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the unintentional vegetarian.

April 12, 2010

it’s raining, it’s pouring, randy is snoring.  my dogs both have a ridiculous snoring habit.  i guess i can’t really judge them, from what i am told, i snore quite a bit myself.

i was recently sent a copy of this book to read and review here on the blog:


this is why you’re fat (and how to get thin forever) by jackie warner

i am about 1/4 of the way in and i am really liking it. i want to give a good review of the book, but i am afraid i will forget all the things i want to mention if i wait until i am totally done with the book before talking about it.

let’s face it people.. i sometimes take three weeks to read a magazine. i am a busy girl, this book could take awhile.

so.. in order to give you guys the review that i have been writing down on the notepad in my head while walking on the treadmill at a 15% incline, i have decided to do the review in installments. i finished off part one of the book tonight and so this post will include my thoughts on part one! with meals & moves of the day woven in, of course.


meal 1: eggbeaters + oatmeal + coffee @ 8:30 AM


~270 calories, 3g fat, 31g carbs, 29g protein

good news. i got the genius idea to ask if the original pancake house (where i have to eat breakfast every monday) had sugar free syrup. turns out.. yep! they do. so i put the SF syrup and cinnamon in my oats today.


*book review time*

part 1: this is why you’re fat

  • chapter 1: “it’s all about chemnistry, baby”

jackie starts the book out by talking about the role chemistry plays in determining our physical appearance. 

first, she talks about the hormones that make you thin:

  1. the human growth hormone (forces your body to draw fat from your fat reserves first)
  2. testosterone (muscle builder)
  3. progesterone (high levels of this hormone cause you to burn more calories~ up to 100-300 more per day!)

and then, the hormones that make you fat:

  1. insulin (if you have too much in your system, your body will store fat)
  2. estrogen (too much can lead to weight gain, cellulite & some female cancers
  3. cortisol (stress causes this to elevate, high cortisol levels lead to around the clock appetite~ typically for sweets & fatty food)
  4. leptin (when you have the right levels, it works as an appetite suppressant, it tells you when you are full. if you are low in leptin, your body thinks it needs to store fat.)
    jackie elaborates on each of the seven hormones listed above, talking about how we can learn to control each hormone (through proper diet and exercise, not through medication) and also explains what foods to eat and what foods to avoid in order to establish a harmonious balance of hormones. 
    i learned a ton from just the first chapter in the book.  she suggests several tips which i have already started putting to use in my own life, such as taking a b vitamin, getting more sleep, cutting back on carbs at night, reducing my caffeine intake, eating slower and incorporating more zinc and folic acids into my meals.


    meal 2: hard boiled egg white wrap @ 1:30


~250 calories, 5g fat, 27g carbs, 30g protein

    yes. you read that right. FIVE hours later i ate lunch. i was really consumed with my work today and by the time i looked at the clock, it was way past lunch time.  and while i was hungry.. i wasn’t starving.  i think the extra calories from the weekend caught up with my appetite and my body was balancing it all out somehow.


    this was awesome! it contained:

  • 4 hard boiled egg whites, chopped
  • 2 TB low fat cottage cheese
  • 1 TB nayonaise
  • 1 wedge laughing cow light cheese
  • 1 tsp annie’s honey mustard
  • sprouts
  • tomato slices
  • frank’s hot sauce

all wrapped up into a flatout multi grain wrap!


*book review time*

  • chapter 2: “you are a sugar addict”

in this chapter, jackie explains the evils of sugar and the misconception that sugar does not make you fat.  often times, people will opt to buy a “fat free” product but not recognize the grams of sugar in the product.  while it may have no fat, that does not mean it won’t make you fat.

jackie also goes into where a lot of hidden sugars can be found. the majority of this chapter contained information i already knew.  i am aware of my sugar intake and i have learned that i would rather eat something high in fat than high in sugar.

there were a lot of fun facts and statistics that she mentioned in this chapter, i thought i would share these with you guys since most of you are like me and already avoid refined sugar.

  • the average american downs 30 teaspoons of added sugar daily-that is 480 (empty) calories of added sugar alone!
  • refined (white) sugar was once scarce and very expensive, actually it was a luxury! early devotees called it “white gold”.
  • when ingested, sugars such as white sugar, HFCS or the typical sugar found in candy actually eat up the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, which in turn depresses your immune system and you are more susceptible to illness. (tell THAT to the person repping HFCS on those lame commercials!)
  • too much sugar consumption can contribute to causing the following cancers: breast, pancreatic, colon, stomach & endometrial.
  • sugar gives you wrinkles! in a process called glycation, eating sugar attacks collagen & elastin, making them less elastic and more brittle so they break.  that is when wrinkles appear. (i had no idea)
  • one cup of raisin bran contains the same amount of sugar as NINE hershey’s kisses!
  • in a 2008 analysis, it was found that 11 popular breakfast cereals contain at least 40% sugar by weight! which is the equivalent of how much sugar that comes in a glazed doughnut.
  • bagels that are not whole wheat or multigrain can contain up to 33 grams of refined sugars~ the same amount that is in a piece of chocolate cake.

crazy, right? the rest of this chapter goes on to talk about how to reduce your sugar intake and also how to wean yourself off a sugar addiction.  remember: you can be addicted to sugar and not even know it. binging on breads, pastas, cereals and other carbohydrates is a sure sign of a sugar addiction. it doesn’t have to be in the form of sweets and treats.

at the end of the second chapter, jackie outlines three vital tips to make you lose weight without even walking into a gym.


HIIT on the treadmill!

i am not sure if i told you guys, but i am running a 5k on saturday with my bestie, kristen.  i wanted to see if i could finagle 3.1 miles :)  i did a 30 minute long HIIT routine that consisted of three seven minute intervals, one eight minute interval and a one minute cool down.

here are the deets:

minute # speed (MPH)
0-1 6.0
1-2 6.0
2-3 6.5
3-4 7.0
4-5 7.5
5-6 8.0
6-7 8.5
7-8 6.0
8-9 6.0
9-10 6.5
10-11 7.0
11-12 7.5
12-13 8.0
13-14 8.5
14-15 6.0
15-16 6.0
16-17 6.5
17-18 7.0
18-19 7.5
19-20 8.0
20-21 8.5
21-22 6.0
22-23 6.0
23-24 6.5
24-25 7.0
25-26 7.5
26-27 8.0
27-28 8.5
28-29 9.0
29-30 4.0

total time: 30 minutes, total distance: 3.5 miles

not bad! i think i will be fine for the 5k on saturday.  i finished up my workout with 23 minutes of walking on a 15% incline at a 3.5 MPH speed while reading my book.

total distance: 5 miles, total time: 53 minutes

ended with a nice stretch :)


meal 3: kashi trail mix bar @ 5:30 PM


140 calories, 5g fat, 20g carbs, 6g protein

boring, i know. i was on the go. and it was RAINING. and i had to go to costco. and sunflower market. don’t worry, i was fully equipped with a hood :)

*book review time*

  • chapter 3: “three organs that make you fat or skinny”

in the third chapter, jackie talks about your internal organs. specifically, these three organs:

  1. your liver
  2. your thyroid
  3. your adrenal glands

this chapter really had me interested.  i was in the ZONE and probably almost fell off my treadmill a few times. i was learning a lot more about what roles my internal organs play in my metabolism and weight loss. good information, folks.

first up: your liver.

did you know your liver burns fat?  it manufactures bile acids that work as “laundry detergent” and the acids break down your food for you.  the liver also detoxifies everything you eat, drink, swallow, smoke, rub into your skin.. you get the idea.  it removes all th junk.  if it is not in proper condition, it won’t remove the junk.  and no, you don’t have to be a booze hound to have a clogged up liver!  chemicals in our food and hormones in our meat can gunk up our liver.

there are tips in this chapter that tell you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid in order to maintain a healthy liver.  jackie also touches on liver detox which is something i never really knew about (but have always heard about).

second: your thyroid.

i knew that your thyroid levels have a lot to do with your metabolism, but i really didn’t know all the warning signs of a sluggish thyroid.  these signs include weight gain, cravings of refined carbs, dry skin, muscle cramps, poor fingernail growth and a slow heart rate (among several other things). 

jackie talks about how to maintain a healthy thyroid level without medication.  she stresses the importance of NOT relying on a prescription to have a healthy thyroid.

third: your adrenal glands.

these glands produce a whole lot of things that help your body cope with stress naturally.  it produces DHEA, which is a sex hormone and a natural fat burner which decreases with age.  jackie tells you how you can take care of your adrenal glands~ the number one tip being to cut the caffeine to two cups of coffee each day. 

there is also a neat table that shows you how much caffeine is in beverages ranging from coffee and tea to energy drinks to soda, there are even over the counter drugs listed on the caffeine table.  did you know that excedrin contains 130 mg of caffeine?

the third chapter is wrapped up with explaining how curing organ dysfunction can turn you into a fat burning machine! jackie suggests what foods to consume and what vitamins are necessary to support healthy organ funtion.  she also points out a number of “organ destroyers” to avoid.


meal 4: grilled muenster, pear & almond butter sandwich and protein ice cream @ 7:30 PM



as i mentioned in my last post, today was national grilled cheese day.  i didn’t want to let this day go uncelebrated!  and i also didn’t want an average grilled cheese sandwich.  i took a cue from lauren and made a GC with almond butter and pear!

i am not sure if you guys remember, but back in october, allie hosted the BSI and it was almond butter.  lauren submitted a sandwich with goat cheese, pear and almond butter. i have been thinking about it SINCE OCTOBER, people!!


i didn’t have any goat cheese so i subbed muenster and grilled that gloriousness between two slices of multigrain bread.

IMG_9847IMG_9848IMG_9850 IMG_9851IMG_9852 IMG_9859

gooey, sweet, salty, savory goodness. it was perfection between bread.


obviously this did not tote too much protein, so i supplemented that factor with protein ice cream eaten after savoring every last morsel of the cheesy goodness.


YOU GUYS. this tasted 100% like a wendy’s frosty!




put this in a wendy’s cup and sell it in the drive through, you would not know the difference!

but, of course, there IS a difference.. my version is good for you!

in the bowl:

  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1 TB unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 packet stevia in the raw
  • TONS of ice
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1/4 tsp guar gum

i blended the above mixture in my vitamix and then popped the ice cream in the freezer while i made & ate my sandwich.  when i pulled it out of the ice box, it was a frosty, chocolaty bowl of DELICIOUS.

mmmm. i want more.


~500 calories, 22g fat, 42g carbs, 40g protein.

dinner totals were pretty high in calories because my meal 3 was lacking (only 140 cals!). you may also notice the fat grams are ridic. well, half of them were from the almond butter but the other half came from the full fat cheese on my sandwich. this is not technically BFL approved, but it is janetha approved, so i am not sweating it. grilled cheeses just aren’t the same when they are low fat ;)

marshall ALSO celebrated national grilled cheese day at his house! he is a sweetie and sent me a photo:


love his presentation :)

marshall said: “Make sure you tell em that for maximum soup dip ability, the diagonal cut is key.”


looks CHEESY!

*book review time*

SO.. the first part of this is why you’re fat by jackie warner has been nothing short of impressive and informative. i can’t wait to read part two: “this is how you eat to get hot and healthy”!  once i have conquered that section, i will be sure to post another review.

next on my list of events for the night was baking!  because i definitely don’t bake often enough (insert sarcasm here). i guess i just love to bake!

i spotted mama pea’s vegan carrot cake bars this morning and knew i had to whip them up for my vegan boys.  (aka: marshall’s roomies) well, i just so happen to be making the journey north to marshall’s house tomorrow, so i decided to take this cream cheese covered treat with me.

you can see the recipe here.

i will be sharing those shenanigans with you tomorrow.  i am not icing the bars until tomorrow so i wouldn’t want to display an unfinished product :)

i am about to fix meal 5 and then hit the sack.. sorry but photos won’t make the cut of this post. just take my word for it :)

meal 5: banana protein cake + chobani greek yogurt @ 10:15 PM

200 calories, 2g fat, 19g carbs, 27g protein

yum. i don’t want to post the recipe to this cake yet because i still don’t have it perfected.  it is a tad on the sweet side right now and i want to up the protein content, lower the carbs and somehow balance it out to a more perfect 40/40/20 ratio.

for now, the stats per slice are 100 calories, 2g fat, 12g carbs and 9g protein.. which is a protein/carb/fat ratio of 35/47/13.  i can tell you this.. the texture and moistness level are AMAZING.. so once i get the recipe nailed i will be sure to post it and you better be sure to make it!

oh, and about my title? did you notice that i didn’t eat a drop of meat today?  i just finished off meal 5 and realized it myself.  i was able to consume 134 grams of vegetarian protein!  not bad, not bad at all.

today i was an unintentional vegetarian!

but, not really.. since i bought $50 worth of chicken breasts and ground turkey at costco earlier today ;)

by the way, my total ratios today ended up at 38/38/24.. so yes, a tad higher in fat, but i can vouch that it was totally worth it. did you see that grilled cheese?!

wow, long post, right? hope you enjoyed all the information!


1. what book are you reading right now/did you last read? how is/was it? see my book review above.. in case you missed it.

2. favorite vegetarian form of protein? greek yogurt takes first place, with eggs coming in second. protein powder is pretty up there on the list as well!

bonus Q! what is the most creative grilled cheese you’ve ever eaten?

xo. janetha b.

115 Comments leave one →
  1. April 12, 2010 9:29 pm

    I love Jackie!! I totally need to get my hands on this book. Thanks for the mini reviews throughout. Cannot wait to read the whole thing. I like the idea of a hard boiled egg white wrap- I will have to try that. And I Totally forgot it was National Grilled Cheese day- will have to have a makeup day later this week.

    1. Um…I don’t read much :) The twilight series was probably the last thing I read
    2. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….probably same order here. I also like pinto beans

  2. April 12, 2010 9:38 pm

    That book sounds pretty interesting. I like how you said you got really into and almost fell off the tread. I have done that a few times before – ALMOST fall off that is.

    I am with you on the best vegetarian form of protein – greek yogurt all the way! Hmm…I do love black beans too. If it was vegan, tofu for sure. There’s so many things you can do with it!

    I love Marshall’s pics. Matthew sends me pics of his food too. He’s proud of it when it’s healthy so he likes to “show me” how good he’s eating. Haha.

  3. April 12, 2010 9:45 pm

    I just love your blog!! Every word you write is interesting to me!! That book looks awesome- I want to read it! What did Jackie say about the liver detox?!
    I am currently reading two things NYLON magazine and Madame Bovary- both are good! hehe. My fave veg protein is beans! Also, lentils…and tofu too!
    I think the most creative grilled cheese I’ve had was with sharp cheddar and green apples- so good! I always dip them in ketchup too.

  4. April 12, 2010 9:46 pm

    I’m in LOVE with this post.

    A) Jackie!!! I adore her and want her abs. I am loving your book review…all great info, nothing earth shattering but important nonetheless
    B) Protein ice cream!!! Now you know why I eat it EVERY NIGHT. So delicious. Throw some almonds and sea salt on there. I promise, you will die. And I will miss you.
    C) Carrot cake bars!!! I can’t wait to see what you think. I think our cake pan has been empty since Saturday.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.

  5. April 12, 2010 9:49 pm

    Hmmm, maybe I can borrow that book when you’re done.

    As someone with a thyroid disorder, I can say that there are some things that have to be treated with medication. Sorry Jackie (but PS that’s a fab photo of you!). Anyway, I’d be interested to hear what else she has to say. She sounds like she’s on the right track and not spouting some cray-cray bullcr*p.

    I went to Costco today too, and when I saw my receipt I almost died! They would have just boxed me up and shoved me in the back if I had expired right there! That’ll teach me to buy CoQ10 and Fresh Halibut!

    Silly – I could have told you Pancake House has s/f syrup! Almost every restaurant does. I swear by it, or I would be passed out by lunchtime! (PS Our Original Pancake House is now serving dinner, but we haven’t checked it out yet. Kinda weird though, right?)

  6. April 12, 2010 9:52 pm

    I am really enjoying your book review…learning a lot without even reading all of it so thanks. I also have every intention of making the wendys wanna be very soon!

  7. April 12, 2010 10:12 pm

    Yay! Vegetarian protein guru, you! That’s awesome. :) Today I got in 116g of that good fun-fueling stuff. And I feel awesome! I can’t wait for the banana bread and carrot cake recipes to hit the web. I am looking for some yummy high protein/low carb sweet treats for nighttime. :D

  8. April 12, 2010 10:28 pm

    thanks for the info, now I feel like I should check up on the book. Just from reading your review, I feel like I need to kick the sugar habit. All that protein from a vegetarian source?! impresssssive, really impressive :)

  9. April 12, 2010 10:42 pm

    Happy grilled cheese sandwhich day!! Your sandwich looks retaaardedly delicious. almond butter, pear and cheese, whaaaat??? Marshall’s gc looks yummy too :) YUM YUM YUM.
    Yay for being a vegetarian for a day!! xx

  10. marisa permalink
    April 12, 2010 11:01 pm

    Well I think I need to read that book. I’m already intrigued. I can vouch for the thyroid stuff and that explains my refined sugar cravings when I’m low, but I know I need medicine no matter what… but I’m probably the exception to most. And that cheese sandwich looks amazing. My favorite is some turkey and tomato and muenster on sourdough wheat.

  11. actorsdiet permalink
    April 12, 2010 11:16 pm

    funny – i’ve been thinking about grilled cheese day all day! i guess my subconscious knew…

  12. April 12, 2010 11:24 pm

    I can’t believe you remembered my BSI ingredient from so so long ago! I love sweet ‘n’ salty paninis with gooey cheese. My brother and I used to call muenster ‘MONSTER’ cheeze :)

  13. Diana permalink
    April 12, 2010 11:25 pm

    Very interesting info! I’ve actually come to realize how dependent I am on sugars lately. Some yogurts and whatnot. So I’m finishing the ones I have now and then I’ll just stop buying them. I do think it makes a difference and if I’m hitting the gym 4 or 5 times a week… well, why the hell am I eating so much sugar, right?
    Fav vegetarian protein source… definitely eggs! I bought a protein powder recently but I’ve only used it once. Something tells me that today I’ll be using it. :)

  14. April 12, 2010 11:29 pm

    first this book review would make my 5th grade teacher who was a stickler for book reviews so freakin happy!
    girl you are beyond!!!! thorough!! wow!!!!!! and i loved every word. hell, i dont even need to buy the book!

    love the protein/frosty creation.

    fave veg protein?
    i laughed when you put up eggs and dairy, yes veg, not vegan so i write those off. Brown rice protein powder (hemp and pea and soy are too funky for me) AND REAL FOOD.. Protein in everything, i hope you read at some point my vegan protein post i did last week. I handle all the arguments and naysayers that vegans can’t be strong.

    lovely post miss J!

  15. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    April 13, 2010 2:46 am

    great book review, I want to read that book now, sounds interesting!
    protein source = tofu, egg, cottage cheese, soy milk.

  16. April 13, 2010 2:49 am

    loved thsi post!! i also love jackie and want to get this after reading your review. I would do the same thing with the review (in installments because I would forget) orjust walk around like a mad woman taking notes and highlighting the book!

    awesome job on 3.5 miles in 23 minutes! NICE!oh and I know you wroteon my blog that i wrote 4.16 miles but the HITT was only 23…I kept going after jogging/walking uphill for a total of 4.16…the HITT itself was only about 3.6 miles. THANK YOU for letting me know! i went back and edited!

    fav vegetarian source? hmm I think that would be greek yogurt, cottage cheese or trader joes meatless meatballs!!

    OMG that grilled cheese is INSANEEEE…i love cheese and fruit together!! I honesly love just a classic grilled cheese. I had the best one at me and Jasons favorite spot called helens, I wrote about it on the blog, it was sandwich between 2 pieces of sourdough bread and grilled to perfection! the best I have ever ate!!

    love you!

  17. April 13, 2010 3:20 am

    That Jackie looks ripped!! ;) Thanks for the review of the first part though – I haven’t heard some things before. Great info!
    Haha I’m currently reading Pride & Prejudice. Yay for cheesy classics ;). (And I also love cheesy sandwiches.. Yours looks droolworthy!)
    As for protein I really like quinoa and beans/lentils. I know they’re also carby but they’re my favourite sources of protein anyway.

  18. hayleycepeda permalink
    April 13, 2010 3:25 am

    That’s a fantastic book review Janetha!! Really detailed – I didn’t even know Jackie Warner had written a book! I really hope “Work Out” comes back to Bravo sometime soon! I love that show…I swear if I were a lesbian I’d be in love with her. Ok I’ll be honest – I’m in love with her even though I’m not a lesbian..heheheh.

    That grilled cheese looks UH-MAY-ZING!!! Seriously – major drooling going on over here. As usual, ALL your meals look delicious! I’m thinking I have to make your egg white wrap. OH OH OH!!! I made your chicken and white bean soup on Friday night for Chris and I and it was great!! SOOO easy to make and very tasty, too! I need to separate it into batches so I can grab a container on the go. I want to make your pumpkin enchiladas next. :)

    I’m not reading anything non-fiction right now – I had to set aside the baby books as they were driving me insane, so now I’m reading Harlan Coben’s new novel, “Caught.” SO GOOD!!

    I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a grilled cheese as fancy as that…yours takes the cake.

  19. April 13, 2010 3:33 am

    That grilled cheese looks delicious! I really have to go with greek yogurt, too as my first choice of nonmeat protein!

  20. April 13, 2010 3:50 am

    heck ya! We make apple, mozzarella, and marmite (an austrailan, new zealand yeast spread) GC. So good!
    I love eggs, cottage cheese, and protein powder. Not really a fan of tofu, beans, etc. Book looks interesting!

  21. April 13, 2010 3:52 am

    This sounds like a great book! I read Jillian Michales Boost your Metabolism and really liked her direct approach and it sounds like Jackie takes the same tone. Tough love but effective.

    OMG I am soooo sooo happy you tried to Pear/Almond Butter Sammie! It rocks!!! I was actually craving a grilled cheese (guess my body knew it was national Grilled Cheese Day) but I am saving mine for later this week. I love making the most eccentric and out of this world grilled cheese. mine will definitely include pear, spinach, some kind of cheese and I’m thinking mango….???!?! Hmmm, it’s still up for debate but I’ll let you know how it goes! :)

    Have a wonderful day my dear!

  22. April 13, 2010 4:24 am

    I am totally drooling over your melty sandwich. That looks incredible! :D

  23. April 13, 2010 4:32 am

    Oh my gosh, your idea of a grilled cheese sounds amazing!! I need to make that ASAP. I love Jackie Warner. I do her 40 min. power circuit dvd at least once a week. And I’m loving egg white salad these days, sooooo good!!

  24. April 13, 2010 4:44 am

    I really can’t relate to much with the book, but muenster is the BEST. CHEESE. EVER. At least in terms of delicious meltability…yum!

  25. April 13, 2010 4:48 am

    I love that youre splitting the book review up in segments! I think you will be able to convey more information that way without it bring overwhelming. Would you mind emailing me your current banana bread recipe? Since I don’t do BFL I’m not too concerned with the stats aside from the added protein, which is always nice. If you’d rather wait for te final version, I understand, but I’d like to see this moist and tasty version even if it doesn’t meet BFL standards.

  26. April 13, 2010 5:07 am

    ooooh how’d you get your hands on this book? i’ve been so excited for it to come out. i LOVE her! and love you too :)

  27. April 13, 2010 5:07 am

    That book looks great! I loved Jackie’s show, maybe I should pick up her book- sounds like she’s got the science down pat!

    And oh my…. I LOVE Wendy’s frosties and I have them about once a year. SO good. I need to try this!!

    I just read The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone and I can’t say it didn’t promt me to return to the word of vegetarianism =D

    I love vegetarian proteins (obviously) I am a big goat cheese fan, but on the vegan side I love tempeh!!

    I LOVE grilled cheese with fruit! Yum!


  28. April 13, 2010 5:22 am

    Great review J-dawg! I feel like I don’t need to get the book now. I caught some words my trainers talked to me about. I choose not to understand it all…too confusing :)

    I’d go with egg whites.

    Grilled cheese? What’s that mmmm…..

  29. April 13, 2010 5:25 am

    That book sounds really interesting! I like when authors actually explain things in weight loss books, instead of just telling you what you can and can’t eat. I’m currently reading lots of books for school…urgh :(

    Fave vegetarian protein is probably tempeh!! So good in salads.

    Hope you have a great Tuesday!!

  30. April 13, 2010 5:41 am

    oh! i’m gonna be on the lookout for that book at the lib! even though i have like 5 overdue books and i doubt they’ll ever let me take out a book again haha. but we’ll see..

    great review! if i was your teacher and you did a book report i would give you an A

    i am getting goat cheese the next time i’m at tjs and MAKING THAT SAMMIE i don’t care if it’s national cheese day or not. it will be that day

  31. April 13, 2010 5:43 am

    “Make sure you tell em that for maximum soup dip ability, the diagonal cut is key”

    Hahahaha… while I am not a fan of diagonal slicing, it is a MUST for grilled cheeses and wholeheartedly agree with this statement ;)

    Have you ever seen Jackie Warner’s reality show? It’s about personal trainers training. It’s pretty dramatized, but I’m still a sucker for it. Sounds like a good book! I will add it to my ever growing list… (ps, have you ever listened to Jillian Michaels podcasts? she’s always yammering about hormones too, good stuff)

    1. I’m reading my personal training textbook. And it also takes me three weeks to read a magazine… ugh.

    2. Do eggs count? If yes, then those. If not cottage cheese. With FRUIT!!! Haha, sorry, couldn’t help myself.

    Bonus – I don’t know about creative, but my dad makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches EVER. He always uses a mix of cheeses, and lots of it, with lots of butter. Not “healthy” per se, but definitely top notch.

  32. April 13, 2010 5:54 am

    Oh I totally missed out on national grilled cheese day. I haven’t made this one in a while, but I love pesto, spinach, tomato and provolone grilled cheese. MMMMM Thanks for the book review. It’s always nice to hear what other people think. I mostly read fiction to help myself wind down for bed. Right now I’m reading Angels of Destruction by Keith Donohue.

  33. April 13, 2010 5:56 am

    Wow, thanks for the sugar info. i knew it was bad, but holy f*ckballs! I’d love some of her tips on weaning yourself off sugar. I’ve been trying, but it’s hard. Help a girl out?

  34. Courtney R permalink
    April 13, 2010 5:58 am

    Although I love Jackie Warners workout videos I wonder about some of the info in the books. I do think that from your review already that obviously alot if not most of the info in the book is sound and correct but it still makes me a little nervous. For example, when you look at sugar on the label it doesn’t separate natural from added, i.e. natural from lactose (milk sugar) or fructose (fruit) sugar so while I know raisin bran probably has some added sugar I wonder if some of that sugar is coming from the raisins. Perhaps she does state this. I look forward to hearing more about the book though. I am willing to give any nutritional book a shot and then add my Registered Dietitian critiques!! :)

  35. Pat Braithwaite permalink
    April 13, 2010 6:37 am

    I am definitely interested in reading the book now. Thanks for your great review! I am usually reading several books at the same time. I’ve recently read the SPARK. FYI, I found the chobani on sale at Sunflower market. That’s a great store. First time I’d ever been there. I LOVE greek yogurt. Has to be my favorite source of protein.

  36. sarah w. permalink
    April 13, 2010 6:45 am

    I just checked out Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel – I was patient and waited for the library to get it in :) Since I love Real Housewives and all, I just HAD to read her book….I hope to start reading it today!

    I wish jackie warner’s reality show workout would come back on :(

    my fav veggie source of protein is eggs – do they count? I dunno! eggs or eggbeaters are rocking my world currently with the occassional greak yogurt thrown in there – gotta be careful w/ my dairy intake…

  37. April 13, 2010 6:46 am

    Interesting review, liked all the sugar facts because yes, I am an addict! My fav form of vegetarian protein is probably yogurt/milk or quinoa!

  38. Ashley S permalink
    April 13, 2010 6:56 am

    Can I still make a ‘frosty’ if I have everything except for the xanthan gum and guar gum? I don’t know what the diff is between those two gums or what else I would use them for so thats why I probably won’t go out and buy any. If you had to chose, which one would you recommend and what else could I do with it?? Thanks!!

  39. ari permalink
    April 13, 2010 7:03 am

    what does Jackie say about the sugar from fruit?

  40. April 13, 2010 7:07 am

    Jackie has a killer body! I’d buy the book and just put it on my nightstand so I can get motivation from her haha!

    You did a GREAT job of keeping your macros close to 40/40/20 with your unintentional veg days! I commend you! I liked seeing your eats today bc they were a little different than normal! YUM! Can’t wait to read more about miss Jackie and what she has to say.

  41. April 13, 2010 7:09 am

    That book sounds pretty good so far. Thanks for the review, doll!
    My fav source of veggie protein is probably nutritional yeast, followed by hemp powder/brown rice powder, followed by eggs!

  42. April 13, 2010 7:10 am

    All of your food looks soooo tasty and well balanced, I am jealous! I gotta go with greek yogurt too for best protein packed snack. Oh, and I like to throw sliced tomatoes in my grilled cheese.

  43. April 13, 2010 7:23 am

    That book sounds awesome – it sounds a lot like Jillian Michaels Master Your Metabolism, which I thought was great.

    That wrap sounds excellent!

  44. April 13, 2010 7:31 am

    That’s a lot of great information–thanks for reviewing the book! I love Jackie!
    Wow! I’ve always wanted to try a day with NO meat…I wonder if I could manage?

  45. April 13, 2010 7:31 am

    oh SNAP GIRL!! look at you all veggie proteined-out! i totes just made up that word (i hate when ppl say “totes”) anyway thats so cute yall both had grilled cheeeeses!! ahh my bf is sending me pics of his food now too! haha! true love!!!
    love you!

  46. April 13, 2010 8:00 am

    I’ll be honest I don’t get that creative with grilled cheese: adding chutney is probably as far as I’ve gone. However I do HEART the idea of pear and blue cheese. I sense some experimentation coming on…

    And my fave veggie protein is likely greek yoghurt followed by eggs as well!

    Loving your cute boy for sending that pic!

  47. April 13, 2010 8:02 am

    that book sounds awesome!!

    Favorite protein sources: quinoa and tempeh. I’m newly obsessed with that fermented soybean. But your posts really make me want to eat some eggs and cottage cheese. You blog post make me want to eat a lot of things actually.

    The book I’m reading right now is called “On Love: A Novel.” I like it, don’t love it.

    I just read a blog with a grilled cheese recipe and it sounds pretty freaking delicious:

  48. April 13, 2010 8:23 am

    Book sounds great. I don’t even know what I read last, which is bad. I guess it wasn’t memorable because I am always reading. Right now is Dan Brown’s most recent book. meh so far.
    I love beans for protein (and a fiber punch!). So good.
    One of the best grilled cheeses I ever made has been on my mind lately, I want to make it again: Wheat Egg Bread

  49. hanna permalink
    April 13, 2010 8:29 am

    Fab review! How’s her tone in the book — friendly, judgemental?

    However, contrary to the popular opinion here, I ABHOR Jackie. Watching her show made me only hate myself more and made me afraid of gyms for the longest time. Only now, thanks to blogs like yours, I am coming out of it. :)

    Making her overweight clients “work out” until they threw up and making mean comments about her client(s) (most popularly Jamie Eason but I am sure that wasn’t an isolated incident) isn’t something I like to watch, so I was kind of glad when her sponsors dropped her and the show was cancelled after the incident. And let’s face it, if she can find something mean to say about Jamie Eason’s body (!!!), I cannot even imagine what she would think if she ever saw me… :(

  50. April 13, 2010 8:33 am

    I used to love watching Jackie on Workout. I’d be interested to read her book and see what she has to say. I’d also like to compare her to Jillian and Bob and other well known trainers. Adding that to my Must Read list. :)

  51. lowandbhold permalink
    April 13, 2010 8:35 am

    Sounds like a great read! I love Jackie Warner. Her workout DVDs are pretty bomb, and I loved the show when it was on. Ellen and Jackie Warner could probably both cause me to question my sexuality. They’re both so powerful, motivated and let’s face it pretty damn hot.

    I’m loving that you accidentally went veg today. Shows me that it’s possible to get enough protein even though I don’t really dig on the meat. (This is not in reference to my earlier comment about my sexuality, I really do like dudes).

    1. I’m currently reading The Kind Diet but like you said, it’s taking me FOREVER. I just don’t have time to do much reading right now.
    2. Definitely Greek yog. I used to be kind of meh about it, but in the last few months my love has quadrupled and I eat it daily.

    Sorry for the awkward nature of this comment. But that’s how I roll. Enjoy your Tuesday!

  52. April 13, 2010 8:39 am

    mmmm wendy’s frosty’s!!! i’ll have to try that! i don’t have any of the gums though :( i’ve been wanting to try them, but have NEVER seen them in a store near me. do you have to buy them online? oh, and what protein powder did you use this time?

  53. April 13, 2010 8:43 am

    That is the prettiest wrap ever! And I am drooling over that grilled cheese…fruit and cheese are such a delish combo.

    That book sounds really interesting! I had no idea about the bagels/cake…though I heard once that Kellog’s cereals in the UK have 15% more sugar and salt than they do in the US. That has probably changed by now, but still…sheesh.

    Book I am readong now is changing my life. It’s by John C. Parkin and is basically about not sweating the small stuff. Really down to earth with British humous. Love it.

    Veg protein- seitan, tofu, GREEK YOGURT, quorn, anything by Amy’s…

    Um, most creative grilled cheese I have ever eaten was one I made last summer- goats cheese, spinach, strawberries and butternut squash.

  54. Kelly permalink
    April 13, 2010 8:45 am

    1 – I rarely read books anymore now that I don’t take the train to work everyday, it’s a bummer.

    2 – Protein powder has to be my fav vegetarian protein now, there’s just sooo much you can do with it! I also love cottage cheese as a nightly dessert.

    bonus – a gouda, proscuitto, apple, honey mustard grilled cheese… yum!

  55. April 13, 2010 9:08 am

    That grilled cheese looks awesome!

  56. April 13, 2010 9:44 am

    Thanks so much for the review chickie…I am a big fan of Jackie Warner…I have her new workout DVD and LOVE it!

    I was going to say that the eggs looked diving but then I got to the wrap and was going to say that THAT looked good but then I go to the…as you can tell I LOVED EVERYTHING on this post lol

  57. April 13, 2010 9:55 am

    That book looks really good. I may have to look for it at the library. I am not reading anything, because I’m supposed to be reading an awful book for book club and I feel too guilty reading anything else. So instead I read nothing. Ha!

    My favorite vegetarian protein is cheese. Haha! But barring that, I love my greek yogurt. I am also in the mood to try tofu again. It’s been years. Got any good recipes?

  58. Nicole G permalink
    April 13, 2010 9:58 am

    that book sounds pretty informational. i might hafta pick it up over the summer once i have a chance to read something NOT on my syllabi. not suprisingly, i haven’t read any books lately that weren’t required for class. besides the daily reading of the new york times, school has dominated my reading lately =( good thing i’m taking courses i’m interested in though otherwise it would be a total drag!

    Thanks for the frosty “swap” – i’ve been looking for ways to use my vanilla whey protein powder – i’m new to the protein powder club =)
    Nicole G

  59. April 13, 2010 10:16 am

    thanks for posting this great review so far-sounds like a book i’d definitely like to own!

    because I didn’t yesterday, i had a grilled cheese for lunch today :) it was delicious, as expected, but i’m for sure gonna put some pear in my next one!

  60. peanutbutterfingers permalink
    April 13, 2010 12:02 pm

    that frosty recipe sounds phenomenal!! thanks for sharing!

  61. April 13, 2010 12:05 pm

    I see you have conquered protein ice cream with the gums. I’ll have to attempt it again. My last batch tasted like super sweet and sticky marshmallow fluff and not in a good way!

    Proteins I am obsessed with mirror yours. Eggs, Powda, Lean meat and fish and of course, Greek gook!! :)

  62. April 13, 2010 12:44 pm

    All of that food looks and sounds so good. I love how creative you are with your meals, but they still look enjoyable and tasty.

    That book review was great. It sounds like a lot of really good info. I can’t wait to hear more about it.

  63. Kate permalink
    April 13, 2010 12:54 pm

    Wow, great looking protein shake! If it truly does taste like a Frosty, I’m making one ASAP because I used to love those things.
    My favorite “vegetarian” protein is probobly yogurt or cottage cheese; vegan protein would be tempeh – I love it!

    Hey, just a quick question (sorry to bother you again!): for the BFL program, I know the ratios are supposed to be 40/40/20, but is that really a strict set amount as long as you’re eating clean and pairing a complex carb and protein at each meal? I find it hard to hit the ratio spot-on and since I have a higher calorie goal (2,500) it’s almost impossible some days. I think I average around 36/42/22, but sometimes it’s a little different one way or another. I know one of the main points of the plan is to get in more protein, but I’m already getting at least 230 grams a day and usually more! Also, if I do additional cardio, will that affect my progress as long as I’m fueling up properly? I’m actually trying to gain muscle weight so that’s why I’m eating so much more.


  64. April 13, 2010 1:09 pm

    This books sounds so dang interesting! I had no idea about all the bad things sugar could cause…I may start paying attention to that stat on my nutrition labels (probably should have started doing that a long time ago :-)) Also the coffee thing…yikes!

    1. I once made a grilled cheese similar to yours with pear and cheddar cheese and cinnamon – it was to DIE for.

    2. black bean or quinoa

  65. April 13, 2010 1:19 pm

    I just bought one of Jackie’s videos and I cannot wait to try it out. I might have to pick up her book as well. I’m interested! I have extremely high levels of estrogen and I’d love to read her tips for controlling it!

    You will crush that 5k! You are fast!

    I LOVE YOU for the protein ice cream recipe. I am going to try that bad boy out tonight. I love Wendy’s frostys but it’s been YEARS since I’ve indulged.

  66. April 13, 2010 1:44 pm

    that book seems like one to get!

  67. April 13, 2010 2:01 pm

    i have that same bowl from target.

    i heart jackie – def watched her bravo show.

    love me some grilled cheese.

    love me some YOU!

  68. April 13, 2010 2:19 pm

    My fav veg protein has to be beans!!!!!!! Love um! x x

  69. April 13, 2010 2:39 pm

    You are so awesome at giving book reviews!!! I’m currently read The Eat-Clean diet recharged by Tosca Reno. She’s awesome!!! I think i told you this, but she’s also a fan of the higher protein, 6 meal a day approach!

    I hate to copy you, but favorite vegetarian protein for me is also yogurt. :P Though I have to say that beans come reaaaally close. :)

    Last but not least, I hate cheese so I can’t say I’ve ever had a grilled cheese sandwich in this lifetime!! Oops!!

  70. April 13, 2010 2:51 pm

    That sounds like a great book!!

  71. April 13, 2010 3:26 pm

    That book looks so interesting! I need to get a copy

  72. April 13, 2010 3:47 pm

    Hmmm I could get into this book–I currently take Synthroid for hypothyroidism.

  73. April 13, 2010 4:23 pm

    Thanks for the great mini review! Sounds really interesting.
    Fav veg protein source: tofu, cottage cheese I whip both of ’em up real good in my processor and add to anything that would go good with mayonnaise, sour cream, or soft cheese (as a dressing base, etc.) Had whipped plain cottage cheese on an ezekiel toast today, and it was SO good yet so simple. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware it was National Grilled Cheese Sandwich day — yours looked awesome!

  74. April 13, 2010 4:28 pm

    WOW – that might just be like the longest post I think you’ve ever written :)

    I am loving cliff notes of the book as you read it – it’s like I can read along. Interesting stuff!

    UM, ya, that grilled cheese is 100 million percent worth the stats and healthy even if it’s a tad higher.

    Super cute Marshall sent his pic along :)

    Ohhh I made Vegan Carrot Cupcakes back when I did the Vegan thing – can’t wait to see yours…I am sure they are AMAZING!

  75. April 13, 2010 5:04 pm

    I just won that book in a giveaway last week and plan to review too it after I read it! Jackie is one of my all time favorite motivational person!! Her body is GORGEOUS!!

    Eggs are hands down my favorite vegetarian protein. I’m pretty much the only blogger on the planet who doesn’t go ape over Greek yogurt. I like it but use it more for sauces and dressings than as a snack.

  76. April 13, 2010 5:25 pm

    this post is foodgasm-inducing. yep. i said it.

  77. Sarah permalink
    April 13, 2010 5:43 pm

    Thanks for posting this book review. I think it’ll be next on my list!

    Currently, I’m reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult. Excellent, so far.
    I finished Nineteen Minutes by her last week. Such an emotional read. Highly recommended!

    Favorite veg protein? Probably beans. They’re so versatile and easy to make!

  78. April 13, 2010 5:54 pm

    that grilled cheese sammie is quite possible the 8th wonder of the world. Cheese, peanut butter.. oh my god. I have no words. Nope, not one. Bookmarking this page like 88980 times.


  79. April 13, 2010 7:07 pm

    I didn’t even know she came out with a book—I will have to see if the library has it! I’m the opposite of you though, I ride the bus to work so I fly through mags and books and am always looking for something new to read.

    Umm, I think I want to make your egg white wrap the background on my computer. It looks delicious!!

  80. April 13, 2010 7:29 pm

    That book sounds interesting.

    I make something similar to a Frosty too. I use basically the same ingredients as yours plus a bit of frozen banana and cottage cheese.

  81. April 13, 2010 7:57 pm

    I’m reading eat pray love!!! Lovesss it!
    Holy yum I must give that grilled cheese a try ;)

  82. April 14, 2010 6:41 am

    That books sounds good! It reminds me a bit of Jillian Michael’s Master Your Metabolism. Jillian also talks a lot about hormones, thyroid, adrenal glands, and organs for fat burning. Hope you’re enjoying it!
    Your meals look delicious!
    Right now I am reading The Pillars of the Earth. It is incredibly long, and I have no time to read, so its taking me forever to get through it. But I love it and its a really good book! I recommend it if you have time to get through a zillion pages.

  83. mom permalink
    April 14, 2010 4:01 pm

    I WANT this book…….there you have it!! xoxoxo

  84. April 14, 2010 7:33 pm

    that wrap looks insanely good. i’m inspired.

    grilled cheese: sourdough bread, sharp cheddar and mozzarella, feta, spinach, and prosciutto.

  85. April 29, 2010 7:09 am


  86. Brittany permalink
    May 7, 2010 8:26 pm

    Your breakfast looks delicious and it’s quite low in calories! What quantity of egg beaters did you use for your morning scramble?

  87. June 22, 2010 1:15 pm

    AW yea girl that sandwich looks so bomb :D I’ve spotted that book recently and thought it looked really interesting! I really liked her Bravo show, and she seems like a really straight-forward, no BS type of person, which i love!
    I also love that I can come back and read your blog after 3 months and fully expect and fondly remember your monday morning office bfast at the pancake house…YAY for consistency!! :D haha love it, xo!!

  88. July 1, 2010 1:27 pm

    I love how the most yummy item I see is the high calorie grilled cheese – I agree with the diagonal cut, makes all the difference! I’m SO trying the choc frosty look-a-like!

  89. Brittany permalink
    July 3, 2010 8:01 pm

    Mmm… the faux frosty looks so good! I’ve tried making protein ice cream many times, but I’m never able to make it like real “ice cream”. It always turns out gelatinous and in blobs. I use a magic bullet. I was wondering how you make yours like soft serve ice cream?


  1. wanna see my moves? « meals & moves
  2. earthquakes, snow and stress « munches & crunches
  3. hmm. « meals & moves
  4. flashback friday: what a difference a year can make. « meals & moves
  5. check in time. « meals & moves
  6. a little r & r. « meals & moves
  7. protein powder and prom « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  8. something fishy « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  9. moo. « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  10. Rethinking « Peanut Butter Fingers
  11. I like big books and I cannot lie « Simply Shaka
  12. Peanut Butter and Jenny
  13. Adventures with Muffins « The Process of Healing
  14. Today I… + EcoEd Thursdays « Om Sweet Om
  15. Call Number Two « Run Sarah
  16. straight cheesin’ « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  17. Teens Eat
  18. Freshies!! « Veggie Monster
  19. Words of Wisdom « Veggie Monster
  20. feeling saucy « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  21. Hair: Detangled « Sunshine 'n Spice
  22. Yep, it’s a fact. « Sunshine 'n Spice
  23. Shoulda Coulda Woulda | The Broccoli Hut
  24. Time Flies « Finding Happiness and Health
  25. flashback friday: top ten. « meals & moves
  26. no added sugar: one week later. « meals & moves

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