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flashback friday round fifteen.

December 4, 2009

WOW you guys all really want to win some chobani!  i have a setting on my blackberry to get an email every time i get a comment and it has been dinging non-stop since yesterday at 4:30 PM.  every comment was filled with delicious chobani recipes and it was making my mouth water!  i think i better turn it on silent ;) remember, you have until monday, december 7th at midnight to enter my chobani giveaway.

so, since i didn’t post a legit post yesterday i have piles and piles of photos of meals & moves and even a video!  instead of posting ALL of it~i will just talk about the highlights.  mmmk?


yesterday’s eats included lots of greek yogurt and some leftovers.. i can promise you that my chicken & white bean salsa soup is better the next day!  i love leftover soups.  marshall assured me that he could easily eat a crock pot dinner every night so i am sure you will be seeing more and more crock pot meals. 

here is an angharad-inspired collage of the eats!

IMG_8663IMG_8662  IMG_8665


i was heading up to marshall’s house last night so i stopped by my mom’s for a workout (her house is on the way).  i love to work out in her gym any chance i get because it is sooo nice AND she will take photos for me so i can add them to my moves page :)  you can check out the couple new pages i added, i didn’t have time to add them all. the ones i did post are linked in the deets:

  • 2 minute jumping jack warmup

cycle 1, 3 times through:

cycle 2, 3 times through:

cycle 3, 3 times through:

  • reverse dumbbell flyes x15
  • incline pushup x15 (pushups still really hurt my injured arm~it has almost been THREE years since the injury~wonder when it will stop hurting???)
  • elbow-to-knee crunches on bosu ball x15 each side

not a very long workout, it did end up taking about 45 minutes but that is mainly because the dogs were distracting me :)  but i do have some DOMS in my upper body today so i know i did some good for my little muscles!

randy got a really good cardio workout in while my mom and i were strength training:


yes, he got on there all by himself.

after awhile my mom joined him~


is it safe to have two people a person and a dog on the treadmill at the same time?  probably not. what is even less safe is all three of them!


whew. what a workout for all of us ;)  *note~no, the treadmill was never running and no poochies were hurt during the gym session last night!

next up: a good stretch! my mom has something we call the “stretcher machine” but i have since been informed that it is called an inversion table.


basically, it stretches out your torso and back and helps you relax.  i have always wanted something like this for after meals that leave me ultimately full!  i actually filmed a video of my first experience with the device (i don’t know how to make it right side up so just tilt your head ;)


well that was fun, no?

i refueled my body with a post-workout drink~


and then went to marshall’s and did some baking!

as i mentioned before, today is national cookie day so i wanted to bake some cookies to take to work and i also wanted to make some for marshall’s roomies AKA “the vegans”.

first i made my favorite chocolate chip cookies~


and next up was a recipe i have been dying to try, holly’s vegan pumpkin molasses cookies!



she was right about the dough being delicious.. i may or may not have had a few tastes..


THESE COOKIES ARE INCREDIBLE! run to the kitchen and make them now!

sooo.. guess what i had for breakfast?


protein oats+pumpkin butter+one of holly’s incredible cookies :)

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flashback friday!

tonight i have a holiday party at my friend’s house.  she also used to be my old roomie.  we used to live in an incredible house and i miss it a LOT.  actually my really good friend offered to buy my friends and i a house to rent so we were able to pick the house out, he bought it, we rented it.  nice situation, eh?  well, times changed and people moved.. but we were able to have two REALLY stellar fancy christmas parties at that house~in 2006 and 2007.  today, in honor of christmas parties everywhere, i am flashing back to those two fancy shmancy shin digs. enjoy :)


the roomies!! jaime, lindsay, summer, me, allie

 hwp 013 

the OLD roomies! before the house in these photos, i lived with summer, mike and j5.

hwp 021 

sooo much food! good food! cheeseball boobs, can you spot them?hwp 022

they are a little easier to spot here ;)

 hwp 023hwp 025 

cheers! hwp 028

friends, fun, being dressed up is rad.

hwp 030hwp 031 hwp 040 

in front of the glorious treeeeee~hwp 003

if you look to the left you can see my dear mable’s tail~RIP honey pie.


i was dating marshall this time around.


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the roomies again~with our landlord. love him.


randy had a santa costume!!!!


friends in front of the tree once again~

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he’s cute.

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clearly i was excited for christmas!!


for 2008 we did not have a house big enough to hold all of us so we took the party on the road and ended up having our annual friend holiday party at a bar.

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welp. there you have it. that concludes flashback friday round 15.  did you participate this week? let me know and i will link back!

well i have a lot to do before tonight! i plan to make a few appetizers and/or desserts for tonight’s party and i have to knock out some HIIT.  all i can say about this weekend is PRAY FOR SNOW!!!! i would like to get some use out of my season pass!


1. do you and your friends have an annual holiday tradition? is there a theme~do you dress up all fancy schmancy for it? or maybe it is an ugly sweater party? see above.

2. what is the latest recipe you have tried that knocked your socks off? feel free to leave links :) holly’s vegan pumpkin molasses cookies FO SHO!!


xo. janetha b.

47 Comments leave one →
  1. December 4, 2009 3:40 pm

    Ha! Love Randy on the treadmill.

    2.) check out my blog ;)

  2. December 4, 2009 3:52 pm

    that stretching device looks straight out of Saw.. and good thing you shaved your leggies – mama got up close and real personal to those sexy calves of yours :)

    p.s. love that you have marshall sit on your tummy. what a guy! speaking of which – I kind of want to frame that picture of you two… so adorbs!

    love you lotsie!

  3. December 4, 2009 3:59 pm

    Weeee FBF!!! Love it. And you look stunning my girl :-) I’m also definitely planning to bake and celebrate national cookie day :-D

    1. Hmm not really. How sad :-(
    2. Ummm…not really! Grrr I’m just a downer of answers today, huh?!

  4. December 4, 2009 4:04 pm

    Rather than go out and spend a ton of money on New Years eve my friends and I have a pj party at one of our houses. We cook a gourmet meal, drink and play games. It’s always such a blast. And this year there will be little ones joining us (friends had kids).

  5. December 4, 2009 4:06 pm

    Gosh, get ready: a long one:

    LOVE Randy and then Penelope on the treadmill! Soooo cute. Loved Mable’s tail in the later photo.

    My Dad has a stretching machine but you lie face down and hang from your hips- feels yummy.

    If you went on that machine after a big meal you might toss your cookies. be careful!

    Wow! Your hair was so long=gave you a totally different look to what you have now. Both are gorgeous, but I think that the currnt cut is more contemporary, more hip. I had long hair too for a while. Really long.

    Q” no big parties with friends. I seem to get invited to some but we’re usually out of town!

    Q. I have a smoothie recipe coming up this weekend that rocked!

    Yes, did FBF today! It was fun to put together but I hav sooooooo many more photos but they are not on my laptop so I had to make due with what I had!

    Hoping for snow for you girl!!

  6. December 4, 2009 4:29 pm

    I want an inversion table! OMG – the dogs on the treadmill, soooooo cute!

    I LOVE your long wavy hair!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. December 4, 2009 4:30 pm

    I am not praying for snow. Hopefully you still love me. BUT, if it could so and maybe be only like 45 degrees instead of 20, I would take that. Deal? P.S. I need to find out where you get your freaking cute hats. My head is huge and those look nice and roomy. And adorable. xoxo

  8. December 4, 2009 4:31 pm

    janetha bean…i am SO GLAD you j’adored the cookies! like seriously, they are vegan, relatively healthy + the dough is bomb. yeah, dot com!

    yay for good eats and another flashback – you look GORGEOUS in those dresses! and i hearted the video. is it just me or does anyone else like hearing what our fellow bloggy’s sound like? something about the sound of a voice reveals so much. yours reveals that i love you. like a lot.

    have a fab weekend dear – chat soon :)

    p.s. oatmeal + cookies = HEAVEN.

  9. December 4, 2009 4:31 pm

    p.s. it snowed here for the first time and i thought about you! maybe you should just come visit? :)

  10. December 4, 2009 5:49 pm

    hey janetha! love the christmasy flashbacks. my friends and i (when everyone comes back in town) have a big potluck and we also used to have our own thanksgiving dinner before schedules got too crazy.

    i haven’t tried any amazing recipes, unfortunately. but my family friend brought over bacon-wrapped dates for thanksgiving and they were pretty much the most delicious thing i’ve ever eaten. probably not healthy, but once in a while…. :-)

    those chocolate chip cookies look incredible!

  11. December 4, 2009 6:06 pm

    Your mom has the coolest gym and what an extraordinary contraption that is. So, it’s meant for streching you say? Looks a bit kinky, but I don’t judge. ;)

    OMG girl, have you seen the new issue of Runner’s Mag. I just got it today and I swear I thought the girl on the cover was you!!!! LoL. It isn’t, is it? :) I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if you were on the cover of a fitness mag so that is why I thought I would ask.

    Have a lovely weekend love!

  12. December 4, 2009 6:06 pm

    Haha, my cats sometimes get on the treadmill. I kinda want to turn it on sometimes… the big one needs to burn some calories ;) I wouldn’t want them to get hurt, though.

    The cookies look delicious, especially as an addition to oats. Yum! Love the flashback fri pics, too :)

  13. December 4, 2009 7:06 pm

    Your hair used to be SOOOOO long!!!! Those cookies are making my mouth water….

  14. December 4, 2009 7:21 pm

    Awesome workout as usual!!

    My friend has one of those upside-down thingies.. when we were in elementary school we always played on it not really knowing what it was for! haha

  15. December 4, 2009 7:37 pm

    I can’t get over how gorgeous that blue dress is – YOU are gorgeous :)

    Ever since my husband and I (then bf) moved in together June 2006, we have hosted a Potluck Holiday Party at our house (first 2 years were in an apartment, last year was in a tiny tiny townhouse and this year will be our first year in our new house!!!!!!!!) So excited – its actually tomorrow and its a CHILI cookoff potluck! Have you had any issues with your friends refusing to dress up? I can’t believe that we are 27yrs old and my friends are being immature – they should APPRECIATE that we’re inviting them to our house and be RESPECTFUL that we requested cocktail attire – arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!! the 2 that said they weren’t dressing up told my husband they were skeptical of chili & dressing up – its funny because the first 2 years we did this we had LASAGNA and they dressed up back then!!!!!!!!!! how in the world is chili messier than Lasanga?????????????? yes dramaaaaaaaaaaa so annoyed :-p i blogged today!!! check it you’ll LOVE the pretzel things I made!

  16. December 4, 2009 8:10 pm

    Im so jealous of you and your TJ’s pumpkin butter! Since I have no TJ’s around here im feeling blue :( Hopefully I can find a tasty alternative soon so I can make some oaties.

    Have a fab weekend!

  17. lowandbhold permalink
    December 4, 2009 8:19 pm

    Loved the stretcher video. I think that was my first time hearing your voice!

  18. December 4, 2009 10:04 pm

    I love that you make Marshall sit on your stomach after a big meal. Your mom has a great lil gym!

  19. December 4, 2009 10:15 pm

    Can I just say I LOVE you dog?? OMG, so cute.

  20. December 4, 2009 10:19 pm

    haha i loveeeeee your flashback fridays!! they are soo fun!!

    i love that blue hat in the last few pictures too!! I think you pull off hats SO WELL.

    And gurrrrrrrrrrl, you got me craving greek yog like errrday!

    Why is it so expensive?!!!


  21. December 4, 2009 10:40 pm

    i LOVE that blue dress!

    you look gorgeous in blue-you and your boy are so cute under the mistletoe!!

    i love that you and your mom workout together-your momma is a freaking beast

    me and my girls do secret santas every year!

  22. December 4, 2009 11:05 pm

    holly’s vegan pumpkin molasses cookies look amazing!!!!!!!!! as do your choc chip, and i commented bout those the other day.

    I love your FBF pics and you in a bright blue dress looking ohh sooo goooood :)
    I have no FBF pics on memory stick, all are real 4x6s so I have nothing in my stash to even post :(

    Tradition for holidays = going on a trip
    Recipe that knocked my socks off…my own :) Most recipes have my allergens, either eggs/dairy/gluten so i have to make my own stuff. Blessing and a curse.

    Send me your mailing addy honey!

  23. mom permalink
    December 4, 2009 11:34 pm

    I have read all of your posts but will comment on this one and not in any certain order. First I love that your bangs (I almost didn’t recognize you in the flashback ha ha)

    I LOVE this yogurt – I want some more!!

    Your enchiladas were spendid, thanks for sharing them with me!

    The work out was great – I have some sore abs, back and shoulders, love it!

    Your goals are TERRIFIC – I would do well to incorporate some of them into my life, I would say ditto to them all!

    THanks for your love and inspiration you totally have it all together!!

    Love and hugs to my baby girl xoxo!!

  24. mom permalink
    December 4, 2009 11:35 pm

    oops I love your bangs cut – that was a weird typo sorry!!

  25. December 5, 2009 12:27 am

    Girl, you look gorgeous in that blue dress! Def the shining babe of them all for sure! xD

    1) I’ve never dressed up in my life before. x-p
    we don’t really have a tradition or anything, but you can count on me dressing the shabbiest! ;-)

    2) Not really…I don’t follow recipes, though I do get inspired by them!

  26. December 5, 2009 5:02 am

    You are gorgeygorge JB! One bee-yoo-tiful lady!! But that stretcher machine scares me. I get sick on amusement park rides, going on that thing after eating would end up messy for sure :\ Oh, and how CUTE is Randy on that treadmill!?!? I can just picture his little basset hound legs running on that thing :P

    1) Chris and I aaalllways celebrate New Years with our best “couple” friends. But they’re due to have a baby at Christmas this year. So I suspect the partying may be kept to a minimum…

    2) My peanut butter butternut squash muffins!!

  27. December 5, 2009 6:21 am

    Hey girl!
    I just wanted to let you know that I have a Flashback Friday post up.

    Also, I love your blue dress…gorgeous!

  28. December 5, 2009 9:10 am

    Love the flashback photos! Especially the cheeseball boobs! ;)

    I think I have to make Holly’s cookies this weekend! They sound amazing!

    And I haven’t dressed up for a holiday party in quite some time. Would actually be fun to do again… :)

    Have a great weekend. And I hope you’ll get some snow! :)

  29. December 5, 2009 9:28 am

    Hi there! I just found your blog and it looks great! And look how adorable the puppies are! Love it!

  30. Lynn @ The Actors Diet permalink
    December 5, 2009 10:38 am

    i’ve always been tempted to shove julius on a treadmill and see what happens….

  31. Julie permalink
    December 5, 2009 11:39 am

    hahaha so that upside down thing totes reminds me of the movie the princess bride…idk if youve ever seen it but it reminds me of when hes hooked up to that torture machine thingy hahaha so weird and random i know.

    speaking of dogs on treadmills my puppers could totally use a good half hour sesh on that thing

  32. December 5, 2009 12:07 pm

    Awww gosh i LOVE your dogs!!!! Can I dogsit for you??? hehe.

    I want one of those stretcher machines….I could really use another 1/2 inch or so on me.!!

  33. December 5, 2009 1:07 pm

    woww! those cookies look great :)

  34. December 5, 2009 1:35 pm

    You are so cute! I feel like a creeper, but I always want to tell you how adorable you are – you remind me of a little baby doll. I love it.

    1. I always have a holiday cookie decorating party – it’s my favorite holiday activity!

    2. I think I need to go make those molasses cookies – I’m banking on them rocking my socks off. :-)

  35. December 5, 2009 3:40 pm

    I know I’ve said this before, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mom’s gym!!! She has the coolest room with all the mirrors, equipment, etc. We use our bonus room as a gym, but it’s carpeted, has a love seat and a tready + elliptical but it’s nothing like your mom’s place. That is too cool! The stretchy machine looks so neat – I wouldn’t mind having something like that to stretch my stomach out after a big meal either! :)

    I love all your Christmas party pics – you girls look so pretty. When I read your first caption I saw the word “roomies” and “jaime” together and I read it as “jammies.” Then I looked at what you guys were wearing and was like, “Whoa…fancy jammies!” Duh Hayley…

    Your video is totally cute, by the way…you’re so pretty!!

    The latest recipe I made was last night – it was Mama Pea’s ( Vegetarian Curry. TOTALLY YUMMY!!!

    The recipe is at:

  36. Lindsay permalink
    December 5, 2009 7:29 pm

    Love your flashback pics! You are so cute!

  37. December 6, 2009 1:10 am

    Great flashback! Love all the cute pics!

  38. December 6, 2009 9:40 am

    you and your friends are so super cute!! love the holiday pics, and as always love the flashback pics :)

    the molasses cookies look fabulous I must try those

    no real holiday traditions, just lots of good food, lighting the menorah on hannukah and eating potatoe latkes mmmm cant wait!!

    hope you had a fabulous weekend, gal!

    oh and i MUST try pumpkin butter ASAP!!!!

  39. December 6, 2009 1:00 pm

    You always have so much fun with your friends! love it…oh think were trying to do a tacky Christmas Sweater Party!

  40. Tina permalink
    December 6, 2009 2:14 pm

    I spotted the cheeseball boobs!!!!

    Sorry for being so sporadic in my comments, but I’ve really lost the blog-rythm. I hope to find it again as soon as the Christmas break starts!

    The inversion table scares me… a lot.

    1. I missed last year’s Christmas dinner, because I was afraid of food… THIS YEAR I’M GOING! I don’t have a tradition yet, but I hope to build up one, cause yours look like so much fun!
    2. Hmm, I think that at the moment I’m really digging my carrot/apple/spinach/ginger juices (the gingeriness of it all makes it très Noël)

    Love you, doll!

  41. December 6, 2009 2:55 pm

    omg you and your friends are adorable!!! love you and all that christmas enthusiasm :)

    and i spy some faves–cookie (or muffin)-topped oats, oikos & shredded spoonfuls!!

    1. in high school, my friends and I always had a little christmas party just us and would trade presents, watch a christmas movies and eatt!! it was adorable.

    2. and since i can’t cook at school …i have no fun, new recipes for you! :( haha aww, LOVE YOU J!

  42. December 6, 2009 4:04 pm

    I love when the dogs show up in the workout pics. So fun!

    1. my friends from high school always get together and do a little something something. we started in high school and it was super casual but now that we are all “adults” we make it a dress up/fancy affair, which is totally fun.

    2. i don’t have a recipe, because i just made it up, but i made a stir fry the other night that was awesome! i think it was awesome partly just because I made it and i really don’t ever cook!

  43. December 6, 2009 6:18 pm

    Totally cute and totally yum

  44. December 6, 2009 10:16 pm

    There is some total tool with long hair and goofy look on his face in one of your pics. Oh wait, its me! :0

  45. snackface permalink
    December 7, 2009 11:59 am

    Holly made those cookies for my bday and they were HEAVEN.

    You are gorgeous year to year. Seriously.

    The boob cheese is my fave.

    Onto your next post AKA onto more cryptic comments by moi. LOVE YOU!

  46. December 7, 2009 3:30 pm

    super random, but your eye makeup looks sooooo good in the pics with the blue dress. i am lovin it!!


  1. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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