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guest post thursday! ashlan m.

May 20, 2010

i almost typed “ashlan b.” because her last name used to start with a B, back in the grade school days when we were homegirls, but now she is married with three ADORABLE kiddos.

my guest poster today is ashlan, she and i have known each other for i don’t know how many years. she grew up in the same neighborhood as my sister in law and we went to school together. she was always very active, as she was on the cheerleading squad and whatnot, and all the dudes loved her ;) over the years we lost tabs of each other, but i am grateful that technology (facebook and blogging) has reacquainted us and we are back in touch!

i asked ashlan to do a post about how she manages to stay healthy, eat well and fit exercise into her day with such a busy life.  in addition to her 3 children, ashlan is a business owner (her stores are super cute.. she opened a couple haircuts for kids places called “cookie cutters”~ how clever is that?) and also a wife, which.. from what i am told.. is a job in and of itself ;)

i haven’t seen ashlan in person in years and years. we just talk over the internet.. and it wasn’t until i read her guest post last night that i found out just how well she is at managing a healthy lifestyle amidst all her busy obligations.  i had NO idea she was going to show us some before and afters (but i LOVE it when people do! so inspiring!) and when i saw hers, my jaw literally dropped.  you will see what i am talking about.

this momma of 3 knows what’s up. here she is :)


Hello Meals and Moves readers. I am thrilled to have been asked to do a guest post for Janetha.

I am so lucky to be a mom to 3 amazing kids and a hubby who puts up with a wife like me;)


As many of you other mommies out there know its hard to find time for the meals let alone the moves.


I wanted to share a day in the life of my meals and moves that keep us healthy and happy.


This is rough when you are on the go like I am. As many of you may have found, kids make it hard to eat healthy. A friend once said she was a “momnivore”(a mom who eats what her kids have yet to finish ;) I would have to say I am, too.  So, I have to be really careful and it’s easy to consume a lot of calories if you aren’t careful.  If you are teaching your kids how to make good meal choices, it makes your job a whole lot easier.


Smoothies.  My kids pick out what we put in them. Some days are a little funky I will admit, but when they are so excited to help make breakfast, it’s worth it.


  • 1/2cup frozen Costco berries
  • 1 banana
  • handful of spinach (my kids think its great their breakfast is green)
  • 1 cup of plain yogurt
  • 1 cup of Ice

Top it off with some granola and your kiddies will love it.


When we are on the go, it’s Subway.  For sure we do hit up that golden arch at times, but we try and opt for at least the apple dippers. Kids still have to be kids. When at home we have a lot of fun. Most kids don’t know the difference between the health of a fried corn dog or a turkey sandwich, so have fun.


1 slice of pastrami (not my first choice of meat by any means, but my hubby was sick of turkey, so I had to make the man happy) roll it around your cheese stick put a few tooth picks in it and slice it up.  There is something about bite size that kids love. Make it fun!

Serve with a veggie and some fruit and it’s good for all.

I have a sandwich almost everyday for lunch. To change things up when I start to get bored with it I just toast it. I can’t believe the difference it makes its like a whole new thing.


Always double if not triple what you make. Most foods can be frozen and used later. Since this Utah weather has been so unpredictable, we decided to have chicken noodle soup for dinner.


Toss it all in the slow cooker and put it on low all day why you are out and about. We make homemade wheat noodles but if you don’t have time, there are several healthy packaged noodles out there.

Here’s the trick for storing chicken noodle soup: keep the noodles separate from everything that’s what makes it go soggy if you try and store it. This way you can put any left over soup in a Ziploc bag and freeze for a day you only have time to pull something out of the freezer.  All you have to do is make/boil new noodles and boil your bag in water and in 10 minutes dinner will be served. This will last up to 3 months in a freezer and taste like you just made it today, even if it was really 3 months ago.. nobody needs to know. Right?!


Okay, all those who think you can just grab your pajama pants and shoes and go to the gym, cover your eyes. I am one of those “you feel like you look” people. If I look like I just rolled out of bed I don’t feel like I give my workouts what they deserve. I am one who really likes nice workout clothes (,  not only are they so cute, I really feel like I perform better! (Lame I know but it’s a little thing that works for me.)

I really can’t take credit for much of my moves except that I show up to do the work. That’s more than half the battle right there for me. I have three kids, two stores, a house and that hour a day slowly turned into 30 minutes, if I was lucky. I turned to a personal trainer.  Well, after a few months, I couldn’t justify the cost for the results.

Then I came across my new addiction, Ozone Fit.


This gym is amazing! I fear my workouts and LOVE it! The best part of it is you don’t even have to be a member.  They post their workouts every day on their blog for free!  Go there and get them, give them a try.  You will love it.  Most workouts take about 30 minutes, some are even less. My favorite workout is the STAB workout Janetha tried not too long ago. (janetha here.. yep, i did it on tuesday! and i am sore from it today!)

For any of you readers who live in the Davis County or Salt Lake areas, Ozone Fit has given me permission to give all of you TWO WEEKS free to go try them out at their facility if you would like. If you don’t live close, that’s okay.  Just go to their website for all the free workouts or to find out detail of their awesome radio show. To get your two weeks free, just let them know Ashlan sent you when you go in. They will not pressure you into a contract (they don’t have contracts its just month to month). It’s a whole new world of working out (ever heard of a Turkish get-up?!). It’s like a personal trainer 5 days a week that you can afford.

It has been the best thing for me.

Before: my baby was 5 weeks old (I know I am slouching really bad but I really didn’t want to do before pictures)


5 months later..I just finished one of the hardest workouts I have ever done at Ozone when this photo was taken.

Go check it out on their site ( the “scream team workout” was awesome!


Thanks again Janetha for letting me ramble about my crazy life! As all you moms know Its hard, but there is nothing better!


WOW. WOW. WOW. thanks SO much ashlan!  i am so astonished with that washboard stomach of yours.  hey readers.. i had no idea about this ozone fit place or that they were going to offer 2 weeks free.. or that they have a website with free workouts.. this is all news to me! i am so glad ashlan gave me the heads up on this new wealth of knowledge. i can’t wait to give more of their workouts a try.  after the STAB one i did on tuesday, i know i’’ll be back for more.

hope you all enjoyed ashlan’s guest post.. i know i did!


1. do you have kiddos? how many/how old are they? if not, do you want to have kids in the future?

2. where do you stop if you have to have your meal on-the-go and don’t have time to pack anything?

xo. janetha b. & ashlan m.

41 Comments leave one →
  1. May 20, 2010 6:02 pm

    Um wow I want those abs!!

  2. May 20, 2010 6:07 pm

    Wow!! The after picture is amazing!

  3. May 20, 2010 6:09 pm

    OK, she looks AMAZING after 3 kids! With one on the way, I want to put up a picture of her for inspiration to get back in shape after the little boy comes along.
    I try to find a grocery store if I’m on the go. Most have cut up fruits and veggiesor premade sandwiches. Otherwise, Panera or Chipotle are OK bets.

  4. mom permalink
    May 20, 2010 6:22 pm

    Holy moly Ashlan you look AweSoME!!! So proud of how hard you work at everything you do!! (This gal has more energy than normal and I love that she’s on the go all the time and still can eat clean and work out) Terrific post I’m ready to give the ozonefit a try!
    Thanks Ashlan xoxo
    Momma b

  5. May 20, 2010 6:38 pm

    Wow what a transformation. I can’t wait to check out that site for new workout ideas. You can never have too many! No kiddies, but someday. Do my dog and cat count? They wake me up at night.

  6. Morgan Frampton permalink
    May 20, 2010 6:40 pm

    Wow. I am reading while I am eating a cutlers sugar cookie. She looks amazing!! Good for her!

  7. May 20, 2010 6:54 pm

    1. I want two kids, one biological and one adopted.

    2. I’m actually finding gas station food options to be pretty stellar lately.

  8. May 20, 2010 7:02 pm

    I could not agree more about the workout wear!! It’s a big investment at first (although it doesn’t have to be, you can find some great stuff on sale) but SO worth it. I feel awesome going to the gym in my cute workout clothes and truly believe my workouts are better because of it :)

    1. I want kids, but only if I can look like Ashlan after having them ;)
    2. I’m a Subway fan too! Or I stop off at the grocery store and try to throw something together, tuna, crackers and fruit.

    Great post!

  9. Amy (Up and Running!) permalink
    May 20, 2010 7:03 pm

    Those before and afters are seriously so motivating! And your kids are adorable! Subway is my go-to if I don’t have time to pack my own lunch…I like that it is so customizable.

  10. May 20, 2010 7:15 pm

    Loved this post! I always love reading about other mothers who got into amazing shape after kids. As you well know, I have my little Makenzie (1.5 years old) and a brand spanking new one on the way. :D I’m excited to get back in shape like that within a year of birth again.

  11. Kristin Bell permalink
    May 20, 2010 7:48 pm

    Ashlan….I’ve totally been put to shame…..I had my baby before you and I am still rockin the baby pooch. It is tough! I work part time, take care of the kids, the house and the hubby and sometimes the day passes before I get a chance to take care of me. I feel so much better when I do….I’m pretty sure my family is happier that way too.
    We do a lot of smoothies for breakfast……lowfat cottage cheese with fruit and yogurt is one of my go tos. I have a sandwich almost everyday too…..rarely do I tire of them ;) Jimmy Johns #4 on wheat sans mayo is one of my favs. I pack around veggies and whole grain crackers in the car just in case. I love cooking, so I experiment with “transforming” recipes into healthy meals…’s hit and miss :)
    Janeth-have you heard of Bountiful Baskets? It’s a co-op that you are going to need to join if you are going to survive up here in Davis county…..fresh produce with tons of variety every saturday….it’s awesome!

  12. May 20, 2010 7:54 pm

    a lot of the times i will either stop by subway or chipotle, both have vegan options for me! but i also sometimes enjoy just running in a grocery store and grabbing s togo pack of cereal, with some almond milk already packaged and eat all that with a banana or any fruit really!

  13. ashlan permalink
    May 20, 2010 8:23 pm

    Thanks Janetha for letting me take over today. I felt like a little kid on Christmas I was so honored you would ask. You must do bountiful baskets we get the organic one that’s another story for another day.

    Kristen it is rough I feel like you most days. Congrats on doing the STG TRI I think I would die swimming open water.

  14. Lizzy permalink
    May 20, 2010 8:51 pm

    I’m utterly amazed at how amazing you look Ashlan! way to go girl! i went to the website to check it out and it looks amazing, but i’m having a hard time figuring out what alot of the moves and workouts mean. i’m not sure i sound stupid, i’m not much of a gym rat. can this stuff be done at home or no?? Thanks!!!! :)

    • ashlan permalink
      May 20, 2010 9:10 pm

      Lizzy: I had and still have no idea sometimes what things are thank goodness for youtube/google and my own imagination.

  15. Kristen B. permalink
    May 20, 2010 8:55 pm

    Ashlan, you look amazing! And your little ones are so cute! I’m gonna take advantage of the two weeks at Ozone. I had no idea that it existed! I need somethin different and someone to push me more. But no kids yet. Someday!

  16. May 20, 2010 9:34 pm

    I like this post! I am only 20 so no kiddos yet but it’s great to hear how fit moms make it work because I want to be a mother more than anything in about 8-12 years. I want to be a mom more than I want to be a wife, a lawyer, or an athlete — it is something that I know I have to do. Thanks for the website info too! I’m going to meander over there now and see what the workouts are like…

  17. May 21, 2010 12:00 am

    Ahh love this post! you look incredible! I want 2 kids! xx

  18. May 21, 2010 12:07 am

    go you! Such inspiration. This program really does wonders…

    No kids over here—I actually held my first baby today Ever! Very exciting : )

  19. May 21, 2010 12:44 am

    You look great!

    I’m getting married in a month and we’ve said that we’re going to wait at least a year, if not more, to think about kids. (I’m 32).

  20. Stef permalink
    May 21, 2010 1:09 am

    what a great guest post. I love it. It really shows how you can stay healthy and active with kids and has some great ideas.
    Now on to the Qs:
    I don’t have kids but I definitely want some. I live in Germany where the whole “having a child” things is really weird. One kid is acceptable but if you have more than that you’re kinda socially unrespected. See, here you get money to support you when you have kids which in itself is a good thing. But there are lots of young girls who don’t feel like working so they just keep on having kids to support themselves and therefore having lots of children is always seen as something bad…which I think is really sad. Especially reading posts like Ashlans showing how one can have 3 kids, be a shop owner and have a life. Right now I work at the neonatalogy and I love being around babies all the time (maybe part of it is that after my shift I go home and have my peace? ;-)
    When I’m on the run I usually head to Subways too. But in one of the malls here they opened a new “fast food” store that sells Smoothies and has a salad bar. It’s kinda like Subway where you can decide which salad ingredients you want out of the choices. It’s really neat and not too expensive which I find is the one down side of Subway!

  21. May 21, 2010 1:57 am

    HOT MAMA!!! Congrats on your workout success! It just goes to show that all it takes is hard work and sweat. Woo hoo! Thanks for sharing with us!

  22. May 21, 2010 2:28 am

    Ashlan, Your family is beautiful! It sounds like even with such a busy schedule, you have figured out how to take care of you!! I have one daughter, 21 months, and I work full time. Oh yeah, and I have a great hubby too! We are hoping for another baby. It took me about a year to “figure” out how to lose the baby weight. Two things helped the most – changing my diet (more veggies, whole grains, lean proteins) and lifting weights. On the go, we head to Moe’s (it’s rare we eat out these days,,,having a toddler makes enjoying a meal difficult at times!) and when I’m on my own, I go to Earthfare (sorta like Whole Foods but not really!) and hit up their hot bar.
    Cookie Cutters sounds like a wonderful place – my DD needs a haircut but won’t sit still for a minute!! best to you and your family!! Lisa

  23. hayleycepeda permalink
    May 21, 2010 3:23 am

    Holy mother of all beans Ashlan you look fantastic!!!!! That is SUPER motivational for me right now because I am due with my first in September! No kiddos just yet (except for the one in my tummy!)

    I’d have to say I am also a Subway girl! I don’t remember the last time I ate at Mickey D’s or any other fast food restaurant…it’s kind of bizarre in a way??

    I also wanted to say your family is BEAUTIFUL!!! Clearly your kids have good genes. :) Awesome guest post! I’ll save it for when my little girl is 5 weeks old and I need a good kick in the rear to get me going!

  24. hayleycepeda permalink
    May 21, 2010 3:25 am

    By the way, you look incredible even 5 weeks post-partum!!

  25. May 21, 2010 4:17 am

    Wow, what a transformation! You look great!

    No kiddos, but I think I’m gunna stick with furbabies… maybe down the line I’ll want one, but I don’t really see Mommy in my future.

    I stop at any falafel place! Ok, not the healthiest, but it could be worse- and sometimes I do get a veggie sub at Subway… but I LOVE falafel!!


  26. May 21, 2010 4:33 am

    Wow. WOW. Jealous jealous jealous! Those abs are AMAZING. I don’t have kids (I’m STILL a kid! :P) but I would like to have at least one when I grow up. :)


  27. May 21, 2010 5:07 am

    I am so impressed by your ability to fit it all in! I must admit kids are a good few years off for me still but this makes me less scared about being able to handle everything! I LOVE the smoothie idea. I would never have thought of it. Excellent way to bring some green into their lives, in more way than one!

    Also: it’s been said, but you look incredible and your children are adorable!

  28. Anna permalink
    May 21, 2010 5:28 am

    Wow! Ashlan looks awesome!
    Janetha – I just finished reading This Is Why You’re Fat. While doing Body for Life, what do you think about her suggestion to eat two eggs a day, yolks and all?

  29. May 21, 2010 6:00 am

    I love fit moms! Awesome abs, mama! I’m self-employed too, so I totally get the time challenges. My workouts are the key to keeping my sanity (or what’s left of it).

    1. I have three kids: 18, 15 and 12.

    2. That depends. If I’ve been eating well in general and I’m starving I’ll eat just about anything. I don’t obsess.

  30. May 21, 2010 6:16 am

    ashlan you look GREAT!! good work girl. i’m going to try some of those workouts. i’m sick of everything i do these days!!

    no kiddos yet girl…but you two crazy ones, when are you and m going to make babies??? haha :)

  31. May 21, 2010 6:55 am

    your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!! and you are a total MILF ;) such an inspiration!!!

    no kiddies yet but I want to have 2 or 3!!

    I always have a luna bar or some nuts on hand when I am in a crunch!

  32. May 21, 2010 7:06 am

    wow you are SUCH an inspiration! thanks for the tip off on the workouts! i’m for sure gonna check them out :)

    i think the golden arches should hire you as their healthy mom coordinator ;)

  33. May 21, 2010 7:35 am

    Hey hot mama! Great inspiration! Thanks to both of you for posting!

  34. May 21, 2010 8:24 am

    Love this post! You have such gorgeous kids and make a great role model… I love that your kids are involved in meal prep. Thanks for posting!

  35. May 21, 2010 9:01 am

    ASH! You look AMAZING! I know how hard it is to fit it all in with work, and kids… and you’ve got one more than me…I cant even imagine.. yikes! You are truly a motivation to all, but especially to us Mommies. I think Im going to have to join you at ozonefit, it sounds like a great solution for busy Moms! Thanks for all the great info…love ya girl!

  36. May 21, 2010 10:21 am

    GREAT guest post- LOVED it :) I do not have kids, but definitely want them in the future!!
    AWESOME abs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. May 21, 2010 11:27 am

    I am with ya on the workout clothes. What I wear can really change how I feel and how I approach the workout.

  38. May 21, 2010 4:00 pm

    you look fabulous! i have one baby who is 8 months old. it definitely gets hard trying to leave to go the gym! cause you just want to spend all of your time with the kids! your before and after pics are definitely an inspiration to me! i want abs like that! if you can do it, i can do it!
    i’ll usually stop at chick-fil-a and get a chargrilled wrap with fat free honey mustard or a chargrilled sandwich. if not, i’ll try to stop at the grocery store.

  39. May 21, 2010 8:14 pm

    Great post and great transformation!

    1 – I want kids eventually. I’m procrastinating but the clock is ticking.

    2 – I work in a mall, so I hate the days I forget lunch or don’t have time to pack. Our food court is awful choice wise. On the days I have to do it, I go for Subway or the chargrilled chicken sandwich at Chic-Fil-A (which is actually really tasty/healthy)


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