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flashback friday: before the wedding.

July 30, 2010

friends! what’s shakin? happy friday :D this week has gone by faster than a speeding bullet. and we are talking a bullet from a 5.56 mm assault gun, which travels at a rate of 920 meters per second. yeah, that’s fast, people. (thanks, google.)


guess WHAT? my best friend and hero, momma b, lent me her old point and shoot camera to use until my DSLR is back and functioning properly! she saved the day! this isn’t the first time she’s lent me this camera. when i went to the foodbuzz festival in san francisco last november, i FORGOT my camera.. um, hello? janetha? who leaves their camera home when going to a blogging festival? yeah. this girl. anyway, i am happy to say momma b has come through in the clutch once again and i have a temporary camera.

the photos are nothing to write home about, i have become a bit snobby when it comes to food photos now that i have had the luxury of a DSLR camera, but hey.. they get the job done ;)

how about i talk about yesterday? sure, ok.

i went to the gym for the first time in over a month (!!!) yesterday. i know, i was going to go on wednesday, but life got in the way.. so we walked the dogs instead. marshall was working late last night so i was able to make it to the gym. i go to gold’s gym so this was my first time trying out the new location, since i’ve moved to a new town. i am a little bitter because my old gold’s gym is the largest one in the state.. so i know i am downsizing with this new location. i hope i don’t hate it. so far, so good.. i got a tour of the gym before hitting the treadmill. it doesn’t have all the perks like i am used to, but it also is not horrible. once i have worked out there a few times, i will do a full pro/con review.


here is the (short) workout i did yesterday:

back in the saddle HIIT routine. (on treadmill)

minute # speed (MPH)
0-1 5.5
1-2 6.0
2-3 6.5
3-4 7.0
4-5 7.5
5-6 5.5
6-7 6.0
7-8 6.5
8-9 7.0
9-10 7.5
10-11 5.5
11-12 6.0
12-13 6.5
13-14 7.0
14-15 7.5
15-16 5.5
16-17 6.0
17-18 6.5
18-19 7.0
19-20 7.5

total time: 20 min, total distance: 2.15 miles
i want to say this was easy, but it really was actually pretty challenging. not horrible, but not super easy like these speeds used to be. chalk it up to not running in a very, very long time. it is crazy how quick you can lose endurance. but, luckily, endurance is also built back up quickly. i think i will be back to 10 MPH sprints in no time ;)

after my run i did 10 minutes of ab work. i am feeling it today! the upside of taking so much time off from the gym is i am actually to get DOMS in my abs.. which is a rare occurrence for me. but i LOVE how that feels, don’t you?


last night i made the first meal in the new house! now, we still don’t have pots & pans and haven’t unpacked all the kitchen items, gadgets, dishes, etc.. so we had to get creative and make a meal using what was on hand. solution?


you may recall, danica got me a panini press for my birthday. so, last night, danica not only saved the day with a guest post.. she also saved the day with my dinner. she is basically the most amazing person on the planet. there, i said it. i used grandma sycamore’s bread (the best white bread on the face of the earth), deli mustard, black forest ham, colby jack cheddar & avocado.

i was pretty stoked to use my professional knives! they have been hiding under my bed for over a year. marshall got them for me for my birthday last year, but i

decided not to use them until i had my own home :)


i am in LOVE with deli mustard. the mustard seeds totally make it.


i buttered the outside of marshall’s sandwich bread and left mine dry.


into the press they go!

IMG_4088 came out perfectly pressed :)


you may have noticed the can of tomato soup in the photo above. nothing goes better with paninis than tomato soup. it is prime dunking material. since we have no pots, i had to warm the soup in the microwave (in the pyrex we received as a wedding gift).. and then, for bowls (since we have no bowls yet), we used the ADORABLE houndstooth mugs that emily got us as a wedding gift! (yep, emily came to the wedding, don’t you all miss her?! it was great to see her.)


i also added some diced melon to the dish.. mmm.. melon.. our makeshift table:


yeah. what a disaster. a work in progress, for sure! marshall is picking up our kitchen table today. (hooray!) CHOMP.


i look my best after working out and unpacking boxes all evening ;)

SO! there you have it. an actual post with actual meals & moves. not gonna lie, i’ve missed these types of posts.

oh, wait, is it flashback friday?? yeah.. that’s right, it is!

well, i still don’t have my professional photos back from the wedding, so i am kind of delaying that post. but i do have photos of the wedding day, leading up until the actual ceremony. i thought i would flashback to saturday, july 17, 2010. my wedding day.

woke up bright and early around 9 AM and got myself dressed. yep, been doing it for a long time now, folks. i am pretty good at it. i then went to meet my maids & my good friend katie (who was in town from oregon) for pedicures.

before the pedicure appointment, nourishment was necessary. kristen & i stopped at a nearby bagel joint, rich’s bagels. best bagels in salt lake city, if you ask me. kristen made sure to let the staff know it was my wedding day. it made me giddy every time i heard that! wedding day! yesss.

i got a turkey & egg sandwich on an asiago bagel with plain cream cheese and, of course, an iced coffee.




then we got our pedicures! fun.


after the pedicures it was off to get my makeup done. my old school friend erin offered to do my makeup for me and she couldn’t have done a better job.


then i raced off to my hair appointment. geez, this wedding beauty prep is serious business! kristen, my mom & 3 sisters all met at the hair salon.

201 202

i definitely had to wear my hair up because even when it is curled, the curl falls out less than an hour later! it’s the pits!


after my hair was done, i got dressed in the back room of the salon. secret: i stuffed my bra with my mom’s socks. it was my something borrowed. ;)


my corset kept peeking out of the top of my dress, it was a minor emergency. we NEEDED double stick tape. it was a wedding miracle when the receptionist at the salon came up with a whole roll! i was excited to say the least.

image once i was dressed & ready to go, we headed off to memory grove, where i met marshall & the pups for photos. to be continued :) that wraps up this week’s rendition of flashback friday! did you participate? let me know so i can link back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope you all enjoy your weekend! check ya later alligators.


1. what is your favorite meal to make without using pots, pans or many dishes? ideas needed here, folks!

2. your hair: naturally curly, wavy, or stick-straight? it doesn’t get straighter than this head of hair!

xo. janetha g.

36 Comments leave one →
  1. July 30, 2010 6:16 pm

    Oh this is so fun to see! The best part of being newly wed is all the fun unpacking in the new house and first fun meals together. So happy for you!

  2. July 30, 2010 6:20 pm

    Well, I don’t do the cooking in my house (my wonderful husband does!), but we also love to make paninis. Another favorite dish we make without pots and pans is gazpacho, a cold soup. Simply blend several tomatoes, a cucumber, an onion, a green pepper (cored), jalapeno if you like heat – but take out the seeds!, a garlic clove, 1/4 c. each of wine vinegar and olive oil, and then season with salt, pepper, and parsley, basil, and/or cilantro. Blend it together and chill for about an hour, and you’re good to go!

    To answer the other question, my hair is super curly! I used to fight it and try to blow it straight every day, but it’s just too hot in the summer. So, I’ve given in to my curls, and I’ve shaved nearly 20 minutes off my getting-ready time in the morning. Yippee!

  3. July 30, 2010 7:22 pm

    Vitamix to the rescue! Roasted red peppers, super ripe tomatoes, clove of garlic, a bit of milk (or non-dairy milk) to reach desired consistency, some fresh basil (not too much, or it’s overkill), and . If you vitamix heats things up like my Blendtec – soup is served! If it doesn’t, it’s awesome cold :) YUMMY!

  4. July 30, 2010 7:36 pm

    I would hereby like to challenge you to a stick straight hair contest. I will win.

    Hmm favourite meal sans pots and pans is probably something super un-meal-like, like pb and banana on toast. Oh I also love snacky meals like chips, pita, crackers with cheese, guacamole, salsa etc…not the healthiest though. Sorry. I am not helpful :(

    I literally cannot wait to see your proper wedding pics. I am a stalker :)

  5. July 30, 2010 8:18 pm

    I have just enough wave in my hair to be annoying.

    You are beautiful all on your own, but I have to say that Erin did a great job! Can’t wait to see more pics!

    Nice knives!

  6. fitnessandsunshine permalink
    July 30, 2010 8:23 pm

    Salads are easy to throw together, and are NO cook. :)

    My hair is naturally wavy and I hate it! It never sits how I want it to, and even if I straighten it, it ends up waving right away when I come outside because it’s so humid now. Yuk!

  7. July 30, 2010 9:31 pm

    Hahaha that last photo made my night! A panini press is the best wedding present ever. I’m missing my roommate from college’s panini press majorly.

  8. July 30, 2010 11:19 pm

    wavy and in an annoying way…it’s not uniform, it doesnt look good wavy, and it requires work to straighten it..but i just let it airdry and be random 95% of the time

    love the last pic of you..nice :)

    have a great weekend as an old married couple, ok!

  9. Melissa permalink
    July 31, 2010 12:39 am

    “secret: i stuffed my bra with my mom’s socks. it was my something borrowed.”

    hahaha! Oh Janetha how I’ve missed your blogging!

  10. July 31, 2010 3:39 am

    The panini looks great! Cool little gadget!
    You look so happy and excited for your wedding :)

  11. July 31, 2010 4:44 am

    Salads are great when you don’t want to use a lot of pans.
    My hair is straight right out of the shower without blow drying or anything.
    And I LOVE paninis! Grilling it like that changes the whole flavor of the sandwich into something so delicious!

  12. July 31, 2010 6:21 am

    Sandwiches! And cheese and crackers… do those count as meals? LOL.

  13. July 31, 2010 6:23 am

    Hey love! I’ve been missing you so much but I know how wonderfully crazy things are for you now. I can’t wait to see how you and Marshall settle into your new life together. :)

    My favorite meal to make that’s stress/mess free is probably egg sammies. All you really need is a little bowl and a microwave to make the egg whites and the rest is just construction. They always turn out incredible delicious!!

    Hope you have an amazing weekend! ;)

  14. July 31, 2010 6:40 am

    I agree with the above commenter on the egg sandwiches. I just cook the egg in a bowl in the microwave.

    Your hair and makeup looks so pretty.

    My hair is curly. But the top part is flat and straight which I hate. I wish it would make up it’s mind – curly or straight.

  15. July 31, 2010 6:45 am

    Ugh, my hair is sooo frizzy and curly! I put up with the curls in the summer, but once school starts I straighten the hell out of it! :-P

  16. July 31, 2010 6:58 am

    I had straight hair when I was little, then my hair became wavy and frizzy when I hit my teen years. My hair changed again when i was 17 or 18…back to pin straight like yours and VERY slippery! Whenever I get an updo at salons they always need to spray a whole can of styling spray plus 1000 clips to keep my hair up. Funny story…my hair is.

    I love egg whites+hummus+brie cheese+ketchup +arugula wraps! I know it’s alot of random things combined together, but it’s divine! My boyfriend always asks for them! :D

  17. July 31, 2010 7:04 am

    I love the wedding prep photos!

    My hair is wavy and is getting “weirder” as I get older…

  18. July 31, 2010 7:05 am

    I’ve been coming up with a lot of minimal dish, no cook dishes lately (on the road for work, no kitchen) and the end result is usually meal salads, with nuts, deli meats, hard-boiled eggs and cheeses. Also collard and swiss chard wraps, filled with whatever leftovers we have on hand.
    I have what I lovingly call an Irish ‘fro. I’ve finally gotten my curls long enough that they’re somewhat weighed down, which makes me look a little less orphan Annie-like!

  19. July 31, 2010 7:44 am

    I like to make big salads, but that’s because I’m a bit boring. Also, tuna salad or salmon salad with toasted bread.

    My hair is an ugly kind of wavy. So I straighten it if I want it to look anywhere NEAR good.

  20. July 31, 2010 7:53 am

    i’m jealous of your panini press AND YOUR HOUSE THAT YOU MADE IT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gaaaah you’re a married woman with her own house. love it.

  21. July 31, 2010 8:13 am

    You are so cute! Love that you stuffed your bra with your moms socks! Ha ha!!

    I have crazy straight hair too. Good for bangs though. :-D

  22. July 31, 2010 8:19 am

    i laughed pretty hard about stuffing your mom’s socks in there ;p oh you are so lucky to have straight hair! um…have you seen my wild mane? def got the wave that is not leaving even when i blow it out straight!

  23. July 31, 2010 8:34 am

    You could do an antipasto platter. Hummus and bruschetta (cut up tomatoes, onion, garlic and basil or oregano), served with crackers or pita chips. Add some cheese, slice cucumbers and fruit. Add a glass of wine and you’ll feel very European!

  24. July 31, 2010 8:50 am

    I actually think sandwiches are my favorite meal to make without using many utensils. You can even eat them off a paper towel. LOL Your panini looks great. All the changes you are waiting for the house remind me of when we were renovating ours. It is tough, so I feel for you. Hope things get in order soon.

    PS – So glad you’re back!!

  25. July 31, 2010 9:51 am

    1. Hugh Jass Salad. Nuff said.

    2. I have crazy jass curly hair. I straighten it 99% of the time.

    Can I use the sock stuffing trick in my everyday wear? Thanks.

  26. lowandbhold permalink
    August 1, 2010 12:23 pm

    Looks like it was such a fun day!

    I am going through a big wrap phase – those don’t need dishes!

    My hair is pretty straight, but with a tinge of wave.

  27. August 1, 2010 2:44 pm

    My hair is stick straight too! I loved your wedding hairstyle – gorgeous!

  28. August 2, 2010 7:29 am

    I love eating broccoli slaw! It’s so easy to just steam in the microwave, throw in a bowl with some ff cottage cheese/hummus/lima beans & light ragu! My FAVE for a quick meal.

    My hair is bi-polar. It can’t make up its mind whether it wants to be straight or curly. SO annoying…When it’s humid, I get little ringlets framing my face, but when I curl it, it goes flat! Fun, fun.

    Looks like wedding day was nothing short of a dream! :) I’m happy for you and marshalL!

  29. August 2, 2010 10:54 am

    Aww, you’re so cute. Your hair looks beautiful!!

  30. August 3, 2010 7:22 am

    Aren’t good knives the best?? I had no idea what I was missing out on!

    My hair is wavy and annoying if left alone. But it means that with a little work, I can make it both straight or curly when I feel like it. :)

  31. August 3, 2010 8:32 am

    mmm that panini with the avocados looks so yummy!
    I like to make simple, no pots or pans needed :)

    Great pictures of leading up to your wedding…I guess hair and make up = serious business!

    My hair is SO thick ..and wavy. Not curly..just wavy (that bugs me)!!

  32. Paige permalink
    August 5, 2010 5:45 am

    Just now catching up on your blog from vacation – congratulations on the wedding! I LOVE your wedding cake, super adorable. You and Marshall both looked gorgeous as well. :)

    As for your questions, my favorite meals to make without many dishes/cookware are smoothies, giant salads (pre-chopped lettuce, pre-shredded carrots, broccoli florets, etc. and store-bought grilled chicken or tuna), tuna mixed with a microwaveable wild rice pouch (dorm food at its FINEST), soup, grilled cheese, and cereal (that counts…right?).

    My hair is stick straight and I have a LOT of it. No amount of hair spray can keep it curly.


  1. I’m tired, this will be short | Food for Peace
  2. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves
  3. flashback friday: five months ago. « meals & moves
  4. flashback friday: all in the family. « meals & moves

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