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happy stinko de mayo :(

May 5, 2009

cinco de mayo is usually one of my favorite holidays! one reason being because mexican food is my absolute favorite.  sigh, cry.  instead i got my tonsils out. yipee!

just so you all know, my throat is real swollen. i think this is what it would feel like if i was deathly allergic to nuts and accidentally ate some.  my air passageway is suffering severely. ugh.

so let’s go over yesterday after work, since it was basically my last chance to crunch and munch on most foods, i went a little nuts but whatever.. you only get your tonsils out once. i didn’t even have a proper dinner, i basically just grazed..

driving to the gym i had a handful of almonds & half of a red bell  pepper, do you guys eat bell peppers like apples? i do, and everyone thinks i am strange because of it. well and for several other reasons but this one included.

*insert workout here, i posted it below*
i was in such a hurry after the gym and i really wanted to make some pesto pizzettas i got off danica’s page.. but time did not allow for that. i had purchased some basil and did not want it to go bad, so i whipped up some of her yummo pesto real quick and made a piece of wheat toast with smart balance to dip it in.. YUM!

i added the parmesan after the photo, this soaked up a lot of the moisture like she said it would and it was super yum.  i have some leftover and when i can eat noodles i am going to toss the pesto in some noodles.. i can’t wait!  i adore pesto but it is usually super high in fat and calories.  this is a great swap!
i realized my ability to eat cereal would be thrown out the window when the clock struck midnight, so i made like cinderella and seized the day with a bowl of mixed cereal + UVAB.

it included:
  • TJs 9 grain honey almond flax
  • crispix
  • honey bunches of oats
  • TJs fiber worms.. that is what i call em :)
crunch crunch carby carb yuuuummmm.
then i quickly folded up all most of my clean laundry, packed a huge suitcase for my mom’s house that was full of strictly comfy clothes, because you never know which pair of sweat pants you’ll want. (*by the way, i just spelled “pair” like “pear” gee, is someone craving fruit? haha)  after packing my bag i had to pack allll my perishables.. which took way longer.  my mom does body for life so i knew she would like to use all the food i couldn’t eat that would soon go bad, and i also had to take my plethora of soft foods.  i ended up with four bags of groceries!  those reusable whole foods bags with the drawstrings are perfect.
i said my goodbyes to my pals, half of my roomies will be in jamaica come friday (luckies!) so i wont see them until the 18th! ugh. grumble.  then i left to my mom’s casa to drop off all my goods.  she had made some dinner for her and my dad so i had a small sampling of that.. a couple TJ’s meatballs + TJ’s sauce w/ a few wheat noodles:

and then i had some TJ’s whole grain pita crisps (photo times four):

and then i decided to graze on some almonds & cashews (not photographed) and a couple graham cracker squares.

then i cruised further north to marshall’s house where it saw something i couldn’t pass up: mini pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (times three) i didn’t have my camera or my phone on me.. but they were 1 inch in diameter so 3 tiny ones equal about one big one.. well maybe 3/4 of a big one. haha. so worth it.
that was at 11:40 and i had to stop eating/drinking at midnight so that was that.  i ended the day with about 120 ounces of water, did not get my whole gallon, not sure why.  slacker!
fast forward to this morning…
i showered and got ready to walk the green mile.. marshall dropped me off at my mom’s and i snapped a final photo of the good old tonsils.

before surgery i asked the doc if this was going to be as bad as all the horror stories i had heard.  he said, “yep, all that is true. it’s going to be really painful.”  gee.. thanks doc! surgery went pretty well, so i was told.  they decided to take out my adenoids as well as my tonsils.  might as well get it out in one clean swoop, eh? you can see what is what on this snazzy diagram:

well i guess i went home and slept forever, or maybe i went home and had a shake first, i really don’t remember.  guess liquid lortab will do that to ya.  anyway, there is no sense in counting my meals i decided, so i will post them as they came..

protein shake with:

  • EAS vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 small peach
  • 8th continent soy milk
  • ice

it was delish.  it hurt a little to drink but i was so hungry that it tasted so good.  i dozed off and on throughout the day.  i sucked on a lidocane sucker which numbs the throat, but tastes like butt.  well i dunno what butt tastes like but it doesn’t taste good, that is for sure.

then someone showed up at my house with a surprise..

i have the best boyfriend ever, marshall brought me flowers, penelope & nielsen’s frozen custard.  he knows the way to my heart :) thanks babe!

don’t mind the swollen face of mine..

of course i had to enjoy some custard, so i had a bowl of vanilla custard + nesquik which is one of my favorite childhood treats.

i also managed to eat a mushy banana.


then i slept again.. sleep sleep sleep, cuddled with penny, sleep sleep sleep.

i woke up starving again.  so i made a chai protein shake it included:

  • 8 oz UVAB
  • 2 T chai concentrate
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ice
  • cinnamon

it was yummy, but the milkyness of it all coated my throat a bit too much so i didn’t drink the whole thing.

oh yeah, i have had three of these popsicles today also. 30 calories a pop.. not bad.

so my mom celebrated cinco de mayo and made body for life approved chicken enchilada casserole :(  this is what my family ate:

and this is what i ate.. vegetable soup & wheat toast + natural PB

not as good as the enchiladas :(

and then let’s see.. i had to have eaten something else.. oh yeah i sucked on a few graham cracker squares until they were soggy enough to swallow.  sweet! didn’t take a photo.

then i’ve been munching on this slice of bread + natural PB + homemade raspberry jam..this jam is my absolute favorite! in fact i refuse to eat bottled jam, even the organic or natural or fancy kinds.. i will not. after you have had my mom’s homemade jam, there is no going back.

i am thinking about having this bottle of sprite but i have not cracked it open yet. i am trying to stick to water because  know i am dehydrated.  i have had a measley 48 ounces today :(  it hurts to drink.

pretty lame day of eats!

in other news!~~~

  • danica is hosting a super sweet giveaway of annie’s mac&cheese! i am thinking of getting some of this stuff to eat while i am on soft foods only, check it out and enter to win!
  • marisa of trim the fat is hosting a giveaway also! the sweetest part is it is for your pooch! click here to check it out.
  • as if two new giveaways was not enough.. head over to my kitchen cafe for a chance to win a super rad 30 minute recipe book!
  • my new foods challenge is not going according to plan today, unless i can count the lidocane sucker?? haha! i am going to make a green monster with kale tomorrow!
  • my simple life challenge is going good! yesterday i racked up one more point for carpooling yesterday, one point for dinner at home, one point for carpooling this morning, and three points for making food at home all day long, i guess i count my soup as dinner, my peach banana shake as breakfast, and my chai shake as lunch. it was all a garbled mess but it was all prepared at home! that brings my total to 21 points!
  • i had no coffee today. grumble grumble grumble. but i lived through the day regardless, surgery and all!

that is all the news for now, it is getting late! i am going to go catch up on some other internet stuffs and then drink some more pain meds, oh BOY. what a life..

8 Comments leave one →
  1. May 5, 2009 11:33 pm

    You are quite possibly the cutest blogger out there. I don’t think I could have read through that entire post had someone else posted it! :)

  2. May 6, 2009 5:59 am

    Glad to read that the surgery went well!

  3. May 6, 2009 6:55 am

    ok girl, I have to admit…eating a red bell pepper like an apple is freakin’ hardcore.

    Glad your surgery went well. Get well soon…but not before you get your fill of ice cream :)

  4. May 6, 2009 9:08 am

    My Husband eats peppers like that – just pulls them out of the fridge and eats them like apples. I usually find this out when I need it to cook with and it’s gone :)

    Yeah for the pesto working out! So glad you loved it. It freezes well too. Just put a little layer of olive oil over the top to seal in the flavor. When you take it out, just pour the oil off and tadah!

    I am so glad your surgery went well and you are rocking your eats still. I am pretty sure I’d be eating tons of ice cream.

    Your BF gets major kudos points for bringing all the great stuff to you – so sweet!

    Thanks for the Annie’s Mac n Cheese contest shout out!!!

  5. May 6, 2009 11:36 am

    I’m glad everything went alright!! Also glad you seized the day and fit in some last minute carbs of heaven :)

    Hope your recovery is SPEEDY! Who knew they made lidocane lollipops?! What will they think of next?!


  6. May 6, 2009 2:01 pm

    Hey Girl,
    You asked about my oaty combo today. I usually cook 3/4 cup oats with tons of water on the stove top. The bowl today was actually soaked overnight in water then cooked in the microwave – I planned ahead for a speedy b-fast. I globbed on about 4 ounces of Plain 0% Greek yogurt. Nothing fancy schmancy but it tastes darn good.


  1. this little blog of mine. « meals & moves
  2. the end. « meals & moves

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