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smoothie ‘stache.

January 23, 2010


thanks for all of your suggestions and input on brands & flavors of protein powder.. i think i really want to get some BSN cinnamon roll!  there were also a lot of good suggestions as far as chocolate flavors go~ if you are in the market for protein powder then you should check out all the great suggestions in the comments section.



last night i never had an actual legit dinner.. i snacked on this and that.  this being 100 calorie kettle corn and that being emily’s addicting dried fruit trail mix.. i did manage to get some protein in my life with this..

1 cup egg beaters + 1 wedge laughing cow + TJ’s pineapple salsa


and with this..



today i woke up bright and early!  7:45 ON A SATURDAY? what has come over me?! that is not normal, folks. not one bit.  i went with it and got to work on some blog business.  i began matching people up for my secret bloggie valentine and enjoyed some french pressed coffee~




breakfast was something new.  since i am off limits from buying cereal until after jamaica, i decided to put some cooked oats into my greek yogurt mess!


this had: 1 cup 0% oikos, 1/4 cup cooked oats, 3 strawberries, handful of blueberries & a squirt of agave..


yum! i loved the chewy oats mixed with the yogurt and berries.  it was no shredded spoonfuls but it was still delicious.  i know you like the all mixed up photos…


this made for a lovely morning. yogurt, oats, berries, coffee, blogs.. YES.


anyone know who’s blog i was reading?


although i had originally planned to take today off and exercise tomorrow, i was feeling full of energy and decided to go ahead and go to the gym today so i could take tomorrow off instead.  i jotted down a few moves and off to the gym i went!

i wanted to incorporate all of my muscles today since it was a total body workout day.  i knew i wanted to include some plyometrics in each block because that really keeps your heart rate up.  SO~ to plan each block, i picked an upper body move, a lower body move, a plyometric move and then another move~ either upper or lower body. here is how it went down:

  • 5 minutes on elliptical @ resistance 5 (.75 miles)

block #1: three times through


target area



dumbbell curl to overhead press biceps + shoulders 10# db in each hand 15
jump squats plyometric move body weight 15
single leg deadlifts hamstrings + lower back 10# db in each hand 15
weighted hyperextension w/ twist lower back + “love handles” 10# db 15


block #2: three times through


target area



single leg bench dips triceps + legs body weight 30 (15 each leg, consecutive)
side to side lunge & jumps plyometric move body weight 30 (15 each way, alternating)
barbell chest press chest 30# barbell 30
plie squat w/ calf raise quads + calves 25# dumbbell 30


block #3: three times through 


target area



single arm dumbbell rows middle back 15# dumbbell 15 each arm
burpees plyometric move body weight 15
lying butt bridge glutes body weight 30 (10 with left leg, 10 with right leg, 10 with both legs)
dumbbell pullover to crunch back + chest 15# dumbbell 15

burpees are HARD! they are a real challenge.  try them out if you are looking for something new.

block #4: three times through


target area



single leg press quads 80# 15 each leg
jumping jack w/ dumbbells plyometric move 5# dumbbell in each hand 15
straight bar cable pushdowns triceps 45# 15
v rope standing cable row back 45# 15


  • 1 mile run on treadmill (intervals) while watching the gym TVs.. which were set to the thigh glider infomercial which probably doesn’t work… and actually reminded me of a certain chair out of “burn after reading” which, coincidentally, i watched last night… hum.

the end! this workout took me an hour and five minutes, total.


after my workout i was really excited because i knew i was going to have this green gloriousness!~


in the mix:

  • 1.25 cups almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 3 cups spinach
  • sprinkle of xantham & guar gums
  • 1 scoop EAS 100% whey protein powder


it made SO much.  sometimes i wonder why i bother with a glass…


although drinking straight from the vitamix probably isn’t classy.. and i am ALL about the class. obviously:


milk mustaches don’t have a thang on my green smoothie ‘stache!

after downing this i was incredibly fulllll.  i went to a baby shower and nibbled on a few things just for the sake of being social~


i ate the chicken out of the pasta salad and actually those little pickled asparagus bits rolled in ham were pretty stellar.

i think my pseudo-niece was skeptical though..


later this afternoon the snack monster got to me but i didn’t want to over do it.. so i went with 100 calorie bag of kettle corn~


waaay more fun to eat when it is in a popcorn tub that i got for a buck at the dollar spot. thanks tarjey.

and a toasted sandwich thin + 2 tsp organic preserves~


marshall and i made a tarjey run and i got a little something special for the pups!


his and hers :) (no, not marshall + janetha.. penny + randy!)


the dogs were able to celebrate national peanut butter day a little early~ technically it is tomorrow, the 24th!

SO.. next up?  more food.

one of my girlfriend’s has a birthday tomorrow (happy birthday, summer!) so we all got together for dinner.  it was my free meal out so i wasn’t too worried about where she picked.. but it was one of the least healthy options on the  planet…


la puente.  which is a mexican spot here in the SLC and there is really just nothing “light” about it. 

marshall and i arrived before everyone else and took a moment to gaze into the beautiful sunset…

IMG_5586 IMG_5585

we nibbled on some chips & salsa. my trick was to chew gum while we waited so i didn’t go to town on the chips.  after i placed my order, i let myself have some.


i didn’t want to feel like garbage after eating (a common occurrence for most after eating at la puente!) so i went with the lightest possible thing on the menu~ a chicken quesadilla which, for some reason, came open-faced:


i was actually really surprised, the chicken had been boiled and was not greasy at all. the tortilla was sinfully delicious~ handmade tortillas are so chewy and yummy! i got a side of guac..


to be honest, i LOVE this restaurant.  their food is really tasty and i used to eat here at least once a week.  BUT~ when i eat clean 95% of the time, this food does not agree with my body and so i would rather not indulge in the deliciousness of a smothered chile verde burrito because i know i would be sorry about it later.  that is why i kept my dinner *as light* as possible.  it wasn’t the calories or the fat content that made me order light.  it was the thought of feeling slightly ill tomorrow. make sense? hope so.

after dinner, the birthday girl’s sister presented her with a plethora of mini bundt cakes!  they were from a bakery called nothing bundt cakes~ cute, huh?!


i had a couple tastes~ one bite of the carrot, one bite of the chocolate and one bite of the red velvet.


the girls had a photo op in front of the adobe village.



WELL! this has been long, hasn’t it? marshall and i are going to go to the gza with some friends now.  he is some dude from wu-tang clan, FYI.

i will be back tomorrow for some more weekend shenanigan recaps! hope your weekend is going swell! make sure you celebrate national peanut butter day tomorrow.


1. in honor of national peanut butter day~ what is your favorite way to eat your peanut butter? i like mine best on whole wheat toast along with my mom’s homemade raspberry jam. you cannot beat that! 

2. have you ever bought anything from an infomercial? what was it? the only thing i own that *has* an infomercial is my magic bullet, but it was not purchased from the infomercial directly. but come on.. some of you have to have a bump-it or a sham-wow, right??

xo. janetha b.

P.S. send me your smoothie ‘stache photos! i would love to do a compilation post of them!!


check ya later alligators.

74 Comments leave one →
  1. January 23, 2010 9:20 pm

    Rich food makes my stomach hurt too. Every time I get Indian food, I pay for it the next day. It tastes so good though.

    Do the Xanthan and Guar gums just make the smoothie thicker? What’s the difference between the two? I guess I could just look this up!

    I had one of those onion chopper things that had a bunch of infomericals in the late 90s. It sucked.

  2. *Andrea* permalink
    January 23, 2010 9:26 pm

    cute stache ;) you’re hilarious! cinnamon roll protein powder sounds delicious! i love cinnamon rolls.

    my favorite way to eat pb is plain on a spoon haha or in oats of course with bananas. surprisingly i’ve never bought anything from an infomercial! maybe some day… thanks again for putting together the bloggie secret valentine! so excited :-D

  3. January 23, 2010 9:26 pm

    You were totally reading HEAB! Love her blog! Thank you so much for doing the secret valentine! I’m super excited to get shopping. The green mustache is too funny. Kongs are the BEST dog toys- the only ones Frank can’t chew apart. Have a good rest of the weekend

  4. January 23, 2010 9:28 pm

    you are the prettiest. and the best dog mommy ever. love you too!

  5. traynharder23 permalink
    January 23, 2010 9:28 pm

    BURPEESSSSS i love the burpees. so far the most i can do in a row is 10. you do the pushup too right?!

    today i did 105. yesh. it was hard after double unders!

    pb: crunchy on a banana. no shit. it’s the best.

    hmm cinnamon roll protein powder might convince me to buy some! =D
    nope, haven’t bought antyhing from an infomercial…YET!

  6. January 23, 2010 9:31 pm

    I like BSN cinnamon roll, but like chocolate coconut better – it is so amazing! And my fave way to eat pb is on a banana. :)

  7. Leanne permalink
    January 23, 2010 9:36 pm

    I can’t get enough of natural crunch peanut butter and banana on whole wheat toast. It is generally my pre work out snack… it keeps me full and gives me enough energy to power through my work outs.

    I totally got a “slap chop” for Christmas this year!! Heck Ya! “You’re gonna love my nuts!” It works alright, but it kind of hurts your hand … you need to use some pipes to get it workin’ that’s for sure!

    Have a great rest of your weekend :)

  8. Christine permalink
    January 23, 2010 9:40 pm

    haha i love the smoothie ‘stache!

    1. my favorite way to eat peanut butter is on a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich! yummm (or just peanut butter and banana in general)

    2. i’ve always been tempted to buy a product from an infomercial, but never have.

    i see you’re not eating cereal until after jamaica, but what is your favorite cereal?

  9. January 23, 2010 9:42 pm

    BSN Cinn Roll is like the new cult fave. I wish i could do whey, i believe it is but need to google it again.

    TJs pinapple salsa. Yum. Probably not too much sodium which i hate, i need to check that too!

    And can I just thank you from the bottom of my heart for organizing this bloggie Secret Valentine, thing??!!!!! Girl, you have totally completely outdone yourself. I know as the organizer, you get very little back (other than lots of “panic” I have a question, I am confused, blah blah type of emails). So thank you. Thank you.

    And glad you noticed my post today about PB. Fave way to eat PB (this week) is in my Vegan no bake choc PB protein bars!


  10. January 23, 2010 9:45 pm

    Love the GM MUSTACHE, sexier than the milk mustaches!

  11. January 23, 2010 9:51 pm

    JANETHA! you=adorable. and i just like saying your name
    what a funnn girls night! love those!! that cheese looks awesome on the dilla..
    LOVE your body is great!
    just curious-how much protein do u usually eat in a day?
    have a great night lova!

  12. January 23, 2010 10:03 pm

    Oh man, I need to put pb in my dog’s kong…she will go nuts for that.

    1. I like pb in yogurt messes and also straight up with a spoon
    2. I bought a spaghetti cooker (it was just a plastic tube that you filled with pasta and hot water) from an infomericial…actually my roommate bought it for me in college – and it sucked.

  13. January 23, 2010 10:04 pm

    OMG I can’t believe you watched the Thigh Glider commercial! I was in the test group for that infomercial (remember on my blog, my bootcamp and diet?) we had to do that stupid thing for 20 min, 3x a week, in addition to 5 days a week bootcamp sessions for three months. So it works…uh if you also work out like a machine and live off protein powder, broccoli and cottage cheese! HA. I know all those girls they interviewed (the ones at the end, not that at the beginning). I either didn’t lose enough weight, or they knew I wouldn’t be able to talk about that thing without laughing, so they didn’t pick me to be on camera. I hadn’t seen the infomercial yet…TOO FUNNY!

  14. January 23, 2010 10:08 pm

    Yum. I am so hungry after reading this.

    I had a really similar smoothie this morning. I’ll have to attempt a mustach picture tomorrow. Haha.

  15. January 23, 2010 10:09 pm

    Loving the smoothie ‘stache…you can rock it :)

    I like my PB best on a spoon, straight from the jar. I don’t mess around. I used to beg my mom to buy stuff on informercials, but she never caved :(

  16. Errign permalink
    January 23, 2010 10:10 pm

    I have never given McKinley pb in his kong toy because I think he is just going to make a horrifying mess with it, so be honest – is it a pain in the @ss to clean up?

    I love peanut butter with raspberry jelly on oatmeal bread – yum! Never bought anything from an infomercial. Have wanted to though

  17. January 23, 2010 10:20 pm

    I love the ‘stache :-) My favourite way to eat peanut butter is in oatmeal or in a Green Monster!!

    Your food all looks SO good in this post!!

  18. January 23, 2010 10:41 pm

    GM stache! Aha. Weekend mornings with oats, coffee, blogs make me SO happy.

  19. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce permalink
    January 23, 2010 11:02 pm

    hahaha you rockin that stache! oh my dog is obsessed with his kong, nut butters for the pup too! i haven’t done plyo in forever, not since water polo! your workouts are always so inspiring :)

  20. January 23, 2010 11:41 pm

    lol – awesome stache!

  21. January 24, 2010 12:44 am

    I also knew it was HEABS blog – too funny!

    Yes, awesome work on the Valentine’s Day gifties, and I figure as long as I sending out one, I might as well sent out two ….

    You can also freeze the Kongs with PB in them – makes them last longer (TWSS).

    That’s why we have a ridiculous amount of nut butters in the fridge – dog butters (cheap) and human butters (not cheap).

    I gave myself a free day today even though I’m not even doing a program that allows free days – LOL.

  22. Alyson permalink
    January 24, 2010 12:48 am

    hehe love the stache pic! And great choice going with BSN Cinnamon Roll, it’s so good mixed plain with Yogurt, Cottage Cheese or Pumpkin and makes fantastic Pancakes. I’d have to say my favorite way to eat PB is mixed with Chocolate Chips & Oats :p.. yeah not the healthiest mix.

  23. January 24, 2010 2:46 am

    Great mustache!

    I absolutely love chobani..

    That mexican food looks to die for!

  24. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    January 24, 2010 4:46 am

    those green mustache pic is sooo fun! I don’t know how you do.. but mine always look weird!!! :(
    favorite way to eat pb= over toasted Tj’s English muffin.
    happy weekend sweeetie! ;)

  25. January 24, 2010 5:11 am

    That picture of you with the green stache is TOO CUTE!! It needs to be a logo or something. I don’t drink green smoothies though because my stomach can’t digest that much spinach at once. It’s weird, and not fun.

    Also, totally get you on the Mexican thing! To be honest, most of the foods I used to eat don’t even appeal to me anymore. I had no problem eating a plate of french fries for supper in the past, but now I crave a little more substance to my meals!

    1. Already had my PB today! On top of oatmeal. With marshmallows. And sprinkles ;) My favourite way to eat it though is on a sandwich with honey. Or my grammie’s peanut butter balls.

    2. No. But I’m tempted to buy P90X. My old roommie had it and it was pretty good – but I don’t like resistance bands, so I’ll have to get some dumbbells on top of it which will up the cost.

  26. January 24, 2010 5:32 am

    I am so on board with a smothie stache picture!

    My favorite way to eat peanut butter is with bananas…with it on toast, oatmeal, mmm. And with dates! Sooo good with dates!

    Don’t worry about the email I’ve been doing the fitnessistas iron pumping challenge. I know you’re a busy señorita!


  27. January 24, 2010 5:40 am

    LMAO! Averie’s response on BSN protein. Um…call me the leader then because i’ve used the stuff off and on for 6 years ;) Chocolate coconut is yummy!

    My favorite way to eat PB is with a spoon out of the jar until I hit the bottom and have a tummy ache. This is why I don’t keep it in my house alot.

    I bought the Magic Bullet as well.(on my 3rd one) We also have the wonder hangers…bought from Target though.

  28. January 24, 2010 6:06 am

    Love the stash! You are super adorable Janetha! :)

    Hmm, my favorite way to eat PB is in hot oats. Nothing compares.

    And I don’t believe I have ever bought something from an infomercial, but I probably ended up buying it once it came to the store.

    Have a great Sunday love!

  29. January 24, 2010 6:07 am

    Gotta love a good spinach smoothie. I am in love with Chocolate Fudge BCN whey protein with cocoa Amazing greens added in. SO YUM! And my dog loves the peanut butter in cong trick. Keeps her busy for hours. I love peanut butter with dried apricots or plums. Yes, weird, but GOOD!

  30. January 24, 2010 6:08 am

    wow all your meals look just delicious!

  31. January 24, 2010 6:31 am

    National peanut butter day! I better get celebrating. My favorite way to eat pb is in my oatmeal or on toast with sliced banana…yum!

    Um and I own a snuggie. No comment.

  32. January 24, 2010 6:32 am

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I eat cooked oats in Greek yogurt all the time… I’ve been eating it like that since I was wee. So delish! My current favourite is oats cooked with pumpkin and cinnamon, mixed into Fage and stuck in the fridge overnight. Seriously, so damn tasty.

    1. in honor of national peanut butter day~ what is your favorite way to eat your peanut butter? peanut butter, banana and nutella sandwich, grilled. Yum.

    2. have you ever bought anything from an infomercial? what was it? Nope, never. Don’t think we have infomercials in the UK!

  33. January 24, 2010 6:50 am

    1. Oh man, favorite way to eat pb?? Thats a hard one. PB + Banana Waffle Sammie, I think that is it.

    2. I have a Jack Lalaine power juicer I got for xmas that they have infomercials for!!

    3. Picture coming your way, as soon as I take one!!


  34. January 24, 2010 7:14 am

    first of all girl thank you SO MUCH for putting together this whole blogger valentines day shin-dig. I am so happy that we are doing it and thank you for your work and dedictation to matching allof us up!!

    that green smoothie looks so good and SO GREEN!! I have never seen one that green before and it looks even better as a mustache on you :)

    that restaurant looks amaze, and the gauc looks creamy and i want some now, thanks!

    I bought the magic bullet after seeing it on an infomercial , but I got it at a store! I LOVE IT use it every single day

    in 6th grade I also got these curler things for your hair, you wrap your hair around them and sleep on them, then wake up and your hair is in ;’beautiful curls’ YEAH RIGHT! I woke up and my hair was like nothing I had ever seen before! it was about 2 feet wide of pure frizz. I cried and went late to school-you know middle school, can never show up looking likt that!

    love you girl!

  35. January 24, 2010 7:21 am

    haha love the “smoothie ‘stache”! You’re too cute!

    And cooked oats with yogurt are suprisingly delicious! I will randomly top mine with Greek yogurt sometimes.

    1. as long as there is banana involved it’s my favorite way ;)

    2. ya know, I don’t think I have. But I would LOVE a magic bullet set!

    Random Q (again): you may have explained this, but do you plan out your weight training exercises on a weekly basis? or daily? or do you just decide while you’re there? You just do so many interesting moves, I was curious where you get them all from! thanks!

  36. January 24, 2010 7:22 am

    Wish I coudl fee the ctas PB that would be awesome…then again I don’t really like to share.

    I need to get some guar gum or xantham for my smoothies

  37. Susan permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:36 am

    Love Greek and cooked oats – we bloggers love the funky textures haha! I agree with Jenn though, a banana is clutch.

  38. January 24, 2010 7:59 am

    I hope you review whichever protein powder you pick because I’m in the market for one! LOVE the stache! Nothing Bundt Cake is a cute name!

    PB&J is my favorite way to enjoy it but PB with honey is also REALLY good! Have a great Sunday :)

  39. January 24, 2010 8:03 am

    Oh my gosh I forgot all thoughts once I saw the green stache. TOO funny. Btw – your hair looks gorg in that picture!
    Niko loves the PB stuffed kong, too. ou can also freeze them to make the pb last longer :)

  40. Christine permalink
    January 24, 2010 8:43 am

    I love peanut butter on apples with raisins! This treat instantly brings me back to my childhood. My mom used to make this as a snack. Her version was extra special because she would slice the apple in half, take out the core, fill with PB and make a smiley face with raisins. My mom is adorable!

  41. January 24, 2010 8:50 am

    I think green is your color!

    I like PB in hot oatmeal. It gets all ooey and gooey and DELICIOUS!

    I can honestly say I’ve never purchased any infomercial products. My Mama on the other hand is an addict!! Her most recent purchase was a set of Wonder Hangers. Ridiculous. HA! ;)

  42. January 24, 2010 9:10 am

    Love oats mixed with pb!
    I can’t believe there is a national pb day- I love to eat my pb in a yogurt mess:)
    glad you were able to have a light dinner and those bundt cakes look fab!!

  43. January 24, 2010 9:24 am

    Yeah, Humm on that chair in the movie. Weird.

    OK that sunset was beautiful…an artist couldn’t have even rendered one so pretty. Hope you and marshall held hands and macked out too. ;-) And good trick about the gum and tort. chips.

    I can TOTALLY tell your smoothie situation is far improved with the gums- just by the “pouring” photo and how much it made…for 250 calories, you were full, right? For quite a while I bet- perhaps not 3 hours, but long enough. That’s my experience anyway.

    I’ll do a smoothie stache for you some day but I have to have some mascara on at least! ;-) (doesn’t usually come on until after my am smoothie/workout/shower/if at all!). LOVE how the smoothie totally matched “our” placemats!!

    Your workout looked stellar (they all do).

    Love you- have a great sunday.

  44. m i c h e l l e permalink
    January 24, 2010 9:29 am

    Green ‘stache is too funny!

    My very fave way to eat PB is my “clean” indulgence Loaded French Toast: I liquefy egg whites, a bit of fresh banana, half scoop of whey, vanilla and cinnamon in the blender then dip two pieces of cinn raisin sprouted bread in the mix and cook. Then I top the slices with some PB and sugar-free syrup. Absolute heaven. I eat this about once a month and before I do a heavy duty workout like legs/solid cardio session.

  45. adrienmelaine permalink
    January 24, 2010 10:04 am

    Do you need both gums to make a great smoothie? I just bought xanthan the other day and am wondering if I should be picking up guar gum as well..?!

  46. January 24, 2010 10:59 am

    Your smoothie is like nuclear green! hahaha!

  47. January 24, 2010 11:00 am

    hey janetha! i stumbled across your blog a while back, and figured i could finally say HI rather than just lurking… =)

    i’m excited to follow your blog and story as i continue to work toward my own level of BALANCE in this crazy world!

    plus, we like totally have the same polka dot placemats!

  48. January 24, 2010 11:06 am

    omg, my parents dogs go ape shit for those kong things….hahaha

    sweet ‘stach

  49. January 24, 2010 11:14 am

    Hope you had fun, wu-tang is awesome!

    I LOVE eating peanut butter with bananas. Any kind. Most amazing is peanut butter and co. dark chocolate peanut butter dreams…I could eat the whole jar.

  50. January 24, 2010 11:50 am

    BAHAHAHAHA love your green mustache!!! You’re too cute :-)

  51. January 24, 2010 12:13 pm

    hahahahahahahaha love the green stache dude!

    i feel the sameee way about mexicanos food! i want to eat it all the time and wish they had lighter options but sometimes all there is is just cheese gajunked stuff that makes me feel like ultra horrid the next day!

    whats a girl ta do. you handled it awesome dude

  52. January 24, 2010 12:43 pm

    My favorite way to eat pb is in oats. Yum yum! And I have bought a workout DVD series from an infomercial before…like 7 or 8 years ago? It was the first workouts I got into actually. They weren’t that great but at least they got me started.

    Love the ‘stache pic!! Totally cracked me up!

  53. snackface permalink
    January 24, 2010 1:47 pm

    OK, I’m setting that stache pic of you as my computer’s background. Marshall should do the same.

    Let me just first say that I miss you. I miss you.

    Now that that’s cleared up, omg YUM food!I miss TJ’s pineapple salsa! The oats in the yog mess sounds brilliant. The ‘stache. The mexi-mix. Gahhh so good! I always attack the chips as though I haven’t eaten in days. I should probably take a tip from you!

    Oh! And that was totes HEAB.

    My fave way to eat pb is in oats. It’s so luscious and melty that way.

    And for the second Q, MamaJ bought me a PedEgg and it’s fantastic–like a cheese grater for your feet.

    Anyway, I hope you are having a FAAAAB Sunday, honeybun!! Love you!! xoxoxo

  54. January 24, 2010 3:41 pm

    Love the smoothie ‘stache. I drank one this morning and somehow got it on my forehead.

    PS: I added you to my blogroll too lady! :)

  55. January 24, 2010 5:00 pm

    Ok, your niece poking the ham roll is just hilarious to me right now for some reason!
    Never thought to mix oats with yogurt…I bet it’s good…a nice combination of warm + cold and soft + chewy? Sounds perfect.
    1. Love nut butters on bananas (straight!), or on top of a yogurt mess :) I always save the big glob for last!
    2. Nope. Never bought from an infomercial, but I have bought stuff in stores that is “Seen on TV.” i.e. the Food Saver (for my grandparents!)

  56. January 24, 2010 5:02 pm

    You are totally on HEAB’s blog…I know this because I may or may not have drooled a bit over that dessert pic she posted. Yum.

    favorite way to eat peanut butter is in oats or on a sweet potato!

  57. January 24, 2010 5:17 pm

    HEHEHE super cute ‘stash!!! green smoothies are just too amazing not to ‘stash yourself (umm is that even a phrase…idk!) haha! before you order any Protein Powder go to LUCKYVITAMIN.COM…SUCH GOOD PRICES!!! and thank u for the email! I officially know who my buddy is so all is good!! I hope you’re having a relaxing sunday with your man and cutie-bug puppy!!! xoxo!

  58. January 24, 2010 5:27 pm

    Haha…you’re rockin’ that stash! ;) You’ve got me craving some green, so I think I’ll have to buy some spinach soon. :D

    My black lab used to adore those peanut butter filled kongs. Usually I’d freeze them and he’d spend hours upon hours getting every little bit out. :D

  59. January 24, 2010 5:47 pm

    I love my PB in oats or in a smoothie!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Girl you will love the BSN Cinnamon Roll Protein Powder, it is the bomb, like you!!

    U look hot with the smoothie mustache!! Love it!!! And the green smoothie looks yum!!

    I hope you have a great night!!


  60. January 24, 2010 9:42 pm

    the sunset gazing photos are so romantic ; ) i feel like we were really in that adobe hut, it just looks so real! haha. and you’re right about feeling like crap after eating a smothered burrito, my stomach hasn’t felt right since…could’ve been that tyler & i ate my leftovers at 3 am last night…

  61. January 25, 2010 6:11 am

    You write the most fun posts, Janetha! I’ve been a bad bloggie reader (so behind on everyone’s) mostly because I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to stomach (pun intended) looking at food pics. I know – what the fraggle rock?!?! It’s crazy, but I’m feeling a bit better now and once again drooling over your pics. For some reason whenever you put random foods together like Greek yogurt and oats it always looks so delicious. I get some really awesome ideas from your blog, plus you write in a fun way. I already said that, right?

    I’ll try to catch up!

    PS – Chris and I ALMOST bought Snuggies…I mean we were thisclose until we started reading reviews of the company selling them. Now you can find them anywhere. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit I’ve bought the Ab Roller and a few other things I can’t remember at the moment, but do know they were “seen on TV.”

  62. January 25, 2010 8:24 am

    So much to cover I don’t know where to start! You and your friends are gorgeous. I want to snuggle up in that homemade tortilla. I LOVE the smoothie mustache. WHy are you so freakin cute? Daisy has a kong and just looooves the thing. I never thought to put PB on it. Genius. We made her a doggie cake with peanut butter for her birthday. Holler if you want the recipe!

    Lastly I very regularly workout with informercials on. The actors are so fit. It’s good motivation! Even if I am quite aware that the product they are pimping more than likely doesn’t work.

  63. January 25, 2010 10:22 am

    how do you manage to look so cute in such a close up shot? i think i would rather die than post a picture of me that close. but i will do it. FOR YOU. will send you one tonight…along with a guest post. promise. it is coming!

    yay for birthdays, fun and mexican food!

    and peanut butter—-PB+J IS the way to go!

  64. lowandbhold permalink
    January 25, 2010 1:24 pm

    It’s funny I was just thinking about a faux “got milk” campain for green mustaches. Love your pics!

    That quesadilla tortilla did look so doughy and amazing. I would like one, stat!

    1. Current fave way is globbed in oats. I am talking a surrious amount to where it tastes like you’re just eating straight pb.
    2. I bought Turbo Jam and Winsor Pilates from infomercials. Oh and I talked my parents into buying a bowflex back in high school. I can be persuaded quite easily, haha.

  65. January 25, 2010 2:48 pm

    I am quite familiar with the smoothie stache–the worst is blueberry!

  66. January 25, 2010 5:07 pm

    I totally LOVE the idea of putting cooked oats in yogurt – I totally NEED to try that!

    FANTASTIC workout – I HATE burpees :D

    You are so freakin’ adorable – LOVE your smoothie stash!!! Oh and seriously, I am all about LESS dishes over being classy :D I think that’s why I LOVE my Magic Bullet so much….you get to drink straight from the “blender” cup :)

    Yea for being up early on a Saturday morning too – it’s the BEST to get so much accomplished like that :)


  1. two-a-days. « meals & moves
  2. Got Cream? « Heather Eats Almond Butter
  3. Some P90X Plyometrics Fun « Living in the Kitchen, Gym and Mall
  4. There’s a Feast in My Oven! « Running Around Normal
  5. The Power Juicer – Which Companies Supply The Best Juicer Models On The Market?
  6. Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer – Are You Looking to Juicing Your Fruit? It’s Tasty, Fun And Healthy!
  7. Celery Juice Benefits – the Power Juicer Recipes
  8. flashback friday: 2010. « meals & moves

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