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night & day.

August 14, 2010

popping in to tell you about last night and today!

last night i went to get some long-awaited sushi with the girls! i have been craving sushi for months and months. marshall hates any sort of seafood, so i can never drag him along. i was glad to finally have a chance to snag one of my favorite cuisines last night.

we went to takashi, which is in downtown salt lake city, located between main & state on market street. i haven’t been there since my 26th birthday last year!


in my opinion, it is the best sushi in town.

starters consisted of edamame and tempura vegetables: IMG_0059IMG_0060

i love both wasabi and ginger.. i like to nibble on the ginger all by itself :)


kristen & i ended up sharing three rolls.

the T & T: yellowtail, albacore, salmon & greeb onion roll flash fried. served with hotter than hell dipping sauce.


this roll is by far my favorite.  it is because of the super flavorful (but super spicy!) sauce that comes with it!


the sunshine: cucumber, avocado, and spicy sauce inside salmon, and very thin lemon slices on top.


this one was new-to-me and i couldn’t have been happier with it! the layer of lemon really added a unique twist to the overall flavor.


i ate four delicious pieces of the sunshine.


the vegas: i didn’t manage to take a photo of the description on the menu, but it had yellowtail, tuna, salmon, crab & avocado and was tempura fried with ponzu sauce on top.


we originally ordered just two rolls but anna had ordered the vegas roll and it looked so good that we decided to order one, too. good decision! i managed to polish off half of this roll.


by the end of the third roll, i was pleasantly stuffed with sushi. i love the “full” you get when eating sushi. it is not a weighed down full like the ones that come from mexican or italian food.

another thing i love about sushi is the presentation. it never disappoints, no matter what restaurant you go to. the sushi rolls always come out looking gorgeous. every restaurant should make their food look beautiful!

moving onto today!

we woke up bright & early to hit the farmers market downtown. i made a quick strawberry & blueberry protein shake before leaving in order to curb my hunger while we were out and about.

we took the kids!


and i sipped on an iced coffee.


photo sesh: IMG_0120 IMG_0080

heirloom tomatoes for SO cheap!

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samples of fresh, non-dairy white peach gelato (!!!) IMG_0098 IMG_0101

i got some spinach, basil & mixed lettuce IMG_0103

best. granola. ever. more on that in a minute. IMG_0104 IMG_0106

i sampled four kinds of melon.

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this hummus was good, but not the best.

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when we got home, i immediately put some of our purchases to use.

i paired local, cage free eggs (2 whole, 4 whites) with a fresh garden tomato, farmers market basil, salt & pepper (and a splash of milk and dab of butter).


when the eggs were almost done, i sprinkled a good amount of shredded parmesan cheese on top.






the fresh basil really had incredible flavor and you can totally tell the difference between a garden tomato and one you buy at the grocery store.


i ate my eggs along side a small bowl of oikos greek yogurt.


i sprinkled with another farmers market purchase—nature’s indulgence granola.


this granola is made by a couple of women here locally—in ogden, ut. i had a chance to speak with one of them at the market and they said they started their granola company because they were tired with all the fillers and junk found in several brands of store-bought granola.


what i loved about their granola is that they are a small company who choose to support small farms and businesses.  they get their ingredients right from the source.

i had sampled a few of their flavors while at the market. not surprisingly, i ended up buying the vanilla nut blend. i am a sucker for all things vanilla.


what actually sold me on this flavor was the slight hint of sea salt i could taste. it was very subtle but, at the same time, packed a mini-punch. i told marshall that it is the best granola i’ve ever tasted! if you are interested in checking out their website, it is and they are at the market every saturday selling their granola.

after eating my eggs & yogurt+granola, i was about to type this up… but marshall convinced me to take a nap. he didn’t have to twist my arm. lazy saturdays.. gotta love ‘em!

well, we are off to the soccer match! hope you are all enjoying your weekend. i know i am :)


1. do you like sushi? what is your favorite roll/ingredients that make up your favorite roll? how adventurous are you when it comes to eating sushi? i will eat any and all sushi, but i love ordering anything that has avocado, yellowtail and eel.

2. do you go to your local farmers market? what is your favorite thing to purchase at the farmers market? today was the first time i’ve gone all year! i’ve been so busy. i love to purchase tomatoes and peaches. i wish our market was as amazing at the one i went to in san francisco with ashley when i was there for the foodbuzz festival. it was amazing!

xo. janetha g.

39 Comments leave one →
  1. August 14, 2010 5:26 pm

    Those sushi rolls are gorgeous! I am not that adventurous as I’m veg, but I love fun rolls that have things like mango, etc in them! I have only been to the farmer’s market once this year and didn’t buy anything as it was early in the year.

  2. August 14, 2010 6:39 pm

    i love my farmer’s market-it’s somewhere just under a half mile from our house, and it goes YEAR ROUND! i buy lots of stuff there-salmon and catfish (caught the night before!), tomatoes, onions, greens, peaches that cost way too much but taste oh so good, even stuff like whole wheat flour!

  3. August 14, 2010 6:55 pm

    I LOVE sushi. My favorite is the Spicy Susan at this place in Austin called Sushi Sake. To be honest, I have no idea what is in it. It’s one of 2 rolls they don’t even have on the menu (guess it’s a secret, lol!)

    I wish the farmers markets around here were better priced. Because they are trendy and hip, they are also very pricey. Further you get from Austin, the better the prices are and often the product is better too

  4. August 14, 2010 7:02 pm

    Are you KIDDING me?! If I could have that sushi with lemon I would die and go to heaven right there. Sushi is the biggest thing I miss while pregnant and this pregnancy I have been craving lemon like none other. Combine the two and holy cow. Love the interesting combos at that sushi place. My kind of sushi.

    You can now really tell how much I miss sushi since my entire comment was about it. LOL

  5. August 14, 2010 7:12 pm

    I love sushi too, but I’m also a veg so I’m not that adventurous. However, I’m convinced you could wrap up a barn shingle with avocado and sushi rice and I would eat it. As for the market, yours looks amazing! At mine I like to get whatever veggies are in season–corn, red peppers, etc. However, my favorite things are these mini loaves of pumpkin bread made by this Amish family. They are the perfect size (actually kind of big) and have like, six ingredients. They are SUPER moist and such a treat!

  6. August 14, 2010 7:15 pm

    you and i will get along so well! i love sushi, although i can only get vegetarian rolls. i always pile my sushi rolls high with ginger (higher than the sushis themselves!). the measly amount of ginger most restaurants give you is NOT enough!!!

  7. August 14, 2010 7:23 pm

    Holy sushi, I need sushi now!

    I’ve not been to my local farmers market yet, I’m waiting on summer!

  8. Katie permalink
    August 14, 2010 7:28 pm

    Your weekend looks like it was spent wonderfully with your friends and Marshall. So carefree, fun, and yet adventurous at the same time. Not CRAZY adventurous, but you know…those little adventures that make you smile, like your sushi night and the farmer’s market trip with your love. Those are the little things that seem like grand adventures to me. Simple, yet so full of enjoyment.

    Haha, I am reading Eat, Pray, Love right now and I am just so caught up in fulfillment now and being ultimately happy with my life. So, sorry for the little ramble I had going on up there. =P

    Anywho. Sushi. Love it! I have never tried eel. Sounds intimidating, but I would up for it! I never hesitate to try new things now that I am eating a full-range diet. As for farmer’s markets, we have a small one here in my home town of 2,000 people. I have yet to go, but I really should to see what it’s all about. You are lucky to have one so full of nice people and a generous selection of fresh foods!

  9. August 14, 2010 7:45 pm

    My hubby doesn’t like seafood or sushi either, so I can sympathize….glad you had access to a sushi buddy. Those rolls look ah-may-zing!

  10. August 14, 2010 7:53 pm

    I like sushi but I am picky about it. Actually, I really only like the rolls. Some of it makes my stomach turn.

  11. August 14, 2010 7:59 pm

    I love all of your farmer’s market purchases! We have a farmer’s market that we go to every Sat. morning but I would love one every day! I need to go to a big one too! Ours is pretty small and local. Still good though!

  12. August 14, 2010 8:12 pm

    I LOVE me a good farmers’ market. Heaven. The best one I’ve been to was in Berkeley. There were at least 10 different nectarine and peach samples ALONE. So wonderful.

    I’m glad to hear that you’re not paying attention to macro nutrients now! It seems like it served its purpose but it also sounds like you’re having more fun with food now.

  13. August 14, 2010 8:16 pm

    That sushi looks incredible! You definitely have me craving it now. :)

    Glad you had a wonderful time with the girls and an even better day at the market. Sounds perfect! ;)

  14. August 14, 2010 8:17 pm

    I LOVE sushi- my favorite roll is pretty simple though- eel and avocado- yum yum! I used to work at a sushi restaurant and got all the free sushi I wanted– heaven!

  15. August 14, 2010 8:27 pm

    Fun! I saw Vanilla Powder in the grocery store today near the liquid vanilla and other extracts. Have you ever tried it. I have to say I’m very intrigued! Enjoy your weekend!

  16. August 14, 2010 8:30 pm

    Oh my gosh, sushi AND a local outdoor market?! Love both so much! We don’t have a farmer’s market or local market in our town and it makes me so sad!

  17. hayleycepeda permalink
    August 14, 2010 8:36 pm

    All of that looks so good!! I’m still on an egg kick so I’m especially jonesing for the eggs. :) YES I LOVE sushi but haven’t eaten it since getting pregnant. I know you can still have veggie rolls, but I LOVE spicy tuna, crab, shrimp, etc…and the rainbow and all that jazz.

    I don’t go to the FM as often as I should…I SHOULD! :)

  18. August 14, 2010 9:18 pm

    i LOVE farmers markets!! GAH the food really is so fresh! I love the looks of that place- i need more sushi in my life!

  19. August 14, 2010 9:43 pm

    i cant belieeeeeve marsh doesn’t like seafood!!!!! you must change that if you’re going to be married forever. hahaha i kid. but its perfectly good cause for a girls night!!! so glad you got your sush on :) a life without raw fish rolls is no life at all.

    love you girl have a fabo weekend :)

  20. Maren permalink
    August 14, 2010 10:42 pm

    I haven’t been to our farmers market this year yet, but have plans to next weekend! The summer is flyyyying! That granola does look amazing! :) I looooove sushi too but I’ve been so boring lately ordering tuna rolls. Consisting of tuna and, well, tuna! YUM! Hope u had fun at the soccer match!

  21. August 15, 2010 5:58 am

    Fun stuff! I love sushi. Anything with eel is my jam. Spider roll is my indulgence, but I try to keep it healthy with just regular pieces of sushi, sashimi, or salmon & avocado roll. I save the bigger rolls for when I want to indulge.

  22. thedelicateplace permalink
    August 15, 2010 6:26 am

    i don’t eat rice but i LOVE sashimi and i order the platter. i love me some raw meat haha. i won’t eat eel because i’m deathly scared of snakes and well they just look too close for comfort! farmer’s market finds: i love heirloom tomatoes as well but i usually hit up our local meat vendors (i’m near amish country so just about any cut of meat you want, you can find! think offal!)

  23. August 15, 2010 8:02 am

    I love going to the farmers market! yours looked great!

  24. August 15, 2010 9:25 am

    My blog is changing, please follow at

  25. August 15, 2010 9:35 am


    Your photos look awesome. Your new camera rules, yo! I can tell a difference from your old pics. It inspires me to get off my cheap butt and buy a nice one. And congrats (a belated one) on your beautiful wedding. You and Marshall seem uber happy!

  26. August 15, 2010 10:27 am

    My sushi eating partner is out of town. I was craving it so bad on Friday, I went by myself! It just left me wanting to go again soon . . . I think your pictures are contributing to that. Looks delicious!

  27. August 15, 2010 11:19 am

    I typed out a super long response and then my pc locked up :( and I don’t have time to re-type it. UGH

    Well… let’s just get to the bottom line…

    I LOVE sushi (seafood is my fav food of all time) and my favorites include salmon, ahi tuna and eel… anything with roe… is hot or with avocado is where it’s at.

    I don’t go to farmer’s market’s much, but I love them! I can’t say I have a fav thing to buy, but I have always wanted to try heirloom tom’s.

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  28. August 15, 2010 11:26 am

    I stopped eating meat, but when I did, I liked anything with salmon and avocado.

  29. August 15, 2010 12:13 pm

    wow, to be honest I am not a sushi LOVER, I mean I will eat it and like it but I will never be that person to say “oh lets go to sushi tonight!” (if that mekes sense) BUT I think it is one of the most beautifull put together and presented foods, so I am always into looking at it, even if that doesn’t mean eating it!!

    those heirloom tomatoes look AMAZING they taste a whole world difference than tomatoes from a grocery store! thats why I LOVE buying local! when I go to a local farmers market, I am always on the lookout for fresh herbs, and also other items like local mustards and cheeses…its the speciality stuff that always reels me in!

    looks like your weekend is off to a great start!! xoxoxo

  30. August 15, 2010 1:10 pm

    Oooooh! I want to try that “hotter than hell” dipping sauce. I love sushi!

  31. August 15, 2010 1:56 pm

    I always say sushi is artwork and your pics definitely hold true! Sometimes I dont even want to eat it b/c it looks so pretty. But I do anyways b/c no sushi roll goes left behind in my world!! I love salmon, tuna and avocado in mine.

    farmers markets rock my world. I was actually featured in an article in the USA Today picking fruit at our local farmers market so they hold a special place in my heart :) I like everything there—I can’t narrow it down!

  32. August 15, 2010 2:22 pm

    Girl, if my huz hated seafood it would be a dealbreaker for me… just kidding. (And he’s half japanese so the disownment from his family may be worse than my disappointment, ha) But that’s great you got to go out to sushi with the gals! I LOVE sushi… and I love the “sushi full” too! It never seems like too much, it’s awesome.

    My fave kinds… SO hard. I love salmon sashimi, as well as rolls with avocado, eel(!) and salmon- spicy scallop and shrimp tempura are also faves! And I always get one or two edamame, miso soup and seaweed salad :D

    I love farmers’ markets but I never go when I’m busy either! Definitely fresh fruits & veg- around here sweet corn, tomatoes and peaches are superb in the summer. And other local goodies, of course!


  33. August 15, 2010 2:56 pm

    I love sushi but there are no actual sushi restaurants near me : (

    I also love farmers markets fruit and veg is always a good buy x x

  34. elise permalink
    August 15, 2010 3:49 pm

    i LOVEEEEE ginger. love love love it. mm…sushi. its one of the only things im willing to pull the nonvegan card out for…theres just too many tasty rolls that have crab and salmon.

  35. August 15, 2010 5:15 pm

    That farmer’s market looks incredible! I love going to ours and getting fresh veggies to grill. The eggs look so good!

  36. August 16, 2010 8:51 am

    LOVEEEEEEEE sushi. i’m way overdue for some, actually! i think that’s where i’ll choose for my birthday dinnerr next saturday! haha.

    i need some seaweed salad in my life! i’m not a fan of eel, but other than that, i’ll eat almost any sushi. sashimi is my choice!

  37. August 16, 2010 2:04 pm

    P.S I tagged ya x x


  1. mix it up monday. « meals & moves
  2. to market, to market. « meals & moves

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