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my whole day.

September 15, 2010

alternate title for this post: “yep, costco.”


guess what i did today? took photos of everything i ate. i honestly can’t remember the last time i documented a whole day of meals & moves.  it is pretty strange to think that i used to document EVERY morsel, EVERY day. these days, i think the fun about food blogging is showing you guys new meals, different recipes and meals at restaurants.  i don’t feel obligated to photograph my apple+peanut butter or a bowl of cereal.  back then, my priorities were different and i used my blog as a way to stay accountable.  now that i am eating in a less structured manner, every little bite, lick & taste does not have to be accounted for.

but one thing is for sure: i love taking photos of fun meals.  and today just so happened to be chock full of them. enjoy!


breakfast: maple banana nut protein waffles.


finally. finally. FINALLY celebrated waffle wednesday! it has been some time since i made waffles from scratch.  i used my go-to protein waffle recipe.  i didn’t have oats so i used oat bran instead. it worked marvelously.  i also added a dash of baking powder to the batter and some water to thin.


i topped the waffles with 1 TB of mighty maple peanut butter (that i added water to & then heated so it was more spreadable) and 1/2 of a sliced banana.


we were out of coffee beans this morning and i was so sad to not have any coffee. but all my sadness went out the window when i saw a cup of coffee on my desk! sometimes working with your husband has its perks (get your mind out of the gutter!)


the bananas were an added bonus to the waffles. in the old days, i wouldn’t add bananas to waffles because i thought carb+carb was no good.. but come on, it is fruit! half a banana is a good thing. gotta love that potassium.


lunch: turkey+spinach sandwich & veggies+hummus.


i was at costco last night and, on a whim, i threw some dave’s killer bread into my cart.  i have been meaning to try the bread ever since heather raved about it long ago.  it was never available in utah, but now it is sold at costco!  i already have tortillas, flat outs and english muffins in stock that needs to be eaten, so i probably shouldn’t have bought two loaves of bread.. but hey, a whim is a whim.


this bread was well worth the whim! i ate two pieces last night (toasted with peanut butter) and i dreamt about a turkey sandwich on the bread. and then, at lunch time, my dreams came true. the only thing that this was missing was avocado. i thought i had one, but then when i grabbed it this morning.. my thumb punctured through the skin. ew. yeah, it was that old. into the trash it went.  i LOVE the columbus brand herbed turkey breast. it is also sold at costco.  it has low sodium, high protein and LOTS of flavor. you should try it!  oh and that spinach? yep. costco.


i have been loving the spinach & artichoke flavor of sabra.. once again, ALSO sold at costco. geez, maybe costco should sponsor me ;)


by the way.. those mini bell peppers? yep. costco.


wanna know what else i got at costco?


my new spectacles! i haven’t had glasses in over 10 years. this is strange for me.. but healthy. i used to leave my contacts in EVERY. NIGHT. (bad janetha g.)—i have had some eye problems these past couple weeks so i bit the bullet and purchased some eyeglasses.  i wore them for the first time today. all day. a few observations:

  • wearing sunglasses over eyeglasses is not functional. but it is necessary, as my wimpy eyes cannot handle the sunlight. maybe i am a vampire.
  • going downstairs is, for some reason, a challenge. maybe it is because when i peer down, everything is blurry. i have to remember to actually move my head when i look down, because the glasses need to follow my line of vision.
  • same concept goes for preparing food. i spilled a magic bullet container full of egg whites this morning as well as a tupperware of protein powder while trying to make my waffles.  i am not used to relying on such a small area for eyesight. my contacts used to go wherever my eyeballs went. with glasses, not the case.
  • i have to periodically push the glasses up onto my nose or i end up looking like the granny from little red riding hood.
  • people look at you strange when you wear glasses for the first time. kind of like you have three heads, but they aren’t quite sure what is different about you. and then you just have to tell them, “i’m wearing glasses”—and they give you that "light bulb-just-went-on expression, relieved that it was just a new pair of specs, and not an additional head.
  • my eyes feel nice and can breathe! definitely worth enduring all the other observations above.

moving onto moves!


after work, i was rather excited to hit the gym. i hadn’t lifted a weight in over two weeks and it was quite nice!  i went to momma b’s to work out, because a private gym is much nicer than the gold’s gym by my new house. when i got there, my mom was chatting with our good friend, pat. (hi, pat!) pat had given my mom a set of 12 cute tasting dishes with baby spoons. my mom gave me one! thanks mom and pat!


so dang cute.

back to my workout! i wanted to work my lower body and i had seen susan tweet a LBWO she just published on her blog.  it just made sense.

copied from her post, with my changes. (check out her post for posture tips and more information):

*1 mile warmup on treadmill / 9 minutes

Straight Set x5:
Barbell sumo squat –  45 lbs x 15
                                  60 lbs x 10
                                  75 lbs x 6
                                  60 lbs x 8
                                  45 lbs x 10

Straight Set x4:
Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlift – 20lbs each hand x 15 reps

Alternating Set x3:
Step-up – 5# dumbbell each hand x 15 reps each leg
Back extension on roman chair – 10# plate x 15 reps

Alternating Set x3:
Walking lunge – 10# dumbbell each hand x 20 (10 each leg)
Hamstring curl on ball – 20 reps

Alternating Set x3:
Standing calf raise – bodyweight x 15 reps (i did single leg—15 each leg)
Side lying leg raise – bodyweight x 15 reps each leg, i did both inner leg and outer leg raises.. 15 of each, for each leg (60 reps total per set)

*stretching: 10 minutes.

the end! 55 minutes total, 308 calories burned, max HR 167, ave HR 145. for some reason my HR does not get too high when lifting. it never has. i see people like april (who lifts WAY heavier than me.. impressive!) and her HR soars during weight training. unless i do plyo between sets, that doesn’t happen for me. i hope to lift heavier and get that HR up there.

thanks for the workout, susan! loved it. my legs were already sore by the time i made it home.


when i got home i needed to refuel with something quick & simple because the dinner i had planned was a tad labor-intensive. 

post workout snack: strawberry chobs.


i have mentioned it before, but i try to keep my post workout nutrition low in fat and a bit higher in carbs than protein. rather than delving into the science behind it.. i will just say i trust this method/theory and it works for me.


this fit the bill.

i got to work on dinner, i was excited to make it!

today was national linguine day so i decided to make a chicken picatta with linquine and steamed asparagus.


i based my picatta off this recipe but made a few changes.  it was fun to make!


marshall helped. he was on noodle duty, as per usual! IMG_2128

i think this colander is a little small, don’t you?


you can see the whole recipe and process on my new recipe page.

IMG_2174IMG_2173 IMG_2172

this meal was excellent! i used to buy the trader joe’s jarred picatta, but they discontinued it.  while i was bummed, i think it was a blessing in disguise, because making picatta from scratch is a lot better than using the jarred sauces.  i will add this to the dinner rotation, for sure!

i just finished eating dinner and i am sure i won’t go to bed without some sort of dessert. i’ve got some juicy, ripe peaches from the farmers’ market that are begging to be devoured.  i bet i will dice one up and eat it on top of a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. yes, we still have leftover ice cream from the wedding… the wedding that was two months ago… the wedding that i still haven’t picked up the photos from.  yeah, that one. 

what can i say? the photography studio is a little out of my way. too bad the photos aren’t at costco. you can bet i would have them by now if they were.

Qs~ bloggers: do you document the majority of you eats? why or why not?  to the readers: do you enjoy seeing posts of ALL someone’s eats in a day, or do you prefer bits & pieces? i would rather see highlights, personally, but i know how blogging everything can be a valuable tool in accountability.. so i applaud those who do document it all.

2. happy national linguine day! what is your favorite noodle shape? i am a thin spagetti fan. i also love penne because it gets all saucy on the inside.

xo. janetha g.

p.s. penny & randy say hi!


80 Comments leave one →
  1. September 15, 2010 9:58 pm

    i swear, costco sells everything a person could need. our house has an absurd amount of things from there. their organic pb is good!

    i don’t take pictures of everything i eat because i’m too lazy to find my camera all the time :-)

  2. September 15, 2010 9:59 pm

    In a major coincidence, I had linguine tonight for dinner! It was raining, and I had a migraine. It was the first time I’d had non-whole wheat pasta in forever, and I felt strangely guilty like I’d just eaten a box of donuts. Weird. That whole grain message must have really sunk in.

    Sometimes pasta is the only thing you need. :)

    PS. Love your new glasses. They look a little like my new cheaters from Anthropologie (I’m finally having to admit that I *might* need reading glasses. Agh)

  3. September 15, 2010 9:59 pm

    we are so on the same page lately! and we both look fab in our glasses.

    I’ve worn mine every single days this week and I LOVE it. I can sleep in my contacts for like weeks at a time—I felt so bad about it that I lied to my eye doc. Whoops, but not anymore!

    I actually bought prescrip sunglasses for the very reason you mentioned. I cant not wear sunglasses. It hurts and I can’t see.

    I dont take pictures of everything–I never really did but I do even less now. I like highlights, but its fun to see everything now and again.

  4. Allison R. permalink
    September 15, 2010 10:00 pm

    Ahhhh I <3 Marshall's shirt :)

  5. September 15, 2010 10:02 pm

    The longer I blog, the less appealing it is to me to photograph everything, but I do like sharing good eats, not the boring stuff. And talking about new recipes I try and new workouts.

    You look adorable in those glasses.

  6. September 15, 2010 10:04 pm

    Costco is oh so good. And I love the new glasses, they are super cute.
    Your meals today really were really awesome, everything looked really tasty!

    1. I photographed 99% for awhile, but with my busy schedule I try to focus like you do on more exciting meals and new recipes and such. It’s more fun for me, and I enjoy reading more about new recipes and fun meals than just about everyday eats.

    2. I think my favorite pasta, if this counts, is the linguine shaped rice noodles – probably because they are used in Thai food, and I ADORE Thai food. Otherwise I’m a big fan of radiatore – they are so fun to eat and they hold some sauces well. Now I’m craving buttered noodles!

  7. mom permalink
    September 15, 2010 10:09 pm

    LOVE the new spectacles – you look very stylish! The pups are pretty cute too xoxo!

  8. marisa permalink
    September 15, 2010 10:33 pm

    LOVE the glasses and I am laughing hysterically at the egg splatter and the other observations. I think I need to get those same glasses so send me the info asap! dinner looks delicious and i can’t wait to have you cook for me!

  9. September 15, 2010 10:41 pm

    Love love love the new specs!! So dang cute!

    Dave’s Killer Bread IS amazing. Glad you’re able to enjoy it now! And your dinner looks phenomenal. I just realized that I’ve never tried chicken picatta…*recipe bookmarked*.

    I agree that documenting highlights rather than every morsel of food is the way to go. But that’s what works for me, and I’m very impressed by those bloggers who write about every meal and still manage to keep the reading fun and interesting!

    Favorite noodle shape is fusili! Love the nooks and crannies that hold sauce!

  10. actorsdiet permalink
    September 15, 2010 10:41 pm

    love your glasses! you look uber sexy!

  11. Marie permalink
    September 15, 2010 11:24 pm

    Love your blog, Janetha! You look so pretty in those glasses! I was busting up reading the things you’ve noticed about wearing them. Your dinner looks so good!

  12. September 16, 2010 12:27 am

    I don’t particularly like it when people blog every single thing they eat and to be honest a lot of the time I skip a lot of the blogs that are just pictures of the same foods over and over again. Some of this is because I read most blogs on my iPod touch and anything with too many (more than 10 or so) pictures slows it down massively so I just can’t be arsed, but also because I’m mostly here to read what people have to say. I have no problem with people who do it, just don’t really enjoy reading it.

  13. September 16, 2010 4:18 am

    You know I don’t document my eats, but sometimes I document some on my other blog page. I think seeing all eats are interesting IF people change it up. For instance, I can honestly say that when you were blogging about each meal, I was really shocked at how creative and different each meal looked. I got many good ideas from you actually. But if someone eats the same stuff everyday…I don’t wanna see it.

    Also, your comment on my blog last evening made my night! :)

  14. September 16, 2010 4:38 am

    I love all those little plates and colanders! Your sweet mom sent me some for the valentine exchange. I’ve actually used it as a small sifter before, haha.
    Love the glasses and it sounds like you had a pretty amazing day of eats and workouts! Cheers to that!

  15. September 16, 2010 4:42 am

    Woo for leg day! I was actually going to do that same workout yesterday, but then I got lazy (yes, AT the gym. I guess it’s possible to still skip workouts when you’re already there). But today is the day. I designed that one for a guy who he started making fun of my “Jane Fonda moves” when I got him to do he side lying leg lifts. By the end of it he was sweating and grunting and said it was the hardest thing we did the whole workout :P

    1) Nope. If I did you would see a lot more fruit and chocolate. And cans of tuna. When I first started reading food blogs I had just started maintaining my weight loss, so I found the food diary format really helpful in terms of showing me how normal people eat. But now I just find them boring!

    2) Angel hair or egg noodles. It’s got to be light – thick noodles are too slippery and icky :\

  16. September 16, 2010 4:56 am

    My hubby celebrated waffle wednesday yesterday!!! How perfect! He didn’t even know it. :) They had a waffle making party at work for his b-day.

    Love the specs girl. You look so good in just about anything though. :)

    Hmm, I don’t document every single morsel but I do try to post Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

    Have a wonderful day love!

  17. September 16, 2010 5:16 am

    Love Costco! I swear they have everything there!!! I just got my first pair of glasses in March, I can see again!! I had the same trouble at first with the stairs, things over flowing on me, it was craziness!

    I am in the very early stages of weight loss, so I’m photographing everything just to keep me accountable. Personally, I like to see everything everyone else eats because 1. I get new ideas and 2. I see that you do have to EAT in order to lose weight!!!


  18. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    September 16, 2010 5:20 am

    I love how you look with glasses! so professional and glamourous!!! seriously, you should have got it earlier!
    I don’t blog about everything I eat… first because it’s too much work and second what for? I don’t need to do it for me for accounting and i think why readers would like to know everything I eat? So, just highlights! :D

  19. September 16, 2010 5:23 am

    Love love love your puppers- they are so freaking adorable! Great day of eats for sure. I think I actually just said “oh no” out loud when I read that you were out of coffee beans haha. So sweet of the man to pick you a coffee up. Gorgeous breakfast. I have also been wanting to try Dave’s bread. bloggers: do you document the majority of you eats? why or why not? to the readers: do you enjoy seeing posts of ALL someone’s eats in a day, or do you prefer bits & pieces? I do not document all my eats, just meals I want to share. For me personally, I read blogs for inspiration/ideas for healthy but tasty meals (and the occasional good treat).

    2. happy national linguine day! what is your favorite noodle shape? I love so many, but I think orzo is my fav. Its tiny (like us!)

  20. September 16, 2010 5:52 am

    The specs look great on you!

    I don’t take pics of everything I eat because I’m training for a bikini competition and eat a lot of the same things over and over. BORING, SNORING! I’m not much of a cook, so I don’t mind, but I’m sure readers would. I post pics about product finds or my life in general and how it relates to staying “on plan” in social settings and traveling with friends:)

    As for this post, those waffles look so so so good and so does that linguine. Man, I can’t wait to eat more liberally again!!! Your pics are amazing!:)

  21. September 16, 2010 5:56 am

    I took Jason to Costco for the first time last weekend. We went like a half hour before it closed and he was like, “This is awesome, you have to take me back when we have more time.”

  22. September 16, 2010 5:58 am

    Love the new glasses!! You rock em!!

  23. September 16, 2010 5:59 am

    Yum, those waffles look great. Now that I have my own maker I can get excited about Waffle Wednesday!! :)

    I looove picatta. I should make it again, it’s been a while…

    Love the new glasses, they look great on you! I’m a glasses girl because I can’t wear contacts!

    I photograph all of my special meals now, and sometimes post them that day, and sometimes I do a weekly recap. I can’t photograph every morsel now! As a reader, I actually like seeing whole days! But it doesn’t need to be everyday.

    And I love linguine, but I have to go with angel hair.


  24. September 16, 2010 6:12 am

    Lovely day of eats! Dave’s Killer Bread is WELL worth the whim. So. Dang. Good. Please buy lots for me, it is unavailable on the east coast, which I think is a true crime.

  25. September 16, 2010 6:30 am

    that little penny face has my heart.

    i didn’t know costco had dave’s killer bread?!? i hadn’t seen it in my local store? MUST look into that.

    i love all things costco too, and i got most of my ideas from you! they also have a delicious peach mango salsa that i get EVERY time.

  26. September 16, 2010 6:37 am

    I am a fairly new stay at home dad…not quite a year…how do you handle being ALONE all day?

  27. September 16, 2010 6:38 am

    I eat the same thing everyday so my blog would be very boring if that’s all I wrote about.

    I love your glasses!

  28. September 16, 2010 7:05 am

    hi hi hiiiiii :) haha i hate the way people look at you weird when you wear glasses for the first time. it’s like helloooo people have you NEVER seen spectacles before!

    they DO look ultra chic on you though ;)

    umm “today’s lunch (for you haha) is brought to you by costco!”

    love you love muffin! hi randy and marsh!!

  29. September 16, 2010 7:05 am

    I love your glasses!! I got some for the first time in forever when I was pregnant with M. I knew I would need them for middle of the night wakings and super tired eyes during the day. They certainly took some getting used to.

    I’m with you on not recording everything all the time. I think its fun to get a glimpse into someone’s eating for the day on occasion, but I prefer it to not be everything shared all the time. I like knowing the featured recipes and highlight choices. :)

  30. Tamara permalink
    September 16, 2010 7:16 am

    Love your specs! They can be annoying sometimes, but less so than the dry feeling I get with contacts, even though I use the single-wear kind (so convenient — and not that cost-prohibitive — for someone who rarely wears them, to just throw them away each time)!

    I’m nearsighted and at 42 have just begun to have the first signs of the dreaded and inevitable need for bifocals. In the last six months or so, I can’t read or see things close up while I’m wearing my glasses. I have to remove them. The doc says that is a good fix for now (and another strike against wearing my contacts to work or elsewhere that I need to read a lot), the next step will be to remove glasses and then don “cheaters,” as my mom calls them, to read. Then, eventually, sigh, the bifocals. Enjoy your pre-40s years while you can!

    That said, I feel compelled to tell you that, in almost every other way, I feel better than ever. I love my 40s!

    Several family members work for Costco so I have a free “family” membership. I hope they carry that bread and hummus in the Detroit metro area stores!

    Have a great weekend.

  31. thedelicateplace permalink
    September 16, 2010 7:17 am

    i only document 1 meal, sometimes not at all! i post what the mood is striking :) when i wear my glasses (which is like 1x every 2wks) i’m always peeking out the bottom instead of looking through the lens when i go down stairs or read haha

  32. September 16, 2010 7:24 am

    I like the glasses! They look great! :)

    Highlights work for me. Especially if meals are similar all week or are leftovers, you know?

  33. September 16, 2010 7:27 am

    I love this post for so many reasons! :) Mostly – because your new glasses are GORGEOUS, and because Penny and Randy are just so cute I could eat them, but I’m also totally diggin’ your dinner pictures :)

  34. September 16, 2010 8:00 am

    Gah, chicken picatta is one of my all time favorite meals! I’d totally forgotten about it, thanks for the reminder.

    Also, I LOVE the new glasses. You look gorgeous.

  35. September 16, 2010 8:03 am

    I LOVE COSTCO. Yep… that much.

    Your glasses are really cute on you, I love it. :)

    I used to post all of my eats but I stopped. It was hard for me to post it all. But I love reading all sorts of blogs. A lot of blogs I read and love post everything. For me, it’s helpful to see how people maintain their health/a healthy weight/lose weight etc. I should try photographing all of my eats again for a few days!

  36. Danielle C. permalink
    September 16, 2010 8:15 am

    I LOVE the new specs, I just got a new pair at Costco as well.

    I’m not a food blogger so I can’t speak to that, but am way too lazy to take pics of everything I eat.

    My favorite pasta is thin spaghetti/angel hair. Though I do like the flatness of linguine. Now I must make your chicken picatta!

  37. peanutbutterfingers permalink
    September 16, 2010 8:18 am

    i definitely do NOT post everything i eat. i never document snacks… just mainly the meals i eat at normal meal times… which is probably only 65 – 75% of my daily eats. i don’t feel like whipping out my camera every time eat! that would be a paaaaaaain in the tookus!

    i love it when you post pics of your pups. they’re adorable!

  38. September 16, 2010 8:32 am

    Ummm… I would like you to prepare food for me on a daily basis. Yum. And spinach & artichoke Sabra? Boy, am I out of the loop. I didn’t know it existed!

    Re: your glasses, I just bought a new pair a couple of months ago after not wearing any for a year (strictly contacts). I felt so dizzy while wearing them, I thought they got the prescription wrong. Turns out, it just takes a while to get used to them. Give it a month or so if you’re not wearing them everyday :).

    Lastly, I also enjoy the highlights of food posting, although it is interesting to see what people choose to fuel their bodies w/ and get new ideas/cravings. My favorite pasta type is angel hair :), though I haven’t been able to find that type in spelt or artichoke pasta.

  39. Kristen permalink
    September 16, 2010 8:37 am

    I don’t blog (yet), but I document most of my eats and moves. I started a food journal on one of my message boards to hold myself accountable. I don’t post pictures, but for some reason I feel the need to take pictures of a lot of my food. I think I just enjoy photography and I KNOW I love me some food.

    I like seeing what you and other bloggers eat because it inspires me to create new things in the kitchen!


  40. September 16, 2010 8:43 am

    “all saucy on the inside” – ooh girl.

    I must say that I prefer your posts these days when they feature more highlights and more adventures from your life like restaurants and farmers’ markets and such…totally fits my tastes! But I loved you before too…

    That dinner looks great. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are great at coming up with original recipes: admire that so much!

    Oh! And in case you missed it on twitter, I got a waffle maker and I thought of you a lot the first time I made a batch. Life changing!

  41. September 16, 2010 8:56 am

    OMG, you look absolutely stunning in your new glasses!

    That little colander is so cute!!

    Yay for National Linguine Day!

  42. September 16, 2010 8:58 am

    I never take pics of my entire day — usually just dinner because 1. I’m lazy and 2. I snack entirely too much hah. I LOVE PENNY AND RANDY :)

  43. September 16, 2010 9:06 am

    Artichoke Sabra!? What!? I need to get my hands on that! And I’m drooling over your meals…that sandwich and picatta look DELISH. I am not a food blogger who documents her eats…only recipes I like…I’m SUPER impressed by people who do though!!

  44. September 16, 2010 9:11 am

    We feel the same way about Sam’s Club that you feel about Costco! Love it! I never photograph my food…I have a food blog but I haven’t been working on it much. Boo for me!

    Your glasses are awesome! Love them on you! Just beautiful! I think glasses add character. I tried contacts, just can’t do ’em. Glasses look great on you!

    Oh, and your Chicken made me wish it was lunch time and it is still morning! Yummmy!

  45. Brandi permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:12 am

    LOVE the glasses! :) Super cute!

  46. lowandbhold permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:23 am

    I’ve never been to a Costco. How sad is that?!

    I just stopped blogging all my food and I like it a lot better!

    I like thin spaghetti and angel hair just because it cooks so quickly!

    Love the new specs! I have some glasses that I really wish I wore more often, but wearing them hurts my ears and gives me a headache :( I’m a wuss.

  47. September 16, 2010 9:26 am

    The new glasses look amazing. I actually got a similar pair a little while ago and I feel so strange wearing them. I need them for distance only but it’s still weird. I feel like I can see better but I’m in a daze or something. I take them off as soon as I’m done with the presentation (or whatever else I need to wear them for) because I get a little dizzy. They are so cute though… too bad :)
    I stopped blogging every bite a few months ago and love it. Gives me more creativity with my posts.

  48. Sara permalink
    September 16, 2010 10:25 am

    As a reader I like to see just highlights, only because I read SO MANY food blogs that oatmeal breakfasts are not only repetitive, they’re never the entries that I flag for later reference. I generally flag things that have unique recipes or are particularly inspiring, etc.

  49. September 16, 2010 10:27 am

    I haven’t taken pictures of everything I eat in A LONG TIME. Mainly because my early morning pre-workout oats are not very pretty (think oatbran with protein powder in a tuppaware) and then my last meal of the day I’m too lazy to take a picture because I go to bed shortly after! And lately I’ve only been taking pictures of 1-2 meals.. it’s more convient!

  50. September 16, 2010 10:29 am

    First, LOVE your new glasses! They look like mine :D I used to hate wearing my glasses, but my eyes feel so much better when I wear my contacts less. I am also happy to hear you don’t wear your contacts 24/7!!! My Mom is an opthamologist and I cringe whenever peeps tell me they leave them in over night. SO not good for the ‘ole eyes.

    I only blog about new recipes… as you know ;) and I prefer to see highlights/ new recipes on other blogs. However, if a blogger wants to document everything… to each her/his own. I like seeing that sometimes, but not in every post… Gets kinda borring.

    My fav shape of pasta… OH pasta how I love thee. lol. I am a huge fan of whole wheat and Barilla’s pasta plus. I really like mini pene and regular old spag noodles…. I also like spiral pasta (forget the proper name) bc the sauce sticks in the grooves.

  51. September 16, 2010 11:28 am

    Oh! I hope my Costco sells that bread now!! Can’t wait to check.

    1. I like to document the majority of my eats. I NEVER EVER document everything because i always have snacks and BLTs that hide behind the camera.

    2. I like the spiral ones.

    super cute glasses missy!!

  52. September 16, 2010 11:28 am

    I was just thinking how much my BF would love that because he loves anything with noodles or capers and then I saw the Packer shirt – he would LOVE that too :)

  53. September 16, 2010 11:38 am

    I used to never wear glasses either and just kept my contacts in from morning til I went to bed. But now I take out my contacts almost as soon as I get home and wear my glasses the rest of the night – my eyes feel so much better!

    Penne pasta for me!

  54. September 16, 2010 11:44 am

    Heck yes Dave’s killer break rocks! I enjoyed some last night for a french toast dinner.

  55. September 16, 2010 12:02 pm

    Your glasses look great! And I’m glad that your eyes are doing better!!! I have some “eye issues” too and shouldn’t wear contacts every day. I finally got some glasses I like at Costco(!). It feels good to be nice to your eyes… :)

    I actually document very few meals as I sadly don’t blog very much anymore. I actually wish I documented a bit more… I sometimes really like seeing everything people eat.

  56. Lauren permalink
    September 16, 2010 1:13 pm

    Lookin gorgeous as always! Really like the new glasses! Dogs are looking adorable as always too! My husband and I go to Costco waaaay too much, but really, nothing ever really goes to waste, except very rarely some leftover spinach will go bad before we can eat it all. Now we are on a huge lime LaCroix kick and went through the pack way too fast! I totally partook in waffle Wednesday and didn’t even realize it! Oh and I do not post my eats, just recipes here and there. From a reader standpoint, I don’t mind either way.

  57. September 16, 2010 1:50 pm

    I don’t take photos of all my food. Honestly, I’d be bored reading it myself so I think my readers would be too. Not only that, I eat a lot of the same foods.

  58. September 16, 2010 1:56 pm

    Sam’s club has been a grocery bill God send. I save at least $100 a month and do the majority of my shopping there :) I am not one to post all the pic’s of what I eat. It’s not that I don’t like that about other bloggers do it, because I do. But man I really hate taking pic’s of my food. I don’t even think to do it, the hubby has to remind me to do it. I much prefer talking about food on my blog, as opposed to telling other people what I had. Like recipes, freaking awesome! That’s just me.
    Hi Penny and Randy! They are so freaking adorable!
    You look awesome in the glasses lady, very sophisticated! :)

  59. September 16, 2010 2:21 pm

    I document about 90% of what I what I eat, and I actually enjoy doing it. There are times where I don’t blog snacks or meals in a group setting because it becomes a pain, but if it’s easy for me to grab my camera, why not? It also keeps me accountable in the reverse sense- I make sure I’m not skimping on anything :)

    LOVE those glasses on you!! I have rectangular frames too, and while I don’t wear them too often, I secretly think they make me look smarter :)

  60. September 16, 2010 3:04 pm

    Haha, reasons 1,2, & 4 are the exact reasons why I hate wearing glasses! Sunglasses over glasses = totally freaking annoying, going down the stairs = I feel like I’m going to trip and fall on my face, and my button of a nose = Granny Allie! That picatta looks divine, sure wish I actually had the time to cook all these amazing recipes you post…maybe I can hire you as my personal chef? Oh wait nevermind, I guess I already have one ; )

  61. September 16, 2010 3:10 pm

    I take pics of everything, but I never post it all. I usually don’t document snacks unless its some new product I’m trying for the first time.

    Love the specs! I’ve beendealing with eye problems lately too, and I’ve been having to wear my glasses. Not being able to wear sunglasses SUCKS. Annnd my glasses give me a headache since I’m not used to the weight on my face. Ugh.

  62. September 16, 2010 3:25 pm

    I love your glasses! I’m always embarassed to wear mine but I don’t look as hot as you!

  63. September 16, 2010 3:50 pm

    I don’t take pics of everything I eat, but the original intention of my blog was to do exactly that. I just have never gotten around to disciplining myself enough to do that. Um, over two years later I hope to do it soon…

  64. September 16, 2010 3:55 pm

    If a person eats an apple or the same granola bar, after a few times I don’t want to see it anymore. But anything new or interesting is worth posting.

  65. September 16, 2010 4:08 pm

    I wish I had a costco near me! ugh, so jealous. i laughed out loud when you said he was on “noodle duty”. that would totally be Justins (my bf) job. I like to post highlights, and honestly im too lazy to photo everything unless im really in the mood. and i dont think people really care that i ate a bar of chocolate in the corner… or do they?? hahaah. i’ll read whatever works for anybody. highlights or dailies, i’ll read it all :) angel hair is my fave. i def want to try your waffle recipe! usually i stick to pancakes when i use ground oats but i never though about waffles hmm.. ill have to break it out soon. have a great evening !

  66. September 16, 2010 4:16 pm

    I tried documenting my meals for a day…..but I don’t think it is for me. I stress out about taking great pictures in a reasonable amount of time. My meals are also pretty boring, I would be posting pictures of apples and banannas every day!

    I also think I would be too critical of myself…”should I tell my readers that I just ate a pile of nacho chips out of the bag while standing at the counter?” or “that I ate the crumbs out of the cookie jar”. I agree that documenting a great meal, an event or recipe is much more interesting, creative and satisfying!

  67. elise permalink
    September 16, 2010 4:30 pm

    costco is legit. i have most of the same things…sabra hummus, baby bell pepps, produce up the hoo-ha, and don’t even get me STARTED on DKB. I’m like their number one fan. seriously, its scary how many times ive gone through an entire loaf in one sitting. consider yourself forewarned.

  68. September 16, 2010 4:48 pm

    I started out documenting everything but over time it got to be too much! I ended up switching to posting just one thing at a time and it worked a lot better for me :) I love your food from yesterday though. Yum yum.

  69. September 16, 2010 4:53 pm

    I want to eat everything in this post–particularly that asparagus.
    1. I document all my meals, but never any snacks. It just gets too tedious to document everything that enters my mouth. Plus, my meals are way more interesting:)
    2. I love farfalle–who can resist those cute little bow ties??

  70. September 16, 2010 5:14 pm

    OMG I just made a whole big commenta nd it got deleted GRR

    anyways, I love yoru meals! I used to track every morsel i ate too and it got old. I even got bored of lookng at my meals haha. Nowadays I am not so crazy when it comes to NEEDING my camera when I eat oats and brown rice. I just take pics when I take pics and thats that!

    omg that little colainder is so dang cute! what could you possibly strain in there??

    ohhh Im SUCH a BJ’s lover and I found those baby bell peppers! they are delicious and super sweet, what a find!

    My fav shape is angel hair!!!

  71. September 16, 2010 6:17 pm

    i’m completely obsessed with daily food blogging, im still new to the healthy living game so i feel better doing it!

  72. September 16, 2010 7:54 pm

    A) I had dirty thoughts when you mentioned working with hubs
    B) I want a baby colander
    C) I also want to make piccata, it’s long overdue
    D) I used to take pics of everything but once you’ve seen a banana as a snack, you seen them all. I like to make pictures of different things I make or meals I enjoy when I go to restaurants
    E) Linguine is my fave pasta!!

  73. September 16, 2010 8:21 pm

    I haven’t had waffles in such a long time but I could really go for some waffles and syrup right now! I don’t really like when people post every single thing they put in their mouths. I just like to see the highlights…kinda like how you would tell someone what you did with your day when they asked what you did (woke up, ate breakfast, went to work, ate lunch, yada yada yada) and usually when you tell people about your day you don’t include what snacks/bites of something you took. That probably made no sense. But anways, I saw some pretty funky noodle shapes in the Fall 2010 Wegmans magazine that look so good and will hopefully try soon!

  74. September 16, 2010 8:34 pm

    I think your new specs look AMAZING! You seriously look like you belong in glasses. True story – my friend in HS got a very similar pair yours even though she had 20/20 because she though they made her look cute.

  75. September 16, 2010 9:25 pm

    I prefer blogging about and reading about the highlights, except for a few select full-on-picture-of-every-morsel blogs (like KERF). I love sharing new recipes, restaurants, fun snack ideas or quick eats for college students. That said, I photograph everything I eat, for two reasons:

    1. Accountability purposes — I can be SUCH a mindless snacker. It’s just better this way.

    2. I might need the pictures for something! Even if I don’t sure most things from any one given day of eats, I might use them in a future post (for example, a round-up of my favorite salad toppings, or something of the like).

    As for noodle shapes — I love linguine and angel hair (but not spaghetti, oddly, lol).

  76. September 17, 2010 6:05 am

    I still love your all-in-one-day posts (but I like the others, too)! I’ve never made protein waffles OR pancakes, but I need to get on that ASAP since protein powder is basically my new best friend.

    And I hear ya on the contact thing. I wear my “two week” pair waaaaaay past the two week mark because I don’t want to have to keep buying new ones! Bad, I know.

  77. September 18, 2010 4:57 pm

    Hahaha, love the flashback photos! Pretty sure I had that same jacket, same glasses, and same sandals you’re wearing in the first photo : )

  78. September 20, 2010 5:04 pm

    So NOW I see that I inadvertently copied you. I’m so sorry! That’s twice in 8 days that’s happened to me…gosh! Oh well…

    I’m still dying to try DKB! Especially that cinnamon sinful thing…CinDawg? SinDawg? Whatevs, I WANT IT.

    Ahhhh it’s been a wonderful half-hour catching up with your posts. I know, I’m awful :( Sawwwwwy! <3 you!!!


  1. lead legs. « meals & moves
  2. Where did those (not) food blogging hours go?

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