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power hour.

March 29, 2010

well, i am officially NOT going to forget to click “save draft” periodically as i type this post, after last night’s debacle!  unfortunately, windows live writer does not autosave anything, so if your laptop decides to have a mind of its own and bite the dust while publishing.. well.. you’re just shit out of luck.

*clicks save draft*

wouldn’t want to lose that valuable opening paragraph i just put so much thought into ;)

two posts in a day?! yes, that’s right. i was going to take the night off but then i realized it would just start a snowball effect and i would never catch up.. and, quite frankly, i have a lot of rad stuff to show you and to talk about. so how about i stop the rambling and start the meals & moves details!

first of all i would like to point out from friday’s post some of the comments that came in regarding ridiculously stupid slogans:

  • “beef: it’s what’s for dinner!” (no. it isn’t. actually, chicken is, thanks.)
  • “make 7 UP yours.” (if this is your pathetic way to tell me to buy your product, it is not working.)
  • “It’s not easy…being cheeezy. AIAIAIAIAI!” (in the words of mama pea.. what does that even MEAN?!? i wonder the same thing!)
  • “it’s wayyy better than fast food, it’s wendy’s!” (wrong. it is fast food. and it is gross.)

hahah.. thanks for the additional laughs, everyone.

second of all i would like to say that a lot of you like food that comes on a stick.. check out the comments section of my last post for the juicy details.  i guess eating food off a stick is just more fun than with a fork?

*clicks save draft*


today was another monday! which meant another meal at the original pancake house. hey, new readers! i have to eat at the original pancake house every. monday. morning. for a sales meeting. it gets old.

meal 1: 1/2 of a GIANT egg white omelette + small side of fruit @ 8:30 AM


approximately 300 calories, 6g fat, 28g carbs, 19g protein


i decided to bed different today and get an omelette instead of a scramble. holy balls! this thing was giant! it was like a fluffy pillow and i declared to my co-workers that i would rather take a nap on the omelette instead of eat it.


i ended up digging in and dominating one half of the monstrosity. there was just no defeating the whole thing.


i had my carb AKA my sweet part of breakfast AKA “breakfast dessert” in the form of fresh fruit. the fruit is tasting better these days.. summer is getting clooooser :)


i also downed about 8 cups of coffee. ok, i am lying. i probably only had five. i was so tired.. not much sleep was had last night. i laid awake while images of sugar plum fairies wedding details danced in my head.

meal 2: pulled BBQ chicken salad @ 12:00 PM


approximately 250 calories, 1g fat, 15g carbs, 30g protein


yum. i LOVE this slow cooker pulled chicken (holler to my foodie twin jules who also had pulled chicken yesterday! can i call you jules, julie? well i did. so there)  i told my mom to make a super big batch of the chicken so i could take home mass amounts of leftovers.  it is super tender and flavorful. and healthy.. bonus!


i put the chicken atop a bed of green salad (also leftover from yesterday’s dinner.. thanks again momma b) and then for the “ranch” dressing, i simply mixed 2 TB of oikos 0% greek yogurt with a bit of hidden valley ranch seasoning mix and some water to make it “dressing” consistency. you would never know that it was not made the conventional way (which is with milk and mayo.. AKA fat and calorie city). 


i topped it all of with a squirt of honey dijon mustard.  this lunch was epic. yes, clay, i use the word “epic” on the regular.

*clicks save draft*

i worked a bit late today but i got a LOT done. about an hour before leaving the office, i grabbed a snack because my stomach told me to.

i love doing body for life, because my body learns to eat every 3 to 4 hours. it is like clockwork. whenever i start to get hungry, i look at the time and realize that it just so happens to be time to eat! thanks, body, you are smart.


meal 3: iced protein mocha + openfaced PBJ @ 3:00 PM


240 calories, 6g fat, 18g carbs, 31g protein

you guys, i told you i was tired today. more coffee? sure! sign me up! 


for the mocha, i mixed 1 scoop of EAS chocolate protein powder with about a cup of cold black coffee and some ice. thanks to the magic bullet, this cold, frothy drink could not have been easier to make.


i think i was having withdrawals from my sunflower market cracked wheat bread.. so i just had to have some today. i topped a slice with 1/2 TB of mighty maple and 1/2 TB of sugar free raspberry smuckers.

now every time i eat smuckers, i am going to think about their ridiculously stupid slogans. thanks, food network humor blog.

after work i went home and debated what i wanted to do for my workout today. according to my body for life plan, it was a high intensity interval training day (HIIT). i had also missed my upper body workout yesterday.  i am not one to typically play make up when it comes to workouts, but i was really feeling like pumping iron today. is that weird? ha.

i gave the insanity DVDs a rest today and hit up the gym.  i am not doing the official 60 day insanity program. i am just using the DVDs to supplement as workouts to keep life interesting. if you are curious about knowing how an official 60 day run of insanity is, you can follow therese’s blog~ that is what she is up to right now!


i decided to start things off with my scheduled HIIT on the elliptical:

minute # resistance level speed range (MPH)
0-2 6 8.0-9.0
2-3 7 7.0-8.0
3-4 8 8.0-9.0
4-5 9 9.0-10.0
5-6 10 10.0-11.0
6-7 7 7.0-8.0
7-8 8 8.0-9.0
8-9 9 9.0-10.0
9-10 10 10.0-11.0
10-11 7 7.0-8.0
11-12 8 8.0-9.0
12-13 9 9.0-10.0
13-14 10 10.0-11.0
14-15 7 7.0-8.0
15-16 8 8.0-9.0
16-17 9 9.0-10.0
17-18 10 10.0-11.0
18-19 11 balls to the wall. as fast as i could go.
19-20 6 6.0-7.0

whew! great HIIT workout. ended up going 3 miles in the 20 minutes.

after this session i decided to do my upper body workout that i missed over the weekend. i was just feeling it so i went with it.  i want to make it clear that i did NOT make up the workout because i was feeling “bad” or “guilty” for missing the workout. i think that is just ridiculous and you should never feel bad about missing a workout~ especially not when life (read: snowboarding) gets in the way. i hope you have this same attitude toward missing workouts.. and if you don’t, please try to adopt this attitude :)

here is how my upper body workout session went down:


move reps weight
wide grip lat pulldown 12 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
seated cable rows 12 @ 50#

*i did 50 stability ball crunches between the first four sets for a total of 4 sets of ball crunches (200 reps total).


move reps weight
dumbbell chest press
(flat bench)
12 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
15# each
20# each
22.5# each
25# each
20# each
dumbbell flyes 12 @ 12.5# each

*i did 15 bench pike crunches between the first four sets for a total of 4 sets of crunches (60 reps total).


move reps weight
straight bar pushdowns 12 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
overhead cable extension 12 @ 50#

*i did 15 seconds of butt kicks and 15 seconds of high knees between the first four sets for a total of 2 minutes of plyometrics.


move reps weight
cable curls 12 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
dumbbell hammer curls 12 @ 10# each

*i did 15 seconds of butt kicks and 15 seconds of high knees between the first four sets for a total of 2 minutes of plyometrics.


move reps weight
seated dumbbell shoulder press w/ twist 12 @
8 @
6 @
12 @
8# each
10# each
12# each
15# each
10# each
upright barbell row 12 @ 30#


i finished this workout (including the HIIT) in 57 minutes and so to finish off the hour i did this small shoulder sequence:

move reps weight
side dumbbell raises 6 @ 5# each for a total of three sets
front dumbbell raises 6 @ 5# each for a total of three sets


THE END! whew!! and that, friends, was my power hour! when you read the title did you think i was referring to the drinking game? for those of you who don’t know.. “power hour” is where you drink a shot glass full (1 ounce) of beer each minute for an hour.. which works out to be 60 oz of beer in an hour, or five beers.  we used to have a CD that would change tracks every 60 seconds (this was pre-ipod days!) so we knew when to drink another ounce of beer. basically.. you were lucky to survive the hour. sorry mom.. i love you. i am happy to say that the only power hour i participate in these days is at the gym :)


i came home and needed FUEL!

lucky for me, nature’s hollow all natural foods sent me an amazing package of goods to try!


look! all natural sugar free heaven! we’ve got maple syrup, ketchup, two flavors of preserves and a HONEY BEAR!


who doesn’t love food that comes in a bottle that is in the shape of a bear???

a little bit about nature’s hollow:

  • they are local! for me :) they are located in heber valley, utah and i was thrilled to find this out. supporting local businesses is really important to me, as i work for a local manufacturer myself and my paycheck relies on the public choosing to buy locally. thumbs up.
  • they use xylitol. they make sugar free jam, sugar free syrup, sugar free low carb tomato homemade ketchup, and a sugar free honey product. they use a great tasting and good for you sweetener called xylitol. this natural sweetener has no after taste like artificial sweeteners. to read more about xylitol, click here.
  • they care. nature’s hollow is family owned and operated, their products are handmade and packaged weekly to ensure complete satisfaction.

awesome, right?

i decided to use two of the five products in my dinner tonight.  check it out:

meal 4: flax coated chicken fingers + cheeeetahs with TWO nature’s hollow dipping sauces @ 7:30 PM


for the chicken, i simply coated it in nothing but organic cold milled ground flax! so easy.


and for the sweet potatoes, i just sliced them into half moons, sprayed them with pam and sprinkled them with salt.

pre bake:


i baked them for about 30 minutes at 425 degrees [f] and flipped the potatoes halfway through the baking process.

now, for the fun part.. the dippage!


nature’s hollow ketchup.

IMG_8790IMG_8789 IMG_8792IMG_8791 

see that? 0 calories. see what else it says? xylitol has a low glycemic index, has fewer calories AND is good for your teeth!

nature’s hollow honey (plus french’s mustard). 


label says “honey substitute”.. but flavor says ”honey”. paired with french’s yellow mustard~ this was a dynamite dipping sauce.


crap! *clicks save draft*

i couldn’t have asked for a tastier dinner!


approximately 300 calories, 4g fat, 40g carbs, 30g protein

i am sure you guys are wondering about how the nature’s hollow products tasted.  well, sugar free lovers and haters alike.. look no further. these products are amazing. they do NOT have that funky “sugar free” taste or after taste. they are all natural. they have amazing nutrition statistics. what more could you ask for?

i am excited to try out the fruit preserves and the syrup! i will let you guys know how it is.

special thank you to nature’s hollow for sending me their goods (free of charge) and letting me sample their fabulous products for review. they get the meals & moves seal of approval!

to snag some nature’s hollow sugar free items of your own, check out their online store.

*note: nature’s hollow didn’t ask me or pay me to say any of the above ramblings. this is 100% janetha b. i am in love with their stuff!

okay.. so.. that is that! i will probably be having a banana nut bread protein cake for meal 5.. who am i kidding? i will most definitely be having one. i haven’t had one since thursday. what the?

i am also going to finalize the wedding invitation which includes some houndstooth :) exciting!!

and ummm what else am i going to do? read blogs, probably. sorry i have been MIA from comment land lately. life got in the way. i will be around soon enough :)



1. what were (are?) some of your favorite drinking games? F the dealer, king’s cup and high/low/smoke/fire.

2. do you ever “make up” a missed workout? do you just forget about it and let it slide? what are your general feelings on missing workouts and/or making up missed workouts? i voiced my opinion up there, but i would love to hear your two cents. discuss!

xo. janetha b.

*clicks publish*

66 Comments leave one →
  1. March 29, 2010 8:03 pm

    I love kings! So much funnn!

  2. March 29, 2010 8:08 pm

    Your dinner looks fab! Chicken and fries done healthy, yum. Those sauces sound awesome too. I like the drinking board game Pass Out :)

  3. From Party To Hearty permalink
    March 29, 2010 8:19 pm

    Haha that omelette does look like a pillow! I never make dressings out of greek yogurt but I see it all the time. Hmm… I was boss at Quarters, beer pong, and my all time favorite drinking game or just a way to get absolutely demolished has to be the funnel circle. My friends and I also made a monster funnel that had about 10 tubes that went down his garage!
    As for workouts, I always go in the morning and if I do miss it, I go at night. That way I never miss em.

  4. Nicole G permalink
    March 29, 2010 8:34 pm

    When I’m with a big group of people kings is fun, but I can’t lie beer pong and flip cup are where its at =)

    Have fun with the wedding invitations!
    Nicole G

  5. March 29, 2010 8:45 pm

    Beer pong! Flippy cup!

    Card games are too hard to remember while drinking.

    Oh and cornhole is a fun booze in hand game.

  6. March 29, 2010 9:02 pm

    I love King’s Cup too! My boyfriend’s fave drinking game is called “shut up and drink your beer.” Clearly he is not a fan of drinking games…
    I love reading about your HIIT workouts! You inspired me to to make up my own at the gym today!

  7. March 29, 2010 9:24 pm

    Oh, thank you for reminding me of the protein iced mocha! I usually have a cup of coffee midday anyway, and I can totally beef it (uh, soy/rice protein it?) up.

    I’m going to save this comment before it gets erased.

    Your HIIT: twice as fast as mine. Your 8 is my 10. Do you ever repeat the number to yourself for the whole sixty seconds while you are running? “Seven! Seven! Seven!” Please tell me you’ve seen that Friends episode.

    Have a great Tuesday, J-Money!

  8. snackface permalink
    March 29, 2010 9:27 pm

    I am super anxious about this mail. Like, super.

    Anyway, I would absolutely pass out if wordpress ate one of my posts. Maybe this is why I haven’t messed with live writer? Maybe I’m just old fashioned. Or lazy.

    I am not into drinking games. I want to enjoy my Leinenkugel, thank you very much. But, if I had to play, it’d be flip cup. Also, Muff and I have a game called “1,2,3, chug!” You chug on chug. That’s it.

    I don’t get too worried about missing a workout. It used to stress me out beyond belief, but I know my body isn’t going to change from missing one workout.

    I’ll be watching the mail like a hawk.

    Love youuuuu!! xoxoxo

  9. March 29, 2010 10:25 pm

    “i would rather take a nap on the omelette instead of eat it.” This is why I love you! Ha!!!!!

    When I miss a workout I unapologetically miss a workout. If that workout turns into 2-3 or even 4 workouts then something needs to be addressed unless of course I’m sick.

  10. March 29, 2010 10:37 pm

    I don’t think I ever played real drinking games, but we once turned Jenga into a drinking game by writing funny things to do, and instructions to drink more on the pieces. Good times. Ha!

    I’ve usually always made up my workouts. It started during BFL because I wanted to stay on track, but I still do it.

  11. March 29, 2010 11:57 pm

    Those products sound fab, I use xylitol its the only sugar I can have on my new eating plan. I made a carrot and walnut cake with it yesterday and it tastes delish! x x

  12. March 30, 2010 1:13 am

    so sorry bout the post being munched and you and i type out epic bibles..girl, i feel your pain!

    do i skip workouts and try to make them up? 5 yr ago? yes. now..hell no :)

  13. March 30, 2010 1:50 am

    Oh god, drinking games. They’re evil! ;)

    I usually don’t make up for missed work-outs but sometimes I do longers runs instead of shorter ones if I’ve missed one.

  14. March 30, 2010 3:08 am

    chicken fingers and cheetahs?? yummy!! i want to see wedding invitations! have you got you dress yet?! xxxxxxx

  15. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    March 30, 2010 3:35 am

    that omelet looks amazing??? how did they make it sooo puffy? would you ask the chef next time? ;)
    skip workout? I can’t even remember when was the last time I workout :( when deadline calls, he’s the boss! :)

  16. March 30, 2010 3:45 am

    Oh gosh, I loved beer pong…I feel so old now…haha. I never ‘make up’ workouts, just pick up where I left off. :)

  17. March 30, 2010 3:55 am

    KINGS- Best drinking game ever! I was never very good at Beer Pong or flip cup or drinking games that involved physical skill but give me a game with rules and alcohol and suddenly I become a sheer genius!

    I tend to steer clear of SF products. I use to use them all the time but now I just kind of associate them with my disordered obsessive eating days, so I only use them sparingly. I do like the reduced sugar ketchup though because too much sugar in ketchup is just gross! :)

    So happy you posted twice today. Missed you!! :)

  18. March 30, 2010 4:54 am

    I have been looking everywhere for a good ketchup and a good bbq sauce! Just ordered one of each and will be passing their website on to my health food store and favorite grocery store.

  19. March 30, 2010 5:18 am

    I love the looks of those chicken fingers… and those dipping sauces! I love xylitol =D

    I love Kings, Tourette’s, and the occasional beer pong. Never played power hour!!

    If I miss a workout, I don’t stress too much. I used to stress big time- no good. So now I make a point to be more active the next day (walking more, etc) but not “make it up” with an extra workout!


  20. March 30, 2010 5:33 am

    Daaaang, that is definitely one mega pour hour at the gym. Love it! I have to admit, I really DO hop out of bed in the morning for my lifting days. They are so much more fun than cardio at the gym. I totally get how excited you can be for pumping some iron ;) And sweet jebus! That omelette is mighty! Also, 5 cups of coffee ain’t so bad. Those restaurant mugs are puny.

    1. This is kind of embarrassing, but my friends and I used to watch movies and take a shot whenever there was sexual innuendo. It was fun times construing every sentence to mean something else :P

    2. Nah. Life is too long to worry about missing one silly workout for one week. Especially when it comes to taking extra rest days, because my performance is always MUCH better after an extended rest, so it’s hard to feel guilty about!

  21. March 30, 2010 5:33 am

    I totally know what you mean about feeling the need to pump iron. I almost put off weights yesterday b/c I ran at lunch and had serious DOMS from previous workout. But I just sooo wanted to work biceps and triceps. It was an iron pumping kind of day. Your workout sounds great! Way to go. And score on those product. There were 2 drinking games in particular that I recall (sort of): Circle of Death (card game) and Thumpers (just loud and obnoxious).

  22. March 30, 2010 5:53 am

    I get such s*** from my friends for “power hour”-ing by taking a sip every minute, instead of a shot. I have to remind them that five beers in an hour and they’d be carrying me to bed. I just posted about The Departed drinking game…you drink every time they say the F-word, and finish your drink when someone dies. We don’t usually make it past the first death.

    Hope you have a great day!!

  23. March 30, 2010 6:05 am

    haha I am sooo paranoid about losing things on the computer, I hit the save button even when I’m typing papers! Better compulsively paranoid than sorry??

    1. f the dealer!! captain d***head, flip cup (even though I’m terrible at it) haha

    2. I’m realllllly trying to adjust my mindset on missing workouts. The smart, rational part of me knows that missing one workout in the scheme of a week has zero effect on my fitness level, weight, whatever..but the ED-recovering part of me still clings to that routine. It’s a fine balance I’m trying to strike, and I guess I would say that right now, I do try to make up missed workouts, but I’m slowly and surely becoming more lenient about it. And of course I think that reasons for missing a workout are important too. On vacation or sick? Not as important to make that up I don’t think.

  24. March 30, 2010 6:13 am

    hehehe. your “clicks save draft” totally cracked me up.

    Nature’s Hollow sounds awesome. There are so many great companies in Utah. Makes me miss it a little. And YES – CREAMIES! so glad you emailed that to me last night. :)

    I don’t try to make up workouts, but I used to for sure…now I can rarely miss workouts anyway since I teach at the gym. Gotsta be there!

  25. spindiva24 permalink
    March 30, 2010 6:25 am

    I was too chicken to play drinking games, and still am!

    I don’t make up workouts-pffft!! If I miss, I miss, and I get back to it!

  26. March 30, 2010 6:43 am

    Girl you are a rockstar! HIIT + that killer weights sesh is supah impressive. I feel ya…when you have the energy you just gotta rock it :)

    I must have that “honey substitute” for the mere fact that I would love any condiment that came out of a cute bear shaped bottle.

    Ok my favorite drinking game has to be what we call “Viking Lord.” Apparantly it was made popular by my husband and a bunch of other meathead/football playing Delta Tau’s of Brown University. It involves a challice (big beer mug) a Viking hat and a bunch of other silly rules I can’t begin to explain. Yea…this from a bunch of Ivy Leaguers…

  27. March 30, 2010 6:49 am

    I don’t like missing workouts but life happens. I don’t obsess with making them up either. I either do what I would usually don on the following day or do the workout that I missed. Depends on what sounds more appealing.

    Speaking of workouts, yours looked fab! ;)

  28. Susan permalink
    March 30, 2010 7:08 am

    Haha that omelette is HUGE! You could use it as a pillow and take a nap on it. Wow, I’m gross. But it looks delicious!

    Lovin your dinner condiments. Homemade honey mustard > pre-made.

  29. coffeeismycarrot permalink
    March 30, 2010 7:21 am

    Pulled chicken is a staple in this house too. I can make a big batch in the crockpot with minimal effort and eat off it all week with lots of variations. Yum!

  30. March 30, 2010 7:29 am

    ohh yeah I sometimes mentally try to make up for a workout so I work TWICE as hard nad long which in the long run doesnt help me at all because I end up just getting myself really sore, so its hard to push it the next day. I do need to work on that more!

    LOVE the fluffy eggwhite omelet! I wish they filled me up more, I would eat them for breakfast all the time! for some reason, eggs don’t really do anything to curb my hunger but I do love them!

    awesome workout, I may steal it if you don’t mind of course :)

    umm i tried to look for the heinz SF ketchup and couldnt find it anywhere?! is it coveted or only sold in utah?? help me outttttt i want it!!

    love all the free goodies you got, they look kick as* and delicious!

    fav drinking game is the classic beer pong, im just so darn good! ( by that I mean i stink, but its so fun!)

  31. March 30, 2010 7:29 am

    Power hour! Kings! Beruit! Quarters!

    But yes, the only power hour I do now is at the gym ;-)

  32. Jennifer permalink
    March 30, 2010 7:42 am

    I can’t remember how I stumbled across your blog, but I am glad I did! I have been lurking for a few months now and I want to tell you what a big help it’s been to me. I love the fact that you always post your “moves” and even include reps and links as examples – that has helped me out tremendously (I am new to BFL and weight lifting in general). I also enjoy reading about your meals – you always give me new ideas to try and they’re fantastic.
    Oh and congrats on your engagement – I wish you and Marshall a lifetime of happiness and good fortune! Thanks for being a big help in my weightloss and now my new weight lifting journey. You’re a doll :)

    – Jennifer G. from Chicago, IL

  33. March 30, 2010 7:45 am

    Ahh Power Hour, we used to play that a lot. F The dealer, connections, circle of death…the list goes on and on!

    I don’t make up workouts the end it doesnt make much a difference unless you start missing weeks at a time!

  34. March 30, 2010 7:51 am

    I have never heard of the Power Hour game. I don’t remember the name of the one we used to play a lot. I just remember it having something called “the waterfall” where you would have to chug and couldn’t stop until the person on your left did. That was tough!!!

    I definitely don’t fret missed workouts. The reasons I miss are always good ones – listening to my body (even if its just listening to it being lazy) or taking time for other important things so there is no need for guilt. Plus it all evens out since there will be days, like you, that I naturally have more energy to do a longer or harder workout.

    Score on the SF goodies!

  35. March 30, 2010 8:15 am

    Every Monday morning I think about your business meeting when I eat breakfast and wish I was at a diner having eggs. Despite the fact that by your clock, it’s probably about 11pm Sunday night…and no, I’m not kidding. Lol. Every week, without fail.

    You are my crunches-twin. I do 200 on the balance ball too- I love them! I think they are my favourite exercise. Oh, and now that I know what HIIT is, I love the elliptical :D Have you ever used the cardio wave machine? I don’t know the real name for it (might be cardio wave) but it’s kind of like ice skating. So fun (HARD, but fun).

    “i want to make it clear that i did NOT make up the workout because i was feeling “bad” or “guilty” for missing the workout. i think that is just ridiculous and you should never feel bad about missing a workout~ especially not when life (read: snowboarding) gets in the way. i hope you have this same attitude toward missing workouts.. and if you don’t, please try to adopt this attitude :)” <- reason #48567566 why I love you

  36. March 30, 2010 8:26 am

    I have to remember to click save draft all the time too because my computer likes to just turn off all the time. *Needs new computer*

  37. March 30, 2010 8:31 am

    Oh power hour…usually my game is more of a power 20 minutes (two beer queer right here).

  38. March 30, 2010 8:34 am

    HEY gorgeous chica!! mmmm how do you make diner breakfasts look so YUMMAY! LOVIN’ the eggwhite omleeee! I soooo miss the drinking games of college! FLIP-CUP! and F-the-Dealer were my two fav’s…but the classic WATERFALL, never let me down! ;) I never have had a tolerance so I was always the first one OUT/on the FLOOR!…(my poor college bf!) ;) hehe!!
    And making up missed workouts…I don’t ever think about making them up, but when I take a day off from working out, I usually have A TON of energy and go ALL out!…so I’m probably making up for the day off…good question! (i have to do more thinking about it!)
    i hope you are off to an awesome tuesday loveeeee!!!

  39. March 30, 2010 8:37 am

    i love your dipping plate! healthy chicken fingers and fries…looks better than the “real” deal!!

  40. lowandbhold permalink
    March 30, 2010 8:55 am

    Your power hour made me tired just reading. No lie. Love all the SF goodies. Yum!

    1. I was never a big drinking game kind of gal. But I made up a game called Red Shot Green Shot once. It was a bad idea. I was also known to play beer pong, just really badly.
    2. It depends on the workout. If I’m training for a race I generally try to make them up,unless I get too behind and have to adjust. With other workouts I tend to me more relaxed.

    I loved all your draft saves. Stupid WLW.

  41. March 30, 2010 9:46 am

    Whoa baby- that is one giant egg white omelet but it looks tasty to me :) You know I love breakfast/brunch out! And if you’re ever in my area- we’re going out for parfaits :) What a fun package- the honey bear is so so cute! I had cheetahs for dinner last night too…now I just want them again!

    1. Kings!
    2. I usually just keep moving on. Occasionally I may add in a short extra run before a weight training class if I missed a cardio day.

    Have a good one

  42. Mary permalink
    March 30, 2010 9:49 am

    Was wondering… Is there a weird ‘sugar free’ after taste to any of those product ? Very curious!!

    PS Your chicken fingers look deish :D

    I never make up a work out. If I have to miss, I just pick up where I left off. I try not to stress out too much about missing. I mean, the gym/ bike ride/ run will always ‘be there tomorrow’.

    -Mary @ What’s Cookin’ with Mary :)

  43. March 30, 2010 10:01 am

    I’m in love with the elephant hoodie you’re wearing in the happy honey picture. I lurve me some elephants :)
    Happy Tuesday :)

  44. March 30, 2010 10:03 am

    Your workouts are killer, want to move here and drag me to the gym with you?? I haven’t worked out since Thursday – I suck. :(

    Love free products! Esp ones that are tasty.

    *clicks submit comment*

  45. March 30, 2010 11:06 am

    I usually only miss workouts if I am sick and then I just let them slide and don’t make them up. I make working out a priority (sometimes too much of one) and I never miss. Is that bad?!

  46. March 30, 2010 11:15 am

    I don’t need games to get drunk ;)

    The maple syrup sounds yummy!

  47. March 30, 2010 11:20 am

    holy huge omelet! I give you props for finishing half! haha
    My favorite drinking game was probably flippy cup. I used to love that game! I haven’t played in forever, but I’m not saying I wouldn’t again ;)
    I do sometimes makeup missed weight workouts. Cardio notsomuch, but it might be the type A in me, but I don’t like feeling imbalanced. If I miss an upper body day, I’ll either do a full body or upper body during my next lower body day. Not out of guilt, though..
    Have a fab one!

  48. peanutbutterfingers permalink
    March 30, 2010 11:47 am

    circle of death was my fav drinking game… and then there was this safari animal drinking game. so complicated, but so fun!

  49. March 30, 2010 11:53 am

    Flip cup was one of my favorites. But I hate beer and always have, so my drinking-game options were limited in college. Oh drinking Jenga is really fun too :-)

    I do try to make up missed workouts. I don’t think I feel too guilty about missing them, but I do a little. More so because I am anal with my scheduling so I feel like if I miss a day, everything else is thrown off. I know that’s dumb though and I’m really trying to look more at my workouts over the course of a week (obsessed with Google calendar!) rather than one day. And even if I don’t work out that much in any one week, whatever! Life’s too short, like you said.

  50. March 30, 2010 12:07 pm

    Isn’t Nature’s Hollow rockin’?! I abs. love them too. CRAP. I never thought to make honey mustard with the honey! And I’m all out :( Guess I’ll have to get some more! I’m loving the hughjass eggwhite omelette! haha.

  51. March 30, 2010 12:12 pm

    i feel ya on the coffee. ugh, i’ve needed that + diet coke in mass quantities. not good, but defo needed. feel ya about life – but life is for living, so it is ALL good!

  52. Sweet and Fit permalink
    March 30, 2010 1:00 pm

    love that huuuuuge egg white fluffy, i could take a nap on that =)

    1. beer pong count?

    2. i’m not that organized in working out….yet, one day, one day

  53. March 30, 2010 1:19 pm

    ok so since your post about % I have been trying to get to 40 40 20…seriously I can’t! I have totally up’ed my protein from all great sources but I still come out about 50% carbs, 27 protein and 23 fat. This might be ok since I’m running so much, but seriously i can’t hit the other percentages!

    I gave up sodas and never started on coffe, so now when I have caffeine it is this crazy awesome boost of energry and I use it right before my long runs!

  54. March 30, 2010 1:26 pm

    I always want to say a thousand things after I read your posts but then I forget them by the time I get to comment – I think I did want to mention that I lvoe chicken though! and honey bears!

  55. March 30, 2010 3:23 pm

    Janetha can i be your food twin too if I made BBQ pulled chicken in my slow cooker on Friday night?!??!FOR REAL!! I used a recipe from Eating Well and the dinner rocked my pants off!!! No need for jarred BBQ sauce any more!! woohoo!!!

    I used to be SO anal when I missed workouts while i was on a “plan”, but now I have enough rest days so I can either make up for them then, or just make another day a longer workout. Being anal and obsessive ain’t healthy and it makes working out NO FUN, so if it slides sometimes, it slides! :) No biggie!!

  56. March 30, 2010 3:43 pm

    Mmm pulled chicken is my FAVE.
    1. LOVE F the dealer!! And up the river, down the river? That’s what I’ve called it, but I think people call it different things. And also Turrets. SO fun and absolutely hilarious.

    2. I used to make up missed workouts. If I couldn’t run for a day or 2, I’d run extra long the other days. But that’s what leads to injury and now I know not to do that!

    Oh and PS: I wanted to let you know I finally remembered to check the bottle of that raspberry dressing, and no HFCS!! Maybe they took it out of the recipe? I was super excited :-)

  57. March 30, 2010 4:00 pm

    Mmmm flax coated chicken fingers? Wonder if I could make that with tofu…
    I was always a fan of Flip Cup:)

  58. March 30, 2010 4:05 pm

    That omelette is out of control! But you dominated so don’t worry…haha.
    Also, your shredded chicken has made me so hungry I have to go and cook dinner…right….now! Much love chickadee x

  59. March 30, 2010 5:31 pm

    Those flax tenders are such a good idea! Adding another item to my ‘to make’ list.

  60. March 30, 2010 5:49 pm

    I love your honey bear enthusiasm!! And holy dips Batman, very cool. A meal without something to dip it in isn’t a meal in my eyes :)

    And flax coated chicken is such a fab idea-will have to try!!

  61. March 30, 2010 7:13 pm

    that is one BIG ass omelet. i finished one like that one night after the bar. haha.

    janetha, are you leaving me and our beloved heinz reduced sugar ketchup now? lol. jk. i wish i could get some of that swag too. i’m all for the natural sweetener! and dang, that dinner looks amazing. we all love sweet taters!

  62. mom permalink
    March 30, 2010 7:15 pm

    Thank you so much for the apology :) Also I AM so PROUD that your hour is spent at the gym, so much more healthy for you! I’ve never even heard of those drinking games, I grew up in the dark I guess haha. Your chicken fingers and spuds looked so yummy……

    I sometimes really feel like doing a cardio along with a weight day too, not out of guilt or missing a work out just totally because I want to – it’s good to be in charge!! xoxoxo

  63. March 30, 2010 7:27 pm

    I never even thought of doing chicken like that. What a great idea! I can’t wait to try it!

  64. March 30, 2010 8:39 pm

    That pulled pork makes me drool…make me some and send it to CO? Pretty please??


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  2. flashback friday: EASTER! « meals & moves

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