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flashback friday round twelve.

November 13, 2009

heyo! wow.. actually writing a post that is not a foodbuzz festival recap? weird.

this is actually going to be weak sauce because i have lots to accomplish and little time to accomplish it in.. but i couldn’t miss out on flashback friday :)

meal 1: oikos+chocolate PB2+chocolate fig vitatopIMG_1356

as you can see, i am classy and ate it right out of the container with a plastic spoon. and at my desk. this was my only option as i have never been so slammed in my life (TWSS).


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mmmm.. i love PB2! and chocolate PB2. it is the best thing to happen to yogurt since cinnamon.  speaking of yogurt, have you entered my oikos giveaway? you have until midnight!

meal 2: turkey & avocado on wheat


i was going to make my own lunch but when the boss offered to buy me lunch AND fill my gas tank up on the way to pick lunch up.. i couldn’t say no!  thanks boss.  i think he feels bad because i worked almost 10 hours of over time this week.

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mmmm.. pepperjack and mustard.

after work it was straight to the dentist and the whole right side of my face is numb! gah! it sucks. i am drooling and slurping and i look silly when i talk.  a crown cracked (don’t know how) and so they had to take it off so it can be replaced.  i usually LOVE the dentist because i love getting my teeth cleaned.. but i hate it when i have to get shots in my mouth. i hate shots with a passion and i think ones to the mouth have to be the absolute worst ever.

i am going to a girl’s dinner tonight so that is about it for food photos! sorry charlies.  i will have more tomorrow, promise.  and i plan on spending a fair amount of time at the gym tomorrow, i am extra excited for that. craving some weight training like nobody’s business!


flashback friday!!

i wasn’t sure what to do for this week’s flashback so i dug into the archives and check out what was going on around this day last year.  then i knew what i had to flash back to: the bite.

it was november ninth 2008.  i remember it clear as a bell. hmm, well, wait.. that simile is used more when you hear something. okay, scratch that whole clear as a bell business and just know that i remember it real, real well and that says a lot considering i have the memory of a goldfish.

marshall, randy, penny and i were hanging out at marshall’s casa.  i had only had penny for a couple weeks!  she was so little and perfect.

the kids, as we call them, got some rawhide bones from nana sue aka my mom.  i decided to give them each a rawhide.  totally normal idea, that is what dogs do.. chew bones.

marshall and i were sitting on the couch and the kids were in the kitchen devouring their treats.  then i heard the most heart-wrenching, blood-curdling, incredibly sad yelp ever!

penny came running.. and her face was gushing blood.  um. yeah. randy bit her. not just any part of her.. but her face. right between the eyes.

i burst into tears. randy got yelled at. penelope was scared for her life. i was scared for her life.  it was a sunday night.. definitely couldn’t rush her to the vet.  the blood was pouring from her poor little face like a fountain.  i was in hysterics.

we got some camera phone photos right after “the incident”…


her face was SO SWOLLEN she looked like a bull terrier from the side! and she was so sad. and so was i.


apparently what happened is randy gobbled up his rawhide and then went after penny’s.  when she didn’t let him have it.. he let HER have it. chomp to the face.

we were all freaking out and i went downstairs with penny and was bawling.  i kept saying “HER FACE! HER PERFECT LITTLE FACE!” i remember that marshall’s roommate alex thought i was crying because she would have a scar.. and he asked marshall if i was going to keep penny or give her away now that her face would have a scar. hahah ummm.. wow. he was serious too. of course i wouldn’t give her away! i would just have to start calling her scarface ;)

penny was standoffish and wouldn’t lay by me after this happened. i was devastated because i thought she though i had hurt her.  it was strange because once we let randy back inside after yelling at him, she totally changed and became happy again. she was just missing her brother!

this was the same night.. best friends again!

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poor little bean!

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i took her to the vet the next day and $180 later she was good to go. this was her a couple days later. it looked pretty bad for awhile!


we just decided the two of them could not have bones or rawhides around each other anymore.  they share a food dish and that was fine. we are still not sure why randy lashed out! i am just so glad they get along. actually, they are inseparable! this was them last night.. with matching thanksgiving bandanas my mom got them :)








sorry this installment of flashback friday is so snappy! gotta go!

if you participated in flashback friday let me know so i can link back! have a great weekend everyone!


1. do you love or hate the dentist? usually i love it. unless i am getting shots to the mouth!

2. if you have multiple pets do they get along? have they always been friends or did they fight? how about the cat/dog combo? tell me stories about your babies :)

xo. janetha b.

43 Comments leave one →
  1. November 13, 2009 7:57 pm

    Oh your poor puppy!!!! Good thing it hasn’t been a problem since.

    Turkey and avocado sandwiches are my favorite. Yum.

  2. November 13, 2009 8:15 pm

    oh no janetha b! i dont like SAD flashback fridays! poor little penny – that breaks my heart!

    but of course – i do LOVE the happy ending. her and randy together are so adorable. and it CRACKS me up that your mom got them matching bandanas!

  3. November 13, 2009 8:16 pm

    HATE HATE the dentist. I’d rather go to the “lady doctor” twice. I mean I love how clean my teeth feel after, but I hate the scraping they do, I hate having to keep your mouth open for so long (wait for it…TWSS) and I hate when I need more than just a cleaning and it’s expensive (my insurance only pays for part of most things). I can’t believe you like it!! Craziness.

  4. November 13, 2009 8:25 pm

    So I have a jar of Chocolate PB2 sitting on my shelf and I have yet to try it. Is it really that good????
    I was so jeal of your trip to san fran. Looks like you had a ball!!!! Can’t wait to meet you and hit up the slopes some time.
    2. My cats dominate my dog pugsley. They get along, but they def wear the pants in the relationship.

  5. November 13, 2009 8:49 pm

    Mallard and I came as “packaged deals” with our own dogs. They have gotten along since the day we all met one another. This has a lot to with the fact that his dog is the Alpha and my dog knows his place and doesn’t mind.

  6. November 13, 2009 9:00 pm

    Your poor puppy! My hubby and I both came with our own dogs and luckely they have always gotten along…mine is cuter though ;)

    I HATE the dentist!

    I also gave your greek yogurt combo a try and absolutaly HATED it! I mixed it with granola and cinnamon and it was horrible. I must not have a taste for those cute little combos I always watch you make.


  7. November 13, 2009 9:01 pm

    Hahaha I love that first TWSS. I laughed out loud cause I’m totally mature like that ;) I totally need to restock my pb2! I left it back home in MI.

    Aww, poor Penny! I’m glad she’s okay now.

    1) Hate the dentist! Especially cause they always try to talk to you while they’ve got your mouth pried wide open and a pick in your teeth. They’re like, “so how have you been?” and I’m like “AHH’VE AANNN AHHH” haha

    2) No pets in AZ, but my kitties in MI like to play a lil rough. My cat Alfred thinks its totally a game, but Bruce gets all pissed off and crazy. It’s funny to watch ;)

  8. November 13, 2009 9:04 pm

    AHHHHHHHHHH i love the puppy pictures!!!

    I totes had PB2 today too. And uhhh……eatting yog out of the container isn’t classy? shoot. that is me EVERYDAY.

    happy weekend beautiful Janetha!

  9. November 13, 2009 9:05 pm

    I love that your Flashback Friday has a happy ending! They are sooo cute together! :)

    I don’t love the dentist, and I particularly don’t like getting shots in my mouth…

    Have a great weekend!

  10. November 13, 2009 9:10 pm

    how is that vita top flavor? ive tried almost all of them except that one!

    and i HATE the dentist..his breath smells like crap

  11. November 13, 2009 9:22 pm

    Aw, poor little penny! I’m glad the pups are still good buds.

    I don’t mind the dentist, I might even like it – I’m not sure.

    I have 2 kitties and a dog, and they get along okay – as long as the cats don’t make any sudden movements. If they do, the dog chases them – but I secretly think they just like the attention.
    Happy Friday!!

  12. November 13, 2009 9:24 pm

    I eat greek yogurt out of the plastic container like ALwayS!

    OMG the photo of little penny with the green and yellow ball just made me die a little bit- or maybe it lengthened my life- I’m not sure which> I just know it’s unreal.

    So sweet how animals can forgive and forget- She was just missing her bro- tooooo sweet!!

    Can’t believe the guy who thought you’d give her away! People amaze me sometimes!

    1. I AM the dentist, sadly! ;-)

    2. Sam LOVED her mom Charlotte before she passed away earlier this year. I’ll do a FBF for Charlotte- just need to amass the photos! :-)

    Hope you have a great weekend-gah, you worked hard enough this week girlie!

  13. November 13, 2009 9:38 pm

    I hate the dentist for anything – you are a total trouper!

    Have fun for girls night out tonight and I absolutely LOVE penny puppy pics even if she want hurt :(

  14. November 13, 2009 10:32 pm

    I have an unopened jar of choc PB2. When I ordered the reg ones, I also ordered the choc on an impulse buy and havent even tried it. Guess I should!

    I love the dentist only b/c I go every 4 mos in order to take really good care of my teeth. If I wait to go every 6 mos my teeth dont feel clean. Dont love the dentist, love the results I guess :)

  15. November 13, 2009 10:36 pm

    Can I just say how much I LOVE your houndstooth mousepad?

  16. November 13, 2009 11:10 pm

    I don’t have multiple pets, thank God. I can barely take care of myself!
    And I neither hate or love the dentist. I actually haven’t been to a dentist in 9 years, since I don’t have insurance. ;-)

    Awww….poor puppy!!

  17. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    November 14, 2009 5:11 am

    I hate dentists… it’s always for not good, they always discover another new decay that I have… and this time when i go to China, I’ll have a major appointment with dentists, I have a huge hole in my teeth. :(

    your boss is so considerate, I wish my future boss is like that.

    I’m not a pet person, sorry. but I always like other people’s dog… just can’t take the responsibility to have my own.

  18. November 14, 2009 5:14 am

    1.) Love.

    2.) One dog, Chooey :)

  19. Michelle permalink
    November 14, 2009 6:20 am

    I hate HATE HATE the dentist and anything and everything to do with teeth and mouths. It just totally grosses me out. I get horrible anxiety when having my teeth cleaned and hold my breath, they usually have to stop in the middle to remind me to breathe because I start turning blue.

  20. Nicole permalink
    November 14, 2009 6:29 am

    Oh my!! They are adorable, though. My dog, Pokey, gets very territorial around raw hide. He growled at me once when I tried to take it away.

  21. Vanilla permalink
    November 14, 2009 6:56 am

    Just came accros to your blog :)

    You doggie is soooo cute! I understand why you woudn’t give it away!

    I had 2 cats for a while: The small one was the ‘boss’. If he wanted to eat, the big one had to wait, and sometimes he just finished it all. But one day, they were outside with some other cats. There was a waiting line for the food (seriously…). My small cat got to eat first, and then he did the ‘guard’ while my other big cat was eating, and they left together. Cute, right?

    Sorry it was quite long, lol!
    have a nice week-end

  22. November 14, 2009 7:06 am

    Oh my goodness, pups is the most adorable thing in the world!!!!

    Hope you got your feeling back soon after the dentist.

    Have a lovely weekend love!

  23. November 14, 2009 7:30 am

    Oh, such a sad flashback :( With such a happy ending – they look adorable together. I love the picture of them with you on the sofa!

    1. do you love or hate the dentist? I used to hate the dentist, but now I go to one I LOVE!

    2. if you have multiple pets do they get along? have they always been friends or did they fight? That would be my worry- I have only had one pet at a time, but I would be scared that they would fight.

    Amen to the PB2. That stuff rocks.

  24. November 14, 2009 7:33 am

    Love those vitatops and dark choc pb2! Like your combo there!

    1. Not a big fan of the dentist, but love having my teeth feel so clean afterwards.

    2. I have two dogs living in my house. My older dog did NOT like Bella (lab puppy) for about a month or two. Now, they play like crazy. Eddi ejust had to give in I guess.

  25. November 14, 2009 7:57 am

    Penelope is so cute it makes my eyes water. Ahh! Most basset hounds are so laid back, I can’t imagine one just snapping like that! I’ve heard of that happening a lot. My sister lost a kitten to a dog that snapped like that too. It was very traumatizing :(

    1. Not a huge fan of the dentist, but I like the idea of my teeth being really clean. I just hate how aggressive they are with the dental floss, it hurts to chew for the rest of the day!

    2. My mom has a poodle (Archie) and some sort of collie mutt (Rudy). The poodle was honest to goodness anorexic. Would not eat a thing. The mutt is the opposite, “plump” and food obsessed. When my mom’s boyfriend moved in with Rudy, it’s like Archie all of a sudden had competition, so he started eating to keep up with the Rudy. I swear Rudy saved Archie’s life. Even if we’ve gone from having no dogs begging for food to two drooling on your lap :P

  26. julie permalink
    November 14, 2009 8:50 am

    dude pen (i’m calling her that) is for serious the cutest thing in the entire world. btw penelope is like my favorite girls name in the world and totally wanna name my kid that (if I have kids or even a girl..or a boy hahaha i keed)

    hope you have a rockin gals dinner woop woop

    and DOUBLE score for the gas tank fillage

  27. November 14, 2009 10:46 am

    Awww poor little Penny!! Ugh anytime I hear Daisy yelp like that I get the most terrible feeling in my stomach. Scary stuff!

    I have got to get my hands on a jar of PB2 stat!

  28. lowandbhold permalink
    November 14, 2009 10:49 am

    Awww poor Penny! Glad that was only a one time deal!

    1. Hate the dentist. I always leave with headache.
    2. I don’t have any pets :(

  29. November 14, 2009 4:12 pm

    I hate the dentist. I have TMJ and my jaw is always soooo sore after I go.

    Everyone always raves about PB2, but I didn’t like it. I don’t know why!

  30. November 14, 2009 4:13 pm

    I haven’t had PB2 with Greek yogurt in FAR too long! That’s a ton of over time!!

    1. LOATHE the dentist
    2. They all get along thank goodness!

  31. November 14, 2009 4:36 pm

    oh, PUPPY! what a scary night! we used to have two dogs that didn’t get along, and i remember one night when our big dog snapped at our little dog, and i was also in hysterics. that’s some scary stuff!

    1. i love having my teeth cleaned, but if anything else is going on, NO EFFING WAY. i am sooo scared of my next visit, because i’m going to have to have a filling replaced. YIKES.

    2. all our animals get along just fine these days, thank heavens!

  32. November 14, 2009 4:38 pm

    WAIT. i have to add on a note about the pets not-getting-along-thing.

    my gerbil once ATE his brother. ATE HIM. so, lesson learned, gerbils should not live together, because they will not manage that for a long time.

  33. November 14, 2009 6:54 pm

    ouchie! poor baby :( glad she was able to forgive randy and settle their differences.

    1. hate? try despise.
    2. no pets for me :( I feel so deprived!

    love you bebe! xo

  34. elise permalink
    November 14, 2009 6:56 pm

    clear as a bell – haha. you crack me up. isnt it scary how animals can sometimes snap and their nature comes out. my friends dog was killed by her brothers dog. it bit its neck in a similar situation (fighting over a bone). frrrrreaky.

  35. November 14, 2009 8:01 pm

    I love love love the dentist. My mom used to work as a dental hygienist so I think that’s why I’ve never been scared of going.

    My fur babies get along great – and they are a chihuahua and a wheaton terrier! They’re an odd pair… we just call them “the girls” around my house. I think that the little one annoys the big one sometimes, though.

  36. November 14, 2009 9:57 pm

    I’ve gotta try that chocolate fig vita top!! I haven’t seen that yet. What kinda pup is Penelope? Sorry if you’ve answered this 34234 times–she’s just too frickin’ cute!

  37. Lizzy permalink
    November 15, 2009 7:18 am

    your puppies are so adorable! poor little penelope!

    1- i hate the dentist. something about the buzzing of the instruments or filling of cavities. yuck it freaks me out!

    2- i don’t have pets :( but one day i will

  38. November 15, 2009 9:04 am

    Look at your houndstooth mouse pad:) You really do love that pattern!!

    Poor Penelope baby:( :( She’s so darn cute

    1. I don’t like going to the dentist any time

    2. Niko and Clarabelle tolerate each other, but I think that’s just a show. They’re secretly BFF4L when the husband and I leave the house, haha.

  39. November 15, 2009 11:55 am

    I don’t love the dentist but I definitely don’t hate it! Clean teeth are happy teeth.

    Juan and Jamal are brothers and they love each other! They play together all day and curl up together at night. Adorable.

  40. November 15, 2009 12:14 pm

    What a traumatic puppy experience!

    I used to not mind the dentist at all, however, about 2 years ago I went in and they found this bump in my mouth…well to make a long story short, they made me get it removed despite the fact that I told them it had been there for decades, and it turned out to be tonsil tissue that when I was a little fetus ended up in the wrong place. Talk about an unnecessary procedure!
    So now I kind of hate the dentist.

    My parents have two cats, Chico and Cleo. They have about the same amount of affection for each other that I have for the dentist.
    Usually they are okay together, but Chico (he acts like a big dumb teenage boy) occassionally likes to harass Cleo who is about 9 years old, and she will just have none of it, so she’ll smack him with her paw or hiss like hell at him.

  41. November 15, 2009 1:31 pm

    aw poor penny!! im glad they went back to being BFF :)

    i hate the dentist. and all doctors. but i do like clean teeth so i go :) speaking of, i need to make an appt :)

  42. eatolive permalink
    November 16, 2009 8:33 am

    aww poor penny! her big brother beatin up on her!!

    i haaate the dentist. i hate things being prodded in my mouth. plus, i have sensitive gums. but it’s definitely a necessary twice yearly appointment that i stick with!


  1. flashback friday: flashback friday. « meals & moves

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