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seven healthy habits.

December 6, 2010

hey, friends!

hope your mondays went off without a hitch. mine was pretty mellow, especially for a monday.

it was also pretty boring and repetitive in the meals department (as mondays can usually be) so i won’t bore you with every last detail. all i need to say is eggbeaters, oatmeal, fruit, big huge salad with cottage cheese & garbanzos (salad #5 of my salad challenge! 15 to go), protein bar, a couple cups of coffee and tons of water. there, that was my day.

my day also included finding a super cute tree skirt, a couple festive christmas dog collars, vanilla bean paste and a winter welcome front door hanger. aaaaand a few unmentionable christmas gifts for the mister.

i will share my workout with you because it was a good one. i love lower body workout day, it is my VERY favorite!


body for life style lower body sesh.

instead of doing abs as a separate set, i superset each leg exercise with an ab exercise—this kept my heart rate up and got the job done faster.

*5 minute treadmill sprint warmup






bulgarian split squat 15# 12 each leg 30 ball crunches
bulgarian split squat 20# 10 each leg 30 oblique crunches on ball (15 each side)
bulgarian split squat 25# 8 each leg 30 bicycle crunches
bulgarian split squat 30# 6 each leg 30 floor crunches
bulgarian split squat 20# 12 each leg none
jump squats body weight 12 NA






single leg deadlift 15# 12 each leg 30 ball crunches
single leg deadlift 20# 10 each leg 30 oblique crunches on ball (15 each side)
single leg deadlift 25# 8 each leg 30 bicycle crunches
single leg deadlift 30# 6 each leg 30 floor crunches
single leg deadlift 20# 12 each leg none
stability ball ham curl body weight 12 NA






lying calf raise
(on leg press)
140# 12 30 ball crunches
lying calf raise 160# 10 30 oblique crunches on ball (15 each side)
lying calf raise 180# 8 30 bicycle crunches
lying calf raise 200# 6 30 floor crunches
lying calf raise 140# 12 none
standing calf raise body weight 24 NA

this took just over 30 minutes. pretty speedy!


dinner tonight was great, i couldn’t let it go unblogged.


i purchased a pre-marinated/seasoned turkey breast from costco yesterday (i roamed every aisle of costco yesterday! it was glorious. i spent 90 minutes there) and roasted it at 350 degrees for about an hour and a half. i topped the turkey with some trader joe’s orange cranberry relish that i brought back from california.


i also roasted some diced & seasoned sweet potatoes.. which i also bought at costco. love that place.


for a little color, i steamed some veggies as a side dish.


such a simple, non-labor-intensive dinner!


let’s talk about habits.

it is easy to think about the bad habits we possess.  focusing on what we need to stop is definitely useful in breaking bad habits, but it is also important to remember the good and healthy habits we keep. remembering the things we are doing right is a great way to motivate those healthy habits to continue as well as help us pick up even more healthy habits as days go by.

healthy habits don’t have to be all about diet and exercise. it is important to develop healthy habits in all aspects of life.

i have compiled a list of seven healthy habits i keep in various aspects of my life. why seven? well.. why not?

healthy habit #1: i never skip breakfast and always make sure it includes some protein.

if there is one thing i learned from doing body for life (okay there is not only ONE thing i learned, but this is one OF them) it is to never miss breakfast. i used to never eat breakfast in high school and my early twenties.

now that i eat it regularly, i don’t know how i ever lived without it. incorporating protein into my breakfast definitely makes a difference in keeping me full longer! i read that it has something to do with your body taking longer and working harder to digest protein than carbs and that is why it keeps you full longer. don’t quote me on that.

some of my favorite protein packed breakfasts..

green protein smoothie (using 1 scoop of 100% whey protein) 


eggs! egg whites, eggbeaters or whole eggs. by themselves, in a sandwich, all wrapped up. scrambled, over easy hard boiled. i love them any way they come.


my very favorite way: protein oatmeal!


okay, the one time i DO skip breakfast is if i sleep through it.. but then that just means i eat my breakfast at lunchtime ;)

healthy habit #2: i floss regularly.


brushing your teeth is important.. but flossing is JUST as important. i used to be horrible at flossing.. as in, maybe once a month. now i floss twice a day (sometimes more) and my teeth couldn’t feel better.


i worked hard at getting a nice smile and teeth. five years of braces! i want to take care of them! love my pearly whites.

i keep floss in my purse, my car, my office and my bathroom. you never know when there will be a little extra flossin’ time.

healthy habit #3: i stay hydrated.


it’s not news that i drink a gallon of water a day. i do this not only because it is good for me, but because it keeps my UTIs away. i don’t talk about it often, but i get chronic UTIs and have since i was a little kid.. like, 3 or 4 years old. if i don’t drink enough water, i will get them on average of 4 or 5 a MONTH. if you have ever had a UTI, you know how painful they are. try having 50 a year and see how you like it. they have done a bunch of tests on me and really don’t know my deal. even shoving a camera up my urethra didn’t solve it. (TMI?) but the one thing that always keeps them away is drinking a TON of water.

so i do.

every day.

healthy habit #4: i call my mom every day.


my mom is my best friend. it’s no secret that we have a great friendship, i talk about her a lot. but even if i wasn’t as close with her, i would still think calling her every day was important. i realize how blessed and lucky i am to have a great mom. i have lots of friends who don’t have the greatest relationships with their moms and that makes me sad.

fact of the matter is, your mom gave birth to you. even if you have a lot of drama or bad history with your mom.. she still is your mom. and not all of us are lucky enough to have our moms alive.

my mom’s mom passed away eight years before i was born. i am sad i never got to meet her, but i know what a great lady she was because my own mom talks about all the adventures she would have with her mom. she sounds like a great lady. just like momma b. i like to think that my relationship with my mom is like the one she had with her mom. and that is important to me.

having a healthy, happy relationship with my mom is probably the most important habit i keep. i am grateful for every phone call we have, because i realize that one day (in, like, 50 years)—just like my mom with her mom–the phone calls won’t be able to happen.  so i make the most of every single second i have with momma b. there is nothing quite like our friendship.

great, now i am crying.

anyway, i really encourage you to call your mom if you have the capability. even if you aren’t friends. just call her.

healthy habit #5: i wear my seatbelt.


this was a hard habit to develop. i actually used to have the bad habit of NEVER wearing my seatbelt. marshall hated that and any time i didn’t buckle up, he wouldn’t shave. it was a little deal we had going on. hey—wait a tick! now that i buckle up all the time.. he should be shaving all the time! noted.

anyway, seat belts save lives. i used to not buckle up because i was lazy.. but really, it takes but a second and it is important! buckle up.

healthy habit #6: i exercise at least four times a week.


yeah. four times a week. realize i didn’t say seven. or six. or even five. i said four. i have no idea what the recommended weekly amount of exercise is, but i feel like 4 days out of 7 is pretty dang good. i used to be die hard and work out 6 days a week without fail, but things came up! life got real exciting and there is not ALWAYS time for exercising. plus, i am not trying to lose weight. so, i have decided, that as long as i exercise four days a week, i am in good shape. i go for at least 2 weight training days and 2 cardio days. sure, there are weeks that are 5 or 6 days of exercise, but if i don’t get that many workouts in, i don’t sweat it. literally Winking smile

healthy habit #7: i have a savings account that i add to regularly.


i have always been good with saving money. i am one of those weirdos who thinks it is fun to see how much i can save. yeah, i know. but even on the months that money is tight, i still try to put at least $25 into my savings account. but more when i can, of course. i started this habit at a young age and by the time i got married, i had a nice little chunk of change saved up. no, not enough to be marshall’s sugar momma Winking smile but enough that if something bad happened, i would be able to support us for a few months on my savings.

it is surprising to see how much can actually be saved. i will usually put as much as i possibly can into savings (after paying my bills) and then when i want to go shopping, i have to pull that money OUT of savings.. the mentality of doing that kicks in and spending money that is in savings is a little harder than spending money that is in checking. it is a mind game for me.

having a healthy outlook and relationship with finances is really important to me and this healthy habit has already helped my marriage! marshall has been getting excited by seeing how much of his paycheck he is actually capable of saving with a little motivation.


there you have it.. seven healthy habits i keep.

sure, we all have our bad habits. but don’t get down on yourself about those. just work on breaking the bad habits and increasing the good ones. focus on your healthy habits you already keep in order to motivate you to develop more healthy habits for a long, healthy and happy life.


1. is there a bad habit you are currently trying to break? you can do it!

2. what healthy habit(s) do you keep?

xo. janetha g.

66 Comments leave one →
  1. December 6, 2010 10:51 pm

    I stink at flossing! I am pretty good at breakfast and exercise, though!

  2. December 6, 2010 10:57 pm

    I LOVE THIS POST. I wish you lived closer. I know we’d be good friends!

    I have a great relationship with my family too. It’s awesome. I am very thankful for my mom, dad, three sisters and brother. (HUGE FAMILY!)

    I need to get better about saving money. I haven’t had a full-time job since I started this teaching credential program so I’m just happy to be okay living off one income. Still, I could do better. I shop way too much.

    7 good habits?
    1. Breakfast every day!
    2. I always moisturize my face and I wear sunscreen daily. I have a bazillion freckles.
    3. I always take 10-15 minutes to relax.
    4. I talk to my family daily.
    5. I have been exercising 3-4 days a week for almost a year. I’d like to step it up so I can lose weight but I am proud of myself for keeping up with it.
    6. I eat veggies daily!
    7. I never forget to tell Andy I love him. (mushy but true!)

  3. December 6, 2010 11:07 pm

    What a great list. I loved that it included things other than food and fitness.

    Healthy- I kiss and hug everyone in my family daily.

    Needs Improvement- Saving. (I wish I was a weird kid like you!)

  4. December 6, 2010 11:10 pm

    I only allow myself one cup of coffee a day (my one cup=about 12 oz), but I could do SO much better in the water department. I usually have it with my meals, but I could go 4 or 5 hours without a sip and I know that’s bad. I also need to remember to take my vitamins.

    My 7 Good Habits:
    1. Breakfast is a MUST! and my favorite meal of the day!
    2. I floss daily
    3. I always wash my make-up off before going to bed
    4. I eat fruits and veggies every day
    5. I always wear my seatbelt
    6. I research big ticket items and rarely impulse buy (unless I’m at the grocery store! ha!)
    7. I get up early every morning to have “me” time

  5. December 6, 2010 11:14 pm

    i need to floss more but sometimes i just can’t seem to remember! but i do always tell everyone i love that i love them every time we talk, and i always get 7-8 hours of sleep a night (well, most of the time ;))

  6. momma b permalink
    December 6, 2010 11:18 pm

    Oh my……tears are dripping….. you are too sweet! These are 7 great habits and I’m so excited I am one of them :) I love the phone calls too!

    I need more consistent morning protein—thanks for the reminder.

    I love to floss my teeth and remove my contacts every night!

    Thanks again sweetie I love you xoxo!!

  7. December 6, 2010 11:22 pm

    RE: how much exercise is recommended –> it’s 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise at moderate-intensity and two strength training/resistance exercise sessions per week. But, it’s always important to remember something is better than nothing, so even if you can’t meet the guidelines one week it’s better to try than give up and do nothing!

    Love this list! :)

    1. take a multivitamin
    2. exercise when possible, take rest days when necessary
    3. have sex with my husband regularly (not TMI–it’s important!)
    4. see a doctor when needed
    5. keep a budget
    6. talk to my parents at least once a week, but i talk to my mom almost daily
    7. read my Bible (I need to do this more.)

  8. December 6, 2010 11:25 pm

    I keep all those habits! I especially believe in the protein and flossing. If someone said, “You have to give up brushing your teeth or flossing,” I’d definitely choose to keep the floss. And then I’d call my mom and complain about it.

  9. December 6, 2010 11:27 pm

    I celebrate any friend who has a great relationship with their mom. My mom died 8 years ago, and it is SO hard sometimes. There are many times a mom-esque question comes up, and it kills me to not have the option to pick up that phone. I love that you post about the things that you and Momma B do together… in a way I can live vicariously through those posts. And now I’m crying. :) xoxo

  10. Nicole C. permalink
    December 7, 2010 12:02 am

    I too love this posting! I can relate to having a great Mom, she is truly a unique lady. She will be in town tomorrow for my birthday and she is like a kid in a candy shop about it. I can her my oracle because when i have a question about anything she always has the answer.

    If I didn’t have a savings account I might have a heart attack. I too am a saver from a young age and LOVE to watch my account grow. You should have seen my reaction waiting for my 401k to hit a milestone this past week. I was so proud of myself.

    Well have a happy Tuesday, day #2 of my birthday week off. I thought I had enough water on me today giving my mastiff a bath but turtles filter decided to become a fountain…oi..

  11. December 7, 2010 12:14 am

    These are great! I used to also always skip breakfast, but now I try not to! Breakfast is actually my favorite time of day! :)

  12. movesnmunchies permalink
    December 7, 2010 12:21 am

    thanks so much of this! when it comes down to it the basics is all we need to stay healthy and this proves just that!

  13. December 7, 2010 12:36 am

    I used to think that skipping breakfast was what I needed to do to stay thin, but now I eat Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks and I have maintaned my weight for almost a year. I am so happy about that.
    I also started working for a large insurance company and I am only 20 years old, but I have already started putting $35 dollars of each pay check into my 401k and then I put $75 into my savings. I love the game of saving and I love checking in on it every few months to see how much I have!! :)

  14. December 7, 2010 12:58 am

    As someone who works in finance..I love that you mention your healthy habit of putting money in your savings account. It’s so important for your many things but more so for your peace of mind.

  15. December 7, 2010 1:05 am

    Im not sure its a bad habit, but I always play with my hair. I’ve been told I’ve been doing this since I was a toddler. It looks childish now that I’m an adult! I also eat a lot a night. Although I never skip breakfast, I get so busy during the day and I have all the time in the world at night to chow down. I also need to stop popping my zits (sorry if thats tmi, but I know people do it!). I really need to improve my hydrating habits! i just hate the taste of water (i know, I’m weird).

    Healthy habits? I’d like to think my slight addiction to NPR is a healthy habit. Cutting back on cardio to do more yoga and strength training too! I also dont smoke cigarettes. I used to for, like a month about two years ago. I got over it. Besides, its an expensive habit.

  16. Liz @ Blog is the New Black permalink
    December 7, 2010 4:31 am

    I keep all of those same healthy habbits! I also moisturize every day!

  17. December 7, 2010 4:46 am

    I am good on all except #6!

    I do the same thing as Eden – I always play with my hair. I wish I would stop doing this, since I’m annoying myself by doing it!

    Healthy habit = eating what I crave, but understanding moderation.

  18. December 7, 2010 5:14 am

    breakfast- ( I still don’t understand how people skip it!)

    some things that I do
    1) take time to myself I call it “ME TIME”
    2) BE HAPPY–always do things thatmake you happy, don’t do things just for others, but remember who you are make yourself a priority

  19. December 7, 2010 5:30 am

    Great list! I can’t remember the last time I flossed. LOL.

  20. December 7, 2010 5:31 am

    I need your influence in my life.

  21. December 7, 2010 5:54 am

    Ah, I love your 7 Healthy Habits! It actually reminded me that a few of these, I need to keep up more often. (Like FLOSS, I know, I know!)

    I like to think I always get 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Such an important healthy habit to maintain but also very hard at times.

    Hope the week is wonderful my dear!

  22. December 7, 2010 6:13 am

    Love the list!!!


  23. December 7, 2010 6:22 am

    Dinner looks fab. ESPECIALLY those sweet potatoes. Love Costco. Our membership ran out and I need to get a new one. Love your seven healthy habits. I NEVER used to eat protein at breakfast and now I do every single day. It truly has made a HUGE difference in the way I feel. And couldn’t agree more with hydrating, exercising and wearing your seat belt. The only “bad” habit I am trying to break is not getting enough sleep.

  24. December 7, 2010 6:26 am

    That’s a great list!

    I’m trying to floss more regularly. I have been pretty awful at it but now I’m trying to keep up with it. It’s been about a month since I started making a point of not going to bed without doing it, even if I’m exhausted, and I feel like my smile looks so much better!

    I try to work out 3-4 times a week (a habit I’m bringing back)
    I always eat breakfast
    I try to stay hydrated (64oz of water a day minimum)

  25. December 7, 2010 6:41 am

    This goes perfectly with what I just pre-wrote a post about for later this morning. Thanks for reminding me though that all sorts of healthy habits exist and that they matter too. It’s hard when my motivation for the healthiest food isn’t there and I can no longer workout.

  26. December 7, 2010 6:47 am

    I’m working on kicking my sugar/sweetener habit. I love cookies and I love gum. But I eat (chew) far too much of both.

    I do have some good healthy habits, though.
    Always eat breakfast
    Make sure I get veggies in no less than 2x/day
    Stay super hydrated
    Take care of my skin/teeth
    Exercise, even just a little bit, every day
    Always put greens in my smoothies, which I have 2-3 times a week :D
    Stay positive!

    I also keep in touch with my mom a lot :)


  27. December 7, 2010 7:35 am

    Bad habit I’m trying to break = standing in front of the pantry grazing for ten minutes before I go to bed. I’m never hungry, I do it purely out of habit. Need to work on that…

    I floss every day too. My teeth feel so nasty without it!! And making time to exercise is also a huge habit of mine. It takes awhile for workouts to become routine, but I’ve never felt better! Oh, and talking to my daddy every day helps me stay sane :)

  28. December 7, 2010 7:44 am

    I love this post Janetha! I recently became pretty obsessive with flossing after hardly ever ever ever doing it! Great tips, thank you :)

  29. runyogarepeat permalink
    December 7, 2010 8:16 am

    1.) A good, filling breakfast
    2.) Yoga a few times a week for my mind and body
    3.) Sleep enough
    4.) Smile :)
    5.) Get enough fruits/veggies everyday.
    6.) Stay hydrated.
    7.) Do something active everyday, even if it’s just a short walk

  30. thedelicateplace permalink
    December 7, 2010 8:50 am

    a bad habit i’m trying to break is to stop trying to be perfect at everything! totally stressing myself out. i’m a human being and it’s ok to make mistakes! my healthy habits are : 1. i save money every month too! 2. 8-9 hrs sleep every night 3. 20mins exercise daily (i only work out hard 3x weekly, the other days are 20min walk or gentle yoga)

  31. Maren permalink
    December 7, 2010 8:50 am

    Thanks for posting this! I really enjoyed reading it. I am so happy to finally have a job where I can start saving! I have been putting all of my expense checks into my savings account and I’m really feeling good about it! I am trying to kick the diet soda habit. I’m doing BFL, you know, but I still sometimes need a pop! I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but a diet mt. dew or diet coke is all I need sometimes. I’m trying to go this week w/o one, so wish me good luck!

  32. December 7, 2010 8:58 am

    i really need to get better at flossing. haha. i never do that! i should also brush 2x per day instead of juts in the morning…


  33. December 7, 2010 8:59 am

    Great list!

    My bad habit is one I’m constantly fighting: biting my nails. I’ll go year without doing it, but then if I have something that is causing me a lot of anxiety…it comes right back.

    I do drink a lot of water, get in a lot of fruits and vegetables and whole grains, save money, have quiet time, and cook for myself.

  34. December 7, 2010 9:09 am

    love this post! I am going to go floss my teeth :) (I hear ya with the braces… I keep up with the sexy habit of wearing my retainer)
    Id like to get into the habit of waking up early and going to bed early. like a 10pm and 5:30am routine. I completely respect people who get up in the 5’s. So much can be done then!

  35. December 7, 2010 9:51 am

    I love that you floss every day! I really need to pick up that habit, but my permanant bottom retainer makes it so difficult!
    I also love that you included saving money. So. Important.

  36. December 7, 2010 9:53 am

    G-g-great post! I’m currently re-evaluating a LOT of things about my diet and exercise after my competition and this post was inspiring! I’m working on keeping my good habits and kickin’ the bad ones.

    I’m proud to say I drink a gallon of water a day and never skip breakfast, but I just don’t know what my problem is that I don’t floss everyday. I think I just need to do it in the morning, because I’ve been doing it before bed (when I actually *do*) and by that time I’m tired and just want to dive under the covers. I even have a post-it on my bathroom mirror saying to FLOSS, but ignore it at times. Sheesh, it takes like 2 minutes. I think I can tackle that HA!

  37. December 7, 2010 10:53 am

    I do all these, except the mom thing. My habit of not talking to her has made me a healthier person. It’s a sad thing, but it’s true. Not everyone is lucky to have a great mom like you do. You’re very blessed :)

  38. December 7, 2010 11:02 am

    I suck at flossing and it’s always one of the 1st things on my list when I think about healthy habits I want to have!

    I am SO sorry that you have the UTI problem. I just had my 1st major one about a month ago and it was horrible-I can’t believe you go through it so often. I too would drink as much water as humanly possible!!!

  39. December 7, 2010 11:16 am

    Love this list – flossing, gym time, and water are on my goals list. Getting better but no where near where I need to be.

    I’m another werdio with the savings obsession, I started really young and have enough for a few months. Now I’m moving on to IRA’s though and it scares me.

  40. December 7, 2010 11:39 am

    I do (almost) all of those things, too! I need to be better about flossing, but am really proud of the way I add to my savings account, even though money’s pretty tight right now. You never know when you’ll need it!

  41. December 7, 2010 11:51 am

    Unhealthy habit: chewing gum! I do way too much of it for my own good.

    Healthy habits:
    –I get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do for you!
    –I exercise 5 days a week and sometimes 6. I keep my activity level up by running, lifting weights, and swimming.
    –I talk to my family every day, too!
    –I make quality time to spend with my boyfriend and friends.
    –I read books in my free time and am learning to play guitar.
    –I eat a very healthy diet and take good care of my body.

    Here’s to healthy habits!

  42. December 7, 2010 11:51 am

    Great list! I am with you on all of them. The one other habit that I always keep is that I don’t buy anything I WANT on credit that I can’t pay for at that moment (with he exeption of my NEEDS a car, house, etc). I’ve had far to many friends fall into credit card debt and really mess them up. No need for that stress in my life!

  43. December 7, 2010 12:04 pm

    Funny that you did this post – I know you said you clicked “mark all as read” in Reader but I just posted about my 5 healthy habits the day before you did this one.

    Great minds think alike!

    Love the savings tip – we always put one whole paycheck into savings. It helps a ton!

  44. December 7, 2010 12:46 pm

    I keep most of your healthy habits, minus the flossing and savings (bad me x2). I do it regularly, but not daily. And I like the waterpik alot, but don’t use that daily either.

    The #1 habit I am trying to break that i’ve been trying to kill for over a year is grazing when cooking. I noticed though, that my mom and dad do it too! Darn influences. I tried giving it up for lent last year, which didn’t work. I have little cow stickers in my kitchen that tell me not to. I just do it not even thinking. Really try to get better. Especially now with Dan trying to get healthier, I need to be an even better role model

    • December 7, 2010 12:48 pm

      oh i want a waterpik! is it worth the $?

      i am guilty of grazing a LOT while cooking. i try to chew gum instead or i have a bag of baby carrots to munch on.

  45. December 7, 2010 1:22 pm

    1) Ooh, yes. Eating late is one habit I’ve been trying to break. It’s hard to break a habit once you start. BUT, I am determined not to eat after a certain time, and ESPECIALLY not anything sweet : )

    2) A healthy habit I’m sticking to is having a quiet time in the mornings where I sit down, focus, read and pray to start my day off on the right foot. I consider this to be my most important healthy habit.

  46. December 7, 2010 1:32 pm

    vanilla bean paste deserves a picture and more info..please!

    flossing. yes. scott has a horrible mouth, gum disease, gingivitis, etc b/c of 15-20 yrs of bad/neglectful reg dentist appts and flossing. He is repairing his mouth now but the damage is done. FLoss kids, floss. I have never had a cavity and am anal about oral hygiene. Just posted last week about going to the dentist every 4 mos even tho i pay$ outta pocket.

    SEatbelt, yep.

    Calling my mom. Girl. You are sooo blessed to have the relationship you do w/ your mom. Truly. I wish it were as easy for me to just pick up the phone. There are decades of water under the bridge. God I cry every single time i read your posts about your mom and your close relationship w/ her. Every.One. I have never told you that :) But it’s what i strive for w/ skylar. once your mom did a guest post and i wrote that to her in the comment field…i want w/ skylar what she has w/ you girls!

    Uti’s. Maybe not telling you anything but there is a holistic/natural product called D-Mannose. It’s a sugar of sorts. You can buy it at any health food store, WFs, etc. Take it if you get a uti. It’s the concentrated form of the sugar in cranberry juice and basically the bacteria cling to the d-mannose and when you drink water they get flushed out. It’s a holistic MIRACLE. Use it next time :)

    Love you!

  47. December 7, 2010 1:33 pm

    I do all of those but am working hardest on saving $$. It has not been a strong point, but I’m making improvements!!

  48. December 7, 2010 1:58 pm

    Gosh, you just reminded me how I’ve failed at keeping up with my personal floss twice a day challenge. Haha!

  49. December 7, 2010 2:14 pm

    AWESOME POST!! I used to never eat breakfast either…I don’t know how I lived without it. Also, I call my mom everyday and I love having such a strong relationship with her. I am trying to save money!! It is so hard for me but I am working on it.

  50. December 7, 2010 2:41 pm

    I really enjoyed this post!

    Great job!

  51. December 7, 2010 2:55 pm

    One healthy habit I go back and forth between keeping up with us flossing. Lately it’s only been once or twice a week, but I know my teeth love it and feel great when I do it every day.

    Great 7 healthy habits. I like how they span across all your life, not just health and fitness.

    With that, i’m going to go call my mom ;)

  52. December 7, 2010 3:06 pm

    I love this post! You reminded me of so many little things that I do that I don’t even think about.

    I wear my seat belt, drink lots of water, exercise, usually talk to God at least once a day, eat breakfast, etc!!

  53. Megan permalink
    December 7, 2010 5:12 pm

    I am trying my hardest to 1) get off caffeine and then 2) get off diet coke all together. So far, I’m down to 1 can of caffeinated DC/day and sometimes I skip days! So far so good.

    I ALWAYS wear my seat belt and always have. I work in a level 1 trauma center and I have seen the damage done by a windshield and/or a steering wheel and/or dashboard and/or you get the idea.

  54. December 7, 2010 5:42 pm

    My healthy habit: Aim to get as many different (natural) colors on your plate as possible at every meal!

  55. December 7, 2010 6:02 pm

    i’m good except flossing, it hurts, damn i need to do it. i feel bad now

  56. December 7, 2010 9:04 pm

    Flossing is one of my top healthy habits for sure! Even if I am feeling extra tired and lazy, I just think of getting a filling and being in the dentist chair.. eek!

    Also – because I’m a science nerd, I wanted to let you know that you’re right, the reason protein keeps you full longer is because of the molecular structure that has to be broken down during digestion. Carbohydrates have a very simple structure that is easy for the body to process, but protein is a bit more complex. So everyone can go ahead and quote you :)

  57. December 7, 2010 10:03 pm

    I am so jealous of some of your healthy habits!

    Some of mine: I don’t eat fast food – ever & I workout on a regular basis.

    I’m trying to stop drinking carbonation – but I’ve been trying to do that for years. :-)

  58. December 8, 2010 7:41 am

    Hi, Janetha! :) I’ve been a reader of yours for some time, but have never commented! I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this post and feel motivated to continue some of my own:

    -no fast food (unless there’s nothing else available – airports, off the highway)
    -work out 5-6 times a week
    -clean my dishes right after cooking or eating a meal
    -always eat breakfast (I never did this in high school – how did I ever live without it?!)

  59. December 8, 2010 1:04 pm

    I had to comment on this post- especially after I read Avery’s comment! I love your relationship with you mom! I WISH I had the same thing with my mom! Just like Avery, most of your posts and pictures about Momma B leave me in tears. I love my mom so much and just want to make her proud. I unfortunately look for validation from her, and it always ends up destroying me. I call as much as I can- usually just to say ‘I love you’, which generally leaves me in tears, because I so badly want to be able to have the close relationship. You are very lucky! Mamma B is so beautiful, and I really love reading posts about her! Maybe she can do a guest post on some top ways to be friends with your mom/daughter or maintain a relationship? That would be such a great post!

  60. December 10, 2010 12:13 pm

    I’m late to the party as usual. But i loved this post and tweeted about it. Loved: shoved a camera up your urethra, Marshall not shaving, flossing (which is really as if not MORE important than brushing), doing abs/legs together, only 4 days of exercise; Momma B; the photo of the green shake in front of the brick wall: reminds me of Heab’s calendar photo- heee!

    I do/did (when mom was alive) all of your healthy habits except the water. I drink water, but not as much as I should. I feel like I live life trying to find bathrooms, so that’s a deterrent in the back of my mind. I used to be hard core and train 6+ days a week. Now it’s really more like 5ish? Sometimes 4. Sure I’m not a lean machine, but I’m healthy.

    Other Healthy habits: eat a ton of veggies, use SPF regularly, get massages about once every month or two; Unhealthy habits: diet coke addiction, tendency to get stuck in a vortex of social media yet if I don’t I can’t get ‘caught up.’, not enough stretching.

    GREAT GREAT GREAT post. Love you.

  61. December 13, 2010 5:59 pm

    LOVE that you talk to your mom every day. I text my mom every day. Most of it is about what we’re eating or plan on eating ;) And I also love that you work out four times a week. I know SO may people who think they have to do 6-7 days. Even clients come to me thinking that’s what they need to do. 4 is ideal, 5 is awesome if you have the energy. But with the intensity of workouts we do, it just isn’t logical to do it 6+ days a week. We need to recover in between! Plus, it’s easier to maintain muscle mass once you have it than it is building it from scratch. If that makes sense. I’m going to stop rambling in this comment box now xoxo


  1. new things big & small. « meals & moves
  2. Healthy Habits « The Singing Runner
  3. Five for Friday
  4. ready to go. « meals & moves

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