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everybody’s doing it.

December 30, 2010

so. i know you have read a zillion “goals of 2011” posts.. whether the blogger has called them resolutions, goals, to-do’s, aspirations.. you get it. and so do i.

because i get it, and know you are probably bored with them, i am going to keep this short. like me. at only 5’1”, i am a shortie!

not to toot my own horn or anything, but i am pretty good at sticking to my new years resolution(s). the key is to only set one or two, so you can focus and accomplish.

in 2009, i gave up candy. didn’t have a single bite! marshall did this with me. i was so proud of him! we both did it.

in 2010, i had three resolutions. i know, a little lofty. they were:

1. no soda

2. floss every day

3. run 400 miles

let’s talk about it!

1. check!


this was my main resolution (like the candy one of 2009) and i can happily and PROUDLY say i didn’t had a drop of soda this year. granted, i was not a complete soda addict going into 2010.. but i still drank too much of it and that was not necessary. there were times i really wanted a swig of marshall’s dr. pepper or to enjoy a root beer float.. but i held back. i am not going to start drinking soda in 2011.. but if i feel like a sip here or there, i am allowed.

2. mainly check!


the point of this resolution was to develop a new healthy habit. and i did. now i floss daily—sometimes twice a day. it is second nature. there were some days missed in 2010, i am sure, but the point was to develop the habit of regular flossing, and i did! my dentist would be proud. i know deb is.

3. check, i think?


so i set out to run 400 miles (indoors and outdoors combined) in 2010. the point of this was to run more and just be more active in general. i tracked my progress here. i did a great job the first couple months, but then i ended up with tendinitis in both ankles (ugh!) and had to lay off running for about 5 weeks. such a bummer. i did manage to get back on track.. but guess what? i stopped officially tracking the miles around mid-october! as of october 21st i was at 332 miles. i kept track on a notebook and november was around 45 miles. it was a good month for running. that means i would have had to run 23 miles this month, which i think i have easily done. even though i have taken several days off from the gym, i typically run 3-4 miles when i do cardio on the treadmill.. so i am going to give this one a big CHECK!

now, moving on to 2011.

i have two resolutions.

i usually try to work towards something and give up something entirely.

the working toward something resolution, like my running resolution, is a work in progress. there is time to get there. 365 days, actually. 366 on a leap year, if you wanna get technical.

the give up something resolution, however, is an all-or-nothing deal.  i commit to stop doing something and that starts on january first. no excuses. that is the resolution that i usually focus more on.

here are my 2011 resolutions:

1. touch my toes. this is the work in progress goal. i have never, in my life, been able to touch my toes (with my legs straight, of course.) word on the street is that my dad can’t, either, so maybe it is genetic. i have heard that. every time i work my hamstrings, they get ridiculously sore. even if i just work them with light weights. they are tight. and sore. and not flexible at all!

i know you guys are reading this and thinking it is such a ridiculous resolution. and that the majority of the world population can touch their toes. but for me, it’s a big deal! i have always wanted to be able to and never have.

here is where i am right now:


a better look at the distance between my fingers and toes (and randy’s face, always hogging the attention):


i think that with some stretching and determination, i will be able to touch my toes in a year from now. i also want to try a yoga class, because i bet that would help. i mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right? plus, i have never done yoga and have always wanted to try it.

at least i have some helpers Winking smile penny and randy thought it was play time.


if you have any toe touchin’ tips, send them my way!

next up:

2. close things all the way. this is the all-or-nothing goal.  and i realize that it needs further explaining. i am notorious for not closing things all the way. lids on peanut butter.. cereal boxes.. laundry detergent containers.. lids on jam.. zip lock bags of anything.. lids on milk.. you get the idea. anything that can be open and needs to be closed? well, chances are that it will get halfway closed on my clock. aside from the toilet, of course, thanks to years of nagging from momma b i am very good at closing the toilet lid.

i pulled a few things from the fridge and pantry today to show you my bad habit…

IMG_5099IMG_5098 - CopyIMG_5102 - CopyIMG_5104 - CopyIMG_5107 - Copy

this bad habit of not putting lids on tightly was never a real issue for me. sometimes things would spill, but for the most part, it never bothered me. well, i got married, and as it turns out.. it really bothers my mister. like. a lot. i never noticed what a bad habit it was until he started pointing it out. every day. with everything.

so, this resolution will break my bad habit. and it will probably help my marriage. two birds, one stone.

marshall’s resolution this year is no soda. i am really proud of him because that boy drinks at least 36 oz of soda a day. i wish him luck!

i told you i was going to keep this short, and it ended up a little long, so i am going to go now.

i want to mention a few really unique “2010 in review” posts from other bloggers that i absolutely loved:

enjoy those and i will see ya tomorrow for a special flashback friday!


1. did you have a 2010 resolution? what was it/did you keep it?

2. are you making any 2011 resolutions?

xo. janetha g.

60 Comments leave one →
  1. December 30, 2010 10:00 pm

    I didn’t know it was possible for someone not to be able to touch their toes. ;] Good luck with the resolutions! I am guilty of not closing things all the way too.

  2. December 30, 2010 10:06 pm

    I can’t touch my toes either! Maybe I should add that to my list. ;)

    I have a LOT of goals for 2011…. to be posted in 10 minutes on my blog. :) I have a ton of fitness related ones but also personal, food, and educational. :)

    • December 30, 2010 10:07 pm

      Ooo… and PS- I got my coupons from the giveaway in the mail today! (They were probably in my PO box for a few days now but I just got back to my apartment.) Thanks!!! :)

  3. December 30, 2010 10:08 pm

    I couldn’t touch my toes for the longest time, and yoga is totally what did the trick for me. I hope you end up liking yoga as much as I do!

    And I am seriously laughing hard at your not closing things habit, especially the wonky job on the Skippy lid. Hil-ar-eeeeee-ous!’

    I copied Averie’s idea of intentions and put them on my blog. Not quite as short as yours, but attainable things that I am very capable of.

  4. Erika permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:10 pm

    Try Active Isolated Stretching. I use a great DVD from the Broadway Dance Center but it is definitely geared towards dancers. You can google the term and read up on it, it has worked wonders for me. Basically it is stretching a targeted muscle for no longer than 2 seconds but doing multiple reptitions. You can also google the Whartons and Mattes method to learn more about it. Good luck!

  5. Liz @ Blog is the New Black permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:11 pm

    You are hilarioius- “close things all the way.” Um, and kind of nuts… give up candy?!?! WHY would you do that lady?! That’s some will power!

  6. Nicole C permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:18 pm

    I make a bucket list, sounds more fun to me. 2010 ones were: run a 5k, go to banff, swing dance classes, visit national parks, use a cool camera. Got a few done, others move onto this year.

    2011: go see unwritten law in san diego, go to europe for my big 3-0, ride a tandem bike on the beach, find recipes for dinner. Don’t you love how most involve travel, aww!

  7. December 30, 2010 10:19 pm

    I posted my 2011 Intentions..and talked about why i prefer intentions vs. resolutions, but it’s semantics at a certain point, but it is the little things for me :)

    Your toe touching…as a yoga teacher, i can tell you RIGHT away that you need to relax your head and neck. Let go. When you’re bent over, I just want to walk by and push your head, neck, and shoulders…DOWN. Drop them. This will help immensely with your legs. Subtle/small things can go a long way in yoga.

    And I have long ass legs girl…i am almost 5’11” and i can touch my toes. But not b/c i am naturally flexible. No way! I have long muscles that i used for most of my life for cardio which just impedes flexibility even more so just keep on practicing…you WILL GET THERE!! It took me a year or more of consistent yoga before i could touch my toes. But it finally happened :)

  8. December 30, 2010 10:19 pm

    I love that you don’t have 1,800 goals like a lot of other people. I feel like you are realistic about it and I love that!

  9. runyogarepeat permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:25 pm

    Wow, I’m impressed you didn’t have candy at all! Try yoga – it will definitely help. Try a class, then maybe a few sun salutations in the morning/evening to stretch out your legs. I always try to do a few yoga stretches after running too. I love it! Hope you give it a try!

  10. Erin C H permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:30 pm

    My other friend Erin, the personal trainer? I thought I was just super inflexible, but she can’t touch her toes, either. Some people’s hamstrings are just too tight. I couldn’t touch my toes after years of ballet and modern dance- that’s daily or weekly stretching. I’ll go to yoga with you any time!

  11. Ashlan permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:40 pm

    I love momma b and the toilet lid….I can array it’s true she likes her lids down.

    Great goals! My top goal is to do an Olympic distance triathlon by the end of 2011.

  12. December 30, 2010 10:41 pm

    I love these…and um super impressed you stuck so hard to those resolutions! I’m working on financial goals and just making healthier choices!

  13. actorsdiet permalink
    December 30, 2010 10:49 pm

    aw the dogs saw you coming down to their level. i’m very impressed with your resolutions, janetha!!!

  14. December 30, 2010 10:55 pm

    high five for being short! i’m 5’1 as well!
    congrats on your goals :)

  15. December 30, 2010 10:57 pm

    Way to go on your goals for 2010!

    I think I need to make flossing a better habit in 2011. I’m not great about it even though I have floss in my purse, my car, Andy’s car…etc.

    Andy seriously can only reach down as far as his knees. Even that is a struggle. I think he’d like this goal of touching your toes. The boy is not flexible at all. I wonder if yoga/pilates might help?

    My goal for 2010 was to run a 5k. I RAN 4 of them! :)

    Still working on my goals for 2011, better get on that shiz.

  16. December 30, 2010 11:34 pm

    Congrats on sticking with your 2010 resolutions! It seems like you’ve really thought out the way you handle resolutions so that they really make sense. I was in the same boat of not being able to touch my toes, so I totally know where you are coming from. However, once I started to practice yoga (specifically hot vinyasa, ashtanga, and anusaura), my flexibility increased. Now I can touch my toes without the heat! I’m glad to hear you want to try yoga for yourself. And remember, it’s not the end point that really matters, but rather the journey of getting there. You will discover so much with practicing yoga that touching your toes (or getting closer) will just be the icing on the cake.

    Have a lovely day!

  17. December 30, 2010 11:41 pm

    its 11 in 2011 haha definitely seeing this alot. I like your approach, doesn’t have to be much, just something that you can focus on. I love your touching your toes goal, thats a good one!

    my one big thing to do in 2011 is donate blood.. i’ve always been too low in iron to do so, and i really want to do it at least twice next year.

  18. December 30, 2010 11:45 pm

    This is too funny cause I just wrote about how I have such a hard time changing my habits! I too need to start to close things properly. But as you’ll see in my post, change is hard.
    There are so many things I want to change, but I often wonder that if I really wanted them to change so badly, wouldn’t I have already done it? eh, I think I just need to go easy on my self, maybe not feeling like I need to “work on” things is my thing to work on.
    Thanks for the link love, it always makes my heart flutter a bit when someone links me. Especially when its an awesome person such as yourself!

  19. December 31, 2010 12:12 am

    I love your goals for 2011; I should learn to close things, too, because non-closage = clumsy spillage for me.

    2010 was a good goals year for me, yay! I resolved to lose the last 30lbs in my weightloss journey (done) and make exercise an enjoyable, routine part of my life (done). I also set a mid-year goal of giving up smoking (done).

  20. December 31, 2010 12:18 am

    That is amazing! No candy for a whole year or soda? Major props :)

  21. December 31, 2010 12:22 am

    Hey girl! So I have had the same toe touching problem, never ever could I do that! Especially on the sitting down legs out stretch, Eh I was horrible. Anywho…yoga did it for me. A couple months of once a week yoga class and I did it! Yay. If you have a golds membership check out the gyms in your area for Jim. He is da bomb!

  22. December 31, 2010 12:26 am

    Giving up soda!!! That is so AWESOME!!!!!!

    I decided not to do resolutions so much this year (I may do a few small ones like GET MORE SLEEP…Yeeesh) but instead spent time reflecting what I’ve accomplished in light of where I started in 2000. I also have been thinking about what I want in the next decade. It was a very healing exercise and I realize the things I want from the next decade are different from what I wanted in the one we are leaving. It gave me a very strong sense of peace.

  23. December 31, 2010 12:31 am

    Haha, I never close things either. People hate me for it.

  24. December 31, 2010 12:38 am

    I don’t think the toe touching one is off at all. Heck, I want to be able to do big girl completely technical push ups. How sad is that? I’m working on upper body strength, but it still seems so very impossible, but 366 days of practice make it seem easier.

  25. squigglefloey permalink
    December 31, 2010 12:54 am

    Omg I would seriously have the same goal about closing lids on things! Well, not so much lids…but more so plastic baggies or twisting things shut all the way. My mom gets so peeved when I do it at her house! Good idea for a reasonable resolution! :)

  26. movesnmunchies permalink
    December 31, 2010 4:14 am

    ahahah i am so with you on touching my toes! i want to ttoo and ahahah i always leave lids off or i dont screw them on right- im always rushing and so impatient to take time to put it on right!

  27. December 31, 2010 5:33 am

    I love your resolutions!!!!!! These are definitely commendable goals and I am with you 100% on not being able to touch my toes. I feel like a dork when I take classes and the teacher asks everyone to touch their toes. I am the one in the back who reaches for her ankles in pain.

    Happy New Year LOVE!!!!

  28. December 31, 2010 5:58 am

    You and my husband are one in the same. toe touchin no closers. haha! This year I don’t want to stress the small stuff. Lets just see how that progresses, ha!

  29. December 31, 2010 6:43 am

    LOL. I totally love your resolutions ;)

  30. andrea permalink
    December 31, 2010 6:57 am

    I can’t believe you have the closing things issue too, it drives my husband crazy!!! I will definitely be working on some resolutions such as eating slower, I inhale my food it’s gross!! I also want to stop eating when I am full instead of always finishing everything it is such a challenge for me though.

  31. December 31, 2010 7:00 am

    I didn’t make any real goals for 2010…just those vague ones you keep in your head and forget about. BUT I’m ready to start 2011 the right way- and I’m making GOOD resolutions that will better me as a PERSON, not the silly ones I usually make :)

  32. December 31, 2010 7:55 am

    I am so not flexible. I have always tried to do yoga to help with that because I am horrible at stretching after working out. So I guess this goes back onto my list for the year : ) We will get there together!

  33. December 31, 2010 8:14 am

    Touching my toes was something I used to never be able to do either. I think this year is the first time I was actually able to. :D

    I think general stretching/yoga is the secret. Focusing on lengthening moves for the legs, arms, back helps a lot. :D

    Have a wonderful, Happy New Year! :D

  34. December 31, 2010 8:36 am

    I totally recommend yoga…take a few basic classes and then go with a vinyasa flow class. The basic classes can get a bit boring but with vinyasa or hot yoga you will get an amazing workout and in the will be visiting your toes on the regular…

    My goals for 2011…no soda and work out 3-5 days a week (I am giving myself some room on this one..hehe). I was thinking about no red meat but there are times when I really need a steak on the grill:/ Maybe next year:)

    Have a safe and happy New Years!!!

    PS Saturday I am heading out to buy Body for Life…i think it is a go…

  35. a taste of health with balance permalink
    December 31, 2010 9:15 am

    love the resolutions!

  36. December 31, 2010 9:25 am

    Just came across your blog and love it! I love the you have REAL resolutions that are attainable and year long goals!!!

  37. December 31, 2010 9:34 am

    omg not closing things all the way is my biggest pet peeve! doors, closets, cabinets, jars, bottles, you name it. it drives me bonkers!!

    maybe i should resolve to lighten up a bit?

    kidding. my resolution is to take more risks. i forget the ones i made last year. one might have been read more? totally didn’t accomplish it.

  38. thedelicateplace permalink
    December 31, 2010 9:44 am

    1. my resolution was to do more yoga and i did!
    2. my 2011 resolutions are to: accept change without stressing over it, continue to eat dairy free/gluten free, work on core strength

  39. December 31, 2010 10:26 am

    I laughed out loud at the pictures of unclosed things…I did that once to a salad dressing bottle and left it on the counter, and my Hubs went to go shake it before he put it on his salad and..well, you can guess what happened. Oily dressy EVERYWHERE and I’m an insane neat freak so I wanted to freak out but it was 10000% my fault. Ha ha!

    BTW, love the post the other day about getting ready for Mexico – I think that’s why I really like your blog – it’s all about balance!

  40. December 31, 2010 10:36 am

    I have NEVER been able to touch my toes either! I didn’t have a resolution last year, but I’m working on a “goal list” for 2011! One will be to take my vitamins everyday…I have such a hard time with that!

  41. December 31, 2010 10:41 am

    I like that you kept your resolutions (this year’s and last’s) realistic but significant! Touching your toes ain’t easy. I was about where you were before I started doing stretches every day. It IS possible!

    I’m working on my 2011 resolutions list!

  42. December 31, 2010 11:06 am

    Oooh you’re so close with the toe touching! You’ll have it by March I bet! I had some 2010 resolutions and I mostly stuck with them. This year, I have NO resolutions…my focus is just on having a healthy, happy baby and making it through the rest of the school year! It’s a “no plan” plan that I’m sure I can stick to!

  43. December 31, 2010 11:17 am

    I love it! I am terribly guilty for not closing lids on things! That could certainly be a resolution for me…as well as being a more dilligent dish washer. That would make my boyfriend happy:)

  44. December 31, 2010 11:23 am

    Good for you girlie! I gave up soda a while back and now only have it about once a week when we go out. It was a HARD habit to kick! I don’t usually make resolutions, but sometimes general goals. This year I think its to spend more time with family & friends and get more sleep

  45. Bridget permalink
    December 31, 2010 11:29 am

    Yoga will DEFINITELY help you touch your toes. A few years ago, I couldn’t touch mine either. I started practicing yoga (more for strength and stress relief benefits than flexibility) and now I can wrap my whole hand around my feet!

  46. December 31, 2010 11:55 am

    Touching your toes is an interesting one I’ve never heard before. Even though I don’t look like it, I’m very flexible and can touch my toes like that (wow, I don’t mean that to sound like Haha look at me, I can do it), but it’s interesting to see others having issues in something you take for granted or can do easily. On the other hand, I really can’t do it at home since my pup gets in my face as well and thinks yoga time is play time. Then I have to lock him up while I do so, which breaks my heart and makes finding my chi a little more difficult.

    Some of my goals for 2011 are
    Save more money
    Cut down on Starbucks and eating out :(
    Work out more with my kettlebell
    Vary my workouts
    Jar my own salsa and veggies
    Learn how to make my own bread
    Quit my job


  47. December 31, 2010 3:02 pm

    I can’t touch my toes either. I’m 8 inches taller than you, though, so I always joke that with legs this long, the ground is too far away. I’ve worked on it some, and gotten closer, but I need to continue to work on it.

    So, I wish you luck in your journey.

  48. December 31, 2010 3:18 pm

    no lie your 2011 ambitions are my favorite… particularly the “close things” one. i literally laughed out loud and made my husband check it out. love it! :)

  49. December 31, 2010 4:08 pm

    Haha, your “not closing things all the way” pictures reminded me of how many of the same foods we like–I’ve been munching on that cereal while reading blogs this afternoon:)

  50. December 31, 2010 4:46 pm

    People not closing things drives me nuts! Fix that girl!
    I want to save money and bone more dudes in 2011!

  51. January 1, 2011 7:41 am

    that’s so funny you mention not closing things all the way- I do that too!! My family gets so annoyed with me but it’s a bad habit!

  52. January 1, 2011 1:54 pm

    I love these resolutions!! I am AWFUL for not shutting things too. It must be related to the gene that hates hanging clothing up ;)

    Okay, toe touching thing. I always had trouble doing it too until I went to this intro to Ashtanga class where the instructor had us put our feet shoulder width apart and wrap a belt around our thighs. He then made us contract our thigh muscles like we were trying to burst through the belt. Then he made us take off the belt, contract our thigh muscles the exact same way, and bend towards our toes. When those thigh muscles are working you get a lot more distance. I was able to stretch forward at least an extra inch!

    Hopefully that makes sense?

  53. Lindsay R. permalink
    January 1, 2011 4:52 pm

    Your goal of closing things is cracking me up! When my hubby and I first lived together, about 8 years ago, he kept pointing out that I left cabinet doors and drawers open. I never noticed I did that! I go through phases where that bad habit creeps back in, but for the most part, I’m cured. Funny what living with someone teaches you about yourself! :)

  54. elise permalink
    January 3, 2011 6:52 pm

    you are so effing awesome. your first few sentences are EXACTLY how ive been feeling – and yet – i found this post refreshing because you are so damn cool.
    i am the loser of 2011 or something because im refusing to do the whole resolution thang. im just over it i guess.
    we could NEVER live together because you would drive me loco by not closing things. i cant stand it. im so ocd about that kind of shiz. as for the tow touching. oy. i would love to jump on board with that goal. i suck in the flexibility department. maybe yoga and i need to get acquainted.
    AND i just got this coffee xpress thing which is AMAZING!?! im ecstatic! you are such a sweetheart. i cant get over it.

  55. January 3, 2011 8:14 pm

    These goals are adorable. You are awesome.

  56. January 4, 2011 8:35 am

    you get the award for best 2011 goals. word.

  57. January 5, 2011 9:54 pm

    baaahahaha! i’m the same way! I never close things all the way. I’m especially notorious for not closing kitchen cupboards all the way. drives.rob.crazy.


  1. New Year, New You? “Fat” Chance! | Eden's Eats
  2. switching it up. « meals & moves

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