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i heart you, overnight oats.

April 28, 2009

okay so since i have discovered these fabulous food blogs.. yes the plethora of links to the right.. i have read a lot about overnight oats. so i decided to try it out last night! i will probably be experimenting more with this, i just did the basics last night but i can see where this could go down several delicious paths.

last night i combined 1/3 cup oats (non instant) with 2/3 cup water in a bowl and stuck it in the fridge and went to bed.

this morning, i got up 43 minutes before i was supposed to be at work, stirred a scoop of EAS triple blend protein powder into the oats and stuck them in the microwave on full power for 2 minutes while i took a turbo quick shower.

after that, i stirred in 2 T of ground flax and the usual heaping amount of cinnamon. can i just say that this method for eating oatmeal has officially won my heart?! the consistency is perfect and i loved every last bite of the oatmeal!! and how simple was that.. no power level 3 or stirring in between or wondering if the water was going to dry out before the oats were soft. these oats came out absolutely fabulous!

meal 1: perfect overnight protein oatmeal @ 8:35 AM

can you believe that i did not have coffee this morning?  well it is true.  i didn’t.  because i had breakfast at home and no time to make coffee, and by the time i got to work i had already downed a contigo and was in water mode and just didnt feel like coffee. that is really strange.  oh well, moving on!

can you guess what lunch was?

meal 2: sesame stir fry + extra veggies @ 12:30 PM

yep another batch of the stir fry, but i promise it never gets old.  i am one of those people who can eat the same thing over and over and OVER if i like it.  have you noticed, with the constant meal 1 of protein oatmeal?  yeah, maybe it is boring but it is good :)

i added half a bag of birdseye steam fresh carrots, broccoli, snap peas & water chestnuts because i don’t feel like i’ve been eating enough veggies lately.  perfect lunch!  but it was missing a carb, so about a half hour later i decided to have

meal 2’s carb: a fuji apple

the perfect amount of sweetness for me.

work has been rather hellish today, so meal three was weak as i was in yet another meeting.. so i kept it simple and had

meal 3: muscle milk light @ 3:30 PM

truth be told i drank about two thirds of it and then was done. i am just over my love for the muscle milk, it comes and goes in phases.

i am going to have a bbq at mi casa tonight with some friends! so alas, i guess i won’t be eating leftover stir fry again.  i can’t decide what i want to grill though.. i am sure it will come to me eventually.

in other news, i came across this cookbook giveaway on the fitnessista’s blog! it is a vegan cookbook and i always love making vegan treats for marshall’s roommates so i entered to win.

also, i have been seeing a lot of recipes for green monsters out there in blog land.. basically shakes made with kale or spinach and UVAB and other ingredients.. and i did mention i want more veggies in my life, so i am going to whip one up with added protein powder the next time i have the urge for a shake. i will let you know how that goes!

i am going to post this now.. no use in waiting until later because i probably won’t get around to uploading the rest of the day until tomorrow morning.
check ya later dudes!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. April 28, 2009 7:34 pm

    this overnight soak method seems easy for a quick breakfast! :)
    meal 2 looks pretty and delicious, my kind of meal~

  2. April 29, 2009 8:52 am

    hey girl,
    I just found your blog and I am lovin it! You seem like a really fun girl, just thought I’d stop by and say hey! hope your having a great day.

  3. April 29, 2009 10:52 am

    Your stir fry and rice look awesome!!!


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