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you spin me right round baby.

September 27, 2009

heyo! sorry that i was MIA last night, i was out painting the town purple.

it was awesome hearing about the awards and medals you have all received.. a talented bunch of people hanging out around here!  i also enjoyed hearing about the races you have run as well as the races you hope to run one day.  i gotta say, my mom’s comment made me laugh the most: “I used to want to run a marathon before I turned 50 – wow was I ever glad when I finally hit 50 and that goal was thrown out the window!”  hahaha.. nice mom.

oh and for those of you who asked, yes the cauliflower that filled me up so, so full was raw.  i actually had cooked cauliflower in my indian meal the day before and did not get super full, so i think that the fact that it was raw had something to do with it. i love raw cauliflower.. much more so than cooked.

oooooh kay, i am just going to jump right into saturday’s shenanigans because there is a lot to tell!

i popped out of bed at 7:30 yesterday morning. um, huh? if you know me, you know i have a very hard time waking up.  so this was weird! but i welcomed the situation with open arms and had a little somethang before the gym..


meal 1: blueberry chobani @ 7:30 AM

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first off, i liked the color.. it immediately made me think there was going to be a plethora of blueberries in the container.. seeing as how the yogurt was colored like a blueberry and all.. (speaking of which, it is not really blue per say. it is more purple. i vote we change the name to purpleberry!)

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the stats were quite similar to the peach i had tried previously..

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the taste was not nearly as good as the peach.  i actually thought the flavor of the blueberry yogurt was a tad on the artificial side.  i just didn’t think “blueberries” when i ate it.. instead i thought “sugar”.  kind of a bummer. i thought this would be the saving grace:

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see the last bullet? “delicious fruit on the bottom.” it says. well, much to my disappointment:

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not a one blueberry in sight.

so sorry chobani, i loved your peach flavor but the blueberry just didn’t tickle my fancy.  it did not taste bad by any means.. but not worth the 20 grams of sugar it totes. 

final grade: C aka.. average.


yesterday was my planned day for HIIT but guess what was at 8:30 AM?

a spin class!

i am not usually one to do classes at the gym but i have been saying over and over that i needed to try a spin class.. well yesterday was the day that i finally did.  it was an hour long class but when i got there the 70 year old instructor was amped up and informed us it would be a 90 minute long sesh.

um, ok, i can do 90 minutes i suppose..

i had a good time with the spin class.. but i have to say, the soundtrack was horrible.  not only did homeboy sing along to the songs.. the songs were straight out of the 50’s and 60’s!

we were just about to hit a really intense part of the class and he declares, “let’s take it back to 1962 with peppermint twist!” haha.. i am sorry, but i just cannot get my heart rate up listening to the oldest of the oldies! 

but i pushed through it and managed to make it through the whole hour and a half.  i ended up burning 600 calories which is gnarly for me!  quite the workout.  while i would really like to do another class.. i don’t know if i can handle going to this guy’s class again.

oh and.. ugh, my crotch hurts so dang bad. you know, that spot where the bike seat sits? ahh.. i am in so much pain! that paired with the DOMS from my lower body workout and it is safe to say i am moving at the pace of a snail today.  so for you avid spin class goers.. does this happen every time, or is it just something that comes with the territory?! ouch ouch ouch. the only other time i have hurt this bad was when marshall and i rode our single gear bikes the 36 miles from my house to his house. i couldn’t sit right for weeks!

anyway, enough crotch talks.


yesterday was national pancake day!

naturally i had to celebrate.. i swooped by the grocery store for the three essentials:

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that’s right, it was time to bust out the pumpkin! my first can of the season :)

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meal 2: pumpkin pancakes & chocolate protein shake @ 10:30 AM

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for the pancakes, i mixed 1/2 cup of the pancake mix~which has great stats:

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with 1/4 cup pumpkin and a plethora of pumpkin pie spice and some cinnamon for good measure. i loved the color of the batter:

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this made 2 big pancakes that i cooked on the griddle..

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and topped with a drizzle of agave

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and to balance out the meal i had a chocolate protein shake made with 2/3 cup almond milk,, ice and protein powder.

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these pancakes were banging! they were so pumpkinlicious.. ever bite was an explosion of autumn in my mouth :)

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i also had some coffee in my utah state fair mug

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side note: a lot of new readers have asked about that tattoo.  mable was my yellow lab who passed away about 2 years ago. you can read about it here.

then i was off to run a plethora of errands!

after a stop at whole foods and some building hunger.. i ate some lunch on the fly aka in the subaru!

meal 3: whole foods salad + luna bar @ 2:00 PM

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i kept this pretty protein-dense with marinated tofu, a hard boiled egg, tuna, garbanzos and black beans.  i also had artichokes, pomegranite seeds, cucumbers, spinach, corn and parmesan on the salad. since this was not too huge or carb filled, i had a little room for lunch-dessert. i had this beauty.. my fave:

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i think i like the luna bars that DON’T have chocolate in them..

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then i met the newest addition to the family.. evelyn!

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evie for short. she wasted no time warming up to me and sitting on my laptop!

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i am not sure that we will keep her, i think marshall’s mom is going to take her.  marshall rescued her from his job site :) she is a sweetie, that is for sure. i LOVE cats!

welllll fast forward to night time and marshall and i went to a BBQ at his brother’s house. i kept it pretty body for life friendly!

meal 4: hamburger & pasta salad @ 7:00 PM

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i was happy to see they had wheat buns!

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it was deeeelicious. there is just something incredible about a real hamburger hot off the grill with all the simple fixings.. lettuce, tomato, mustard, onion & cheese.

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i also enjoyed veggies that i dipped in both hummus and a bit of chicken salad..

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later on we went to my friend’s house for some hang time. i was pretty full from the BBQ so i didn’t eat meal 5. it was a lot of fun to be together with these 3 characters.. we go all the way back to seventh grade so there was a lot to talk about. 

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mitch, kristen, danny and me. danny and i were boyfriend & girlfriend our junior year. funny story, he is actually gay. we joke that maybe i turned him. but i didn’t, i promise ;)

needless to say, marshall and the other people hanging out were ultra bored with us and left the room! haha, oh well. we ended up heading downtown and hung out at a bar that was super dead. catching up is amazing and sometimes nothing can compare to it. here are a few more photos from last night.

haha.. mitch and i held hands in 7th grade. i should dig up some photos of us in junior high for flashback friday sometime.

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a little billiards action!9-26-09 092 9-26-09 096

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good times.

what was not good was marshall got pulled over on the way home! he somehow snaked his way out of getting a speeding ticket.  i have never gotten out of a ticket in my life! psh.

well that is all she wrote! my google reader is up past 100 now so i am going to try to dig into that for a bit before heading to the parents for dinner.  guess what i am making??

  • penne pasta with sausage and pumpkin
  • sauteed broccolini and asparagus
  • mozzarella balsamic spinach salad
  • pumpernickle garlic bread

and probably some vanilla bean ice cream for dessert! hooray for cooking new things and free day :D

hope you are all having a lovely end to your weekend! check you all later!


1. how do you feel about classes at the gym? do you like them? or would you rather do your own thing? if you do participate in them, which is your favorite? i usually do my own thing but spin was a killer workout and i will take the occasional pilates class. i wish my gym offered body pump!

2. what is your favorite thing to eat at a BBQ? not going to lie.. there is nothing like a delicious, simple burger.

xo. janetha b.

52 Comments leave one →
  1. homegirlcaneat permalink
    September 27, 2009 2:18 pm

    I am not a blueberry chobs fan myself.. or vanilla. Don’t do the vanilla if you think the blueberry is sugary! Peach and strawberry are my FAVS!

    ahahaha I LOVE THE MIDDLE SCHOOL MEET UP! Middle school is ridiculous with the dating. My friend dated a guy, then I dated him, then my other friend dated him, then my friend’s cousin dated him. All in ONE YEAR! :D

    1) I LOOOOOVED spin at my old gym! :( I miss it so!!! I had to find the best teachers and then it made it so much more exciting/a better workout. I miss it gaahahhhhhh

    2) Burger/veggie burger/grilled chicken when I ate meat! DA BEST


  2. September 27, 2009 2:25 pm

    EVELYN!!!! Such a doll :-D

    1.) I like to do my own thing.

    2.) Grilled portobellos and other vegetables with BBQ sauce.

  3. hopefulrunner permalink
    September 27, 2009 2:25 pm

    Happy Sunday Janetha!
    1. I used to do classes at the gym, but they aren’t challenging enough for me anymore. I find that if I do my own thing, I can get a better workout.
    2. I love to try little bites of the different deserts and salads that people bring to bbq’s. Mainly because I never have that kind of food in the house so it’s my opportunity to “cheat” a little bit. :)

  4. Emily (Healthy Fit Mama) permalink
    September 27, 2009 2:29 pm

    I am a Spinning fanatic!!! I used to teach 5+ classes a week before I had my daughter. You really have to find the right instructor for you though; and great music is key!

  5. September 27, 2009 2:30 pm

    I am with you on blueberries being purple berries. But then…where would it stop? Buffalo sauce would be hot sauce, hot sauce would be spicy sauce, and don’t even get me started on buffalo wings.

    Those pancakes look incredible! I had pancakes too without realising it was pancake day- do you get pancake day/Shrove Tuesday in the US at the start of Lent? It’s a big deal here! (though I do not love that the only toppings people in this country eat are lemon juice + sugar, or jam…where’s the maple/PB/choc chips/banana/pumpkin?!)

    1. how do you feel about classes at the gym? do you like them? or would you rather do your own thing? if you do participate in them, which is your favorite? No gym, but dance classes…dang, I’ve been missing dance a lot the past few days. Nowhere feels more like home to me than a dance studio. My impromptu breakdance session in my apartment complex courtyard was pretty awesome, but I like classes best.

    2. what is your favorite thing to eat at a BBQ? Real burger loaded with ketchup, melted cheese, coleslaw (British coleslaw with mayo dressing) and salad. Nothing beats it :D

  6. September 27, 2009 2:38 pm

    I’ve been dying to take spinning classes. I prefer my yoga classes with people but tend to stick with any other cardio at home…dvd version. I do hit the gym for the treadmill.

  7. September 27, 2009 2:44 pm

    Those pancakes look delicious. Anything with pumpkin is though.

    1. Like you, I do an occasional spin or pilates class.

    2. Corn on the cob!

  8. September 27, 2009 3:01 pm

    Awww your kitty’s so cute :)

    As are you!


  9. September 27, 2009 3:08 pm

    OMG adorable kitty!!!

    1. I am not a member of any gym, but I would love to be! I would also love to take all the different kinds of classes.

    2. roasted veggies!!!!

  10. September 27, 2009 3:18 pm

    A 90 minute spin class?! Gah I’m so impressed…! The classes at my gym are so intense…and hour and a half would have killed me!

    Oh and BBQ = burgers. Always burgers. Mmm mmm mmm.

  11. September 27, 2009 3:43 pm

    HAha LMAO on the crotch issues with the bike. I thought I was the only one who experienced major va-ja-ja discomfort on the bike?!?! I never understood how girls post about taking 50 mile bike rides like its a breeze. I was crying after 2 miles on my road bike only because of the pain it put me “down there!” LOL

    The pumpkin pancakes look to die for! Oh pumpkin, its just grand, isn’t it?

    The menu for family din tonight sounds incredible! Is there an extra seat at the table? You may just have an extra guest tonight. ;)

    Hope you’re having a great weekend love!

  12. September 27, 2009 3:45 pm

    Your pancakes look amazing…please cook brekki for me :)

    I used to only do my own thing at the gym but I started taking classes to mix it up! Sometimes they are good if the thought of ellipticalling bores me to teaaaars.

    As for spin classes, I HAAAVE to like the instructor or else I cam staring at the clock! The music has to be good and upbeat too. My crotch hurts every time….it always seems like I’m the only one!!!

  13. September 27, 2009 3:58 pm

    Pumpkin pancakes look awesome, I can definitely handle everyone’s fav squash when there’s carbs and cinnamon involved.

    I love your rings! Before I got married I used to wear chunky silver rings on almost every finger…but now the wedding ring takes center stage. :)

    1) I don’t have a gym membership but if I had the option I think I would love to try some sculpt classes and yoga.

    2) BBQ foods are always good, I normally go for the grilled corn on the cob, watermelon (always seems to be some at bbqs) or the dessert table!

  14. September 27, 2009 3:58 pm

    i love a good hot dog or burger sans bun! at a bbq

    love the pics!! wf hot bar!! pancakes!! ADORABLE KITTIES!!

    happy sunday lady!

  15. Sarah W permalink
    September 27, 2009 4:10 pm

    Omg eve is adorable!!!!!! Jeals!!!

    I don’t like fitness classes because I think heavy lifting ala bfl isn’t acheived. I think classes are great for ppl just getting started on the fitness wagon. I think by far the best classes worth attending are Pilate, yoga and kickboxing. cardio and lifting u ca. Do yourself. But the 3 I mentioned are great for classes

  16. September 27, 2009 4:12 pm

    I love reminiscing with friends about the good ol’ days. Except when they start talking about how I was a lame biooootch in middle school and had like, 1 friend besides my mom.

    I used to take yoga classes at my school all the time — the personal interaction with the intstructor is great! So yeah, I ‘m all for taking classes.. except when I’m gassy, and you can quote me on that.

  17. September 27, 2009 4:32 pm

    Weird – I totally got fruit on the bottom of both my bloob chobanis! But I agree the peach was better anyways :-)
    I’ve been totally meaning to make pumpkin pasta – it’s been on my To-make food list for a couple weeks! You beat me to it miss lady!

    1. I really like classes because it keeps me going when I want to stop. I can’t do a good spin class on my own, and I always get lazy/bored with weights. So boot camp classes kick my booty!
    2. BBQ corn!!!!!! And BBQ chicken. Mmmmm.

  18. September 27, 2009 4:34 pm

    spin for 90 minutes!!! HOLY CRAP that’s long! I commend you hardcore because if it’s a bad playlist I totally always wanna leave like like 30 seconds in. So to stay for 90 minutes to terrible’re a champ dude

    umm I love love love spin and yoga and pilates. those are prob the only ones I like to do. Other then that I do my own thanggg

    mmmm corn on the cob!!

  19. September 27, 2009 4:38 pm

    I saw my HS friends this weekend, too- I love reminiscing =)

    Those pumpkin oats look sooo delish!

    Classes at the gym I feel so-so about. I like the free yoga classes they have, and I have taken a couple spin classes but to be honest- I’d usually rather do my own thing!

    And I love sausages on the grill + burgers at bbqs. Oh, and baked beans!

    Have fun at your mom’s house!!

  20. Becky permalink
    September 27, 2009 4:49 pm

    Yum those pancakes look amazing! I just bought some more pumpkin so I want to make those soon!

    Ok usually I do my own thing, but when I had a gym membership, I LOVED spin class. It was so hard, I had an awesome instructor and the music was good. I would never work out that hard by myself. Yours sounds like a different case though…lol, 50’s an 60’s music?!?! wtf lol. And for 90 min?? With the right instructor and music I think you would probs like it better!

    BBQ food: when I am on track I’ll make a bean burger or have grilled chicken. But what I REALLY want is a brat with saurkraut, onions, ketchup and mustard :)

  21. September 27, 2009 4:59 pm

    Sorry Janetha, but that pic of the pumpkin made me gag a little :P

    Yay for spin class!! Too bad your instructor was stuck in 1962! 90 minutes is pretty long too. Do they have other instructors there? And my crotch kiiiilled me the first few times. You do get used to it, but it helps if your bike adjusted properly. Your seat should up to your hip when you stand next to it. Your knees should be relatively straight when you push down on the pedal. And your knees shouldn’t go over your foot when they’re bent on the pedal. Hopefully that makes sense and helps!!

    1. Oh, and I love classes! Spin and yoga are my faves, but I think I may fall in love with step :)

    2. Totally with you on the burger. I eat a lot of veggie burgers, but nothing beats the real deal straight off the grill.

  22. September 27, 2009 5:24 pm

    Hooray for pumpkin!!!

    I work out at home but I love step aerobics so probably something like that.

    I head for the baked beans mmm……

  23. September 27, 2009 5:27 pm

    Good work on the early morning! Also, I love kitties and evie is so dang cute.

    1. I LOVE spin classes. I wish they were cheaper.
    2. I love me some grilled chicken at a BBQ.

  24. September 27, 2009 5:48 pm

    every time i go to spin class after not having gone for awhile, my crotch hurts like whoa!!!

    your friends look like so much fun! glad you had a good weekend, and thank the sweet heavens for the return of fall and pumpkin pancakes! sorry about the bluebs chobs…i heart that flavor.

    LOVE classes…mostly spin, yoga/pilates and maybe an aerobics one thrown in hurre and thurre.

    grillouts…i usually eat half the fruit platter. that sounds very lame, i know, but it is true!!!

    love youuuuu!

  25. September 27, 2009 6:07 pm

    Those pancakes look like pumpkiny perfection! I wish the stores around here would re-stock their pumpkin. They all have signs up that say their supplier is out. Very sad!

    I don’t mind classes. I’ve taken some that I really like and others that I can’t stand. Mostly I prefer to do my own thing.

    I’m with you on the burger. Nothing is better!

    The dinner you are making sounds really good! I can’t wait to hear how it turns out!

  26. September 27, 2009 6:28 pm

    I LOVE spinning at the gym…it’s the only group class ive taken though so I can’t say much about other classes! I can’t believe your class was 90min! thats realllllly long compared to the 50-60min classes my gym offers. I loveeeee watermelon @ BBQs! and grilled items! and YAAAAA for wrist tattoooos! I love it!

  27. Michelle permalink
    September 27, 2009 6:47 pm

    I used to take spin classes a couple times a week, and I had some major crotch and butt soreness the first few times too (TMI? sorry…) It got better for me, but if you’re going to stick with it you may want to invest in a pair of padded shorts or a padded bike seat cover. The gym I went to had some extra padded seat covers so I would always try to snag one of those. And I can’t imagine getting too pumped up to 60s music either…

    Thinking about BBQs is giving me a craving for a grilled chicken breast and some corn on the cob… and may some grilled pineapple too!

  28. September 27, 2009 6:51 pm

    Congrats on the new kitty :)

    Thanks for the Mabel backlink.

    Great green owl shirt. If you ever get sick of it, I’ll buy it off you, I think it rocks!

    Your pumpkin pancakes look awesome and I bought my first can of pumpkin yesterday and had pumpkin pie spice on hand….and maybe pumpkin oatmeal today. GReat minds think alike :)

    Raw cauli…yeah totally different belly feel than cooked. I think it’s the fiberous-ness not getting broken down raw making you feel fuller vs. cooked the fibers get softened so you’re less full. That’s my musings on it…

    Painting the town purple…do tell please :)

  29. September 27, 2009 7:02 pm

    I love that you painted the town purple and then went into a plea to change bloobs to purpleberrys. Which we can’t cause then we can’t say bloobs and make people think we are talking about something totes diff. My favorite trick to pull on non food blog peeps.

    Middle school meet up looks so fun! Your friends look like they are the COOLEST!

  30. September 27, 2009 7:25 pm

    That big can of pumpkin brings such joy to my life! Can you believe I go through 1 of those a week? The pancakes looks awesome by the way!

    I don’t have a gym membership, I workout at home. I think group exercise is fun, but only when playing sports. I like my sweat sessions alone…it’s my ME TIME!

    I love grilled vegetables at BBQs

  31. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    September 27, 2009 7:57 pm

    sorry that you didn’t like the music of your spin class, that’s the soul of the class!!! I like spin class a lot because the instructors are good and put pumping up music. I can’t imagine doing a spin class with bad music. What’s the point of bicycling for 50 min with bored music, right?

    Your pumpkin pancakes look sooooo puffy!!! Can you make some for me? :D

    favorite BBQ food? Actually I like grilled veggies. Yes, i know, I’m weird. ;)

  32. September 27, 2009 7:59 pm

    Bummer on the blueberry-lessness. The pom flavor has pom seeds though!
    Where’d you get that big ass can of pumpkin? I can’t find it anywhere!

  33. April (Foods of April) permalink
    September 27, 2009 8:45 pm

    AS you know I love group classes.. if they are challenging that is. I’ve been to a couple where I’ve felt like I could be doing better on my own! And my crotch always hurts really bad after biking.. it sucks!

    Those pancakes are calling my name. right now!

    How often does Body for Life recommend working out? You should definitely give me some info on HIIT..but if you know any other cardio besides the treadmill that would be awesome!

  34. September 27, 2009 9:04 pm

    BBQ – my fave thing is the sides, usually the mac and cheese. Delish!!!

    And, workouts at the gym, I love spin class and doing my own thing. Since I teach my own bootcamp, I hardly ever have time to do them anymore though…:)

  35. September 27, 2009 9:23 pm

    i love chobani! but i haven’t tried anything besides the vanilla!

  36. September 27, 2009 9:47 pm

    your mom is HILARIOUS!! She seems like someone really nice to hang out with! ;-) And girl, you better pack up some of those lovely pancakes if I ever go to the Fest! (Still waiting on that one :-()

    1) I have never taken a class at the gym before, but I really want to someday!
    2) BBQ sweet potatoes. Oh my freaking GAWD? Burgers would be a close second! :D

  37. carbzilla permalink
    September 27, 2009 10:15 pm

    1. I do like my gym classes – just haven’t been back to them in a while since I’ve been working it at home. I keep telling myself to hit the spin class but now you have inspired me. 50’s music? Guess spinning keeps you young!

    2. My aunt makes the BEST potato salad in the entire world. I can’t resist it!

    PS. LOVING your pumpkin pancakes! Gonna have to add some pumpkin and spice to my protein pancake next weekend!

  38. September 27, 2009 10:31 pm

    LOL at your spin class experience! I did one spin class ever, and swore never again! But was totally glad I tried it anyway!

    The instructor at my gym plays marching band music during her class… what is with spin teachers and their wacky music choices?

    Your pumpkin pancakes sound amazing! I love pumpkin anything, and LOVE pancakes, have to try those!

    And your new kitty is precious!

  39. snackface permalink
    September 27, 2009 11:03 pm

    Damn! Why can’t I find pumpkin anywhere!?! Not here, not in Cinci! I’m furious about this! OK, not furious, but bummed!

    The kitty is SO CUTE!!! If I weren’t allergic, I’d be keepin that baby!

    Middle school reunions are a beautiful thing! I love it!

    At the gym, I love doing my own thing. I don’t even want to work out with friends. It’s definite “me” time. Hell, at this age, it’s all “me” time. But you see what I mean. I did love bikram classes, but that’s different because it was a yoga studio. But in the gym, leave me alone with my elliptical and my Vogue.

    Hmmm BBQ food…chips. Growing up, we never had them in the house, and I don’t really buy them, so I want something trashy I don’t normally eat. It’s usually tater chips, veggies and dip and brownies that I’m all over, all night at BBQs.

    I hope the rest of your free day was phenomenal! Love you!

  40. September 27, 2009 11:04 pm

    OMG Evelyn has the sweetest face- like you can tell she’s a lover.

    OK, that spin instructor needs to be fired. Singing and playing bad music are offenses punishable by tickling to death.

    BBQ: Boca sausage!!! MMMmmm

    Classes: YES, please! I’m a class whore- I get my fill of one type of class then I’m on to the next! :-D But sometimes I get introverted and just stick my ipod on and lift by myself- depends on my mood!

    Have a great night!


  41. September 27, 2009 11:33 pm

    your pumpkin pancakes look great – i do like that mix! i do not like classes at the gym. reminds me too much of p.e. (i’m still traumatized)

  42. September 28, 2009 6:10 am

    I usually don’t take classes at the gym because I like to work out at my own pace, but every once in a while, I convince myself that it would be fun to take a spin class. It never really is. For some reason, it’s boring to me. 600 calories though?? That’s some motivation right there!

  43. eatolive permalink
    September 28, 2009 7:34 am

    LOVE spin classes & other gym classes. I used to do a body pump class that I LOVED. Always felt so good after & so sore the next day! (in a good way, obvs :))

    i had some pumpkin nut bread this weekend from a local farm, so autumn-y and delish :) – those punkin’ pancakes look sooo good right now!

  44. lowandbhold permalink
    September 28, 2009 9:58 am

    I’m not a fan of the blueberry chobani either. But I’m not a blueberry fan, so…

    That’s funny that the spin soundtrack was so old school. I wouldn’t have appreciated that either.

    Love the middle school hang out. Nothing better than reconnecting with old buds.

    1. I really want to try spin but I’m so intimidated. I take yoga at my gym and the occasional toning class. But I am more comf doing my own thing.
    2. I am a lover of salads: coleslaw, pasta salad, potato salad, etc.

  45. September 28, 2009 10:38 am

    Yea the crotch thing is the one downside of spinning. It would come and go for me… The instructor makes all the difference between a good/bad class so you HAVE to find one you like.

    The kitty is so cute! Anthony says it’s a cat or him so I guess we are stuck with doggies :)

    Those pancakes looks freakin amazing! I’ve made protein pancakes with pumpkin before but something tells me yours were better!

  46. Laura permalink
    September 28, 2009 11:59 am

    Pumpkin pancakes? Genius! I looove anything pumpkin, so I’m super excited to try that pumpkin protein shake and those pancakes too.

    1) I belong to the Y, and I love body pump. Its great because you can increase or decrease the amount of weight you use depending on your level. I also enjoy body combat. I’ve never done a spin class- I think I’ll really like it. But most of the ones offered at the Y start at 6:30am….. I don’t think I can handle that!

    2) I definitely agree with you about the simple deliciousness of a burger. Also, if I really want to splurge, cheddar brats are amazing!

  47. September 28, 2009 3:15 pm

    HAHA Omg thank you! GLAD I’m not the only one whose crotch KILLED after Spin! lol
    I just started a couple weeks ago and after my 1st class….OUCH!
    Yea you seriously need an amazing soundtrack to go 90 min–most 50s and 60s wouldn’t cut it for me!

  48. September 28, 2009 3:49 pm

    You’re so right – a simple burger can be so so good with all the tradish trimmings. I LOVE the look of that kitty. Danno and I have been having serious animal talks recently and it excites me beyond belief.
    I’m not a fan of the blueberry chobani either! I think it is really hard to do blueberry yogurt well. So there.
    Hurray for catching up with old friends! So wonderful.
    1) I LOVE bodypump a lot. and now I love yoga too! I used to do spin and step last winter but stopped when I took up running – that’s more cardio than I need in my life! I get MAJOR crotch hurt from spin. Like, OUCH.
    2) A good ol’ fash burger is divine but a really good, quite burned (I know, I’m weird) brat with ketchup and mustard is also the bomb.

  49. hayleycepeda permalink
    September 29, 2009 5:20 am

    I am in LOVE with Evie!!! She is sooo cute!! I can’t wait to catch up on your newer posts to see more cuteness.

    I am so with you on spin crotch – I was taking classes for a short period of time until I couldn’t take it anymore. Plus the instructor’s music wasn’t all that great. :)

    Since I teach Jazzercise classes 3 days a week I prefer doing my own thing at the gym. Unless it’s yoga or pilates – then I definitely need to take a class where someone can help me!

  50. September 30, 2009 1:25 pm

    Our gym has jazzercise and spin classes as well. However, the mob of angry looking, female mullet sporting older women and the HORRIBLE yelling and music that oozes through the gym from downstairs keeps me from checking it out. I’ve always liked doing my own thing anyways. It works best for me!

    And there is no debate here with your BBQ meal of choice. BURGERS ALL THE WAY! So good!

  51. evelyn permalink
    November 15, 2009 10:54 am

    Hi Janeth, My name is also Evelyn and my husband Les love your website. By the way we are spinning instructors and are also into eating well.W We live 20 minutes outside of SF. Even though I believe we are years apart in age we are so similar. Our lives are dedicated to helping people to change their lives and live a better life and live longer its so funny that I came across your website.. I always check our crazy youtube video spinning keeps you young (which is a joke and people do not read is was a audition for a show) and I miss spelled a word like usual and their your wonderful site fell into my lap By the way we just became vegans and are working on new recipes every day. We have to eat 6 small meals a day because we work at the gym. Life can be wonderful if you think young and eat right. People cannot believe we are seniors. By the way our music we play in our classes are the most current and young people love it. Rap dance hiphop and any other wonderful fast and slow new music.. Well it was a pleasure to met you and your wonderful friends and family. Be well. Evelyn


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