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some things. and a pickle.

October 6, 2009

hello and happy national noodle day to one and all!  did you celebrate?  in case you missed the noodle celebrations, i will inform you that tomorrow (wednesday) is national frappe day so adjust your menus accordingly.

thanks for all the fun comments on my lake powell recap! it was a lot of fun and i wish i was still there.. but i am loving this cold weather in the SLC and am dressed accordingly in my flannel, leggings and boots.  i am a total winter obsessed girl.

as promised, lots of fun things to tell you about!  i think i will start with some of that.

thing #1
when i got home from lake powell i had the most fabulous package everrrr from my bleep (blog peep.. deb’s own term and i love it!) deb!

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that is some homemade pecan butter and the most glorious creation ever.. homemade vanilla maple peanut butter!!! are you serious?!

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this stuff is unreal! i was so touched that deb was thoughtful enough to create a janetha-inspired nut butter.  i have always wanted a vanilla flavored nut butter and she was wise to the fact! DEB. you are the best bleep around :) (p.s., it is so delicious, i ate a few SPOONFULS!)

thing #2
i wrote a guest post for susan! it is all about fat blasting foods.  please go read it! click here.

thing #3
BIG UPS to two lovely ladies.. ANGHARAD & HOLLY! angharad ran a 10 miler and holly ran a marathon while i was away. they win for coolest things that i missed. you girls are my heroettes!

thing #4
we all know miss snackface is the hottest item on the block.  but now it is revealed that she is also the hottest item on the block of ice. do yourself a favor and click here.

thing #5
this may or may not be the best website around. it rivals and  check out RIGHT NOW. here is a little sample of the posts you will find on this website:

“When trying to fall asleep at night, I can never fall asleep until I have gotten up to go to the bathroom twice. Sometimes I’ll go once and then lay there for almost an hour until I feel the urge to go again. After I have gone the second time I fall almost instantly asleep. My old roommate even caught on that I had to do this. One time her boyfriend was visiting and he saw I was going to bed so he started to turn the TV down. She told him he didn’t have to really worry about it until the second time I got up.”

and another:

“I rewrite my paragraphs so that the last line fits the full width.”

um. hello? now i don’t feel like i am alone when i wonder if i am crazy for counting my steps on every staircase or making patterns out of phone numbers. special thanks to my sister for directing me to this website. i have now lost several valuable hours that i could be doing something productive but have instead been reading about everyone else’s weird quirks.  and i think you should too.

thing #6

the oh so fantastic tina has given me this fancy shmancy award! thanks doll!

and i am supposed to tell you 7 rando things about myself~ that will be easy as pie (where did that saying come from? it is not always easy to bake a pie. but it is always easy to EAT one.. maybe that is what they mean when they say “easy as pie”.. whoever “they” are..)

  1. i pop every joint in my body that i possibly can. and i count the number of pops. the number of pops HAS to be an even number or i get really irritated and try to pop at least one more joint to get that even number. yes, i am insane.
  2. when i was a kid i HATED dolls. i didn’t own one. i had stuffed cats. i was given a doll for my fourth birthday and i burst into tears. i remember it vividly.
  3. i had braces for 5 years. third grade to eighth grade. only on the top half of my teeth. these straight pearly whites didn’t come naturally.
  4. i want to make a day-to-day calendar (where you tear a page off every day, you know) that has every national food holiday and a recipe to go along with it involving that food. i am just waiting for someone to pay for me to do this. any takers?
  5. i think traveling is the absolute best way anyone can spend their money. hands down.
  6. i can raise just my left eyebrow, or both eyebrows at the same time, but not just my right eyebrow. and it is pretty amusing to watch me try.
  7. my mom is my best friend ever and the only reason i don’t move away to a far off land.. or even to a far off state.. is because i would more than likely die if i did not get to hang out with her on the regular.

i am also supposed to tag seven of you fabulous people and that is a really hard thing to do.. since i am the most indecisive girl on the blogging block.. so i will pull a jenny and pick all of you. yep. everyone reading this, you get the award. so go post it with honor and tell us 7 things about yourself :)

ok! that is all the fun things i have for now. hope you enjoyed.

so, tuesday. how was it for you? it was good for me, i am wondering where my appetite is though.. hmm.. musta left it at the lake?


meal 1: protein oats + mighty maple + cinnamon @ 9:30 AM

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i have now decided this is the most filling breakfast ever. for me at least.  some of you have asked about how i make my protein oats. i will be doing a how-to post soon.. should i do a video or a step by step? you pick.

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this was a really good batch today! and i was full and did not eat until SIX HOURS LATER!

meal 2: cottage cheese wrap @ 3:30 PM

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um yeah, i was full for a VERY, VERY long time. it was spooky! it must be october. speaking of october, i got to write on my desk calendar today and write in all the birthdays and events for the month. seriously, that is something i look forward to with every new month. i love writing on calendars. i wonder why i am so into it? i always have been, ever since my elementary trapper keeper days!

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anyway, this wrap was awesome. a flat out layered with laughing cow, sabra, cottage cheese, cucumbers and mushrooms. yummo!

after work i had some errands to run.  remember when i went to the bar like 10 days ago?  well i left my debit card there and i have not been able to get it back yet because the bar is always closed and they never answer their phone! i have literally called them over 100 times. irritating. anyway, i hung around downtown until i thought they might actually be open and FINALLY snagged my card back. i have been using my credit card in the meantime.. better go pay that off ASAP!

i ran some more secret birthday errands (marshall’s big 26th is on the 16th!) and when i finally made it home i was exhausted. and not hungry. weird. so guess what i didn’t do? i didn’t go to the gym. i never just skip the gym. but today, i did. it has been a hard day and i don’t feel too bad about it. moving on.

i finally got hungry again around 8..

meal 3: greek yogurt mess @ 8:15 PM

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about 1.5 cups of fage, kashi go lean and PB2. dinner of champs? probably not.. but like i said: exhausted.

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but it was delicious none the less.

then i did some secret online birthday shopping and caught up on the blog world.. procrastinated cleaning (story of my life) and surfed the net for potential places to live.  wait, what? oh.. ok..

*let’s take a time out for some pickle talk..totally non food related*

remember how i told you guys i was in a pickle? well about that.  we have given our 30 days notice to vacate our house.. basically it is falling apart and our landlord fails at life and never fixes anything for us.. so since the lease is up we decided to call it quits on the old abode.  i thought we would all just find another house to rent and life would go on as normal.  enter: pickle. one roomie is moving home with her dad to save some dolla dolla bills, another roomie wants to move out with her beau, one roomie is toying with the idea of moving home as well, can you see where this is going? i wasn’t blogging a year and a half ago when i moved into this spot (well i was blogging, just not food blogging) but the story went like this: 5 roomies living together and loved our house.. then one day 2 of the roomies bought their own condos, 1 roomie was pregnant and bought a house with her boyf, that left 2 of us and so i moved in with the friends i live with now and she found a shared room for rent (and she has since moved in with her boyfriend).  so i feel like the same thing is happening yet again.  i look around and almost all my friends live either on their own in their own place or with their boyfriends/fiances.. and i am still in “live with a bunch of your girlfriends” mode.  but i am 26. and i realize maybe i am supposed to be past that stage in my life. and it is crazy, because i was feeling all these feelings and then i read this post of whit’s today and it did make me feel better about where i am in life. i am totally happy with where i am.. but people are growing up left and right and i feel left behind.. i haven’t bought my own place and i don’t want to live with my boyfriend.  and all the girls that i have lived with in the past have done one or the other. and now my situation is looking similar to how it has in the past.  it is totally awesome that they all have moved on with their situations and i ask myself why haven’t i? should i? i have no idea. i just know that i have been super stoked on my situation for the past year and a half and now it is going to change again. i am soon to be homeless in about 3 weeks.. so, yikes. we haven’t worked out the details of what is going to happen with everyone, but i do know i will be moving from where i am now.. so that is going to be kind of a big deal this month. just wanted to talk about it because i am sure it will be an added stress =/

*end pickle talk*

so! that was a little serious, eh? and longer than anticipated. i about some fun giveaway links to lighten the mood..

also! congrats to the nominees for the foodbuzz blog awards! click here to vote!

i think that is enough for now, don’t you? sorry about the monster post.. sometimes they just spew out of my fingertips and i can’t help it :P

1. what is one neurotic thing you do that could go on i know you all have an answer to this! let’s hear it!
you can see mine above. i am a total freak.

2. what is your living arrangement? alone? with friends? with a boyf or hubs? with 4 dogs, 1 cat and 4 girls?
that last one is me now.. however i am not sure where i will be at the end of the month!

52 Comments leave one →
  1. Lizzy permalink
    October 6, 2009 10:05 pm

    yay for winning the award girlie! you are so awesome! :)

    currently i live with my momma! can’t beat the free food right? lol

  2. October 6, 2009 10:06 pm

    Umm I belong on that web site; gracias for passing it along, chica!

    I can’t set alarms or microwaves on 0s and 5s (i.e.: if I need to wake up at 7:00, I set my alarm for 7:01) I’m a FREAK, I know!

  3. October 6, 2009 10:08 pm

    I live with my boyfriend and our dog. But if I didn’t live with him, I’d live solo because I’ve never done that and it seems awesome!

    I vote step-by-step for the tutorial because I hardly ever watch people’s videos (I learn by reading things, not watching things which is why I sucked at lecture-hall classes in college!)

  4. snackface permalink
    October 6, 2009 10:20 pm

    Well GEEZE- thanks for the super sweet shout-out! Gaaahhh I’m never living down that photo. Hahaha at least it’s amusing.

    I’m so sorry about the pickle! I have no advice, as I’ve only lived with my family and one other female roomie. I don’t think I could live with a man for a very long time. I actually think I’d like to live alone at some point, too.

    As far as this neurotic thing… I constantly edit speech and writing. I’m always questioning it. It’s super obnoxious. I know I have a ton of other odd stuff that I can’t remember right now!

    Have I mentioned how HAPPY I am you’re back! LOVE YA!!!

  5. October 6, 2009 10:35 pm

    dude come live with me! i live with my bf and pets lol.. but i would love to squeeze you in ;)
    that pecan butter looks fab! YUM!
    love the guest post … girl you have some sexy torso action going on there.

  6. October 6, 2009 10:35 pm

    i live with my hubs and my dog. one little happy family!

  7. October 6, 2009 10:43 pm

    Ohhh my goodness, that pb looks amazing! That sounds like the best combo EVER. and that website is hilarious, haha! love the protein oats, too.

    hmmm you could come live with me! haha that’d be awesome.

    1) hmm I can’t think of any right now, but I KNOW I prob. have a bunch. Oh, I can get super obsessive over the way I word things, and I’m always re-reading and revising EVERYTHING. I’m getting better, though. It used to take me AGES to post comments. Haha!

    2) I live by myself when I’m here at school :)

  8. October 6, 2009 10:46 pm

    OH girl, I totally thought of a good one! I get all super neurotic about the hairs on my chin. You know, those darker stiff hairs? Haha I totally hope you know what I’m talking about. I can’t have any on my chin, and I’m always feeling my chin to see if I need to grab the tweezers. lol it’s so weird

  9. October 6, 2009 11:16 pm

    You know how to make a post!!!
    that thing was action packed!! and boy have I missed reading your blog!! I wish school could just lessen a TINY bit so I could have meals and moves in my life a little more, ja know?!

    so much to comment on! let’s see what I remember:

    1)I pop my joints too! Mostly just neck, fingers, and toes though!
    2) mama GC and I are best friends also!! :D yay! I was away from her for almost 4 years, so I’m SO happy to be close and in the same city again!!
    3) our yogurt mess looks so delish!!
    4) yay for care packages!! Deb’s goods look amazing!!!
    5) UGH moving!! I hope that your situation works out !


  10. October 6, 2009 11:44 pm

    Hey girl, I got one of Deb’s packages too. Between me, hub, and kid…we ate it all as of yesterday. Nuts for nutt buttts I guess :)

    Congrats on your award! It’s so cool that you and your mom are BFFs, me and my mom don’t speak. That cycle is being broken with me and my lil one.

    My chia pudding? Yes a little alien-like but damn girl, so easy and good and healthy.

    Your living situation…up til we bought this house (as of 1 month ago) we have been renting well and had owned too, but were renting for the past 3.5 yrs and I had found myself in numerous pickles. Giving notice without anything lined up thinking Craigslist would open up something fab and then it didnt…and me scrambling literally 8.5 mos pregnant with no home. Yeah, been there. It *will* work out for you no matter what ends up happening, just breathe, and if you need to vent, scream or cry, just email me cuz chances are I’ve lived it. Me and hubs (together 9.5 yrs) have lived in 9 places. Yeah. I know housing drama like the back of my hand.


  11. October 7, 2009 12:05 am

    haha i have the same problem with raising my eyebrows. I can raise my right one.. and both at the same time.. but my left one wont lift.. same with winking!!

    i currently live with two girls. in a two bedroom , one bath.. its tight.. but liveable.

    i really hope that everything works out for you in your living/moving situation! sounds tough! :(

  12. October 7, 2009 1:38 am

    Awww! I understand everyone’s stresses right now, but really you’re still in your 20s and living life! Amazing things will happen you just have to roll with the punches until it comes. Think of the best things that have happened to you so far…there was a time pre that event that you had no idea of its coming. If my phrasing makes sense? I need to remind myself of this more often, too! I enjoyed your abs post, I’ll keep some of those foods in mind!

  13. October 7, 2009 1:43 am

    that homemade vanilla maple peanut butter sounds heavenly! i hope you figure out your living arrangements out. its no fun stressing about it.

  14. October 7, 2009 2:02 am

    Love your post today. Did I ever tell you you’re kind like the journalist or newsletter for the blogosphere? Very cool how you round all the news among bloggers up like that! :D

    I live with a roommate in a FREEZING/ SWELTERING room with no heat or AC. But sometimes I feel like I live by myself bc my roommate practically lives in her studio!

  15. October 7, 2009 3:37 am

    That nut butter sounds a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Enjoy!

    1. what is one neurotic thing you do that could go on I am reading it now and literally nodding at pretty much every single one. Neurotic? Me?!

    2. what is your living arrangement? alone? with friends? with a boyf or hubs? with 4 dogs, 1 cat and 4 girls? I live alone. It’s weird that all my friends in the UK are married/having kids and I’m just…muddling along not really ready for that stuff. I feel so left behind but at the same time, am happy with where I am right now.

  16. October 7, 2009 4:47 am

    Mmm pecan butter! SO jealous! Sounds great.

    I’m sorry for your pickle! No need to compare youself to others though, hun. You rock as it is :)

    Currently I live in a zero lot line with my husband, dog and cat.

  17. October 7, 2009 5:19 am

    That wrap does sound pretty awesome!

    Okay on to the questions for the day….

    1. Most things I do are probably considered neurotic.

    2. I live with my hubby and the love of our life, Sammy (our little pup!)

    Have a lovely day love!

  18. October 7, 2009 5:33 am

    I pull out my eyebrows.

    I also have to have a time schedule for everything…seriously it’s bad if my schedule isn’t followed to a T.

    I live with hubs and Boomer :)

  19. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    October 7, 2009 6:20 am

    Don’t feel bad about where you are in your life. I’m married, have a baby, and we are living with my in-laws. It’s not the situation we would like. We ended up here because I got laid off. But I try not to feel bad about it. It is what it is!

  20. October 7, 2009 6:24 am

    You shouldn’t feel like you are left behind. People are ready for different life situations during different times in their life. If you are not ready for something like that then I don’t think that you should push it or feel guilty about it because you are being true to yourself which I give you many kudos for!! :)

  21. October 7, 2009 6:48 am

    I think it is great that you love where you are! Don’t worry about what those around you are doing. But I do hate change so I can empathize about that. Everything happens for a reason. Cliche, but so true. I am married and in a house with two kids. I love it, but I also think back to my days living with roommates and those were great too.

  22. October 7, 2009 7:09 am

    i’m sorry about your pickle! i know everything will work itself out.. you are in the perfect place for yourself, and don’t compare yourself to others… you know yourself the best out of anyone! :)

  23. October 7, 2009 7:13 am

    I love that neurotic website! It makes me feel slightly normal.

    1. I count everyting. I am getting better, but I used to count the steps I took ALL DAY LONG. Haha, such a freak. I also have to clear my desk completely before I can sit down to work at it. I have to clean the kitchen top to bottom before bed. I have a billion – I am a compulsive freak.

    2. I live with my husband and 2 cats and a doggie.

    Hang in there with the housing situation – it will all come together!! Have a great day.

  24. October 7, 2009 7:31 am

    I say a step by step post for the oats! I want to see how you make them so darn creamy!!

  25. October 7, 2009 7:31 am

    The house situation will work out, I’m sure of it. I hope you find something that works perfectly for you!

    Okay, you made me feel better about my neurotic things :)

    I don’t do it as much NOW, but anytime I ate ANYTHING, I had to chew the last bite on the left side of my mouth. I also used to count foods that were pieces (like candy, chips, pretzels, etc) and had to do the same thing – last one on the left side of my mouth.


  26. October 7, 2009 7:54 am

    I hope your pickle works out soon! You are not behind – you are on your own path. You can’t be behind on your own path ;)

  27. October 7, 2009 7:54 am

    WHAT a post….filled with shout outs, love it!

    haha that neurotic site is funny! its so interesting how everyone has their own nuerotic things that they do that make them ‘unique’ I guess this is a bit crazy, but i NEED to sleep with a fan on in my bedroom. It doesnt need to be facing me, but i need the noise to fall asleep, i just cannot fall asleep in the silence! bad habit, I take that fan with me to hotels LOL I had a friend who never let her foods touch each other on the plate, if they did, she’d get a new plate!

    oh and yours oats look fabbbb

  28. October 7, 2009 8:00 am

    I love you and I love your blog and reading your giganto posts makes me so happy.
    I just emailed you about the poopy stuff so I’ll stick to the food stuff here. Lots to say!
    1) national frappe day! sweet! i’m meeting my friend for coffee later. mmmm
    2) thanks for the shout out on my race! you are lovely
    3) that’s so funny. as your protein oats showed up i was like “hmm i wonder if janetha ever posted on how she makes her protein oats…” question answered. thankyou. i like step by step demos
    4) my brother’s birthday is on the 16th too!

    Now for actual q’s!
    1) Ohhhh dear. Even if I set my alarm JUST before getting into bed, I have to check it just before I go to sleep to make sure it’s right. Defo neurotic!
    2) I live with the boy. we want a pup and a kitty.

    love you!!!

  29. October 7, 2009 8:21 am

    Those neurosis sound like things I would do – especially the paragraph one! I rewrite notes all the time! I’m also a calendar freak!!

    That wrap? Awesome! I think that is a dinner of champs – fo sho!

    Sorry you’re in that pickle! I feel you when you say that “I should be past this stage in life.” I’m 22 still in school, single, and live at home. My friends? Some are married/engaged/have kids, have lived in their own place multiple times, and have REAL jobs with their degrees. It’s hard not to compare your life to those around you. A lot of my friends both in real life and from the blogs reassured me that I’m okay where I am in life. Everyone has a different path. Hang in there!

  30. October 7, 2009 8:50 am

    I missed you!!! Your trip looked fabulous and sounds like you had a blast!
    Guess what I am going to try to do today!?? Go to Wagamama since it’s noodle day!! woot woooot.
    tasty lookin protein oats. I’ve been slacking on those since my move, but i’ll be back on the train soon.

  31. October 7, 2009 8:51 am

    Crazy day of eats you had there. I actually get kinda sad when my appetite goes missing…

    I can lift both my eyebrows independently – I practiced for HOURS in front of a mirror when I was little. My dad does it too.

    I’m sorry about your sitch – I’m sure it will resolve itself in a good way though!

    1) I count stairs too!! and I always eat my meals in a circular pattern…one bite of each thing in rotation. Unless there’s something there that I don’t like but should eat (broccoli, etc.) and I eat that first so I can savor the good stuff. I also like to spell words out and picture where the letters are on the keyboard. and type them with my toes. Not really type – I just wiggle them…weird huh?

    2) I live with my husband and two cats.

  32. October 7, 2009 9:07 am

    JANETHA B – i have the EXACT same worries. roommate #4 just got engaged. ummmm, whoa! i don’t even have a boyfriend or any possibilities right now. but ya know what? i am a-okay with that. i love living alone, doing what i want and having the freedom to make decisions for myself. eventually it will happen – my timeline is just a little behind other peoples :)

    plus, traveling is the BEST way to spend money and i want to go to argentina next year SO BAD.

    thanks for the marathon shoutout. you are the best. and i am seriously in love with mighty maple. it is so DAYUM good, i need to ration it out.

    ummmm i am not generall neurotic, except about a couple things: i HATE when there is only one word on the next line in a microsoft word document. i have to adjust the margins or fix things so that the sentence is all on the same line or broken up evenly on two lines. ya follow?

    and yes, i live alone. it is glorious.

    have a fabby day love!

  33. October 7, 2009 9:24 am

    1. I have to make the bed every single day or I go crazy! Even if no one comes over. I get all anxious about it! I even add decorative pillows that must be place juuuuuust right.

    2. All labels must face forward in my fridge and in my cabinets. ALL OF THEM! Sometimes Nick turns them just to mess with me! HA!

    3. I make sure the door is locked at least 3x every single night. Even if I remember locking it, I need to make sure!! Deep rooted paranoia from all the years I lived alone I think.

    4. Every email I send or reply to at work is saved into project specific file. Every single one I tell you. I freak out that someone will have a question about something and will forget the answer or not remember. This way, I can track EVERYTHING! Yes, I am that anal!

    5. I make lists, for EVERYTHING. I prefer hand written ones. So if I make a mistake, I will re-write the whole freakin thing. Not because I have to, but because I enjoy it!

    6. I own two huge over sized duffel bags of special hats, wigs, masks and makeup. I put them on sometimes, just for fun and take pictures. Not weird at all right? HAHA!

    Ok, enough of that, I could go on and on all day. I currently live with my BF Nick. He moved in with me in my house about a year ago. Before that I lived alone for almost 3 years. I both loved and hated it. Privacy is nice but it gets boring (enter late night did I lock the door paranoia). And of course, we also share the house with my crazy mean cat Oliver.

  34. October 7, 2009 9:24 am

    can you make one (or more!) of those calendars before 2010?! I would LOOOVE to have one!!
    I have been on the hunt for one for months!

  35. October 7, 2009 9:37 am

    congrats on the award, which you totes deserve, of course!

    I could totally be your research assistant on the calendar project. that sounds like a dream job.

    re: the pickle. you know you’ll work it out! it’s good that you don’t move in with the boyf if you don’t feel like that is the right move. I’ve had lots of friends who feel like that is what they are supposed to do and it doesn’t always work out the way they think it will.

    1. I have too many neuroses. I count steps, I do weird good will hunting-style calculations looking at my digital bed-side clock, shoelaces must be tucked into shoes in the closet, have to answer the phone between rings (can’t interrupt a ring), and those are just the beginning.

    2. I live with my hubcap (believe it or not, after reading what I just typed above!). I lived by myself for a few years too, which I highly recommend. I think everyone should live alone for a while.

    happy frappe day! are you making fluffernutters tomorrow?

  36. lowandbhold permalink
    October 7, 2009 10:27 am

    Oh, please do a video! That would make me so happy!

    1. I am neurotic to the max. I will go off on a bitch if they leave a cup on my glass tables. Even though I can just wipe the rings up, it still kills me! I am obsessive about finding grey hairs on my head, and if I find one on one side I have to find one on the other side (to even things out). I wear a pedometer every day and if I don’t get the number of steps I say I’m going to get that day I run in place before bed until I get there. I could go on, but I’ll stop.
    2. I feel your pickle ten-fold honey! Moving is such a big deal to me and it stresses me like crazy. I’m currently living with the same roommate I’ve had since junior year of college but our lease is up in December and she’s being wishy washy about what she wants to do next year. I’ve lived alone and I don’t mind it but living with a roommate is so much cheaper. I hope you find something that works out great for you. Or you can come live with me!!

  37. October 7, 2009 10:51 am

    Things have to be in the correct place. I’m the only one that can decide what that place is. Morgan is constantly looking for things that I’ve decided need new places! :)

    I was always a huge fan of living alone before I was married. I’m not sure if thats an option for you at all but I loved it!

  38. julie permalink
    October 7, 2009 11:03 am

    Okay whoa so this MIGHT be long BUT. You should move to NY and move in with me :) haha I’m in the SAME pickle well it’s not realllly a pickle but I’m living at home, 23, working part time and going back to school for my masters, SO many of my friends are engaged, have moved out, and I’m just like ugh WHY am I still at home. My brothers and sisters are out of the house and it’s just me and my rentals. Which is awesome because I’m saving money, but also like shouldn’t I be moving on with life! I know what you mean. I feeeel like I may be going somewhere in life and I hope something with that happens but it’s like ugh it’s not moving fast enough! I think the most important thing is to be happy in life. There’s so much time to do things and don’t stress because I think you’re in a great place :) Move in with mom for a little while! That way you don’t have to ever be far away from her haha

  39. October 7, 2009 11:05 am

    LOL I can’t raise my right eyebrow by itself either! Muahahaha!

  40. Stephanie permalink
    October 7, 2009 12:18 pm

    Hi there! I’ve been reading for a while but not a big commenter :)

    I thought Whit’s post really hit home, too. I’m 25 and it’s a very “anything goes” time. I have friends my age who are: married, with babies, in houses; live on their own; live with friends; and live with their parents. And all are “ok” right now, you know?

    Long story short– do what feels right for you. There’s no “right” age to have each of those steps (and it’s ok to skip some/not have some at all!)

    Personally, I live alone and love it. I’ve had lots of girlfriend roommates before and they were great, but I was ready for a solo place. My bf lives in the same neighborhood, but we don’t live together yet… it’s still somewhat of a “me”-time phase before we make it all official ;)

  41. October 7, 2009 1:21 pm

    ohmygosh, I love that website. You just costed me 30 minutes of work time miss Janetha!! :P

    1. I HATE any sort of aftertaste. I have to have a mint, gum, or brush my teeth after every thing I eat. Also why I never drink anything flavoured, because they give me a weird sugar aftertaste, and I feel like I have to chug a bunch of water to get rid of it.

    2. Ohhh, I sooo know where you are right now! Luckily, I have a boyfriend who doesn’t want to grow up either, and we’re perfectly happy living our separate lives. I am however living in an apartment all by myself for the first time ever. I really like it! I miss just coming home and chilling with my best gal pals, but some days you just can’t beat hanging out in your undies and eating whatever you want out of the fridge ;)

  42. Tina permalink
    October 7, 2009 1:32 pm

    You totally deserved that award *hugs* :D
    Sorry to hear about your pickle, I wish I could give you some advice but I’m a total noob when it comes to housing problems (been living with my parents for the past 17 years so :P)

    Omg! I have the complete opposite thing with my eyebrows! I can only do right or both… we should team up and raise opposing eyebrows (because that’s really a goal you should have in life)
    And I agree about the travelling! So true :D
    By the way, I think we should start the day-by-day foodie calendar bidding! It would be the most awesome calendar known to man… *dreams*
    As for the oats, I’m more of a reader than a watcher when it comes to blogs, so I’m for step-by-step but if YOU make a video, I’ll watch :)

    I cannot function unless I have everything down in a schedule and I’m following it, how’s that for neurotic?
    I live with my parents :P, but hopefully moving out very very soon (after graduation that is).

    Lots of love to my girl JB!

  43. Katharina permalink
    October 7, 2009 1:44 pm

    YOU are one lucky girl! Both of those homemade nutbutters sound amazingly delicious.

    1. Hmm.. I’m neurotic about cabinets being closed, and the roll of toilet paper going the right way.

    2. I have one roommate and one adorable doggy :)

  44. October 7, 2009 2:00 pm

    sorry about the pickle! i totally understand not being ready to live with your boyfriend and wanting to live with girls…i think you would still have just as much fun though living with 1 or two girls in an apt instead of a bigger house. i’ve always lived with one or two other friends and it works out great…you’d be surprised how you are still always surrounded by people!!!

    hope it starts working out quickly, try not to stress if you can avoid it :)

  45. October 7, 2009 2:08 pm

    That is quite the pickle. I’m kind of a “go with the flow” kind of girl. Lived in a dorm for 1 yr my freshman year of college, hated it. Lived with a roommate last year, worked well for 6 months and then he got on my nerves (could have been the QUEEN of if ya kno what i mean…) and I moved in with the boyf. Then he had to go back to Canada. Now I’m here, back at the parents’ house, wishing oh so much that I lived with a bunch of girlfriends. But you know what? Do what feels best to you. You’re still young! You have your whole life ahead of you to live with your bf, get married, all that crap. Do what is right for you, and that is the ONLY way to be happy. Good luck chica!

    Oh, and I can NOT eat the same thing twice in one day. I freak out. I know, weirdo.

    Love the home made nut butters!!!


  46. October 7, 2009 2:39 pm

    I’m neurotic about whether or not something is locked. I’ve had dreams my whole life about someone or something getting in and locks not holding. Weird.

    As for your pickle, I would normally NEVER say this but these days are unlike any other. I think you should move home with the folks if they have room for you. I think it’s all about saving the Benjamins these days. If you think that’s uncool, then fine, but you did mention how much you love your moms and it sounds like a very positive place for you.

    I’ve had my own place since I was about 23, then lived with a guy at 25, then lived alone, then lived with my personal trainer (long story – she moved in with me after her marriage fell apart) and then moved across the country and lived alone for a few months before meeting the huzbomb. He and I have been living together for 10+ years. I just have never been a live with a lot of girls person since college. Even when I had three roommates, they were guys.

    I would NEVER be able to live with my mother but my sitch is different.

    Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. I’m sure something will work out. :)

  47. October 7, 2009 3:00 pm

    I live with hubby and our two kids. I was one of the first ones to have kids in my circle of friends, so I never experienced the feeling of “I should be doing this by now.” I think it’s so important that you do what’s right for you! Just because others are doing certain things doesn’t mean it’s right for you… Sorry you are in a pickle… Hope you’ll find some awesome roommates and a great place soon!

  48. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    October 7, 2009 5:51 pm

    I don’t like to be touched when I eat!

    I live on my own now and I’m so happy about that. I lived 2 years with roommates, not fun, not feeling like home no matter how great were my roomamate.

    love that neurotic website! so freaking awesome that i’m not so weird.

  49. Mom permalink
    October 7, 2009 6:14 pm

    Sob, sob, sob…….you are so sweet, I love you xoxoxo

  50. October 13, 2009 9:09 am

    omg. im not the only one :)

    hahah, i absolutely positively HAVE to turn my pillow over every night (i have 4 pillows on my bed and rotate out which one i sleep on every night so that i sleep on a new side) and absolutely, positively must wash all of them at least once a week.

    aka i have oily skin and don’t want unnecessary breakouts. plus, it just grosses me out to not sleeo on a new side of a pillow every night.


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