 healthy lifestyle baskets, worth $150 each (because come February, we’re all going to need a boost to keep switching!)

doesn’t that sound exciting? and, to make it more exciting, i will be giving away one of the incredible gift baskets at the end of this month! i will let you know the details of the giveaway when the time comes, but start making some simple switches in your own life so you can enter to win.

i have thought of several simple switches that i will be making this month. here are a some of the switches i have in mind:

1. eat more of a variety.

i have fallen into the habit of eating the same things all the time. yogurt and granola for breakfast, a chicken or turkey wrap for lunch and a dinner that involves chicken or turkey.

our bodies crave variety and, just like with exercise, our bodies can stop responding positively if we eat the same things day in and day out. i am going to make a few simple switches and increase the variety in my diet.


i started today with a tuna sandwich for lunch instead of the chicken wrap that i had for lunch every day for the past five work days.


i don’t think i’ve had a tuna sandwich in over a year! this was a delicious and simple switch. i plan to keep the momentum going this whole month with different meals. i bookmarked several recipes to try that involve protein options aside from chicken and turkey. i am excited!

2. reduce the snooze.


i can’t say “no more snooze”—but i can reduce the amount of time i spend pressing the snooze button on my alarm every morning. i typically press snooze for 90 minutes. not kidding.  this month, i am going to try to press snooze for no more than 30 minutes. this is a simple switch and it isn’t too tough. quitting the snooze button cold turkey would be rough, but i think i can scale it back quite a bit without a problem!

3. flowers.


my awesome sister gave us this vase for christmas. it has a little chalk board on it and we can write whatever message we want.


marshall wrote the latest one, in case you couldn’t tell.  i purchased some flowers yesterday and when i got home today and saw them on the table, they really brightened up my mood!


the simple switch of replacing the table centerpiece with fresh flowers has made a world of difference. i think fresh flowers should be around at all times.

4. stretching during commercials.

if i want to touch my toes before the end of the year, i need to work on it!


i don’t watch a ton of TV, but marshall and i do have a few shows we like to watch together. instead of going to the kitchen for a handful of cereal on every commercial break, i am going to use that time to stretch my legs. hopefully this simple switch will help me touch my toes faster!

5. more meatless meals.

i didn’t mention it, but one of marshall’s new years resolutions is to eat less meat. i don’t have a problem with eating meat every day, but he does. he really doesn’t want every meal to include meat, so i am making a simple switch to incorporate more meatless meals into dinners at home. this goes right along with my first switch of eating more of a variety, so that’s nice. it isn’t hard to eat meat-free meals, but i just never really make them.


we started last night with a lemony hummus pasta paired with baked tofu. you can bet i will be looking to a few friends for recipe ideas.

there you have it! a handful of simple yet important switches that i plan to make this month. please join me and make a few simple switches of your own.. at the end of the month, those switches could earn you a super sweet gift basket and WILL earn you some super sweet new habits.

in other news, dinner tonight was too delicious not to share.


momma b hooked it up with some delicious vegetable beef stew.


i love my toucan spoon! he is friends with my owl spoon that you have all seen before. he’s from costa rica. man, that must have been a long flight for the little guy.


paired with a fresh, crisp salad. trying to eat more veggies these days.


and now i am watching the jazz game, pondering what to do with six overripe bananas. i will letcha know how that goes.

that’s all for now!


1. do you press snooze? for how long? i would go as far as saying that i have, on some occasions, pressed snooze for 3 hours. back in the day where i used to *try* to work out in the mornings. gave up that dream long ago.

2. what is your favorite meatless dinner? let’s face it, this is more for my benefit than anything else :)

xo. janetha g.

81 Comments leave one →
  1. January 5, 2011 8:37 pm

    I am a 10 minute snoozer. I can’t imagine 90! I would miss work!

  2. January 5, 2011 8:39 pm

    I’ve been hitting the snooze for 30-50 minutes lately… I actually put it on twitter and facebook last night that my goal for Wednesday was to NOT hit the snooze for 40 minutes. I stopped at 30. lol

    As for a meatless dinner, I always love baked tofu, black beans & sweet potatoes, meatless chili, and of course, pasta. :)

  3. January 5, 2011 8:40 pm

    I make Andy set the alarm for an hour or so before I actually get out of bed. Drives him nuts! But I like to wake up gradually. I heard about an alarm clock that uses a light instead of beeping to wake up. The light gets brighter and brighter as it gets closer to your wake up time. I want to check it out. Ok rambling.

  4. runyogarepeat permalink
    January 5, 2011 8:40 pm

    I am usually not a snoozer, but some mornings, I’ll snooze for an hour or just turn my alarm off. My favorite meatless meals are veggie chili, FALAFEL (all time fav), and veggie burritos.

  5. January 5, 2011 8:41 pm

    I am sooo bad with the snooze…usually 30 mins is a MINIMUM for me…I need to make that small switch to less snoozin’!

  6. January 5, 2011 8:47 pm

    I thought my 40 minute snooze was a long time!

  7. January 5, 2011 8:53 pm

    I snoozed for 30 minutes this morning because of my allergies. I try not to snooze at all if I can avoid it!

    My favorite meatless meal has gotta be tempeh, just sauteed with a veggie and a grain on the side. Simple and delicious!

  8. January 5, 2011 9:00 pm

    I usually snooze every morning, but moslty just for 10 minutes. If I’m going to be in a hurry or something I’ll usually just ge tup with the first alarm. LOVE the toucan spoon!

  9. momma b permalink
    January 5, 2011 9:19 pm

    You really do inspre me and you make me laugh and smile!

    One at a time..I love the simple switch idea and am working on some of my own…..

    the snooze button made me smile because well I’m so guilty…. true story I used to set 3 alarm clocks and they were in different areas of my bedroom which forced me out of bed to turn it off… I limit my snooze to 1 or 2 pushes! (I don’t think my alarms had a snooze back in the day)

    I laughed at the long flight mr. toucan had!!

    Oh and I found 2 more bad bananas hiding—may have to switch it up uand throw them in a protein shake!

    Thanks again for such a great post I love you xo!!

    • Kelsey M permalink
      January 6, 2011 8:13 am

      Your stew looks sooo good! Would you mind sharing your recipe?

  10. January 5, 2011 9:31 pm

    Am I the only one who never hits snooze? I mean, I don’t leap out of bed every morning, but if I started hitting the snooze, I would never get up!

    I love big stir-fries with sunflower or almond butter mixed in and sauteed tempeh with veggies!

  11. Sarah permalink
    January 5, 2011 9:34 pm

    I thought I was the only one with such a love/hate relationship with her snooze button! It is nice to know that I am not alone. I have also decided that I need to snooze less but I am going to be earlier (which is another small step for me) and actually set my alarm for 30 minutes later than usual so I can’t think I have so much extra time to snooze. Good luck with you simple steps!

  12. January 5, 2011 9:52 pm

    I love the idea of simple switches. Little changes become habits and then you don’t even notice that you are doing them! Good luck with your switches :)

  13. January 5, 2011 9:52 pm

    I love this concept! Switching something instead of completely nixing something makes a goal seem easier too.

    um, yeah, I’m a snoozer too. usually 45 minutes.

    Favorite meatless dinner: anything with beans. I love bean burritos with sauteed onions, bell pepper, jalepeno, a little cumin and some cream cheese all heated together. Sounds crazy, but really good. :)

  14. January 5, 2011 9:56 pm

    Timely topic – apparently Apple iPhone users don’t have to press snooze when their alarms are not placed on repeat or don’t go off in the first place due to a New Years bug (so Y2K…).

    Good thing there was a Sky-Mall investment made on a Sonic Boom Alarm Clock – I am a morning person, but I wake up grumpy because I start my morning off by waking up to a shaking bed that gradually intensifies….

  15. Marisa permalink
    January 5, 2011 10:21 pm

    The flowers in the vase look fabulous! I should make a vase for myself and do the same. My change has already happened and not by choice… The girls school starts at 7:55 and we have to be out the door at 7:35 to get there on time driving because of traffic! That is the time I used to roll out of bed. Ugh. I am a snooze pusher for sure!

  16. Nikki permalink
    January 5, 2011 10:29 pm

    You should try making a vegetarian sheperd’s pie! There’s a lot of really good recipes online, I’m excited to actually try making it myself :)

    Banana bread! Or banana muffins…with chocolate chips and nuts of course. Best way to use up overripe naners =D

  17. January 5, 2011 10:29 pm

    That salad looks amazing! like its from a restaurant.
    Im an early bird, so I typically dont snooze!
    My favorite meatless dinner is a black bean/avocado burrito!

  18. January 5, 2011 10:39 pm

    Haha I am guilty of pressing the snooze button for a lonnggg time too! I intentionally set it for 45 minutes before I have to actually wake up so I can press it every 5 minutes. In reality, this just makes me get less sleep (or less quality sleep)–but I just love waking up and then turning back over to fall back asleep!

    I love chickpea tacos, black bean tacos, homemade veggie pizzas, spaghetti with meatless meatballs…the list goes on and on! But I’ve made (and posted about) all these great meatless meals! :)

  19. January 5, 2011 11:01 pm

    Well I have lots of tofu recipes if you need any tofu ideas…b/c yes, I am meatless and have been since elementary school..haha! The only time I had fish was when I was pregnant.

    I love that the toe touching is really something you are excited about doing! yay for you!

    Snoozing…just impedes real sleep. You’re not realy sleeping, and you’re not realy awake. It’s a hell on earth type state. i do like 5 mins of snooze and either just get up or go back to bed. The later is never an option tho, only the former :)

  20. Meredith permalink
    January 5, 2011 11:12 pm

    I am a proud snoozer. I have to set at least 2 alarms to get out of bed!
    I am a pretty big carnivore as well, so I don’t have a lot of meatless dishes to recommend.

    How did you make your tuna sandwich? It looks delicious!

  21. January 5, 2011 11:36 pm

    That vase!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!

    My favorite meatless dish is a chili relleno casserole of mine. SO GOOD. I also love my I Can’t Believe They Are Collards veggie patties.

  22. January 5, 2011 11:38 pm

    Dude, banana wine!!!
    And I teach yoga and I STILL cant touch my toes! i think most short people like you and me tend to be super tight. Its ok if we live our lives never touching our toes! At least we have more leg room on airplanes.

  23. January 6, 2011 12:05 am

    all i know how to make are meatless meals b/c of abe! my fave go-to is gnocchi n eggs:

    but if you wanna go vegan crockpot this one was surprisingly delish:

  24. movesnmunchies permalink
    January 6, 2011 1:21 am

    i love roasting a bunch of veggies and then dipping them on cottage cheese! my fav veggie dinner!

  25. January 6, 2011 2:32 am

    I’m a total snooze button addict. I think the most I’ve ever hit snooze was for about an hour. After that, I usually just turn off my alarm (or bust my butt to get out the door in 10 minutes!)

    I really like ginger glazed tilapia or salmon.

  26. January 6, 2011 2:38 am

    This is a great campaign! Thanks for the heads up about it. I’m going to pass it along to a friend who wants to start being healthier this New Year.

    I don’t hit snooze. I jump out of bed ready to hit the day in the facehole.

  27. January 6, 2011 4:25 am

    Not a fan of the snooze button, I never really fall back asleep anyway so I just get up…but man, 4:30 comes really fast!!! My husband loves the snooze button, I think he averages about an hour of snooze button sleeping.

    I love that spoon, cute!!!!


  28. January 6, 2011 4:30 am

    Simply Bars always look so good when i saw them on your blog here! I like their concept theyy are doing and how you can track it, very cool! Switching it up is a good thing!

    Very cool Marshall is trying to do more meatless meals, you know who has some amazing recipes, Mama Pea!!! I know you know that !

    Snooze I never hit, but my fiance, ooooooooooooooh EVERYDAY he does! lol!

    Love ya Janetha!

    p.s. you will be touching your toes in no time , get it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. January 6, 2011 4:39 am

    I may press snooze once or twice, but I’m usually up with my alarm!

  30. January 6, 2011 4:40 am

    I love this approach. KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid should be the mantra for this entire country. Making unrealistic goals is one of my biggest annoyances in life.

    Wait you seriously hit the snooze for 90 min? I don’t even think my alarm clock has a snooze! :) LoL

  31. January 6, 2011 5:38 am

    I press snooze almost every morning! Just not usually on the weekends – weird, right? hehe

  32. January 6, 2011 5:46 am

    i’m so glad you said that about snooze…typically i only snooze for 20-30 minutes these days, although i’ve definitely done it for hours and hours on end too. drives nate CRAZY! for meatless meals, i really enjoyed angela’s (oh she glows) spelt burgers…they make a ton and taste delicious!

  33. January 6, 2011 5:50 am

    my husband hits snooze somtimes, but I think thats legal if you have to get up before 5am, right?
    Flowers are lovely. I forgot how much they make me smile. Luckily I just received them this past week for our anniversary.

  34. January 6, 2011 5:57 am

    I love the flowers switch! Flowers always make me smile.

    I am a habitual food repeater. What can I say? I like what I like!

    Fave veggie dinners? Refried beans with veggies and tortillas, quinoa and lentils, tofu scrambles!

  35. January 6, 2011 6:22 am

    Such a great idea! I need to incorporate more variety into my daily eats as well. Din din looks yummy. As I have probably already said, I think soup/stew/chili are the BEST winter dinners! I am not a snoozer….I can’t do it. And my favorite meatless dinner is stuffed potatoes

  36. January 6, 2011 6:23 am

    I think I will join the Simply Switches! It sounds like a great way to get some minor goals accomplished. I don’t usually have a problem with snoozing. But, if I don’t get enough sleep the night before (like last night), I may hit it once or twice, but I end up waking up before it goes off because my mind won’t let me sleep…I know I have to get up for something important.

  37. Lisa permalink
    January 6, 2011 6:25 am

    I hit snooze for 45-60 minutes. I purposely set my alarm for an earlier time to be able to do that. Is that silly? ;)
    One of my favorite meatless meals are homemade bean burgers. They are so versatile and easy to make!

  38. January 6, 2011 6:27 am

    I love your list!

    I never press snooze, only because it drives me nuts to know that I’ll have to wake up all over again in a few minutes. ;)

    My favorite meatless dish…hmm…that’s a toughy. Probably lentil tacos. Or a big ol’ salad with roasted veggies and feta cheese. Both leave me incredibly happy. :D

  39. January 6, 2011 6:31 am

    I’m not a snoozer. It’s strangely easy for me to get out of bed in the morning, actually!!

    I love that vase. Such an adorable idea…and of course it fits the Packer symbol perfectly!!

  40. January 6, 2011 6:39 am

    I love the idea of small switches too. They can add up to bigger changes. I also think its a good idea to stretch when you can. I usually stretch as I’m sitting on the floor playing with my M.

  41. January 6, 2011 6:43 am

    i LOVE tofu!!! i think that would have to be my favorite! I have made tofu patties and also mama peas tofu falafel’s are delish if you venture over to her site!

    that beef stew looks amazing I would LOVE the recipe! i have been looking for a good veggie beef stew recipe…but I also understand if momma B wants to keep it coveted ;)

    I love the idea of simpy switches! mine is to be more adapatable to change! I can get very rigid in my ‘ways’ i want to be more spontaneous!

  42. January 6, 2011 6:47 am

    I am not a snooze girl. I actually almost always wake up just before the alarm actually. As for meatless meals, that’s my life ;-)

  43. January 6, 2011 6:55 am

    great tips, sweet pea! variety is definitely key for me. the snooze part, not so much…once i’m up, i’m up. can’t usually fall back asleep unfortunately!

  44. January 6, 2011 6:55 am

    I typically don’t press snooze anymore. I actually..haven’t been waking up early lately! I’ve been going into the office a little later and then stay a little later (usually I’m there around 7:30 on the two days I have to be there.) In fact, today was the first time I used an alarm in forever – because I had a 5:30 a.m. client – ugh!
    Love the simply switches. I’m doing a similar thing called 21 days. I pick one thing to work on, work on it for 21 days until it’s a habbit!

  45. January 6, 2011 7:29 am

    I LOVE the simply switches idea! I may have to join in on the movement myself :)

    I am practically vegetarian, we don’t eat much meat around here so I have lots of fave meatless meals. But my current fave? My sweet potato cocoa chili. Check it out here:

    And I don’t hit the snooze button, but SOMEONE does… because we only have one alarm clock now… yeah, we need to work on that. Or switch sides. ;)


  46. Maren permalink
    January 6, 2011 7:51 am

    I never hit snooze because you never go back into a “deep sleep” once you hit the snooze button! That’s sooo crazy that you hit snooze for 90 min!! Does it drive Marshall nuts? haha one of my favorite veggie casserole’s is Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point’s Santa Fe Casserole. If you haven’t tried it yet, go look at her recipes page and make it. Tonight. :) It’s so bomb!!

  47. jenna permalink
    January 6, 2011 8:01 am

    Ummm, if I could make a suggestion, last week i made the ‘jacked up banana bread’ from and it was TO DIE FOR. literally. the whole loaf was gobbled up so quickly! so if you can’t find anything to do with those ripe bananas… you will not regret it!

    • January 6, 2011 9:36 pm

      i just got done DEVOURING a large hunk of this with butter on top, straight from the oven. i didn’t even wait for it to cook. it is, in fact, to die for! thank you for the suggestion!

      • jenna permalink
        January 7, 2011 6:24 am

        yay! so happy you liked it, love your blog :)

  48. January 6, 2011 8:06 am

    i love the concept of making achievable/smaller goals instead of large overwhelming ones! perfect :)

  49. January 6, 2011 8:07 am

    I am a total snoozer…I set my alarm for earlier then I have to get I can hit the snooze button atleast 3 times…

    I love pasta primavera..Giada has a great recipe..I would give it to you but my job has the site blocked so I can’…

    My simple changes…atleast one electronic free day (not counting using the computer work), work out atleast 3 days a week, spend more one-on-one time with my kids…

  50. January 6, 2011 8:08 am

    I used to hit snooze all. the. time. but I don’t anymore. I set my phone for 4:50 am and my clock for 5:00. By the time my phone goes off and I take my temperature (I’m charting my cycles), I’m awake and I just turn off my clock and climb out from underneath Pepper and Vern. :)

    Love the fresh flower idea! If I didn’t have two leaf-loving kitties I would do the same, but they always knock over the vase, drink the water, eat the leaves and puke.

  51. January 6, 2011 8:45 am

    I’m a 30 minute snoozer, but its my goal to make it a zero minute snoozer :) I need my hubby to start being mean in the am :)

  52. lowandbhold permalink
    January 6, 2011 8:59 am

    I press snooze way, way too much. It’s gross.

  53. a taste of health with balance permalink
    January 6, 2011 9:06 am

    switchy switchh– my goal is more variety in my diet too. i’m forcing myself to do this! i get stuck in ruts really easy. i totally agree about fresh flowers!!

  54. January 6, 2011 9:45 am

    I usually snooze 20-30 minutes but have been know to snooze for up to an hour. After that my snooze button turns off automatically which usually results in me continuing to sleep and being super late for work :)

  55. January 6, 2011 9:56 am

    I only hit snooze 1 time at the most and not every day. When I go to hit snooze I ask myself “will this extra 10 min (or however long it is, I don’t remember) actually DO anything for me or make a difference??” And I always end up telling myself that no, it will not. lol Also, I’ve ended up turning the clock off rather than snooze way too many times which causes me to oversleep then shoot up out of bed in a panic. I hate that feeling WAY too much!

    My fave meatless dinner is a big plate of veggies (okra, potatoes, cauliflower, green beans…etc), pita and hummus at our local Greek restaurant. Delicious! Their ‘fall off the bone’ chicken is awesome, but I’m perfectly happy skipping it.

  56. January 6, 2011 10:57 am

    I’m not really a snoozer. I’m actually an early bird myself – most of the time I wake up even before my alarm sounds. If I do hit snooze, it’s usually for 5 or 10 mins. I don’t fall back asleep, though. How come you can afford extra 90 minutes and not be late for work? I mean, why do you set up your alarm so early?

    Hmm, any cheese dish or my mom’s vegetable stew are probably among my favourite meatless dinner choices. I used to hardly eat meat for the last 5 years, but recently, with my change of lifestlye, I’ve started eating it more often, as it’s yummy and a great source of protein. :) For meatless protein source, I go for eggs or cottage cheese.

  57. January 6, 2011 10:58 am

    I sometimes hit the snooze button, but for no more than 20 minutes tops!!!

    My favorite meatless meals are tempeh and roasted veggie salads, vegetable soups, and homemade veggie burgers! :D

  58. thedelicateplace permalink
    January 6, 2011 11:08 am

    i love tuna. you can make your salad with sardines or wild salmon too just make sure to use a powerful herb combo like tarragon-dill for the ‘dines. cute spoon! how did your salad daily in december turn out? my fave meatless meal is either: spaghetti squash with brussel sprouts as meatballs or ‘kraut+sliced red potato+onion slow roasted in a dutch oven. cheap and delish! sprinkle on some cheese for crusty goodness!

  59. January 6, 2011 11:35 am

    I don’t press snooze ever, and all of my meals are meatless. How boring am I? Sheesh! My DH, who is very omni loves Quorn products. The breaded chicken patties he says are better than those other frozen “real” pucks, and are great chopped up on salads (for me) or as a burger (for him). I rec any of Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s books. Seriously. She also posts recipes on her blog and at

  60. January 6, 2011 11:43 am

    I used to be a big snoozer, but when I got married, it drove Meeker up the wall, so I quit. Now I just set 2 alarms, 3 minutes apart. The first one wakes me up, the second one gets me out of bed. Meeker still hates it, but I just can’t do ONE!

    Meat hasn’t appealed to me lately, so I’ve kind of cut back, too. My recent favorite was a Chipotle inspired burrito bowl with rice, sauteed veggies, beans, guac…tex-mex things. It was yummy!

  61. January 6, 2011 11:58 am

    I’m NOT a snoozer! Never have been. Some how the idea of half-sleeping for a while instead of just getting real sleep until you NEED to wake up doesn’t make sense.

    And as a vegetarian, all my meals are meatless! I love baked tofu, sweet potatoes with black beans, and veggie burgers!

  62. January 6, 2011 1:01 pm

    I love this idea of simple switches!

    So I used to be a snoozer, big time, and now I’m a leap-out-of-bed-er(?) and I’ve realized that I feel a lot more rested when I don’t snooze, because the sleep you get after the first time the alarm goes off isn’t as restful as having not been interrupted. It was hard to change, but I did what you’re doing, which is limited myself to a less amount of snoozing, and set my alarm so that I’d HAVE to get out of bed or be late to work.

    So my fav meatless meals include veggie chili, enchiladas with vegetables & cheese filling instead of meat, and veggie lasagna. Those are also 3 things that my meat-eating friends & family LOVE for me to make, and don’t even care that there’s no meat in!

  63. January 6, 2011 1:09 pm

    I am not a snoozer. Once the alarm goes off, I can’t go back to sleep. My husband, I’m pretty sure could snooze for three hours if he didn’t HAVE to be at work.

    Meatless meals? I’m a fan of breakfast for dinner, with a big veggie omelet.

  64. January 6, 2011 1:35 pm

    I seriously love sauteed vegetables + tempeh in Trader Joe’s Thai Yellow Curry Sauce. Love. And for simple nights, I often scramble eggs with veggies and cheese.

  65. Shannon @ BetterNextTime permalink
    January 6, 2011 2:17 pm

    I build my snooze time in! Love it. It does get out of hand sometimes…weekends especially. Living in an apartment, I wonder all the time if my neighbors can hear it. Sometimes that thought alone gets me up!

  66. January 6, 2011 2:42 pm

    Janetha, I just stumbled across your blog & I’m so excited to start following it! I love your “moves” section of your site! I am always looking for new exercises to incorporate into my routine and its so helpful that you post pictures of the moves you do! I’m also looking forward to trying out some of your recipes! :)

  67. January 6, 2011 6:19 pm

    I have many meatless favorites, but go-to is always scrambled tofu.

  68. January 6, 2011 6:33 pm

    i love that vase. i have wine glasses like that. i love writing my guest’s name on them. or just writing something stupid to make them laugh. and yes, unfortunately i am a snoozer….so much that today during my snoozefest i somehow managed to shut my alarm clock completely. and wake up an hour and a half late to work. awesome!

  69. January 6, 2011 6:53 pm

    During the week, I snooze for 9 minutes. But sometimes when I take a nap during the weekends, I sometimes snooze for an hour!

  70. January 6, 2011 8:40 pm

    I need to work on touching my toes too! ugh LOL I stretch and stretch but its just too hard!

  71. Jennie permalink
    January 6, 2011 9:10 pm

    I can’t believe you snooze for 90 minutes! That’s crazy. I almost always wake up before my alarms goes off anyways. My husband ALWAYS hops out of bed as soon as his alarm goes off. I may lay in bed for a few minutes but I don’t hit snooze.

    I made a delicious meatless meal tonight. Minestrone soup. One jar of spaghetti sauce, 5 cups of water, 1 cup of cooked quinoa, bag of frozen corn, 1 chopped zucchini, and 2 cans of cannelini beans (drained and rinsed). Topped with parmesan cheese. YUM!

  72. January 7, 2011 10:32 am

    I’m a TOTAL Snoozer! I hit the snooze button for 15-30 minutes every morning! I don’t know if I could ever give this up, it helps me wake up.

    As for meatless meals a couple of my favs are veggie Omelettes or Eggplant Parm…YUM!

  73. January 9, 2011 2:04 pm

    Ahhh, I need to click over every day now so I can see the food holiday!

    I love your switches. Especially the variety one. I actually need to play down the tuna because I could eat a tuna sandwich with carrot sticks every single day and be perfectly happy. No wait, I already do.

    1. You know firsthand that I am not a snoozer. As soon I’m awake, I’m AWAKE! Well, no. Partially awake until I’ve had my coffee, then there’s really no going back.

    2. Make the tofu balls from Post Punk Kitchen. The ones with PB and soy sauce. Amazing.


  1. breakfast + flashback friday. « meals & moves
  2. simply switches gift basket giveaway! « meals & moves

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