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here i am!

June 15, 2009

hi errrybody! i was MIA yesterday, wasn’t i? yeah hmmm i don’t even remember everything that has passed these lips since i last blogged. i don’t know how some of you manage to do 3 or 4 day long catch-ups. i have the memory of a goldfish and forget the last sentence that came out of my mouth more often than not.

but i think the last thing i did say had something to do with how horrible the opening credits are for the new show, kendra.  oh to live with my roommates, i see some of the lamest stuff while i blog. i got vetoed out of good eats. sorry alton brown.



well sunday morning was a birthday breakfast for my friend j5.  well, her name is jamie, we call her j5, long story.. no, not after the music group. anyway, we went to ruth’s diner which is a suuuper lovely little spot up emigration canyon in the mountains! if you ever go to utah, make sure to eat at ruth’s.

started out with the famous buttermilk biscuits.. yes, i ate one. no, i didn’t add butter or jam.  pick your battles.


glorious. melt in your mouthness.

i wasn’t sure what i wanted, the menu is huge and i am the most indecisive person around. (hello, miss top five favorites for everything because i can’t pick just one).. but since i couldn’t pick 5 entrees, i settled on just one:

egg frittata with feta, sun dried tomato & avocado (i subbed eggbeaters):


with a grapefruit on the side instead of hashbrowns:


yes, it was as good as it looks. but i couldn’t finish it.. i ate maybe 3/4 of it and the grapefruit. oh, and coffee:


cute coffee mugs!

oh we also had the cutest almost one year old in the world for breakfast!!  my friend’s little lady!

i think i might kidnap her. shhhh.. don’t tell anyone…

i just can’t get enough of that little gal. love her.

anyway, yesterday it was actually sunny outside so i jumped at the chance to go to the park!  my roomie and i took 3 of the pooches to liberty park and were strolling along, people watching and enjoying the day since it was finally not raining bullets.. well i spoke too soon, a downpour occurred as we were mid-stroll.  sigh, so much for that.  back home we went.  at least we got a good half hour of walking in!

my roomies felt mexicanish so i went with them to a a mexican cafe across the street from our casa.  i was still full from breakfast (over 4 hours later and still full!) but of course you put chips, salsa & guacamole in front of me and i can’t say no.

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oh and i had 3 bites of michelle’s smothered burrito. gahh those are so good.

then michelle promptly spilled the pitcher of ice all over the table. woops!


dang, and it was the good ice.

so after i overindulged in that.. i went home and felt a little upset that i ate my own weight in tortilla chips, but i quickly shrugged it off and occupied my time with other things.. i can’t remember what.. but i do know i didn’t eat the rest of the day.. weird thing, when i eat crappy i stay full for quite awhile. i would have eaten dinner had i been hungry, i am not one to skip a meal, but i was stuffed.

i went to marshall’s and even though i was ready to go to sleep at about 9:30… i accidentally let the food network occupy wayyy too much of my time with the next food network star and with chopped.. love both of those shows.  and every other show on the food network for that matter.  so funny i was just reading on coco’s blog about loving on the food network, marshall and i literally had a 10 minute conversation where i tried to narrow it down to my top 5 fave shows on FN.  i narrowed it down to seven..or nine.. sigh.. indecisive is my middle name.


so i went to bed around midnight, overslept, and got to work 40 minutes late. sweet.  good thing i work for ultra rad people that don’t mind so much when i oversleep on accident ;)


i didn’t have my camera at my weekly sales meeting breakfast at the original pancake house but you can bet your bottom dollar i had the usual egg beaters scramble+mushrooms+spinach and some dry wheat toast and also coffee.

well guess what happened next?  computer meltdown to the maxxx!  ugh.. so what happened is this.  my disk space on my hard drive was full because i downloaded one too many things on friday, the last being windows live writer, and so because the disk was full the antivirus did not run and so my computer got all sorts of corrupt!

after a solid half hour on the phone with the tech, he told me i had to erase some of my precious music..over 12,000 songs mind you…ugh.. so i had to do the whole load songs to a disc and delete and THEN i did that with my photos too.. i think there were about 8,000 photos, that was not rad.  that basically consumed my entire day.  i played minesweeper while the files burned and i read blogs and told my boss i wasn’t doing a stitch of work.  sorry.

after all that, i ran my antivirus and most of my programs were working..except for the main one that i use.  bah!  but i did manage to get a lot of work done with the programs i could use.

then it was time for lunch!

this was dank.

western alternative bagel+annie’s dijon+spinach+spicy chicken & various veggies+sabra

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wow, i am basically certain i was going through hummus withdrawls.  i was out at home and didn’t want to buy more since i had a tub at work.  mmm. oh hummus, my love, i missed your guts!

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bad lighting, good bagel.

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mustard $hot!

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work work work, lalala.

came home and had a pre-workout snack of a fuji+naturally more PB

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riddle me this..who decided to make an apple slicer a square? last time i checked there were no square apples.. strange.

LOOOVVVEEED the naturally more PB!  and i LOVE the stats it packs!

sooo delicious and nutty and lovely, just as a nut butter should be :)

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and then i went to the gyyymmm.


well ok, i registered for the 4th of july 10k last night. um.. so i thought i should actually try running 6.2 miles since i have never done that in my life. i have done a 5k before. i even won a 3rd place medal.  but at the end of my 5k (last september) my left knee gave out on me near the end and i was in pain all the way to the finish line.  ehhh.. never got it checked out. but i have real bad knees from snowboarding.

i had good intentions of running the 10k on the treadmill today, but i only made it 5k.  guess what? my knee crapped on me again. ugh. i am a little worried about how this 10k will go.  this is how my treadmill run went today:

mile 1: 9:00

mile 2: 17:47 (8:47 mile)

mile 3: 27:45 (9:58 mile)

hum. not very stellar at all.  my last few minutes really hurt super extra bad on my knee.  i am not an expert at running.  i just like to do it.  unfortunately, my snowboarding career has given me a knee disadvantage.  i do have shoes that were fit to the way i run, but i still have problems.  any suggestions from you distance runners out there? oh and any ideas of what types of stretching i should be doing after i run?  any input is mucho appreciated!

went home, ready to whip up a little something new!


first i made a salad to tide me over while i slaved away in the kitchen ;)

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  • butter lettuce
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • bean sprouts
  • snap peas

and then i proceeded to douse it in corn salsa & peach salsa..both from trader joe’s.. sigh, it was the LAST of my peach salsa. RIP.

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what did i make for the main course you ask?

danica’s couscous & chickpea salad! i followed her recipe here with a few can see my play by play of the recipe by clicking on the name or here.

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  • garbanzos
  • couscous (made with broth & onion)
  • cucumbers
  • slivered almonds
  • basil
  • chicken (boiled & diced)
  • sesame ginger dressing (recipe here, also from danica)
  • s&p

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oh and my mom got me this CUTE BOWL!

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i added the chicken for the protein factor in my life and i skipped the berry blend simply because i didn’t have anything to use for it.  it ended up tasting phenomenal!  i highly recommend you make this recipe! i  actually quadrupled her recipe and added a pound of diced chicken, it is going to last forever and ever.. probably made 6 or 8 servings! and it was super cheap to make! thank you danica i heart your recipes :)

okay! so.. that was quite the long post.  but i had a lot to say, apparently.  if you have managed to make it this far you deserve a prize.. or a gold star.. or something radical and amazing.  how about some giveaway links? ha, sure!

and because megan has gotten me addicted to answering random questions, i bring you a three question survey.. i would love to get to know my readers more AND maybe some of you will comment instead of just lurk.. you know who you are ;)

  1. where was your last vacation and why did you love it?
  2. quick, pick one super power!
  3. how do you like your eggs? (sorry vegans, you can skip this one)

my answers are.. 1- mexico~loved it because it was all inclusive and FREE! (my work took me!) 2- i want to be able to freeze time and be able to unfreeze whoever i want while time is frozen.. like that girl evie on the old TV show out of this world.. do you guys remember that show? 3- i mainly eat them scrambled since i stick to egg beaters & egg whites, but i really love them hard boiled and over easy!

okay, so that is all she wrote. really. ima go listen to the new sounds CD for the bazillionth time. never gets old :)

22 Comments leave one →
  1. June 16, 2009 12:11 am

    I haven’t had a bagel in so long! It looks so good! The slow cooker is super easy to make meals in. Like I said yesterday, I just washed the chicken and plopped it in there. 2 hours on high, 4 hours on low.. but i’m sure it would be fine with 6-8 hours on low (espec’ if you are at work all day!). I also make curry in there (think chicken biryani!- there should be a link somewhere on my blog). It’s great for making soups in as well!

  2. June 16, 2009 2:58 am

    Ahh I hope your knee feels better soon! Mine has been hurting after 5km ish lately and its what is holding me back from signing up for a half marathon, argh. I am trying to do a lot of stretching after, stopping when it starts to hurt and I majorily cut back my mileage but if it gets worse I’ll have to get it checked out. The couscous and chickpea salad looks amazinggg, I need to try it!

  3. June 16, 2009 3:14 am

    My last vacation was in Venice–it was GORGEOUS and the weather was great, too. Spring break was a great time to go, I can only imagine how sweltering the heat must be in July/August.

    I picked quickly, flight! I probably would have said otherwise if I thought about it, but flight came to me first.

    Depends on the dish, sunny side up is great when you want yolk oozing over something, but I love slow cooked, custardy scrambled eggs!

  4. June 16, 2009 4:53 am

    Pick your battles…I love it. So true. It’s all about the balance!
    Just got back from Italy yesterday from vacation…I think my superpower would be flying…and I like my eggs scrambled! Fun questions!

  5. June 16, 2009 5:35 am

    Have you thought about knee sleeves? I’ve never had knee issues before but I’ve heard good things about them.

    Love the square apple slicer, that’s hilarious. I don’t own one, I’ve broken the last two I owned. I MAY get a little over-excited when slicing into a juicy apple…

    My last vacation was to Cuba in March. I loved it because I had unlimited mojitos :)

    My super power would be liquefying like Alex Mack. Well, maybe not. But that’s a really weird super power, do you remember that show?

    I’ll eat eggs done any way, but my absolute favourite is soft poached with toast dipped in the runny yolk :)

  6. June 16, 2009 6:45 am

    I think I need to start eating my turkey sandwiches on bagels! It looks incredible! I reallyyy <3 bagels. My last vacation was a quickie to Las Vegas with my bf for a conference he had. The one before that (longer than 48 hours…) was an amazing, relaxing, fantastic week in the Dominican Republic. Ok, now I am depressed b/c I have none coming up ;) hehhehee.

  7. June 16, 2009 7:08 am

    Oh holy hell that breakfast looks delicious! I love the fluffy biscuit – yum. That little girl is SO CUTE!! I love the babies!

    Ahhhhh!!!!! COMPUTER MELTDOWN?! I would have cried! That lunch might have consoled me though but still I don’t know how you managed to make it out of that meltdown unscathed!

    Cute bowl but FANtastic salad!
    1. Italy – LOVE the country, LOVE the guys, LOVE the food :)
    2. To teleport – get anywhere instantly and goodbye gas money
    3. Scrambled since that’s the only way I know how to cook ’em!

  8. June 16, 2009 7:09 am

    I’m the same way with long recaps, but you did a great job!! And delicious eats to share as well ;)

    1. Destin, Florida-loved it because, well duh, it’s the beach, and I had just finished school for the summer!
    2. lightning speed! (I hate being late, traffic, etc.)
    3. scrambled or in an omelet, which are basically the same I think ;)

  9. June 16, 2009 7:18 am

    Hey!!! Thanks for the shout out and Ruth’s Diner is the shiiiit! I love that place, but just like you I am filled to the brim for the majority of the day after I eat there. Well worth it though. Where do you work? Are you a skier or a boarder?? Hahah those questions I’ve been meaning to ask you! Have a fabulous Tuesday!!!! Yay for those damn good alternative bagels.

  10. June 16, 2009 7:51 am

    gah, technology! Hope everything is fixed?

    Ruth’s looks amazing! Hmm…worth taking a trip to Utah for? :P

    I’ve never seen a square apple. Neither have I ever seen peach salsa here in the UK (though I did find a tequila one here- helloooooo…that could make my lunch break more exciting? :P )

    I am so glad I restocked my hummus supply- I am starting to think I have an addiction. Hummus Anonymous anyone?

    where was your last vacation and why did you love it?
    New York in November- loved it because I love NY and all my friends and family are there. i am going back in October and CAN’T WAIT! Aaaaaaah!

    quick, pick one super power!
    ability to travel in time

    how do you like your eggs? (sorry vegans, you can skip this one)
    egg salad count? or french toast?

  11. June 16, 2009 8:28 am

    Oh man I know what you mean about the food network. I tried one time to explain to someone who my favorite cook was and I kept saying one and then I would think of another that I liked, and then another. That shit is HARD! haha.

    One super power would for sure be invisablity…and fave way to eat eggs? scrambled…or just hard boiled…or ummm oh gosh theres that problem again, eggs are good anyway!! haha.

    Hope your having a good day chick!

  12. June 16, 2009 9:35 am

    I adore Naturally More PB…it baffles me that wal-mart is the only place around here that carries it though! I seriously buy about 5 tubs of it every time I go to wally world…that’s how much I eat. No lie.

    Love the little girl, she’s so stinkin cute!

  13. June 16, 2009 12:17 pm

    oooh, surveys…

    1. My last vacation was last summer, to Vegas. I loved it because I got married.
    2. Flying! Or, super speed. Maybe super-speedy flying?
    3. I’m vegan but I sort of love to make omelets for the hub. There is a very subtle art to omelet-ing. And hub loves to eat omelets, between slices of toast.

    Loves some food network! Except Rachel Ray. I just don’t dig on her. Not totally sure why, but I’ve got some ideas.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  14. June 16, 2009 12:31 pm

    Looks like a great time at the diner! :)

    Sucks about the computer but, hey, it happens! At least you managed to save all your stuff!!

    1. My favorite vacation I ever took was…ooo toughie. I really did enjoy Disneyworld when I went once at age 12, but honestly I loved ALL my vacations…they didn’t happen often, so when they did, they rocked!! :)

    2. Superpower–invisibility!! ;)

    3. I like my eggs (mostly just whites, some egg beaters) microwaved with Laughing Cow!! But if I’m out somewhere, I like them scrambled, or occasionally over-medium (like over-easy, just the yolk is a bit firmer)

    Have a great week girlie!

  15. June 16, 2009 6:24 pm

    man, I love your eats. That frittata looks awesome, as is the bagel sandwich! yum! But that buttermilk biscuit takes the cake! GORGEOUS!
    And my answers:
    1. where was your last vacation and why did you love it?
    My last “vacation” was to my hometown Singapore and I loved it because it reminded me of all the lovely nostalgic memories I had there!
    2. quick, pick one super power!
    Time control. Freeze, fast-forward, backward.
    3. how do you like your eggs? (sorry vegans, you can skip this one)
    Soft-boiled, or poached. LOVE runny yolks.

  16. June 16, 2009 7:31 pm

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one with a TERRIBLE memory. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. I try to do recaps but can hardly remember ANYTHING I’ve done in the past days. I don’t know how people even recap their full days with all kinds of details, I often forget what I did in the morning by the night time! Ugh.

    AND I’m also absolutely incredibly ridiculously indecisive. I have favourites of NOTHING because I can never pick. It’s always gotta be a list of favourites. Are you my long lost twin?!

    I totally feel you on the computer problems too. Story of my life lately! SO frustrating.

    1. Umm… I think it was to Barbados… in 2005. I don’t get out on vacay very much. But it was pretty awesome – hello gorgeous beach and water!
    # I want to FLY!
    # Eggs… I do egg whites too so usually scrambled but if I have a “normal” egg then probably poached!

  17. Anne K. permalink
    June 16, 2009 10:29 pm

    Yay you’re back! Mmm that biscuit looks delish! So does your whole breakfast, actually.

    Ugh that totally sucks about your computer! I’m sorry :(

    I love that bagel lunch. I’m starting to get a big bagel craving. I think I def. need to honor that one soon!

    I want that naturally more, but I cant find it anywhere! I’m so sad :(

    How old are your running shoes? You may need new ones. And start slow with the distance, and build up!

    1) The Smoky mountains last summer. It was so fun to go on all the hikes, and whitewater rafting :D

    2) The ability to manipulate time!

    3) scrambled, fo sho.

  18. broccolihut permalink
    June 16, 2009 10:43 pm

    Wow, I want to go to a diner like THAT!

    PS You’re totally making me crave a bagel-wich.

  19. June 17, 2009 8:31 am

    Out of this world was the BEST show!! What about that one, i forget the name, with the little girl Vickie who was a robot!?? haha loved that one. I go scrambled fo sho!

  20. June 17, 2009 1:47 pm

    mmmm I love love lovee naturally more peanut butter :)

    where was your last vacation and why did you love it? uhhhh I thiiink it was Florida. but it’s been SO long! It was fun because we went to Sea World!

    quick, pick one super power! umm I think I would want to fly?

    how do you like your eggs? I like egg white omlettes loaded with TONS of veggies :)


  1. My Work There is Done « Lighter Portions
  2. flashback friday. « meals & moves

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