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weird wednesday.

October 28, 2009

today was a weird day.

first off i woke up in a new house and had no idea where i was.

then i showered in a brand new shower.. lucky for me it has amazing water pressure and a good head. twss?

then i drove a totally new way to work.. from my new house.. and had no idea how long it would take.

18 minutes, FYI.

i hope my autopilot realizes that i moved and i don’t try to drive to my old house at the end of the day.

then i put my oats on the stove. i usually put them on and leave the kitchen, go about my morning routine.. lalala.

and then for some reason i totally forgot i was making oats. and the water was all used up in the pot. and the oats were burning and sticking to the bottom of the pot. woops.

so that was weird.

i was too hungry to wait any longer for another batch of oats to cook.. luckily i had backup.

oikos+PB2+shredded spoonfuls

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my boss came in my office while i was eating this and told me it “smelled horrible” in my office. and “what on earth” was i eating? um.. weird.

“it is YOGURT and CEREAL!!” that is exactly what i said. like 5 times in a row. i also gave my breakfast a sniff. it smelled like yogurt. and cereal. he is a weirdo.

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i got a page in the afternoon. my boss (a different one) told me to get downstairs to the showroom immediately. um, ok, that is weird.

don’t worry.. it got weirder.

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for the past week there have been roosters and chickens in our parking lot. not sure why.. the guy next door to our building has all sorts of random wildlife. i guess they wanted to come say hello.

so today, my boss beckoned a rooster and a chicken in with crackers.

totally normal.. right?

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why did the chicken cross the road?

to get to our showroom to buy windows, of course.

don’t worry.. the rooster flew up onto the window sill.

and my boss had a feathery photo shoot.

this is all in a day’s work, right?

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when we tried to shoo them out, they repeatedly ran face (beak?) first into the glass. it was hilarious. look, i took a video of the whole shenanigans:

youtube videos take forever to upload. get with it youtube.

and it is not showing up. hmm. so if it didn’t work for you, i highly suggest you click here.

so then i decided to eat..

savory oats

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1/3 cup oats, 3 egg whites+1 whole egg, TJ’s peach salsa, TJ’s corn salsa, frank’s, LCL wedge..

okay, let’s be honest. this looks like a bowl of disgusting.

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not appetizing at all.

so a lady i work with is heating her lunch up as i am putting the finishing touches (aka dousing the bowl in hot sauce) on my lunch.

“that looks SO GOOD!” she says.

liar. it looks like vomit.

i then had to explain to her the concept of savory oats.

so that was weird.

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i won’t bore you with any more details of my weird day at work.. just know that it involved long phone calls and trying to figure out a bunch of weird problems in quickbooks.

want to know what was not weird? my new scarf. love.

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yeah, we have a weight room at work. and i don’t think it has been used once.


even weirder? my boss has not one, but TWO different gym memberships.. in addition to this office gym. a bit much, no?

after work i drove home. had to remind myself where home was.

that felt weird.

went to my mom’s house and whipped up like.. 18 pounds of funeral potatoes.

we have a work luncheon tomorrow.

the potatoes will make their debut in the next post. promise.

then i did a new HIIT on her treadmill! not weird at all.

incline 10.0 the whole time. two minutes at 3.5 mph.. and then 4 sets of this: 1 minute at 4.0 mph, 1 minute at 4.3 mph, 1 minute at 4.6 mph, 1 minute at 4.9 mph. and then one minute at 5.5 mph. at an incline of 10.. and DOMS in my legs.. that was a challenge.

then i went to marshall’s.

made dinner.

chicken picatta with mushrooms + green beans + caeser salad

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i took some play by play photos. not weird.

thinking about the chicken in my showroom earlier today as i was making this?

way weird. and not in a good way. sigh.

dredged the chicken breasts in whole wheat flour & italian seasonings.. then cooked them in extra virgin olive oil..

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flipped them over..

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dumped a plethora of sliced mushrooms over top..

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and this stuff..

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served on a bed of whole wheat thin spaghetti..

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marshall didn’t complain about the mushrooms.


good dinner!

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the only bad thing was a moth landed smack dab in the middle of my pasta as i was eating it.

way weird.

and way gross!

and then i decided to type this.

i will probably have a greek yogurt mess before i call it a night.

weird? i think not.


1. where does  your autopilot take you? i am always accidentally driving to this freeway entrance that has been closed for MONTHS. but i always drive to it.. and then remember it is still closed. and yell profanities in my car to myself.

2. why did the chicken cross the road? to buy windows.. obvi.

xo. janetha b.

p.s. i am a horrible person/aunt.. yesterday was my niece lucy’s 6th birthday and i forgot to give her a holler on last night’s post. we call each other twin and i love her. she got her ears pierced yesterday! love you lulu.

53 Comments leave one →
  1. October 28, 2009 11:17 pm

    Hey woman thanks for the lovely long comment on my post today, I loved every word.

    Autopilot and new houses…well girl I just moved into this house 8 weeks ago and yes new beds & showers and waking up not knowing where you are. Or for me, a new state. And new routes every wehre. And every time I even wanna go to the post office, I have no idea where one is and I then google it then mapquest it. Nothing is on autopilot for me these days LOL

    Working a funeral luncheon. God my Grandma (RIP) worked funerals all the time. She was a saint and cooked and cleaned and your one liner bout the potatoes brought back a sweet memory of her.

    I am on the mail lookout. And I have emailed Zevia no less than 10 times on your behalf. Seriously it really ticks me off that I ran a 6 winner contest for them to the tune of 200+ comment entries, etc and they have not mailed out your pkg. Or my tshirt they owe me. Bitter? Yes, a bit :)


  2. October 28, 2009 11:49 pm

    Haha Oh my gosh! So funny, and weird about the chickens.

    sorry about your breaky oats! but im glad your yogurt and cereal sufficed! haha, even though it “Smelled weird”

    isnt is strange how some days can really just BE totally out of the ordinary..

  3. October 28, 2009 11:58 pm

    Haha, I don’t have any chicken jokes…but that chicken was really random!

    And hello? How can yogurt and cereal smell bad?

  4. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    October 29, 2009 3:47 am

    that’s a really weird day but fun too!!! specially that chicken…. how funny, I don’t know what would be my reaction if I find it in my parking lot! ;D
    autopilot? mmmmm……. wake up, make coffee, drink while reading blog as now and then regret why I had coffee in an empty stomach AGAIN!

  5. Tina permalink
    October 29, 2009 4:43 am

    There is… a chicken… walking around… your building…
    What’s happened to the world!?

    Your boss = not human (try throwing some garlic at him, or a bucket of water, he might melt)

    Autopilot = one jar of peanutbutter 0_0

    And happy birthday to lucy,

    Love xxx

  6. October 29, 2009 4:51 am

    Wow, you’re right, twas a rather odd day in your world.

    Haha, but he whole roster thing totally cracked me up!!! Now that’s weird but definitely hilarious.

    Hope today is a little less weird for you. I’m sure normalcy is right around the corner.

    Take care lovely!

  7. October 29, 2009 5:43 am

    OMG_-another weird thing: I was totally going to text you about funeral potatoes yesterday! You see, I HAD to buy this 10 lb bag of potatoes, even though I only wanted to purchase 5 lbs. They were the same price!!I got tricked by my cheap ass-ness. Now I have like 9 lbs of potatoes to use up and guess what?? Funeral potato smackdown! I’m going to see if they can be made healthier–we shall see. Have a great day! xoxo

  8. October 29, 2009 6:15 am

    My autopilot wants to go the the Vitamin Shoppe. I know that’s weird, I love that place!

    That’s too funny about those chickens HA!

    I agree, your boss is a weirdo. Next time open some eggs or something ;)

  9. October 29, 2009 6:36 am

    haha that is a weird day!! so funny! chickens, crazy!! someone let some chickens lose in our principal’s office on senior prank day.

    your scarf is so cute.

    love you, mama!!

    hurray for water pressure! boo for burned oats!

  10. October 29, 2009 6:39 am

    I always forget where I am when I wake up in a new place. I actually recently thought I was in our old place (from which me moved 4 years ago!!!) when I woke up in the morning. It was totally weird. Or maybe I’m just getting old…

    Happy Belated Birthday to your niece! :)

  11. October 29, 2009 6:47 am

    hahaha wow so funny about the chickens the only way I would describe that is utterly wierd….great title! I have totally let my oats overflow before because sometimes I walk away too. This frustrates me more than anything! it is such a hassle to clean up! Ithink your breakfast totally made up for it but eww for your boss Yucking your yum!! I hate when people do that I even dedicated a whole post to it in my blog!

    it looked delicious! I sometimes wake up at my BFs and think I am in my bed, its such a strange feeling!!


  12. October 29, 2009 6:48 am

    Hahaha I hate trying to explain savory oats to people!!

    And those roosters!!! Some boys let retarded (like legitimately mentally challenged/on sale) roosters loose in my high school for senior prank day; it was weird, for lack of a better descriptor….

    Hope today is more normie

  13. eatolive permalink
    October 29, 2009 7:01 am

    hahaha, weird day ;)

    when i was in high school, if i went down a certain road, my autopilot would take me straight to school … even if it was saturday. yeaaaaahh…

    the only answer to that joke i know is “to get to the other side”. :)

  14. October 29, 2009 7:08 am

    That is a weird wednesday!! haha it made for a good story though!!

  15. julie permalink
    October 29, 2009 7:26 am

    hahahahahahahaha oh lord it WAS a weird day. weird. haha

    umm my auto pilot pretty much runs for about 4 out of the 7 days of the week. weird. sometimes I don’t even remember what I did for the day. weird..

    I think thursday will be less weird..

  16. October 29, 2009 7:54 am

    oh my gosh, LUCY is adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS LUCY! and i love the name lucy. i hope we can all be twins.

    i laughed out loud in my office way too early at that video. i slightly feel like a bad person for enjoying how the birds are running into the glass over and over, but let’s be real, it’s funny!

    that is a weird day. i hate those days when things seem off – mostly because mine are not as hilarious as yours. and yes, the worst is the first day waking up in a new place and not realizing where you are! here is to a better thursday!


  17. October 29, 2009 7:59 am

    Oh I hate waking up and not knowing where I am. I’m glad I’m not the only person who has started up a batch of oats and then forgot about them…

    I love the chicken video! That’s awesome.

    1) There’s like 8 diff ways to get into Ft. Collins from my house so by taking a different one each time I haven’t really gone into autopilot mode yet….

    2) I don’t have a smart-ass funny answer to this so I’m going to skip it…….

  18. October 29, 2009 7:59 am

    LOVED the video!!! I seriously “l-o-l’d” I don’t know why, but I get a huge kick of animals walking into windows and mirrors :P Also, I find showering in a new place is always the strangest thing to get used to. I always feel like I’m in a hotel shower or something for the first few days!

    1. Autopilot goes on in the grocery store. I always wander up and down every single aisle without thinking about it, even if I’m just stopping in for a few things. Probably why I always leave with WAY more than I intended to.

    2. To get in ma belly! :P

  19. October 29, 2009 8:02 am

    Sounds like a verrrrrrrrrrry weird day. Especially cuz of those chickens lol

  20. snackface permalink
    October 29, 2009 8:12 am

    Awww those poor little bebe chickens! You already know this, but that weirdness you felt preparing your chicken because you’d just seen those friendly, funny, cute creatures earlier in the day—that’s why I can’t eat them. And for some reason, all animals now remind me of my dogs, and I could never eat my dogs. Haha that is gross and absurd, but ya catch my drift. But I love you, so I suppose it’s OK you were feeding your bod and your man.

    I’ll get off my veg high-horse. Why are there so many saying related to animals? ANYWAY….

    Hmm my autopilot always opens and turns on my laptop whenever I come home. Like, it’s always on when I’m home. Poor thing.

    The chicken crossed the road to get to me so I could try to pet it and hug it. Probably wouldn’t happen, but I’d try.

    Love you!!!

  21. October 29, 2009 8:32 am

    I laughed throughout this whole post. And even though I have not lived with my parents for 10 years, my autopilot still goes there…

  22. October 29, 2009 8:48 am

    I totally know what you mean about training your autopilot. Sometimes I get in a zone and can’t be stopped! Did you know that it’s been proven that if you take different routes to and from places, that it helps defend against alzhiemers? (sp?)

    Anyway, I burst out laughing when I saw that chicken. Your boss is hilarious! Weird;)

    Have a great Thursday!

  23. October 29, 2009 9:16 am

    Bahahaha! That is a weird day!!! Roosters in Key West, FL…normal…in SLC? Not normal.

    Is your boss even fit with his 3 gym memberships? I sure hope so…my boss just bought P90X. Did the videos for 4 days and hasn’t since. I’m still trying to convince him to give them to me ;)

  24. October 29, 2009 9:20 am

    I jump on the highway every day after work to go to the gym. It branches off in two directions about 2 miles after I get one. Gym is to the right, my house is to the left. I think you can see where this is going. Every inch of me just wants to go to the left, but I resist! :)

    And I love this one! HA!
    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
    A: To prove to the possum it could actually be done!


  25. October 29, 2009 9:38 am

    Phew! I am all caught up on your last week Janetha and thank goodness for that. I had to go out of town last weekend for work (Fargo, North Dakota in case you were wondering) and now I have a crazy work week to catch up on. Boo.
    So, hearing your voice in the couple videos you’ve posted is really strange! But in cool way. You sound different to how I expected. That sounds creeperish and stalkerish. I apologize.
    Love your efforts to stick to the cleaning out the cupboards thing – bravo!
    Chickens = reedonk.

  26. October 29, 2009 9:53 am

    I love that your boss used crackers to bring the chickens in. Way weird that they are just wandering around outside!

    My autopilot always wants to take me to our old apartment. The exit for our new apartment is 30 miles closer to work and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve passed the right exit.

  27. October 29, 2009 10:06 am

    That is a weird day – even weirder that you have a weight room AND you can cook at your office. We have a microwave and a toaster oven, and that’s it. I’ll tell you the long sage of my boss some day (short version is she has gastric bypass but still insists on Treat Week, which I think is weird).

    Hope you have a normal day!

  28. October 29, 2009 10:41 am

    Okay, first off. Where on this sweet earth did you get that amazing scarf!?!? It is so cute. I love the plaid with a hint of sparkle!

    My autopilot hasn’t really hit yet, since I moved to a completely new town, but sometimes when I drive home I found a new route that I like better, but I always forget to take it because I am programmed to take the original lame, boring, more traffic-ky route.

    chicken crossed the road because, well, why not? he wanted exercise, eh?

  29. October 29, 2009 10:53 am

    I actually think your savory oats look really yummy, too. Does that make me weird? Alright, I KNOW I’m weird. No biggie.

    Also – here is one I get from my students a lot lately…

    – Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
    – Because he didn’t have any guts.

  30. October 29, 2009 11:09 am

    LMAO! That chicken video is hilarious…all in a day’s work, right?!

    The chicken crossed the road because it saw the zebra crossing… :P

    I don’t drive so no autopilot on my car, but every single day I walk the same way home and there are 3 streets that look exactly the same- I keep walking down the wrong one!

  31. lowandbhold permalink
    October 29, 2009 11:52 am

    Hahaha, what a weird yet entertaining day! Have you ever used the weight room? Seems like that could be handy in some instances.

    Sorry about the oat burnage :(

    Hmmm, I don’t think my autopilot is currently set on anything. I drive a different way home almost every day for some reason. Guess I just like to keep things fresh, haha.

    Happy B-day to Lulu!!

  32. October 29, 2009 3:26 pm

    Ha – LOVED the chicken story and video – soooo funny!

    I was thinking it would be even funnier if your boss with 2 memberships and work gym didn’t use any of them :D

    I kinda agree whenever I hear you say savory oats I know to fast fwd :) Your co-worker is crazy if she thinks they look or sound good ~ who eats that?! :D Kidding, but, they do look ick ;)

    Chicken picatta – YUM!

  33. Michelle permalink
    October 29, 2009 4:26 pm

    I cracked up at the chicken video, thank you for making my day. :)

    Also, I love your scarf!

  34. October 29, 2009 4:54 pm

    HA, chickens in the building?! What a weird day it was!

    My autopilot takes me to… school. But not college. HIGH SCHOOL… which I graduated from a lonnnggg time ago. (Ok, not that long but you think after 3+ years my brain would know.) Maybe some day I’ll stop and say hi to my sis instead of turning around. Probly not. ;)

    And the chicken crossed the road… because there was a delicious restaurant on the other side!! lol


  35. October 29, 2009 5:46 pm

    Janetha!!! I’m back! FINALLY! You are the best – thank you for continually checking in with me!!! I loved your comments :) I have sooo many of your posts to get caught up on, but I had to write and say hi and tell you your outfit is SUPER cute. Love it girl!

  36. October 29, 2009 6:48 pm

    Haha, that would make my work day so much more fun if there were chickens in the building!

    Love the scarf.

  37. October 29, 2009 6:56 pm

    yesterday I saw a woman mowing her lawn topless – wednesday was definitely a weird one… must’ve been something in the air.

    that scarf is TOO DANG FAB! is that a square scarf? I have one but have no idea how to wear it.. any advice would be greatly appreciated, diva!

  38. October 29, 2009 7:24 pm

    weird wednesday indeed! But HOTT scarf, I love :)

    haha and I can only imagine describing the savory oats concept to someone, I have a hard enough time explaining overnight oats.

    1. I definitely used to drive to my old apartment when I’d first moved..good thing I lived in the same complex, just different unit.

    2. to get to the other side! duhh…

  39. Lizzy permalink
    October 29, 2009 8:07 pm

    love that scarf my love! where did you get it??

    i hate weird days like that. I go to school with a ton of off the wall people, so you better believe that i see some weird things all the time!

  40. October 29, 2009 9:16 pm

    Roosters and chickens everywhere!? That would totally freak me out! I hate waking up in unfamiliar places–feels so weird.

  41. mom permalink
    October 29, 2009 9:20 pm

    hahahahahahaha gads you had quite a day!!! I’ve had one today but no roosters or chickens, you totally crack me up!! Love you too too much xoxoxo what?!? Marshall wasn’t bugged by the mushrooms, must be a full moon out!

  42. October 29, 2009 9:33 pm

    Auto pilot- Norris cancer hospital- even if we are supposed to be heading to lunch before Dad’s appt- DOH!

    Jealous of your weight room. I’d go down and hammer out a few sets on my breaks! :-)

    Poor chix!

  43. BroccoliHut permalink
    October 29, 2009 9:42 pm

    Whoa, what a bizarre day! I remember being totally freaked out as a little 7th grader when the seniors let roosters loose at school for their senior prank.

  44. October 29, 2009 10:51 pm

    I LOVE your new scarf!
    I haven’t really developed an autopilot yet in Sacramento except to and from school – I think that counts right?

    I can’t believe there were chickens inside – hilarious!

  45. October 29, 2009 10:54 pm

    I have school and work every weekday but somedays I have work first and other days I have school first. After I drop Snuffy at the babysitter, I have to think twice about which direction I need to turn. I had some mishaps when I started this schedule

  46. m i c h e l l e permalink
    October 29, 2009 11:03 pm

    Great scarf – looks perfect on you!

    So funny about the chickens! I love random stuff like that …

  47. October 30, 2009 6:02 am

    The chickens take the cake on the weirdness scale. Or maybe the unused gym in your office….

    How do you get your photos all collagey-style? I can’t figure out how to get them next to each other….

    1. I cannot explain to you how to get to my grandmother’s house, but I drive there totally automatically. If I thought about it, I would probably get lost, actually!
    2. The light was green.

  48. October 30, 2009 6:57 am

    You’ve put me in the mood for chicken piccata. I love mushrooms. Love the site.

  49. October 30, 2009 8:49 am

    Roosters and chickens? That is insane!!! HA
    Ohhh I love the scarf! :)

  50. October 30, 2009 9:30 am

    That chicken piccatta looks really really good. I want to try making that!

    I love the scarf too. Tres cute!

  51. October 30, 2009 5:01 pm

    I spy shredded spoonfuls! My faveee :)

    Sorry about the weird day Janetha…but hey, it kept you entertained at least?!

    And I STILL haven’t tried savory oats. WHO AM I!?

    Love youu!!!

  52. October 30, 2009 5:02 pm

    ps! love the scarf, so cute.


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