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what i learned today.

May 18, 2010

happy tuesday!

man.. may is flying by. it is only two weeks until my birthday. i swear i was just talking about how my birthday was a whole month away, wasn’t i?

today’s post is all about lessons learned.  don’t you love how we never stop learning? i think it is pretty astonishing that our brains can learn more and more on a daily basis and yet we can wake up the next day, ready to learn more! i also find it crazy that you can go from SO hungry to SO full in a matter of seconds.. but that is a story for another day.


today i learned that leftover ground turkey is a smart way to supplement more protein into my breakfast.

meal 1: 3 egg whites + 3 oz ground turkey + 1 TB reduced sugar ketchup & 1 alternative brand english muffin + ICBINB spray @ 8:30 am


for the eggs, i simply sprayed a dish with cooking spray, put in the whites, microwaved them on 50% power for 3 minutes.


took them out of the microwave and added the ground turkey, popped it back in the microwave for about a minute on full power.


once the whites were cooked through, i scrambled it all up, put them in my breakfast bowl and adorned them with ketchup. voila!


oh. and then the muffin.


the last of the bunch! i don’t think i will buy these again. while they have great stats:


i don’t care for the flavor much. i prefer the alternative brand bagels OR a thomas whole wheat english muffin.


meal 1 totals: 275 calories, 37g protein, 17g carbs, 7g fat

today i learned that there are actually specific times of the day that you should take your vitamins! did you know that? check it out:

When Should You Take Your Vitamins?

Making taking your vitamins part of your daily routine can help you remember to take your supplements every day. But what time of day should you take your vitamins and supplements? Well, it depends on what specific nutrient you’re taking. Most vitamins are ingested best with food, which makes it easier to remember to take them. Taking vitamins with food may also help prevent nauseous or queasy feelings. Some people believe staggering them throughout the day promotes digestion and assimilation of the nutrients. Each supplement label will tell you whether it can be taken on an empty or full stomach, but here are some general tips to keep in mind.

  • Start your day off by taking your multivitamin and mineral in the morning, unless you’re taking both fiber and a multi with iron. This way you’ll give your body all the nutrients it needs to function throughout the day.
  • If you’re supplementing both fiber and iron, take fiber first and on an empty stomach. Fiber can prevent iron from being absorbed.
  • Fat soluble vitamins A, D and E need nutrients from food to break down properly and be fully absorbed.
  • Take calcium supplements before bed because calcium is utilized at night and can help you fall asleep.
  • Split up vitamin C supplements throughout the day because it’s a water soluble vitamin. Just don’t take it before bedtime because it can keep you awake.
  • Take digestive enzymes with meals for best effects.



today i learned that sweet potatoes go with anything and everything. seriously. this just in: they are the most versatile carb on the planet.

meal 2: sweet potato salad + spicy hummustard dressing @ 12:45 pm


this was a super simple lunch.


i topped about 2 cups of salad greens (that had red onion, radishes, cucumber and avocado) with 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese and a sliced baked sweet potato.  i then topped it all with a dressing made with 1 TB sabra classic hummus+1 tsp beaver hot & sweet mustard+water (a la HEABs)




meal 2 totals: 300 calories, 19g protein, 40g carbs, 7g fat

today i learned that chickens DO NOT have nipples.


you may be wondering how i learned this one. WELL.. i was reading julie’s dairy free post today and it turns out, some people consider eggs to be classified under dairy. hmmm.. i don’t agree. i mean.. chickens don’t make milk. and that made me wonder if they even have nipples. so i turned to good old google, (because that’s what katie would do!) turns out.. nope. no nipples. and i still don’t think eggs should classify as a dairy product. ever. that’s just silly.

today i learned that i should definitely bring some xanthan gum to the office for the days i decide to make a protein shake. it’s just not the same without the gums, folks. the gums meaning xanthan and guar gums. they WILL change your life. you can read about them here. my friend deb is in the know.

meal 3: strawberry chocolate protein shake @ 3:45 pm

in the mix was 3/4 cup silk almond milk, 4 frozen strawberries, 1 serving chocolate protein powder and ice.


207 calories, 28g protein, 14g carbs, 4g fat

today i learned that it is pretty unprofessional to have the person displaying one of your recipes on your website to be wearing a fuzzy pink top. let me show you:



WHAT THE FUNK MYRECIPES.COM?! usually you have such classy photos and i want to make every recipe on your website. but when i got my daily email for a “easy chicken cordon bleu” and clicked the link.. i ran the other way. not only does the dish look positively disgusting.. the getup of the gal holding the dish is just horrendous. but the reviews did give it 5 stars.. maybe they should rethink the photograph on this one?

hey, it was good for a laugh ;)

today i learned i have more magazine subscriptions than i have time to READ said subscriptions. dangit. so many good, new ‘zines to read!


today i learned that 1/8 cup nuts is NOT very much. i’d never actually measured it out until today…

today i learned that i CAN say “NO!” to nuts before a workout.  i didn’t eat those nute in the photo above. i put them away for another day.

something i learned awhile back is that it is NOT beneficial to eat fats (even healthy ones!) before a workout. it is best to eat a combo of carbs and protein and keep it LOW FAT.. you will build more muscle AND burn more fat if you utilize this method. i know a lot of people like to eat peanut butter before a workout, that’s great for things like long runs—the fat of the nut butter sticks with you. but if you are trying to lose some LBs (like me).. skip the fats and go for some mini bell peppers~


and then go to the gym!

(okay, so mini bell peppers probably aren’t the ideal pre-workout fuel.. but i am addicted to them. what can i say?)


today i learned that it’s perfectly fine to stray from the BFL style weight lifting routine in order to switch things up and keep myself entertained!

my grade school friend turned blog reader ashlan suggested a stellar upper body routine the other day.

she called it “STAB” which stands for “shoulders, triceps, abs, back”~ works ‘em all!

i am not sure if i did it exactly how she suggested, but this is what i did:

  • 5 min treadmill warmup @ 5% incline (0.5 mile)

do this whole cycle all the way through, NO rest, repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 cycles.

move weight reps targets
front raises 7.5# dumbbell each hand 20 shoulders
upright row 7.5# dumbbell each hand 20 shoulders
overhead press 7.5# dumbbell each hand 20 shoulders
narrow pushups body weight 10 triceps
skull crushers (on ball) 12.5# dumbbell each hand 20 triceps
french press (on ball) 12.5# dumbbell each hand 20 triceps
ball crunches 12.5# dumbbell on chest 20 abs
left oblique crunch (on ball) body weight 20 abs
right oblique crunch (on ball) body weight 20 abs
back extension (on ball) 12.5# dumbbell in hands 20 back
low to mid biceps curl 12.5# dumbbell each hand 7 biceps
mid to high biceps curl 12.5# dumbbell each hand 7 biceps
full range biceps curl 12.5# dumbbell each hand 7 biceps

you can rest for 20 seconds between each circuit, but for the most part it’s GO, GO, GO!

after i did the above circuit 4 times through, i hopped on the treadmill to get some mileage in for my goal.

here is what i did:

minute # speed (MPH) incline (%)
0-1 6.0 1
1-2 6.5 1
2-3 7.0 1
3-4 7.5 1
4-5 8.0 1
5-6 6.0 1
6-7 6.5 1
7-8 7.0 1
8-9 7.5 1
9-10 8.0 1
10-30 3.0 15

total time: 30 minutes, total distance: 2.16 miles

workout stat (max / average HRs displayed)



today i learned that i will never get sick of eggs. not any time soon, at least. they are tasty, they are cheap, they are healthy and they were on the menu twice today!

today i learned that taco seasoning is sold in bulk at costco for a reason. it’s a stellar addition!

meal 4: taco eggs! @ 7:30 pm


holy yum. let’s rewind so i can show you how i made this.

first i steamed 1.5 cups of veggies and set them aside.


next i cooked 1 cup all whites (carton egg whites) in a medium nonstick skillet… as i was looking around for some seasoning, i found an open envelope of taco seasoning. sure, why not?! i shook in about 1/2 tsp.


scramble, scramble, scramble. taco eggs were lookin’ good!


next i heated and diced four spinach & fontina chicken meatballs~


and added them to the taco eggs:


then it was time to assemble!

layer 1: veggies.


layer 2: taco eggs.


layer 3: 1/4 cup salsa.


layer 4: 2 TB oikos greek yogurt.


layer 5: 2 tsp shredded cheese (for garnish).


goodness. gracious. this was delicious.


meal 4 totals: 345 calories, 45g protein, 22g carbs, 6g fat


today i learned that everything is better with COPIOUS AMOUNTS of hot sauce.


PSYCHE! i already knew that, obviously.

today i learned that the closer i get to my wedding date & move-into-the-new-house date.. the harder it is to bear. especially when marshall sends me this array of photos.


he is at his house, i am at my house, he has the dogs, i’m all alone.  i can’t wait to live under one roof and be a wife. as stressful as everything is right now, it’s true. i can’t flipping wait for july 17.

now, if you’ll excuse me, i’ve got a measly 1/8 cup of trader joe’s PB&A nut mix to enjoy.



1. what magazines do you subscribe to? too many to keep up with, like me? i subscribe to oxygen, real simple, self and shape. and i always buy cooking light. i will probably subscribe to even more once i move into my house!

2. what did YOU learn today??? my lessons learned can be seen above.

xo. janetha b.

66 Comments leave one →
  1. actorsdiet permalink
    May 18, 2010 8:10 pm

    oh goodie i take my calcium in the evenings! and the afternoon too, but mostly in the evenings. that’s why i sleep like a baby…

  2. ashlan permalink
    May 18, 2010 8:18 pm

    Love this workout its rough but I love it. I’m glad you gave it a try. Who would have ever thought…Chickens, nipples?! I love reading your blog I learn so much daily.

  3. May 18, 2010 8:35 pm

    1. Thanks for the shout out! When in doubt…google it up.
    2. I have ALWAYS considered eggs dairy…for NO reason. In my mind, I just associate them. Last week, the hubs and I just had a long conversation about what a stupid categorization that was. I see the error of my ways.
    3. I have the bulk taco seasoning from Costo and it’s almost gone…eek!
    4. I think all my mag subscriptions just ran out…but I used to get Rachel Ray, Everyday Food, Runner’s World, TIME
    5. I learned that pancakes make me full and happy. :-)

  4. May 18, 2010 8:51 pm

    Yeah a serving of nuts is NOT very much. It’s actually kind of a bummer when you start measuring things.

    Hmmm I learned today that it’s okay to take a rest day. Even if the weather is nice and I “should” work out.

  5. May 18, 2010 8:55 pm

    I don’t have a magazine issue, but I do put way too many books on hold at the library and I never have enough time to read them all. I think I have had to replace a hold four times on one particular book.

    And I cracked up at the chickens not having nipples. Very important to know. ;)

  6. May 18, 2010 10:00 pm

    i agree with your take on the alternative brand english muffins. the taste is kind of off. BUT i definitely love their bagels! so doughy, and just the right size, for 110 calories!

    haha seriously, that woman in the pink fuzzy sweater needs to get out of the 80s!

    hmm..what did i learn today. i guess i learned a new technique in my biology research lab today? :-)

  7. May 18, 2010 10:09 pm

    Aaahhh all you meals looks AMAZING. Please make the the taco egg thing?? YUM.

    The only thing I learned today (other than work shtuff) is that Beasley looooves ice! ;)

  8. May 18, 2010 11:48 pm

    i consider foods animal products and not. so whether it’s “dairy” or poultry or eggs or what, it’s all animal. so i cross it off my list :)

    1/8 th cup of nuts is about 10 nuts, maybe. seriously, what’s the point of even bothering…hah!

    the magazines. i dont subscribe to any fitness ones…yet. I have in the past but let them lapse and my fashion mags have lapsed…no time to read them!

    i am bummed i will miss your AZ trip..but, that just means you will have to come visit me in SD!

    bday. i think our bdays must be very close, im sure we’ve discussed this but mine is june 12

  9. May 18, 2010 11:54 pm

    WOAH MAN. SUDDEN NIPPLE PICTURE = NSFW/S. I pressed space bar and BAM it was in my face… and unfortunately in my friends’ faces as well. They now think I am a freak. Thanks a lot, Janetha. (Just kidding. You know I love ya :D)

    Now, two meals of note are in this post that I need to try, asap: The sweet potatoes one and the taco eggs. Noted! Bookmark’d! Devour’d! Oh, wait. Not yet. ;)

    Today I learned that the volume of a pyramid is 1/3 of the volume of a prism with the same base as the pyramid. High school geometry. Joy.


  10. May 19, 2010 1:35 am

    The only magazine I subscribe to is “Bust” it’s a lady mag without the condescending “lose 5 pounds!” crap. It’s on the feminist side so if that’s not your deal, you probably won’t like it. I like Oxygen too, but I don’t subscribe because I think they have too many ads. I usually photocopy the recipes out of it at the library.

    Today I learned that any workout named “STAB” is something I have to do. hahaha!

  11. May 19, 2010 3:43 am

    hey girlie ;) I knew a little bit about the “right” time to take vitamins. I take a multi and have to take it right before bed. I’m super sensitive to the iron. One time, I took it with breakfast and it caused me to pray to the toilet gods while at work….so before bed it is! Love eggs. So good. And they are AWESOME with salsa. And I have a sweet potato on tap as part of my dinner tonight (and you just made me excited for it haha). Awwww the pics of the puppers and your man are adorable. When Josh is on travel (and away from the Frankster and I) I try to send him a picture of Frank every day. Great job on the workout!

  12. May 19, 2010 3:46 am

    I am a complete magazine junkie…oxygen, bon appetit, cooking light…I could go on and on.

  13. May 19, 2010 3:48 am

    How interesting, I had NO idea vites should be taken at certain times!

    I love eggs. Taco eggs sound SO freakin’ good!!

    I subscribe to Self, Shape, Cooking Light and Glamour… but I ALWAYS buy Women’s Health, Oxygen, Cosmo and Real Simple. I think I need to pick a few to really subscribe to!!

    Yesterday I learned that, when making buttercrem frosting, if you add the butter in too much at a time it will all congeal and look like a disgusting cottage-cheese like mess. So then your chef has to come and fix it for you… grumble…


  14. May 19, 2010 4:01 am

    I hate measuring nuts…so discouraging. Its much more fun measuring nut butters, hehe! I put chalula on everthing…it does make everything so much better! Today I learned that I don’t function on one cup of coffee, it must be 2. Sad but true. And I can’t wait for you to be under one roof as well, I totally understand! Its so much fun living with your best friend and pups. The count down has begun!

  15. May 19, 2010 4:20 am

    I somehow got two Women’s Health magazines and two Runner’s World in the mail a few days ago. It is a new subscription and I guess they are trying to catch me up? But – I have no time to open them :(

  16. May 19, 2010 4:33 am

    Sweet post! Love the hummus-y sauce on your salad :)

    Yesterday I learned about 1970s politics. Random, yes, but I was reading a proposal at work :-)

  17. May 19, 2010 5:17 am

    I only subscribe to Oxygen nowdays. I’m about to quit because it’s getting too cheesy for me.

    Hooray for July 17th!!!! I love your new name. I would love to see people’s faces when they see what you really look like LOL!

  18. May 19, 2010 5:33 am

    I loved the lesson about the vitamins. Very interesting!
    I can’t believe your wedding is so soon. So exciting. My wedding anniversary is in July as well :)

  19. May 19, 2010 5:47 am

    Hey girl – I don’t know how to fix the reader situation with my blog. Need to post and ask if others are having issues too.

  20. May 19, 2010 5:49 am

    I too will never, ever, ever, be sick of eggs! There are just way too many ways to use ’em.

    That workout looks awesome! I feel like I have lost some muscle in my upper body since doing Insanity but I think a circuit would be a good way to supplement it.

  21. May 19, 2010 5:49 am

    Janetha! Thanks so much for the vitamin info. I always wondered when the best times are to take my vitamins. Still lovin your cottage cheese and sweet potato combo. Gonna have to try that for sure!
    So I moved my blog and I would love for you to come visit!!!!!!!
    Update your reader! Have a wonderful hump day my dear!

  22. May 19, 2010 6:11 am

    Hi Janetha,

    Just read your post at ETDC about body image, and wanted to address your problem with your belly expanding during the day. You know what creates that problem for me? Gluten… If I avoid it, then my stomach remains almost as flat in the evening as in the morning (of course there will be a slight difference b/c of food intake). So if you’re up for it, try to avoid gluten for a week or more, to see if it makes any difference to you.



  23. May 19, 2010 6:15 am

    I never did understand why eggs count as dairy in the grocery store. Strange!

    I subscribe to way too many mags too…haha. The only ones I tackle right away are Runners World and Todays Dietitian because they’re chock full of fun articles. :D

  24. May 19, 2010 6:20 am

    I busted out laughing at the chicken + nipple dealio there. I’ve always considered eggs dairy…but they really aren’t. Not sure I have…I guess just because it’s an animal product that’s not meat? Ehhh I dunno!

    I subscribe to too many magazines. the faves are Runner’s World, Clean Eating, and Real Simple. Least faves are Allure, Fitness, and Glamour. I love em all though really ;)
    Have a lovely Wednesday!

  25. May 19, 2010 6:20 am

    Ha, that fuzzy pink shirt is cracking me up :)

    1. SELF, Cooking Light, Real Simple, This Old House, Food & Wine

    2. Hmm…I learned that Maggie cannot be left alone :)

  26. May 19, 2010 6:30 am

    Amen to googling it! I google my brains out every time I have a question, haha. I have a subscription to Self, but I buy every magazine that ever interests me…bad habit. Baaad habit.

  27. May 19, 2010 7:04 am

    I’m gonna pull a Janetha and read in my reader and comment as I go. Here goes.

    1. I loooove putting ground turkey or beef into eggs. It gives it a texture that I like.
    2. good to know about the muffins. I do love their bagels, so I was curious.
    3. I can’t do many supplements or vitamins. TOo much for my little brain to handle sometimes :).
    4. I think there are “rules” for everything. But, I can tell you, when I was my hottest–fittest, lowest body fat etc, I had a piece of toast with PB on it EVERY morning before workout. I honestly think losing bodyfat comes down to everything you eat in a day and doesn’t matter that much with the little things like that.
    5. I’m with you on eggs. So good. and so many different ways to eat them and change them up.

  28. May 19, 2010 7:06 am

    phew! SO glad eggs aren’t dairy because i am FOR SURE making a stir-fry tonight that involves a lot of veggies and my brand spankin new bottle of rice vinegar :) haha not that you care but i just thought i’d share (nice rhyme julie.)

    today i learned about this FABULOUS organic gourmet marketplace like 5 minutes from my office that i can’t wait to stop at EVERY day and spend all of my paycheck there. hence buying the rice vingear at 8am this morning haha.

  29. May 19, 2010 7:30 am

    that taco egg dish is freakin AMAZING!!! i love love love it!!yesterday I was at such a loss of what to make for dinner, seriously it rarely happens because I usually always am craving something and I learned that tuna fish is not just something you canhave for lunch! I made it into a dinner tuna melt!! loved it and now I will def keep my options more open for dinner!!

    I am watching TRUE LIFE “im in a long distance relationship” and I learned that living in two different states, a plane ride away is freakin HARD! i would never want to do that!!

    love your new workout!! i love doing new things, switching it up constantly! keeps it much more enjoyable, ya know?

    I subscribe to 02 and some nutrition mags and my ACSM magazine…I usually bring them to work if there is down time ever!

    you are RIGHT ON with the fats pre AND post workout…it takes longer to digest after a workout, and afterwards you want those quick GI carbs!! thanks for the info girl!!

    xoxox love you!

  30. Michelle permalink
    May 19, 2010 7:32 am

    I started getting taco seasoning at Costco too although I think it might last me a decade! lol Also got lemon juice there last time – use that a lot for veggies and water flavoring. (My Costco has Fage 0% now! Just saw that the other day!)

    I subscribe to LOTS of mags. It’s my #1 pleasure after I workout and shower in the evening. I would read mags in bed anytime over TV. Every single fashion mag, Oxygen and a new subscription to M&F Hers are the only fitness mags I subscribe to anymore. Real Simple is one on the wish list – I know you love that mag.

    One thing I learned today: rest when you need to rest. Listen to your body.

  31. May 19, 2010 7:51 am

    I don’t consider eggs dairy, but that’s because I keep kosher, and that’s what the rules are! Eggs are parve, meaning they can either be consider “meat” or “dairy” and can be eaten with anything! I didn’t know that chickens didn’t have nipples though. Come to think of it, I never really thought about it!

  32. May 19, 2010 8:03 am

    Agreed! Eggs are so un-dairy-like :)
    You’ve convinced me to make your taco eggs for dinner tonight. I think I may add some Wholly Guac to mine, too!
    Don’t worry, sweetums! July 17th will be here before you know it and the whole happy wifey life will be alll yours ;)

  33. May 19, 2010 8:14 am

    I’ve never had a sweet potato. I’m not exactly sure why I haven’t tried one but I just haven’t. I’ve been seeing them used on many different blogs in many different ways so I think it is starting to be a little crazy that I have not had one.

    Guess what will be on this weeks grocery list?

  34. May 19, 2010 8:38 am

    Penny is so adorable, I just want to squeeze her. Love the idea of taco eggs and I think I need to start buying chicken sausage/meatballs.

    1) I don’t subscribe to any magazines but my mom had Simple & Delicious sent to me when I first moved out on my own and I still get them. Plus I save all of them so I think I’m all set when it comes to recipe ideas…

    2) I learned that although bagels may be big and bulky they have NO staying power!

  35. May 19, 2010 9:03 am

    The only magazine I subscribe to is clean eating, everthing always looks so fresh and tasty in them (plus the meals turn out tasty too!)

  36. May 19, 2010 9:11 am

    I used to eat fats pre and post workout and now I don’t and have seen great results! Wooohoo!

    I subscribe to Oxygen magazine- that’s my favorite!

    Oh, and I need to make that dinner. ASAP!

  37. May 19, 2010 9:29 am

    My daddy-o unfortunately cancelled all of my subscriptions when I went to college, but I buy Cosmo, Runner’s World, Allure, and whatever other random ones catch my eye! That TJ’s mix looks awesome, I need to keep an eye out for it next time I’m there!

  38. May 19, 2010 9:40 am

    Hey girl! I have a question for you…..I have read a lot of different things and different peoples opinions on egg yolk, I hear recent “discoveries” say egg yolk maybe a very healthy part of the egg. It may have more vitamins and benefits. So why do most people eat egg whites when trying to be healthy? What’s your opinion and what do you do most? do you eat egg yolk? Just curious cuz I love it!

  39. May 19, 2010 9:43 am

    I have about 8 subscriptions and I seriously should cancel them all. I love Cooking Light + Yoga Journal (and a million others) but I can get most of the articles/recipes online! Such a drain of my time + monies!

  40. May 19, 2010 9:57 am

    Dude, nuts are just so not worth it most the time, huh? You can take that whatever way you wish.

    This is random, but you don’t cut your own bangs, do you? They are absolutely perfect, and mine are like I took a pair of pinking shears to them (they actually weren’t pinking shears, but gift wrap scissors. Awesome). Today I learned that it’s a bad idea to cut your own bangs with gift wrap scissors.

    Happy Wednesday!!!

  41. May 19, 2010 11:00 am

    so much I want to say so I am making a bulleted list.

    – those taco eggs look amazing
    – that cordon bleu photo is enough to send me screaming for the hills
    – love the vitamin info- also note that if you take a full calcium dose (usually 1200mg/2 tablets). SPLIT THE DOSE. Your body can only absorb 600mg at a time
    – Did not know about the fat/workouts, but have noticed that I feel sluggish if I have a higher fat meal before working out (BTW, your HIIT is killing me- what did you start with when you did HIIT)
    – according to Jewish dietary laws where they separate dairy and meat, eggs are neutral

    1. what magazines do you subscribe to? too many to keep up with, like me? None… I bought Oxygen, Shape and Fitness (LOVE the Fitness one) when I lived in the US but don’t buy anything here.

    2. what did YOU learn today??? I learned that I don’t function well on 3 hours of sleep, but the workouts when I feel sluggish going to the gym always turn out to be the best ones!

  42. Susan permalink
    May 19, 2010 11:50 am

    Okay, that hummus and mustard dressing sounds awesome. HEAB knows whassup!

    As for magazines I rarely ever buy them, but I DO steal them from waiting rooms and locker rooms (evil, I know). I love Cooks Illustrated, Vegetarian Times, The Economist, Wired, and Marie Claire.

  43. May 19, 2010 12:18 pm

    I subscribe to a ridiculous amount of magazines, but get through them on trips!

  44. hayleycepeda permalink
    May 19, 2010 12:28 pm

    LOTS of yummy meals today! I learned when I became pregnant that there is no such thing as too much fruit or eggs. :) I agree with you on not eating fats before working out either – whenever I’ve done that I felt like I was carrying around a brick in my stomach! I find bananas work pretty well!

    I’m the same as you with subscriptions – I finally had to put some on hold!! Because I’ve been subscribing for some for so long I get them for REALLY cheap! My collection includes: Oxygen, M&F Hers, People, Shape, Fitness, and SELF. Ridiculous, right?! I put SELF, Fitness and Shape on hold…the others I’m ok with – but I still get very behind on issues! :)

    Don’t worry – July will be here before you know it!

  45. May 19, 2010 12:59 pm

    I don’t subscribe to any magazines… but every now and then I treat myself to a fun magazine when I’m at the store. I’ve always loved People magazine!! :)

  46. Maren permalink
    May 19, 2010 12:59 pm

    You are going to look AWESOME in your wedding dress girl! I printed off this upperbody workout. My roomie and I are going to try it out. It sounds intense! =) Oh, and that taco egg meal looks delish!! I only subscribe to self and women’s health, but my roomie subscribes to shape, glamour, and cosmo, so I always steal those too!

  47. May 19, 2010 1:36 pm

    I just take all my vitamins in the morning just so I remember! If I had to separate them out, I would forget something for sure.

    I don’t get any magazines. I decided to declutter my life and mags went away. I still read them at the library, though.

  48. May 19, 2010 1:50 pm

    I don’t get the egg and dairy thing either!! I classify dairy as anything that comes from the milk of an animal, ie “the opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals.” Chickens are not mammals because they lay EGGS. And their eggs have nothing to do with milk. Harumph.

    I love cottage cheese on sweet potato… I must have a similar salad when I’m back on the dairy!

    1. I subscribe to Oxygen! (thanks!) And that’s it. I used to subscribe to a weekly news magazine (Macleans) and the Saturday issue of the Globe and Mail (both Canadian), but I never had the time to read them!

    2. I learned that I reallyreally love yoga. How bout that!?

  49. May 19, 2010 2:00 pm

    I’ve heard lots of good things about that Alternative Baking Co.–just wish they were whole grain!
    Loved the chicken nipple pic!

  50. May 19, 2010 2:07 pm

    i love that you are so pumped for your wedding, it’s so cute! all of you guys under one roof will be awesome.

    i dont subscribe to any magazines because i get them all for free at the office, but i’ve narrowed my favorites down to glamour, marie claire, everyday with rachael ray, real simple, self…hmmm i have many more. guess the list isnt so narrow after all ;)

  51. May 19, 2010 2:14 pm

    Great eats – but you had me at hot sauce!! OMG, my husband thinks I am absolutely nuts, but I currently subscribe to . . .15 monthy magazines! And all about food! Bon Appetit, Cooking Light, Clean Eating, Diabetic Cooking, Everyday Food, Rachael Ray, Food Network, Savuer, Food and Wine, Wine Spectator . . .the list goes on and on! :D

  52. May 19, 2010 2:56 pm

    First off, the dinner scramble looks fab and secondly the TJ’s pb and a mix is so so so good. I don’t measure it out, but maybe I should.

    Today I learned that conference calls can be very boring therefore it is necessary to have my computer out so that I can read blogs and find other ways of entertaining myself. Hehe.

    Happy hump day!

  53. May 19, 2010 3:16 pm

    well aren’t you a little wealth of knowledge. Love this!

    p.s. It takes REAL talent to make chicken cordon bleu look that ugly. Dang, that’s a hot mess!

  54. May 19, 2010 3:45 pm

    That taco salad looks awesome!! Yes, sweet potatoes do go with everything! I slather mine with “cupcake batter protein spread”. YUM

  55. May 19, 2010 3:58 pm

    Thats such a coincidence that you had the vitamin tips on here, because I forgot to take mine this morning and have been trying to make a mental note to remember to take it all day! haha.

    I actually learned a lot today too! I learned that the fear of flying is #8 on the top ten fears of americans…number 1 you ask? public speaking! hmmm, I would rather speak in public than fly!!

    Hope your having a great dear! <3 Em

  56. May 19, 2010 4:04 pm

    One more reason for us to get chickens! I caught Chris secretly clearing a chicken run area over the weekend. He says he’s just working on the garden but I can tell that chickens have bubbled to the top of our plans. Just a couple – we only need enough eggs for the two of us!

  57. mom permalink
    May 19, 2010 4:14 pm

    Thanks for sharing your learned lessons with me! Now if my brain would kick in and help me remember all of it I would be SO happy :)

    Hey even I hated the pink sweater AND the photo of the dish, whoa, don’t make that anytime soon.

    Oxygen thanks to you and the Ensign. I LOVE to read magazines and books, can’t get enough.

    Since this was written yesterday and I am commenting today I will tell you what I learned yesterday in a nut shell hopefully – Never, never push people too hard – because guess what— it usually comes back to bite you in the end…………and my continued chant – “kill em with kindness” (sometimes easier said than done)


  58. May 19, 2010 5:11 pm

    I guess there are no nipples when you eat a chicken breast. Ew, what if there were?

    I don’t subscribe to any magazines, but I’ve had a subscription to Women’s Health and Runner’s World in the past.

  59. May 19, 2010 5:17 pm

    Hey girl! I always LOVE all your great photos. I don’t subscribe to any magazines currently (my budget is a little tight) If I have time I hang out in Barnes & Nobles and read some I usually go to NAutral Health & Yoga magazines.

    Today I learned an IMPORTANT lesson—how to say ‘No’ to people! This has always been a hard one for me because I’m quite the people please but I’ve been making an effort this week to only do things i want to do.



  60. May 19, 2010 6:12 pm

    That girl’s abs on the cover are RIDICULOUS.

    I tried TJ’s almond mix recently. So good! Hope you savored it!

    Thanks for the vitamin info! I think bloggers sometimes give us overload on information that we already know and so isn’t useful to us, HOWEVER, I definitely didn’t know that about vitamins! I don’t take vitamins, but I do take a calcium supplement that I will now be taking at night!

  61. May 19, 2010 6:16 pm

    Another great post! Except the nipple part-I almost had to stop reading :)

    Thanks for the info on the vitamins! The pink shirt is absolutely hideous but I do love me some, thats my go to site for new recipes.

    I subscribe to Fitness and Glamour. I need to bite the bullet and subscribe to Real Simple and Cooking Light. I just love the feeling of disconnecting from the world, curling on my couch and reading a magazine front to back.

    What I learned today: Not to take for granted that everyone has the knowledge I have of my job function and what to do in unique situations. I’ve been in my role for 3.5 yrs and am pretty seasoned but sometimes need to remember that newer people on my team don’t know it all like I seem to think I do and may need help or explaining as to why we do things the way we do.

  62. May 19, 2010 7:02 pm

    1. Way too many! Shape, Self, Health, Fitness, Cooking Light, Everyday with Rachael Ray, Glamour AND my mom sends me all her old lady magazines to read!

    2. That if you mix marinara, turkey pepperoni, and cheese into eggs it makes “pizza eggs” that rock my face off!

  63. May 19, 2010 7:39 pm

    So many people do not realize that you need to take your iron WITHOUT calcium or you inhibit its absorption. Thanks for the other vitamin timing tips!

  64. May 23, 2010 6:27 pm

    My parents taught me wwwaaaay back when probably when i was like 7, that eggs were definitely not dairy. we didn’t drink milk, but i HAD to eat eggs every morning. :)

    umm that salad with greek yogurt and hummus sauce looks amazing! i have to start eating more of your savory combinations. they always look so darn good!


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  2. Mix of Ideas « Greek Yogurt & Apple Slices

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