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December 14, 2009

no, i am not talking about sandra lee.  i am talking about me.. janetha b!  before i elaborate on the title.. how about a little business?

  • if you have not yet entered my æbleskiver giveaway please do so now~ it will be ending on wednesday at the stroke of midnight. hum, so i guess that actually means it ends thursday if you want to get technical about it. but whatevs, enter the giveaway and try to win a rad pan. end of story.
  • oh wait! not end of story. the awesome people at aunt else’s want me to let you in on a little holiday discountage!  so if you were thinking of purchasing an æbleskiver pan for you or for someone you love.. you can now get 10% off any order!  get the discount by ordering directly on their site, or through their Foodzie store,! here is how: when checking out, in the ” Add special instructions to the seller” section~simply type “10% off from meals & moves promo”
  • my girl holly is still trying to raise $$$ to help build a well in cambodia~she wants to raise $1000 by christmas. PLEASE take a jaunt over there and donate.. every penny helps.
  • make sure you vote for averie in the best of raw awards!
  • christmas is just over ten days away. feel free to freak out if you are a procrastination station like me.

alrighty then!

i woke up feeling discombobulated because i only got four hours of sleep.  if you could see me now you would witness me shaking my fist at the season finale of dexter.  yes, we simply had to wait for the finale to make it’s way onto channel 131 last night and yes, we simply had to stay up until 1:30 AM watching it.  and yes, it was worth it.  any other dexter fans out there? sad ending.. sigh.

anyway~i was still sick and stuffy this morning.  i didn’t have much of an appetite but i had to go to my monday morning sales meeting breakfast because.. well.. it’s all a part of the job i suppose.

egg whites scrambled with chicken, feta, mushrooms & spinach.. water.. coffee..


yeah. sometimes i drink my coffee from a straw. gotta keep those pearly whites pearly and white, ja know?

i doused this with cholula (favorite hot sauce ever) in hopes it would clear out my sinuses.  and then i ate maybe a third of it.

well, the cholula didn’t do the trick so i made my boss stop at walgreens on the way back to the office so i could stock up on some sudafed.

while there, my boss picked up the charlie brown christmas tree.  behold:


we went to walgreens specifically because someone had told him he could snag the tree there.  to my boss’ disappointment, there were no more charlie brown trees left in stock.  but there WAS the display tree.  the base was broken, but they offered to let him purchase the display. i am pretty sure he paid around fifteen washingtons for this sad, pathetic little tree. you should have seen him jump for joy and his face fill with glee when they told him he could buy the display. it’s the small things in life, isn’t it? i will have to take a photo of the tree in his office tomorrow.

today was spent at a different desk:


i am getting a new computer at work (holler!) and so for the past few days i have been sitting at the extra desk and my feng shui is all sorts of messed up.  hopefully i am back at my comfy own desk manana.

that you see there in the giant mug AKA bowl is lunch.

1 cup oikos+1 cup shredded spoonfuls+good amount of PB2


inhaled this around 1 PM.  i didn’t eat again until about 7 o’clock.  my appetite is skeewampus when i am sick.  yep.. skeewampus. not even a word~yet it describes my appetite to a T.

after work instead of hitting the gym i hit the mall.. and almost killed myself.. but barely made it out alive AND with all marshall’s christmas gifts!  thank goodness that task is complete.  i still have to get a few odds and ends for some family members and coworkers but other than that i am basically done with the shopping christmas prep.  hallelujah.  i hate the crowds.  i have hours upon hours of at home christmas prep though.. oy vey, i will save that for another day.

when i got home from hell the mall i was pretty dang starving actually.  i munched on some oh! nuts dried pears to tide me over until dinner was ready.


enter: semi-homemade.

all this girl wanted was soup and a grilled cheese for dinner.  like i said, i want carbs when i am sick.  protein (other than greek yogurt) just doesn’t sound appealing at all.

SO~ i went with what i was craving and went against my 40% carb-40% protein-20% fat ratio method (which is the way i usually eat)..  know. a rebel without a cause.

i didn’t want just any old grilled cheese so i decided to fancy it up a bit.

earlier today i saw my girl k eating some muenster cheese and have not been able to stop thinking about it since.  what can i say, i love my cheeses.


i picked some up at the store and decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich using the muenster and.. wait for it..


sun butter.

my roommate drew basically thought i was ridiculous for pairing cheese with the sun butter~but, unlike ménage à trois,  it is one of those things you shouldn’t knock until you try it!

i put some smart balance on the outsides of two slices of multi-grain organic bread..


slathered a nice amount of sun butter on the insides of the slices and then sandwiched about two ounces of muenster in between and i was ready to grill!


meanwhile, i took the easy way out with my soup:


but i did fancy it up (hence the semi-homemadeness) with drew’s leftover broccoli~


see~ look’s like i made it from scratch ;)


once the grilled cheese was all melty and perfect i cut it (diagonally, of course) and admired the oozing combo of cheese and sun butter~


my semi-homemade dinner was served!

italian vegetable soup + broccoli & grilled muenster+sunbutter sandwich


of course i dunked the sandwich in the soup. this combo was fantastic.  it just may be my new favorite variety of grilled cheese!  move over goat cheese and tomato.  this was cheesetastic.


oh and for the record: chunky sun butter is WAY better than creamy. those are sunflower seed bits you see in my home run stretch of cheese there.

now i am so full :)

semi-homemade adventures in baking!


tomorrow is national cupcake day so i decided to whip up a batch for the office.  i didn’t want to make them from scratch but i still wanted them to be different and creative.  i decided to make some white chocolate & cream cheese filled spice cupcakes with coconut pecan frosting. that’s a mouthful! TWSS.

step 1: mix the spice cake according to the box, subbing olive oil in for vegetable oil


step 2: fill cupcake liners 1/4 the way full with batter


step 3: mix 8 oz cream cheese+1 egg+1/2 cup sugar


step 4: add 6 oz white chocolate chips to the mix


step 5: spoon some of the cream cheese mixture into the cupcake liners


about this much:


step 6: top the liners with more batter so the cups are about 3/4 the way full overall


like this:


step 7: bake at 350 degrees [f] for 18 minutes.. or until a toothpick comes out clean as a whistle. p.s.~i don’t really think whistles are that clean. i mean, they have to have all sorts of saliva stuck inside of them from all that blowing, right?

step 8: let cool


step 9: while you wait for them to cool, hang out with your roommate’s dog because your dogs are at your boyfriend’s house. good thing mister yulek is a sweetie!


step 10: frost those bad boys with some pre-packaged coconut pecan frosting and wish you had thought to pick up some whole pecans and some shaved coconut for garnish.  oh well, the co-workers won’t mind.


step 11: don’t eat them. they are for national cupcake day, which is tomorrow. but go ahead and admire them and your semi-homemade handiwork :)


check out the cream cheese and white chocolate hiding on the inside!


there you have it. my how-to-tips on being a homemaker.. the easy way.

i gotta go to bed guys. it’s 11 PM and i am a sick bird.  oh yeah, you saw that i didn’t work out again.  i just wasn’t feeling it. and guess what? i don’t feel bad. not one bit.


1. any good semi-homemade tips you would like to share with the class? don’t be shy.

2. what is your favorite kind of cupcake? i hope you eat one for national cupcake day :)
xo. janetha b.

58 Comments leave one →
  1. mom permalink
    December 14, 2009 10:56 pm

    Sweet Ulek, what a doll! Your sandwich made my mouth water….I too am plugged up and headed to bed! You should not stay up so late watching TV, I am your mother and I say so!!

    I don’t cook much and I’m too tired to think, but I do love you a lot!! xoxo

    Oh chocolate!

  2. December 14, 2009 10:58 pm

    Aww your boss’s story reminds me of when I went found the tree at Urban Outfitters, but the base was also broken. They sold it to me for $3!! I was so stoked on that purchase – it was a birthday gift for my mom, and I just couldn’t wait to give it to her and tell her about my $40 tree for a $3 purchase. I knew she’d be so proud :-D haha
    OMG I looooooove chunky sunbutter. The best. Ever.

    1. I love to mix chocolate chips into brownie batter. Or cinnamon chip in place of chocolate chips in oatmeal cookies!
    2. Not a huge fan of cupcakes, but funfetti is always a good bet!!

  3. Alyson permalink
    December 14, 2009 11:25 pm

    Drooling over those cupcakes! I love spice cake and what a great pairing with white chocolate!

  4. balancejoyanddelicias permalink
    December 15, 2009 12:24 am

    drink coffee with a straw? oh.. that’s something new to learn! :D but I guess it won’t work here in Europe with full of milk foam!
    love your dinner…. that melting cheese is making me hungry!!! :D
    I’m not a fan of cupcakes because I find them too sweet but I do like to look at them, little and cute! :D

  5. December 15, 2009 1:53 am

    That grilled sandwich looks amazing! I have a major weekness for cheese but I guess that’s in my genes ;).
    I should make some cupcakes too. Yours look amazing!

    Q1: I love bulking up pancake mixes (with nuts, berries, chocolate chips…)
    Q2: Cappuccino cupcakes all the way! (But to be honest.. I love all cupcakes. Seriously. And they love me too. ;))

  6. December 15, 2009 3:50 am

    love white chocolate surprises. and i too am afraid of holiday shopping at this point — the crazy procrastinators (ahem, me) are out and i hear they’ve got shopper’s rage. yep.

    happy cupcake day to you miss! hope you feel better soon.

  7. December 15, 2009 4:45 am

    Those look so yummy! I love chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting!

  8. December 15, 2009 4:51 am

    Thanks for the shout out on the voting! You rock! I kinda wanna mention that every single post I publish but dont wanna be greedy…so I welcome any opportunity to have someone else toot my horn for me..LOL thanks babe!

    sunbutter. love.

    those cupcakes of yours are like the cooked version of my Vegan Reeses-like PB cups with the filling in the center and hot diggity do they look good! wow…what i woudnlt give.

    semi homemade…well let’s see store bought salad dressing gets seriously enhanced with extra spices, extra sugar, evoo, tahini, even hummus. pretty much take 1 storebought condiment, start adding other things, and it become sooo much better!

  9. December 15, 2009 4:52 am

    I only cut my sammies diagonally too :)

    1. Semihomemade – I’m really good at this – particularly when it comes to pastas or casseroles.

    2. Red Velvet!

    Woo! Happy National Cupcake Day!

  10. December 15, 2009 5:18 am

    Oh, my- national cupcake day? I guess I’ll NEED to have one! They’re my favorite dessert EVER. If I ever have a wedding- cupcake cake, hands down. ;)

    I am freaking out here over xmas too. 10 days?!?holy s$&*.

    I still have yet to try sunbutter. It looks amaze. I need to get on that.
    AND I love love love grilled cheese. Yours was making me jealous today.

    1. Semi homemade… hmm. I make lots of semi-homemade things to put my culinary twist on a cheap budget ;)

    2. Oh my so hard to choose. I love gingerbread with cream cheese frosting, red velvet, but I guess my ALLTIME fave would have to be… confetti. Out of the BOX nonetheless! I loves it, I must admit.

  11. December 15, 2009 5:29 am

    LOL@ skeewampus!!!! You are so crazy!

    Those cupcakes look killer! My favorite cupcake? Um… ALL :)

  12. December 15, 2009 5:35 am

    Wow, that grilled cheese is banging!
    And those cupcakes, girl if you say these are easy, I just may need to test them out because they sound/look freaking amazing!

    The only semi-homemade tip I use all the time is to microwave veggies before roasting. For like a min or two and you cut the roasting time in half. Super convenient

  13. December 15, 2009 5:46 am

    Yeah Christmas is next week….how did that happen? I *think* I am all done shopping, but I need to sort through my present closet and start wrapping everything to be sure. Sometimes I forget what’s in there!

    I am so proud of your wacky sammie creation! Way to rock the sunbutter (and of course chunky is better!). xoxo

  14. hayleycepeda permalink
    December 15, 2009 5:51 am

    Holy CHEESE I am drooling…that sandwich looks decadent…mmm….your eats look really good and I can totally relate to craving carbs when you’re sick. At least you’re eating healthy ones! I’ve never heard of “Shredded Spoonfuls” so I Googled them and they look good! I like the idea of pairing them with Oikos…and perhaps a spoonful of nut butter…mmm….

    Get better soon Janetha!!

  15. December 15, 2009 6:03 am

    Your semi-homemade cupcakes sound good!

    My favorite cupcake is a pumpkin cupcake from the cupcake store right next to our gym! Luckily, it’s seasonal. But I think I’ll have to have one today! ;)

  16. December 15, 2009 6:13 am

    I’m all out of PB2 and missing it terribly! Your PB2/yog combo is making me jealous!!

    That grilled cheese = PERFECTION!! Thanks for the shout out ;)

    1. Sometimes I’ll use premade dough but top it with homemade frosting when making cookies
    2. FUNFETTI!!!!!!

  17. Lizzy permalink
    December 15, 2009 6:17 am

    i love cooking the semi-homemade way! you go girl! i hope your feeling better today, and make sure to enjoy a cupcake! :)

  18. jessica permalink
    December 15, 2009 6:20 am

    Ooh thanks for the tip on Dexter! I have been looking for a place to watch it :)

    Those cupcakes look amazing.. I hope they taste as good as they look!

  19. December 15, 2009 6:30 am

    STAY TUNED I have some amazing semi homemade treats I made yesterday for my secrect santa blogger! it is amazing and so pretty I am going to post it later today! (I don’t think she reads my blog so its A-ok!)

    amazing looking cupcakes and coconut pecan frosting?! unheard of? this is why I love blogs, i find out so much about prodcuts that are out there that I woudl otherwise never know!

    I CRAVE carbs when I am sick too, grilled cheese sounds like perfection esp with munster cheese, (one of my favs!)

    a great semi homemade tip would be to add in your own spices or fill ins to a simple cake or cookie mix! I add in PB chips or health bar and also make them smaller or larger so they aren;t the traditional cookie size! I also love messing around with spices when I cook! I throw in a little something extra to make it MY OWN! :)

    fav cupcakes are vanilla with chocolate frosting mmmm

  20. December 15, 2009 6:35 am

    shhhhhh on the Dexter talk – some of us are 2 seasons behind!!!!!!!! I’ve been working through Season 2 of Rescue me before I take a break from that and move onto Season 3 of Dexter. blaaaaah! Its hard to avoid some of the commercials and advertisements though – i wont hold it against ya ;-)

    I had a grilled cheese & soup last night tooooo! – arnold whole wheat sammich thin w/ 1 slice of colby cheese plus 1 C of trader joe’s veggie patch soup :) minestrone seemed like a better choice though – jealous of that soup!

  21. December 15, 2009 7:08 am

    Ahh cupcakes are right up my ally. Besides being offered one weekly at work (lots of birthdays to celebrate when your are a teacher) – I like to make my own. Chocolate is my favorite variety, with white icing and sprinkles…yum.

    Happy Cupcake day!

  22. eatolive permalink
    December 15, 2009 7:13 am

    yumm, now i want a cupcake. and i work in cupcake land. hahaa

    favorite cupcake would have to be .. hmm, i guess it depends on my mood but, i would never be able to turn down a red velevet :)

  23. julie permalink
    December 15, 2009 7:18 am

    dont hate me but i’d just have to say that i’m not a fan of cupcakes. althoooooough yours looks pretty dang stellar my friend.

    tell me you did not combine muenster with a form of nut butter-ish. that looks SICK in a totally awesome and delicious way!

  24. December 15, 2009 7:52 am

    my tummy did little flip flops when I saw the pairing of sunbutter with cheese..

    not sure I dig it..but I’m glad you enjoyed! lol…. the cupcakes on the other hand sound so good!

  25. December 15, 2009 7:52 am

    You kill me. Drinking coffee through a straw! That really made me giggle.

    Semi-homemade would have to be the Indian sauces from Trader Joes. I love the curry and korma sauces.

    Sadly, I haven’t eaten a cupcake for over two years. Before that I would have had to say any cupcake with think rich buttercream frosting.

  26. December 15, 2009 7:56 am

    That sandwich looks awesome. I LOVE cheddar cheese and jelly sandwiches- I think some nut butter in there too would be mind-blowing.

    I had no idea it was National Cupcake day but I had a random cake craving yesterday so picked up a mini cake to eat today…awesome.

    1. any good semi-homemade tips you would like to share with the class? Nope, but I am soaking up all the comments here. I want to make something from semi-scratch for Friday night’s party.

    2. what is your favorite kind of cupcake? I am going to say carrot cake with cream cheese frosting because that was the last cupcake I had and it was awesome.

  27. December 15, 2009 8:02 am

    National Cupcake Day?! How did I not know this?! I will def have one of my faves…vanilla with LOTS of chocolate frosting! Ooh and sprinkles of course.

  28. December 15, 2009 8:17 am

    I always drink my black tea/coffee with a straw! Ever tried red wine with a straw? If not, don’t. :)

    I love Cholula as well, definitely one of my top 3 hot sauces.

    I doubt I will celebrate national cupcake day (trying to keep it clean!) but yours look incredible, great combo of flavors!

  29. December 15, 2009 8:26 am

    I want to try a nut butter and grilled cheese sandwich now!!! That’s awesome! I also want that Charlie Brown christmas tree. I totally get where your boss was coming from.

    1. I love to bulk up canned soups too.

    2. I’ll have a bite of a muffin at Starbucks today. They’re basically cupcakes anyways ;)

    Hope you’re feeling a little better today!!

  30. December 15, 2009 8:29 am

    feel better!!

  31. December 15, 2009 8:34 am

    GENIUS JANETHA. you are way better than sandra lee, who i cannot stand. i think she is like the biggest airhead idiot on food network.

    however, you are fabulous, and i hope you feel better! lots of love to youuuuuu xoxoxox

    p.s. you are totally rocking my world with all these well shoutouts…i cannot thank you enough. seriously.

  32. December 15, 2009 8:39 am

    coconut pecan frosting? OH my gosh..i would seriously have problems not eating that entire contrainer

    i hope you are feeling better girl-the sickness obviously hasnt affected your mind bc you are genious mixing PB and CHEESE TOGETHER! 2 of my fav thangs!! suh-weeeeeet!

    rest up and have a great day girl!

  33. Emily permalink
    December 15, 2009 8:51 am

    That looks amazing! I’ve made sharp cheddar with peanut butter grille cheese but sunbutter would be out of this world!

  34. December 15, 2009 8:53 am

    So sorry you don’t feel well, but I am with you on the carbs when sick thing. Nothing is less appealing than chicken when I am sick. I will eat any kind of cupcake but I love golden cake with cream cheese frosting. Or red velvet. Can’t decide!

  35. December 15, 2009 10:12 am

    That is the most bizarre sandwich combo ever…and I want to try it so bad!!!! hahah I love you!
    I am basically freaking out realizing I only have 10 days left to get all my christmas shopping in while also writing a paper and studying for 3 finals. Awesome!!!!! Plus, my Mom insists I MAKE her present so that just adds a whole other level of stress. OOFTAH!
    I love carrot cake cupcakes. YUM

  36. December 15, 2009 10:21 am

    I have no idea how you can bake a batch of delicious looking cupcakes and not have one…or some batter…or a spoon of icing. This is the very reason I hardly ever bake. No self control!

    Munster is my favvvvorite. Love love love.

  37. Ashley permalink
    December 15, 2009 10:27 am

    Yum on everything. Munster is da bomb!

    Your work computer looks suspiciously like mine! My excel spreadsheet is all highlighted up like yours for my billing.

    Except I’m billing gas companies. I don’t know what you’re doing haha.

  38. December 15, 2009 10:34 am

    I used to bake a lot of cupcakes, and I always used box cake mix but made my own frosting. Simple cream cheese frosting is to die for. A simple ratio online is probably easy to find. Butter+Cream cheese+Powdered Sugar+Vanilla. OMG.

    Also, with boxed cake mixes you can always doctor it the way you want to- like egg whites instead of eggs work well, or milk or flavored juice work really well instead of water. :)

  39. December 15, 2009 10:47 am

    I would have never ever ever ever thought to put cheese and Sun Butter but OMG that sounds aaaamazing! And I totally agree…chuncky ROCKS!

  40. December 15, 2009 10:52 am

    Ive been hearing people say the ending of Dexter was shocking. I just finished Season 3 though and am trying not to look up what happens on Season 4. It’s very tempting though.

    Thank you for introducing me to that website. We’re halfway through Season 2 of True Blood thanks to you!

  41. December 15, 2009 11:06 am

    Okay, I really reallyyy want to get on the Dexter bandwagon, I’ve heard it’s really good!

    And I think drinking coffee from a straw sounds cool…if only I could remember to do it in the morning…

    1. Goodness, um, I use V8 tomato juice as a veggie soup base sometimes…add frozen veggies to it, heat on the stove and voila!

    2. Funfetti, but only because I’ve never tried those that you just made ;)

  42. December 15, 2009 11:39 am

    WOW. Those cupcakes look amazing. Will you cut one in half and show us what the middle looks like?!?

  43. December 15, 2009 11:56 am

    My boss got that the CBCTree from her Secret Santa and I LOVED it. It’s SO genius!

    I saw a Houndstooth scarf at Marshall’s last night (I know, Marshalls – coincidence? I think not). Anyway, the scarf was so busy reminding me of you that it forgot to tell me that I actually needed it! I might have to go back today!

    Your cupcakes are killing me!

  44. December 15, 2009 12:02 pm

    Oh my heavens, those cupcakes look so decadent and amazing! I didn’t know you were a baker!

    Hey, the broken stand just makes the tree even MORE Charlie Brown, right? Hehe…it’s amazing how the little things can make us happy :)

    1. My mom swears by the packet for homemade guacamole! It’s the best!

    2. Red velvet!

  45. Kate G. permalink
    December 15, 2009 12:10 pm

    That is the most creative cupcake idea!! I am definitely bookmarking this post for future cupcake endeavors :)

    1. One semi-homemade trick i always do is dressing up plain brownies with nuts, and different chips on top (chocolate, mint, butterscotch etc..)
    But every day i am doing something semi-homemade, adding spices to meals, veggies to pre-made things, so easy!

    2. i think you just made my new favorite cupcake!!
    … haha but before this post it was anything chocolate with chocolate frosting!

  46. December 15, 2009 12:16 pm

    Boy oh boy oh boy those cupcakes look so delicious!!! I think my favorite has to be either Tiramisu or carrot cupcakes!!! Mmmmm

    Semi home made? PILLSBURY doughboy is my lover. muahahah I love his biscits…too much. :P hehehe and cinnamon rolls.

  47. December 15, 2009 12:37 pm

    grilled cheese & those cupcakes look delish!

  48. December 15, 2009 12:40 pm

    No joke drinking coffee through a straw really can save your teeth! My dentist suggested it!

    Those cupcakes look so tasty! Tell us how your coworkers liked them.

  49. December 15, 2009 12:54 pm

    Feel better lady!

    Do you like the XX, Friendly Fires, Animal Collective? I posted new stuff on my blog I hope you like! You go to shows so I figure!

    New SAHALE SNACKS giveaway, music, food + fitness –

    Happy TUESDAY!


  50. December 15, 2009 2:35 pm

    That tree story is hilarious, but who wouldn’t want a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?!
    I’ve never thought of drinking coffee through a straws! Then there’s the debate that drinking through straws gives you the smokers wrinkles around your lips. We just can’t win!
    Those cupcakes look delicious, Janetha! Props to you for not digging in. I wouldn’t be so strong :)
    Hope you feel better pronto!

  51. Lynn at The Actors Diet permalink
    December 15, 2009 2:42 pm

    i saw that it was national cupcake day today and just KNEW you’d be celebrating!

  52. December 15, 2009 3:21 pm

    OMG Christmas is ten days away? I really didn’t even think about this before. Yikes! I gotta get to work!

    I want a cupcake now. So much!! Dang! hehe.

  53. lowandbhold permalink
    December 15, 2009 3:54 pm

    Those cupcakes look great! I love your semi-homemadeness. I have never had sunbutter, or to my knowledge meunster cheese, but I believe you when you say it was awesome.

    Get to feeling better!

  54. December 15, 2009 5:47 pm

    MAN there is so much deliciousness in this post! I am definitely going to have to try out that grilled cheese combo..sounds like a winner as I love unique combos like that.

    P.S. I wondered if I was still on your google reader or not! It probably hasn’t been updating because you have my old blogspot site on there? My current one is now on wordpress. Let me know if you get it figured out!

  55. December 15, 2009 5:54 pm

    Well, that sure is better than Sandra’s semi-crazy ideas! ;-) That cheese being pulled apart like that just drove me crazy! Mm…If that doesn’t make you feel better, nothing will!

    Semi-homemade tip? Hmm…Using frozen nuggets to make chicken parm!

  56. December 15, 2009 7:01 pm

    girl no you di-nnnnnt make a grilled cheese sammie with nut butter. You are my hero.

    I always drink my coffee with a straw — gotta keep it classy.


  57. snackface permalink
    December 16, 2009 12:15 pm

    Janeeeetha!!!! I’M SO SORRY I HAVEN’T COMMENTED IN FO-EVA!!!! It’s a little tough at work, ya know? But you know I’m always thinkin’ about ya.

    Anyway, I am also terribly sorry you’re so sick! I mean, I feel ya, but you poor thing! Just know that there will be snow again/still!!!

    OMG the person next to me is the worst chewer. Sorry, I’m so distracted. I can tell she eats with her mouth open.

    Moving on.

    SUNBUTTER+MUENSTER!?!? Get out of my face. I’m stopping my lame attempts at being vegan to try that sammy at some point. GENIUS.

    I really, really, really hope you’re feeling better after your long winter’s nap. LOVE YOU LONG TIME!!!!

  58. December 16, 2009 9:13 pm

    I love putting any nut butter on anything. today i rocked a ham & pb on tortilla- weird? Heckya!

    Little doggie love <3 So sweet.

    Love your boss' sense of humor- I would have been even more thrilled with the substandard Charlie Brown tree- like Lara said, it's even MORE Charlie because of it- and SUCH A DEAL!

    You are too funny with the coffee & straw. I need to bathe my teeth in it- in fact, I would actually bathe my whole self in it if I could :-)

    Cupcakes: red velvet for sure!

    I know you're better from your Tweet! Yay JB!

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