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thirsty thursday.

September 3, 2009

marshall is sitting here eating a whole peach pie in front of me.  a whole pie. i think this is his third one this week.  i want to punch his metabolism in it’s metaphorical face.

my throat hurts. i was just screaming at the top of my little lungs because there was the BIGGEST. SPIDER. EVER. creepin up on me in marshall’s room. i am super arachnophobic.  and claustrophobic. i guess pure hell for me would be to be trapped in a tiny closet with zillions of spiders. yep.

can you tell i had nothing really pressing to talk about tonight? sometimes i have a lot to say and other times most times i just start typing random jibber jabber. maybe one of these days i will whip out a clever post like alison’s shenanigans with a salad or holly’s ABCs.. but for now, you get my random ramblings about pies and spiders. lucky you!


well.. before work i drank a coffee and 50 ounces of water. i was thirsty. hence the oh-so-witty title.

meal 1: spinach scramble & cereal @ 10:00 AM

meals 309

breakfast was so late because i had to drop my new car off this morning to get tinted.. much, much better with the tinted winders. yes, i call windows “winders” from time to time. and you say that like the wind that blows. not like the clock you wind. sometimes pronunciation is so hard to convey over typing. like my name. my weird, hard to explain name.

anyway! this was 1 cup egg beaters+1 wedge laughing cow light+handful of spinach

meals 310

and 3/4 cup of nature’s path multigrain with flax + unsweetened vanilla almond milk

meals 311

my boss tried some almond milk the other day. he told me that it isn’t allowed to be called “milk” because it doesn’t come from an animal. i said that it is still considered milk.. who is right? i mean.. soy milk, hemp milk, almond milk, rice milk.. it is all called milk and none of it from an animal.  he insisted that it should NOT be called milk! what? thoughts?

meal 2: humungo salad @ 2:00 PM

meals 312

in the mix:

  • spinach
  • romaine
  • red pepper
  • broccoli
  • snap peas
  • mushrooms
  • turkey
  • cottage cheese+ranch seasoning
  • chipotle hummus

meals 313



switched up my HIIT today~ did some incline intervals instead of just speed intervals on the treadmill:

  • 2 min @ 0.0 incline & 6.0 mph

speed=6.5 mph

  • 1 min @ incline=1
  • 1 min @ incline=2
  • 1 min @ incline=3
  • 1 min @ incline=4

speed=7.0 mph

  • 1 min @ incline=1
  • 1 min @ incline=2
  • 1 min @ incline=3
  • 1 min @ incline=4
  • speed=7.5 mph

  • 1 min @ incline=1
  • 1 min @ incline=2
  • 1 min @ incline=3
  • 1 min @ incline=4

    speed=6.0 mph

    • 1 min @ incline=0

    speed=6.5 mph

    • 1 min @ incline=0.5

    speed=7.0 mph

    • 1 min @ incline=1.0


    • 1 min @ incline=1.5

    speed=9.0 mph

    • 1 min @ incline=2.0

    recovery minute @ 1.5 mph

    total duration was 20 minutes, 2.13 miles. didn’t have my HR monitor with me because it was in my car, which was getting the winders tinted, i had marshall’s car.



    had a little watermelon after the gym, around 6 PM to tide me over until dinner.

    meals 317

    then drove to marshall’s casa.

    i cooked!

    yeah it has been awhile since i made an effort and cooked something rather than throwing something from a jar together or wrapping something or making a salad. so that was fun. i will be throwing this up on my recipes page soon.

    i actually made TWO dinners, one for me, one for marshy pants.

    meal 3: chicken/broccoli/basil/garlic couscous @ 8:00 PM

    meals 343

    you may remember when i made something like this before and i originally got the idea from my favorite brit angharad :)

    pre-peeled garlic: the best thing since sliced bread

    meals 324

    just sayin.

    good dinner. for sure.

    meals 341

    as far as dinner number two goes, marshall wanted something “creamy with rice and chicken and broccoli”.. so that is exactly what he got. plus lots of cheese. because cheese makes everythang better.

    meals 336

    then marshall had a whole soda explode on him.

    meals 347

    and i caught up on blogs after eating..

    meals 346

    marshall thought i looked funny so he took a photo. thanks babe.

    and thennnn.. we watched more of season 3 of weeds. little michelle tanner as a drug dealer? whoda thought?

    and marshall ate his peach pie.

    and i had this…

    meal 4: oikos 0% + kashi go lean crunch @ 11:15 PM

    step 1:

    meals 355

    step 2:

    meals 353

    step 3:

    meals 354

    (i put even more cinnamon in after. there can never be too much.)

    i think i had nearly a gallon and a half of water today. thirsty thursday indeed! i drink at least one gallon of water daily. then, for each ounce of coffee i drink, i try to match that ounce-for-ounce with water. to make up for it. i know some people who don’t drink any. water. at. all. all day long! how is that possible?!

    sorry for the lackluster post. big promises for tomorrow, it is flashback friday after all. i hope you all participate :D


    1. what’s your phobia?

    2. how much water do you drink daily?

    xo. janetha b.


    41 Comments leave one →
    1. September 4, 2009 12:53 am

      Thanks for the birthday shout-out :D

      I love your jibber jabber posts! Dang… Kind of wanting some peach pie now. Cheesy broccoli chicken? SIGN ME UP!!!!!

      1. what’s your phobia? wasps and going to jail *shudders*

      2. how much water do you drink daily? none…bar that which is infused with coffee or tea. I keep trying, but it tastes so…watery :(

    2. September 4, 2009 1:17 am

      While I don’t eat whole peach pies, I am eating more than I ever have. I guess listening to my body and eating when I’m hungry even if it more often (as long as its mainly wholesome) has its benefits!

      I drink maybe about 10-12 cups of water to day, I fill my Camelbak often!

    3. September 4, 2009 4:46 am

      I feel the same way. Sometimes I have so much to say and other times I feel like I am just randomly jotting down my thoughts that really don’t seem to make sense.

      Hmm, thats a good point on the milk. I didn’t know that “MILK” mean it was animal produced? That’s like saying all veggies must come from the ground, but there are most definitely some that do not. I consider all types of milk to be considered in the dairy family, even if they are non-dairy. It’s the concept not the details.

      Sounds like a great night! You and your man look like you have a blast together.

      Have a great weekend!

    4. September 4, 2009 4:47 am

      Mmm your watermelon looks awesome. Same with the cous cous – yum!

      I, too, am jealous of your pie eating man!

    5. September 4, 2009 5:32 am

      I love randomness…haha. :D I’m the same way. Sometimes I’m bursting with things to talk about, and other days I just sort of…ramble.

      I’m with you on having claustrophobia!! I can pin it down to when I was smaller and my sister would tickle my feet while I was wrapped up tight in a sleeping bag and couldn’t get out. If it sounds tortorous, that’s because it was…haha. The joy of being the youngest. ;)

      Oh, and for water, I feel like the more I drink, the more I crave it. I used to be one of those “never drink water” type of gals, but ever since I started drinking 6-10 cups a day, I just can’t imagine not drinking *anything*.

    6. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
      September 4, 2009 5:34 am

      what? almond milk is not milk because it’s not from animal? no!! I don’t think so, milk for me is just a way to call liquid drink…. so could be from any origin.
      I like the idea of using cottage cheese as salad topping, need to try that! :)
      Q1: I don’t think I have any phobia,
      Q2: I drink about 0.5-0.8 gallon a day. Is that too much?

    7. September 4, 2009 6:06 am

      If I ate meat, your dinner would look spectacular! (Well, it still looks spectacular, but I just pretended the chicken was tofu or something. Yum!) And I love your PM snack, as it’s pretty much the same thing I had last night pre-snoozing.

      Anyway, I drink a ton of water. Everyone makes fun of me because I always have a bottle with me, but I need to hydrate, yo! Plus, it’s the only thing I drink besides tea, so that’s my excuse.

    8. September 4, 2009 6:18 am

      I guess it could be called almond water. But that doesn’t sound as tasty.

      That salad looks good. I love cottage cheese on a salad. Especially when I mix it with salsa first. Have you ever tried that.

      Can’t think of a phobia and I don’t drink enough water. I mean, I probably drink around 60 oz, so it’s not like nothing, but it’s probably not enough.

    9. eatolive permalink
      September 4, 2009 7:04 am

      i have a 1.5 liter Sigg at work with me. I fill it up twice before I leave at 5 pm. Then, at home, I have probably 8-16 more ounces – how much is that? ;) lol

    10. September 4, 2009 7:07 am

      I would go for “almond juice”. Sounds just disgusting enough to be good.

      1) I hate snakes. If I see one in the road I make sure to hit it. And then I reverse and hit it again!

      2) I drink water all day. Not sure how much but I pee 56 times an hour so I think it’s enough.

    11. Kellie permalink
      September 4, 2009 7:13 am

      Janetha ( is that ja-KNEE-tha???),
      just wanted you to know I am jumping on the BFL bandwagon…. after reading your summary about a million times (ok at least 5 or6) and checking out the website, I think i love it….
      I sorta started it yesterday, but I am buying the book at lunch today….
      WARNING***** I may be askin’ a few questions :0)

    12. julie permalink
      September 4, 2009 7:25 am

      mmmm hmm I feel you on those days where I feel like I’m rambling about nothing but I think you weren’t rambling! You had a lot to say! In a good way! haha.

      that salad looks gawjuss girl :)

      phobia = FIRE. ugh I’m super scared of fire!

      I tryyy and get close to a gallon a day. I dont think I actually do but maknig the attempt is still good haha

    13. September 4, 2009 7:25 am

      Both of your dinners look delish! I love chicken with cous cous. It’s so comforting.

      I LOVE Weeds! Morgan and I spent an entire weekend watching the first three seasons when we discovered the show. It’s addicting, once I start watching it I have to know what happens next.

    14. September 4, 2009 7:49 am

      your posts are perfect as are. thanks for the link love girl.

      ummm LOVED this post – i think the basil broccoli couscous was tugging at my heartstrings alongside your cinnamon tutorial. cinnamon makes everthang betta.

      i also j’adore that salad – hummus + cottage cheese = genius. i must try that.

      woowoo for winders – i abbreviate everything in my life too, so half the words i say don’t make sense. don’t worry, i follow you.

      michelle tanner as a druggie? i cannot fathom. however, mary kate olsen as a druggie? yes, i can fathom that.

      (1) phobia: rodents. HATE them.
      (2) LOTSA water – i don’t know how people don’t drink lotsa water. i am ALWAYS thirsty.

      love ya xo

    15. September 4, 2009 7:56 am

      I’m so claustrophobic. When my brother and I were little we used to have one person go in our TINY toy box and the other one would shut the box and sit on top of it. NOT good!!!

      I drink insane amounts of water. It’s pretty much all I drink, besides coffee in the morning. I usually range between 14 and 20 cups of water. Big range, I know.

    16. September 4, 2009 7:56 am

      I always have so much to say after your posts!!
      okkk sooo… Boys and their metabolism=suck.
      Seriously. It takes my BF like 2 days to lose 10 pounds. And he eats whateverthehellhewants.

      I definitely think Almond Milk is “milk”!! It is used in place of dairy milk, it is creamy and oh so delicious. Def mik.

      Your salad + dinner both look fab. I love the couscous/chicken/brocc combo! Stealing it soon.

      Great HIIT- I think I’ll try that sometime, it looks like a great chance from the norm!

      And I have one questione… How much Kashi Go Lean do you use with the greek yogurt? I can’t decide if 1/2 c is too little or 1 cup is too much… Help please!!

      1. I’m ok with spiders (I lived outside this summer!) but I am most definitely claustrophobic + I hate heights (maybe because I’m such a shorty??) AND I’m super emetophobic (fear of vomiting. yuck.)

      2. I try to drink 10 cups a day, usually I make it- but I wish I could drink more!! More is always better =)

      Wow that was a long comment.


    17. September 4, 2009 7:56 am

      “i want to punch his metabolism in it’s metaphorical face” …haha story of my life. My husband eats like crap and never gains a pound.

      I need to cook more too! Lately I have been just throwing things together and trying to call it a meal. To do this weekend: cook an actual recipe!

      I drink about 100 oucnes of water a day give or take. When I drink too much more than that I feel bloated and icky.

    18. September 4, 2009 8:05 am

      Mmm I’d still call it almond milk–like coconut milk! Doesn’t have to be from a mammal.

      1) i have a fear of flying on airplanes… also forgetting homework/quizzes/tests or accidentally missing class. Lame! Haha

      2) Geez, here in Arizona… a ton! Probably about 500? I carry my water bottle around with me all the time and constantly fill it.

    19. april permalink
      September 4, 2009 8:22 am

      Your salads always look so neat and well put together!

      Don’t you hate guys metabolisms?? I always want to punch my boyfriends metabolism too ;)

    20. September 4, 2009 8:48 am

      Phobia is birds – mainly pigeons and seagulls. It’s horrible.

      I try to drink between 8 and 10 16 oz. glasses a day. Love H20 and never understood how some people just don’t!

    21. September 4, 2009 8:58 am

      Ok so I honestly think it counts as milk because the juice gets “milked” from the almond or the soy or the rice, right? It’s all about the process of making it, now how it is made, right :D That so didn’t make sense AT ALL :D

      I hate spiders with a passion, but, even more funny The Husband cannot handle frogs or lizards – I have to “scare” them away for him.

      Yeah for tinted windows and fun pics of you and Marshall!

      Some day I will do HIIT’s like you – you are my idol :D Delicious eats – I cannot wait to see the recipe – I LOVE garlic EVERYTHING!

    22. September 4, 2009 9:02 am

      one of the definitions of milk is any liquid that resembles mammal-type milk, such as the liquid in a coconut, juice or sap of some plants, etc. so there you go!

      1. hm. I don’t have any real phobias, but there’s plenty of weird stuff that freaks me out. like, I can’t stand someone else’s feet touching my feet. I’m cringing just thinking about it.

      2. after some rough calculation, I guess I average between 100 and 150 ounces a day? plus another huge bottle filled with alkaline water + greens.

      yay for macadamia nut day!

    23. Tiffany S. permalink
      September 4, 2009 10:17 am

      1. I’m afraid of clowns.
      2. I drink at least 64 to 100 oz a day – harder to get it in over the weekends though.

      My mom drinks NO water and exercises like crazy (she’s mental). I call her the Mummy. She does drink really diluted coffee all day so that’s something….but not really.

      Meals look YUMMY!

      Have a great holiday weekend!

    24. September 4, 2009 10:21 am

      You and I TOTALLY have the same fears. I’m honestly not sure if I am more afraid of spiders or small spaces. It’s a tie.
      I agree-cheese makes everything better. Dinner looks positively delicious.
      I have no clue how much water I drink a day in ounces…I wonder if I should start keeping track? I am constantly getting a glass of water and always have a bottle with me when I’m out, so I don’t think it’s an issue. But maybe I should know…
      Yay for Friday! :)

    25. September 4, 2009 10:30 am

      I so get that make-two-dinners thing. I am working towards having us eat the SAME meal (gasp!) rather than a cleaner one for me and a dirtier (ha ha) one for him.

      I used to drink a ton of water in addition to my 2-3 shakes. I was literally peeing like a racehorse so much that I went to the urologist about the frequency- up 2-3 times a night just to pee! He said I’m overkilling on the H20. Now I just have my shakes, some water while I train, and then with meals. Sometimes in between with chia seeds (for fun?!), but I never bring water with me on errands like I used to. Liberating.

    26. September 4, 2009 11:18 am

      We have these MASSIVE spiders around our house these days – so annoying!

      That is the salad of my dreams! Seriously LOVES IT! Love the Kashi combo ;)

      1. Heights
      2. I drink a LARGE MARGE cup of water with every meal or snack

    27. September 4, 2009 11:20 am

      I JUST had the same thing for lunch, but inside a pita. Except, at first I thought that was a glob of PB on top of the cottage cheese, which kind of turned my stomach a little. But now I’m wondering what that would taste like. I mean PB and cheese taste good with almost everything… why not together?

      Ah! Incline intervals are bruuuutal!!! They kill me like no other. Which means, I should probably do them again soom ;)

      1. I have a phobia of knives, needles, and anything sharp and pointy. It’s because my sister used to chase me around the house with knives for kicks. I didn’t get the courage to have my ears pierced until I was 18.

      2. A LOT. When I quit smoking, I had a glass of water every time I craved a cigarette. And now I’ve just become addicted to sipping on water. Maybe around 150 ounces a day? I don’t know what you Americans call that in gallons….

      Happy Flashback Friday! I’m pumped to post my old pics today :)

    28. littlemissminny permalink
      September 4, 2009 11:36 am

      Dinner looks fabulous! I am claustrophobic since I was like, one year old :D
      I drink plenty of water and tea during the day, I don’t know how much it is actually…

    29. September 4, 2009 11:43 am

      GARLIC!!! Love it in abundance :)

      1.) spiders = arachnophobia

      2.) I drink TONS (err, gallons??) of water.

    30. lowandbhold permalink
      September 4, 2009 12:33 pm

      Your post was far from lackluster my dear. I felt the same way about mine yesterday though. And I feel you on the spider deal, even thinking about that closet scenario makes me queezy.

      Dinner looks yummy! I have some couscous that I need to get creative with.

      And you looked beautiful in that picture! Damn guys and their freakish metabolisms.

    31. September 4, 2009 12:45 pm

      Question: I have that same brand of cinnamon, and I thought it was kind of…less flavorful than other brands. What did you think? I mean obviously I’ve used it almost up in like a week, so I wasn’t too torn up about it.

    32. September 4, 2009 2:38 pm

      I have that same cinnamon! and I need to find some pre-peeled garlic. that is genius.

    33. September 4, 2009 3:32 pm

      I love when the garlic is prepeeled! I got it for a really good price at WF’s yay!
      That egg scramble with spinach looked amazing, I’ve got to try that!

    34. September 4, 2009 3:56 pm

      A whole pie? 3 this week? Good freakin’ grief!

      I am one of those crazy people who can go the whole day without drinking anything. I literally have to remind myself! Otherwise, I would only have a glass of water or milk with lunch and dinner. (But thanks to a certain bottle I won this summer… I am getting better :) )

    35. September 4, 2009 3:59 pm

      We are twins because I am hugely arachnophobic and claustrobic also so your description of hell actually made me shudder. UGH!

      I feel like I drink gallons of water but there’s no way I drink as much as you. I drink it all day at work (and have to pee constantly. stupid tiny bladder) and then slack off a bit in the evening but I cannot physically comprehend not drinking any! Why?!! I couldn’t get through a meal without it.

      Okay, I am done ranting about water (can you tell it’s 4:58pm?)

      Cheese truly does make everything better and the more people realised that, the happier the world would be. Does Marshall want to share his peach pie with me? Just a little?

      Love your yog step-by-step, your humungo salad and the quinoa-love! Yay!!xx

    36. Katharina permalink
      September 4, 2009 4:02 pm

      WATERMELON! CINNAMON! ohh and you mentioned sliced bread with garlic and I automatically thought of garlic bread hahaha

      lol you do look kinda funny. But atleast you’re not hunched over and you look cute!

      1. Being chased! I for real freak out.. like if I play tag (yeah I still play it) and someone chases me then I lock myself somewhere “safe” and I almost start crying.

      2. I’m not sure how much water I drink… but I refill my 20 oz. bottle constantly throughout the day. So I’m guessing.. a lot?

    37. September 4, 2009 5:30 pm

      water: not enough, i bet.

      heights. you know the mall and the little walls on the second floor that are clear? yeah, can’t walk next to those. open air stairs (like open air in between steps?) i hyperventilate. how embarrassing.

    38. hayleycepeda permalink
      September 4, 2009 6:15 pm

      I am notorious for talking a lot and not saying a thing. That’s part of what blogs are for though, right? To just say whatever it is that’s on your mind. :)

      I don’t know about the milk thing – honestly I’ve never thought about it! What would you call it if not milk? Almond juice? Hemp liquid? Soy water? Somehow does not sound as appetizing!!

      I too have a claustrophobia fear. I can’t stand watching movies where people end up in coffins or boxes. It totally flips me out.

      I used to make sure I drank at least a gallon of water a I just carry a bottle around with me and try to sip from it often. I’m guessing about 3 liters a day?

    39. September 4, 2009 6:41 pm

      1. wool! I’m not scared of it, persaaaaay.. but just touching it totally irks me

      2. girl my friends call me camel! (okay, no they don’t but I wish they did..) i drink agua like its my job! which leads to getting up 12 times in the middle of the night to pee pee.. ah well, its the price we pay.

      p.s. i </3 boys and their fast metabs ;(

    40. mom permalink
      September 5, 2009 10:58 am

      Yikes, I am squirming just reading about said spider…..what no photo!
      SPIDERS ugh, little, big and in between they SCARE me even the rubber pretend ones, thanks Randall.

      The broccoli dinner looks great and holy cow, you downed so much water, good for you.

      I LOVE to drink water, try to get at least a gallon per day, I have fell short this week, but will make it up!! xoxoxo

    41. September 5, 2009 7:45 pm

      I’m just now catching up, so excuseee…

      I’ve never had good luck with cous cous, which is sad, because yours looks sooo good!

      1. I have a HUGE fear of spiders, insects in general and snakes..ickk!

      2. I aim to drink at least a huge glass or two with each meal and snack, and then I try to make myself sip throughout the day…somedays I do better than others, and I can definitely tell a difference.

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