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flashback friday: the cabin.

May 14, 2010

hello! long time no talk. or so it seems.. what with wordless wednesday and guest post thursday, right?

glad so many of you liked my wordless post. truth be told, wednesday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  i didn’t want to sit around and bitch and moan on my blog, so i just showed you my day—sans all the B.S.

okay. so i should just put this out there because otherwise you will probably be like “what the funk, janetha b?”~ i am stressed out.  while i hate to be a downer on the blog, i have a feeling it has been showing through in my posting.. and i just wanted to let you all know that i am dealing with a whole lot these days.

yeah, there is wedding plans (2 months to go until the wedding. eep.) and the house renovations (which are costing WAY more than i had anticipated.. of course.) but there has been more and more piling up. the $800 vet bill, the fact that marshall has $10k of dental work that needs to be done, the overwhelming realization that honeymoons are damn expensive, physical therapy that is not healing my tendonitis as quickly as i’d like it to, blah blah blah…

and on wednesday it finally reached a breaking point when my mechanic told me i needed new brakes AND tires.


and i had a (few) good cries.

and i got a (few) great hugs. thanks mom and marshall. and penny and randy.

but it doesn’t stop there. yesterday my FANTASTIC assistant, that has worked here since the beginning of the year, informed me that she had to put in her 2 weeks. (i am not mad at all, she got offered an awesome job and i am stoked for her!) and now i have to find a replacement. and, well, i lost it again. at work. pretty sure my bosses were worried about my sanity.

oh, and to top it all off, marshall’s prescription puma sunglasses that i got him for our first anniversary were in my car on sunday and now they are missing.

it’s not pouring.. it is a straight up hurricane, folks.

now you know. let’s move on. no point dwelling on all that, right? i have put the lemons on the table and now it’s time to make lemonade!

it’s the weekend and it’s time for fun!

i didn’t take very many photos of my eats yesterday. they were pretty uneventful as i didn’t have much of an appetite. you may have noticed that from the eats shown in wednesday’s post~ all day wednesday i had two protein bars, two protein shakes and the baked potato/cottage cheese combo. oh.. and a LOT of water and coffee. like, a lot.

yesterday was a little better, i had a big salad with salmon and sweet potato with hummus/mustard dressing ala HEABs, a protein shake, two wasa crackers with mighty maple peanut butter, some plantain chips, some nuts and this delicious dinner:


marshall and i tag teamed on the prep for the meal. we browned some ground turkey, cooked a duo of annie’s mac, added a couple laughing cow wedges (for the cheese factor!) and steamed a heap of veggies. 


in a very short time, dinner was served.


oh, and marshall decided to test out my free samples of POM wonderful~ straight up:


he said it was “delicious, but sour!”


i love him.

we tried to watch “naked lunch” but it turned out to be insanely weird and we ended up turning it off. that usually does not happen when we watch movies! i mean, we at least give it time to play to the end. but not this one. no bueno.

oh.. and i didn’t work out yesterday. i got home from work and went to change for the gym, business as usual, but i was just physically and mentally exhausted.. so i took a 90 minute nap instead. no apologies.



this morning i ate a cinnamon simply bar + black coffee on the way to physical therapy~


and lunch was a cinnamon coffee protein shake + 2 wasas with mighty maple peanut butter~


i have reason to believe someone i work with has been dipping into my mighty maple jar. i just bought a new one and it is almost half empty. um.. i have only used it twice, maybe three times. there’s a peanut butter thief among us. so.. i wrote a note on the lid:


hope that keeps whoever has been helping themselves OUT of the jar. so annoying. buy your own flipping food, please and thanks.

so.. now we are current. wow, how lame was all that?! sorry ‘bout that.. i am sure i’ll have better posts next week. the reason i am sure of this is because the only way to go from this post is up.

i will be getting a good HIIT+upper body workout in today before heading up to my friend lindsay’s cabin. oh, the cabin! that brings me to flashback friday!!

oh, the cabin.

i’m at my best when in a cabin in the woods” is what a simple needlework art piece says on the wall of the cabin.  ain’t it the truth? 


my friend lindsay’s family has this amazing cabin about an hour east of the city.  we have gone there on several occasions and tonight we are going to celebrate her birthday!

for this week’s flashback, i thought it would only be appropriate to flash back to a few other times we spent at the cabin. i don’t have ALL the photos from ALL the experiences~ they are mysteriously somewhere in cyberland..(?) but i have enough to keep ya’ll entertained for a few minutes.

first time at the cabin was way back when. over four years ago!

february 2006.


i have a feeling there was at least one trip between that one and this next one. but i just can’t remember.. or find photos.. so fast forward two and a half years~

october 2008.

IMG_7876IMG_7762IMG_7763 IMG_7779 IMG_7860  

and the most recent trip was just last august.. i blogged about this one here.

august 2009.


and i will be back next time with a full recap of tonight’s cabin shenanigans :)

did you participate in flashback friday? i know tina did. and april, mara and susan had some flashbacks of their own this week. let me know if you did too and i will link back in my next post.

by the way, i think it goes without saying that blog reading and commenting has taken a back seat on the bus for me these days. i do try to read when i have time.. but that seems to be never! hopefully life will get back to normal soon and i can go back to enjoying everyone’s ramblings. we’ll see!



1. what is your favorite way to de-stress? i just need three ingredients: dogs. marshall. vanilla bean ice cream. it is like mama pea pointed out in this post.. “stressed” backwards spells “desserts” ;)

2. quick, pick one! cabin in the woods, bungalow on the beach or penthouse in the city? since i can never pick one, i pick cabin and bungalow. but tonight, it’ll be cabin.

xo. janetha b.

54 Comments leave one →
  1. Little Bookworm permalink
    May 14, 2010 2:20 pm

    I hope you feel less stressed soon!

  2. May 14, 2010 2:26 pm

    That is rough. I hope everything starts easing up on you soon. I don’t like to see you so stressed. :( You are strong to be going through all that crap. Have a GREAT time this weekend. Really enjoy yourself and get away from it all. Don’t forget to pack that icecream!

    PS – Thanks for the congrats. You’re too sweet for stopping by and saying so amidst everything. Love ya!

  3. May 14, 2010 2:30 pm

    Stupid peanut butter eating bastards!

    It’s so true, when it rains it pours. I can’t tell you how many tears I shed for ridiculous reasons (and some very legit reasons too) in the months before my wedding. I was so stressed out that I lost 10 lbs and my dress was too big. The day before my wedding my maid of honor called to tell me that she couldn’t make it because her baby was sick. I was so beyond out of it that I couldn’t even muster up a reaction. I just said ok and asked all my bridesmaids to move up a notch and got my soon-to-be sister in law to jump in and even it out. Weddings are crazy and having a bunch of other stuff on top of it just makes it harder. I’m sending you calming vibes today.

    Hey, the yellow corset photo shoot? I was hoping for an answer to that photo….did I miss it?

  4. May 14, 2010 2:30 pm

    Swimming helps me de-stress. So does sitting in the hot tub after a swim!

    I guess I’d say cabin in the woods!

  5. Nicole G permalink
    May 14, 2010 2:35 pm

    I hope things start to look up soon. I know the wedding planning is both mentally and fiscally stressful but it will be well worth it. You and Marshall are absolutely adorable together and just ooze love in every picture!

    I like to sleep and run as a way to destress. Kind of opposites when you think about it but relieves stress nonetheless =)

    Nicole G

  6. May 14, 2010 2:37 pm

    Bungalow on the beach of course! Hope you feel better soon. You have a TON going on and have every right to be just a wee bit stressed.

  7. May 14, 2010 2:43 pm

    So sorry to hear about all your stress monsters–I’ll be thinking of you, Janetha!
    Vital ingredients to de-stressing for me=expensive yogurt, puppies, and a foodie magazine.

  8. May 14, 2010 2:51 pm

    I’m a beach and city person, so could i ask for…a bungalow near the beach AND a penthouse in the city?? or is that too much??hehehe

    I love that you included Marshall in your destress method. I would include my bf in my list too!! Sadly i don’t have cute dogs like yours to add, but…ice-cream is TOTALLY up there. What’s your favorite?? Mine is Breyer’s slow churned in pretty much any flavor, but probably strawberry cheesecake!

    Have a kick butt weekend Janetha!!

  9. May 14, 2010 3:06 pm

    I hear ya! My hubs has to get A LOT of dental work done, the pups got bit by a rattle snake so now we just forked over $$$ to get her healed, and my car needs radiator fixing too. WHAT THE CRAPOLA!. A good cry, some protein ice cream, and knowing that “it could be worse” is what makes me feel better. Its reality i guess. SOmetimes I hate being an adult. haha! Now….go enjoy your weekend!! Feel free to email me anytime you need to vent. I gotcha back girl!

  10. Diana permalink
    May 14, 2010 3:09 pm

    Sorry you’re so stressed Janetha. I know things will get better :)
    My fav way to destress… just watch a good tv show or movie, spend time with my family and friends, go for a walk, nap! :p
    hmmm bungalow or penthouse. definitely one of these!

  11. May 14, 2010 3:10 pm

    I’m so sorry that things are so stressful! I hope this weekend is totally fantastic and stress-free. Take some walks with the man and just enjoy. Always love the flashback pics- the cabin looks like a blasty. bungalow on the beach for sure

  12. May 14, 2010 3:10 pm

    Sending some good vibes your way. Things gotta turn around for you now!

  13. May 14, 2010 3:26 pm

    Hoping things mello out soon. Sorry to hear you’re so stressed :(

  14. May 14, 2010 3:46 pm

    cabin in the words…ever see the movie secret window….like that…isolated, alone and no worries.

    god janetha…i hear u..i have less than 2 months to move…i dont know where cause i havent got one job offer yet…not sure how to pay my rent next month…have debt from 2 university degrees, car payments, car insurance, line of credit, phone bill and groceries to pay…
    and found out today i need to pay 1000 bucks for something else…NO JOKE…

    i keep saying to have faith and believe
    but god, it keeps getting worse
    and i am starting to break

    hang in there!

  15. May 14, 2010 4:02 pm

    {{{ hugs}}}
    Sorry you are so stressed. It will pass. Renovations are really money pits. They are always much more than planned!

  16. May 14, 2010 4:13 pm

    Just let everything go at the Cabin and have a good time! Things have a way of working themselves out even though it may not seem like it at the moment :)

    Yeah for your annie’s mac combo – looks delicious!

    Jay LOVES POMS straight up because he says its good for him LOL….I think he thinks it’s like Kool aid ;)

    Have a fun weekend and don’t stress about ANYTHING even if just for the weekend :)

    xoxo ~ me

  17. lowandbhold permalink
    May 14, 2010 4:15 pm

    Oh honey bear! I’m so sorry! I would be flipping out too! But like you said, things can only go up from here!!

    I’ll be your assistant!! Want me to send in my resume ;)

    You and Marshall are just the cutest. That cabin sounds so fun!

    1. Bath, bubbles, book (I wanna say wine, but that doesn’t start with a B)
    2. So hard to choose between beach and the city penthouse but I have to go with beach.

  18. May 14, 2010 4:31 pm

    ummm okay so 2 things made me think of you today and wish you still had bbm.

    1. i found AND bought smuckers s/f peach preserves. you need them asap.

    2. i found AND bought orbit peach gum.

    that’s all :) LOVE YOUU. btw i’m with you i just got new tires, a new inner gasket, and an oil change. $2000+ later i still have no money to pay for my summer class. fail

  19. May 14, 2010 4:32 pm

    When it rains, it pours… or hurricanes, for sure! I am so sorry life is stressful, I hope it gets better soon! Hang in there!! <3


  20. May 14, 2010 4:33 pm

    oops… I didn’t mean to press send yet.

    Anywho, I love the city.

    And the best way for me to destress is to do yoga, have a warm cup of tea, a massage from the boy or BAKE! And eat my goodies, of course ;)


  21. *Andrea* permalink
    May 14, 2010 4:48 pm

    ah sorry girl! i hope things get better for you… it’s so hard when things just go wrong repetitively. try and focus on the fact that you have such a cute fiance who loves you and a supportive family :-) you’re very lucky :-)

  22. May 14, 2010 5:06 pm

    Sorry to hear about all the bad news….when it rains it pours! Hope you have a great weekend and get to decompress a bit :-)

  23. May 14, 2010 5:08 pm

    Aww, sweet girl, I am so sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. How can you blame yourself for not having several breakdowns!!! Look at what you are going through right now. It’s all amazing stuff, right, but it’s also very overwhelming. Your emotions are so elevated right now that the things in life that you think you would be able to handle just seem like too much.

    Okay, I’m going to tell you something that will make you feel better……

    IT’S SO NORMAL!!!!

    Trust me, when I was at your point in my life, I remember reaching my breaking point when one of my wedding vendors called me to tell me that she was quitting and a new person would take over a week before my wedding. I started obsessively bawling at work. And then I went out to my car and cried for about an hour. I just couldn’t take it, and I honestly felt so much better after that.

    Let it out girl! Cry, sleep, eat chocolate do whatever you need to do to because you will quickly realize that although life may be a bit much right now, life is also so so so very good! :)

    Feel better hun. I’m always here for you.

  24. actorsdiet permalink
    May 14, 2010 5:44 pm

    i hate having car problems. i just got rear ended and can’t believe i have to deal with this!!!!

  25. May 14, 2010 5:56 pm

    OMG, people at the office sometimes straight up STEAL stuff. like ummm…. a whole unopened container of hummus. ya..NOT COOL!

    i love indian food but have never had curry. dont even know what it tastes like BUT i can imagine that its probably just a wonderful concoctions of amazing spices and flavors!

    my fav ab move is the weighted crunch on the cable machine or weighted tea kettles.

  26. May 14, 2010 6:24 pm

    1. Jalopeno nachos and Bones reruns.
    2. Penthouse in the city!

  27. May 14, 2010 6:38 pm

    Feel better JB!

    It’s crazy month in Ashleyland as well.

    Hey and don’t be ashamed to vent here, we will still love you! We are only human…

  28. May 14, 2010 6:56 pm

    I hate to hear that all that horrible stuff is happening at once. That always how it goes right?! But then you get all the bad stuff out of the way in one swoop, so it’s only gonna get better :) Maybe you should just hire me as your new assistant and I will just move on up there! haha.

    Hope your weekend is better miss!


  29. May 14, 2010 6:59 pm

    I hate to hear that all that horrible stuff is happening at once. That always how it goes right?! But then you get all the bad stuff out of the way in one swoop, so it’s only gonna get better :) Maybe you should just hire me as your new assistant and I will just move on up there! haha.

    Hope your weekend is better miss!


  30. May 14, 2010 7:00 pm

    sister sister…i have had that kind of month, hence why i am trying to get the positivity rolling! and obviously i am sending loads of it to you to. just know that around ever tough situation, there is a reward waiting. i firmly believe that. i hope for your sake, your reward is vanilla bean ice cream and for my sake, its chocolate peanut butter. ya know, just putting it out there. that’s what you have to do to make things happen, no?

    happy weekend lovah :)

  31. May 14, 2010 7:31 pm

    I hate that, when everything compounds into a giant ball of suck-tastic-ness. But you’re right, everything will turn out in the end. you have a great support system, both in real life and in blogland! Keep your chin up girlie.

    I destress with exercise, tea, frozen yogurt, and trashy TV :-) you know, all we really need in life. And I think I’d pick the cabin, followed by the penthouse. Not much a beach gal (even though I live 2 miles from the beach! So sad).

  32. May 14, 2010 7:44 pm

    Hey I’m really sorry for all the stress/bad situations you are going through. I’ve definitely been there and its NOT fun.. so true though that when it rains is pours! It will get better tho and you’re getting married so keep your eyes focused on that! =)

    As for the peanut butter, that is just inexcusable ;) So ANNOYING! I definitely hate food thiefs!! You expect it somewhat from your college roommates but you would think adults at a professional office would be different… apparently not!

  33. May 14, 2010 7:50 pm

    i am so sorry for the stress in your life right now! I know it will all get cleared up soon, it just kina sucks in the moment. you are awesome and you will dominate all of these things and move on , i know it! you are way too positive and perky!!!
    SOMEONE ATE YOUR PB!?! ?umm NOT OKAY!!!!!!!! i would put a freaking laser on it or something! love you!

  34. May 14, 2010 9:02 pm

    Girl I hope your time away at the cabin is just that you need! Sucks that you’re so stressed. You are a strong lady, so hopefully with time everything gets better.

  35. May 15, 2010 7:53 am

    Oh no, I’m so sorry that everything is coming in all at once like that. But that usually means that there is a calm after the storm followed by lots of sunny weather, so let’s hope that’s the case for you!! :)

    My mom used to always make me mac and cheese and put ground beef in it. I may have to try that annie’s mac and cheese out with some lean ground beef for old time’s sake, glad you reminded me about it! ;)

    Have a good weekend and hang in there!!!!!!!!

  36. Kristen B permalink
    May 15, 2010 8:29 am

    You’re probably still at the cabin snoooozin away! I’m sad I’m missing breakfast. Stupid Rory’s work!! It was a pretty drive though, there were a ton of hot air balloons and morning mountain mist. Gorgeous! Anyways, my way to destress is to organize things. I think that’s where my O.C.D. tendencies come from. If I organize the world around me, then it makes me feel like my stress level can come down a notch. Oh and a few glasses of wine and hangin at the cabin helps too!! And I’m choosing bungalow on the beach. I love the sound and smell of the ocean!!

  37. May 15, 2010 8:37 am

    oh, J-bean… I wish I could fly over and give you a huge hug right now. I could be your assistant and hunt down the PB thief ;)

    I hope you have a fab weekend to destress and just be with Marshall and take care of YOU. My favourite way to destress is to write…which is why my blog has a bunch of posts that are just crazy ramblins (and Live Writer has a zillion drafts of even crazier stuff). Also long walks and just being outside with my iPod on helps.

    city penthouse, all.the.way. In NYC, preferably :D Hell yeah.

  38. Michelle permalink
    May 15, 2010 8:41 am

    Oh Janetha, {{hugs}} to you. I am going to be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way that life de-stresses as each week passes … You are definitely dealing with a lot.

    “The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man without trials.” ~Confucius

  39. May 15, 2010 11:15 am

    Hey beautiful girl – it will all be ok. Believe me. These last couple of weeks have been hellacious here too but I figure it will just make me appreciate better days all that much more. Go lay on Mama B’s couch in your pj’s – that’ll make it all better.

    Hugs from here!

  40. May 15, 2010 1:32 pm

    I got married in South Carolina (East Coast) in August last year, went on my honeymoon, then moved 3000 miles to California on West Coast. It was the most STRESSFUL terrifying thing I’ve ever done. And, my husband and I had to pay for our own wedding (although several people gave us special gifts and favors to make the load lighter).

    All that to say, it’s good to cry. It makes you feel human. Spending money sucks, but whether you spend $500 or $50,000 you’re wedding day will be the best day of your life because you’re marrying the man of your dreams. A wise woman told me something when I was about 2 months out. She said to concentrate on how exciting marriage will be as opposed to how the wedding goes because it’s all an exciting blur where details don’t matter, but the power of the moment does.

    I hope that’s encouraging. I’ve been there, and I’m glad it’s over. This too shall pass.

  41. May 15, 2010 2:48 pm

    I’m so happy that you won the Vitatops after reading about your horrible day… hopefully this will brighten your day today :)

  42. May 15, 2010 3:44 pm

    Bungalow on the beach please!!
    Sorry you are so stressed. When it rains, it pours. Hopefully things will lighten up for you soon my sweet. Thinking of you!

  43. May 15, 2010 5:26 pm

    Shooooooooooooooo the stress monsters away!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww girl I FEEL YA!!!!!! The last year was one of th emost stressful times I have had in my life, I felt like I was going to breakdown, it was the worst, I know you are a strong girl and you have an AMAZING fiance, family, and friends, that are there to keep you sane when the stress gets overwhelming! I know my fiance was my rock when I had some tough stressful times, if not for him, I would of crumbled , I hope things get better fast for you, I know it will all get better!! THinking of you girl! Have a glass of wine and some yummy dessert and snuggle up with your man! xoxo

  44. May 15, 2010 9:03 pm

    beach bungalow helllaa yeaaa!

    sorry it’s been such a hard time for you honey, hang in there!

  45. May 16, 2010 7:07 am

    My boss always eats everyone’s food at work luckily he wouldn’t eat anything I make! Defo a penthouse in the city for me x x

  46. May 16, 2010 7:11 am

    hey lady!! sorry you ar efeeling stressed and it is not showing onyour blog! the blog is FANTASTIC as usual, so no worries, but I do hope everything eases up for you because I hate to see you stressed :(

    hands down bungalow on the beach! as long as there are other humans around of course! i love little hole in the wall places right on the beach! I would be happy there for a LONGGGGG time!!

    that mac n cheese creationlooks so freakin good! you are such a creative chef!!

    love the flashback pics as always!!

  47. May 16, 2010 8:44 am

    I completely understand the crazy and stressful like. I’m going though a few crazy things myself too. The only thing I can tell you is to make sure to take some time to yourself. The wordless/non-bitching posts are sometimes needed. I did one myself this week too on some of my favorite bloggers. Sometimes something different is just needed.

    I love your dinner idea. I have so many boxes of Annie’s Mac and Cheese at home and I love your take on it. Definitely something I’m going to try.

  48. May 16, 2010 3:39 pm

    Awww, JB, I am so sad to hear about all this financial stress :( Just remember, even if you have to live in a box, you have a big loving family and an army of blog readers who all love and are here for you!!

  49. May 16, 2010 3:45 pm

    Sorry to hear about all of your stress lately :( :( That is never good. But, I want you to know that you are AWESOME & I honestly look forward to reading your blog EVERYDAY! You always make me smile. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to- I know it’s so hard to believe that sometimes (I have a hard time with it as well) but everything really does have a reason.
    Feel better!!! xoxox

  50. hayleycepeda permalink
    May 16, 2010 6:38 pm

    I am so sorry to hear about all the stressors you have going on in your life right now, but I can completely understand!! This is a super busy time for you and I have no doubt that it’s going to be overwhelming at times. On the same note, remember that this is YOUR blog and you are more than allowed to vent! It doesn’t always have to be upbeat 24/7 – if anything it makes me feel better to know that you do have downs as well as ups…makes you seem human. :) I’m sending you lots of hugs and peace and hoping that today was a better day!!


    PS – LOVE that mac & cheese recipe!!

  51. May 18, 2010 6:12 am

    Don’t you just HATE it when life gets all WILD and OUT OF CONTROL on ya? Like the universe with it’s cleverness it testing your patience and threshold. I bet your threshold is high. You’ll be okay, and in the end, stronger.

    Honeymoon…… You should do something simple. Something romantic. Something cheap. Call it “Honeymoon take 1”. And then save up for “Honeymoon take 2”.

  52. Marie permalink
    May 22, 2010 1:38 pm

    I’m sorry to hear everything hit all at once for you and that you had such a crummy day! Hopefully it will turn around soon!

    My favorite ways to de-stress are hanging out/talking to my husband, hanging out with him and our twins, and working out. :)

    Definitely bungalow on the beach! :)


  1. lucky. « meals & moves
  2. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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